[comp.sys.mac.digest] INFO-MAC Digest V5 #94

INFO-MAC@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (Moderator Dwayne Virnau...) (05/26/87)

INFO-MAC Digest          Tuesday, 26 May 1987      Volume 5 : Issue 94

Today's Topics:
   FileMaster - another DA to view files, delete them and change Flags
                       Shutdown and Restart Fkeys
                             EscapeKey* 1.1
                        RAM based HFS version 1.1
     Darin Adler's Ranger 2.0 - a text-file type conversion utility
                     More utilities from Darin Adler
                forwarded from Usenet: ABC calculator 1.0
                 Stars on the MAC II and large displays
                   New version WriteNow Translator DA
                                 UW v4.1
                  usenet postings forwarded to info-mac
            another usenet posting to be forwarded to infomac
                              Talking Moose
               Control-C patch for VersaTerm PRO on Mac SE
                               SHAR files
                          Computer Modern Fonts
                        Bridge programs for Mac+
                               Re: Bridge
                        BinHex 5.0 vs. BinHex 4.0
  Hi all..A couple of months ago I offered the availability of Red Ryd


Date: Mon, 18 May 87 12:57:16 SET
From: Alexander Falk <K360950@AEARN>
Subject: FileMaster - another DA to view files, delete them and change
Subject: Flags

FileMaster - the next generation PD Desk Accessory
(c) 1987 by Alexander Falk

FileMaster is a new Desk Accessory that lets you view and modify
the Finder Flags for any file using the same Dialog Box as ResEdit
does, when you select "Get Info". This is similar to Developers
Tools, but I think FileMaster is more comfortable, since you don't
have to click that much buttons. Also you can quickly browse through
either the data or the resource fork of any file. The Browser starts
with the Data Fork per Default. Attention: There are several features
not documented in the "About" Box so listen carefully:

1. The Return and/or Enter Keys have different meanings, depending
   in which mode you are. If you have no file selected, then they
   are aequivalent to the "Select" Button. If you have selected a
   file and modified the Name, the Flags, the Type or the Creator,
   then Enter and/or Return means "Save". This is important, because
   clicking "Select", when a file is already selected and modified
   means "Cancel modifications".
2. Be aware, that FileMaster is intended for advanced users, so there
   is no more warning when you click on "Delete". The File is gone
3. When a file is in use by some other application (currently running
   or crashed, before it could close the file), the "File Busy" Flag
   is enabled and set. Clicking this Flag means close the file.
   Since this could be disasterous, if you are working e.i. in Apple-
   Share there is a warning when you click on the Flag.
   If the file is not in use, the Flag is disabled, because it would
   be sensless to let the user open it...

Planned things for the next version: Browse should interpret the
Resource fork; Search should make gloabl changes to files on a
Hard Disk; Info should bring up the Finder "Get Info" Box.

If you have comments, ideas, suggestions... send them to me!!!




Date: Sun, 17 May 87 15:34:10 PDT
From: digiorgi@Jpl-VLSI.ARPA
Subject: FileSplitter

The following BinHex file is a PackIt II (compressed) document
containing the ShareWare ($3.00!) File Splitter Application, File
Splitter DA, and File Splitter Documentation.

File Splitter is a configurable program to split up large TEXT files
for piecemeal mailing to bulletin board services and the like that
frequently get overloaded by direct mail transferring of large .hqx
files.  It saves you the trouble of having to manually do file dividing
with an editor.  The author is listed in the documentation, as well
as the address to send his three bucks.

such a deal!

Godfrey DiGiorgi
May 17, 1987

Disclaimer: I have only used the File Splitter Application, not the DA, and
it works satisfactorily on my 128K ROM, 2Meg Macintosh with HD20.

BTW: I recently discovered the FileDiv and Concatenate functions in the
MPW Shell... that makes this sort of business very easy.




Date: 15 May 1987, 17:06:35 PST
From: David M. Gelphman         415-854-3300 x2538   DAVEG    at
Subject: Shutdown and Restart Fkeys

   These are trivial FKEYs which perform the same function
as ShutDown and Restart from the Finder. The reason for them is so you don't
have to return to the Finder before rebooting your Mac safely. It
relies on the new Shutdown manager which was implemented in the Mac II
and is retrofitted in earlier Macs via system patches in System 4.1.
These FKEYs have the CREATOR for Carlos Weber's Fkey Manager application
so you can double click them and Fkey Manager will open.
   According to Inside Mac Volume 5 they both will send goodbye kisses
to all open DAs. I tried this with MockWrite and indeed this worked fine for
the Restart Fkey. With Shutdown, I found that with an open MockWrite, it
did get the goodbye kiss and then Shutdown occurred with the proper
dialog but when I hit the Restart button on the dialog (this is on a MacPlus)
I got a system bomb ID 20. Pressing restart on that bomb box resulted
in a hung system. I run with a few nonstandard inits so this may not happen
to you. The Restart FKEY suffered no such problems.


