[comp.sys.mac.digest] Delphi Mac Digest V3 #44

SHULMAN@sdr.slb.COM (Jeffrey Shulman) (10/14/87)

Date: Mon 21 Sep 87 09:41:31-EDT
From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR>
Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V3 #44
To: Delphi-List: ;
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ReSent-date: Wed 14 Oct 87 13:36:47-EDT
ReSent-from: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR>
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Delphi Mac Digest     Monday, September 21, 1987     Volume 3 : Issue 44

Today's Topics:
     Re: fido (2 messages)
     re: hypercard ?s
     re: MPW C 2.0 interfaces into ColorQuick
     RE: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #66 (3 messages)
     RE: MPW Bug (3 messages)
     HyperText in HyperCard
     worlds smallest mac screen (4 messages)
     HyperHassles (3 messages)
     MODIFY RESOURCES (2 messages)
     Reader Application for proprietary text (4 messages)
     Re: Set Startup
     Strategic Conquest
     re: Hypercard and DAs
     re: Replacing system fonts
     RE: any assembler other than MPW?
     RE: Desktop Drawing


Subject: hyperlaunching
Date: 13-SEP 19:20 Creative Pursuits


   I'm finding Hypercard very inconsistent on returning from an
application launch or document/application launch. It launches well, but
when I quit certain programs (like Word 3.0), it always returns to
Finder. When I then reOpen Hypercard, it does return me to the card I
launched from.

    I'm using my own personalized launch stack. Maybe there's some
special script command I don't know, to make sure the return to
Hypercard remains in the background? Any ideas?

Michael Starobin


Subject: Re: fido
Date: 13-SEP 20:08 Creative Pursuits

David--I also recently created a stack which displays the card number in
a field whenever a card is opened. Seemed like a real cute idea until
the first time I deleted a card. The next card displayed had the old
(and incorrect) card

number(unless you happen to delete the last card). The solution i came
up with was rather ugly: loop thru all higher numbered cards,
subtracting one from the displayed number. Also very slow if you have
lots of cards.

I haven't given this a lot of thought, but there must be better way
until this is fixed.



Subject: RE: Re: fido (Re: Msg 22346)
Date: 13-SEP 21:10 Creative Pursuits

David--I just discovered a much more elegant solution to the page
numbering problem. It goes something like this:

on openCard
  global stopflag
  if stopflag is 0 then
    put the number of this card into field "PageNo"
    put 0 into stopflag
  end if
  pass openCard
end openCard

on deleteCard
  global stopflag
  get the number of this card
  put It into field "PageNo" of card It+1
  put 1 into stopflag
end deleteCard

Of course you will also need to intitialize stopflag when the stack is



Subject: re: hypercard ?s (Re: Msg 22310)
Date: 13-SEP 21:57 Network Digests

 > From: cca@newton.physics.purdue.edu (Charles C. Allen)
 > Subject: HyperCard annoyances

 > No way to abort changes to stacks

True, but if you were browsing around between stacks and making minor
changes and constantly being interrupted to be asked if you really
wanted to discard changes, you'd be just as annoyed.  Because there's no
Save command, you get the illusion of a seamless environment, which
isn't arbitrarily divided into stacks.

 > Home Card?

The home stack is far more than a Finder.  For one thing, scripts and

placed here are global to a user.

 > From: kleef@cs.vu.nl (Patrick van Kleef)
 > Subject: MenuBar in HyperCard

From what I gather from the documentation (I've seen a draft) and from
talking to a programmer at Farallon, there's no way to use Menu Manager
or List Manager with HyperCard (even with XCMDs).  (You _might_ be able
to use a pop-up menu when you click on something.)


Subject: re: MPW C 2.0 interfaces into ColorQuick (Re: Msg 22312)
Date: 13-SEP 21:58 Network Digests

 > daveg%slacvm.bitnet@forsythe.stanford.edu
 > Subject: MPW C 2.0 interfaces into ColorQuickDraw

GetNewCWindow is AA46, according to my copy of TMON.


