[ont.events] ICR Feb.22 Dr. Anne Brueggemann-Klein HiTeX Revisited

cfry@watdcsu.waterloo.edu (C.Fry - Inst. Computer Research) (02/16/89)

                            ICR presents a colloquium on

                                  HiTeX Revisited

          Dr. Anne Brueggemann-Klein

          Institut fuer Informatik
          Universitaet Freiburg, FRG


          Today scientific authors rely on a wide range  of  document  pro-
          cessing  systems, both for internal communication and for provid-
          ing publishers with camera-ready copy. Current systems  free  au-
          thors  from  the burden of detailed typographic knowledge and let
          them concentrate on the contents of their documents.  These  sys-
          tems  have  led  to  the notion of descriptive markup systems and
          standards for markup languages such as SGML. In  principle, docu-
          ments  employing  descriptive  markup can be matched to different
          design specifications  that  determine  their  graphical  layout.
          However,  in  practice little attention has been paid to how this
          should be done, and how traditional design specifications provid-
          ed  by  document  designers can be easily implemented in existing
          document processing systems.

          HiTeX is a prototype system that we intend to develop  during  my
          visit  in Waterloo. Its aim is to help designers to implement do-
          cument designs for formatters like TeX. This talk  describes  the
          basic  ideas  of  interfacing an SGML-like document specification
          language with a design specification language and a  special  set
          of TeX macros.

          DATE:       Wednesday, February 22, 1989
          TIME:       3:30 p.m.
          PLACE:      DC 1302
          Everyone is welcome.  Refreshments served.