INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (Moderators Dwayne Virnau... and Lance Nakata @SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU) (11/16/87)
INFO-MAC Digest Monday, 16 Nov 1987 Volume 5 : Issue 137 Today's Topics: MultiFinder Startup Tip Yet Another Macsbug Feature Re: What is wrong with the Sumacc C compiler DATABASE MANAGEMENT FROM MPW TimeZone, a DA to be distributed by info-mac. Dir-Acta-ry MacWEEK accuracy apology QMS-PS 800+ printer okidata 192 mac font of IBM characters EtherTalk questions Help for sight impaired Re: Async ATalk Bridge? MultiFinder Impressions PopUpMenuSelect (No) multiple windows in HyperCard Usenet Mac Digest V3 #92 Usenet Mac Digest V3 #93 Delphi Mac Digest V3 #50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 12 Nov 87 15:56:40 PST From: PUGH@NMFECC.ARPA Subject: MultiFinder Startup Tip Here's some MultiFinder tips. You can start MultiFinder two ways. Either use Set Startup to be MultiFinder and Restart, or just use the Command-Option double click to open it. When you have MultiFinder and several applications open, you can do a Set Startup and specify that you want the currently open applications opened upon startup. That puts some information into the file Finder Startup in your System Folder so that MultiFinder can remember what to start. When you change your Set Startup back to the Finder, this file is left intact, so that when you Command-Option double click on MultiFinder, it will open those applications listed in Finder StartUp. When you are in the Finder and do a Set Startup to be MultiFinder, you lose the information in Finder StartUp. It gets cleared so that MultiFinder will open alone. Therefore, if you want to switch from a MultiFinder setup to the Finder alone, and back to a MultiFinder setup, you must either: 1) Save the Finder StartUp file somewhere 2) Start MultiFinder (with the Command-Option double click) before choosing Set Startup so that MultiFinder will open the applications you want and you will be presented with the option to start with the currently open applications, thus rewriting the Finder Startup file to be the same. 3) Have all desired applications in the same folder, select them, and choose Set Startup to be the selected items. I believe choice #2 is the simplest method. Note that I tried this intuitive method, but it did not work. Drag all desired applications to the desktop, select them, and choose Set Startup before using the Put Away option to put them back where you got them from. It seems that Finder Startup has some position dependant information about the selected files. Moving an application will cause MultiFinder to lose track of it. I would recommend to Apple that they make MultiFinder look in the Desktop file for the information about the location of the applications. That would be more consistent. Jon N L M A L National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center F T N Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory E L PO Box 5509 L-561 C Livermore, California 94550 C (415) 423-4239 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Nov 87 16:47:38 EST From: Walter.Smith@F.GP.CS.CMU.EDU Subject: Yet Another Macsbug Feature In addition to being an application that displays a Mandelbrot set, the new Macsbug contains two FKEYs, one the famous A9FF 4E75 "Debugger" key (you Lisa fans can use Quickeys to assign this to the keypad decimal point and relive old times), and another "window-shuffle" key. It probably does your taxes, too, but I haven't found the right command. Walt ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Nov 87 14:31:01 EST From: Mark Nodine <mnodine@VAX.BBN.COM> Subject: Re: What is wrong with the Sumacc C compiler I actually used the Sumacc C compiler for production work up til this spring. I have a few comments to add to what was said earlier. 1. You CAN use it to build programs larger than 32K. The program I developed was about 195K and the code resource was probably about 160K. The reason that most compilers limit you to 32K code segments, as was pointed out, is so that you can use 16-bit relative addressing modes. Since the SUMacC compiler generates only absolute code which it relocates when the first load occurs, it has no such limitation and the segment loader is happy to load segments larger than 32K. 2. As was mentioned, you cannot segment your code to shoehorn into small memory spaces. This is not the issue it once was when Macs had 128K of memory. 