[comp.sys.m68k.pc] Digitizing images

PEPRBV@CFAAMP.BITNET (Bob Babcock) (06/28/88)

We would like to be able to get digitized monochrome  images into
our VME system  running  OS-9.  The application  is scanning  the
profile  of a laser beam.  We don't need a particularly  fast way
of doing this (the current method is mechanical scanning a single
detector - a few seconds per point with even low resolution takes
forever).   I can get a frame grabber  board for about $3000 from
Data Translation  (with no OS-9 software  support),  but for that
price I could also buy an AT-class  machine  and a frame grabber.
Anyone  know  of a cheaper  alternative,  or a vendor  with  OS-9

mknox@EMX.UTEXAS.EDU (Margaret H. Knox) (06/28/88)

[I know better than to even TRY to get this mailer to reply directly
to Babcock.]

One option is the Ciarcia artice in Byte about 6-10 months ago.  He
had a digitizer (at least 256x256, probably better) for a couple of
hundred dollars.  It looked like a good design, complete with 
frame-grab.  And it would hook up to anything with an RS-232 port!

Kit of parts available, but even a wired assembled, tested unit
(if I remember correctly) was under $400.  I also have seen a few
other units that work with RS-232 interface.  [Dont use them 
myself;  I digitize with a ComputerEye digitizer that does full
color directly into the 68000 in an Atari ST.  For $149 the
ComputerEye (with DIGISPEC software) is a really impressive