john@yunccn.UUCP (John Hummel) (01/24/89)
Keywords: Justice Sovereignty Native People JUSTICE FOR POLITICAL PRISONER LEONARD PELTIER & FREEDOM FOR ALL NATIVE PEOPLES OF THE WORLD. TO COMPUTER USERS WORLDWIDE: THESE STATEMENTS (PAGES 1 TO 9) ARE A CALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT FOR THE STRUGGLE OF LEONARD PELTIER, AMERICAN INDIAN MOVEMENT LEADER AND POLITICAL PRISONER OF NORTH AMERICA. WE ASK YOU TO PRINT AND DISTRIBUTE THIS PACKAGE OF INFORMATION TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE. ***** WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. ***** FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DON'T KNOW THE STRUGGLE OF LEONARD PELTIER, THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION CONTAINS: 1. STATEMENTS DESCRIBING THE PURPOSE OF WHY WE ARE CALLING UPON ALL NATIVE PEOPLES AND ALL PEOPLE TO PARTICIPATE AND SUPPORT A ONE-WEEK FORUM ON ABORIGINAL RIGHTS & JUSTICE FOR lEONARD PELTIER IN OTTAWA, CANADA -- APRIL 15 TO 21, 1989; 2. FOLLOWED BY A HISTORY AND BACKGROUND ON THE STRUGGLE AND CASE OF LEONARD PELTIER AND OUR WORK IN CANADA FOR HIS FREEDOM; 3. FOLLOWED BY OUR RELEASE ON THE LEGAL ACTION SOON TO UNFOLD IN CANADA ON LEONARD PELTIER'S BEHALF; TO THE ONES WHO BELIEVE IN FREEDOM AND JUSTICE FOR LEONARD PELTIER & SELF-DETERMINATION FOR ALL ABORIGINAL PEOPLE: DEAR FRIENDS, The LEONARD PELTIER CANADIAN DEFENSE COMMITTEE is proud to announce a one-week forum on ABORIGINAL RIGHTS AND JUSTICE FOR LEONARD PELTIER in Ottawa to support the start of full-scale legal action in Canada on Peltier's behalf on APRIL 17, 1989. A full week of events, from APRIL 15 TO 21, will demonstrate to the Canadian Government and to all people the importance of Peltier's struggle and its direct connection to the struggle for self- determination of all Aboriginal peoples. Native people from across Canada will be able to speak on their land, human and sovereignty rights together and in alliance with the struggle to free political prisoner Leonard Peltier. The legal action for Peltier contains the evidence to expose the fraud perpetrated by the U.S. Government and the FBI against Canadian Courts at Peltier's 1976 extradition. For all who know of Peltier's long and hard struggle -- the disappointments and frustrations -- there continues the awareness that we must never give up on the truths and principles that are at stake. Peltier's struggle represents more than the injustices and persecution toward one man. Extensively documented in Peltier's case is the violent repression, the human rights abuses, broken laws, treaties and other violations of first Nations' sovereignty that are carried out against Native peoples by North American governments. In CANADA, we now carry the precious responsibility to help free Leonard Peltier, and in so doing, to liberate the truth of the wrongdoings and abuses against Native peoples, fundamental human rights and in the administration of justice. The OTTAWA FORUM will be a WEEK OF PRAYER, PROTEST AND CELEBRATION; OF INTENSE LOBBYING AND PRESS CONFERENCES; AND PUBLIC MEETINGS AND SPEAKING FORUMS. A TRADITIONAL ABORIGINAL PRAYER VIGIL will be held for four days and four nights, starting on Sunday, April 16. A FORMAL PRESS CONFERENCE will bring news of our work to international attention. It is our hope that Native Elders from Canada and the U.S. will be with us in Ottawa to share our prayers. This will also be a time for Native peoples across Canada to share our prayers and protest so that the issue of First Nations' rights can be supported together and in alliance with justice and freedom for Peltier. **************************************************************** **** AN APPEAL FOR SUPPORT **** WE URGE ALL PEOPLES OF THE WORLD to support the struggle for life and the sacredness of our Mother Earth in this great struggle to free political prisoner Leonard Peltier and liberate the truth of the crimes against North America's Native peoples. YOU CAN HELP BY: Building awareness and support by printing and distributing this full package of information to Social Justice and Human Rights organizations; Labour and Environmental groups and, especially Native Peoples and their support groups. THE WORK OF ORGANIZING THE APRIL 15 TO 21, 1989 FORUM ON ABORIGINAL RIGHTS & JUSTICE FOR LEONARD PELTIER IN CANADA IS AWESOME AND THE COSTS ARE STAGGERING. PLEASE HELP US IN OUR EFFORTS TO BRING TOGETHER A STRONG VOICE IN OTTAWA THROUGH A SUCCESSFUL WEEK OF EVENTS. TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS FOR OUR ELDERS AND PELTIER'S LAWYERS MUST BE BOOKED IN ADVANCE. WE NEED HELP TO PAY FOR PROMOTION AND MAILING COSTS; TO OFFSET OUR PHONE BILL; AND TO CO-ORDINATE ORGANIZING WORK FOR PEOPLE IN OTTAWA AND TORONTO. Your contribution, whatever amount will help. Please let us know if you can contribute to pay for a specific expense, ie. travel costs for an Elder or lawyer. Make cheques payable to PELTIER CDN. DEFENSE COMMITTEE. If your organization or group can endorse the forum, please contact us. We thank you for your support in advance and pray we can bring to national and world attention our struggle to free Peltier. