[comp.sys.mac.digest] INFO-MAC Digest V5 #121

Moderators.David.Gelphman@ucbvax.UUCP (10/02/87)

INFO-MAC Digest          Thursday, 1 Oct 1987     Volume 5 : Issue 121

Today's Topics:
                 Reply to WDEFs & CDEFs in MPW, V5 #115
                        A HyperCard About Button
                          MacApp - Dialog boxes
                     Code optimizers: any interest?
                      How does the Mac make sounds
                       Re: Borland's Turbo Pascal
                       Macintalk patch for Mac II
                         Sony multisync problem
                              Re: BREAK DA
                            Mac II hard disks
                         Networking help needed
                      hypercard scripts - editting
                    Screens hurt eyes (Mac SE, Plus)
                            Excel's 1MB limit
                           MacTex and Textures
                         Info request: HyperCard
        Workshop on Coordinating User Interfaces for Consistency
                    Client Billing System for the Mac
                          KHMER-FONT REQUESTED
                        Mac <--> PC Connectivity
                           Can't find MacDiet
                Info-mac and undigestifying in Gnu Emacs
                        Mac for use in France...
                        Delphi Mac Digest V3 #40
                        Delphi Mac Digest V3 #41
                        Delphi Mac Digest V3 #43
                        Usenet Mac Digest V3 #72


Subject: Reply to WDEFs & CDEFs in MPW, V5 #115
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 87 15:25:14 -0700
From: standish@madeleine.UCI.EDU

  We have succeeded in getting WDEFs and CDEFs to compile
in MPW Pascal. We had to work our way around linker troubles
as described below.
  There is a Mac Tech Note #110 by Jim Friedlander that
describes the essentials of how to proceed. Briefly, you
have to assemble a special header file in assembly language
and link it in with your compiled pascal unit. But the
MPW link instructions given in Tech Note #110 bombed on
our example because we were missing the instruction to link
with "{pLibraries}"pasLib.o. The corrected MPW commands that
worked for us are as follows:

	asm myWDEF.a
	pascal myWDEF.p
	link myWDEF.a.o
	 -rt 'WDEF'=3
     -t '????'
	 -c 'RWDF'
	 -o myWDEF3

For an example of a WDEF that works, Darryl Lovato of TML Systems
Inc. has written the standard documentProc WDEF on disk #3
of the TML Source Code Library. This can be converted into
an MPW Pascal Unit according to the program template in
Tech Note 110 and works fine. One last hint: When you create
your window definition ID, remember to multiply the resource ID
of your WDEF by 16 to shift it left 4 bits (cf. IM I-298) in
order to get the Window Manager to call your WDEF properly.
  I hope this reply doesn't come too late. Although your message
on Info-Mac is dated July 29th, it came in V5 #115 of Info-Mac
dated Sept. 27th. So please discard this note if it is no
longer relevant.

         Tim Standish,
         UC Irvine


Date: Sat, 26 Sep 87 17:43:29 EDT
From: Andrew Gilmartin <ANDREW%BROWNVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: A HyperCard About Button

I had need of a simple About Box to include in my stacks. This About Box
was to display the stack's name, date, and copyright notice.  Given its
simplicity, I did not want to devote a card and nor did I want to set
aside space on a card, so the only alternative was to have something
that was unobtrusive when inactive but when clicked upon would display
the About Box.

My first idea was to use a background field, but this caused problems in
that while the field is shared, its content is not.  Thus, when a field
is made visible the script would have to ensure that the text of the
About Box was in the field.  But then how do I indicate that the About
Box even existed?

My answer was to use a button that would display the About Box icon when
the About box was hidden but when clicked the BUTTON ITSELF would become
the About Box.  This was done by removing the icon, changing its style
and then DISPLAYING ITS NAME which is the text of the message.