3. A useful feature of SUMacC is that you can use it with all the development tools present in your Unix environment, including emacs, grep, diff, and various source control programs. Additionally, the reason I continued with it for so long is that I developed an object-oriented preprocessor for C and translated MacApp into C using that preprocessor. At the time, that was the only way to use MacApp without compiling on a Lisa. It may still be the only way to use MacApp directly in C (I'm not so sure about that). The Lightspeed C environment is not one which allows easy integration of a preprocessor. It would be possible to make it work as a tool in an MPW environment, but I have not pursued this since I left to go back to graduate school. If I had it to do over again, I would probably go the MPW route. Mark ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 Nov 87 11:44:59 SET From: Alexander Falk <> Subject: DATABASE MANAGEMENT FROM MPW IF YOU WANT TO WRITE AN APPLICATION WHICH HAS TO HANDLE A LARGE AMOUNT OF DATA - PROBABLY SORTED OR EVEN RELATIONAL - WHAT DO YOU TAKE FOR DEVELOPMENT? WITH 4TH DIMENSION YOU CAN DO THE JOB IN A SHORT TIME - BUT UNFORTUNATELY YOU GET NO APPLICATION, BUT A DATABASE FROM WHICH ANY EXPIERENCED MAC-HACKER CAN GET THE MASTER PASSWORD WITHIN 2 MINUTES. AND THERE GOES YOUR SOURCE CODE.... SO SHOULD YOU BETTER TAKE MPW AND DEVELOP THE PROGRAM WITH MACAPP. YOU HAVE EASY ACCES TO THE USER INTERFACE, BUT HOW DO YOU ACCES LARGE AMOUNT OF DATA? NO INDEX FILES, NO LINKS, NO SUBFILES, NO SETS, ..... MY QUESTION IS VERY SIMPLE: IS THERE ANY DATABASE MANAGEMENT LIBRARY ACCESSIBLE FROM MPW? IF NOT, I'LL WRITE THIS LIBRARY AND POST IT TO THE NET WHEN IT IS FINISHED (PROBABLY AROUND MARCH 1988). PLEASE MAIL ANSWERS DIRECTLY TO ME AND I'LL SUMMARIZE FOR THE NET. ALEXANDER IF YOU CAN SEE IT AND IT'S THERE - IT'S REAL IF YOU CAN SEE IT AND IT ISN'T THERE - IT'S VIRTUAL IF YOU CAN'T SEE IT AND IT'S THERE - IT'S TRANSPARENT IF YOU CAN'T SEE IT AND IT ISN'T THERE - IT'S G O N E ------------------------------ Date: 12 NOV 87 14:10-N From: Subject: TimeZone, a DA to be distributed by info-mac. T i m e Z o n e TimeZone is a desk accessory that displays in the upper right corner of the screen, in the menu bar, two cities and the local time there. Of course you have always wanted to be kept informed what the time it is in a certain time zone, to see whether that person you know is working, out to lunch or still asleep! Besides displaying the time in the menu bar TimeZone also has a menu containing more cities and the local time there, see below. Once opened TimeZone remains active, even when an application is launched or stopped, like JClock. TimeZone was written by Rick Jansen (Rick@HASARA5), with many thanks to Ami Zakai (RPR1ZAK@TECHNION) for inspiration and test driving. You may give TimeZone to anyone you want to give it to, provided you distribute it with the info file and TZOpen. It is NOT public domain, you are NOT allowed to change the copyright notices. You may NOT use TimeZone for commercial purposes. All rights reserved. Anyone needs a Mac programmer? Share and enjoy, Rick Jansen. [archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DA-TIMEZONE.HQX - Lance ] ------------------------------ Date: Fri 13 Nov 87 08:57:22-EDT From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR> Subject: Dir-Acta-ry [ Uploaded from Delphi by Jeff Shulman ] Name: DIR-ACTA-RY Date: 11-NOV-1987 06:03 by DDUNHAM [ Updated 11-NOV-1987 06:03 by DDUNHAM. All items in the Info menu now work, and it's more compatible with MultiFinder. ] Dir-Acta-ry turns disk directories into Acta outlines. Each file is represented by a topic; folders have subtopics. You don't need Acta, the desk accessory outliner, to run this program, but you do need Acta to read the files Dir-Acta-ry creates. This is an incomplete, but functional version. I may or may not get around to finishing it for Acta 1.2. [archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>ACTA-DIRACTARY.HQX This version replaces the previous version. - Lance ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 Nov 87 16:51 EST From: Barry Margolin <barmar@Think.COM> Subject: MacWEEK accuracy apology I want to publicly apologize for my incorrect characterization of MacWEEK. I did indeed confuse them with Macintosh Today. I'm sorry for any confusion that has occurred. barmar ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Nov 87 16:33:54 +0100 From: Ole Solberg <> Subject: QMS-PS 800+ printer How can I use this printer to print my MacDraw, MacWrite, Word etc. documents? I.e. is there some PostScript