INFO-MAC Digest Friday, 5 Jun 1987 Volume 5 : Issue 98 Today's Topics: Re: How does UnpackBits work? Re: My SE and EXCEL strip Sys/FzzPlot/XP file alloc Question: Window -> PICT System Event Mask LSC I/O buffering queries (re Browser) LIGHTSPEED C DA'S - HELP NEEDED OPENING A RESOURCE FILE FRM A DA - HELP NEEDED illegal Disk Ranger Re: Patch to Packit III Macintosh Technical Notes released in May Browser .244+ Re: Fans (V5 #96) RE: Hot Mac Re: Re: LaserWriter Plus clone much better than original? System 4.1 on Hyperdrive re: Giving up on the new systems... New System & Hyperdrive HP Terminal Emulation Re: Boxes in word3.0 Re: Boxes in word3.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 1 Jun 87 00:32:31 CDT From: (Brian H. Powell) Subject: Re: How does UnpackBits work? There's code to do this in the file on sumex <INFO-MAC>UNIX-PAINTPS.SHAR. In that shar file there's a program called paintps.c which decodes MacPaint files. There's a routine in paintps.c which I stole from paintimp.c which was written by Dave Johnson at Brown University. Each time you call it, it returns the next byte of the bitmap. This may not be what you want, since this is only good for a sequential pass of the file. Here's an excerpt from paintps.c: /* * paintps -- Convert MacPaint document to PostScript document * * Brian H. Powell, University of Texas at Austin * brian@sally.UTEXAS.EDU ... */ ... First you want to skip the 512 bytes of pattern information at the beginning of the MacPaint file. I did it like this: (fp is the FILE variable for the MacPaint file.) #define MACPAINT_HDRSIZE 512 (void) fseek(fp, (long)MACPAINT_HDRSIZE, 0); /* skip the MacPaint patterns */ ... Here's the routine to return the unpacked bytes. Dave Johnson wrote the code; I wrote the comments. Note that it's up to you to remember where the lines break. (It's not hard; just remember that there are 576 bits per row and 720 rows total.) /* macpaint input routines */ getbits(fp) /* this routine scarfed from paintimp. */ FILE *fp; { /* This routine expands the PackBits encoded MacPaint file, delivering one byte per call. */ static int count, rep, chr; int c; if (rep) { /* if we are repeating a previous character, */ rep--; /* reduce the repeat count and return the char. */ return chr; } if (count) { /* if we are in an unrepeated section, reduce */ count--; /* the count and return next char from the file. */ return getc(fp); } c = getc(fp); /* otherwise, get the next repeat count. */ if (c & 0x80) { /* if negative, repeat the next */ rep = 0x100 - c; /* byte (2's comp(c)+1) times. */ chr = getc(fp); /* the character to repeat */ return chr; } else { /* if repeat count is positive, next "count" bytes */ count = c; /* are unencoded. */ return getc(fp); } } ------------------------------ Date: Sun 31 May 87 06:09:37-CDT From: Werner Uhrig <CMP.WERNER@R20.UTEXAS.EDU> Subject: Re: My SE and EXCEL > I prayed to the computer gods at that point and cycled the power. > This time it worked. BTW, just how lucky was I anyway? OK, another item that will be on the POP-QUIZ next week: What would a regular reader of INFO-MAC have done? a) he would have installed the Programmer Switch if it wasn't already. b) he would have pushed INTERUPT rather than cycled power c) with MacsBug or TMON installed, he would have either EAed (Escaped to Application) or ESed (Escaped to Shell) or RBed (ReBooted) d) without MacsBug, he would have "conversed" with the ROM-debugger: SM 0 A9F4 G 0 or SM 50000 204F 42A8 0012 3178 SM 50008 0210 0016 A017 4E70 G 50000 Now, if for some reason, Apple did not provide a Programmer Switch on the SE, or if the SE-ROM-debugger worked differently, he would have picked up the phone, called Apple, and yelled at someone there .....(-: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 May 87 11:17:02 PDT From: digiorgi@Jpl-VLSI.ARPA Subject: strip Sys/FzzPlot/XP file alloc ref: infomac vol5 no97 re: stripped System I believe there is information in infomac v5 #94 or thereabouts from joel west on the new system/finder and what you can remove for different target machines. re: FzzPlot feedback Richard Siegal: I have a copy of v7.x of FzzPlot which I downloaded for my usersgroup library and handed out to a few folks as shareware items. I'm disappointed if they ARE using it and haven't paid the fee/sent any mail. I'll berate them at the next meeting and get some feedback for you. I don't use plotting packages myself very frequently and Excel does what I need most of the time. Cricket Graph seems to be the choice of most commercially available packages in my section. re: XP file Allocation I assume the block allocations listed were really 512 Bytes and 1K Bytes