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ****** FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT (416) 439-1893; OR WRITE: LPCDC, 43 CHANDLER DR., SCARBOROUGH, ONT. CANADA M1G 1Z1. ****** Name ------------------------------------------------------------ Address --------------------------------------------------------- City/Prov/State ------------------- Zip/Postal Code ------------- ** Please specify if you can help us: ie: Lobbying, Promotion, Action Telegrams/Letter Writing, Funding Contacts. *************************************************************** PLEASE CONTACT THE LEONARD PELTIER CANADIAN DEFENSE COMMITTEE FOR MORE INFORMATION. WE CAN PROVIDE DETAILED INFORMATION & EDUCATIONAL PACKAGES; PETITIONS AND SPEAKERS. WRITE: LPCDC, 43 CHANDLER DR., SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO CANADA M1G 1Z1 TELEPHONE: (416) 439-1893. In Struggle & In Unity LEONARD PELTIER CANADIAN DEFENSE COMMITTEE BACKGROUND ON THE STRUGGLE OF LEONARD PELTIER -- AMERICAN INDIAN MOVEMENT LEADER AND NORTH AMERICAN POLITICAL PRISONER -- The LEONARD PELTIER CANADIAN DEFENSE COMMITTEE is working for the release of LEONARD PELTIER, a North American Indian leader and political prisoner, who has been imprisoned for 13 years and is serving two life terms (50 years) in a U.S. penitentiary. He was extradited from Canada to the United States in 1976 on evidence falsified by the FBI, and later convicted for the alleged murder of two FBI agents in South Dakota in 1975. Evidence in the U.S. uncovered through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reveals his frame-up and gross wrongdoings by the FBI when it employed its counter-intelligence program (COINTELPRO) against Leonard Peltier and others to destroy the growing resistance of Indians to the genocidal treatment and policies by government and its agencies towards Native peoples. The FBI targetted members of the American Indian Movement and in specific AIM leader Leonard Peltier as a scapegoat for the agents' deaths to finally put an end to the protest of these people against policies of termination of aboriginal rights. During the years 1972-1976, about 200 violent assaults, including about 70 deaths, occurred on Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota as a result of the FBI's program of assault. The basis for Peltier's persecution by the U.S. Government is directly tied to the efforts by traditional Indian people to stop the erosion of tribal lands and often the clandestine sale/transfers of these lands to U.S. agencies. At the heart of North American Indian struggles, today and then, is the unresolved issue of violated treaties and sovereignty rights, where treaty and unceded aboriginal lands are desired by governments and corporations for uranium, oil, minerals and other resource wealth. This exploitation is at the heart of Peltier's ordeal and is documented in numerous articles and several comprehensive publications (see footnote). In 1986, Peltier received the International Human Rights Award from Spain "because he was defending the historical and cultural rights of his people against the genocide of his race." -------------------------------------------------- REFERENCES: In The Spirit of Crazy Horse, Peter Matthiessen, The Viking Press, New York, 1983 (Found in Public Libraries only); Blood of the Land, (The Government and Corporate War Against the American Indian Movement), Rex Weyler, Everest House Publishers, New York, 1982; The Trial of Leonard Peltier, Jim Messerschmidt, South End Press, Boston, 1983. -- 2 -- -- 2 -- More than a decade of legal appeals for a new trial in the United States was exhausted in October 1987, with the U.S. Supreme Court refusing to hear the FOIA evidence despite a worldwide appeal for his release from prominent religious leaders, politicians, institutions and the public. The U.S. government still refuses to release more than 6,000 pages of classified FOIA documents for reasons of "national security." We might ask ourselves: What truths are being withheld in these documents which might violate the security of the United States and Canada? The decision by the U.S. Government to deny Peltier a new trial shows that the government can now target an individual for prosecution, fabricate evidence against him, suppress evidence of his innocence and get a conviction which is upheld through years of legal appeals. Peltier's U.S. legal/defense committee is presently lobbying for a Congressional investigation into FBI wrongdoings/abuses on the case and for the release of the remaining FOIA material. Peltier's unjust ordeal is one of the most significant international human rights violations of our time, which, if left unresolved affects the fundamental liberties of all humankind. Canada has been party to a terrible injustice by wrongfully extraditing Peltier based on conflicting testimonies of a witness, who later confessed she had been coerced by the FBI to lie. Jim Fulton, MP (NDP Skeena, B.C.) calls the extradition a "treaty fraud" and "breach of trust" between nations. He has resubmitted a second Private Members' Motion (M-115) demanding Peltier's return to Canada, which can be called before the House of Commons for debate at any time. On June 25, 1987, the Assembly of First Nations unanimously endorsed Peltier's case at their annual assembly and called for his return to Canada. Canadian support includes about 60 members of Canada's Parliament; the Native Women's Association of Canada; the Native Council of Canada; the Right Rev. Robert F. Smith, former Moderator of the United Church of Canada; and more. International support has come from Rev. Jesse Jackson; Robert Runcie, Archbishop of Canterbury; Desmond Tutu, Archbishop of South Africa; the 4th Bertrand Russell Tribunal (Holland, 1981); 8 Episcopal Bishops and 74 international religious organizations. Don Edwards, Chair of the U.S. Subcommittee on Constitutional and Civil Rights; and the U.S. National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers have formally endorsed the case as a gross violation of Peltier's human, civil and constitutional rights. Amnesty International stated in October, 1985, its official position that "the interests of justice would best be served by granting Leonard Peltier a new trial." In 1986, the U.S. Peltier Defense Committee, invited by the Soviet Peace