This is of course FREE and distribution is unlimited. The source code
is trivial...Apple did all the hard work in the _Shutdown trap.

Here is the source to generate the Restart Fkey. The Shutdown Fkey is merely
the same code with the MOVE.W #sdRestart,-(SP) changed to
MOVE.W #sdPowerOff,-(SP).

  beginning of source

sdPowerOff         EQU  1
sdRestart          EQU  2
.TRAP         _ShutDown $A895

    MOVE.W    #sdRestart, (SP)    ; push selector on stack
    _ShutDown                     ; call shutdown trap
;   RTS                           ; not really necessary but here it is

 end of source

David Gelphman                  BITNET address: DAVEG@SLACVM
Bin #88 SLAC                    ARPANET address:  DAVEG@SLACVM.BITNET
Stanford, Calif. 94305          UUCP address: ...psuvax1!daveg%slacvm.bitnet
415 854 3300 x2538              GEnie:    D.Gelphman
usual disclaimer #432 applies: my employer apologizes for the fact
that I have access to this net.

archived as



Date: Mon, 25 May 87 08:56:14 EDT
From: osupyr!pgn@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Paul G. Nevai)
Subject: EscapeKey* 1.1

This FKey lets you (i) shut down the system, (ii) exit to the
Finder, and (iii) Cancel. There is complete keyboard control.
Use ResEdit, FKey Manager or equivalent to install it.

      * *             * *          |  * *             * *             *
     *   *           *   *         | *   *           *   *           *
    *     *         *     *        |*     *         *     *         *
  *         *     *         *     *|        *     *         *     *
 *           *   *           *   * |         *   *           *   *
*             * *             * *  |          * *             * *

Have Orthogonal Polynomials
Will Travel

Send Bug Report to:

Paul Nevai                                pgn@osupyr.uucp (PREFERRED)
Department of Mathematics                 nevai-p@osu-eddie.uucp
The Ohio State University                 73057,172.Compu$erve
231 West Eighteenth Avenue                TS1171@OHSTVMA.bitnet
Columbus, OH 43210, U.S.A.                1-614-292-5688




Date: Sun, 17 May 87 15:13 CDT
From: <BOYD@TAMLSR.BITNET> (Scott T. Boyd)
Subject: YADateKey

Here's an FKEY written by Steve Knouse [aka Technostud] of Apple Computer.

YAdateKey will type the date in one of two forms
(May 10, 1987 or 5/10/87)
depending on whether the capslock is down (depressed) or
up (feeling good).

Written with MPW Assembly and MPW Pascal.
It can be installed with FKey Managager, FKey Installer or ResEdit.

You can contact the author at the following address, or
through me (boyd%tamlsr.bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.edu).

   Steve Knouse
   Senior Systems Engineer
   Apple Computer, Inc.
   2950 North Loop W, Suite 1070
   Houston TX 77092
 AppleLink: KNOUSE




Date: Wed 20 May 1987 20:28 CDT
From: Nihar Gokhale <MMAR013%ECNCDC.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: RAM based HFS version 1.1

This is RAM based HFS for the FatMac (classic).  Emulates the
new rom (as much as possible) and lets you use 400K HFS disks.
Use this only if you can't shell out 200 bucks for the level 1
upgrade.  Instructions are packed along with the file (using PackIt).




Date: Sun 24 May 87 02:07:17-CDT
From: Werner Uhrig  <CMP.WERNER@R20.UTEXAS.EDU>
Subject: Darin Adler's Ranger 2.0 - a text-file type conversion
Subject: utility

the following documentation was taken from the announcement of 1.0:

>The following is a program (w/documentation) that is a workaround for a
>problem I am having right now with the Mac.  I have a lot of TEXT files from
>different sources.  While many people use MDS Edit to edit their files, I
>use QUED most of the time and Edit only rarely.  After I get bunches of
>files with the creator bytes set to match one editor, I often need to change
>them all so that they have creator bytes set for another.

>In addition, I like to save space by truncating the resource forks off of my
>text files.  Since almost all of them use the default font/tab settings, this
>results in a lot of space savings as well as very little loss of information.

>TEXT Ranger performs either or both of these functions.  Read the
>documentation file for more info.





