Moderators.David.Gelphman@ucbvax.UUCP (10/02/87)
INFO-MAC Digest Wednesday, 30 Sep 1987 Volume 5 : Issue 120 Today's Topics: documentation on new TextEdit Re: Need Help with Guided Tour Software Highlighting ICONs Imagewriter II driving table to work with NROFF Print Spooler for Diverse Printers problem with MacPlus video display New Games from Silicon Beach Polaroid Pallette Honeywell emulators 6809 Cross Assembler Standardize Speller Dictionaries, please!! MacKermit on the Mac II RE: Brain Dominance Delphi Mac Digest V3 #42 Delphi Mac Digest V3 #44 Usenet Mac Digest V3 #59 Usenet Mac Digest V3 #60 Usenet Mac Digest V3 #61 Usenet Mac Digest V3 #62 Usenet Mac Digest V3 #63 Usenet Mac Digest V3 #64 Usenet Mac Digest V3 #65 Usenet Mac Digest V3 #66 Usenet Mac Digest V3 #67 Usenet Mac Digest V3 #68 Usenet Mac Digest V3 #69 Usenet Mac Digest V3 #70 Usenet Mac Digest V3 #71 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 14 Sep 87 15:26:47 MET From: Norbert Lindenberg <norbert%germany.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET> Subject: documentation on new TextEdit Is there any documentation on TextEdit newer than the APDA Draft of Inside Mac V (Feb 87)? Anything said there about TEGetHeight and PutStylScrap seems to be plain wrong... --- Norbert ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 18 Sep 87 08:56:09 PDT From: hplabs!sun!zehntel!pinot!edw@RUTGERS.EDU (Ed Wright) Subject: Re: Need Help with Guided Tour Software We have an application that we would like to train people on using a Mac Tour. Our application is 300K+ with operating system. This was too long to put on a 400K disk. Mac Journalling and Guided Tour Driver and Tools,1986 came on a 400K disk. We changed this to a 800K format and used a new operating system. The above changes were made one at a time. Each time we found that we could make a guided tour for Mac Draw and/or Mac Project but not for our application. On our application when the opening button was pressed the disk crashed. I have checked and have had others check the way to handle the path names. It seems to be correct. Do you have any ideas that might help. Thanks in advance for any and all assistance. Ed Wright Roger Spencer DISCLAIMER: Don't need one !! Go To The Shelf and Get The Manual. >>>>>>>>>> ucbvax--\ Holy Shit Batman !! >>>>>>>>>>>> sun--->--!zehntel!edw>/dev/null:-) Look at the Warhead >>>>>>>>>> varian--/ on that Mother ! ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Sep 87 15:45:18 PDT From: Charles Dolan <cpd@CS.UCLA.EDU> Subject: Highlighting ICONs I just noticed that HyperCard stores its icons as 'ICON's and not 'ICON#'s. Yet, it still highlights icon buttons if you want. Does anybody know how you highlight an ICON without a mask such as the one the finder uses. -Charlie Dolan ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 87 0:58:05 EDT From: Nikos Troullinos <> Subject: Imagewriter II driving table to work with NROFF Hello Do you happen to know if somebody has written a driving table that enables to use the Imagewriter II with NROFF? If yes, could I have a copy?. I looked in our Vax's directories (4.3 BSD) and in /usr/lib/term I found tables for the following printers. Is any of them usable with the II?. 37 default Model 37 TeleType lpr printer with no halfline/upline (link to crt and tn300) 300 old DTC 300 300-12 old DTC 300, 12 pitch 302 DTC 302 or DTC 300s (link to 300s and dtc) 302-12 DTC 302 or DTC 300s, 12 pitch (link to 300s-12 and dtc12) 382 fancy DTC 382 382-12 fancy DTC 382, 12 pitch 450 DASI 450 or IPSI 1622 (link to ipsi) 450-12 DASI 450 or IPSI 1622, 12 pitch (link to ipsi12) 833 AJ 833 or AJ 832 833-12 AJ 833 or AJ 832, 12 pitch epson Epson FX80 itoh C:ITOH Prowriter itoh12 C:ITOH Prowriter, 12 pitch nec NEC 55?0 or NEC 77?0 Spinwriter nec12 NEC 55?0 or NEC 77?0 Spinwriter, 12 pitch nec-t NEC 55?0/77?0 Spinwriter, Tech-Math/Times-Roman thimble Thanks Nikos Troullinos ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 14 Sep 87 12:51:55 est From: munnari!csadfa.oz!jlo@uunet.UU.NET (John O'Neill) Subject: Print Spooler for Diverse Printers Does anyone know of a print spooler which will handle multiple printer types concurrently and transparently. e.g. if I have an ImageWriter II, LaserWriter and IW/LQ (all on AppleTalk) is there a single print spooler which will allow any user to select the grade of print service required (via Chooser?). Ideally, the user should be able to move jobs from one print queue to