Committee, carried the message of Peltier's ordeal to the Soviet Union. In the months after, the White House received a staggering total of about 17 million letters from Soviet citizens calling for Peltier's unconditional release. -- 3 -- -- 3 -- We now have a Canadian legal defense for Peltier, composed of respected criminal lawyers, who have developed a formal plan of legal action in Canada. On April 17, 1989, an application for leave to appeal the 1976 unjust extradition of Peltier will be presented to the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa (see press release). We are organizing a one-week forum on ABORIGINAL RIGHTS & JUSTICE FOR LEONARD PELTIER (APRIL 15 TO 21, 1989) in Ottawa to support the legal initiative, which will bring together Native nations from across Canada. This is being done in recognition that the injustice to Peltier is no different than the injustices experienced by Native peoples of this country in their 500-year struggle to the right to govern themselves. We look at the Supreme Court of Canada as a stage upon which to address the human, land and sovereignty rights of Indian people of this country, whose lands and lives are under attack by the policies and activities of governments and corporations. Like Nelson Mandela, Leonard Peltier is recognized internationally as a symbol of his people's struggle for freedom. Here in North America where Canadian and U.S. governments direct attention to human rights abuses in other parts of the world, the oppression and genocide of North American Native people is a reality of which the majority of Canadians and Americans are unaware. Many Native people are asserting their rights as nations to their lands and have therefore become targets for persecution by the government. All Native people are struggling to survive the poverty and cultural breakdown that foreign governments and institutions have inflicted on them. Many must also overcome the artificial divisions and divisive attitudes that centuries of assimilation policies have and continue to create amongst Native people to prevent them from uniting as Native nations in defense of their culture. The fundamental human rights of all peoples of Canada remains violated when the extradition of an individual is obtained solely on the basis of fraud and remains unchallenged by the Canadian Government ever since. Peltier's formal adoption by a Native nation in British Columbia and his plea for political asylum was not honored by Canadian authorities. As we seek to expose Canada's role and responsibility in the persecution of Leonard Peltier, we also address the oppression and genocide that the Canadian government continues to carry out against Native peoples in Canada and link these conditions with those found in the struggles of Aboriginal people worldwide. This is a desperate time for Aboriginal people whose earth- respecting culture is under attack through numerous means from killing and repressive violence to sophisticated assimilation and genocidal policies. The highest rates of suicide, imprisonment, infant mortality and shortest life expectancy all relate to the struggle of Native people to exist as Native people in a society where Aboriginal people are a threat to the continued exploitation of the earth. Because the state does not allow Native people to live out their true identity within their culture, they remain political prisoners in their own homelands. -- 4 -- In this time of global oppression and ever-escalating destruction of the natural world, Indigenous people all over the world have a strong message of benefit to humankind if allowed to govern themselves and accomplish themselves within their culture. Native people are on the frontlines of the war of greed that is ravaging and polluting the earth. The institutions that are destroying the Earth for profit are the same ones that see our brother and sister human beings as exploitable and dispensable for profit. Leonard Peltier and his case is documented testimony of the inhumane lengths that are undertaken to perpetuate this system which ultimately threatens all living things. We now have a legal remedy in Canada which could ultimately free Leonard Peltier from prison. Leonard's case is more than ever a Canadian issue and a responsibility for Canada to correct. Peltier's liberation would have far-reaching impact on the struggle for sovereignty and self-determination of all North American Native nations. Today the work of Peltier's Canadian Defense Committee involves legal defense; lobbying for political support; and promotion/public education and outreach in Canada. Our work also includes the work of mobilizing support in the United States and internationally. A counsel to the Defense Committee, composed of Native Elders, such as Ojibwe Elder Art Solomon, lawyers and long-time supporters, offers direction and advice. At the time of legal action to the Supreme Court this April, we know we will come together in Ottawa in desperation to pray together as nations of Indian people for the world to recognize that we are under attack, and to acknowledge our aboriginal rights and demand freedom for our brother, Leonard Peltier. In the Spirit of Justice For All, LEONARD PELTIER CANADIAN DEFENSE COMMITTEE ..... FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ..... Leonard Peltier Wrongfully Extradited LEGAL ACTION SEEKS TO EXPOSE FRAUD COMMITTED ON CANADIAN COURTS The Leonard Peltier Canadian Defense Committee is proud to announce the beginning of a full-scale legal action to expose the unjust extradition of American Indian Movement Leader Leonard Peltier and seek his return to Canada. On Oct. 27, 1976, the Federal Court of Appeal upheld the extradition of political prisoner Leonard Peltier