Date: Sun 24 May 87 02:08:31-CDT
From: Werner Uhrig  <CMP.WERNER@R20.UTEXAS.EDU>
Subject: More utilities from Darin Adler

 ReverseScreen 1.0 - a utility for the visually handicapped
 StartupDesk 1.0 - for a change of scene ...

archived as




Date: Sat 23 May 87 19:45:16-CDT
From: Werner Uhrig  <CMP.WERNER@R20.UTEXAS.EDU>
Subject: forwarded from Usenet: ABC calculator 1.0

[forwarded from Usenet]

>From: guido@mcvax.cwi.nl (Guido van Rossum)
>Subject: ABC calculator 1.0
>Date: 22 May 87 15:03:06 GMT

Here's a Desk Accessory I've written using MPW C. It's copyrighted but
can be freely copied as long as you don't make money for it.  Source
(also copyrighted but free) is available on request; see author's
address, below.

After un-binhex-ing you get a compressed packit file, which unpacks to a
Desk Accessory file and two versions of the documentation: one as ACTA
document, one as text file.  A summary of the documentation is given here.

It's a calculator with a couple of odd features.  First, input consists
of free-form expressions from a simple programming language.  The syntax
is given below.  Second, all operations are carried out with arbitrary
precision, and results printed are exact if representable exactly in
decimal notation.  Even if a variable can't be printed exactly, it is
still represented exactly internally: after "x=1/3" the value of x will
print as ~.33333333333333333333, but x*3 will print as 1. This is
possible because x is represented internally as a pair (numerator,

It also serves as a trivial text file editor, not unlike miniWRITER (wut
without Undo, Find and Print capabilities).

It's called "ABC Calculator" because the expression syntax is a subset
of the syntax of the ABC programming language.  For more information
about this language, see the January, 1987 issue of "IEEE Software" (and
also an issue of Byte in the near future).

Here's the syntax of the expressions (using | to separate alternatives,
[ ] to bracket optional parts, and * to indicate 0 or more repetitions):

statement: variable '=' statement | expression expression: number |
variable | '(' statement ')' | formula formula: expression dyadic-op
expression | monadic-op expression dyadic-op: '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' |
'**' |'mod' | 'round' monadic-op: '+' | '-' | '/*' | '*/' | 'round' |
'floor' number: digits ['.' [digits]] [exponent] | '.' digits [exponent]
exponent: letter-e [sign] digits letter-e: 'e' | 'E' sign: '+' | '-'
digits: digit digit* variable: letter letgit* letgit: letter | digit

This syntax is ambiguous: it does not show the priorities of the
operators, which is roughly as follows (listed from high priority to

monadic + and -
* and /
dyadic + and -

The more esoteric operators have no fixed priority; parentheses must be
used when they are used in the same expression as other operators.  This
is also true for expressions like a/b/c, a/b*c or a**b**c, which have
more than one interpretation in the human eye.

Description of individual operators:

x**y: x to the power y; y must be an integer
+, -, *, /: the usual arithmetic operations
floor x: the largest integer not exceeding x; floor -2.2 is -3 round x:
x rounded to the nearest integer; round -1.5 is -2 n round x: x rounded
to n digits; 5 round (2/3) is .66667 x mod y: x modulo y, computed as
x-y*floor(x/y); 2 mod -.3 is -.1
*/x: the denominator of the fraction representing x; */(-2/6) is -1
/*x: the denominator of the fraction representing x; /*(-2/6) is 3

Author's address:

 Guido van Rossum
 CWI, dept. AA
 P.O.Box 4079
 1009 AB Amsterdam
 The Netherlands

Electronic mail: guido@cwi.nl, or guido@mcvax.uucp, or
guido%cwi.nl@seismo.css.gov (from the ARPAnet).

archived as



Date: Fri, 22 May 87 05:01:12 PDT
From: oster%dewey.SOE.Berkeley.EDU@BERKELEY.EDU (David Phillip Oster)
Subject: Stars on the MAC II and large displays

This version of stars, Stars 1.8, replaces all previous versions of Stars.
It inihibits Smart Alarms while it is active, and it runs on all Macintoshs,
including those equipped with large screens, and Mac IIs. Sorry about the
inconvenience, I didn't have live hardware to test on until recently.
Warning: This was compiled with the current version of LightSpeed C,
so expect a new version once Think, Inc. upgrades their product.

archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DA-STARS-18.HQX



Date: 23 MAY 87 14:45-PDT
From: BOLSON%UWALOCKE.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu
Subject: New version WriteNow Translator DA

This is version 1.50 of the WNTranslator (formerly TransText) DA.  The new
version can translate FROM WriteNow for Macintosh TO MacWrite document format.
It also fixes a bug in translating text files to WriteNow -- version 1.02
failed to handle the blank-line/2-returns as end of paragraph properly.

