[comp.sys.mac.digest] Delphi Mac Digest V4 #1

SHULMAN@sdr.slb.COM (Jeffrey Shulman) (01/12/88)

Date: Tue 12 Jan 88 09:31:46-GMT
From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR>
Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V4 #1
To: Delphi-List: ;
Message-ID: <568978306.0.SHULMAN@SDR>
Mail-System-Version: <VAX-MM(218)+TOPSLIB(129)@SDR>

Delphi Mac Digest     Tuesday, January 12, 1988       Volume 4 : Issue 1

Today's Topics:
     RE: Re: IBM_to_Macintosh (2 messages)
     RE: Re: Bug in Mac Word 3.01?
     Re: Another SFGetFile question
     need info
     re: AppleColour Monitor Quirk (2 messages)
     the user interface game
     re: DMCS for the Mac II
     GCC Personal Laser Printer
     Payroll packages
     Async AppleTalk (4 messages)
     re: International Macs + new user interf
     RE: Launching or Sublaunching Another Ap (2 messages)
     VBLANK animation
     4th Dim. - are they kidding ?! (4 messages)
     MacDraw Replacement? (2 messages)
     Red Ryder 10.3 thruput
     Tear-Off Menus
     Mouse Cover
     What is Reflex Plus status?
     RE: Async AppleTalk (2 messages)
     RE: Usenet Mac Digest V4 #3
     Usenet Mac Digest V4 #3
     RE: Usenet Mac Digest V4 #4
     re: Re: Multifinder woes. DA's
     re: Re: Chooser Strangeness (really prin
     re: Debugging LDEV from Lightspeed Pasca
     re: WriteNow vs. Mac II
     RE: Usenet Mac Digest V4 #2


Subject: RE: Re: IBM_to_Macintosh (Re: Msg 24472)
Date: 27-DEC 19:49 Network Digests

>From: stephens@hpcupt1.HP.COM (Greg Stephens)
>Subject: Re: IBM_to_Macintosh
>Date: 17 Dec 87 19:07:34 GMT
>Organization: Hewlett Packard, Cupertino

>I have tried several combinations of programs to perform multi-file
>xfers between PCs and the Mac.

>First, Red Ryder 10.3, says that it supports YMODEM.  I have never
>gotten Red Ryder's YMODEM to work with any PC based emulator that
>supports YMODEM.

When Red Ryder 10.3 sends YMODEM it looks for the prompt 'CK' from the
receiver to indicate that 1K blocks should be used.  If it gets only a
'C' prompt, it reverts to 128 byte blocks.  Not all YMODEM packages know
about the use of the K in this fashion.  Is this the problem you are

peter                          "In any context, half of all references
PEABO @ DELPHI                  are local and half are global."


Subject: RE: Re: IBM_to_Macintosh (Re: Msg 24475)
Date: 28-DEC 22:29 Network Digests

>RE: From: cramer@optilink.UUCP (Clayton Cramer)
>Subject: Bug in Mac Word 3.01?

There is a bug in Word 3.01 that causes it to stop at page 1 when
suggest you get a copy of my Word bugs/requests list. I expect to
release a new edition at MacExpo.

>RE: From: slb@drutx.ATT.COM (Sue Brezden)
>Subject: Some questions on cursors and stuff like that there

The last cursor of the rotating watch is  CURS 4 from the System file.
In Finder you will find a resource 'acur' 0.  The latest Resedit
supports acur ( small letters) resources, which contain a list of cursor
ids.  There is a resource file that contains rotating earth cursors that
I have installed in my Finders.


Subject: RE: Re: Bug in Mac Word 3.01?
Date: 28-DEC 22:42 Network Digests

>RE:   From: planting@colby.WISC.EDU ( W. Harry Plantinga)
>Subject: Re: Bug in Mac Word 3.01?

Did you try to use CHOOSER to select the ImageWriter, after printing on
the LaserWriter, and without leaving Word. Word 3.01 has a bug that
causes problems when CHOOSER is called while Word is active, especially
after having printed a file.  See mu bugs/requests list.


