[comp.sys.mac.digest] Delphi Mac Digest V3 #36

SHULMAN@sdr.slb.COM (Jeffrey Shulman) (08/03/87)

Date: Mon 3 Aug 87 10:05:57-EDT
From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR>
Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V3 #36
To: Delphi-List: ;
Message-ID: <554997957.0.SHULMAN@SDR>
Mail-System-Version: <VAX-MM(218)+TOPSLIB(129)@SDR>

Delphi Mac Digest     Saturday, August 1, 1987       Volume 3 : Issue 36

Today's Topics:
     Mac II Horrors, Continued
     changing pixel depth
     RE: cdevs (3 messages)
     drawpicture (4 messages)
     MacBug 5.3 has new command?
     OpenSocket (3 messages)
     Raskin vs. Jobs
     LaserWriter Plussing weirdness (2 messages)
     Colorizing logos
     RE: INFO-MAC Digest V5 #107
     re: FullWrite Professional
     re: slippery mouse? (desk pads / teflon
     RE: Mac II horrors
     re: Potential Bug???  [menus]
     Re: Re: Suitcase and NFNT resources
     Re: Bug?
     TOPs and pcs and macs and vaxes and suns
     RE: TOPs and pcs and macs and vaxes and (2 messages)
     re: Site Licences etc. (2 messages)
     RE: Anyone driving Compugraphics with Macs
     laserjet to laserwriter upgrades
     Printing information (4 messages)
     Microsoft acquires Forethought
     Medical applications of Macintoshes
     RE: macexpo
     SIGGraph report


Subject: Mac II Horrors, Continued (Re: Msg 21456)
Date: 24-JUL 09:54 Network Digests

Mac II Horrors, Continued

I believe that DiskExpress 1.05 has been superseded by 1.10 (quite a
while ago).

Ric Ford


From: JIMH
Subject: changing pixel depth
Date: 25-JUL 01:47 Macintosh II

Does anyone know how the monitor cdev cause the desktop (or any
programs) to redraw themselve with the new screen depth?  I want a fkey
to toggle between 1 and 8 bit mode.  It pretty straightforward to set
the mode to whatever depth you need and when you r elaunch the finder
(return to finder you have new depth set. what is less straightforward
is to get the desktop to draw itself without a launch.  best jim


Subject: RE: cdevs (Re: Msg 1910)
Date: 25-JUL 15:39 Programming Techniques

David, I'll bet you have editText items in your cdev.  The Control Panel
changes the font to geneva-9 for you, but editText's blindly set it to
chicago-12.  I have been poking geneva-9 into the dialog record which
seems to work.  Let me know how you make out. Barry


Subject: RE: cdevs (Re: Msg 1915)
Date: 26-JUL 22:46 Programming Techniques

Thanks!  I figured it out late last night, but it's nice to get
confirmation. So where do you poke the Geneva-9?  Into the editText, or
into the grafPort, of the dialog?  (Alas, I think this particular cdev
won't work with a soon-to-be-released system extension.)


Subject: RE: cdevs (Re: Msg 1924)
Date: 27-JUL 04:30 Programming Techniques

I used a dialogPeek and set textH^^.txFont and textH^^.txSize to
geneva-9. Its unfortunate the Control Panel dislikes editText so much,
since many cdev's could use it. Good luck with your cdev! Barry


Subject: drawpicture
Date: 25-JUL 17:57 Programming Techniques

I guess I may be asking for too much, but here goes.  When I do
drawpicture, the transfer mode seems to stay as "copy"; that is, the
white space of the picture is pasted over whatever was on the screen.
When I call penmode(srcor), or penmode(srcxor) other drawing such as
frameoval etc is done in the no transfer mode; but my picture still is
done as srccopy. Shall I presume that I cannot change the drawing mode
for drawpicture ? Is there another way (probably horribly complex) for
drawing my pictures over the screen as if they wwere on a transparency?
thanks for info, Steve.


From: JIMH
Subject: RE: drawpicture (Re: Msg 1916)
Date: 25-JUL 22:23 Programming Techniques

Steve, i just went through this tonight so you are in luck ;-)  it seems
to require that you set the penmode after you do open ipicture.  in
other works the picture uses the mode set when the picture was made.
well i guess you could set it before doing op en picture (hitting head
with heal of hand).  best jim


Subject: RE: drawpicture (Re: Msg 1916)
Date: 25-JUL 22:55 Programming Techniques

You do have to modify the internal format of a picture but I don't think
it will be all that complex, time consuming maybe, and definitly long!.
First of all a good reference to have is tech note 21 which describes
the internal format of a picture. Your code will have to be able to
determin when it is on an opcode. To do that your code will have to be
able to determin the size of each instruction, your best bet is a CASE
or SWITCH statement for each opcode and  calculate its size accordingly.
Use that size to get to the next opcode. Upon receving an opcode with a
value of 8(pnMode) change the next byte to the mode you want. Its long
but should work. Interested in the results. Brent.