This is shareware, asking $20.00 from new users.




Date: Fri, 15 May 87 08:28:21 PDT
From: John Bruner <jdb@mordor.s1.gov>
Subject: UW v4.1

I'll probably regret this -- I'm not really ready to distribute UW
again and I haven't been able to test this version very extensively.
Unfortunately, Megamax has forced my hand.

Here is an interim upgrade to UW: version 4.1.  The supplement
includes only some release notes and the HQX file for the Mac;
everything else is unchanged from the v3.4 release.  The 4.1
supplement is also available for anonymous FTP on MORDOR.S1.GOV
in the directory "uw" as the file "uw41.shar".

  John Bruner (S-1 Project, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
  jdb@mordor.s1.gov     ...!seismo!mordor!jdb           (415) 423-4848

archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>UNIX-UW-41.SHAR



Date: Wed, 13 May 87 10:06:09 PDT
From: Marc Hannah <mrh@shasta.stanford.edu>
Subject: usenet postings forwarded to info-mac

>From: dbb@aicchi.UUCP (Burch)
>Subject: A Lunar Lander game for the Mac.
>Date: 8 May 87 02:39:47 GMT

Hello! This is a pretty spiffy lunar lander game (It's about time!).  I
didn't write this one, but the data for the simulation I wanted to do
was just not available to me...  Have Fun!




Date: Wed, 13 May 87 10:06:42 PDT
From: Marc Hannah <mrh@shasta.stanford.edu>
Subject: another usenet posting to be forwarded to infomac

>From: sdh@thumper.UUCP (Retief of the CDT)
>Subject: A stripped-down terminal program
>Date: 4 May 87 21:36:31 GMT

/* sertest.c	 5/4/87
 * Steve Hawley
 * A program to use the serial driver.  While it works, this is not
 * a program to be used, but instead to be used as a model.
 * You should be able to figure out how to use the serial port
 * pretty well from this.  I use an integer 'e' in several places
 * for error checking, but didn't actually _do_ any checking.  This
 * is just to point out where checking could be done for user
 * friendliness.
 * This is written for LightspeedC, but could probably compile under
 * Aztec C as well by changing the include file names, and linking
 * it to run under the Aztec shell only or with mixcroot.o, but I
 * haven't tried this.
 * under LightspeedC, it will need the MacTraps and stdio libraries in
 * the project.




Date: Tue, 12 May 87 14:16:55 PDT
From: PUGH%CCC.MFENET@nmfecc.arpa
Subject: Talking Moose

Here is version 1.2 of the Talking Moose.  It has several
improvements over the old Moose, incuding a delay of up to 2.8
hours (9999 ticks), better memory management, and the ability to
customize existing programs to use the Moose (by adding
resources).  Details are in the PackIt file.  Also included is
some Pascal code to call the Moose from your program, and a
program that will start the Moose upon boot and allow him to work
under Switcher.

The author has a much more complete package including Installer
scripts for the Moose and several versions of the Finder.  The
Finder mods simply add resources so that when you choose menu
items, the Moose will say things (Clean Up == Pretty clean, eh?).
There are also two other DAs that allow you to test phrases
before adding them to Moose Phrases with ResEdit.  It all looks
pretty robust.  Instructions are included.

The Moose has been placed into the public domain and all source
code is available from the author.


 N         L                          pugh@nmfecc.arpa
  M    A    L          National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center
   F    T    N             Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
    E         L                       PO Box 5509 L-561
     C                           Livermore, California 94550
      C                                (415) 423-4239




Date: Sun, 24 May 87 15:50:20 PDT
From: Ken_Urquhart%SFU.Mailnet@umix.cc.umich.edu
Subject: Control-C patch for VersaTerm PRO on Mac SE

   ...in INFO-MAC Digest V5 #89 I posted a patch to the VERSATERM PRO
      terminal emulator to make it work properly in VT100 mode with the
      new Mac SE keyboard...my patch was for Version 1.20 of VERSATERM PRO
      but I have since been told that the patch works at least up to
      version 2.30 or the program...