Subject: Re: Another SFGetFile question
Date: 29-DEC 22:48 Network Digests

To: gardner@prls.UUCP (Robert Gardner) Subject: Re: Another SFGetFile

> I want to filter out all open files. I have
> tried just checking the ioRefNum field since IM says that this will
> contain the file's reference number if the file is open (but it doesn't
> say what it will contain if the file is closed!). If ioRefNum is 0 then
> I assume the file is closed. This works fine on the Mac+ but does NOT
> work on 64K ROM machines. On 64K ROM machines my filter  thinks that
> EVERY file is open.

 function FileFilter(var PB: ParamBlockRec): boolean;
   FileFilter := true;
   with PB do begin
           if intptr(fsFCBLen)^ < 0 then begin {MFS}
                   ioRefNum := 0;{MFS doesn't clear it if file's not open}
                   if PBGetFInfo(@PB, false) <> noErr then
           if ioRefNum <= 0 then
                   {file is closed}


Subject: need info
Date: 30-DEC 08:21 Hardware & Peripherals

Looking for users' opinions of different large-screen monitors and
scanners. Scanner to be used primarily for graphics and photos for
publication purposes. One monitor (on SE) primarily for page layout with
Pagemaker. Other monitor (on Plus) prim arily for graphics. SE owned by
major oil company. Plus used by daily newspaper.


Subject: re: AppleColour Monitor Quirk (Re: Msg 24472)
Date: 31-DEC 01:53 Network Digests

 > From: mcdonald@sfu_dipper.cs.sfu
 > Subject: AppleColour Monitor Quirk
 I've noticed the shaking fuzziness in my Apple color monitor shortly
after it's powered on; it quickly goes away and doesn't seem to bother
anything. I've been using the machine for over 6 months.


Subject: RE: re: AppleColour Monitor Quirk (Re: Msg 24520)
Date: 31-DEC 20:43 Network Digests

That is probably the degausser in action.  Every color system has a
degaussing coil to demagnetize the shadow mask.  It is designed to turn
on with the TV set/monitor ... and apply an alternating magnetic field
for a short time period. Circuitry in the system causes the degaussing
coil to cease to carry current after warm-up.  Try bringing a perrmanent
magnet near the face of your monitor and you will see why this is


Subject: the user interface game
Date: 31-DEC 01:53 Mousing Around

Over Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, I've had the pleasure of
playing the game Pictionary.  You're given a word or phrase in one of
several categories, and one player of a team tries to convey, using
pictures alone, the word.  If the other player(s) of the team guess, the
team advances along a track.  Some words are specifically for all teams
to guess at the same time -- each has a 'picturist.'

I found the game a lot of fun, and had the thought that it would be
perfect for a human interface group.  Certainly many of the icons I've
seen would never be wins in Pictionary!

Actually, Pictionary has the advantage that its pictures aren't static
-- sometimes the way they're drawn is an important clue (the important
parts are drawn first), and it's an interactive process -- as guesses
are yelled out, the picturist may completely revise the picture.

BTW, Pictionary seems to be the latest fad, near as I can tell (and I
normally avoid anything faddish).


Subject: re: DMCS for the Mac II (Re: Msg 24473)
Date: 31-DEC 01:54 Network Digests

 > From: chow@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu (Christopher Chow)
 > Subject: DMCS for the Mac II
 I've been using Concertware+MIDI on my Mac II; it isn't the same as
DMCS, I'm sure, but does do a reasonable job at the things it does.  The
current version uses the Sonata font for printing.