to the United States. His extradition was fraudulently obtained. The same people who orchestrated his extradition orchestrated an unfair trial. Canada shares the blame for this continuing and shocking injustice. More than 12 years ago, Agents of the U.S. Government, officers of the F.B.I., deliberately misled the Canadian judicial system and perpetrated a fraud on a Canadian court. Now that legal proceedings are exhausted in the United States, and with substantial new evidence, Leonard Peltier will seek leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada from his fraudulently obtained extradition. The sole sufficient evidence used to extradite Peltier to an unfair trial in the United States was totally false. The full story of this outrageous fraud will be presented to the Supreme Court of Canada on April 17, 1989. The Court will be urged to permit Peltier to reveal the full extent of the deceit and perjury that delivered him into the hands of his persecutors. Canada's Parliament will then have the facts and can demand his return. The injustice to Leonard Peltier raises fundamental questions for Canadians about the integrity and foundation of the extradition treaty between our two countries. It raises questions about violations in the administration of justice, against Aboriginal sovereignty; Canadian and international law, and ultimately, Canada's sovereignty. The Americans involved in this unjust extradition betrayed the trust Canada places in the United States. No such trust can exist while the wrongful imprisonment of an innocent man remains unredressed and a fundamental fraud on our courts remains unanswered. The truth about Leonard Peltier's extradition will now be told. We profoundly hope it will lead, at long last, to justice and freedom for Leonard Peltier. ************************************************** FOR MORE INFO.: LEONARD PELTIER CDN. DEFENSE COMMITTEE, 43 CHANDLER DR., SCARBOROUGH, ONT. CANADA M1G 1Z1; (416) 439-1893. ** PLEASE CONTRIBUTE TO THIS STRUGGLE BY PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTING THIS STATEMENT TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. ** JUSTICE FOR POLITICAL PRISONER LEONARD PELTIER & FREEDOM FOR ALL NATIVE PEOPLES OF THE WORLD. TO COMPUTER USERS WORLDWIDE: THESE STATEMENTS (PAGES 1 TO 9) ARE A CALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT FOR THE STRUGGLE OF LEONARD PELTIER, AMERICAN INDIAN MOVEMENT LEADER AND POLITICAL PRISONER OF NORTH AMERICA. WE ASK YOU TO PRINT AND DISTRIBUTE THIS PACKAGE OF INFORMATION TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE. ***** WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. ***** FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DON'T KNOW THE STRUGGLE OF LEONARD PELTIER, THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION CONTAINS: 1. STATEMENTS DESCRIBING THE PURPOSE OF WHY WE ARE CALLING UPON ALL NATIVE PEOPLES AND ALL PEOPLE TO PARTICIPATE AND SUPPORT A ONE-WEEK FORUM ON ABORIGINAL RIGHTS & JUSTICE FOR lEONARD PELTIER IN OTTAWA, CANADA -- APRIL 15 TO 21, 1989; 2. FOLLOWED BY A HISTORY AND BACKGROUND ON THE STRUGGLE AND CASE OF LEONARD PELTIER AND OUR WORK IN CANADA FOR HIS FREEDOM; 3. FOLLOWED BY OUR RELEASE ON THE LEGAL ACTION SOON TO UNFOLD IN CANADA ON LEONARD PELTIER'S BEHALF; TO THE ONES WHO BELIEVE IN FREEDOM AND JUSTICE FOR LEONARD PELTIER & SELF-DETERMINATION FOR ALL ABORIGINAL PEOPLE: DEAR FRIENDS, The LEONARD PELTIER CANADIAN DEFENSE COMMITTEE is proud to announce a one-week forum on ABORIGINAL RIGHTS AND JUSTICE FOR LEONARD PELTIER in Ottawa to support the start of full-scale legal action in Canada on Peltier's behalf on APRIL 17, 1989. A full week of events, from APRIL 15 TO 21, will demonstrate to the Canadian Government and to all people the importance of Peltier's struggle and its direct connection to the struggle for self- determination of all Aboriginal peoples. Native people from across Canada will be able to speak on their land, human and sovereignty rights together and in alliance with the struggle to free political prisoner Leonard Peltier. The legal action for Peltier contains the evidence to expose the fraud perpetrated by the U.S. Government and the FBI against Canadian Courts at Peltier's 1976 extradition. For all who know of Peltier's long and hard struggle -- the disappointments and frustrations -- there continues the awareness that we must never give up on the truths and principles that are at stake. Peltier's struggle represents more than the injustices and persecution toward one man. Extensively documented in Peltier's case is the violent repression, the human rights abuses, broken laws, treaties and other violations of first Nations' sovereignty that are carried out against Native peoples by North American governments. In CANADA, we now carry the precious responsibility to help free Leonard Peltier, and in so doing, to liberate the truth of the wrongdoings and abuses against Native peoples, fundamental human rights and in the administration of justice. The OTTAWA FORUM will be a WEEK OF PRAYER, PROTEST AND CELEBRATION; OF INTENSE LOBBYING AND PRESS CONFERENCES; AND PUBLIC MEETINGS AND SPEAKING FORUMS. A TRADITIONAL ABORIGINAL PRAYER VIGIL will be held for four days and four nights, starting on Sunday, April 16. A FORMAL PRESS CONFERENCE will bring news of our work to international attention. It is our hope that Native Elders from Canada and the U.S. will be with us in Ottawa to share our prayers. This will also be a time for Native peoples across Canada to share our prayers and protest so that the issue of First Nations' rights can be supported together and in alliance with justice and freedom for Peltier. **************************************************************** **** AN APPEAL