Subject: RE: drawpicture (Re: Msg 1921)
Date: 26-JUL 18:09 Programming Techniques

There's a fundamental difficulty with doing that:  Apple insists that
the internal structure of a QD picture is subject to revision without
notice and the information in Tech Note 21 is provided solely for
assistance during debugging. The difficulty is that you cannot tell how
long an element of the QD structure is except by knowing the definition
of the element types, and Apple may add a new type whenever they feel
like it.



Subject: MacBug 5.3 has new command?
Date: 25-JUL 17:58 Tools for Developers

I just tried out the new version 5.3 MacsBug, and I see that it has a
couple neat new features ... one is that the top of the screen is
dedicated to a register display with stack frame and top of stack words
visible and updated at each command.

Another is that the character set is (maybe) a little more legible ...
I'm not convinced yet.

The other one is a new command UT which supposedly should take an
addess.  I haven't been able to figure out yet what it does ... does
anyone know?

(And someone else will have to report on the new Mac II debuggers!)



Subject: OpenSocket
Date: 26-JUL 20:02 Programming Techniques

I just started digging into AppleTalk and can't seem to get the
DDPOpenSocket routine to do the right thing.  When you pass it a zero,
it's supposed to assign you a socket number in the range 128 to 254.
When I do it, it comes back with zero, even though the error return
indicates noErr. I've tried this with both LightspeedC and MPWC with the
same results.  What's the trick?



Subject: RE: OpenSocket (Re: Msg 1923)
Date: 27-JUL 01:07 Programming Techniques

DDPOpenSocket takes a VAR : Byte as its first argument.  I think this
means the high-order byte of a short integer, doesn't it?  Maybe there
is something going wrong in the way it is declared.



Subject: RE: OpenSocket (Re: Msg 1929)
Date: 29-JUL 21:18 Programming Techniques

peter:  you were 95% right.  Turns out you do have to give it a pointer
to a WORD size quantity, and then it uses the LOWER half.  I was simply
passing a pointer to a byte.  What a nuisance.  Just another reminder of
one of the many reasons I don't like pascal.



Subject: Raskin vs. Jobs
Date: 27-JUL 19:12 Business Mac

History buffs should take a look at today's Wall St. Journal (July 27,
1985), in the letters section, for an interesting letter from Jef Raskin
rebutting the idea that Jobs created the Macintosh, and explaining how
he, Raskin, took it from idea through prototype.

Ric Ford


Subject: LaserWriter Plussing weirdness
Date: 27-JUL 21:12 Hardware & Peripherals

I brought my LaserWriter in for the Plus upgrade today.  The tech and I
were both astonished that my printer remembered its name, plus its copy
count and the fact that it wasn't supposed to print startup pages.  Both
of us thought that stuff was remembered in the ROMs (EEPROMs, I guess).


Subject: RE: LaserWriter Plussing weirdness (Re: Msg 21517)
Date: 28-JUL 20:39 Hardware & Peripherals

The ROM change that turns a LW into a LW+ does not affect the EEROMS
that contain the page count ...


Subject: Colorizing logos
Date: 26-JUL 22:47 Programming Techniques

I'm planning a brief MacTutor article on colorizing logos (Findswell
uses a light brown if on a color Mac II).  Here's the code to paint a
bitmap (assuming it's a pictItem in a color dialog):

 #define max                     (37)
 #define RGBBlack        ((RGBColor *)0xc10)
 #define ROM85           (*(int *)0x28e)

