[comp.sys.mac.digest] INFO-MAC Digest V6 #1

INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (Moderators Dwayne Virnau... and Lance Nakata) (01/18/88)

INFO-MAC Digest          Sunday, 17 Jan 1988        Volume 6 : Issue 1

Today's Topics:
                     Re: Mac Turbo Pascal Questions
                             Suitcase Patch
                               LSP XCMDs?
                        Fortran for the Macintosh
                         breaking up code files
                 HyperCard XFCN for displaying pictures?
                       Re: Delphi Mac Digest V4 #1
          Multifinder bug:  permanently locked system font file
                      Small Multifinder bug anyone?
                       Weird Multi-Finder Problem
                           Mac II memory usage
                 lost file directory on MACSE hard disk
                              Fans, Mac SE
                         2 Macs on A SCSI Drive
                          CRT Adjustment Query
   [Contribution to INFO-MAC , reporting a meeting with Alain Rosman]
                        read or writing pc disks
                        Delphi Mac Digest V3 #53
                        Delphi Mac Digest V3 #54


Date: Sat, 19 Dec 87 17:01:49 -0800
From: standish@madeleine.UCI.EDU
Subject: Re: Mac Turbo Pascal Questions

  In Version 1.1 of Mac Turbo Pascal from Borland, not only
can you create desk accessories, you can also create device drivers,
control defs, list defs, menu defs, window defs, and inits.
The following is the relevant excerpt from Borland's "Read Me" file:

 "We have also added new driver headers.   An example of a driver
  header you may already be using is PasDeskAcc, which is needed
  to be able to build Desk Accessories.  These driver headers allow
  you to define your own device driver, window controls, new window
  definitions, list manager cell drawing, your own menus, and
  your own initialization code for system startup.

      The names of the new headers are:

        Header  File   Description           Inside Macintosh   Volume

        PasDeskAcc   Desk Accessories       Desk Manager        I   p435
        PasDriver    Device Driver          Device Manager     II   p173
        PasCDEF      Control Definition     Control Manager     I   p311
        PasLDEF      List Definition        List Manager       IV   p261
        PasMDEF      Menu Definition        Menu Manager        I   p341
        PasWDEF      Window Definition      Window Manager      I   p269
        PasINIT      INIT Definition        Apple Tech Note #14

    To use these new headers, put the directive

    {$D xxxx}

    right after your program header. Replace "xxxx" with the name
    of the driver header that you want, for example, {$D PasCDEF}
    for a Control Definition. Also see page 110, "Driver Header," of the
    Turbo Pascal reference manual."

Hope this helps.
   Tim Standish, UC Irvine


Date:     Mon, 4 Jan 88 16:05:49 PST
Subject: Suitcase Patch

Mr. Brecher posted a patch to Suitcase for use on a Mac II running MultiFinder
as a fix for my mysterious dimmed DA problem.  I tried the patch and quickly
rendered my Suitcase unusable.  Now it crashes with an ID 2.  I think that
there is either something wrong with the patch or that there is something
additional needed besides the patch.

The patch was to replace:
        225F 205F 2050
        6000 008C 2050

I did this and it promptly caused Suitcase to go hog wild and blow with an ID
2.  I got this patch repeated to me from several other people, so it should be
correct since they all agreed, but the fact remains that it doesn't work. The
original string only appeared once, so I got the right one. I started with a
virgin copy of Suitcase.  Was there something else that needed doing?  Is this
patch correct?  I would be very surprised if it was.  Has anyone else tried
this patch?  Let me know because my DA menu still dims in weird places.



Date: Wed 13 Jan 88 11:40:47-PST
Subject: LSP XCMDs?

The LightSpeed Pascal files posted to the net a while ago give a Link Error
("THEPORT" is undefined) when I try compiling Flash.p to a code resource.
Is there an updated posting?  Thanks.

Brodie Lockard


Date: Wed, 13 Jan 88 16:46 AST
From: Peter J Gergely <Peter@DREA-GRIFFIN.ARPA>
Subject: Fortran for the Macintosh

As a request for a colleague, we are interested in any comments on a
good Fortran Compiler for the Macintosh, with reference to purchasing,
features, cost, etc.  Also of interest are add ons to the Fortran
Compiler, such as McFace Tools, etc.