If you would like to try this, create a button with an appropriate name
and icon and give it the following script:

on mouseUp

  put the rect of me into buttonWhere  -- remember where the button was
  put the icon of me into buttonIcon   -- remember what the icon was
  put the style of me into buttonStyle -- remember what the style was

  -- set the button to display simple About Box

  set lockScreen to true               -- turn off screen updating
  set rect of me to 46, 136, 466, 206  -- size & position of About Box
  set icon of me to 0                  -- remove the icon
  set style of me to shadow            -- give it an appropriate style
  set showName of me to true           -- show the message
  set lockScreen to false              -- update the screen

  -- wait for a mouse click to clear the About Box

  repeat until the mouseClick
  end repeat

  -- reset the button

  set lockScreen to true               -- turn off screen updating
  set icon of me to buttonIcon         -- reset the icon
  set showName of me to false          -- hide About message
  set style of me to buttonStyle       -- make button transparent
  set rect of me to buttonWhere        -- reset the size & position
  set lockScreen to false              -- update the screen
end mouseUp


Subject: MacApp - Dialog boxes
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 87 08:57:43 +0100
From: Colin Robbins <crobbins@Cs.Ucl.AC.UK>


I have been trying to create a scrollable text view inside a
Modal dialog, but have been unsucessful.

I am using v1.0 of MacApp.

The following methods have been tried :-

1) Putting a TTEView view in the dialog - fails because the
TDialogView assumes all sub views are of type TCatView, and you
can't inherit from both TTEview and TCatView.

2) Putting a TFrame around a TTextHandler view - scrolling does
not work correctly, as each time the view is redrawn, the view scrolls back
to the top of the text, and autoscroll does not work properly.

3) Putting a Tframe around a TCatView - this get the scrolling working
OK, but then there is no text editing facilities.

Short of using (3) and implementing the text editing myself using the
toolbox - which seems a bit of a waste of MacApp's capabilities, what
can I do?

Is the problem that scrolling editable text in a modal dialog does not
meet with the 'Macintosh user interface guidelines'?

Any comments or solutions would be gratefully received,

Colin Robbins
University College, London, England.


From: maiden@sdcsvax.ucsd.edu (VLSI Layout Project)
Subject: Code optimizers: any interest?
Date: 19 Sep 87 17:55:42 GMT

To the Macintosh Development Community:

Is there a significant interest/market for an external optimizer for
the Macintosh/Macintosh II?  Recently some CS associates and I have
discussed the possibility of applying that 'ol computer science
knowledge toward developing such a product.

What do you, the development community, think?  Are existing compilers
sufficiently endowed with the ability to produce fast code?  Are those
developers who have bemoaned the lack of code quality on the Macintosh
comparable to that on other computers (including the PC) willing to
put their money where their mouth is?  IS THERE REALLY A MARKET FOR
AN OPTIMIZER - or are developers willing to exploit alternative
routes (hand-coded assembly by an expert)?

Also: are there such products already being developed?  There are
other things far easier (and more fun!) to do than making an
optimizer; if someone is doing it already, we will willingly step
aside and do something else.

What is the level of support required for such a product?  Note
that whatever this answer is has much to do with the eventual
market price of the product.  Should support be sold separately?

And a final question: what are the specifications of an ideal code
optimizer?  What are the code size/speed tradeoffs that developers
out in the Macintosh community desire?  Obviously the optimizer
would be modular, allowing selective enabling/disabling of the
various levels of optimization, but is there a need for optimization
of ROM calls or cache use or coprocessor parallelism?

Presently we would envision the system to run under MPW - are there
objections to this? - and operate on assembler output to maximize
its functionality among several compilers.  We would consider
implementing loop optimization, induction variable and global common
subexpression elimination, loop unrolling and merging, constant
folding, copy propagation, code hoisting, procedure call optimization,
etc.  It may be desirable to allow directives to be passed to the
optimizer for greater control and implementation of other types of
optimization, including code substitution and algorithm optimization.

Your suggestions welcome.  E-mail is preferred, however I often
scan this board.

UUCP: {seismo|decwrl}!sdcsvax!maiden     ARPA: maiden@sdcsvax.ucsd.edu


From: shmuel browns <shmuli%humus.huji.ac.il@RELAY.CS.NET>
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 87 11:02:43 JST
Subject: How does the Mac make sounds