 /* COLORIZE change the color of an item in a (color) dialog
        (c) 1987 David Dunham
 void colorize(dialog,item) DialogPtr dialog; int item; {
        int             type;
        Handle  handle;
        GDHandle        gh;
        PixMapHandle    pm;
        Rect            box;
        RGBColor        colour;

        if (!(ROM85 & 0x4000)) {        /* Mac II ROMs? */
                /* Figure out screen depth of our dialog */
                gh = GetMaxDevice(&((DialogPeek)dialog)->window.port.portRect);
                pm = (*gh)->gdPMap;     /* Device's PixMap */
                if ((*pm)->pixelSize > 1) {     /* Enough pixels? */
                        /* Choose the golden-brown of Findswell's packaging */
                        colour.red = 39321;
                        colour.green = 26421;
                        colour.blue = 0;
                        RGBForeColor(&colour);  /* Set the color */
                        PaintRect(&box);                /* Colorize */
                        RGBForeColor(RGBBlack); /* Restore default color */
                        PenNormal();            /* Restore default pen */


Subject: RE: INFO-MAC Digest V5 #107 (Re: Msg 21522)
Date: 28-JUL 20:59 Network Digests

>For:"ERI::SMITH" <smith%eri.decnet@mghccc.harvard.edu>
>Re:Restricting LaserWriter access on an AppleTalk network

Changing the password for one of the LWs, and properly patching the LW
driver and Laser Prep for the corresponding group might help.  A changed
password would prevent the wrong group from initializing a LW.  For
further safety it may be possible to patch the LaserWriter and Laser
Prep files, so that the wrong LW appears to have an improper level of
Laser Prep loaded.

>For: <JOHNSON%nuhub.acs.northeastern.edu@RELAY.CS.NET>
>Re: Excel maunal & registration time.

Excel should come with 2 manuals, a looseleaf reference manual, and a
paperbound manual listing all the functions and macro sheet operations.
If your copy did not come with that second manual call Microsoft
continuously until they agree to send it - plus the 1.04 upgrade which
is free.


Subject: re: FullWrite Professional (Re: Msg 21522)
Date: 29-JUL 03:25 Network Digests

 >Subject: FullWrite Professional
 >From: Pugh.ESCP8@Xerox.COM

I hope you don't construe this as a flame at you, but you really don't
want a review of a product that's not out yet.  Remember all those
favorable reviews of Word 3.0?  Remember how a couple of MacUser
columnists had enough integrity to publicly eat their words a month or
two later?


Subject: re: slippery mouse? (desk pads / teflon (Re: Msg 21522)
Date: 29-JUL 03:26 Network Digests

 >From: scubed!ncrcae!scholz@seismo.CSS.GOV (Carl Sholz)
 >Subject: slippery mouse? (desk pads / teflon feet)

If you have a Plus or earlier, get MouseEase from Tacklind Design, 250
Cowper St, Palo Alto, CA   94301.  I think they're $2.95, if you sent a
check for that amount and a SASE, you could probably get them.  The ADB
mouse has built-in teflon.


Subject: RE: Mac II horrors
Date: 28-JUL 21:09 Network Digests

>for: rs4u+@andrew.cmu.edu (Richard Siegel)
>re: Mac II horrors

 Have you tried invalidating paramter RAM with the control panel? (Start
a floppy and start the control panel with the mouse while holding down
all the modifier keys)


Subject: re: Potential Bug???  [menus] (Re: Msg 21523)
Date: 29-JUL 03:27 Network Digests

 >From: newman.pasa@Xerox.COM
 >Subject: Potential Bug???
 >manager put the arrow in anyway.  The arrow took the last space of the
 >screen, and forced me to scroll to get at that one menu item too many

I think that menu bug is bad design, rather than a bug.  It's even worse
on a 640*480 screen.


Subject: Re: Re: Suitcase and NFNT resources
Date: 29-JUL 01:30 MUGS Online

>To: David M. Gelphman 415-854-3300 x2538   DAVEG    at SLACVM
>Subject: Re: Re: Suitcase and NFNT resources

> I do have a question regarding NFNT resources. Basically I've been
> trying to modify the Adobe screen fonts so that I can install them
> into the system file and have only one font name appear in the
> fonts menus for each font family. [Description of a moderately
> complex procedure which was not entirely successful follows.]

AddResMenu and InsertResMenu omit from the menu the names of resources
whose first character is a '.' (period) or a "%" (percent sign). So all
you need to do is to change the name of each FOND resource and *each*
FONT resource for a screen font style variation sub-family.  You can do
this with ResEdit.  Using a leading '%' is preferred to a leading '.'
since the latter is reserved for device driver resource names, although
at this time I think using '.' would do no harm.