file available somewhere that can be prepended to the Mac-PostScript files or just downloaded to the printer before transfering the Mac-PostScript files? Any help and hints would be appreciated! Thanks Ole Solberg ~EAN: O_Solberg@VAX.RUNIT.UNIT.UniNett RUNIT-The Computing Center ~ARPA: at the Univ. of Trondheim ~BITNET: SOLBERG@NORUNIT N-7034 Trondheim-NTH ~Phone: +47-7-59 4463 /3017 NORWAY ~Telex: 55620 sintf n ~Telefax:+47-7-59 2480 ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 15 Nov 87 21:44:58 EST From: Christopher Chung From: <> Subject: okidata 192 Does anyone know how to get an Okidata ML192 to work with the mac? I heard that you can buy a driver to make it work but I don't where to find it. Has anyone heard of a company that sells this driver? Thanks, Chris ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 13 Nov 87 14:39 EST From: <> Subject: mac font of IBM characters At our facility we must support both Macs and IBM PC's, but we (of course) much prefer the Macs. We would like to maintain our documentation for both machines on the mac, but we need some way to represent the IBM extended character set. Has anyone written or encountered a Mac font for this pur- pose? Thanks in advance Phil Gross Cornell Humanities Computing ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Nov 87 08:43:37 SET From: Guenther Blaschek <> Subject: EtherTalk questions I read in the Info-Mac Digest #135 about EtherTalk. Is this card SE- compatible? Does EtherTalk maintain the Mac's user interface, when connected to, say, a Sun? Can EtherTalk be used as a fast substitute for AppleTalk? If so, how about file servers (e.g. AppleShare) and LaserWriters? Where can I get detailed information? I know, this is a lot of questions; I would be happy to find answers for at least some of them. Thanks in advance e gu ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Nov 87 10:34 PST From: Leslie Kaelbling <Kaelbling@AI.SRI.COM> Subject: Help for sight impaired A friend of mine who is legally blind (but can still read large type) is interested in getting a Macintosh. There are two things that would make it usable for her. The first is making the system font be about 18pt. I've figured out how to change the default application font (but not its size) and the finder's font (using layout). Does anyone know how to change the size of the font in the menubar and window titles? Also, it would be helpful to have a simple application that used macintalk to read plain text files. Is there such a thing available? Thanks, Leslie Kaelbling ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Nov 87 06:24 N From: Thomas Fruin <> Subject: Re: Async ATalk Bridge? > From: > Subject: Async ATalk Bridge? > Date: 4 Nov 87 00:48:00 GMT You probably already noticed this, but I'm mentioning it anyway: the Dr.Dobb's article mentions a company working on an Async AppleTalk product connecting an Async AppleTalk to a 230.4-kpbs bus: Solana Electronics of San Diego, California (619) 566-1701 Thomas Fruin fruin@hlerul5.BITNET thomas@uvabick.UUCP 2:500/15 on FidoNet Leiden University, Netherlands ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 11 Nov 87 17:38:39 PST From: PUGH@NMFECC.ARPA Subject: MultiFinder Impressions Well, I've been playing with MultiFinder a bit and I must say that I like it a lot. I have found a couple of problems, but they aren't that bad and have been vastly overshadowed by the good things that I have been able to do. First of all, ScrapSaver doesn't work when MultiFinder is set to be the startup. It crashes both my Mac II and my Plus at home. It works fine when the Finder is the startup application though. Perhaps if someone could mention this to the author (yes you, Jeff "The Human Gateway" Shulman!), as a bit of work is called for since I really think that is a worthwhile INIT. Other than that, I have been able to follow the advice of an anonymous Apple employee and set some programs to multitask with ResEdit. One prime example is SendPS, which is a program that spends a lot of time waiting for other people to finish with the Laserwriter. It works fine in the background now. Most programs that run on the Mac II also run under MultiFinder. I guess that both of these environments require "proper" programs. Now the problem is that people are writing buggy programs that are intended for the Mac II and getting me in trouble that way. Ah well, such is the life of a macker. Best of all is VersaTerm PRO 2.1, which multitasks on purpose. Downloads in the background! Even at 19.2 Kbaud on