 David Dunham     "The more laws there are, the more people are
 Maitreya Design   inclined to break them"


Subject: GCC Personal Laser Printer
Date: 2-JAN-11:44: Hardware & Peripherals

Its a feeling thats hard to describe. Its a feeling that all Mac users
know.  I just purchased a General Computer Personal Laser Printer.  At
last I can output to printer Quality text and graphics.  For a quick
draw machine Its grea t. Sure I thought that  I might wait for a
postscript laser writer bargain. Sure I thought that I could sink myself
deeper in debt for that alod postscipt compatability.  I am pleased wit
more than pleased with what I got!  With the PLP who need wait for the
Image Writer LQ? (except those who need it features
-- I know)  I have tried the PLP with various programs lik e PageMaker 2.0a,
Word 3.01, SuperPaint, Write Now!, Graphic Works 1.01, PageMaker
1.2,MacDraw,FileMaker+ 2.0,and have encountered few problems. (,ost c most
caused by failure to follow Apple's printer interface guidelines (Microsoft--
are you listening???)) No major quirks though.  Any one got any tips out
there???  (anyone want to write a PostScript driver f or it???) Thanks.


Subject: Payroll packages
Date: 4-JAN-09:39: Business Mac

Has anyone had experience with any simple payroll package. Could be stand-
alone, or part of a complete accounting system, or even Excel templates. We
don't need the accounting stuff, just the payroll. Thanks.


Subject: Async AppleTalk
Date: 4-JAN-19:46: Hardware & Peripherals

Besides R-Server, who else makes software that will allow you to dial up an
AppleTalk network?  I will be providing my own TrailBlazer modem so the Shiva
NetModem is out (too slow.)  I'd also like to hear from anyone who has used



From: VANO
Subject: RE: Async AppleTalk (Re: Msg 24586)
Date: 4-JAN-20:52: Hardware & Peripherals

Jeff:  I haven't used it with Async AppleTalk, but the Shiva NetSerial can be
used with your own modem at any baudRate up to 56KB.  The product is supposed
to act like the NetModem when used that way.  I was doing some testing of the
basic NetSerial box here, and it appears to function as advertised, but I would
be a little suspicious of Async Appletalk, since Shiva claims to be replacing
it with their own proprietary system since they feel it is not sufficiently
  BTW, the NetSerial is very cost effective and easy to install.  ($399 or so,
and you should ignore their installer script and just copy the CDEV into your
system folder!).

Hope this tells you more than you knew -



Subject: RE: Async AppleTalk (Re: Msg 24594)
Date: 5-JAN-01:57: Hardware & Peripherals

I have been using an R-Server for a few weeks and it seems to work fine. There
were some problems with InBox (when isn't there) but Solana helped out a lot
and even had us send in our two R-Servers so they could put in a new version of
the ROMS.  We also received three or four updates of ASYNC Appletalk that were
updated daily.  We now have two networks linked together by two R-Servers.
Your question of dialing in to a network also works fine, you can read your
mail, print something and transfer files just fine (even at 1200 baud) but just
DON'T open an application without a good book in front of you. =


Subject: RE: Async AppleTalk (Re: Msg 24635)
Date: 8-JAN-20:13: Hardware & Peripherals

I ordered a NetSerial.  Based on phone calls and a few other sources it came
out ahead of R-Server.  I'm also going to get a beta of their CDEV controller
(instead of the Async AppleTalk DA) since the AA DA doesn't work well with
TrailBlazer's (according to their tech person).  The CDEV will also allow you
to use the normal modem port for your modem instead of the printer port (which
was a big plus in their favor).



Subject: re: International Macs + new user interf (Re: Msg 24574)
Date: 4-JAN-21:27: Network Digests

 > From: oster@dewey.soe.berkeley.edu (David Phillip Oster)
 > Subject: International Macs + new user interface = ?

I was never able to get a completely satisfactory answer, but I believe that
pretzel-Z is _always_ Undo, no matter where the Z key is on the keyboard (I
have no idea how non-Roman keyboards do this).  This is perhaps because of
Apple's multitasking system.  DAs aren't called for Edit menu keyboard
equivalents -- they get the key event instead.  Dumb, but maybe programs like
ThinkTank (no Undo menu item) are partly to blame for this.