This technique doesn't work with some programs, e.g., PageMaker, which
use their own routines to build font menus or lists and which take no
pains to exclude style variations.  I have pointed out to Aldus that the
easiest way for a program to make a font list is to AddResMenu into a
dummy menu, and then iteratively extract the names with GetItem.  This
has the added advantage of having the Menu Manager sort the list for

> For Steve Brecher: assuming that one can resolve the above difficulties
> with the NFNT/FOND/Font resources, will Suitcase properly add the NFNT
> resources if those are in a Suitcase file.

Suitcase does a lot of fancy footwork to get unlimited DAs in multiple
files to work transparently.  With respect to fonts, it does no footwork
at all -- it just keeps the resource files open.  This means that you
can't, say, have some family members of typeface X in one file and other
members in another; the first FOND found in the resource map chain will
prevail, and only the sizes/styles listed in it will be considered
"real."  In most cases, this restriction is not a problem.  One just
puts all variations of typeface X in one file -- usually, along with all
variations of faces Y and Z.  While one doesn't want too many files --
and Suitcase imposes a ResEditable limit of 10 concurrently open
suitcase files for safety's sake -- the situation is a lot different
from the bad old days when *all* fonts (and DAs and FKEYs and 'snd 's
and whatever) had to be in the same file, the System file.

I am thinking about how I might allow split families in a future version
of Suitcase.


Subject: Re: Bug?
Date: 29-JUL 01:30 MUGS Online

To: GLAURIE%CALSTATE.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.edu Subject: Re: Bug?

> Using ResEdit I attempted to change my default view in the Finder by
> popping into LAYO and changing the display. To my surprise I can change the
> display to anything except "small icons", although pulling down the "View"
> menu shows that "small icons" should be the current view for the active
> window.

"Small icons" is a special case of "icons," and is indicated by a bit in
the "Filler" byte that follows the "Default view" field in the LAYO
resource. It is not actually a filler; it is a set of internal flags.  I
think the "small icon" bit is bit 6, i.e., set "filler" to 64 decimal
and set "Default view" to 1. However, this is from memory (cerebral, not
silicon) and not guaranteed.


Subject: TOPs and pcs and macs and vaxes and suns
Date: 29-JUL 02:11 Hardware & Peripherals


 I have been asked to come up with a proposal for networking our VAXen
(VMS), SUNs (UNIX), PCs and Macintie together.  We have an 'ethernet'
backbone for the VAXes with repeators to 'thinnet' for a 3-Com PC
network and a bridge connecting us to the land of the SUNs.  We also
have an AppleTalk network for o ur Macs and LaserWriter.  This is
working just fine..

 So, now management has gotten very hot on 'Office Automation', and the
guy's ( Sorry, Japanese firm... no gals, but that's another story)
upstairs have decided that they want to be able to do file sharing to
the SUNs, VAXes and be able to use the LaserWriter we have hanging off
our AppleTalk.  I have nothing against any of these plans, I just have a
bad attitude towards 'Bean Counters'.

 I have had the TOPs network suggested to me as a solution and I would
like to know more than the sales guy is telling me.  Can anyone answer
me these basic questions:

1)  Is it really as good as they claim? [Solve all your problems, allow file
    transfer/sharing -- PC to anywhere, wash the dishes and let the dog out].

2)  Is it as easy as they claim? [Just put the TOPs card into one of the PC
    servers (i.e. one with a 3-Com board) and run the software on the other

3)  Is this the real answer or are there other products that my Apple dealer is
    not knowledgeable/telling about.

I'm basically looking for a story with a happy ending, upstairs gets
what they want and I don't have to stop playing rogue very often to go
fix it.

Cheerio(es) & Thanks for the help,


Subject: RE: TOPs and pcs and macs and vaxes and (Re: Msg 21536)
Date: 29-JUL 11:00 Hardware & Peripherals

1.  It does some pretty easy and 'good', if that's the word you want to
use. You can copy files back and forth from PC to Mac (that's how I have
it set up) without problems and it's very fast.  However, just because
you copy a file from the PC to the Mac (or visa versa) it doesn't make
it readable.  However, Centram has come out with a new translation
package/update that'll help.

2.  It's not as easy to set up as they make you think.  It _can_ be easy
if all goes kosherly and you can just plug it in and it'll work.  But,
it's very likely you might have interupt problems with IRQs, DMAs, INTs,
etc... I went through a two week 'nightmare' of trying different
software versions before I had to replace the serial board on the PC.