FOR SUPPORT **** WE URGE ALL PEOPLES OF THE WORLD to support the struggle for life and the sacredness of our Mother Earth in this great struggle to free political prisoner Leonard Peltier and liberate the truth of the crimes against North America's Native peoples. YOU CAN HELP BY: Building awareness and support by printing and distributing this full package of information to Social Justice and Human Rights organizations; Labour and Environmental groups and, especially Native Peoples and their support groups. THE WORK OF ORGANIZING THE APRIL 15 TO 21, 1989 FORUM ON ABORIGINAL RIGHTS & JUSTICE FOR LEONARD PELTIER IN CANADA IS AWESOME AND THE COSTS ARE STAGGERING. PLEASE HELP US IN OUR EFFORTS TO BRING TOGETHER A STRONG VOICE IN OTTAWA THROUGH A SUCCESSFUL WEEK OF EVENTS. TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS FOR OUR ELDERS AND PELTIER'S LAWYERS MUST BE BOOKED IN ADVANCE. WE NEED HELP TO PAY FOR PROMOTION AND MAILING COSTS; TO OFFSET OUR PHONE BILL; AND TO CO-ORDINATE ORGANIZING WORK FOR PEOPLE IN OTTAWA AND TORONTO. Your contribution, whatever amount will help. Please let us know if you can contribute to pay for a specific expense, ie. travel costs for an Elder or lawyer. Make cheques payable to PELTIER CDN. DEFENSE COMMITTEE. If your organization or group can endorse the forum, please contact us. We thank you for your support in advance and pray we can bring to national and world attention our struggle to free Peltier. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ****** FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT (416) 439-1893; OR WRITE: LPCDC, 43 CHANDLER DR., SCARBOROUGH, ONT. CANADA M1G 1Z1. ****** Name ------------------------------------------------------------ Address --------------------------------------------------------- City/Prov/State ------------------- Zip/Postal Code ------------- ** Please specify if you can help us: ie: Lobbying, Promotion, Action Telegrams/Letter Writing, Funding Contacts. *************************************************************** PLEASE CONTACT THE LEONARD PELTIER CANADIAN DEFENSE COMMITTEE FOR MORE INFORMATION. WE CAN PROVIDE DETAILED INFORMATION & EDUCATIONAL PACKAGES; PETITIONS AND SPEAKERS. WRITE: LPCDC, 43 CHANDLER DR., SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO CANADA M1G 1Z1 TELEPHONE: (416) 439-1893. In Struggle & In Unity LEONARD PELTIER CANADIAN DEFENSE COMMITTEE BACKGROUND ON THE STRUGGLE OF LEONARD PELTIER -- AMERICAN INDIAN MOVEMENT LEADER AND NORTH AMERICAN POLITICAL PRISONER -- The LEONARD PELTIER CANADIAN DEFENSE COMMITTEE is working for the release of LEONARD PELTIER, a North American Indian leader and political prisoner, who has been imprisoned for 13 years and is serving two life terms (50 years) in a U.S. penitentiary. He was extradited from Canada to the United States in 1976 on evidence falsified by the FBI, and later convicted for the alleged murder of two FBI agents in South Dakota in 1975. Evidence in the U.S. uncovered through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reveals his frame-up and gross wrongdoings by the FBI when it employed its counter-intelligence program (COINTELPRO) against Leonard Peltier and others to destroy the growing resistance of Indians to the genocidal treatment and policies by government and its agencies towards Native peoples. The FBI targetted members of the American Indian Movement and in specific AIM leader Leonard Peltier as a scapegoat for the agents' deaths to finally put an end to the protest of these people against policies of termination of aboriginal rights. During the years 1972-1976, about 200 violent assaults, including about 70 deaths, occurred on Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota as a result of the FBI's program of assault. The basis for Peltier's persecution by the U.S. Government is directly tied to the efforts by traditional Indian people to stop the erosion of tribal lands and often the clandestine sale/transfers of these lands to U.S. agencies. At the heart of North American Indian struggles, today and then, is the unresolved issue of violated treaties and sovereignty rights, where treaty and unceded aboriginal lands are desired by governments and corporations for uranium, oil, minerals and other resource wealth. This exploitation is at the heart of Peltier's ordeal and is documented in numerous articles and several comprehensive publications (see footnote). In 1986, Peltier received the International Human Rights Award from Spain "because he was defending the historical and cultural rights of his people against the genocide of his race." -------------------------------------------------- REFERENCES: In The Spirit of Crazy Horse, Peter Matthiessen, The Viking Press, New York, 1983 (Found in Public Libraries only); Blood of the Land, (The Government and Corporate War Against the American Indian Movement), Rex Weyler, Everest House Publishers, New York, 1982; The Trial of Leonard Peltier, Jim Messerschmidt, South End Press, Boston, 1983. -- 2 -- -- 2 -- More than a decade of legal appeals for a new trial in the United States was exhausted in October 1987, with the U.S. Supreme Court refusing to hear the FOIA evidence despite a worldwide appeal for his release from prominent religious leaders, politicians, institutions and the public. The U.S. government still refuses to release more than 6,000 pages of classified FOIA documents for reasons of "national security." We might ask ourselves: What truths are being withheld in these documents which might violate the security of the United States and Canada? The decision by the U.S. Government to deny Peltier a new trial shows that the government can now target an individual for prosecution, fabricate evidence against him, suppress evidence