Glad someone else noticed that cmd-? doesn't in fact work.  Hope Apple realizes
it too.

 David Dunham     "The more laws there are, the more people are
 Maitreya Design   inclined to break them"


From: RJWM
Subject: RE: Launching or Sublaunching Another Ap (Re: Msg 2270)
Date: 4-JAN-22:52: Programming Techniques

Two related question. The sublaunch facility that HyperCard uses does not
require System 4.1-it works perfectly well with 4.0. How does it work? How can
you make the launch of a document with an application from HyperCard into a one
way launch, i.e. so it does not return to the HyperCard stack upon quitting the
launched document?


From: DEWI
Subject: RE: Launching or Sublaunching Another Ap (Re: Msg 2271)
Date: 5-JAN-05:11: Programming Techniques

The first question first:

I'm slightly confused by the question, unfortunately. What do you mean by
"return to the original document"? Let's hope I answer the correct question...

If the scenario is program A gets called with attached document A, program A
sublaunches B with document B, then under MultiFinder you have the choice of
keeping doc A open, or re-opening it after the sublaunch (just in case you
weren't under MultiFinder and the launch didn't return). Unfortunately, you
can't test for MultiFinder, you can only test for existence of the
WaitNextEvent trap and Apple warns you that this might exist in the (non-Multi)
Finder in some future system release (sigh). You can uniquely define the
location of the document by the triad (volume refnum, directory ID, name) and
re-open immediately after the launch. If you're saving the location of a
document in a Resume File, then you might want to save the Volume name instead
(if you reboot, and insert your floppies in a different order, it'll have a
different refnum).

The only glitch with this is with some esoteric networks where the directory
IDs are dynamically allocated. Saving a pathname, a la HyperCard, would solve
this but is generally considered a bad idea with HFS. I don't understand all
the ramifications of this yet...

In summary, working directories and directory IDs are a bit of a mess in my

And the second question:

The original sublaunch (the one that meant that the sublaunching program didn't
have to live in the system folder) was in 4.0 but undocumented. It was
officially announced as a 4.1 feature. The 4.0 version may be buggy for all I

I'm really not too sure what HyperCard 1.0.1 does. It's difficult to sublaunch
with an attached document and then turn around and exit with MultiFinder, since
the working directories get wiped out before the sublaunched program can use
them. But then again, under MultiFinder HyperCard can only find documents at
the root, which doesn't need a working directory.

Oh well, I said it was hairy... All of the above is mildly dubious, since a
fair amount is empirical rather than official Apple gospel.

     Best of luck!   Dewi


Subject: VBLANK animation
Date: 6-JAN-23:44: Macintosh Developers

I need help with animating large portioss of the screen for a game I am working
on. I hope to use a vertical blank to constantly refresh the screen based off
of an off screen image constructed on the fly from smaller pieces. 't enough
horsepower in teh Mac to do it that way. Anybody tackled anything similar
recently? Also, any sources of better docs than IM for the vertical retrace
manager? Hope you guys can help.


Subject: 4th Dim. - are they kidding ?!
Date: 7-JAN-21:14: Programming

I had a very strange vision:

I would have written a program for 4th dimension, setup a complex database, and
wanted to have listings in sorted order...

The sort fields are indexed, so I thought a subset of the data could be print
out in the sort order of the index. But it was a nightmare !!! Everytime I
change my selection I have to sort again....

I hope I am missing something which I might have overseen in the handbooks,
otherwise the developers could need some lessons about database design...

Quite disappointed - Uwe


Subject: RE: 4th Dim. - are they kidding ?! (Re: Msg 24612)
Date: 8-JAN-10:28: Programming


One thing that 4D doesn't seem able to do is to *store* data in sorted
order. You can always sort, export, then import to store it, however. But
I think the problem is 4D's, not your understanding of the program.



Subject: RE: 4th Dim. - are they kidding ?! (Re: Msg 24636)
Date: 8-JAN-12:32: Programming

No Database stores in sorted order but like HELIX you can access the data in
the sorted order of an index which 4th dim. obviously does not allow...