3.  I don't know of any other product that'll do what this does as
cheaply or as easily, once up and cranking.

Joshua Wachs Natural Intelligence Consulting


Subject: RE: TOPs and pcs and macs and vaxes and (Re: Msg 21536)
Date: 30-JUL 00:53 Hardware & Peripherals


I have a similar situation and would like to hear any answers to this
topic also. We are a diagnostic radiological physics group with VAX's,
PC Clones, Macs, and soon at least 1 SUN and maybe 2.  Macs are
absolutely the best, cheapest way to make publishable graphs and line
drawings (sorry, scientific graphic artists).

I was just at the SUN office in Lexington to see their machines today;
the salesperson pointed that Sun now owns the company that produces
TOPS.  There may be some kind of merger between TOPS and Sun's NFS;
howeever it is not available now.  I did see 1-2-3 running on a Compaq
and using the Sun disk as drive D:, using Ethernet ant NFS.  No Macs
there, though.



Subject: re: Site Licences etc. (Re: Msg 21524)
Date: 29-JUL 03:27 Network Digests

 >From: Lionel_Tolan%SFU.Mailnet@umix.cc.umich.edu
 >Subject: Site Licences etc.

According to a news story, Stanford has a site license for WriteNow.
And I know my publisher, Symmetry Corp, will do university site licenses
for Acta and PictureBase.  And my company, Maitreya Design, can work
something out if you want everyone to use our shareware programs,
miniWRITER and DiskInfo.

Actually, I suspect _most_ publishers will talk to you about site
licensing. Pick the programs you want and contact the publisher.


Subject: RE: re: Site Licences etc. (Re: Msg 21540)
Date: 30-JUL 07:41 Network Digests

Not necessarily so.  ACIUS will *not* site license 4th Dimension.  Also,
many publishers don't really understand what a "site license" means
(from the traditional mainframe sense.)  I have had major problems
trying to site license many of the programs used widely around here.
Most of the time it turns out cheaper just to buy it from



From: MER
Subject: graphicworks
Date: 29-JUL 10:34 Creative Pursuits

Has anyone out there used GraphicWorks 1.2, or whatever the latest one
is? I've been using it recently, and while it's a really cool program,
seems to have a lot of bugs.  No crashers, thank heavens, mostly display
bugs and mis-functional bugs.  ANy suggestions or indications of a new


Subject: RE: Anyone driving Compugraphics with Macs
Date: 30-JUL 11:39 Network Digests

To: "Bob Soron" <Mly.G.Pogo%OZ.AI.MIT.EDU@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU> Subject:
Anyone driving Compugraphic MCS with Macs?

>    My department at Boston University has a CG MCS Powerview 10
> and, I believe, an 8400 output device.  We would like to use the Macs
> in our office as front ends.  I remember seeing ads for software that
> would do this some time ago, but haven't the foggiest recollection of
> any other details.  If anyone out there has tried it,. I'd be very
> interested in hearing about your experiences.

PS Publishing, in San Francisco, is finishing up a program called PS
Compose, which is a dtp-type program that is based upon the MCS command
set. Their initial release should be this fall, and it will drive the
Compugraphic typesetters, as well as any PostScript device.

i don't think they have finalized pricing yet, but it will probably be
at least $1000-$1500.

call Robert Simon at PS Publishing, if interested
        290 Green St., Suite 1
        San Francisco, CA 94133

  hope this helps,
    Rick LePage


Subject: laserjet to laserwriter upgrades
Date: 30-JUL 18:50 Hardware & Peripherals

has anybody had any experience with the QMS laserjet to laserwriter
upgrade ? we are particularly interested in its ability to switch back
and forth from laserjet to laserwriter as we want to use it with MACS
and IBM PC's running Wordstar and as far as we know Wordstar cannot
drive a laserwriter (actually we go through a Starjet printer driver
from Wordstar)


Subject: Printing information
Date: 30-JUL 00:33 Programming Techniques

Where can a poor fellow find some more detailed information on the print
manager and the "private Print Manager" interface? Such as 1) What the
hell are Bands? 2) How do I get the spool files RefNum? 3) How or what
uses the private interface declared in MacPrint(MPW) 4) Why is this
information so Top Secret 5) Add your personal favorite here Is there a
book or possibly a magazine artical lurking in the dark somewhere?


Subject: RE: Printing information (Re: Msg 1940)
Date: 30-JUL 19:10 Programming Techniques

The reason it's all so secret is that Apple is changing the innards of
the Print Manager, and doesn't want you to rely on stuff that's going to

Apple's problem is that if the document all this stuff so that you can
use it at your own risk, people will assume this is a supported
interface, and will expect it to remain in new systems.

Such is life...