Subject: RE: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #66 (Re: Msg 22310)
Date: 15-SEP 15:13 Network Digests

One other annoyance I've found with HyperCard is that it echoes
passwords when you type them in.

Ric Ford


Subject: RE: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #66 (Re: Msg 22376)
Date: 15-SEP 16:25 Network Digests

There is a special form of the ASK command (ASK PASSWORD) which is
specifically not supposed to echo as you type in the dialog box.



Subject: RE: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #66 (Re: Msg 22378)
Date: 15-SEP 21:04 Network Digests

Geez, was I wrong.  Ask password most certainly does echo!  Sounds like
there is an opportunity for an XFCN here, for some enterprising



Subject: RE: MPW Bug (Re: Msg 22366)
Date: 15-SEP 23:52 Programming

I believe I may havepossible answer to your question. While I was on
Usenet yesterday I saw a message that someone had posted complaining
about a delay in his upgrade to MPW 2.0. The reply that he received was
that MPW Pascal 2.0 is on hold while 2.01 will be comming "any day now".
It appears that MPW Pascal 2.0 had a random bug in code generation.
Creating some very large segments. If you have upgraded to 2.0 I'd give
APDA a call and see if ther really is a

I would tend to believe that there is a change comming down. My upgrade
to 2.0 contained bad C and Pascal disks (when will they #%$@^ buy double
sided disks),

anyway, I called APDA and they said they'd send out my replacement disks
- that

was nearly 2 weeks ago. Luckily school has started and I'm too busy to
use MPW for the moment.

Brian Bezanson


From: YMUG
Subject: RE: MPW Bug (Re: Msg 22384)
Date: 16-SEP 00:12 Programming

Check out the Developer's SIG Database for a Tech. note dated Sept. 1,
1987 describing the bug in code generation in MPW Pascal 2.0.
  I have had 2.0 for a month now. I called APDA yesterday about the
problem, and was told that even more bugs were found since that Tech
Note, so Apple has recalled 2.0 & APDA is not currently shipping any
version of 2.0.
  I then spoke with Dan Cochran, this morning, and he told me that they
have fixed the bugs, and are getting the version up to APDA ASAP. So,
depending on how fast APDA is in getting it out, there should be a
version available soon. BTW, the technical support person at APDA
suggested I erase 2.0 from my hard disk *right away*. Which, of course,
I didn't do.  ;-)


Subject: RE: MPW Bug (Re: Msg 22384)
Date: 16-SEP 01:03 Programming

The "random" MPW Pascal bug is not random at all (thanks for reminding
me of that).  It is covered in the most recent tech notes.  While it
only occurs under very specific circumstances involving array
arithmetic, the circumstances are commonplace.

The Tech Note is in Developer's SIG Database topic Tech Notes.



From: BMUG
Subject: HyperText in HyperCard
Date: 17-SEP 05:25 Programming

-- True HyperText in HyperCard:
-- BUTTONS IN SCROLLING FIELDS! [or any kind of field, for that matter]
-- make this the script of a locked text field on a card or background
-- you can click on any word to select it and go to card of that
-- name or number.
-- by Raines Cohen for the BMUG HyperCard SIG 9/16/87
-- [now meets every other Monday at 6 PM at BMUG]
-- inspired by George Por of High^Lights publishing
-- please enhance, distribute, and spread around!
-- (and send me anything neat you come up with! <grin>:)
-- Raines Cohen, c/o BMUG, 1442A Walnut #62, Berkeley CA 94709
-- AppleLink: UG0001.  Delphi,GEnie,BIX, the Well, MCI Mail: BMUG
-- CIS: 70007,2271.  ATT: (415) 849-9114.
on mouseUp
  if the selection is empty then
    set lockText of the target to false -- unlock to enable text editing
    repeat two times
      click at the clickLoc -- double click where the user clicked
    end repeat
    set lockText of the target to true
  end if
  if the selection is not empty then -- we got a hit...
    set lockText of the target to true
    go card selection -- This line is the link... see below.
  end if
end mouseUp

-- Alternative forms of linking include:

-- Searching a field of another stac:

[instead of "go card selection", substitute:]
put selection into holder -- holder is a local var, just temporary
go to stack "George's contribution" -- Part of a collaborative project, for
find word holder in field "keywords"
if the result is "not found" then ...