another AFTER the job has been spooled - but that would be asking a bit much, wouldn't it? John O'Neill Phone ISD: +61 62 68 8818 Dept. Computer Science Telex: ADFADM AA62030 University College ACSNET/CSNET: jlo@csadfa.oz Aust. Defence Force Academy UUCP: ...!seismo!munnari!csadfa.oz!jlo Canberra. ACT. 2600. ARPA: jlo%csadfa.oz@SEISMO.CSS.GOV AUSTRALIA JANET: jlo@oz.csadfa ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Sep 87 09:49:35 EDT From: (Mark J. Steiglitz) Subject: problem with MacPlus video display My MacPlus had been working fine until one time when I turned it on, the screen was brighter then normal. I checked the brightness knob and found that even after turning it all the way down, the screen was as bright as it had originally been at 9/10 brightness, and it adjusted upwards from there. Does anyone know what the problem could be? Also, I know this has been posted before, but what kind of screwdriver do you need to open up the Macintosh's case? Thanks in advance for your help. --- |Mark J. Steiglitz |Bitnet: steig@crnlthry, araj@crnlvax5 | |USnail: 6133 North Campus #6 |Arpanet: | | Ithaca, NY 14853-6004 | | |Telephone: 607-253-6635 |Usenet: | [ note from moderator: TORX T-15 screwdriver is needed to open the standard Mac case (Mac II has a phillips head screw). Make sure you get an extra long handle (i.e. >1.5 ft) since the top two screws are really inset far. DAVEG] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 14 Sep 87 09:34:32 PDT From: PUGH%CCC.MFENET@NMFECC.ARPA Subject: New Games from Silicon Beach I just saw previews for two of Silicon Beaches new games. The first is Apache Strike, wherein you pilot a helicopter into an enemy city and strive to disable their targeting computer so that they can't launch a first strike. The graphics are all solid models and the game plays fast. It looks very nice, although kind of stark in b&w. You fly between skyscrapers with walkways between them, dodging tanks and other choppers. You control the game completely with the mouse. Click once for guns, twice for missles. Pull back to go up, etc. It looks as fast as an arcade game, but not quite as pretty. However, the pretty catagory is pretty well dominated by Beyond Dark Castle, wherein our hero, having defeated the Black Knight, must find the 5 orbs that are hidden in the castle and collect them for some purpose I don't know. The game looks a lot like Dark Castle, but with some definate improvements. In DC, you have a single screen which you run around on until you make it off that screen and onto another one. Not so in BDC. It has scrolling screens that carry you around. This leads to some very long rope climbing stretches. There is also a helicopter backpack that you must find and use to get over the swamp and other places. The fellow demoing the game said that there are 24 rooms, with each spanning several full screens. The game will come shipped on two 800K disks and will not run on the Mac II. It will NOT be copy protected. Beyond Dark Castle has a very similar look and feel to Dark Castle, so addicts should feel right at home. It has some expanded capabilities and situations. For example, it looks like they let you free the prisoners in the dungeon (a similar dungeon, but much more complex, complete with a swinging pendulum axe). I anticipate as much hoopla over this as was hooped over Dark Castle. Jon ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 15 Sep 87 21:22:38 EDT From: (Chris Perry) Subject: Polaroid Pallette Does anyone sell an interface between Mac+/SEs to a color slide maker called Polaroid Pallette. I'd appreciate a pointer. Thanks. Chris Perry ( ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Sep 87 14:30 EDT From: Subject: Honeywell emulators I'm trying to post this for a friend. He'd like to know if there are any terminal emulators for a Honeywell DPS-6/DPS-7/DPS-8 available for the Mac yet. Please send replies directly to DFMCCRTHY@BROCK.CDN Thanx =============================================================================== Marty Viilma Viilma@McMaster.NetNorth Systems Software Specialist McMaster University Hamilton, Ont. Canada L8S 4K1 (416) 525-9140 x4090 =============================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Sep 87 19:14:18 MET From: norbert%germany.