SHULMAN@sdr.slb.COM (Jeffrey Shulman) (11/01/87)
Date: Sun 1 Nov 87 08:27:20-GMT From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR> Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V3 #48 To: Delphi-List: ; Message-ID: <562753640.0.SHULMAN@SDR> Mail-System-Version: <VAX-MM(218)+TOPSLIB(129)@SDR> Delphi Mac Digest Saturday, October 31, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 48 Today's Topics: Previous Card. (4 messages) re INIT 31 should be enhanced! re: Hypercard re: Re: Missing deactivate events re: Re: editing default window size Radio Interference in H20 Town. RE: setting screen depth (2 messages) MacWrite 4.6 (2 messages) color paint ? (4 messages) MIDI & Mac II RE: MultiFinder re: Mac II Crash re: Re: YAHQ (Yet Another Hypercard Ques Playing Card Software re: Password protection MacBottom Hard disks LaserWriter Distortion (3 messages) Blessed folder... (2 messages) RE: INFO-MAC Digest V5 #125 (3 messages) Laser (2 messages) MacDraw page limit reRe: International Mac Software Transfe TickCount? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: NATURAL Subject: Previous Card. Date: 17-OCT 19:49 Creative Pursuits Is there anyway to stop the go previous card option from going to another back- ground when it reaches the end? tx. ------------------------------ From: CHUQ Subject: RE: Previous Card. (Re: Msg 22898) Date: 17-OCT 20:50 Creative Pursuits No. I've found in the stack I'm working on that if you're doing multiple backgrounds that are modal, you basically have to turn off the clover-{1234} commands and most of the menu. It doesn[t deal well with modality. sigh. What I want to do is find a way to grab those and turn them to my advantage. My definition of next, for instance. Any ideas? chuq ------------------------------ From: STEVEMALLER Subject: RE: Previous Card. (Re: Msg 22898) Date: 18-OCT 16:14 Creative Pursuits Josh There is no _automatic_ means for that, but it's not hard to cook up a kludge to make it work. For example, you can do something like this: (UNTESTED) set lockscreen to true go previous if the bkgnd id is not 1 -- or whatever go back end if set lockscreen to false See? Steve Maller Apple Computer ------------------------------ From: STEVEMALLER Subject: RE: Previous Card. (Re: Msg 23110) Date: 28-OCT 11:45 Creative Pursuits Josh, I tried this script, and it works just fine. Exactly WHAT are you doing? Why don't you post YOUR script and we'll compare... on mouseUp global numCards, firstBG, firstID put 1 into numCards put the ID of this card into firstID put the ID of this bkgnd into firstBG set lockscreen to true go next repeat until the ID of this card is firstID if the ID of this bkgnd is firstBG then add 1 to numCards put numCards end if go next end repeat set lockscreen to false put numCards && "cards in background ID" && firstBG end mouseUp Ciao, Steve Maller Apple Computer ------------------------------ From: DDUNHAM Subject: re INIT 31 should be enhanced! (Re: Msg 22879) Date: 17-OCT 20:59 Network Digests > From: (Christopher Chow) > Subject: INIT 31 should be enhanced! I know at least one person is writing an INIT which handles what yoou ask for. (It works when you hold the space bar at boot.) ------------------------------ From: DDUNHAM Subject: re: Hypercard (Re: Msg 22880) Date: 17-OCT 20:59 Network Digests > From: chuq%plaid@Sun.COM (Chuq Von Rospach) > Subject: Hypercard Why not put an "on newCard" handler in your stack? ------------------------------ From: DDUNHAM Subject: re: Re: Missing deactivate events (Re: Msg 22881) Date: 17-OCT 21:00 Network Digests > From: brian@ut-sally.UUCP (Brian H. Powell) > Subject: Re: Missing deactivate events How can you even _think_ of not allowing DAs? As I write this, they're the only way I can multitask. (And, unlike MultiFinder programs, they keep running in the background.) All religious issues aside, you can't prevent them, unless you prevent FKEYs as well, cos I'm just gonna use Lofty Becker's DA Key and run DAs anyway. Umm, how is a DA without a window ever going to give your application a deactivate event? ------------------------------ From: DDUNHAM Subject: re: Re: editing default window size (Re: Msg 22881) Date: 17-OCT 21:01 Network Digests > From: gardner@prls.UUCP (Robert Gardner) > Subject: Re: editing default window size I suggested something similar to your idea of a new resource, but nobody seemed to do anything with it. (Programs that derive window size from the screen are almost always wrong, in my opinion: the screen of big monitors is almost always wider than I want my windows.) (I am basically opposed to the idea of saving window coordinates with documents. Windows are just, well, windows on documents. In some instances, I only need a small window to see certain info, other times I'm editing the document and need it big. Saving the small [read-only] size would be a major frustration.) ------------------------------ From: NATURAL Subject: Radio Interference in H20 Town. Date: 18-OCT 00:44 Hardware & Peripherals Peter... My novation is on the major fritz again. the modem that is. It's picking up serious interference from that radio station in Waltham, better than my own stereo (ok, almost). Anyway, I was wondering if you were having any kind of similar experience, which I doubt. These novation modems really bite the big one. It's too bad 'cause it really could've been the best. I guess I'm going to have to send it out there again.... Josh (Anyone else have one of these babies?) ------------------------------ From: JOSEF Subject: RE: setting screen depth (Re: Msg 2110) Date: 18-OCT 03:03 Programming Techniques I'm afraid even CopyBits would be far too slow for what I'm trying to do, but it's an idea, and I'll have to take a closer look before ruling it out. Yes, i have played with the Monitors cdev, but you see, I wasn't planning on letting the screen get updated before I do my drawing. I just want to do whatever QuickDraw does when writing to a window defined by a BitMap instead of a PixelMap, regardless of screen depth setting. I know direct screen access is rapidly becoming(if it wasn't already) a big nono. But I really hate to give up this feature I'm trying to add just cuz someone has a color monitor. Joe Sensendorf Farallon computing ------------------------------ From: FRACTAL Subject: RE: setting screen depth (Re: Msg 2111) Date: 20-OCT 00:07 Programming Techniques I have done some direct screen access on the Mac II, and can point out what is involved. Under MultiFinder there is no assurance that the window you are drawing to is on top and therefore your code _must_ process the visRgn of the window. This is doable, but Apple make life more difficult by still not documenting the rather simple and basic data structure. The Mac II supports multiple screens, which may be set to different pixel depths. Each screen has a gDevice record associated with it which tells the pixel depth, the logical coordinates of the screen, and gives a PixMap that has the hardware address to draw to. You have to clip your screen drawing each gDevice and then do something different based on each screen's pixel depth (while still processing the visRgn mentioned above so you don't clobber the image of another window on top of you. The proram I worked on (ImageStudio), assumes only one screen and therefore is not really correct (we may fix that in a later release), but it does all the rest of the stuff, interprets regions and loads the pixel depth from the gDevice. To the question of is it worth it, the answer is yes!!! It's a lot faster than Apple's code (5X for what the program does). It works with MultiFinder as well, subject to the program's windows being confined to the menubar screen. There is one more difficulty for MultiFinder, the Palette Manager. This piece of code tries to hide the hardware pixel values you store into the video RAM from the program so that multiple programs can exists under MultiFinder. Apple makes life difficult again by not providing a Palette Manager call to return the hardware index that it has computed for a given color in the palette (note further that there is a separate one for each of the screens). It is possible to get around this by loading the index out of the grafport after setting both the global gDevice and the palette manager color after every time another program gets control. Tom Hedges, Fractal Software ------------------------------ From: MACENGLISH Subject: MacWrite 4.6 Date: 