INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (Moderators Dwayne Virnau... and Lance Nakata) (01/18/88)
INFO-MAC Digest Sunday, 17 Jan 1988 Volume 6 : Issue 3 Today's Topics: Stuffit User Interface Not Well Done Sound Mover problems What screen saver with Multi-Finder?? Milo Comments A reverse Heisenbug: it's there only if you look for it Help wanted with a digitizer interface DNA and protein sequence analysis? flexible protein models Animation pkg for human movement CURVE FITTING SOFTWARE? Help Macs in Europe: Interferometry software needed! NEEDED, big HD utility File compare utility wanted Spelling Coach Plotters Graphic emulators SCSI upgrade advice needed DCA MS BASIC Editor Suggestions (Hello, Microsoft) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue 22 Dec 87 13:13:15-PST From: A. E. Siegman <SIEGMAN@Sierra.Stanford.EDU> Subject: Stuffit User Interface Not Well Done While the debate still rages over Stuffit versus Packit (though the issue seems to be pretty well settled in favor of Stuffit), someone should point out that the interface which Stuffit presents to the user is pretty poor: Overly complicated windows that give you a lot of information you don't need or want to know, inconsistent or poorly chosen commands and terms, confusing procedures. The program itself is fine, but the interface is not up to high-quality Mac standards. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 23 Dec 87 11:12:02 PST From: dhare@Sun.COM (Dwight Hare) Subject: Sound Mover problems I downloaded the Soundmover package (archived as <INFO-MAC>UTILITY-SOUNDMOVER-PACKAGE.HQX) and tried it out on my Mac II. I recorded some music at 22K and converted the soundcap file into a snd resource using Sound->snd but Sound Mover insisted on playing the snd at 11K. Then, after sampling at 11K and creating a snd resource, I pasted it into StartupSndInit and moved it into the system folder. When I rebooted I got a horrible death. I don't use any non standard inits. I've thrown it away and will continue to use the Bong swci resource for Soundcap to create snd resources and use resedit to move them around. I don't really need a sound at init time. I was very disappointed with the quality of this package. ------------------------------ Date: 30 Dec 87 23:04:00 EST From: <> Subject: What screen saver with Multi-Finder?? I have gotten real used to the "Stars" screen saver (you know, the one that shows a star field that you move through, a la USS Enterprise), but it doesn't work with MF. Anyone have a newer version (I have 1.8) or a suggested replacement? ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 13 Jan 88 23:17:12 -0500 (EST) From: John Salmento <> Subject: Milo Comments Hi, I'm trying to gather what other people think of Milo for the author Ron Avitzur. For those who don't know, Milo is a symbolic math manipulation program. This program is allows you to very easily perform algebra on equations without making stupid mistakes, like change signs or dropping terms. It can solve simple equations and take derivatives; however, it isn't smart like Macsyma, so it doesn't solve the equations for you. It also has other features for creating graphs of equations and combining text and equations in one file. A beta version can be acquired off of the topse Mac directory, mac binaries on andrew, and sumex-aim. One thing this version doesn't work properly with system 4.2. Ron wants to publish this program with complete documentation, so he's interested in bug reports, and comments. He wants especially wants to know what people think its worth. He's also very interested in site licensing this software at colleges, so if anyone is interested they should contact him directly. His email address is John Salmento ziggy@andrew or js04@te ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 15 Jan 88 10:05:35 PST From: coherent! (Dave Platt) Subject: A reverse Heisenbug: it's there only if you look for it Originally posted to RISKS-DIGEST: I've encountered a marvelous Heisenbug (a bug whose behavior changes when you look for it) involving TOPS Spool and MultiFinder. Yesterday, I installed MultiFinder on one of the Mac SE systems here at work. After rebooting, I found that TOPS Spool worked fine when the system was booted in Finder mode, but behaved erratically when the system was booted in MultiFinder mode. The primary symptom I saw was that TOPS Spool would spool the file to disk, but would not print it. The status display would indicated "Waiting; source: AppleTalk", and the printer's yellow status light would double-blink (indicating that the printer was waiting for data to be sent over AppleTalk). This wouldn't always occur, and didn't always occur at the same point in a file. I tried spooling one file several times, and the copies seemed to exhibit