Please reply directly to me, and I will summarize any responses to this
group at a later date.  Many thanks in advance for any assistance


Peter J. Gergely (DREA, P.O. Box 1012, Dartmouth, NS  B2Y 3Z7  Canada)
      ARPANET:  gergely@DREA-XX.ARPA (preferred)
or              Peter@DREA-GRIFFIN.ARPA
      CSNET:    gergely%cs.dal.cdn@ubc.csnet
      UUCP:     gergely@dalcs.UUCP


Date: Thu, 14 Jan 88 15:17:56 -0800
From: Alastair Milne <milne@ICS.UCI.EDU>
Subject: breaking up code files

   This is something I wasn't able to find in Chernikoff's "MacIntosh
   Revealed".  It may be in Inside Mac, but I don't have access to that.

   The question is this: is it possible to take some of the code resources
   of a large program and distribute them among files on other discs, to be
   found there by the system when the program is executed?  I know that the
   system keeps a list of locations where needed resources are to be sought,
   but does this extend (or can it be extended) to giving a list of files in
   which needed code resources can be found if they're not found in the main

   This would be of particular use on older Mac's still using single-sided
   drives, but wanting to run newer, very large, programs.

   Thanks for any info,

   Alastair Milne


Date: 16 Jan 88 13:35 EST
From: science@nems.ARPA (Mark Zimmermann)
Subject: HyperCard XFCN for displaying pictures?

Can anybody point me to an XFCN or XCMD that I could use to display a
bitmap or PICT or other visual object in a window larger than the standard
HyperCard card?  I would like to have a button which, when clicked,
popped up a BIG picture which would go away when another click (or some
such event) occurred...would let me add scanned-in visual images to some
stacks.  I suppose the picture could be stored as a resource in the stack;
perhaps the XFCN to open the window and show the picture could take as
arguments things like the picture number, the corners of the window to
pop up, etc.
Seems to me that such an XFCN might be pretty simple to write for somebody
experienced in handling pictures ... has it already been done?  Many
tnx -- ^z


Date: 13 Jan 88 18:56:59 GMT
From: apple!claris!apple!goldman@decwrl.dec.com (Phil Goldman)
Subject: Re: Delphi Mac Digest V4 #1

>Subject: re: Re: Multifinder woes. DA's (Re: Msg 24681)
>Date: 11-JAN 03:13 Network Digests
> >From: goldman@apple.UUCP (Phil Goldman)
> >Subject: Re: Multifinder woes. DA's
> >many applications simply cannot handle having a DA in its memory partition.
> I'm astonished by this statement -- does this mean that these applications
>can't use DAs on a Mac 512?  Or with Switcher?  I never discovered any such
>application.  (Giving DAs separate memory is a good idea; grouping them all
>into a single layer is bad from a user interface standpoint.)  BTW, do you
>consider Key Caps a parasitic DA?  I could, and it comes as standard equipment
>on every Mac.  It is however about the only DA I leave open for its behavior,
>not as another data window.
> David Dunham     "If it has syntax, it isn't user-friendly."
> Maitreya Design
Perhaps I was a little ambiguous, but not wrong.  There are some HUGE DAs out
there.  For example, one of the DAs developed internally at Apple (since
coverted into a very nice app) was 80k! Worse yet, DAs can be small themselves,
but ask for arbitrary amounts of memory from the application, which wreaks
havoc with many applications.  If you use large DAs in small switcher partitions
then you will see this.

The whole idea here is to eliminate external memory requests from an
application's heap.  The app must have complete control over its heap to do
comprehensive memory management.  While the system still has some requests
from the app heap, they are mostly gone w/ MultiFinder (and we're working on
getting rid of those left).  The net effect of this is to be able to run much
smaller partitions under MF than switcher.  In fact, a lot of the memory
constraints right now are excacerbated by the fact that partition SIZEs set
for switcher are too wasteful for MF.

I agree that grouping all the DAs together in one layer is suboptimal visually.
I think the optimal solution would be to have a separate layer for each DA.  The
easisest way to do this is to re-code each DA as an app, or stick it in a
simple DA wrapper.  The wrapper idea would be very simple since the DA would
not even need to be re-coded (i.e. have a DA Handler per DA).  The other
benefit is that each wrapper's SIZE could be tuned for a particular DA's needs.

As for Key Caps, it works just fine in its own layer, as do all the DAs that
are in the standard Apple set.  It needs access to the keyboard, but there is no
dependency on a particular app.