19-OCT 19:27 User Supported Software Steve, I'm mad at Apple right now. I don't know if I should be; you tell me. For months now all the magazines have said that MacWrite 4.6 is the latest version. So why don't any of the dealers have it? I went into my Muncie dealer. She kept my disk for three weeks, and finally said Apple hasn't sent out the upgrade yet. I called another dealer who said he thought 4.5 was the latest version. Why is Apple keeping dealers in the dark? Why has Apple updated a product, but not sent it to dealers? I've heard it's not much of an upgrade anyway, but still . . . Debbie ------------------------------ From: STEVEMALLER Subject: RE: MacWrite 4.6 (Re: Msg 22944) Date: 20-OCT 00:18 User Supported Software Debbie, (I love your "handle"!) I think you should insist on seeing the store manager. If this is an authorized Apple Dealer and they are making claims that there is no such thing as MacWrite 4.6 then you should do one of the following: 1) Look for another dealer. 2) Call Apple in Cupertino and ask for "Dealer Relations" (I think). Register your complaint and ask if there is another dealer in your area. (408)996-1010. I think Dealer relations is the right one. Or is it Customer Relations? Hmm. Can't remember. Actually, it IS Customer Relations. (408)973-2222 is the direct #... Good luck, Steve Maller Apple Computer ------------------------------ From: ROWLAND Subject: color paint ? Date: 20-OCT 19:04 Mousing Around Is there a color paint program for the MacII yet ? I thought I saw an announcement for one recently, but now I can't find it. One company at least at the show (MacWorld in Aug) was claiming 30 days to ship, but I've heard nothing. Mike Burns ------------------------------ From: FRACTAL Subject: RE: color paint ? (Re: Msg 22952) Date: 21-OCT 01:08 Mousing Around Supermac showed something called Pixel paint at Boston MacWorld. According to InfoWorld they may have to change its name and are supposed to ship in November. I got a demo from the developers at the show and it was pretty impressive. Tom Hedges, Fractal Software ------------------------------ From: BMUG Subject: RE: color paint ? (Re: Msg 22952) Date: 21-OCT 03:10 Mousing Around Mike - Tom didn't even mention the GREAT program that he co-authored, Image Studio from LetraSet. It is HOT, and allows incredible stuff with grey levels and colors on the Mac II. Amazing detail. -- Raines Cohen / BMUG ------------------------------ From: FRACTAL Subject: RE: color paint ? (Re: Msg 22969) Date: 23-OCT 03:59 Mousing Around Thanks for the kudos. Letraset views ImageStudio as an Image Retouching program, not a 'Paint Program', but actually you can do some very neat paint-type things with it. If you patch the 'clut' resource in the settings file you can even get limited color out of it (but that is not an offical feature). It is in duplication now and should be shipping around Halloween. Tom Hedges, Fractal Software ------------------------------ From: DDUNHAM Subject: MIDI & Mac II Date: 21-OCT 21:58 Creative Pursuits Does anyone know of any MIDI programs that work on the Mac II? I'd kind of like a sequencer that makes up for my crummy playing ability. ------------------------------ From: DWB Subject: RE: MultiFinder (Re: Msg 22975) Date: 22-OCT 03:27 Business Mac One important thing is to stress that folks really should do the install with installer, not just by copying system files. Saves effort, because you don't have to reinstall da's, etc. Also saves space because only the necessary patches get put in. Also makes things work right because you don't wind up with a Plus trying to run patches which are intended for an SE. Don't know how much problem the last would cause, but it's possible it could be considerable. David ------------------------------ From: DDUNHAM Subject: re: Mac II Crash (Re: Msg 22979) Date: 23-OCT 01:48 Network Digests > From: (Gary Davis) > Subject: Mac II Crash > Instead, when I clicked Restart Acta threw up a Save dialog > and successfully saved my file before the Mac rebooted. It's an Acta feature that lets you save your work whenever you quit an application without first closing Acta. In technical DA terms, this is called handling goodbye kisses. System 