-- Only responding to words with an asterisk after them:

[after "end repeat" of double click]
click at ((last item of rect of the target)-10,B
(second item of clickLoc)) with ShiftKey
-- shift-click at end of line to catch rest of line
-- 10 is the width of the scrollbar
if offset ("*",selection) = length of word 1 of selection then
-- last char of 1st word is a "*" => OK to xref
click at clickLoc --disable selection
set the lockText of the target to true

-- Selecting whole line [like SFGetFile]:

[instead of repeat loop with click]:
click at (first item of the rect of target),B
(second item of the clickLoc)
click at (third item of the rect of target)-10,B
(second item of the clickLoc) with shiftKey

-- Deferred action
[instead of go card...]
show bkgnd button "Do It" -- hidden unless something's selected
show bkgnd button "Cancel selection"

Good luck!  Remember to do this on a field with LOCKED TEXT, or it wonUt work!

-- Raines Cohen
   Team BMUG


From: JIMH
Subject: worlds smallest mac screen
Date: 17-SEP 21:25 Creative Pursuits

Well we did what must be a first in macdom this afternoon.  The hardware guys
finished the bread board for the display electroincs to link the mac II video
card to our 1" CRTs.  This has to be the worlds smallest mac screen.  You see
this little tiny curso r and trying to hit a scroll bar is a real scream!  Used
the eyepiece from the microfilm reader to read the screen.  With this is was
perfectly legible.  was running videoworks II demos, MPW, and other programs.
Now we can mount the tube to a helmet and t he appropriate optics to produce
our hemet mounted mac II display!  Our new "Wear a Mac" concept for the
terminally fanatic mac hacker!  jim


From: HALL
Subject: RE: worlds smallest mac screen (Re: Msg 22431)
Date: 17-SEP 22:54 Creative Pursuits

What kind of resolution do you have on that sucker?   Will you use two for a
stereo Mac II?  How about two with the appropriate color shifting to get a 3D
effect?  (It is color, right?)  When can I buy one of them?



From: JIMH
Subject: RE: worlds smallest mac screen (Re: Msg 22445)
Date: 18-SEP 22:07 Creative Pursuits

The lab i work at is one of the formost in the world in visual displays. the
tubes have been developed by the lab and its crontractors over a period of many
years.  they are 1000 line tubes ranging from 1" down to our newest tubes which
are 1/2".  they are
still black and white (actually green and black ;-) ) because after all its
the militarys lab and there arent many color displyays in weapons systems yet.
To get one you just need big bucks but the combination of hte tube and the
electronics are a bit hard to get.  the bread board set up of the electronings
is as big as the mac II. The final version is going to be minituraized quite a
bit.  to answer brians question we ran at the mac IIs video cards full
resolution of 640x480.  jim


From: JIMH
Subject: RE: worlds smallest mac screen (Re: Msg 22458)
Date: 18-SEP 22:08 Creative Pursuits

Mike, we are going to go stereo soon.  I am working on a simple virtual world
now which is kind of a mazewars type thing.  However the mac II is really not
fast enough to do nice animation of this caliber.  we are inverstigating
building a graphics coprocessor for it.  jim


Subject: HyperHassles
Date: 17-SEP 23:30 Creative Pursuits

Has anyone else noticed that when youre in HyperCard and you attempt to do an
ExitToShell from TMON, this results in a hang?  This is EXTREMELY annoying.  Is
there any way around this(other than a reboot)?