   ...I have also received several requests to make control-C on the SE
      keyboard actually send a control-C to the host computer...a quick
      and dirty patch to do this is to use FEDIT on a copy of VERSATERM PRO
      and make the following changes...

            search for: 005B FFEE 0C6E 0032 FFF2
             change to: 005B FFEE 0C6E 0008 FFF2

      and a few bytes further along,

            search for: C67C 0300 0A43 0200
             change to: C67C 1000 0A43 0000

      and a few more bytes along,

            search for: 3D7C 001B FFF6
             change to: 3D7C 0003 FFF6

   ...the patch replaces the code that re-maps the (accent grave/tilde)
      key into an ESCape key on the Mac Plus/512E/512K...the code
      now checks if control-C was pressed and sends $03 to the host
      if so...naturally, once you make this patch, you will no longer
      be able to send ESC to your host if you run the patched version on
      anything other than an SE...

   ...this is a fix only for control-C, all other control-key combinations
      still will not be sent to the host...


Date: Wed, 20 May 87 19:18:34 pdt
From: redove%ucscb.UCSC.EDU@ucscc.UCSC.EDU (61144000)
Subject: SHAR files

How do you use the SHAR files?  Do you just "sh filename"?

Or do you "cc filename" or what?

I run it and all I get is a dump of a README file.  Any help?

from the moderator:  Although I have access to a UNIX machine, and even a
(gasp) VM/CMS machine, I primarily use TOPS-20.  If some UNIX guru would be
so kind as to write some SHAR documentation I will gladly post it.  I get
asked questions about SHAR files quite often (especially from people just
beginning to explore the archives) and don't really what to tell them.

Thanks.  DoD.


Date: Thu 21 May 87 00:18:16-PDT
From: Philip M. Pitner <PITNER@Sierra.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Computer Modern Fonts

Does anyone know if the Computer Modern Fonts used in Knuth's Tex (and MacTex
or Textures) are available as a general Font Mover formatted file?



Date: 21 May 1987, 13:44:38 CDT
From: Tran Kratzke              333-9477 <LIEN@UIUCVMD>
Subject: Bridge programs for Mac+

are there any good bridge programs out there for the mac plus?


Date: Fri, 22 May 87 18:18:16 EDT
From: "Robert L. Wald" <RLWALD@PUCC>
Subject: Re: Bridge

   There is Bridge 4.0, which I have purposesly avoided because it is
supposed to play badly (on all versions, even for other machines).  At
least not good enough for a semi-serious player.
   Maybe some AI departments has one in Lisp :-)


Date: Thu, 21 May 87 10:46 EST
From: Paul Christensen <PCHRISTENSEN%rca.com@RELAY.CS.NET>
Subject: BinHex 5.0 vs. BinHex 4.0

Yes, this is probably an old question, I realize, but I can't seem to find
the answer.

Why should anyone use BinHex 5.0?  I can't seem to see any advantages over
version 4.0; in fact, I've found many disadvantages.  Files created by
BinHex 4.0 are straight 7-bit ASCII, with no control or meta characters.
They can be posted, sent through the mail, even typed and edited on
mini/mainframe computers.  On the other, hand, files created by version 5.0
have many control characters---and cannot be conveniently sent through mail
because some of these control characters are reserved VT100 terminal
commands!  In fact, when I tried to edit a text file created by version 5.0
and transferred to the VAX, EMACS had trouble reading the file!  BinHex 5.0
will translate files created by both version 4 and 5, but it will not create
version 4 text-only files.

So my question is this...why was BinHex 5.0 released, and why should it be
used (other than to convert files that were created by it)?

Paul Christensen


Date: Mon 18 May 1987 14:03 CDT
Subject: Hi all..A couple of months ago I offered the availability of
Subject: Red Ryd

to anyone who would send me a blank disk and an SASE.  Well now that I have
left school for the summer and the school is about to stop forwarding my mail
none of those disks will get to me.  So if you really need the dox then send
all of your disks to the address(s) which follow and ill get the dox to you...

here we go....

1) Send a Blank disk (800k or 400k) with an SASE to:

     1004 Princeton
     Highland Park, IL  60035-2333
     ATTN: RR Dox Needed

  after August 1, 1987 I will be moving so send em to:

     3433 Dato
     Highland Park, IL  60035
     Attn: RR Dox Needed.....

      ~~~ --  This address lasts till sept 1, 1987 at which time ill be at

      1730 Higgins Hall
      Western Illinois University
      Macomb, IL  61455-1387
      ATTN: RR Dox Needed

Have fun everyone....and sorry for the change of address(s)....

bye for now but not for long..

Bitnet: MISS026@ECNCDC

Disclaimer: What? Who? Me? You *MUST* have the wrong guy!!!


End of INFO-MAC Digest