[comp.sys.m68k.pc] Kermit68K/CPM, need for beta-testers.

RBG.XX@GEN.BITNET (10/27/87)

    Some months ago I sent to this group a note concerning my Kermit68K,
a portable Kermit program for machines based on the 68xxx microprocessors

   Now the CP/M-68K version of Kermit68K is almost ready, I need beta
testers, above all because I've used CP/M-68K only to port Kermit68K
on it. This means that I am not at all an expert of this operating
system, I would like the experts to look into my code and then modify,
suggest, criticize.

   Furthermore, as I guessed in my last submission to this list, it's
impossible to write such a program that is portable to all the CP/M-68K
machines, because of the poor OS support for all that concerns serial
lines IO. So, there is need for people writing (maybe adapting) a/some
serial driver/s for the line/s used to connect the system to any other.
The performances of Kermit68K, when used for CONNECTing, could be highly
improved by writing also a serial driver for the consol line.
This work should be done for each of the commonest CP/M-68K machines.
Robert Heller (Heller@Umass) has already received the Kermit68K sources,
having shown his will to do such a work for the Stride 400 series;
unfortunately I haven't heard anything from him for a month.

   People interested in beta-testing and/or writing the above mentioned
serial drivers for a particular machine should contact me at the soonest,
I'll send the Kermit68K sources, with instruction on how to operate, to them.
People interested only in getting the program should, instead, wait for
the official distribution that, hopefully, will come soon.

   Kermit68K is solidifying rather quickly, and, in addition, it's proving
its portability; now we have versions for OS9 and CP/M-68K while versions
for the Sinclair QL and for PDOS are in preparation. I'm still waiting
for a VERSADOS implementor, and, probably, I'll write a Kermit68K version
for the Amiga.

   The functionality of the program has been enhanced, version 1.1 will
contain, in addition to various fixes, a basic server capability, a better
help command, improved documentation etc.

   I hope that the CP/M-68K community will collaborate with me in
modifying/correcting/upgrading Kermit68K/CPM, so that it can work at
its best. Cordially

                   Roberto Bagnara

P.S. I take the opportunity to thank the people that answered to my
     previous help request, apologizing to those of them I couldn't
     reach due to the ottusity of my mailer. This time I've chosen
     a different method to distribute the sources to beta-testers:
     I'll send the stuff to one I'm sure to reach, giving him also
     a forward list, he should choose one address from it, delete it
     from the list and send the file batch (modified forward list
     included) to the chosen address. This works like the chains
     that sometimes overload the network, but, in this case,
     that accomplishes the opposite effect.

Ordinary Mail: Roberto Bagnara                Telephone: +39 51 247065
               Physics Department                        +39 51 248931
               Bologna University             Telex:     520634 INFNBO I
               via Irnerio, 46                Telefax:   +39 51 247244
               40126 BOLOGNA

BITNET: Bagnara@IBOINFN     ARPANet: Bagnara%IBOINFN.Bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.edu
DECnet: 39937::BAGNARA      UseNet:  Bagnara%IBOINFN.Bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.edu
PSS:    Bagnara@2222-511072 JANET:   Bagnara@EARN.IBOINFN