INFO-MAC@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (Moderator Dwayne Virnau...) (07/13/87)
INFO-MAC Digest Monday, 13 Jul 1987 Volume 5 : Issue 106 Today's Topics: A note from the Moderator Help on Data Fork snd resource info wanted. Question about invisible windows Window Manager port question SendBehind description error in Inside Macintosh? LSP on Mac II? How? Lightspeed Pascal and 68020 Machines A Programming Puzzle. desk accessories and locked resources TurboPascal Question MacApp and Pascal Text IO Apple ][ SW Dev't on a Mac? Aztec 1.06H.1 bug -- ptrs to functions Re: Using assembly language with Microsoft Fortran Code generators for 68020/68881?? XLISP help needed MPW Modula from TML Reliability of pre-release libraries/development tools (MPW) ADB Keyboard Key Code Info Request using the mac II extended keys MacPlus keypad question ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 12 Jul 87 20:44:59 PDT From: Dwayne Virnau... <INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU> Subject: A note from the Moderator Hello, Info-Mac has been on hiatus for a few weeks while I have been doing other things. It is back now, but the pace of digests during the summer is going to have to be slower than during the academic year. I receive from 50 to 100 messages *per day* -- if I do not log in every day to process these messages my mailbox overflows. Most of these messages are of the administrative type, of 50 messages about five will go into a digest. It takes at least ten hours to prepare each digest, and at it's peak there might be as many as five digests in a week. SUMEX-AIM is a very gracious host, allowing INFO-MAC a great deal of disk space and cpu time, but it is a very busy machine. Which means I have to log in late at night and on weekends to get all this work done. Perhaps you can see why moderators burn out. I enjoy being the INFO-MAC moderator. I take some pride in answering the routine questions, maintaining the archives, maintaining the mailing lists, and putting out digests that I wouldn't mind reading myself. And I appreciate the notes of thanks, suggestions and offers of help -- I could never do all this work without the support and assistance of many of you on the net. So I am asking for your assistance one more time. The following suggestions would greatly lessen the load on me, and with any luck allow me to continue to put out digests once or twice a week all summer. 1) Do not send messages with a time limit. As in "I need to know by Friday what kind of drawing packages exist for the Lisa." Chances are I won't even SEE your message by Friday. 2) If at all possible keep message size down to 20 to 30 lines maximum. This is always a good guideline (long messages tend not to get read). 3) If you are sending me sources (such as .HQX files) *PLEASE* break them into pieces of about 40,000k each. Also, try to send them near the end of the week, so I'll have the weekend to work on them. Adding new files to the archives takes the most time of anything I do, so I'll probably save up such files and process them all at once. That is, look for digests with a whole lot of archive announcements, and don't be surprised at digests with none. 4) Send administrative requests (such as mailing list and archive questions) to INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU Send submissions for the digests to INFO-MAC@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU 5) Don't send me mail saying you haven't seen many digests lately. I know that. Thank you all very much, I look forward to a good summer and on into the next year !! Dwayne Virnau... Info-Mac Moderator ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Jun 87 13:03:23 MST From: Major John Buono From: <> Subject: Help on Data Fork I am trying to write a MAC program (in LS Pascal) and am faced with a curios problem. Inside MAC states that you can store any data in the data fork of a file. Since an application contains a data fork as well as the resource fork, I thought, why not use the data fork of the application to store program data. This seemed logical until I tried to figure out how to do it. All of the example are for files which are external to the application. What I want to do is store a number of records in the data fork of the appliation. Can this be done if so how do you do it, or where in Inide Mac does it say how to store data in the data fork of an application. Thanks in Advance Major John Buono arpa ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 2 Jul 87 23:34:38 PDT From: Mark Frisse <FRISSE@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU> Subject: snd resource info wanted. I'm trying to figure out the 'snd ' resource described in IM #5. Does anyone know where I can find a description that I can add to my MPW Types.r file to let ResEdit do the work. Information regarding 'snth' resource also appreciated. thanks in advance mark frisse washington u. (st. louis) ( ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Jun 87 23:28:05 cst From: Craig Knelsen <ihnp4!regina!cknelsen@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> Subject: Question about invisible windows I am writing an application (now on a Mac SE) which gives a