[comp.sys.m68k.pc] os-9

PEPRBV@CFAAMP.BITNET (Bob Babcock) (05/29/87)

>> Continuing a discussion of the availability of software for OS-9

I can't say anything about OS-9 release 2  and the new C compiler
because our vendor (Mizar) hasn't shipped them yet.  They decided
to start over from scratch on the device drivers,  and supposedly
finished last week.  I don't have any severe complaints about the
(not latest) Microware  C compiler we have.  With every version I
have found bugs which I had to program  around,  but that's to be
expected, and its been getting better.  A couple of messages have
mentioned vendors for various languages, but everything  seems to
be single source.

>> Well, OS-9 has a comparison utility...

Unless  it's been enhanced,  that's  another  sore point.  Take 2
source  files which differ only by the addition  of a blank line,
and cmp will spit out every byte past that point  as a difference
because it only does a byte-by-byte comparison.

>>If you want to write a new shell with the usual 10 - 20 lines of
>>history go ahead.

No I don't want to waste my time doing  that.  Certainly  you can
hook up another computer  and have it record history,  but that's
admitting that the shell isn't adequate.

>>Did you know that the current Shell has a PATH variable?

Yes, I saw mention of it in the OS-9 bug list.  If it does what I
expect, it's a great improvement.

>>Beyond that, well, it boils down to "you show me the problem and we'll
>>see if I got a solution".  No real way to compare.

A past  problem,  but  all  too  common  on any  type  of system.
Something  glitched  and damaged the directory  structure  on the
hard  disk.    At  least   one  subdirectory   just  disappeared.
Fortunately,  the backups  weren't too out of date.  I don't know
of any tools which aid a user unfamiliar with the innards of OS-9
to recover anything after an accident like this.

I don't  want to be too critical  of OS-9.   When we were looking
for a real time operating  system 2.5 years ago, it seemed  to be
the  best  available.   We have  too  much  invested  to consider
changing  now, and I don't  know that  there  is anything  better
anyway.   Now if you really  want to hear me flame,  ask me about
VME bus graphics boards.