wilson@BLAKE.ACS.WASHINGTON.EDU (Wai K. Wilson Fu) (12/31/88)
Hi there, I have a question from my friend on how the 68030 decode. The question is: I have a problem on how the 68030 decodes the instruction sets. For example, the ADD command, it has Addr Reg Indirect with Index (8-bit displacement) Mode, Addr Reg Indirect with index (Based Displacement) Mode, Mem. Indirect Postindexed Mode, Mem Indirect Preindexed Mode. They all use the same code on the "MODE" and can be used with all address registers. which means in the code, it will have the same code: bit: | 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 | 1 1 0 1 Register OP-mode 1 1 0 Reg-for-EA (pp 3-18 in the manual). I can't figure out how the microprocessor decode the instruction. My response to the question was: Referring to p. 2-20 and p. 2-18, those four modes in addition to the instruction format, they also requires one or more extension words. For the first one of mode 110 which has a 8-bit displacement indicating that it also has a Brief Format Extension Word. For the Base Displacement mode, it requires one Full Format Extension Word while the other two Memory Indirect Modes require two Extension Words in addition to the instruction format of ADD. Now for the Memory Indirect Modes, the way to differentiate which one is which one is by looking at the IS bit and I/IS bit (bit 6 and bits 0-2 of the Full Format, please also refer to Table 2-2) A Memory Indirect Postindexed mode would have IS=0 and I/IS= 101 or 110 or 111. And a Memory Indirect Preindexed mode would have IS=0 and I/IS= 001 OR 010 OR 011. Please correct me if make a mistake here. Referring to your problem of how to decode it, I really do not know how the bit map would look like for the Full extension format words. Please let me know if you figure that out. The page no. was referring to mc68030 user's manual. Can someone gives me any hints on how the bitmap would look like for the Full Extension Format Word or points to to some dirrecton. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ / / / \ \ \ / / / \ \ \ ============================================================================ 1 1 1 1 1 - Wai K. Wilson FU wilson@blake.acs.washington.edu 1 1 return address: waifu@uw-ftcl.ee.washington.edu 1 1 1 1 1 1 1