of his innocence and get a conviction which is upheld through years of legal appeals. Peltier's U.S. legal/defense committee is presently lobbying for a Congressional investigation into FBI wrongdoings/abuses on the case and for the release of the remaining FOIA material. Peltier's unjust ordeal is one of the most significant international human rights violations of our time, which, if left unresolved affects the fundamental liberties of all humankind. Canada has been party to a terrible injustice by wrongfully extraditing Peltier based on conflicting testimonies of a witness, who later confessed she had been coerced by the FBI to lie. Jim Fulton, MP (NDP Skeena, B.C.) calls the extradition a "treaty fraud" and "breach of trust" between nations. He has resubmitted a second Private Members' Motion (M-115) demanding Peltier's return to Canada, which can be called before the House of Commons for debate at any time. On June 25, 1987, the Assembly of First Nations unanimously endorsed Peltier's case at their annual assembly and called for his return to Canada. Canadian support includes about 60 members of Canada's Parliament; the Native Women's Association of Canada; the Native Council of Canada; the Right Rev. Robert F. Smith, former Moderator of the United Church of Canada; and more. International support has come from Rev. Jesse Jackson; Robert Runcie, Archbishop of Canterbury; Desmond Tutu, Archbishop of South Africa; the 4th Bertrand Russell Tribunal (Holland, 1981); 8 Episcopal Bishops and 74 international religious organizations. Don Edwards, Chair of the U.S. Subcommittee on Constitutional and Civil Rights; and the U.S. National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers have formally endorsed the case as a gross violation of Peltier's human, civil and constitutional rights. Amnesty International stated in October, 1985, its official position that "the interests of justice would best be served by granting Leonard Peltier a new trial." In 1986, the U.S. Peltier Defense Committee, invited by the Soviet Peace Committee, carried the message of Peltier's ordeal to the Soviet Union. In the months after, the White House received a staggering total of about 17 million letters from Soviet citizens calling for Peltier's unconditional release. -- 3 -- -- 3 -- We now have a Canadian legal defense for Peltier, composed of respected criminal lawyers, who have developed a formal plan of legal action in Canada. On April 17, 1989, an application for leave to appeal the 1976 unjust extradition of Peltier will be presented to the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa (see press release). We are organizing a one-week forum on ABORIGINAL RIGHTS & JUSTICE FOR LEONARD PELTIER (APRIL 15 TO 21, 1989) in Ottawa to support the legal initiative, which will bring together Native nations from across Canada. This is being done in recognition that the injustice to Peltier is no different than the injustices experienced by Native peoples of this country in their 500-year struggle to the right to govern themselves. We look at the Supreme Court of Canada as a stage upon which to address the human, land and sovereignty rights of Indian people of this country, whose lands and lives are under attack by the policies and activities of governments and corporations. Like Nelson Mandela, Leonard Peltier is recognized internationally as a symbol of his people's struggle for freedom. Here in North America where Canadian and U.S. governments direct attention to human rights abuses in other parts of the world, the oppression and genocide of North American Native people is a reality of which the majority of Canadians and Americans are unaware. Many Native people are asserting their rights as nations to their lands and have therefore become targets for persecution by the government. All Native people are struggling to survive the poverty and cultural breakdown that foreign governments and institutions have inflicted on them. Many must also overcome the artificial divisions and divisive attitudes that centuries of assimilation policies have and continue to create amongst Native people to prevent them from uniting as Native nations in defense of their culture. The fundamental human rights of all peoples of Canada remains violated when the extradition of an individual is obtained solely on the basis of fraud and remains unchallenged by the Canadian Government ever since. Peltier's formal adoption by a Native nation in British Columbia and his plea for political asylum was not honored by Canadian authorities. As we seek to expose Canada's role and responsibility in the persecution of Leonard Peltier, we also address the oppression and genocide that the Canadian government continues to carry out against Native peoples in Canada and link these conditions with those found in the struggles of Aboriginal people worldwide. This is a desperate time for Aboriginal people whose earth- respecting culture is under attack through numerous means from killing and repressive violence to sophisticated assimilation and genocidal policies. The highest rates of suicide, imprisonment, infant mortality and shortest life expectancy all relate to the struggle of Native people to exist as Native people in a society where Aboriginal people are a threat to the continued exploitation of the earth. Because the state does not allow Native people to live out their true identity within their culture, they remain political prisoners in their own homelands. -- 4 -- In this time of global oppression and ever-escalating destruction of the natural world, Indigenous people all over the world have a strong message of benefit to humankind if allowed to govern themselves and accomplish themselves within their culture. Native