user the ability to close windows (without disposing of them) and then bring them back later on by selecting the title from a menu (whose items correspond to all current windows). My problem is that if the user wishes to save the current work session and some of the windows are not visible, the rectangles pointed to by strucRgn and contRgn for these windows in the window record are set to zeros. Question: How do the standard window definition functions restore these values after the window is made visible again? I have looked through IM (unfortunately, the latest I have is a 1984 draft version -- the most recent version is on order but...) but have been unable to come up with an answer. Would the dataHandle member of WindowRecord be used here? A temporary (but unpleasant) solution has been to temporary make the window visible, write the strucRgn rectangle values and then change the window back to invisible. Any assistance (including code samples if you wish -- preferably in C [Pascal not an official language here]) would be appreciated. Thanks. Craig Knelsen Dept. of Computer Science U. of Regina Regina, Saskatchewan Canada UUCP: {ihnp4 | utcsri | alberta} !sask!regina!cknelsen NetNorth (BITNET): craig@uregina2 <-- preferred craig@uregina1 ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Jul 87 22:40 N From: <> (Thomas Fruin) Subject: Window Manager port question For a program I'm working on I need to do some drawing in the Window Manager port. But in order to do this correctly I would like to know if the Window Manager port uses the global coordinate system. That is, the coordinate system with the origin (0,0) at the top left corner of the screen's bit image. This may seem logical at first, but with the Macintosh II and its multiple screens I am very careful about assumptions like this. Inside Macintosh hints that it is true (in the section about writing your own WDEFs for example) but never really says so. I realize it isn't essential that I know this, because I can always do a GlobalToLocal or LocalToGlobal before working in the Window Manager port. However, if it does use the global coordinate system it would save me a bunch of calls. Besides it being interesting to know... Can someone from Apple comment? Thomas Fruin FRUIN@HLERUL5.BITNET thomas@uvabick.UUCP Leiden University, Netherlands ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 6 Jul 87 04:14 N From: <> (Thomas Fruin) Subject: SendBehind description error in Inside Macintosh? Here I am again with a Window Manager problem that needs some clarification. Maybe I've even found an error in Inside Macintosh. Let me explain what I'm trying to do: The program I'm working on will have a "palette" window similar to those windows in FullPaint: a window that always stays on top, but doesn't act as the active window. My program will have several document windows below this palette that should behave as normal as possible to the user. This means that when a user clicks in a window that isn't the active one, that window should be brought to the front, BUT stay below the palette window. Obviously I cannot use SelectWindow for this. Instead I use SendBehind, which seems exactly the function for this purpose (forget about highlighting for now). Here is where the problem occurs. Inside Macintosh tells me that if I use SendBehind to move a window closer to the front, I should make some extra low-level Window Manager calls after calling SendBehind. Specifically a call to PaintOne and one to CalcVis. But I don't think these are sufficient. Whenever I try this out by clicking in one of my windows to bring it to the "front", the visRgn of the window that used to be in front is screwed up. Anything I draw in it doesn't stay in its visible region, but flows into the window I just brought to the front. See the figure. It shows two windows before and after the SendBehind, PaintOne and CalcVis calls, when I start drawing into one of them. -------------------- -------------------- |behind | |in front | | ------------------- | |--- | |I am drawing text| | I am drawing text| ----|into lower right | -----into-lower-right | |window only. | |window only. | ------------------- ------------------- By changing the CalcVis call to a CalcVisBehind things go back to normal. So it seems to me SendBehind is not updating the visRgn of the window(s) it is covering up. Of course it should. The Apple traplist in the Sybex book Using the Mac Toolbox with C says that SendBehind already calls CalcVisBehind... Can anyone help me with this one? If I'm doing things all wrong I'd also welcome suggestions on how to implement the palette window I've described. Thomas Fruin FRUIN@HLERUL5.BITNET thomas@uvabick.UUCP Leiden University, Netherlands ------------------------------ Date: Thu 25 Jun 87 20:10:14-PDT From: Brodie Lockard <I.ISIMO@MACBETH.STANFORD.EDU> Subject: LSP on Mac II? How? Having read at least two messages claiming that Lightspeed Pascal runs on the Mac II, and having asked a THINK tech support person whether it does (and having received an answer in the negative), and having tried it a few times myself, and having found a BOMB ID 03 as soon as execution tries to leave the first subroutine of a program, I ask you, oh Netters: if you really can run LSP on a II, what's the trick? Brodie Lockard ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Jun 87 15:06:41 edt From: (Richard Siegel) Subject: Lightspeed Pascal and 68020 Machines Your points about software problems with 68020 machines are well taken. However, let me clarify some things: 1. MacWrite fails because (as you say) it uses TRAP instructions instead of real procedure calls. The exact problem is that the 68020 exception stack frame is 2 bytes *smaller* than the 68000 exception stack frame. 