a Mac II! MultiFinder knows to hide Hypercard's window when it is switched out on a regular size screen. Try selecting two applications and double clicking on them. It opens them both now! Try holding down the Command-Shift-Option and picking the About MultiFinder item. You get the final credits for MultiFinder, but they have been edited by Apple's legal department. Now find a beta because the really funny stuff that was xxxxxxed out is there in the beta and can be pasted back in with ResEdit! I might even send you the STR# if you ask nice. You can also use ResEdit to increase the size of the Finder's About box since it only has room for four things before adding a scroll bar. I now have a large About box with room for 8 open applications before it will add a scroll bar. Boy I love resources. You can't do that on any PC program! Also, the Finder has a very very very much improved disk copying package so that it only takes 2 swaps for a disk if there is 800K of memory free. MultiFinder adds some temporary memory allocation calls so that you can get a large block for a short operation. Great stuff! I hope to see it used by more programs. Of course, it does require memory. I have it running on a 1 Meg Mac+, a 2 Meg Mac+ equivalent, and a 5 Meg Mac II. Guess which one is the best. It turns out that the System and Finder take about 512K, depending on your INITs. That is roughly equivalent to running Keeper, but MultiFinder gives you more. I find that I really can't use two big programs on the 2 Meg machine, but exiting an application is very fast now since the Finder is already running. All in all, I am very impressed with MultiFinder. I sincerely doubt if OS/2 will even be able to hold a candle to it. Only time will tell. Jon N L M A L National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center F T N Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory E L PO Box 5509 L-561 C Livermore, California 94550 C (415) 423-4239 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Nov 87 13:08:05 PST From: PUGH@NMFECC.ARPA Subject: PopUpMenuSelect I want to harp on PopUpMenuSelect again, as I am getting more and more chaffed by it. It ONLY works on the screen with the menu bar. If you have more than one screen, the place you NEED it to work is where it won't and the place you typically DON'T need it is where it will work! One of the most common uses for pop up menus is when you are far away from the menu bar and want some portion of the bar to be available right there. This DOES NOT work!! It appears that PopUpMenuSelect examines the grafport bounds rect, but instead of looking at the entire grafport, it only checks the grafport that contains the menu bar. Could someone at Apple please put this on the list of things to fix? I would really like a fix though, since I cannot put anything that uses a pop up menu on my second screen. I know, I know, nobody has two screens, so why worry about it? Heck, I feel lucky to have a Mac at all, but it would be nice if everything worked like it should. Jon N L M A L National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center F T N Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory E L PO Box 5509 L-561 C Livermore, California 94550 C (415) 423-4239 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Nov 87 03:06 N From: Thomas Fruin <> Subject: (No) multiple windows in HyperCard In spite of its many wonderful properties, the lack of multiple windows in HyperCard disturbs me. Should it? Well, let's see... One of the most important features of the Macintosh is its windowing system. There are hardly any programs that don't work with their data in windows. The majority of them allow you to view several of those windows at the same time, and let you Copy and Paste between them. Windows can be resized and moved about for maximum control and flexibility. Many programs also include a Tile command to quickly and automatically clean up your desktop. There is even a nice desk accessory that adds this feature to programs that forgot to implement it. HyperCard ignores all of these virtues completely. The size of a card is fixed and cards cannot be resized, even temporarily. Because a card is the same size as a standard Macintosh screen, you cannot possibly have multiple cards visible on the screen. And while this is feasible on a Macintosh II, it isn't allowed on that machine. This makes the comparing of cards difficult. Copying and Pasting from one card to another is also a hassle when there is no link between the cards. All of this also makes