people are on the frontlines of the war of greed that is ravaging and polluting the earth. The institutions that are destroying the Earth for profit are the same ones that see our brother and sister human beings as exploitable and dispensable for profit. Leonard Peltier and his case is documented testimony of the inhumane lengths that are undertaken to perpetuate this system which ultimately threatens all living things. We now have a legal remedy in Canada which could ultimately free Leonard Peltier from prison. Leonard's case is more than ever a Canadian issue and a responsibility for Canada to correct. Peltier's liberation would have far-reaching impact on the struggle for sovereignty and self-determination of all North American Native nations. Today the work of Peltier's Canadian Defense Committee involves legal defense; lobbying for political support; and promotion/public education and outreach in Canada. Our work also includes the work of mobilizing support in the United States and internationally. A counsel to the Defense Committee, composed of Native Elders, such as Ojibwe Elder Art Solomon, lawyers and long-time supporters, offers direction and advice. At the time of legal action to the Supreme Court this April, we know we will come together in Ottawa in desperation to pray together as nations of Indian people for the world to recognize that we are under attack, and to acknowledge our aboriginal rights and demand freedom for our brother, Leonard Peltier. In the Spirit of Justice For All, LEONARD PELTIER CANADIAN DEFENSE COMMITTEE ..... FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ..... Leonard Peltier Wrongfully Extradited LEGAL ACTION SEEKS TO EXPOSE FRAUD COMMITTED ON CANADIAN COURTS The Leonard Peltier Canadian Defense Committee is proud to announce the beginning of a full-scale legal action to expose the unjust extradition of American Indian Movement Leader Leonard Peltier and seek his return to Canada. On Oct. 27, 1976, the Federal Court of Appeal upheld the extradition of political prisoner Leonard Peltier to the United States. His extradition was fraudulently obtained. The same people who orchestrated his extradition orchestrated an unfair trial. Canada shares the blame for this continuing and shocking injustice. More than 12 years ago, Agents of the U.S. Government, officers of the F.B.I., deliberately misled the Canadian judicial system and perpetrated a fraud on a Canadian court. Now that legal proceedings are exhausted in the United States, and with substantial new evidence, Leonard Peltier will seek leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada from his fraudulently obtained extradition. The sole sufficient evidence used to extradite Peltier to an unfair trial in the United States was totally false. The full story of this outrageous fraud will be presented to the Supreme Court of Canada on April 17, 1989. The Court will be urged to permit Peltier to reveal the full extent of the deceit and perjury that delivered him into the hands of his persecutors. Canada's Parliament will then have the facts and can demand his return. The injustice to Leonard Peltier raises fundamental questions for Canadians about the integrity and foundation of the extradition treaty between our two countries. It raises questions about violations in the administration of justice, against Aboriginal sovereignty; Canadian and international law, and ultimately, Canada's sovereignty. The Americans involved in this unjust extradition betrayed the trust Canada places in the United States. No such trust can exist while the wrongful imprisonment of an innocent man remains unredressed and a fundamental fraud on our courts remains unanswered. The truth about Leonard Peltier's extradition will now be told. We profoundly hope it will lead, at long last, to justice and freedom for Leonard Peltier. ************************************************** FOR MORE INFO.: LEONARD PELTIER CDN. DEFENSE COMMITTEE, 43 CHANDLER DR., SCARBOROUGH, ONT. CANADA M1G 1Z1; (416) 439-1893. ** PLEASE CONTRIBUTE TO THIS STRUGGLE BY PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTING THIS STATEMENT TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. ** (Dan Trottier) (01/24/89)
In article <568@yunccn.UUCP> john@yunccn.UUCP (John Hummel) writes: >Keywords: Justice Sovereignty Native People " [ Details of meetings and plans deleted ] " THE WORK OF ORGANIZING THE APRIL 15 TO 21, 1989 FORUM ON "ABORIGINAL RIGHTS & JUSTICE FOR LEONARD PELTIER IN CANADA IS "AWESOME AND THE COSTS ARE STAGGERING. PLEASE HELP US IN OUR "EFFORTS TO BRING TOGETHER A STRONG VOICE IN OTTAWA THROUGH A "SUCCESSFUL WEEK OF EVENTS. TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS FOR OUR ELDERS AND "PELTIER'S LAWYERS MUST BE BOOKED IN ADVANCE. " WE NEED HELP TO PAY FOR PROMOTION AND MAILING COSTS; TO "OFFSET OUR PHONE BILL; AND TO CO-ORDINATE ORGANIZING WORK FOR "PEOPLE IN OTTAWA AND TORONTO. " " Your contribution, whatever amount will help. Please let us "know if you can contribute to pay for a specific expense, ie. "travel costs for an Elder or lawyer. Make cheques payable to "PELTIER CDN. DEFENSE COMMITTEE. If your organization or group can "endorse the forum, please contact us. We thank you for your "support in advance and pray we can bring to national and world "attention our struggle to free Peltier. " [ Case history of Leonard Peltier deleted ] Regardless of good intentions the Usenet is not a place where on should be canvasing for donations. (I'm sorry for posting this but every once in a while it seems people need to be reminded that canvasing for personal causes is not a proper use of the net.) Perhaps from your received funds you can pay us for the disk space and phone cost used for your article. Your article has been deleted from our system. Had you not asked for money but rather provided a simple address where people could contact you if they decided they wanted to support you financially then your article would have remained on our system. -- Dan Trottier dan@maccs.McMaster.CA Dept of Computer Science ...!uunet!utai!utgpu!maccs!dan McMaster University (416) 525-9140 x3444 (Pierre Mathieu) (01/25/89)