4.1 does a much nicer job of shutting down and restarting, and gives Acta the goodbye kiss. This is one advantage of DAs (the ability to save info after another program bombs) that may be lacking from MultiFinder. (But note that not all DAs handle goodbye kisses.) ------------------------------ From: DDUNHAM Subject: re: Re: YAHQ (Yet Another Hypercard Ques (Re: Msg 22980) Date: 23-OCT 01:48 Network Digests > From: (Oliver Steele) > Subject: Re: YAHQ (Yet Another Hypercard Question) > if you'd wanted to convert a PICT (picture) or TEXT into an ICON you'd be > in for some trouble. Not true for PICTs; just open a new ICON and Paste. In fact, this is how I convert ICN#s to ICONs. If you shift-drag around an ICN# (or ICON) and Copy, you get a PICT on the clipboard. David Dunham "If voting could change the system, it would be illegal. If Maitreya Design not voting could change the system, it would be be illegal." ------------------------------ From: FRACTAL Subject: Playing Card Software Date: 23-OCT 03:55 Programming I am working on porting a Hearts game I wrote 8 years ago to the mac. It was originally written for a glass TTY on a minicomputer so all the strategy and score keeping is there but no graphical interface. I have trouble motivating to do the playing card output stuff, given that it has been done by many others in public domain and shareware card games. I intend to make this a public domain program, no even shareware so there is no money issue involved. The program has been ported to LightSpeed C using its glass TTY emulator and it works quite well. If anyone is interested in sharing code and resources for playing card output that would work with Hearts, please let me know. C code is needed, not PASCAL, it might even be made into a DA instead of an application, although it would be 40 or 50K. BTW, the program plays a mean game of Hearts, shooting the moon, dumping the queen on the leader. It was written to play any number of computer hands in a 4 hand Hearts game, with the rest played by humans. It might be possible to write an AppleTalk version that lets 2 or 3 human players complete with 1 or 2 computer players, but the first version will be 1 human versus three separate computer players. The computer players assume perfect memory of cards played, but they don't 'cheat' -- look at the other player's hidden cards. Tom Hedges, Fractal Software ------------------------------ From: DDUNHAM Subject: re: Password protection (Re: Msg 23009) Date: 23-OCT 23:12 Network Digests >From: >Subject: Password protection Don't look too hard, because an INIT can be easily defeated by booting from a floppy. Protection would probably have to be built in to the driver (as in the reviled Hyperdrive). David Dunham "If voting could change the system, it would be illegal. If Maitreya Design not voting could change the system, it would be be illegal." ------------------------------ From: MACENGLISH Subject: MacBottom Hard disks Date: 24-OCT 21:02 Hardware & Peripherals Has anyone heard of reliability problems with MacBottom Hard disks, especially the new HD21 Series? Debbie ------------------------------ From: NATURAL Subject: LaserWriter Distortion Date: 25-OCT 18:07 Hardware & Peripherals I can't believe we're the only one to have this problem so I figured I'd check here... When printing on a laserWriter on an 11x17 size in MacDraw (not single sheet, to 8.5x11's) the LaserWriter somehow distorts the pages. In other words, if you were to set the drawing size to 2 8.5x11 sheets of paper and drew a box that spanned both pages and then printed it, if you put the hardcopies together, they don't match. Does anyone have a clue on why this might be? Could it be MacDraw or the printer itself? We've been 'dealing with it' at work for more than a year and BusinessLand says it software. Who knows? Help. ------------------------------ From: PEABO Subject: RE: LaserWriter Distortion (Re: Msg 23069) Date: 25-OCT 20:59 Hardware & Peripherals Can you describe exactly how they don't match? peter ------------------------------ From: NATURAL Subject: RE: LaserWriter Distortion (Re: Msg 23072) Date: 26-OCT 09:22 Hardware & Peripherals Sure... One side is lower that the other, so if you were to tape