ralphw@IUS2.CS.CMU.EDU (Ralph Hyre) (08/28/87)
I'd like a Mac-II/Sun-3 class system for home/hobby use. (680X0, >8M memory, megapixel display, expansion capability) I don't want to get locked into Apple's or Sun's pseudo-proprietary (Apple Nubus, SunVME) expansion schemes, which require mechanical modifications to cards or purchase of an adapter card from the manufacturer. I would prefer to go with a more 'standard' bus system like straight VMEbus or Multibus or whatever. I envision picking up expansion cards and card cages at Hamfests and such. Support for multiprocessing may be important, that seems to mean that multi-master operation on the bus is needed. It would be nice if all the chips were socketed, I'd have a hard time fixing soldered-in chips and SMD's. I know details about the following 68020-based processor cards (all VMEbus): they are ranked roughly in order of cost. Sun-3 EuroCard 20Mhz CPU, 4M onboard, 4 serial ports, 'integral' display big company, good software disadvantages: 16M max memory,proprietary mem system, SMD used everywhere Ironics 16-20 Mhz, mailbox interrupts, 'best' system controller? disadvantages: lots of parts soldered directly, (at least memory seems to be semi-socketed (SIPS)) Heurikon similar to Ironics + serial port, less expensive? disdvantages: never seen one -- - Ralph W. Hyre, Jr. Internet: ralphw@ius2.cs.cmu.edu Phone:(412)268-{2847,3275} CMU-{BUGS,DARK} Amateur Packet Radio: N3FGW@W2XO, or c/o W3VC, CMU Radio Club, Pittsburgh, PA