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET Subject: 6809 Cross Assembler Does anybody know about a 6809 cross assembler running on Macintoshs? Need not be public domain... -- Norbert ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Sep 87 15:17 ADT From: Peter J. Gergely <Peter@DREA-GRIFFIN.ARPA> Subject: Standardize Speller Dictionaries, please!! Owning Ready-Set-Go! 3, Word 3.0.1, and Spellswell 2.0, I really wish there was a standard format for spelling dictionaries. It becomes very annoying after little use to put the changes in all 3 separate dictionaries, plus the amount of disk space that they take up could be used for more productive purposes. I hope that some of the software developpers read this message and take it to heart to try to standardize the spelling dictionaries with others. As an aside, it also would be very nice if a British Spelling Dictionary could be included with the spelling correctors. Microsoft is the only one to have such with Word 3. In Canada, the standard is to use the British spelling of words. Thus, this is one of the main set of changes that I have to do to all the other dictionaries I own. - Peter -- Peter J. Gergely (DREA, P.O. Box 1012, Dartmouth, NS B2Y 3Z7 Canada) ARPANET: gergely@DREA-XX.ARPA (preferred) or Peter@DREA-GRIFFIN.ARPA DIALNET: Peter@DIAL|DREA-Griffin CSNET: gergely%cs.dal.cdn@ubc.csnet UUCP: gergely@dalcs.UUCP ------------------------------ Date: Mon 21 Sep 87 11:34:12-PDT From: Stuart M. Shieber <SHIEBER@SRI-WARBUCKS.ARPA> Subject: MacKermit on the Mac II Reply-to: Several of us would like to try running MacKermit on the Mac II, but I have had no success in running version 34 which I obtained from the INFO-MAC directory on SUMEX. Is there a version of MacKermit that runs on the Mac II, or some other program that supports Kermit protocol, including receiving multiple files? (Red Ryder supports Kermit, but always acts as the server, and does not correctly receive files that are multiple sent.) -- Stuart Shieber [ note from moderator: I don't know about Kermit support in Red Ryder but VersaTerm has full Kermit support, including multiple files and long packets. The latest version (3.1) works in background under MultiFinder so you can do uploads and downloads in background! DAVEG ] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Sep 87 13:41:06 PDT From: light%lbl-ux4@Lbl-Csa2.Arpa RE: Hypercard I have one simple question: Why is it that a wonderful program such as Hypercard is marred by a failure to implement DAs properly? For those of you who haven't tried it yet, you can open up all the DAs you want from within Hypercard but you can't click in the Hypercard window again until you close all the DAs! I can see only two reasons for this "feature". 1. DAs will no longer be necessary when you are using Hypercard and the MultiFinder. (Wonderful - you only need at least 2 Megs to make that combination work). 2. Sheer perversity on Bill Atkinson's part or a dislike of Apple's own programming rules. Any comments or quick fixes out there?? - F. Rubinstein ( or light%lbl-ux4@lbl.ARPA) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 14 Sep 87 15:50 N From: <> (Thomas Fruin) Subject: RE: Brain Dominance > From: PEABO > Subject: RE: Brain Dominance There is one case where left-handers are better off than right-handers: the Backspace key. When I'm mousing around with my right hand I like to use my left hand to tap the Backspace key to delete selections. In this case it is the right-hander who has to reach across the keyboard ... -- Thomas Fruin fruin@hlerul5.BITNET thomas@uvabick.UUCP Leiden University, Netherlands ------------------------------ Date: Sun 6 Sep 87 15:20:11-GMT From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR> Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V3 #42 Delphi Mac Digest Sunday, September 6, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 42 Today's Topics: HyperCard logic problem (6 messages) Warning about HyperCard Stacks Field glitches 2000 and Mac II (3 messages) RE: SIZE resource RE: object-oriented c (4 messages) re: SE Internal Hard Disks (2 messages) Re: Hard Disks HyperCard Linking and Scripts function pointers in C (3 messages) HyperCard modification date contaminatio OCR Scanner (3 messages) HyperCard overlapping buttons Importing, sorting, and compacting (2 messages) HyperCard Fields RE: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #64 SIMM RAM for the MacII RE: Calculating a new Menu on the spot A C formatter (2 messages) [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DELPHIV3-42.ARC DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Mon 