different behavior. Finally, I noticed one critical clue: if I had turned "Print while I work" off, and then opened the TOPS Spool d/a and turned it back on, the spooler would not begin transmitting the file until I closed the desk accessory. Printing would then begin, and would continue to work properly until I opened the desk accessory again... at which point the current print job would hang! So... hmmm... using the TOPS Spool desk accessory under MultiFinder causes the background printing task to stop working, but using exactly the same desk accessory, System, drivers, etc. works just fine if the system is booted under the Finder. What's the difference? Well, under MultiFinder, desk accessories are normally opened by a mini-application called DA Handler, so that they won't go away if you "Quit" from your current application. I tried opening TOPS Spool while holding down the Option key, which forces the desk accessory to run in the current application's context... and, lo and behold, background printing kept working! Apparently, the TOPS Spool desk accessory interferes with the background-printing task if it's run under DA Handler, but not if it's run under the current application (Finder, in my case). So... this is really a reverse Heisenbug, of sorts... the software works unless you look to see whether it's working, at which point it stops working! Dave Platt UUCP: ...!{ames,sun,uunet}!coherent!dplatt Internet: coherent!,, [For those of you who weren't in on the original flurry of Heisenbugs, see RISKS-4.30 through 36, and a few subsequent issues. PGN] ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 16 Dec 87 15:09:59 GMT From: Subject: Help wanted with a digitizer interface | JANET | |BITNET/EARN| | ARPA |!leeds.ucs.cms1!phy6jem | UUCP | star::"" | SPAN | Haverah Park Group, Physics Department, University of Leeds, LEEDS, LS29JT, UK HELP WANTED WITH A DIGITIZER INTERFACE We have a Summagraphics ID-1-CTR-2020 digitizing tablet which is no longer needed for its original application. We would therefore like to interface it to our (brand new) Mac SE. It has an RS-232 output which gives XY coordinates and button up/down information in a well understood format. Therefore it shouldn't be too difficult to wire it up to the Apple Desktop Bus. The difficult bit looks like the software; how do you make the Mac read from the digitizer rather than from the mouse? This must be done in a way that is transparent to all applications. If anyone has solved this problem or knows where to find the solution, either for another digitizer or for any other input hardware, we'd love to know. We are fairly experienced programmers (mainframe, micro), our language of choice for this project is Lightspeed C but we can cope with most anything else. If anything of general applicability appears, we'll post it to the net. John McMillan, Haverah Park Group. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 6 Jan 88 23:06:40 EST From: Subject: DNA and protein sequence analysis? Has anyone seen any public domain or shareware programs for DNA and protein sequence analysis for the Macintosh? I seem to run into a lot of these for MS-DOS machines but it would be nice if I could do all of this on my Macintosh at home. Shareware packages for the PC include DM5 (David Mount from Arizona or Arizona State) and something called Menu from Australia. Basically these programs allow you to match patterns in a DNA sequence (search for restriction sites), translate, edit protein or DNA sequences, do homology searches and more. Some of the more elaborate programs search for secondary structures that may play a regulatory role. There is at least one commercially available program called DNA inspector. It is expensive ($300) and I've heard that its copy protection scheme is some form of data mutalation (maybe I should say mutation). Any advice would be greatly appreciated Dave Detlefsen Chemistry Department University of Michigan ------------------------------ Date: Sun 10 Jan 88 14:42:05-PST From: Chuck Gasser <MNS.GASSER@BIONET-20.ARPA> Subject: flexible protein models I am looking for a program for which the Macintosh would be an ideal environment. Biochemists commonly represent proteins in a flexible linear array known as "beads on a string". This representation allows regions that are known to be proximal to be put close together and allows clear representation of disulfide bonds. What we want is a program that allows for generation and simple/flexible editing of such pictures on the Mac. Such things as being able to drag a part of the string and have the rest follow along, maintaining bends from proline residues, etc. would be a part of such a program. If anyone has seen/heard of a program like this please send me any information that you can either by Email or regular