it harder to have a grasp of "where you are" in the HyperCard environment. Bringing up the box of 42 most recently viewed cards isn't enough, in spite of the number. I have found myself lost in the Help stack on numerous occasions. On the other hand, maybe it's possible to get more than one window (I'm not including the message box and palettes of course) using an XCMD. Seeing how HyperCard deals with desk accessories, I'm not too confident. Maybe someone out there with XCMD writing experience can help out? What do others think of this limitation? Is it really a limitation, or am I just too conservative? Are multiple windows not "in" anymore? If I want some kind of "status" window in my application, should I have to revert to a fake window in the background of every card? Or is the only way out some dirty low-level hacking with XCMDs? Comments please! Thomas Fruin fruin@hlerul5.BITNET thomas@uvabick.UUCP 2:500/15 on FidoNet /* temporarily down due to hard disk troubles */ Leiden University, Netherlands ------------------------------ Date: Sat 14 Nov 87 10:25:54-GMT From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR> Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #92 Usenet Mac Digest Saturday, November 14, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 92 Today's Topics: Re: An A/UX question... Re: SE Internal Hard Disk Size Re: Review of _Quarterstaff_ (Mac game) Re: Mail-order question/recommendations Re: Making sure PrGeneral exists BeepInit and Screen Memory... Re: An A/UX question... Re: ATG File Format Re: An A/UX question... (2 messages) Async ATalk Bridge? Re: Yet more INIT questions WriteNow header trick Quickeys and QuickFolder NOT compatible Re: diskless mac-II A/UX Bernoulli drives Re: Quickeys and QuickFolder NOT compatible Delux Music Contruction Set Printing Problem Does StartUpSound get played automatically? Re: diskless mac-II A/UX Re: A/UX and 3rd party disks? Re: No more 512k to MACPLUS upgrades After DECEMBER? Re: Suitcase failure... why applications should ask for mouseUp events Re: Writing your own installer for home built SCSI disks [archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-92.ARC - Lance ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat 14 Nov 87 10:27:13-GMT From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR> Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #93 Usenet Mac Digest Saturday, November 14, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 93 Today's Topics: FullWrite Update SE Disk Drive woes FIXJT Re: Character recognition Seeking arcade games for my Mac IC Layout Software for the Mac II Dropping DTR MultiFinder RAMDisks ESD causes degenerative brain disease in Mac IIs Re: Dropping DTR Need help with MAC II....HELP! Need help with current directory Re: who is the author of the boston & beverly hills fonts? Re: An A/UX question... SE/20 and HD SC Setup Re: Adding PICTs to Lists Bye bye for now... Beware of MultiFinder 1.0 About... Trick Re: Font needed for MacGolf 2.0 RD-ROM and HyperCard ESD causes degenerative brain disease in Mac IIs Re: Need help with MAC II....HELP! UUCP for Mac? Re: Need help with MAC II....HELP! Re: Anyone seen SHOWInit??? Expand Tab Utility System Software 5.0 [archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>USENETV3-93.ARC - Lance ] ------------------------------ Date: Sat 14 Nov 87 09:50:21-GMT From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR> Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V3 #50 Delphi Mac Digest Saturday, November 14, 1987 Volume 3 : Issue 50 Today's Topics: RE: Novy Accelerator (2 messages) RE: Imagewriter II Re: MacWEEK accuracy? Re: MacWeek accuracy RE: C Compilers Attn: ResCopy users New Word 3.0x book (2 messages) RE: Usenet Mac Digest V3 #89 Excel/MultiFinder problems (5 messages) Mac II Color Startup (2 messages) Radius Accelerator Slowdowns Suggestion for HyperCard (2 messages) Weird HyperCard problems (2 messages) Smalltalk-80 and Mac II (2 messages) re: Re: Shareware (was Red Ryder) (2 messages) Sesame C compiler (2 messages) Help with Spooler PC Magazine Feature MOOSE Multifinder re: Mac SE Internal Hard Disks re: Color QuickDraw? MiniFinder? Word Companion (the Book) Ready, Set, Go! 4.0 -- a first look (4 messages) PowerStation 1.1 patches Finder 6.0 bug Falcon DvorMac. A program Shell: FaceIt Mac serial drivers (2 messages) [archived as [SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU]<INFO-MAC>DELPHIV3-50.ARC - Lance ] ------------------------------ End of INFO-MAC Digest **********************