21 Sep 87 09:41:31-EDT From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR> Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V3 #44 Delphi Mac Digest Monday, September 21, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 44 Today's Topics: hyperlaunching Re: fido (2 messages) re: hypercard ?s re: MPW C 2.0 interfaces into ColorQuick RE: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #66 (3 messages) RE: MPW Bug (3 messages) HyperText in HyperCard worlds smallest mac screen (4 messages) HyperHassles (3 messages) MODIFY RESOURCES (2 messages) Reader Application for proprietary text (4 messages) Re: Set Startup Strategic Conquest re: Hypercard and DAs re: Replacing system fonts RE: any assembler other than MPW? RE: Desktop Drawing [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DELPHIV3-44.ARC DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat 22 Aug 87 09:15:00-GMT From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR> Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #59 Usenet Mac Digest Friday, August 21, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 59 Today's Topics: Re: Mac lab for High School environment?? Zones Re: Finder improvements Re: Hires MacII video boards & frame grabbers Cheap Full Page Mac Displays More on Byte Benchmarks TickCount Rollover? Re: 120ns 1-megabit SIMMs Prices? TurboMax board on 512KE or Plus Fall Announcments: Macintosh Books Megamax C Compiler 3.0 Re: Software for Doctors REFLEX(tm) Question Re: TickCount Rollover? TML Modula-2 Questions Preview of Multi-Finder and Hyper-Card (long) Problems Playing 'snd ' Resources -- Need Help Re: Font/DA Mover 3.5 Problems Notification Manager 16 Mhz 68000 Re: TML Modula-2 Questions [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-59.ARC DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat 22 Aug 87 09:16:02-GMT From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR> Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #60 Usenet Mac Digest Friday, August 21, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 60 Today's Topics: panasonic mac compatible printer Mac-conferences on Relay Grading software SERD .. 2 Resources? Re: Tabs in TextEdit Re: Byte benchmark articles (Re: Mac C Compilers) Re: Fall Announcments: Macintosh Books Re: REFLEX(tm) Question Suggestion for Benchmarks Sound in HyperTalk Mac <-> VMEbus ?? How can several mice/joysticks be hooked up to a Mac 512KE? Re: Getting 1 Meg SIM boards to work in your Mac Astrology Software? Determining Machine Configuration Re: LSC and MultiFinder/Juggler Re: Getting 1 Meg SIM boards to work in your Mac Re: Determining Machine Configuration Re: Preview of Multi-Finder and Hyper-Card (long) (2 messages) Re: Can Sell old SIMMS to II owner? postscript to vax [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-60.ARC DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri 28 Aug 87 21:19:37-GMT From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR> Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #61 Usenet Mac Digest Friday, August 28, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 61 Today's Topics: System enhancements Answer to 'snd ' question. animation packages, 3D graphics Lightspeed C question Re: Hypercard - How About New Mac Owner Which Is Better: DMCS or Concertware+? 68851 PMMU for the II Coral/Franz Extended Common Lisp PRESS RELEASE Some notes on SubLaunching Zorak's Tomb Re: Mac C Compilers, Benchmarks, Stupidity Can you suggest a PowerPoint Patch? Tape Drives? Re: Astrology Software? QMS PS Printers Query Re: 68851 PMMU for the II Need info on DASCH RAMdisk Backgrounding in MultiFinder TextEdit and Arrow keys [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-61.ARC DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri 28 Aug 87 21:20:48-GMT From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR> Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #62 Usenet Mac Digest Friday, August 28, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 62 Today's Topics: Re: Chinese for Mac? Re: Notification Manager Connecting Mac Appletalk and Sun Ethernet TCP/IP US MUGs Info? Re: Which Is Better: DMCS or Concertware+? ScripTEN Laser Printers? Mac II Transputer boards (by Levco) Re: Which Is Better: DMCS or Concertware+? Re: Alias Launchers Re: Early impressions of Suitcase Steve Capps speaks out at MIT Using WaitNextEvent for suspend/resume events Re: PowerPoint Thunderscan V4.0 Re: Steve Capps