as if the minimum FAB (File Allocation Block) was 1MByte, you'd only get 40 files on there before being full. Typically, hard disks have larger minimum FAB sizes based upon efficiency and accuracy of disk_access tradeoffs for speed vs available usable space. On a floppy disk, space is more precious than speed in most cases, so you pack as much in as tightly as possible. On an 80Meg HD, you usually have space and to spare; a couple dozen KBytes lost in FAB overhead is easily paid back by the better access speeds. Godfrey DiGiorgi digiorgi@jpl-vlsi May 31, 1987 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 2 Jun 87 11:10:08 PDT From: Jerry_Cornelius%SFU.Mailnet%UBC.MAILNET@MIT-Multics.ARPA Subject: Question: Window -> PICT I'm using Lightspeed C v2.01, and want to create a Picture (windowImage) consisting solely of a rectangle (bounds) taken from a window (theWindow). The declarations and such are WindowPtr theWindow; PicHandle windowImage; static Rect bounds; .....initializion, drawing...... windowImage = OpenPicture (&bounds); Now what? How do I get the Rect 'bounds' from theWindow and into windowImage? I've tried various uses of CopyBits, but can't seem to get anywhere. Thanx for the help, Alex. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 03 Jun 87 09:38 CDT Subject: System Event Mask From: Recently, while porting a simple text editor written in TML Pascal over to Turbo Pascal, an interesting problem arose. The application set the System Event Mask to mask out the 'key-up' and 'mouse-up' events (as is illustrated in Chernicoff). There were no problems with this until one exited back to the Turbo editor. When the user then did a 'mouse-down' in the content area to edit the text, it (the Turbo editor) would go into what I call a permanent selection mode; ie. it would not detect the 'mouse-up' events which had been masked out by the application. It turns out that the setting of the System Event Mask sets the System Global at 144 and the Turbo editor never resets it. This can cause some real headaches during development using Turbo (Don't bother asking why I'm using Turbo in the first place. It's a long story.) What is also very interesting is that the System Event Mask persists across applications and can cause some problems unless it is specifically re(set). For instance, one application could mask out some application-specific events and when it quits to another application that mask will still be set possibly leaving the new application without some events that it requires. Now the question arises, should it be up to the application to reset the System Event Mask before exiting or should the finder reset it? Or, should you not even bothering setting it but just ignore those events which don't concern you even though they will add a certain amount of overhead to the program? Anything which would shed some light on this will be much appreciated. - William Kiss University of Manitoba wkiss@uofmcc.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 May 87 15:28:07 EDT From: Mark Zimmermann Subject: LSC I/O buffering queries (re Browser) Quick questions re disk I/O buffering in LSC (or more generally in C): I am working on translating my MacForth "Browser" program (see below for further details) into C, using LightSpeed C. The program will be doing a lot of reading and writing ... many megabytes of characters and 16-byte records, to and from several files, as an inverted index is built and sorted. Q: how concerned should I be about buffering my reads/writes, beyond what C does for me automagically? That is, if I simplemindedly use getc() and fwrite() and such, how often will I be accessing the disk -- presumably not with every read and write? How big are the disk buffers that LSC sets up for reading and writing? How are they implemented? If I read the <stdio> .c files will I find out? If I want to write to several dozen diverse places in a big file (as part of a radix sort) will every new fseek() flush out a previously-used buffer? What other questions should I be asking now before I start programming? If anybody has a pointer or handle to a *simple* discussion of the factors I should be thinking about, I'd greatly appreciate seeing it ... or if there are sample programs I could study ... or if anybody could just tell me what I should try to do .... In some small experiments the Mac's RAM cache seems to save me only maybe 20% or so in program execution time (and the disk makes much less noise) ... but if another 20% is all I can expect to gain by programming my own buffers, I don't think it's worth doing. How can I guess the likely payoff in advance? Tnx for all help -- ^z P.S. Browser v.244+ is available if anybody wants to experiment with indexing and browsing big (multi-MB) text files ... just send me a disk and self-addressed stamped envelope (and please put some goodies on the disk you send, to keep me going) ... mail to Mark Zimmermann, 9511 Gwyndale Dr., Silver Spring, MD 20910. (Browser v.244+ adds proximity/subindex capability, faster scrolling, and enhancements to the integrated text editor....) ^z - "" or [75066,2044]. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 04 Jun 87 14:11:41 SET From: Alexander Falk <> Subject: LIGHTSPEED C DA'S - HELP NEEDED I HAVE TROUBLES WITH THE GLOBAL DATA AREA (A4) ALLOCATED BY LIGHTSPEED C FOR DESK ACCESSORIES. THE MANUAL SAYS, THAT LSC PLACES A ASM STUB BEFORE YOUR PROGRAM, WHICH ALLOCATES AN AREA FOR THE GLOBAL'S USED BY THE DA; GIVES YOU A HDL TO THEM IN DEVICEENTRY->DCTLSTORAGE AND DEREFERENCES THEM INTO A4; THEN CALLS YOUR MAIN() WITH A SELECT MESSAGE TO TELL YOU WHAT CALL IT WAS. OK FOR THAT, BUT DOES THIS STUB DEALLOCATE THE MEMORY AFTER A CLOSE CALL TO THE DRIVER, OR DO I HAVE TO DEALLOCATE IT MYSELF. THE MANUAL DOES NOT SAY A WORD ABOUT THIS. IT ONLY SAYS, THAT THE HANDLE REMAINS LOCKED BETWEEN CALLS TO THE DA, SO I UNLOCK IT EVERY TIME AT THE END OF MY STUFF, SINCE I DO NOT NEED PERMANENT DATA AND LOCK IT AGAIN, BEFORE I USE IT. THIS WORKS FINE, BUT HERE COMES THE PROBLEM: SINCE I DID NOT KNOW, IF THE LSC ASM STUB DEALLOCATED MY MEMORY, I TRIED 2 VERSIONS: ONE WITH A DISPOSHANDLE( DEVICEENTRY->DCTLSTORAGE ) AND ONE WITHOUT. IN THE LATTER CASE, THE MEMORY GETS NEVER RELEASED, SO OBVIOUSLY I SHOULD DISPOSE OFF THE STORAGE. BUT AS I DID DISPOSE OFF THE HANDLE AFTER RECEIVING A CLOSE CALL, THE NEXT TIME A OPEN CALL IS COMING, LSC DOES N O T REALLOCATED THE GLOBAL DATA AREA, SO I'M CRASHING WITHOUT HAVING A CHANCE TO DO SOMETHING AGAINST IT. COULD ANYBODY PLEASE TELL ME, WHAT THE CORRECT WAY OF DISPOSING OFF THE GLOBAL AREA ALLOCATED BY THE ASM STUB IS, SO THAT IT WILL BE ALLOCATED AGAIN AUTOMATICALLY, WHEN THE NEXT OPEN CALL IS RECEIVED. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP IN ADVANCE ALEXANDER ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 04 Jun 87 14:22:12 SET From: Alexander Falk <> Subject: OPENING A RESOURCE FILE FRM A DA - HELP NEEDED I'M HAVING TROUBLES WITH FILEMASTER AND MACWRITE... THIS IS WHAT I AM DOING IN FILEMASTER: 1. REMEMBER THE CURRENT RESOURCE FILE IN A VARIABLE CALLED OLDRES 2. OPEN THE DESKTOP FILE OF THE CURRENTLY SELECTED VOLUME (-SFSAVEDISK) 3. USERESFILE ON THE DESKTOP FILE, SO THAT THE FINDER COMMENTS 'FCMT' ARE READ AND WRITTEN THERE. 4. WHEN THE USER SWITCHES TO ANOTHER DISK I OPEN THAT DISK'S DESKTOP TOO AND MAKE A USERESFILE ON THAT ONE 5. WHEN THE USER SELECTS QUIT, I MAKE A USERESFILE( OLDRES ), SO THE SEARCH TREE SHOULD BE THE SAME AS BEFORE OPENING FILEMASTER. I'M NOT CLOSING ANY OPEN DESKTOP FILES, BECAUSE IF I'M RUNNING UNDER FINDER, MAYBE THE FINDER WANTS THEM BEING OPEN, AND IF I'M RUNNING UNDER ANOTHER APPLICATION, THEY WILL BE CLOSED AS THE APPLICATION QUITS, ANYWAY. WHAT HAPPENS: IF I AM IN MACWRITE (IT WOKRS FINE IN ANY OTHER PROGRAM) AND USE FILEMASTER, THEN QUIT FILEMASTER AND MAKE A QUIT OR SOMETHING WHICH NEEDS A RESOURCE, IT SIMPLY HANGS. I LOOKED AT THE OPEN RESOURCE FILES WITH TMON: WHAT A SURPRISE - ONLY THE SYSTEM RESOURCE FILE WAS OPEN... QUESTION: WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? SHOULD I CHECK, IF THE APPLICATION'S NAME IS FINDER AND CLOSE THE DESKTOPS, IF IT IS NOT? THIS SURE MAY NOT WORK IN A FUTURE OPERATING SYSTEM. HOW CAN I RESTORE THE RESOURCE SEARCH PATH TO THE ORIGINAL STATE? ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED ALEXANDER ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 3 Jun 87 22:47:31 EDT From: (Dave Matthews) Subject: illegal Disk Ranger I have just been informed that Disk Ranger, which I have distributed as freeware, is in fact a commercial program published by Mainstay. Because of my mistake, the illegal version was archived in the Info-Mac directory about a week ago, as UTILITY-DISK-RANGER-21.HQX Someone had edited the "About..." box to read: FREEWARE This is a disk cataloging/label printing program. If you like it, please give it to all of your friends! It should read: Disk Ranger Version 2.1 MAINSTAY 28611B Canwood St. Agoura Hills, CA 91301 (818) 991-6540 Program by Brady Graham Copyright 1985 Mainstay Please help me publicize the existence of this illegal version. I very much want to minimize the number of other people who will be humiliated as I have been. Disk Ranger is a very fine program, worth every bit of the asking price. I hope people will not let the fact that it was associated