I'm trying to understand how the Mac makes sounds.  With System 4.1 there is
a cdev (what is a cdev?) with creator soun that has a soun resource with ID=0
that says that it is Sound v1.0 - I assume that this is the NEW sound driver
from Apple.
    VideoWorks and Tour Engine (what is their relationship) play music and
sounds that are CSND resources; also the  Adobe Illustrator demo (running with
the Tour Engine ) has added 2 sampled sounds to the list - to play their music
and produce clicks, etc.  Are these resources for the old sound driver?  They
do work with System 4.1.
    There is a program called SoundPlayer that can play files of type FSSD
(these have only data forks and no resource), the one with a jagged white
waveform on a black background.  Are these the files that are produced by
MacNifty (is the company really defunct?) i.e. straight digitized sound?  What
other products are there that will let you digitize your own sounds?
SoundPlayer can play the data at 4 sampling rates - can someone explain what
this means to an audio layman?  These are the files that can be used when
renamed StartupSound or BeepSound with the corresponding INITs.  Do these INITs
play only at sampling rate 1?
    HyperCard can play 3 sounds (2 Boings and a harpsichord) & has the matching
snd resources.  How can you add other sounds?  How can you get HyperCard to
play them?
    I'm baffled!  How can you get the Mac to play digitized sounds?   Where can
I find information about the programming aspects?  What programs/tools are
already available to help?  How can you convert these FSSD files to the
appropriate sound resources?  Which is appropriate CSND or snd.  What's the
difference?  Can you convert between them?
    What I'd like to do is be able to write a LightSpeed C program (like
BeepInit) that plays the FSSD file?  Similarly, how would you go about writing
a program that will play the sound resources?  If anyone has suggestions where
to start looking or some source code, it sure would be appreciated.

[ note from moderator:  the Sound cdev is a control panel resource which
is what you click on from the Mac II control panel to select a different
system beep. This is NOT the sound driver.  The tour engine is a videoworks
player only and allows non videoworks owners to play back videoworks files.
The sound files with type FSSC are Soundcap files; Soundcap is the old version
of the software which came with the MacNifty digitizer. Soundwave is the
current version of the software. The audio digitizer is now sold by Impulse.
BMUG used to sell a digitizer called MacRecorder but at MacWorld in August
I noticed that Farallon is now selling that product.  DAVEG ]


Date: Tue, 29 Sep 87  20:54:16 MDT
Subject: Re: Borland's Turbo Pascal

      I'm trying to do some work with Borland's Turbo Pascal
on my Macintosh Plus.  The manual supplied with the compiler seems to
be a good reference, but little more.  Is the Turbo Pascal tutor (also
available from Borland) worth getting?  One more thing, will programs
written in MacPascal run with Turbo?  I don't mean without some modification
but is it possible to transfer program at least to some degree?
thanx for any help
                       Mike R             EKE4000@WYOCDC1.CSD


From: DAVEG%SLACVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Date: 28 Sep 87   21:08 PST
Subject: Macintalk patch for Mac II

On Genie there was a patch to Macintalk for the MacII posted.
   Change all occurances of:  $00EFE1FE
   Replace with:              $50F00000

   Change all occurances of:  $00EFFFFE
   Replace with:              $50F01E00

I had success with this patch so I have reason to believe others will too!

David Gelphman


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 87 11:46:07 CDT
From: Paul Fons <FONS%UIUCVMD.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Sony multisync problem

I recently purchased a Mac II here and attached a sony multisync as a monitor.
It works as advertised and looks very nice.  I made my own cable from rg174u
mini coax using the connections I read about in MacWeek.  No problem so far...
The only thing I notice is that if I wipe the screen while the machine is on,
the machine resets - this implies that somehow I am discharging the hv from the
static on the screen through some delicate? part.  I do have the ground lines
hooked up through the machine.  I can't recall now, but if I connected the
signal ground to the case ground would this cause the problem.  Has anyone else
had this sort of problem and what did you use to solve it?
  Please reply to FONS@UIUCVMD on BITNET.


Date: Tue, 29 Sep 87 16:13:10 CDT
From: brian@sally.utexas.edu (Brian H. Powell)
Subject: Re: BREAK DA

     I wrote a DA to send a break for (as I recall) 1/5 second out the modem
port.  (It was very simple; it was hard-coded to the modem port.)
     I'll make the program (with sources) available for anonymous ftp from

     This DA is almost the same as my SUMEX:<INFO-MAC>DA-MODEMDTR.HQX file.
That desk accessory told the serial driver not to drop DTR when you quit a
terminal program.
     Perhaps the INFO-MAC moderators will choose to make this available on

Brian H. Powell
		UUCP:	...!uunet!ut-sally!brian
		ARPA:	brian@sally.UTEXAS.EDU

   _Work_					 _Not Work_
  Department of Computer Sciences		P.O. Box 5899
  Taylor Hall 2.124				Austin, TX 78763-5899
  The University of Texas at Austin		(512) 346-0835
  Austin, TX 78712-1188
  (512) 471-9536

[ archived as:




Date: Tue, 29 Sep 87 21:05:29 PST
From: nfong%cory.Berkeley.EDU@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Norman Fong)
Subject: Mac II hard disks

The L5380 is directly replacable with the NCR one in your Mac2, but will
bring about no performance enhancements.  With 2 wait states to mem,
you can't really spool information into memory that fast.  Now if someone
came out with a nubus card with the chip and did some dma... We could
really exploit some fast hard disks.