speaks out at MIT SIZE resource Jasmine Backpac FzzPlot Purchasers Please Read! Re: Projecting a Mac screen Re: TextEdit and Arrow keys SE Internal Hard Disks MPW and MultiFinder [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-62.ARC DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri 28 Aug 87 21:22:02-GMT From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR> Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #63 Usenet Mac Digest Friday, August 28, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 63 Today's Topics: DiskTimer III Proposal - Comments? Re: Mac <-> VMEbus ?? Hypercard Reports Re: MPW and MultiFinder Re: Hard Disks Macintosh XL, SCSI, and hard disk drives. Re: Which Is Better: DMCS or Concertware+? Comments on SuperMac 19" Trinitron monitor system (longish) Re: MPW and MultiFinder Mac File Representation Remote file representation [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-63.ARC DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat 5 Sep 87 10:39:56-GMT From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR> Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #64 Usenet Mac Digest Saturday, September 5, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 64 Today's Topics: GCC Personal Laser Printer Bug in LSC or the transcendental functions package? Query: Varityper VT600 plain paper typesetter Mac SE Squeal 4th Dimension comments Another MS Word 3.01 Bug SANE help Rotation Algorithm needed Re: 4th Dimension comments Hypercard Reports Re: Learning Japanese Documentation on HyperCard External Commands 512KE Accelerators? Re: Trivial SE question VersaTerm in background under MultiFinder Re: Rotation Algorithm needed Re: Mac <-> VMEbus ?? Excel memory limits Bug in TMON 2.8 SIMM RAM for the MacII Re: HyperCard Availability Humble Expert System Shell Re: Rotation Algorithm needed [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-64.ARC DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat 5 Sep 87 10:41:11-GMT From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR> Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #65 Usenet Mac Digest Saturday, September 5, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 65 Today's Topics: XL -> Imagewriter Problem *argh* When to call PrOpen? X2Fix and Long2Fix in LSC Re. Chinese on Mac Re: Excel memory limits Re: Games on a Mac II? Screen saver for a Mac II Frame grabbers Re: When to call PrOpen? Re: Which Is Better: DMCS or Concertware+? Re: X2Fix and Long2Fix in LSC Info on TeX (Text?-sp?) structural mechanical engineering software MIDI interfaces for Mac 2 Hypercard lossage How to get a copy of MacAPL Re: Hypercard lossage Re: MIDI interfaces for Mac 2 Re: Documentation on HyperCard External Commands Re: Learning Japanese Color MacPaint file format Calculating a new Menu on the spot. Re: SIMM RAM for the MacII Re: Color MacPaint file format [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-65.ARC DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat 12 Sep 87 11:07:03-EDT From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR> Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #66 Usenet Mac Digest Friday, September 11, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 66 Today's Topics: New master pointer query. Porting C programs to the Mac Re: Which Is Better: DMCS or Studo Session? (Mac) HyperCard annoyances Broken mouse...can it be fixed? MenuBar in HyperCard Converting Mac format to GEM LightSpeed Pascal Problem Re: Hypercard lossage Re: Which Is Better: DMCS or Studo Session? (Mac) Re: Broken mouse...can it be fixed? Ukrainian version of the Cyrillic Alphabet File I/O in HyperTalk Re: Flames about Multifinder [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-66.ARC DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat 12 Sep 87 11:07:29-EDT From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR> Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #67 Usenet Mac Digest Friday, September 11, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 67 Today's Topics: Re: Hypercard Re: Which Is Better: DMCS or Studo Session? (Mac) gnu cc for mac? Re: Hypercard lossage Re:PYRO screen blanker Suitecase and Finder 5.5 Re: wanted: Ada system for Mac Re: Color MacPaint file format HyperCard Xcmd code in LightSpeed C FEdit corrections for the BatteryPak Calendar DA X Windows to MacPaint ? uw for Mac-II ? Re: FEdit corrections for the BatteryPak Calendar DA ADB and what