mail, or call me collect at: (314)536-1150 Thanks in advance, Chuck Gasser Plant Molecular Biology Monsanto Company St. Louis, MO ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 10 Jan 88 12:24:36 JST From: shmuel browns <> Subject: Animation pkg for human movement One of the professors in the Computer Science department is interested in an animation package either for the Macintosh or IBM PC that lets you show human movement. He was very impressed with the animation in MacGolf - does anyone know what they used? Please e-mail responses to me and I'll summarize to the net. Thank you. Shmuel E-mail: shmuli%HUJINIX.BITNET ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 11 Jan 88 13:36:04 SET From: Norbert Mueller <> Subject: CURVE FITTING SOFTWARE? HELLO EVERYONE, I'M CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR A GOOD CURVE FITTING SOFTWARE OUR DEPT. WANTS TO ACQUIRE, THE USUAL OPTIONS (EXPONENTIAL, LOG, POLYNOMIAL...) ARE NOT SUFFICIENT. WE WANT TO FIT EXPERIMENTAL DATA TO ARBITRARY USER DEFINABLE FUNCTIONS. HAS ANYBODY HEARD OF SUCH A PROGRAM FOR THE MAC OR EVEN WORKE WITH IT? I REMEMBER A PROGRAM ON A CDC MAINFRAME I USED TO WORK ON, WHERE YOU COULD LINK THE COMILEDTARGET FUNCTION (CODED IN FORTRAN)AT RUNTIME... MAYBE THAT SOMEBODY MIGHT LIKE TO WRITE SUCH A THING FOR THE MAC (NOT NECESSARILY IN FORTRAN), WHERE FUNCTIONS MIGHT BE ADDED AS RESOURCES. THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR ANSWERING NORBERT MUELLER INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY JOHANNES KEPLER UNIVERSITY A-4040 LINZ AUSTRIA ------------------------------ Date: Thu 7 Jan 88 07:12:30-PDT From: Elliot Bennett <ELLIOT@STAR.STANFORD.EDU> Subject: Help Macs in Europe: Interferometry software needed! Help save me from the Dreaded IBM! I am currently working at DFVLR (sort of W. Germany's NASA), and we have a holographic experiment planned for the D2 SpaceLab mission, and I'm writing a program on my own mac SE to operate this experiment remotely. The reason I have to use MY Mac is that this place is 95% IBM and 5% Atari and zero Macs. I'm attempting to introduce the Mac here, but to clinch a purchase I need some very specific software, which I'm hoping someone in net-land will know about. The basic need is to perform analyses on interferograms. I plan to use Thunderscan to digitize these into the Mac as MacPaint files. What I need is a program that can read such files, integrate across grey scales, and determine either the Temperature or density (one is supplied, one is calculated). Typical inputs include: cell length, refractive index of the medium being investigated, wavelength of the laser, and the existing geometry (Rectangular or cylindrical; with or without a diffuser; phase shift, and so on). We are willing to pay $ for such software, but if it doesn't exist, I'm going to have to write such a program myself - something I'm not exactly looking forward to. So, if you'ld like to further the cause of Macintosh in W. Germany, I would be very grateful for any information leading to such software. Please reply to the address below. Much Thanx in Advance, Elliot Elliot@STAR.STANFORD.EDU ** I have no relation to anyone but myself, and then only rarely. ** So also stand my opinions. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Dec 87 07:55:30 IST From: Ami Zakai <> Subject: NEEDED, big HD utility *** URGENT **** I need a formatter and installer for CDC WERN HD for Mac II 92MB & 150MB. Please send reply direct to RAFI@BGUVM or to RPR1ZAK@TECHNION.BITNET I know there are some of those floating around so if you have any idea where to get them I would realy appriciate a note. thanx --Zak ------------------------------ Date: 16 JAN 88 20:02-N From: CZYCHI%CSGHSG52.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Subject: File compare utility wanted Hello, for some time now, I'm looking for a file or disk compare program. Do I have at least found something where big blue is a step ahead? Furthermore I could need (and some friends of mine as well) an init or a cdev which automatically converts the german umlauts and the german ss into ae, oe, ue and ss. This is peticular for the use with a terminal emulator, therefore one should be able to turn that on and off (Like Smart Quote Init). Oh no, I am not buying QuicKeys for that reason! Thanks a lot. Gary Gary T. Czychi University of St.Gallen EARN%"CZYCHI@CSGHSG53" ==: "" Tel.: --41 / 71 / 27 52 68 --49 / 211 / 46 01 23 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 12 Jan 88 15:40:23 EST From: Steve Buyske <> Subject: Spelling Coach Does anyone have experience with or knowledge of Deneba's Spelling Coach or Coach Professional? ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 Dec 87 16:10:29 cst From: wucs1!wucfua! (Rex Alan Hill) Subject: Plotters Dear info-mac, I am looking for information about HP E-size plotters. More specifically, I would like to find some information about hooking a Mac (SE/Plus/MacII) to the plotter. I would also like to correspond with someone about EZ Draft, MGMS, MiniCad or Space Edit (and using these with the HP). Thanks. Rexford A. Hill Washington University ONC ------------------------------ Date: Fri 8 Jan 88 06:01:33-PST From: Dieter Schifferli <EBEACHEY.SCHIFFERLI@BIONET-20.ARPA> Subject: Graphic emulators I would be interested to know the advantages of a Tektronix 4105 versus a Tektronix 4014 graphics emulation program ( Versaterm Pro / Versaterm). I am interested in using one of these programs for the DDMATRIX program of BIONET and different programs of the GENETICS COMPUTER GROUP (University of Wisconsin). Thanks for any help. Dieter. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 08 Jan 88 12:24:35 -0800 From: Mark Nagel <nagel@ICS.UCI.EDU> Subject: SCSI upgrade advice needed I am looking forward to finally getting a hard drive for my 512e soon and I was hoping someone could help me out in with information on SCSI port upgrades. I have already installed a Dove 2M upgrade on the motherboard, so my main concern is how difficult is it to install a SCSI port now? Specifically, do I need to get Dove's SCSI port because it "fits" better or can I just install any old port few if any problems? Please respond via email and I will summarize if enough responses come in. Thanks! Mark Nagel Department of Information and Computer Science University of California, Irvine (ARPA) {sdcsvax|ucbvax}!ucivax!bonnie!nagel (UUCP) "If George Washington had given up at Valley Forge, we'd all be speaking *English* today!" -- Balki ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 27 Dec 87 17:31:57 EST From: "James H. Coombs" <> Subject: DCA I saw your query in an Info-MAC digest. We dicusss DCA briefly in our article on "Markup Systems" in the November 1987 *Communications of the ACM*. That should give you a sense of what DCA is good for and what it is not good for. Basically, it retains formatting information only, so you can forget about style sheets. Above all, the article argues for descriptive markup---which eliminates the compatibility problems that you are experiencing. Hang it on your management's door. Make them aware of the problems and of the appropriate solutions. Also, contact Microsoft and WordPerfect and tell them to quit messing around with obsolete forms of markup. (Things won't improve until consumers convince developers that descriptive markup is a priority.) Finally, SoftQuad is coming out with an SGML text processor for the Mac, and that might help solve your problems. Good luck. --Jim Dr. James H. Coombs Software Engineer, Research Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship (IRIS) Brown University jazbo@brownvm.bitnet Acknowledge-To: <JAZBO@BROWNVM> ------------------------------ Date: Thu 7 Jan 88 18:37:16-PST From: A. E. Siegman <SIEGMAN@Sierra.Stanford.EDU> Subject: MS BASIC Editor Suggestions (Hello, Microsoft) The editor that comes with Microsoft's BASIC 3.0 Interpreter at the minute is fairly nice: The transition from editing to program execution and back is fast and convenient; having Basic reserved words automatically highlighted in boldface type is very helpful; and the Search function is convenient and easy to use. Having the program automatically recapitalize every occurrence of a variable name ("PowerLevel") or label the same way (whichever way you last enter it), is neat. The biggest weakness is that the Search function slows waaaaayyyy down, practically to a stop, all of sudden it seems, as soon as the program length exceeds something like a couple of pages. What would I and other local users most like to have (besides having this speed problem fixed)? Not pretty-printing (nice but not essential), not Search-and-Replace (can do that pretty effectively with Search-and Paste), not other secondary editing gimmicks. For writing structured, truly Mac-ish programs we'd most like an "outliner" capability, under which all merely linear code segments, all merely number-calculating lines, all comments, etc. would vanish (or be replaced by a line with three dots, or something), and only the control structure of the program (Labels, GOSUBs, RETURNs, etc.) would remain visible. One could then move around through the control skeleton, instantaneously bringing any of the hidden code segments back to view for editing when you needed to. I suppose this is what outliner programs already do (haven't used one as yet). Any Mac outliner programs around that could also be taught to automatically boldface a specific set of control words whenever they were typed in? ------------------------------ End of INFO-MAC Digest **********************