Subject: RE: HyperHassles (Re: Msg 22436)
Date: 18-SEP 02:13 Creative Pursuits

I think that's because the traps that Hypercard patches don't get unpatched.
I'd say there's no way around a reboot, if you can't quit normally.



Subject: RE: HyperHassles (Re: Msg 22436)
Date: 18-SEP 11:10 Creative Pursuits

Does this happen with Macsbug, too?



Date: 17-SEP 08:51 Programming Techniques

I have a program that I would like to modify a STR resource from within my
program. The STR is a fixed length and I would like to keep it that way so the
Manager will not try to compress the resource file each time I modify the STR.

I'm using MDS Pascal and Turbo Pascal.  ANY help would be greatly appreciated.



Subject: RE: MODIFY RESOURCES (Re: Msg 2064)
Date: 17-SEP 11:53 Programming Techniques

The resource manager will not compress the resource fork unless either of two
conditions occurs:  a resource gets bigger and cannot be written back without
making more room, or you set the bit in the resource map flags that requests a
compress.  Sounds like what you should do is initialize the STR to the largest
string you would expect to encounter, and then don't worry about it.

If something else causes a compression when your STR is short, then you will
lose the benefit of preallocating it long.



Subject: Reader Application for proprietary text
Date: 19-SEP 13:40 Business Mac

I've got some text that I want to put into a container so it can't be copied,
or changed, but such that a user can search for words and read the text.

I'm afraid of getting involved with HyperCard for this application (I might
never get finished!). Could I use TeachText? How do you create TeachText
documents? Would MicroFilm reader do the trick?  Any other suggestions?


Ric Ford


From: BMUG
Subject: RE: Reader Application for proprietary t (Re: Msg 22473)
Date: 20-SEP 03:15 Business Mac

Ric -

1. HyperCard may be able to do your application, but I don't know if it is
secure enough for your application.  If you want to find out about HyperCard
insecurity, talk to Ptr -- he's the one who broke it.

2. Whoops, I just reread your first sentence.  Reading is OK => HyperCard could
work.  A "locked" text field is unmodifieable b;y conventional means, but many
unconventional ways in exist.  As you know from experience as a computer user,
there is no way to prevent something on computer from being copied -- if the
computer can read it, then it can probably write it back out.  Of course, you
can make it difficult, but ask Dave Dunham or Alf if you would like to be
nominated to the copy protection hall of Shame.

3. TeachText or MicroFilm could do it.  I dunno if TeachText has any search
capabilities.  MFilm reader would, I suspect, be the most packed and fastest
retrieval method.

-- Raines / BMUG


Subject: RE: Reader Application for proprietary t (Re: Msg 22473)
Date: 20-SEP 13:35 Business Mac

Of the applications you mention, only MicroFilm reader comes with any kind of
serious protection.  The others can all be hacked by an inquisitive amateur.
MicroFilm doesn't allow a full-text search, but it does allow you to set index
words that have direct access.  The preparation software is reasonably priced
too (see any MacTALK for an ad.)



Subject: RE: Reader Application for proprietary t (Re: Msg 22482)
Date: 20-SEP 13:47 Business Mac

Actually, I haven't broken HyperCard security (you can't break what isn't there
to begin with).  In any case, it turns out that a HyperCard stack which is
'protected access' (not just protected userLevel) cannot easily be made usable
under HyperCard because a bunch of critical state information in the header has
been scrambled.  The data of course can still be stripped out.

What you could do is write an XCMD with a reasonably robust coding scheme that
would lock up the data against casual attempts to extract it.  I assume that
Ric doesn't mean to copy protect the stack, he just means to prevent someone
from separating the information apart from its credits and using it to build
some other database.