2. Lightspeed C fails because of self-modifying code -- it build some calls on the stack, and the 68020 won't notice the difference. The workaound for this is to turn off the instruction cache on the 020. I think someone wrote an INIT to do this. At any rate, it's not difficult. Lightspeed Pascal also has problems with 020 machines, but the problems have *NOTHING* to do with self-modifying code. Context switches under Lightspeed Pascal fail for the exact same reason that MacWrite fails -- again, the two-byte difference between exception stack frames. THINK Technologies knows about the problem, and if you're a registered owner, call Customer Support and they'll help you. There's an intermediate version that works fine on a Mac II (runs fast as hell! :-)); you may have to sign a beta-test agreement, but that's not much problem. As I said, call them if you need to. Key words: *need to*. The man who currently answers phones for their customer support section is an incredibly nice guy, helpful, knowledgeable, &cetera. He deserves a medal. *HOWEVER*, he is continually swamped with calls, so try not to increase his workload... Rich R-Squared Development Systems 134 Horseshoe Drive Williamsburg, Virginia 23185 (804) 229-2152 [After 6pm eastern time only] Arpanet: Uucp: {your fave gateway}!seismo!!rs4u Disclaimer? I don't even KNOW 'er! "Do you wanna be a cop or a lost cause?" Sean Connery, in "The Untouchables" ------------------------------ Date: 26 Jun 87 21:25 +0500 From: AEIROUM <aeiroum%iro.udem.cdn%ubc.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET> Subject: A Programming Puzzle. Here is a puzzle for you. We have found that the following code executes properly in LightSpeed Pascal's interpreted mode but bombs with an illegal adress error in the SetItext trap once compiled as a stand alone program. Moreover if a ShowText is executed before the SetIText, along with some Writelns, it does not bomb even compiled. PROGRAM test; VAR hh : Handle; BEGIN hh := NewHandle(0); { size does not change anything here } SetIText(hh, 'toto'); END. We know... NewString does the job of getting a strig into a handle but why did it work with windows. We would apreciate some opinions... Gilbert Gagnon ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 01 Jul 87 11:59:40 EDT From: keough@mitre-bedford.ARPA Subject: desk accessories and locked resources Every now and then I come across a desk accessory that brings in resources, locks them down and then proceeds to use them without ever unlocking them. That's clearly not a good thing to do. In most cases, you'll never know about it unless things are very tight in memory and the resources involved are on the large size. However, LightSpeed Pascal is susceptible to such situations. Before executing your application code, LightSpeed has to do some fancy memory shuffling to give your code a clean application zone. Locked objects in LightSpeed's heap usually wind up generating a "can't run your application" message, and that won't go away until you exit and relaunch LightSpeed. For example, one potentially useful DA I found awhile ago was MacMan. It's just the kind of thing you want when you're writing code in LightSpeed (it was an online reference for Inside Macintosh). I don't know if that DA has been rewritten since I saw it, but it left all sorts of locked objects in the heap when it finished, making it useless with LightSpeed. Maybe the Programmer's OnLine Companion is better about this. Anyway, to get to the point of this message. Today I found another such offending DA, from a reputable software vendor. It's called the CONTROL PANEL, from APPLE COMPUTER. It's included in the 'latest' software release called System 4.1. It seems that the Control Panel needs to use the graphics "plus" cursor, and it brings it in and locks it down. It never unlocks it before exiting. A little disassembly says the DA works like this: subq.w #4,sp ; make space for function return move.w #2,-(sp) ; looking for cursor #2 _GetCursor movea.l (sp)+,a0 ; get the handle to the cursor _HLock ; LOCK IT DOWN move.l (a0),-(sp) ; dereference, push its address bra.s label ; (skip over some other code) .... .... ; (intervening code) .... label: _SetCursor ; and set the cursor It looks like you only need to pull out the _HLock call here to fix the thing. Inside Macintosh says that _GetCursor is not going to cause any memory compaction, so the _HLock shouldn't be necessary anyway. (If I'm mistaken about this, i hope someone will point this out). So the patch, if you're willing to try it (no I haven't done it myself yet, and maybe someone should verify that this really does the trick) is to look for the sequence of code in the system file which is listed above and replace the _HLock call with a NOP instruction. Specifically, that's looking for the hex sequence: 594F 3F3C 0002 A9B9 205F A029 2F10 6012 .... and replacing the occurrence of A029 (the _HLock trap) with 4E71 (a NOP instruction). Alternatively, if you don't like tampering with the system file itself, use the Font/DAMover to take the control panel out of the system and put it into its own little suitcase file; modify the suitcase file; and then reinstall the DA with the Font/DAMover. This second might be preferred, in fact. Jerry Keough keough@bcvax3.