Regarding Disktimer II benchmarks on the Mac2, here's some more..

hammer91  26 28 7
(Internal 91meg 18ms)
hammer300 22 23 6
(External 300meg 16.5ms)

The 300 has a 1.4 meg SUSTAINABLE data xfer rate..
Someone should right a benchmarker like coretest on the pc..(Hint)
Perhaps one that would print out data xfer rates across a disk,
something that might not be skew for these 16meg cache drives!


Claimer:  I work for FWB, who puts the hammer drives out..


Date: Thu, 24 Sep 87 06:51:43 edt
From: thinder@nswc-wo.ARPA
Subject: Networking help needed

We have a number of Mac users that would like to be networked. We have a
broadband coaxial cable running through out our site. What I am looking for
is a "Appletalk on Broadband" product. It would be the Apple equivilant to
the various "Ethernet on Broadband" products. What we DON'T want to do is
set up seperate "networks" and then bridge (read piece) them together. Use of
the phone lines is also not a solution, we don't own the wires. I'm not on the
list for distribution, so please respond to me directly, even by phone.

					Thanks in advance,
					  Thomas K. Hinders

				Network: thinder@nswc-wo.arpa

					Naval Surface Warfare Center
					Silver Spring MD
					(301) 394 4225 or 1802
					Autovon 290 4225


Date: Tue, 29 Sep 87 09:50+0100
From: Ralph <MartinRR%cardiff.ac.uk@NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK>
Subject: hypercard scripts - editting

I am missing something, or is it impossible to cut and paste while
editing hypercard scripts?  Yuk!  Just when I had got to understand,
love and rely on the clipboard too...  Sigh.

Appple, can this one be fixed up?

[ note from moderator:  The command key equivalents command-x,c,v all
work in the HyperCard dialog for script editting. It's always worth
trying the old reliable if you can't figure out what to do!  DAVEG ]


Date: Thu, 24 Sep 87 21:43 EDT
From: <GILDIN%QCVAX.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: upgrades

Open Mac Enterprises is advertising 1 Megabit CMOS DRAM upgrade kits for the
Mac+ at what seem to be good prices ($299 to 2, $799 to 4) and a 2 year full
replacement warranty. (They warn that their kits may not be compatible with
internal devices, but that does not concern me.) Has anyone had any
experiences, good or bad, with this product or the company?


Date: Sat, 26 Sep 87 12:19:32 CDT
From: srb%mycroft@gswd-vms.Gould.COM (Steve Bunch)
Subject: Screens hurt eyes (Mac SE, Plus)

I have noticed a great deal of jitter in MAC SE screens.  The jitter
is always noticable, but increases when the disks are energized, so is
probably a power supply regulation problem or something like that.
The fact that it's so visible as a flickering indicates it isn't just
30 or 60 Hz noise getting in, but is probably something more complicated.

Some people can't even see it, by the way.  If you want to know if it's
occurring on your screen, use a sheet of heavy paper as a straightedge
and hold it over the screen so that you expose only the top scan line.
I just did this on my terminal (a Datamedia), a MAC SE with internal
hard disk, and a MAC 512 with HD-20.  The SE flicker was conspicuous.
None whatsoever was visible on the other two.

Flickering of that sort causes eyestrain, and you probably unconsciously
blink even less than your usual so you don't lose tracking and have to
recapture what you're looking at.

SE's are noisy to boot.

Steve Bunch
Gould Computer Systems, Urbana.


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 87 09:40 EDT
From: <KURAS%BCVMS.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu> (This Space For Rent)
Subject: Excel's 1MB limit

Only version 1.00 of Excel has the 1MB addresing limit pointed out by the
complainer. Version 1.04, the latest, has addressed this shortcoming, as well
as others. Excel still isn't perfect, but it's still the best spreadsheet you
can buy.