the paper side to side, you wouldn't have a perfect square. ------------------------------ From: HALL Subject: Blessed folder... Date: 27-OCT 11:37 Programming I'm sure this has been covered before, but... Is there any way to change which folder is the blessed folder? Specifically, is there any way to switch back and forth between two Systems on a hard disk? Thanks, Brian ------------------------------ From: PEABO Subject: RE: Blessed folder... (Re: Msg 23091) Date: 27-OCT 12:14 Programming Select both the System and Finder at once, move them out of the folder and back into it, and that will bless the folder. peter ------------------------------ From: MACWEEKBOS Subject: RE: INFO-MAC Digest V5 #125 (Re: Msg 22786) Date: 27-OCT 13:23 Network Digests to: Mark Richer <RICHER@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU> Subject: computer insurance I concluded from the incredibly bad responsiveness to simple inquiries made to Safeware that it would be a poor idea to insure my equipment with them. Ric Ford "Opinions expressed here are my own and not those of MacWEEK, Inc." ------------------------------ From: PDIB Subject: RE: INFO-MAC Digest V5 #125 (Re: Msg 23100) Date: 27-OCT 19:49 Network Digests I'm insured with Safeware. I called the local Better Business Bureau and was told that no complaints had been lodged against the firm in the several years that they've been in business. I've had their flier for several years and finally decided to go with the firm. My experience with them has been the opposite of yours. ------------------------------ From: MACWEEKBOS Subject: RE: INFO-MAC Digest V5 #125 (Re: Msg 23105) Date: 27-OCT 21:30 Network Digests The Better Business Bureau check should be a good indication, but I 'd like to hear from someone who has tried to get payment on a loss... Ric ------------------------------ From: SWEET Subject: Laser Date: 27-OCT 22:10 Hardware & Peripherals Hi all. Is there a way on the Laserwriter's Test print out to tell which version of the Roms are in it? What is the new version's number? Thanks to all. Chuck....."Sweet" ------------------------------ From: PEABO Subject: RE: Laser (Re: Msg 23111) Date: 27-OCT 22:33 Hardware & Peripherals The ROM version number is printed in the bottom left corner of the top left graph. The new ROMs are version number 3.0. peter ------------------------------ From: HOFFMAN Subject: MacDraw page limit Date: 27-OCT 22:50 Bugs & Features I discovered that, when I was trying to print a 24-page document with MacDraw, it printed the first 10 pages, then decided it was done. In order to print the rest, I had to delete the 10 that were printed. It then printed the next 10, and so on. I am using the current version- 1.95, and current System and Finder, and LaserWriter driver 4.0. Any ideas? ------------------------------ From: DDUNHAM Subject: reRe: International Mac Software Transfe (Re: Msg 23080) Date: 28-OCT 01:42 Network Digests > From: norbert%germany.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET > Subject: Re: International Mac Software Transfer > someone mentioned a SmartQuotes DA I invented "smart quotes" so that you could type naturally, and the Mac would curve the quotes correctly without you having to worry if they were open or closed. I've wanted to know about internationalizing this, but haven't been able to find out the natural way a German types quotes. I'd like to find out (my knowledge of German does not extend to using a German typewriter). A French user did hack up Acta or miniWRITER so it would generate French quotes (<< or >>) when he typed the (US) typewriter quote ("). Again, I'm not sure this would be the natural way to type (probably depends on how Apple did the keyboard layout). David Dunham "If voting could change the system, it would be illegal. If Maitreya Design not voting could change the system, it would be be illegal." ------------------------------ From: INTECO Subject: TickCount? Date: 29-OCT 20:22 Programming Techniques Why is TickCount banned for not being used while an interrupt is on? Just because it is not updated? I do not think that imes or purges memory... Uwe ------------------------------ End of Delphi Mac Digest ************************ -------