-Phil Goldman
Apple Computer
"All views expressed are my own, not Apple's"
P.S. Sorry if this should have been posted to comp.sys.mac instead of here.


Date: Mon, 21 Dec 87 18:21:46 EST
From: sdl@mitre-bedford.ARPA (Litvintchouk)
Subject: Multifinder bug:  permanently locked system font file

I believe I have found yet another bug in Multifinder 1.0.  Namely,
that an application which uses fonts permanently locks the system font
file against access by the Font Mover--even after you have quit the

Example:  Start up MicroSoft Word.  Then start up the Font Mover.  You
notice that the only font it can access is Chicago 12 (presumably
because MicroSoft Word has locked the font file against access by the
Font Mover).

Then quit both MicroSoft Word and the Font Mover.  Then restart the
Font Mover.  Notice that it still can't access any of the fonts in the
system file.  The system font file is apparently permanently locked.
The only way I have found to fix this is to restart the Mac.

Has anyone else encountered a similar problem?

Steven Litvintchouk
MITRE Corporation
Burlington Road
Bedford, MA  01730

ARPA:  sdl@mitre-bedford.arpa
UUCP:  ...{cbosgd,decvax,genrad,ll-xn,philabs,security,utzoo}!linus!sdl

        "Those who will be able to conquer software will be able to
         conquer the world."  -- Tadahiro Sekimoto, president, NEC Corp.


Date: Tue 12 Jan 88 07:44:13-PDT
Subject: Small Multifinder bug anyone?

It's more than likely that I've missed this, but I haven't read anything
in a while noting the obvious multifinder bug of not updating icons
that happen to be on the desktop (and not in a window).  Does anyone
one know if this is even a concern at Apple and/or if they're going to try
and fix it?

I happen to keep quite a number of folders/programs on my desktop that
I use frequently (ResEdit, for one), and it's something of a pain to
hunt for them all the time because they're not updated when overlapping
windows close.

Just idle curiosity.


** I have no relation to anyone but myself, and then only rarely.


Date: 16 Jan 88 20:24:00 EST
From: <bouldin@ceee-sed.arpa>
Subject: Weird Multi-Finder Problem

I am running MultiFinder on a Mac+ that is upgraded with a Novy Systems
68020/881 board. When I first got MF I installed it and it ran fine. After
a hiatus of several weeks I tried to run it again and it crashed. I ultimately
found that if I turn off the 68020 cache and launch MF, then it runs. After
launch, I can even turn the cache back on and it *still* works. But it always
dies with an ID=10 bomb if launched with the cache on.

So far I have copied a fresh copy of MF onto my hard disc, to no avail, and
then rerun the system/finder installation stuff, and the crash persists.

It is hard for me to say what "changed" on my system to cause this crash,
because I have changed a LOT of things. I do get a startup screen before the
crash. Any suggestions on this one??


Date: Wed, 13 Jan 88  09:59 EST
From: SEWALL%UCONNVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: Mac II memory usage

 Andrea Chenu <hplabsz!chenu@hplabs.hp.COM> writes:

>I'm having problems determining whether a MAC II is
>actually seeing all of it's memory (it has only 1mg).
>Does anyone know of any software utilities or memory
>management tools that would help diagnose the problem?

I think your more likely to get an answer from:


ARPA:   sewall%uconnvm.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu       Murphy A. Sewall
BITNET: SEWALL@UCONNVM                          School of Business Admin.
UUCP:   ...ihnp4!psuvax1!UCONNVM.BITNET!SEWALL  University of Connecticut

[I'm not exactly sure where this message came from, but perhaps
 some kind soul knows an answer for this problem.  DoD]


Date: TUE, 22 DEC 1987 17:06 JST
From: MASAJI YAHAGI <JPH173%JPNSUT30.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>

MACEVENT'S TEL:0473-97-0922



Date: 15 December 87 10:47-PAC
From: JOHND%IDUI1.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: lost file directory on MACSE hard disk

I have destroyed the master file directory on my hard disk in a
Mac SE.  I have about 20 Meg of important software on the disk
and I want it back.  I have MacPascal, ResEdit, Fedit, and the
talking moose at my disposal.  Can anyone help me figure out a
way to recover?

