K326910@CZHRZU1A.BITNET (05/11/87)
Date: 11 May 1987, 13:02:48 GMT From: Hein Paul Osenberg 4564 K326910 at CZHRZU1A To: INFO-68K at UCBVAX I have a couple of questions concerning CP/M 68k : - Does anybody know the meaning of the switches of the different passes of the C Compiler. The switches are only partially documented in my manuals (R 1.2). - I just bought the METACOMCO Cambrige Lisp system. My Version is configured for STRIDE (SAGE) CP/M 68K. In Stride CP/M 68K there seens to be a BIOS (?) call to query (and maybe set) the real time clock. Can anybody tell me how this is done, what format is used for the time. I would like to add this facility to my own BIOS. Thank you in advance, Hein
mknox@NGP.UTEXAS.EDU.UUCP (05/21/87)
Not sure just which switches you mean. The -F is for Motorola floating point. -E is for IEEE floating point. I believe there is a -I for an intermediate pass.