Subject: Re: Set Startup
Date: 20-SEP 01:47 MUGS Online

To: snyder@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu (Scott Snyder)
Subject: Re: Set Startup

> I've been trying to create a boot disk without a finder.  Everytime
> I try to get rid of the finder by setting either an application or a
> Minifinder as the startup I [can't boot].

The "blessed folder" is the folder that contains the System file and the shell
application, which is usually Finder.  If you use Finder (on another disk) to
remove Finder from the target disk, Finder -- being somewhat of a
self-chauvinist -- will "unbless" the System folder on the target disk, and the
disk won't be bootable as the boot code will not find a "blessed" folder into
which to look for the System file.

The easiest solution is to use a desk accessory, rather than Finder, to trash
the Finder on the target disk; the desk accessory will not "unbless" the folder
from which Finder is removed.


Subject: Strategic Conquest
Date: 20-SEP 02:03 Games and Entertainment

Is there anyone with the knowledge and interest in the two player version of
this exciting strategic game to devise a means of sending a "game-turn-file
across the electronic mail so that we may play across the BBS's?  Are there any
such games where this is possible?


Subject: re: Hypercard and DAs (Re: Msg 22451)
Date: 20-SEP 03:22 Network Digests

 > From: cosmos@druhi.ATT.COM (GuestRA)
 > Subject: Hypercard and DAs

Yes, with a big enough screen you can have HyperCard and DAs simultaneously
visible.  But even with a small screen, you can keep DAs open.  Use a Windows
DA (I use the one from BatteryPak) or the realSoonNow QuicKeys to bring the
HyperCard card window back to the front, instead of clicking on it.


Subject: re: Replacing system fonts (Re: Msg 22451)
Date: 20-SEP 03:23 Network Digests

 > From: theodore@violet.berkeley.edu (Theodore W. Gray)
 > Subject: Replacing system fonts

I've done it by FOND-hacking; edit the FOND for Chicago so the 12-point size
points to the resource of a different, larger font. ResEdit knows how to edit

 David Dunham     "The more laws there are, the more people are
 Maitreya Design   inclined to break them"


Subject: RE: any assembler other than MPW? (Re: Msg 22452)
Date: 20-SEP 12:50 Network Digests

>From: kkim@uiucdcsb.cs.uiuc.edu
>Subject: any assembler other than MPW?
>Date: 11 Sep 87 04:16:00 GMT

>   there are lots of pascal, C , etc. compilers by different companies.
>however, i have never seen any assembler advertised except MPW

Mainstay makes an assembler called MacAsm.  You can reach them at 28611B
Canwood St., Agoura Hills CA  91301, telephone (818) 991-6540.  What little
assembly language I have done, has been by way of the LightspeedC built-in
assembler.  Depending on how much assembly language code you have to
produce, this may be an acceptable alternative.

peter                          "In any context, half of all references
PEABO @ DELPHI                  are local and half are global."


Subject: RE: Desktop Drawing (Re: Msg 22453)
Date: 20-SEP 13:08 Network Digests

>From: tomc@mntgfx.MENTOR.COM (Tom Carstensen)
>Subject: Desktop Drawing
>Date: 14 Sep 87 22:34:00 GMT
>Organization: Mentor Graphics, Beaverton OR

>I wish to implement something functionally like the icons on the Finders
>desktop, and I am currently doing it this way:

>    - traversing the list of windows, subtracting each visible
>      window's rectangle from the icon rectangles region

Run, do not walk, to the nearest copy of MultiFinder and see if this still
works!  (Granted, copies of MultiFinder are still hard to come by, but they
have been sent out to certified developers for testing and you may be able
to find one relatively easily.)  Rumor has it that windows are segregated
into layers and you may have trouble finding out about all of the windows
on the desktop.  Apple considers the Window Manager grafport to be a shared
resource that applications are not supposed to write into.

peter                          "In any context, half of all references
PEABO @ DELPHI                  are local and half are global."


End of Delphi Mac Digest