Subject: RE: 4th Dim. - are they kidding ?! (Re: Msg 24641)
Date: 9-JAN-08:50: Programming

Yes, you're right. I should say that 4D neglects to store *the order*, not
store the actual records in that order. One workaround may be to use sets...



Subject: MacDraw Replacement?
Date: 7-JAN-22:00: Business Mac

As a dedicated user of MacDraw, I was wondering what kind of replacements
others are looking into for the same sort features but with a lot more.  For
example, I need the multi- page feature of draw.  And I can NOT live without
the on-screen size change of the page with the adjustment of printer, paper
size, reduction percentage, etc.  But, I would just love to have more font
sizes, definable grids, more of the power tools, etc.

What are you all using out there?




From: HALL
Subject: RE: MacDraw Replacement? (Re: Msg 24614)
Date: 7-JAN-23:44: Business Mac

I have a friend who swears by (or is it at?  ;-) ) MGM Station.  He uses it to
design a well known company's PC clones.



Subject: Red Ryder 10.3 thruput
Date: 7-JAN-23:02: Telecommunicating

One thing I just remebered. One of my friends was so bugged by the apparent
slow thruput of Red Ryder 10.3 that he methodically stripped his inits out one
by one. It turned out that the FKEY PopKey thingie by Carlos Weber just about
halved the thruput. When that was eleiminated, Red is back to almost good. For
those who can't live without FKEYS, a new alternative albeit commercial is
contained within FontDA Juggler Plus, $60 retail which can have up to 12 open
fkeys, fonts, sounds(mac II sounds on a plus!)DAs, etc. You can have up to
32,000Fkeys with a renumbering accesory also included. Also a hot key to show
you all the active fonts..in all their sizes to 24 points, with any
attribute(bold,underline, etc.) AND an FKEY that will allow you to print a line
of text in all the available fonts in any style. Coded by Paul Cozza, a superb
and responsive individual. This will be debutted at the Show in SF, so look for


Subject: Tear-Off Menus
Date: 7-JAN-21:18: Programming Techniques

How can I have the teared-off menu stay always on top of all windows?



Subject: Mouse Cover
Date: 8-JAN-19:21: Hardware & Peripherals

The plastic cover of the mouse supplied with Mac SEs and Mac IIs has an
apparently high incidence of defective alignment of the button portion.  While
defective mice appear to work properly for a while, at some point the mouse
button will cease to function properly.

 In my case the mouse button latched on, causing an apparent freeze, and
inability to boot.  When I tried to insert a floppy disk into the floppy disk
drive, the disk was ejected on power-up, and the computer tried unsuccessfully
to boot from its hard disk.

 It took me a while to try booting with a borrowed mouse attached - which
succeeded.  I was also lucky in that the Mac II was (by just a few days) within

 After opening the mouse, and examining the button microswitch, which was
perfectly OK, and the cover, which looked OK but would not mate properly with
the switch, the technician at my local dealer replaced the ENTIRE mouse.

 For some esoteric reason, Apple will NOT supply replacement mouse covers.  I
can understand their not wanting to supply replacement parts for the circuit
board assembly, but the mouse cover is an easily replaceable part, secured with
4 Phillips head screws.

 If your mouse cover goes out of warrenty, you end up paying for an entire
mouse.  Doesn't this seems a bit excessive, especially if it is likely that the
cover was origionally defective.


Subject: What is Reflex Plus status?
Date: 9-JAN-14:19: Business Mac

What is the current status of Borland's Reflex Plus?

As a Reflex owner, I sent in my upgrade request some months ago ($95 00 against
a credit card).  Quite a while ago I heard that ReflexJPlus was shipping, and
then that Borland had pulled it back.  I've heard nothing since, but it appears
that the mail order houses have it.  I'd be guessing that Borland lost my card,
but a friend is in the same situation as I am.