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: Tue 23 Jun 1987 10:03 CDT From: N. Gokhale <> Subject: TurboPascal Question This is posted for a friend since it's beyond me as well---> >According to Chernicoff [author Macintosh Revealed] it looks like I should have to declare Initgraf(@thePort) in order to use Quickdraw routines; yet I have written some simple Turbo programs using FrameOval, MoveTo, and LineTo without ever mentioning InitGraf, and they work just fine. Could you shed any light on when and why one needs to do an InitGraf? I am really having difficuly in understanding this, and my books don't answer it. (I've looked at Inside MacIntosh too, but at the moment it's definitely beyond me.) Respond to GFA0009@CALSTATE.BITNET or or to me: ..Thanks Nihar, Western Illinois University bitnet MMAR013@ECNCDC internet MMAR013%ECNCDC.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU uucp [wanginst!decvax!cbosgd!] psuvax1!ECNCDC.BITNET!MMAR013 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Jul 87 14:26:29 PDT From: Subject: MacApp and Pascal Text IO So, is this a true statement, or am I just not doing things correctly? You cannot use standard Pascal text file IO with MacApp. I have been trying, but Readln gives me a link error in Paslib.o. Is there a secret, or have Readln and Writeln been relegated to debug info only? I want to read and write a text file from my program and I would just as soon not rewrite all the necessary routines again. All I want is: Reset(myFile, externalName); While not Eof(myFile) do Readln(myFile, x, y, z); Close(myFile); But, Sigh, it won't let me. On to the FSRead I suppose. Now where did I put those numeric conversion routines from CS101? Jon N L M A L National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center F T N Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory E L PO Box 5509 L-561 C Livermore, California 94550 C (415) 423-4239 ------------------------------ Date: Tue 30 Jun 87 16:51:07-PDT From: Marvin Zauderer <ZAUDERER@Sushi.Stanford.EDU> Subject: Apple ][ SW Dev't on a Mac? I understand that TML Systems has recently announced a Mac-based cross-compiler for the Apple IIGS. What I'm wondering is: Is there a similar tool for Apple ][ development? Any leads would be much appreciated. Thanks, Marvin Zauderer (Zauderer@SUSH.STANFORD.EDU) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 19 Jun 87 23:01:01 cst From: Craig Knelsen <ihnp4!regina!cknelsen@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> Subject: Aztec 1.06H.1 bug -- ptrs to functions There is a compiler bug in Aztec C 1.06H.1 when declaring a pointer to a function with the 'pascal' type and the 'extern' class: eg. extern pascal long (*ptr_f)(); This generates: c.c: line 1: error 15: internal error To alleviate this obnoxious effect, remove either/both 'extern' or/and 'pascal'. Of course, (*ptr_f[])() will also fail. In case you're wondering, I had attempted to define an external array of pointers to control definition functions which must follow Pascal calling conventions in order to work properly with the Control Manager. Craig Knelsen Dept. of Computer Science U. of Regina Regina, Saskatchewan Canada UUCP: {ihnp4 | utcsri | alberta} !sask!regina!cknelsen NetNorth (BITNET): craig@uregina2 <-- preferred craig@uregina1 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Jun 87 22:08:28 PDT From: Subject: Re: Using assembly language with Microsoft Fortran >Does anyone know a way to use an assembly language subroutine with a Fortran >main program? I am trying to combine code written in Microsoft Fortran 2.2 and >MDS assembler 2.0. The manual provides a sadly unclear appendix which does not >specify, for example, whether the linker is Rel-file compatible or not. Any >advice would be appreciated. >Bill Lipa ...the big trick is to have the MDS Linker put the machine code into the data fork of it's output file, just like the Microsoft Fortran compiler puts its machine code output into the ".sub" files it produces... ...for example, if you want to compile the subroutine "date.asm" (supplied with the Microsoft Fortran 2.2 distribution disks) into the file "date.sub" (suitable for input to the Fortran linker), you first compile "date.asm" with the MDS assembler and then link it with the MDS linker using the following "date.Link" file: /Data date /Output date.sub /Type ' ' ' ' $ can then treat "date.sub" like any of the ".sub" files produced by the Fortran compiler. ------------------------------ Date: 24 Jun 87 13:43:00 EST From: Subject: Code generators for 68020/68881?? I am using Absofts MacFortran 020. Are there any other 68020 code generators available on the Mac?? MDS does _not_ support 020/881 mnemonics. Does the MPW assembler?? Do the MPW Pascal and C generate 020 instructions and inline 881 floating point code?? Any help appreciated, as I am trying to take full advantage of the fancy 68020 hardware that I now have! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Jun 87 11:28:21 CDT From: (Univ. of Nebr.-Lincoln) Subject: XLISP help needed I am learning LISP using XLISP 1.6. Is this the latest version? It would be helpful if I could echo the terminal session to the printer. (Homework, don't cha no) Does anyone know how I can do this? Thanks Glenn Sowell PHYS300@UNL3CDC.BITNET Dept. of Physics & Astronomy Univ. of Nebraska Lincoln, NE 68588-0111 (402) 472-2790 My wife always knows where to find me! Ah well. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Jun 87 20:22:28 MET From: norbert%germany.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET Subject: MPW Modula from TML Does anybody out there already have the MPW Modula compiler from TML? According to info-mac v5#083 it should be out by now... Any comments on it? Price? Thanx Norbert Lindenberg Universitaet Karlsruhe, West Germany norbert@germany.csnet ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Jun 87 11:48:26 PDT From: Rick Wong <rick@portia.Stanford.EDU> Subject: Reliability of pre-release libraries/development tools (MPW) Does anyone know how safe it is to release software compiled with pre- release libraries? I've recently recompiled an application using MPW C 2.0 A3, and now it seems that whenever I do a filing operation on an unenhanced 512K Mac, the application exits back to the Finder! (Every- thing seems to work on later Macs, though.) How much testing does Apple do on their beta/pre-beta libraries before unleashing them on us developers? Is there a version of MPW that I can rely on? I need to have my application finished by August. The usual thanks in advance, etc. Rick Wong ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Jun 87 20:11:59-1000 From: uhccux!uhmanoa!uhmanoa.ICS.HAWAII.EDU! (David From: Lassner) Subject: ADB Keyboard Key Code Info Request I'm hacking at some terminal emulation software which doesn't work properly on ADB keyboards. Can someone send me or point me at the keyboard key code info. I'm looking for the equivalent of Figure 3 in Chapter 8 of IM-I (pg I-251) for the Mac, and Figure 3 of Chapter 28 of the "Final Draft" of IM-4 (pg. 28-6) for the Mac Plus, but for the ADB keyboards. Apple Keyboard alone would be useful, but info on both new keyboards would be fantastic. Also, how do I tell which keyboard is in use? Thanks! David Lassner, University of Hawaii Computing Center, 808/948-7351 INTERNET: david@uhccux.UHCC.HAWAII.EDU ARPA: uhccux!david@nosc.MIL BITNET: T004550@UHCCMV PLATO: david/p/hawaii UUCP: {ihnp4,seismo,ucbvax,dcdwest}!sdcsvax!nosc!uhccux!david ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 25 Jun 87 09:07:51 CDT From: "Kevin Altis" <> Subject: using the mac II extended keys could someone with an ms-dos or unix manual for the mac ii, please tell the rest of us how to access the functions keys... on the mac extended keyboard? other than almost all the keys registering as control-p with i haven't been able to use them. can they be assigned whole text string will they only send a single keycode that your program is supposed to decode? or are these really smart keyboards? thanks, kevin altis c413315@umcvmb ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Jun 87 09:48:25 EDT From: "Collins, Herman" <> Subject: MacPlus keypad question OK, ok, ok. I give up. I've read the books (I'm waiting for the movie). I've hacked at the code. How in the heck do I tell the difference between the "=/*+" keys on the MacPlus keypad and the cursor keys on the main keyboard? This topic has come up several times on this list and others, but I've yet to see a good answer. I'm writing a terminal emulator. It's an interesting project, and it gives me some practice writing a Mac DA, but I'm stuck on this one point. The keypad keys return exactly the same keycodes as the cursor keys (but different ASCII codes). The modifier bits are set normally. Inside MacIntosh_ says very little about this, although Volumn III says that an inquire command can be sent to the keyboard, but this sounds like I'd have to write a new keyboard driver. MacIntosh Revealed_ mentions that INIT1 and INIT2 map the keycodes to ASCII codes, while several passing references on the net mention INIT0 and INIT1 performing this task. I partially disassembled INITs 0-2 and 0 and 1 seem to be the right ones. At least they stick the address of a procedure into $2A2 and $29E respectively. The procedures use D0 and D1 to index into a table (that could be ASCII) and return a character. Are these INITs documented anywhere? Can I poke the addresses of my own mapping routines into these addresses? Will this work on all Macs? Is there any documentation on the keyboard driver? Am I overlooking something? Thanks for any help that anyone can give me. Herman Collins SYSHERM@UKCC (BITNET) "Reality -- What a concept!" R. Williams ------------------------------ End of INFO-MAC Digest **********************