I have tried the in-line function in MacPascal to call the disk
I/O trap functions mentioned in my promotional (toilet paper)
copy of Inside Macintosh and seen nothing but system error 2,3,
or 10 for my efforts.  Are there Pascal libraries that I should
know about?  Is there a more up-to-date version of Inside Mac
for the SE?

John Dickinson


Date: Wed, 16 Dec 87 13:35 CST
From: <OPTON%UHVAX1.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Fans, Mac SE

I heard an interesting rumor the other day.  Starting 1st quarter 1988,
Apple is going to start putting quieter fans in new SE's.  Upgrade
policy is uncertain.  ( the guy I talked to said it was his OPINION that
Apple would not offer upgrades, and current owners were SOL.)
Anybody have any official info?


Date: 30 Dec 87 14:04:00 EDT
From: CKCU <WCSCKCU%CARLETON.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: 2 Macs on A SCSI Drive

After much debate around here, I've decided to ask some experts (You
persons) on the following :

" Can 2 Macs be hooked up to one SCSI drive (ie HyperDrive FX40).
  Would they both work properly and not cause troubles?

  My assumption is that they wont work since they both have SCSI device
  number 0, thus they will be confused..."

Any help would be appreciated...

Marc Grondin


Date: Thu, 7 Jan 88 20:08:16 PST
From: Steve Dennett <DENNETT@SRI-NIC.ARPA>
Subject: CRT Adjustment Query


Back when the Mac first appeared, several postings described how you
could adjust the Mac's CRT to display a larger image (ie, to use
the part that normally is the dark "border").

If there's anyone out there who made this adjustment, I'd like to know:

- how long ago did you do it, and have you encountered any ill effects?

- what are the advantages/disadvantages of this mod?

- can it be done on an SE, and if so, how?

Thanks for your help.

Steve Dennett


Date: Sun, 10 Jan 88 15:42:29 EDT
Subject: [Contribution to INFO-MAC , reporting a meeting with Alain
Subject: Rosman]

(It's my first contribution here...)

I'd like to report some things : I recently have asked questions to
Alain Rosman (from Radius). First he announced a screen for Mac II in a
few days ! (It may have been announced since )
Then he talked a bit about Bill Atkinson, and why he didn't follow the
Apple recommendations for programming. It was very interesting.
He explained that it would be difficult to tell Bill to write Hypercard
again because Bill works always alone, and has HIS ideas.
(For example, Bill who did the quickdraw program has found some other
ways to do a thing better so he says 'I won't use the routine that is in
I will use mine'.He also managed to do FILL with only 1 byte which is
Then Alain Rosman presented his double-screen, which seems GREAT !
He told us about future, portable Mac, etc..
(Very difficult for me to tell everything, because Alain Rosman speaks
French so it's hard to translate all.)

Alain Raynaud  <ULMO031@FRORS12.BITNET>


Date: Thu, 14 Jan 88 11:00:45 MST
From: Capt Geoff Mulligan <geoff@usafa.ARPA>
Subject: read or writing pc disks

I have a 720K 3.5 inch disk in my PC at work.  Does anyone know if it
is possible to read or write MAC disks on the PC or read or write PC
disks on the MAC?



Date: Mon 14 Dec 87 09:34:56-EDT
From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR>
Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V3 #53

Delphi Mac Digest     Monday, December 14, 1987      Volume 3 : Issue 53

Today's Topics:
     RE: MIDI & 31K baud (3 messages)
     Re: how strong of a magnet? (2 messages)
     Re: 4Dimension
     Re: Backups (on video tape)
     Sony diskette problems? (2 messages)
     Big Screen & Multiplan
     VersaTerm/QuickKeys/MF bug (3 messages)
     "find" function for online help
     RE: Math typesetting
     Hyper gottyas
     HELP! WITH FILEMAKER (2 messages)
     VBL's (2 messages)
     FKEYs and re-entrancy
     ** NEWS **
     Filemaker Plus 2.0
     RE: INFO-MAC Digest V5 #143
     RE: Nerd Perfect Vaporware
     HyperText in HyperCard

[archived as


- Lance ]


Date: Mon 14 Dec 87 09:35:53-EDT
From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR>
Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V3 #54

Delphi Mac Digest     Monday, December 14, 1987      Volume 3 : Issue 54

Today's Topics:
     Mac's, PC's, Cat's, Inertial tasks, (7 messages)

[archived as


- Lance ]


End of INFO-MAC Digest