Has anyone out there actually received an upgrade from Borland? (And, no, I
haven't called them yet.)

                                /Jeff Schnitzer


Subject: RE: Async AppleTalk (Re: Msg 24643)
Date: 9-JAN-08:55: Hardware & Peripherals

Can you give us a little more detail on the advantages and disadvantages
of each?



Subject: RE: Async AppleTalk (Re: Msg 24659)
Date: 9-JAN-21:53: Hardware & Peripherals

Well, the R-Server is strictly an incoming AppleTalk connection.  They use the
Async AppleTalk DA which means it a) must be activated after you turn on your
Mac and b) only works through the printer port.  They also admit to problems
with Kinetics FastPath's but their tech never called me back to discuss exactly
what problems they have.

NetSerial can be both an incoming and an outgoing shared modem.  They report
they have no problems with FastPath's.  They are also releasing a CDEV LAP
which will let you select async AppleTalk till you deselect it and it will use
either port you wish.  Also, as I mentioned before, I have read reports (on
AppleLink) of people having problems with R-Server and using NetSerial.



Subject: RE: Usenet Mac Digest V4 #3 (Re: Msg 24682)
Date: 10-JAN 15:03 Network Digests

 From: earleh@eleazar.Dartmouth.EDU (Earle R. Horton)
 Subject: MacII basic question:  What tools for serious scientific stuff?
 Date: 7 Jan 88 00:35:27 GMT

     You might want to look at ABSOFT FORTRAN 2.3.  I believe that this is the
only FORTRAN that presently uses the math coprocessor of the Mac II.  This is
likely to be better for you than PASCAL or C bercause:
 1) You appear to be more familiar with FORTRAN
 2) FORTRAN is an excellent language for numeric type applications

 Microsoft Fortran (which is based on the ABSOFT product) is not yet up to a
coprocessor supporting level. There may be a FORTRAN compiler that works with
MPW (ABSOFT has its own linker...).  The UNIX system is not yet, as far as I
know, officially released.


Subject: Usenet Mac Digest V4 #3 (Re: Msg 24682)
Date: 10-JAN 15:27 Programming

I've used the Absoft Fortran 2.3 - it handles the coprocessor OK. Seems a
reasonable FORTRAN. I've ported scientific applications from a VAX with not too
much trouble (there are some differences in syntax of non-Fortran77 statements,
but they are minor). You might also consider getting MacFace (from McFaceware,
1310 N.Broadway, Urbana, IL 61801 ; (217)-328-5842) for interfacing Mac type
windows, menus, etc. In fact, I think the same set of routines can be called
from C. At any rate, I recommend that approach - the scientific programming
part of the project is unfortunately a minor effort compared to making the Mac
part work like we've come to expect. The MacFace approach evens that somewhat,
but its still a lot of work. Good luck.

On a related topic - I'd like to see more of those research type programs
available a little more generally. Went to a seminar at MIT a while back where
the subject was the new supernova. The speaker gave a very nice topic talk and
mentioned that he had this Mac program that would simulate the results of
different initial conditions on observations. It would have been very nice if
he had had a few disks with him. More generally I'm rather surprised that there
are not more of those type of programs, or an interest group on a net somewhere
(or maybe I've just missed it).

Mike Burns Rowland Institute


Subject: RE: Usenet Mac Digest V4 #4 (Re: Msg 24683)
Date: 10-JAN 15:14 Network Digests

 From: UD069225@NDSUVM1.BITNET (Eric H. Romo)
 Subject: BERNOULLI 5Meg Hard Drives
 Date: 6 Jan 88 21:58:57 GMT
 Organization: North Dakota Higher Education Computer Network, Fargo, ND

 Avoid the 5 MB serial port Bernoulli Box.  They are (expletive deleted) slow,
and there may be problems with reliability and software.  I abandoned one and
am presently using two 10+10 B Boxes at work. There have been rumors about the
financial stability of IOmega.  Recently IOmega abandoned plans to fix the
current Mac SCSI boxes to work properly with the Mac SE and the Mac II, and
they have done nothing about the problem of their driver causing characters to
be lost on the serial ports.