with this criminal act cause them to turn away from it as if it were somehow tainted. That would be yet another injustice to the innocent author and publisher. My sincerest apologies to them. To those who may have propagated my mistake in the honest belief that Disk Ranger was public-domain, all of the blame for your actions is mine. Dave Matthews matthews@crnlthry.bitnet [ disk ranger has been removed from the SUMEX archives. Every file posted into the archives *MUST* be public domain, freeware or shareware. Must be. Since I do not have the resources to track down every file sent to me, I depend on the people making the posting to ensure that what they are posting is appropriate for INFO-MAC. Things posted into the SUMEX archives are quickly copied onto other networks and bboards. This makes correcting mistakes extremely difficult. If mistakes happen often enough I will be forced to delete the entire archives and go out of the software business. It's that serious. DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Sun 31 May 87 05:13:25-CDT From: Werner Uhrig <CMP.WERNER@R20.UTEXAS.EDU> Subject: Re: Patch to Packit III thanks, Mark, for the patch. now if only the second, annoying feature of the PackIt programs could get fixed: the fact that the program is asking for the name of the packed file *FIRST*, rather than letting you select the file(s) to be packed first and naming it later (default could be the first packed file with ".PIT" appended; similar to what BinHex4 does) ------------------------------ Date: 01 Jun 87 09:03:22 PDT (Mon) From: bytebug%felix.uucp@ICS.UCI.EDU Subject: Macintosh Technical Notes released in May What follows in seperate mailings are the Macintosh Technical notes released in May. You should receive numbers 0, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129 and 130. Roger L. Long FileNet Corp {hplabs,trwrb}!felix!bytebug [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>TN000.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>TN118.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>TN119.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>TN120.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>TN121.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>TN122.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>TN123.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>TN124.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>TN125.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>TN126.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>TN127.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>TN128.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>TN129.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>TN130.HQX DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 May 87 15:28:07 EDT From: Mark Zimmermann Subject: Browser .244+ A new and greatly enhanced version of the Browser program (mentioned here last month) is now ready: v.244+. As with previous Browsers, you can build complete inverted indices to huge text files, in background, while you browse through other indices interactively. See an index item you like, click on it, and a key-word-in-context window opens and shows you every occurrence with half a line on each side; click on a line there and a full text display window opens ... copy/paste out of that window to take notes using the integrated multiwindow text editor. New features of v.244+ include a proximity search facility that lets you select a working subindex of the whole database ... boolean AND/OR/NOT logic using shift-clicks and option-clicks on the index window ... and vastly improved scrolling speed for the index and context windows. As before, to get a copy of the program along with source code (it's written in MacForth Plus) and auxiliary files, send a self-addressed stamped envelope and a formatted disk to me: Mark Zimmermann, 9511 Gwyndale Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Foreigners need not send return postage, though a sturdy return envelope would be appreciated. After sending out 100 or so disks containing an earlier version of Browser my wife got mad at me for wasting her time, so if possible put something amusing on the disk you send me ... games, pin-ups, whatever ... or include a trinket or other bright shiny objects that our 4-year-old or infant twins can enjoy. Nothing of significant monetary value, please! I am beginning to work on a transportable version of the core Browser routines, written in C; any help in that task would be greatly appreciated! ( or; tel. 301-565-2166) [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>BROWSER-244-PART1.