Pat Kuras
Boston College
or, if that fails,


From: billc@sun.com (Bill Courington)
Subject: MacTex and Textures
Date: 27 Sep 87 00:24:53 GMT

I'm looking for information on these two implementations
of TeX for the Macintosh.  I would like both
functional (full implementation?  reasonably bug-free?
follows Mac interface?  easy to use?) and performance
(is a Mac+ with 2mb and a hard disk a workable
configuration, or do you need 68020 power?) data.
And, of course, experience with the vendor's support.

[ note from moderator:  I've only had experience with Textures by
Kellerman and Smith which is being sold by Addison Wesley. It is a good
package all around and I would recommend it. It is Mac II and large screen
compatible, but a Mac+ with 1 Meg and a hard disk (necessary in my opinion
for any real TeX work) is all that is needed. It may run on a 512k but
I don't think the performance would be all that great. The perforance
on a Mac+ is a bit slow compared to machines like the Amiga TeX or the
IBM PC/AT running their TeX's. I believe that K&S are working to speed
up TeXtures and we may see a faster version someday. It has been fairly
solid so far...it is multifinder compatible as well. DAVEG  ]


Subject: Info request: HyperCard
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 87 23:32:58 -0700
From: Alastair Milne <milne@Q2.ICS.UCI.EDU>

   I have acquired a little information on HyperCard, but really only an
   outline, and I am eager for more.  Further information, personal encounters
   (if there have been any yet), hopes and fears: I'd like to hear them.

   I suggest posting directly to me, since the list is likely to have more
   than its share of HyperCard comments in any case.  If I get enough
   comments, I'll try to summarise for the net.

   Thanks in advance,

   Alastair Milne


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 87 10:39:51 DNT
From: Jakob Nielsen  Tech Univ of Denmark
From: <DATJN%NEUVM1.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Workshop on Coordinating User Interfaces for Consistency

A limited attendance workshop on Coordinating User Interfaces for
Consistency is being organized for the ACM Computer-Human Interaction
conference in Washington, D.C. The workshop will be held Monday, May 16, 1988.

Because of the large emphasis on consistency in Mac user interfaces,
this may interest several Info-Mac readers but I do not want to clutter
the list with the full call-for-participation. To get it send me a message
at datJN@NEUVM1.bitnet


Sender: Bauersfeld.WBST@Xerox.COM
Date: 29 Sep 87 13:39:57 EDT (Tuesday)
Subject: Client Billing System for the Mac
From: Penny <Bauersfeld.WBST@Xerox.COM>
Reply-to: Bauersfeld.wbst@Xerox.COM

I'm looking for an application that can handle a client billing system
for a small firm.  Nothing fancy - just one that handles time sheets and
associated job and worker information.

Is there a program available that does just this, or will I have to
build my own using a relational database (like Excel)?  If I do have to
build my own, which dbase suits these needs?


Date: Tue, 29 Sep 87 16:19:12 SET
From: Norbert Mueller <K360171%AEARN.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>



                    NORBERT MUELLER


From: galaxy!mayer@andromeda.rutgers.edu (Warren Mayer)
Subject: Mac <--> PC Connectivity
Date: 29 Sep 87 15:46:50 GMT
Sender: andromeda!galaxy!news@RUTGERS.EDU
Reply-to: mayer@andromeda.rutgers.edu (Warren Mayer)

       Has anyone ever heard of Macintosh <---> PC networking software
called CompuNet?  Can anyone give me any specs on it regarding connectivity
to PC networks, AppleTalk networks and possibly its interconnectivity with
Ethernet networks?  Also, what hardware (if any) is required by the program?

    Mail me any information that you can provide on this program to


Thanks in advance for any info.

Warren Mayer


From: Jean_Fremont%SFU.Mailnet%UBC.MAILNET@MIT-Multics.ARPA
Subject: Can't find MacDiet

I am trying to get a copy of MacDiet for a computer fair a
collegue and I are arranging for other dietitians and
nutritionists in January.  Any ideas of an easy way to
get one.  the developers said it is available through
Kinko but the Vancouver division has no software.
Anybody have any ideas?


