[comp.sys.m68k.pc] OS/9 and Unix/UniPlus+

njh@root.co.UK (Nigel Horne) (05/18/87)

Does anyone have a (preferably objective) comparison between
OS/9 (release 2.0 I guess) and UniPlus+/Unix?

I'd rather not have flames/really subjective NIH attitudes,
just *facts* to allow me to compare.

If enough interest is generated I'll post, of course.

Nigel Horne, Divisional Director, Root Technical Systems.
<njh@root.co.uk>	G1ITH	Fax:	(01) 726 8158
Phone:	+44 1 606 7799 Telex:	885995 ROOT G	BT Gold: CQQ173