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>BROWSER-244-PART2.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>BROWSER-244-PART3.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>BROWSER-244-PART4.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>BROWSER-244-PART5.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>BROWSER-244-PART6.HQX [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>BROWSER-244-PART7.HQX DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 May 87 05:41:43 PST From: (Joel West) Subject: Re: Fans (V5 #96) I don't have much experience with the Plus, since I've always run it with a fan. First a jury rig, now Mac'N Frost (looks to be well designed surge suppressor, nice lines, removable, relatively quiet). However, I did have two summers here in Vista, about 10 miles inland in Southern California. One summer, I had the Mac, the next a Mac 512 (not an upgraded 128). My impression was that when the ambient hit 85 degrees, maybe 90, leaving the machine on for more than 30 minutes would gradually cause random memory errors or cpu errors or some such. Even a jury-rigged 4" fan (held on with velcro) allowed you to work for another 10 degrees or so. MacTutor published an article about Mac power supplies frying from a technician in LA, who described a lot of experience replacing flyback transformers. (I believe the component that can overheat and cause a fire.) A follow-up letter in June 1987 issue from another repairman said the transformer was less of a problem in the Pacific Northwest. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Jun 87 17:06 CDT From: Michael W. Wheeler <> Subject: RE: Hot Mac I have a MaxChill fan in my Mac and it doesn't help at all as far as I can tell. My Mac, however, gets EXTREMELY HOT so I may not be a valid test case. I have had the power supply adjusted 3 or 4 times but it keeps creeping out of range (last time it was adjusted it was putting out over 6 volts instead of the normal 5 - My mac wouldn't do anything but make a funny noise when that was happening). It looks like I really need a new power supply board but alas that costs money (I just hope my Mac doesn't flame out - has that ever happened?) The screen, especially at the top left corner, has what looks like a very minute case of "snow" (you have to look really close) sometimes it looks like the menus flicker. I have a 512K Mac and yes it has been upgraded from a 128K. I did a board swap from MacMemory and get this... I got an original 512K APPLE BOARD! I was very happy needless to say. Michael W. Wheeler ( Bitnet address: mww@tntech ) Systems Programmer Tennessee Technological University Box 5071 Cookeville, TN 38505 (615) 372-3977 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Jun 87 06:06 CDT From: <> (Scott T. Boyd) Subject: Re: Re: LaserWriter Plus clone much better than original? > Subject: Re: LaserWriter Plus clone much better than original? > Subject: Well... > I mentioned the article to a co-worker and he says that one problem he has been > hearing is the QMS 800's are prone to lots of mechanical failures, he says > people he knows that use them are always complaining that the unit keeps > breaking down. No details, sorry. We've had a QMS800 here for a long time with only two problems. One was a massive power spike that took out a replaceable part (when a good chunk of Texas' grid went down). The other was due to people running scrap paper from cheap copiers through (to not waste paper). That one took a new fixing roller. BTW, running two sided pages had NO bad effect whatsoever. You can tell if it's going to be a problem by looking at the fixing roller and see if it's accumulating toner on the roller that can't be easily wiped off (it's VERY hot). The QMS800 is built off of the Canon engine, used in hp's LaserJet, Apple's LaserWriter, and others. The hardware is top-notch. scott t. boyd ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 May 87 23:25:53 pdt From: well!alcmist@lll-crg.ARPA (Frederick Wamsley) Subject: System 4.1 on Hyperdrive General Computer has told at least one dealer (mine) that Hyperdrive owners running V3R1 software should NOT install System 4.1 and Finder 5.5. V3R2 is supposed to correct the incompatibility. I was told that it was due out in "June or July". Fred Wamsley {dual,hplabs}!well!alcmist;well!; CIS 72247,3130; GEnie FKWAMSLEY;ATT Mail fwamsley; other uucp uw-beaver!uw-june!bcsaic!asymet!fred; USPS - why bother? "uucp mail is not in general unreliable" - Lauren Weinstein ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Jun 87 07:00:11 PLT From: "Glenn L. Austin" <AUSTIN@WSUVM1> Subject: re: Giving up on the new systems... It says in the internal