Subject: re: Re: Multifinder woes. DA's (Re: Msg 24681)
Date: 11-JAN 03:13 Network Digests

 >From: goldman@apple.UUCP (Phil Goldman)
 >Subject: Re: Multifinder woes. DA's
 >many applications simply cannot handle having a DA in its memory partition.
 I'm astonished by this statement -- does this mean that these applications
can't use DAs on a Mac 512?  Or with Switcher?  I never discovered any such
application.  (Giving DAs separate memory is a good idea; grouping them all
into a single layer is bad from a user interface standpoint.)  BTW, do you
consider Key Caps a parasitic DA?  I could, and it comes as standard equipment
on every Mac.  It is however about the only DA I leave open for its behavior,
not as another data window.

 David Dunham     "If it has syntax, it isn't user-friendly."
 Maitreya Design


Subject: re: Re: Chooser Strangeness (really prin (Re: Msg 24681)
Date: 11-JAN 03:14 Network Digests

 >From: planting@colby.WISC.EDU ( W. Harry Plantinga)
 >Subject: Re: Chooser Strangeness (really printing options ugliness)
 >There's another thing about printing that really annoys me.  There are
 >options that can be chosen in the print dialog that affect the way the
 >page looks.  For example, in Word, selecting "fractional widths" makes
 >more text fit on each line.  However, having fractional widths selected

That's not something about printing; that's something about Word.  In WriteNow,
you select fractional widths from the (extended standard) Page Setup dialog, so
you can do it at any time.

 David Dunham     "If it doesn't have Undo, it's not a Mac program."
 Maitreya Design


Subject: re: Debugging LDEV from Lightspeed Pasca (Re: Msg 24683)
Date: 11-JAN 03:14 Network Digests

 > From: jmm@thoth8.berkeley.edu.BERKELEY.EDU
 > Subject: Debugging LDEV from Lightspeed Pascal I'm not sure what an LDEV is,

but if you mean an LDEF, you might want to check the sample one I have in my
article in the latest (Jan88) MacTutor.  It's in C, but it shows a labelled
icon list definition function.

Scott Knaster's book How To Write Macintosh Software should be very useful for
learning the correlation between Pascal and assembly.

 David Dunham     "Whenever you see a sign 'No Exit,' it means
 Maitreya Design   there is an exit."


Subject: re: WriteNow vs. Mac II (Re: Msg 24683)
Date: 11-JAN 03:15 Network Digests

 >From: jasst3@cisunx.UUCP (Jeffrey A. Sullivan)
 >Subject: WriteNow vs. Mac II
 The latest version I'm aware of is 1.07; it works pretty well on my II.

 David Dunham     "The more laws there are, the more people are
 Maitreya Design   inclined to break them"


Subject: RE: Usenet Mac Digest V4 #2 (Re: Msg 24681)
Date: 12-JAN 04:03 Network Digests

>> From: pollock@usfvax2.UUCP (Wayne Pollock)
>> Subject: Re: Multifinder woes. DA's

  I personally like the layering of DAs under Multi-Finder, it makes it nice to
keep several of them open for an entire session. These would be of the
"non-parasitic" variety. For Spelling checkers and such, I would suggest that
the authyors of these DAs look closely at the Multi-Finder manuals, talk with
Apple Developer Support and learn what tricks they can from Deneba's new Coach
Professional Speller. This DA is absolutely fantastic. The speller has been
beefed up with a dictionary, thesaurus, but most of all - it is VERY
MULTI-FINDER SMART. You launch it like any other DA and it open in the DA
Handler layer, but as you move to your other application layers it follows you.

Now I don't have to worry about using the option key to load DAs into the
Application heap.

Brian Bezanson Madison Macintosh Users Group

P.S. I have no direct affiliation with Deneba except as a satisfied customer.


End of Delphi Mac Digest