Date: Tue, 29 Sep 87 21:13 EDT
From: <ZACCONE%BKNLVMS.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Info-mac and undigestifying in Gnu Emacs

I have been trying to use Gnu Emacs version 18.47 to undigestify the
info-mac digest.  However, it doesn't seem to want to do it.
Has anyone succeeded in doing this?  If so, is it just some changes to
my .emacs file that will make this possible?

Rick Zaccone


Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1987  10:35 EDT
From: Dean Sutherland <Sutherland@TL-20B.ARPA>
Subject: Mac for use in France...

I need advice on buying a Mac, printer, etc for use in France.  My
brother-in-law is currently studying in France, and would like to buy a
computer.  He has found that computers are MUCH more expensive there than here.
As a result, he would like to buy a US model and take it back with him.  Can he
run a US Mac on French current (220, 50Hz)?  Can he buy a French model Mac at
US prices?

Please respond directly to me.  I will summarize to the net if enough people
express interest.

Dean F. Sutherland


Date: Sat 22 Aug 87 09:13:45-GMT
From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR>
Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V3 #40

Delphi Mac Digest     Saturday, August 22, 1987      Volume 3 : Issue 40

Today's Topics:
     RE: boston expo (2 messages)
     MPW version 2.0 (2 messages)
     MacAsm to MDS (2 messages)
     HyperCard notes (7 messages)
     SE video problems due to fan?
     4D random notes
     Bust Out Racket
     HyperCard PC ?!? (3 messages)
     Xpressly UnCopyProtected.
     HyperCard radio buttons (8 messages)
     RE: Object-oriented C (2 messages)
     New Lightspeed Pascal
     Capps' (5 messages)
     HyperCard Data Import (4 messages)
     Quark Quirk.

archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DELPHIV3-40.ARC



Date: Fri 28 Aug 87 19:52:49-GMT
From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR>
Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V3 #41

Delphi Mac Digest     Friday, August 28, 1987        Volume 3 : Issue 41

Today's Topics:
     HyperCard Find (2 messages)
     HyperCard crashes (8 messages)
     HyperCard Number Formats (2 messages)
     OCR Scanner (4 messages)
     Disks trashed in shipping (2 messages)
     RE: HyperCard radio buttons (5 messages)
     hyperFonts (2 messages)
     RE: SERD .. 2 Resources?
     RE: Re: LSC and MultiFinder/Juggler
     OCR (3 messages)
     Zap SS SCSI drives
     MPW 2.0 patch
     Hyper's not hot points (2 messages)
     MACazine HyperCard stack
     HyperCard Upload (5 messages)
     accounting pgm. (2 messages)
     TMON 2.8 patch
     RE: HyperCard available (4 messages)

archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DELPHIV3-41.ARC



Date: Sun 13 Sep 87 17:01:25-GMT
From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR>
Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V3 #43

Delphi Mac Digest     Sunday, September 13, 1987     Volume 3 : Issue 43

Today's Topics:
     Brain Dominance (4 messages)
     RE: A C formatter (2 messages)
     MAC SE FAN NOISE (2 messages)
     TurboMax Upgrade
     miniWRITER info -- pass it on
     HyperCard External Commands
     Need help with CDEF (3 messages)
     RE: MAC SE FAN NOISE (2 messages)
     Mac Assembler
     RE: BMUGNET ---> PHONENET (2 messages)
     long ADT cords ?
     print (3 messages)
     Re: Re:PYRO screen blanker
     Suitcase and Finder 5.5

archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DELPHIV3-43.ARC



Date: Fri 18 Sep 87 09:35:54-EDT
From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR>
Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #72

Usenet Mac Digest     Thursday, September 17, 1987   Volume 3 : Issue 72

Today's Topics:
     Re: Mac MIDI interface
     Re: Graphics tablets
     Re: Desktop Drawing
     Re: Dialog question (and lists in Control Panel)
     DIY SCSI... It's done!
     LaserWriter password
     Re: ParamText Question
     Need Info about SideKick 2.0 & V.I.P.
     Controlling Dialog Boxes & Button Size in HyperCard
     re: buttons in Hypertalk
     LightSpeed C special effects
     Re: Controlling Button Size in HyperCard
     Shrinking screen on SE
     File format information needed
     Re: LightSpeed C special effects
     Re: multifinder queries & HyperCard annoyances
     Re: Controlling Dialog Boxes & Button Size in HyperCard

archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-72.ARC



End of INFO-MAC Digest