Hyperdrive manual, "... use only the system included with your unit, as it has been tested to work with your system ...". As to the external unit, it might be a good idea to do the same. You don't say what version of the System and Finder you are running, but, according to Apple, System 4.1/Finder 5.5 are the latest versions for the Macintosh Plus, SE, and II. 512K machines (512K and 512E) should use System 3.2/Finder 5.3(?), although they also can use the new system. However, some programs will complain that they don't have enough memory. I personally have been running System 4.1/Finder 5.5, and have had fewer crashes than with previous versions. There is a Mac SE at work that is a demonstration unit for software, and they have had no problems with the new system either. Either you have gotten a corrupted copy, you have loaded some non-standard software, or you have a version earlier than 4.1. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Jun 87 11:03:46 EDT From: Tom Coradeschi - Army RD&E Center <tcora@ARDEC.ARPA> Subject: New System & Hyperdrive In response to various queries on info-mac regarding the use of the new macintosh system files with the hyperdrive hard disks (General Computer Corp), the following is a recap of our experience here. We currently have 5 mac 512k's and 3 mac+'s. All have Hyperdrive 10MB internal disks and use the Hyperdrive V3R1 release. All are currently using sys/find 4.0/5.4. We attempted to use 4.1/5.5 but found that the macs would not cold boot from the hard disk with those files. The "official" line from General Computer is that neither of the 4.x/5.x releases are compatible with V3R1 software and that we should all wait until 3rd or 4th qtr 87 for a new release. My suggestion is to use 4.0/5.4 until the new release is out and then take your (dusty) copy of 4.1/5.5 out of the drawer and install it. GCC claims the delay is due to Apple's tardiness in releasing the new system to developers. Who knows? Perhaps Apple is trying to give themselves a big jump on the internal hard disk market? Or maybe I just have an overactive imagination? Who cares? The bottom line is that 4.1/5.5 will just have to sit until the new Hyperdrive software comes out, but you should be able to use 4.0/5.4. Regards, tom c. ------------------------------ Date: Mon 1 Jun 87 09:18:03-PDT From: David Finkelstein <E.ENTROPY@MACBETH.STANFORD.EDU> Subject: HP Terminal Emulation According to the Macworld Directory (found in the back of the recent Macworld) there are several products that do HP terminal emulation: Mac2624: does HP2624, HP2392, and HP2394 terminal emulation. Tymlabs Corp., 211 E. Seventh St. Austin TX 78701 (512) 478-0611 MAC3000: does 2624, 2392, VT100 and IBM 3278 terminal emulation. Int'l Computer Consultants, 1311 Clegg St., Petaluma, CA 94952 (707) 765-9200 Reflection for the Mac: HP2392 terminal emulation with other features. Walker Richer & Quinn, 2825 Eastlake Ave. E, Seattle, WA 98102 (206) 324-0350 Disclaimer: I have never used any of these products nor have I dealt with any of these companies. I just read their adverts in Macworld. David Finkelstien Stanford University ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Jun 87 16:23 N From: Thomas Fruin <> Subject: Re: Boxes in word3.0 >From: Geoff Mulligan (USAFA) <Geoffm@AFSC-HQ.ARPA> >Subject: Boxes in word3.0 A technique I've come to like is to use the Glue printer driver. Glue isn't really a printer driver, but once you've installed it using the Chooser like any other driver it acts like one. When you choose Print in Word 3.0 (or any application for that matter - I use WriteNow) your document is not printed but saved as consecutive PICTures in a special file. The Viewer utility that comes with Glue lets you look at these files and copy PICTures to the Clipboard. So how does this help you draw boxes around text? Well, use Glue to 'print' your text, Copy the text you want boxed to the Clipboard with Viewer, enter MacDraw, Paste your text (which now behaves like a bunch of PICTures) and finally draw a box around this text and Paste it back into your document. Having your text editor, Viewer and MacDraw in memory with Switcher actually makes this procedure usable :) Perhaps you can also use PostScript from within Word 3.0 to draw these boxes, but I'm not familiar with that... Thomas FRUIN@HLERUL5.BITNET thomas@uvabick.UUCP Leiden University, Netherlands ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Jun 87 10:47:23 EDT From: Mark Nodine <> Subject: Re: Boxes in word3.0 Try using the formula command \.X(word) to put a box around word. Mark ------------------------------ End of INFO-MAC Digest **********************