Subject: RE: Printing information (Re: Msg 1940)
Date: 30-JUL 22:17 Programming Techniques

I can answer question number (1) anyway ... Bands are horizontal
sections of a page.  They are used by the Imagewriter print drivers in
order to reduce the amount of memory needed during rasterizing of the
QuickDraw spool file.  A typical standard print page would be divided
into maybe 3 or 4 bands, and the QD

Picture for the entire page would be converted into a bit map once for
each band, clipped each time to select the portion to be printed.  Then
the bit map gets shipped to the printer for each band before rasterizing
the one which will fit below it.

The LaserWriter driver doesn't use bands at all because the page is
converted into PostScript instead.

Part of the reason the printer interface is so poorly documented is that
it is inherently more complex than most other parts of the Macintosh
software architecture.



Subject: RE: Printing information (Re: Msg 1940)
Date: 31-JUL 01:26 Programming Techniques

Weren't bands provided so the code only has to image small strips of the
page (I think it plays back the picture with different clipping) so as
to use less memory?

Having the spool file's refNum won't do spooling for you; note that
certain printers (like the LaserWriter) don't use spool files.

Apple hasn't documented printing internals because they're subject to
change.  A recent tech note says they _will_ change soon.


Subject: Microsoft acquires Forethought
Date: 31-JUL 09:31 Business Mac

Microsoft has acquired Forethought and is negotiating with FileMaker
Plus developer Nashoba Systems, Inc. for marketing rights to that

Ric Ford


Subject: Medical applications of Macintoshes
Date: 31-JUL 13:18 Business Mac

Boston Computer Society's Medi-Mac helps organize medical panel at the
Macworld Expo:
           Medical Computing of the Future:  Paging Dr. Macintosh

Medi-Mac, BCS' health care Mac user group, has helped to organize
Macworld Expo's first panel on medical applications of Macintosh
computers, to be held at

the Expo at Bayside Exposition Center in Boston between August 11-13th.
MACINTOSH" will be held at 12 noon on Tuesday, August 11th, immediately
following John Sculley's address.  Organized by Steven Locke, M.D. (BCS
Medi-Mac and Harvard Medical School's Center for Clinical Computing),
the panel will feature:

  Scott Finley MD MPH        Chairperson and Welcome
   (BCS' Medi-Mac group)
  Joe Hutsko                 "Apple's role in the Future
   (Apple Computer)           of Medical computing"
  Lyndon Holmes              "CD-ROM Medline Retrieval
   (Aries Systems)            of Medical Literature"
  Bryan Bergeron MD          "HeartLab: Using the
   (Harvard Medical School)   Macintosh to Teach
                              Examinatiosn of the Heart

The panel should be of value to anyone interested in health applications
of Macintosh computers, a rapidly growing field.  Developers may be
paricularly interested in attending to link up with health professionals
with ideas for Macintosh applications.  For further information, contact
Steven Locke (617-735-4664) or Scott Finley (617-277-3667).


Subject: RE: macexpo (Re: Msg 21569)
Date: 31-JUL 12:26 SIG Business

Party!  Party!  PARTY!!!

The Place:  Marriot Long Wharf
The Time:   Tuesday, August 11, between 9:30 PM and 12:30

Sponsored by BMUG, BCS*Mac, the Apple User Group Connection, Macworld,
and ICONtact!

If you're in Boston for the Macworld Expo on Tuesday, don't miss this
chance to meet in person people you've met online!


Subject: SIGGraph report
Date: 31-JUL 22:05 Business Mac

I went to SIGGraph this week.  There was a lot of neat stuff there --
I've decided I want a Pixar, only $49K with C compiler. The 2 hours of
computer animation was fun.  The applause was oddly distributed -- many
cheers for a dancer wearing a skirt, because cloth doesn't usually
appear in computer animations. Some films did have stories and
characters as well as nifty graphics effects; the ones from Disney and
Pixar are two I remember.

Apple's booth was cramped and crowded, so I didn't look at it too much.
They had one of those 37 inch screens showing a Mac II demo, and several
3rd party color monitors were on hand, as well as several 3rd parties
demonstrating their software (e.g. Marc Canter with Videoworks II).  I
really wasn't impressed with Apple's showing.  (Perhaps if I'd gone in
search of something to buy and with a limited budget, I'd have been more
impressed.) And a friend told me he asked an Apple person about a
forthcoming genlock card...the Apple rep had never heard of genlock.


End of Delphi Mac Digest