you shouldnt do Re: HyperCard Xcmd code in LightSpeed C [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-67.ARC DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat 12 Sep 87 11:07:54-EDT From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR> Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #68 Usenet Mac Digest Friday, September 11, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 68 Today's Topics: MacVision = problems on SE Digitize vs Scan? SASI disk to Mac (Help Wanted) HyperCard dialing # and *, debug command Re: Changes to the MacBinary standard A Surefire Way to Become Rich (using Hypercard) Re: MenuBar in HyperCard SuperSpool 4.0 for the Imagewriter Ticking Mac generic printer driver testers wanted Re: FEdit corrections for the BatteryPak Calendar DA Disable SE internal harddisk VLSI tools on Mac-2's? MPW C 2.0 interfaces into ColorQuickDraw Scientific graphics desperately wanted Re: Rotation Algorithm wanted Re: VLSI tools on Mac-2's? [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-68.ARC DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri 18 Sep 87 09:25:20-EDT From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR> Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #69 Usenet Mac Digest Thursday, September 17, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 69 Today's Topics: defaults in PageSetup Hypercard and DAs Re: Ukrainian version of the Cyrillic Alphabet Request for US Map Video memory on Mac II Re: MPW C 2.0 interfaces into ColorQuickDraw Re: A Surefire Way to Become Rich (using Hypercard) Mac II is acting flakey! Ideas? Set Startup Re: Mac II is acting flakey! Ideas? Re: Digitize vs Scan? Re: Mac II is acting flakey! Ideas? Replacing system fonts Nova (Or Any) Hard Drives Wanted: good deal on Radius FPD Re: Hypercard and DAs ResEdit RSSC ressources Re: Ticking Mac Re: Video memory on Mac II Re: Replacing system fonts Re: Software Search Old Fonts and New Computers Princeton Font and FDA Mover 3.5 Re: MPW C 2.0 interfaces into ColorQuickDraw Re: Replacing system fonts Re: Nova (Or Any) Hard Drives Are you using TEX anymore? Dialog question [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-69.ARC DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri 18 Sep 87 09:29:02-EDT From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR> Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #70 Usenet Mac Digest Thursday, September 17, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 70 Today's Topics: Re: Set Startup any comments on the e-machines' `big picture' display Buy a hard case for your Mac II... Re: Dialog question Re: any comments on the e-machines' `big picture' display Cutting Edge Hard Disk? 68030 in MacII Re: Excel memory limits fried chips, RAM disk multifinder queries & HyperCard annoyances Re: Which Is Better: DMCS or Concertware+? Re: Availability of 1 MB SIMMs in the US any assembler other than MPW? Printing under Hypercard Re: Availability of 1 MB SIMMs in the US Word 3.01 and Date Format Re: Broken mouse...can it be fixed? Re: Cutting Edge Hard Disk? Re: 68030 in MacII Macsbug 5.5 and SANE in Mac II Re: Nova (Or Any) Hard Drives Re: multifinder queries & HyperCard annoyances Mac II NTSC Video source code Re: any assembler other than MPW? [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-70.ARC DoD ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri 18 Sep 87 09:32:54-EDT From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR> Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #71 Usenet Mac Digest Thursday, September 17, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 71 Today's Topics: Problem running SuperSpool and Professional Composer? Re: Printing under Hypercard Re: 68030 in MacII Re: LightSpeed Pascal Problem Re: any assembler other than MPW? Re: Printing under Hypercard Avoiding menu metacharacters Button hilighting in HyperTalk MacKermit on an SE (and II?) (2 messages) ParamText Question Laserwriter streaks Filemaker+ meets Laserwriter 4.0? (also ready set go 4.0) Re: ParamText Question Re: 68030 in MacII Beta particle counter Graphics tablets Re: New master pointer query. Anyone Have ROvr 0? (Was Replacing system fonts) Re: Button hilighting in HyperTalk (2 messages) Re: Avoiding menu metacharacters Desktop Drawing Getting a windows position [ archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-71.ARC DoD ] ------------------------------ End of INFO-MAC Digest **********************