In article <>, (Dan Trottier) writes: > In article <568@yunccn.UUCP> john@yunccn.UUCP (John Hummel) writes: > >Keywords: Justice Sovereignty Native People > > Regardless of good intentions the Usenet is not a place where on should > be canvasing for donations. > > (I'm sorry for posting this but every once in a while it seems people > need to be reminded that canvasing for personal causes is not a > proper use of the net.) > > Perhaps from your received funds you can pay us for the disk space and > phone cost used for your article. > Although I will admit that this article should probably not have been crossposted so heavily and perhaps should have been shorter, I do not agree that the net is not the place for such items. I for one was very interested in learning about this man and I don't believe that I would have ever known about this if not for this posting. I find this sort of thing far more useful than a discussion on how many inconspicuous numbers one can find on our paper currency for instance. :-) It was perhaps not very wise to ask for contributions on the net but I think that deleting the article for this reason is a rather draconian measure. After all, if this rule of thumb starts applying, should not "FOR SALE" and "FOR RENT" articles also be banned from the net? Are these not also personal causes? Or should people start paying for posting? (***shiver*** :-)) Regards, Pierre Mathieu Center for Research in Exp. Space Science "Avast, swabs!" (Todd Heatherton) (01/26/89)
I think that a brief this long was inappropriate independent of the request for donations. What an incredible waste of valuable computing resources--I don't mean the cause, I mean the 30,000 character text file jamming up the net! -- ************************************************************************ Todd Heatherton Department of Psychology University of Toronto Phone: 416-978-6387 (office) Email: 416-482-4847 (home) or ************************************************************************
bdb@becker.UUCP (Bruce Becker) (01/26/89)
In article <> dan@sparkles.UUCP (Dan Trottier) writes: +----------------- |[...] |Regardless of good intentions the Usenet is not a place where on should |be canvasing for donations. | |(I'm sorry for posting this but every once in a while it seems people | need to be reminded that canvasing for personal causes is not a +----------------- /^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\ _______________________________/ \____ I fail to see how you can use this term on the context of the original posting. +----------------- | proper use of the net.) | |Perhaps from your received funds you can pay us for the disk space and |phone cost used for your article. +----------------- I assume you aren't going to donate same to aid the cause of Mr. Pelletier. +----------------- |Your article has been deleted from our system. Had you not asked for |money but rather provided a simple address where people could contact |you if they decided they wanted to support you financially then your |article would have remained on our system. +----------------- This is exceptionally high-handed in my opinion. Perhaps if you had cited the numerous complaints you had received it *might* make some kind of sense - as it is, it constitutes a narrow-minded infringement of the rights of others. +----------------- |Dan Trottier dan@maccs.McMaster.CA |Dept of Computer Science ...!uunet!utai!utgpu!maccs!dan |McMaster University (416) 525-9140 x3444 +----------------- Not so cheerful, -- _ _/\ Bruce Becker Toronto, Ont. \`o O| Internet: bdb@becker.UUCP, \(")/ BitNet: BECKER@HUMBER.BITNET ---mm-U-mm--- "Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue" - Oliver North (Kelly Booth) (01/27/89)
In article <> (Pierre Mathieu) writes: >Although I will admit that this article should probably not have been >crossposted so heavily Correction: It was NOT cross posted. I got two distinct copies. It was duplicate posted. Cross posting is putting the same article in multiple news groups. Duplicate posting is repeating the posting so that even more money is spent distributing it.
soley@ontenv.UUCP (Norman S. Soley) (01/28/89)
In article <>, ksbooth@watcgl.UUCP writes: > In article <> (Pierre Mathieu) writes: > >Although I will admit that this article should probably not have been > >crossposted so heavily > > Correction: It was NOT cross posted. I got two distinct copies. It > was duplicate posted. Cross posting is putting the same article in > multiple news groups. Duplicate posting is repeating the posting so > that even more money is spent distributing it. There were at least three copies, one of them massively crossposted, plus I reposted it to alt.activism where people might actually be interested in it. I've sent notes to John (the original poster) before recommending that he be more careful about his selection of groups but have never received any acknowledgement. The real shame here is that by playing loose with the USENET conventions, John's very valuable and interesting postings are generating as much ill will towards his cause as they are good. -- Norman Soley - Data Communications Analyst - Ontario Ministry of the Environment UUCP: uunet!attcan!lsuc!ncrcan!ontenv!soley VOICE: +1 416 323 2623 OR: soley@ontenv.UUCP " Stay smart, go cool, be happy, it's the only way to get what you want"