[comp.sys.mac.digest] Delphi Mac Digest V4 #12

SHULMAN@sdr.slb.COM (Jeffrey Shulman) (07/12/88)

Date: Tue 12 Jul 88 09:01:41-EDT
From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR.SLB.COM>
Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V4 #12
To: Delphi-List: ;
Message-ID: <584715701.0.SHULMAN@SDR.SLB.COM>
Mail-System-Version: <VAX-MM(218)+TOPSLIB(129)@SDR.SLB.COM>

Delphi Mac Digest     Monday, July 11, 1988          Volume 4 : Issue 12 

Today's Topics:
     Re: Manx's Aztec C Compiler Update & Sou
     Fixing Finder (Mac II)
     DA Memory under MF (3 messages)
     sad mac (2 messages)
     re: What is "use printer spacing"?
     Camera-type DAs to get screen image (3 messages)
     re: "Reach for the Stars" query
     MAC II Composite video board
     Word-processing tips
     What does it take to add an SCSI HD to a
     re: MacDraw II Experiences (long)
     RE: Usenet Mac Digest V4 #89
     RE: Usenet Mac Digest V4 #87
     Macdraw Release 2 and Calcomp 1040 GT Pl


Subject: Re: Manx's Aztec C Compiler Update & Sou (Re: Msg 26769)
Date: 22-JUN 07:32 Network Digests

Re: Manx's Aztec C Compiler Update & Source Debugger

This exactly echoes my experience with Manx back in 1985. I guess some
things never change...

Ric Ford


Subject: Fixing Finder (Mac II)
Date: 24-JUN 21:14 Macintosh II

I just had some fun customizing my Finder.  As documented in one of the
digests,  changed the new LAYO resource so icons are filled in with
their color.  Since most icons are black, this looks mighty weird.  But
then I went in and edited Finder's 'clut' resource and changed the
colors to nice pastels (and changed black to white).  I even put in
"platinum" so I could color my system files...


Subject: DA Memory under MF
Date: 26-JUN 07:43 Macintosh Developers

I am writing a DA that needs all the memory it can get its grubby little
bits on.  When running under MultiFinder I call MFMaxMem to see if there
is more memory available when compared to a call to MaxMem.  If so, I
call MFTempNewHandle to get all of it.  The problem is that
MFTempNewHandle fails with a memFullErr!  How come?  This same procedure
works when done from an application and I can get MFTempNewHandle to
work in my DA if I call it with small numbers.  Is this a bug or a
feature?  I'm using MF 6.0.



Subject: RE: DA Memory under MF (Re: Msg 2452)
Date: 26-JUN 14:48 Macintosh Developers

Wonder if it has something to do with DAs running in the system
heap...tho it shouldn't.


Subject: RE: DA Memory under MF (Re: Msg 2456)
Date: 1-JUL-07:34: Macintosh Developers

I *finally* received the answer from MacDTS.  Basically they said DA's
cannot use the MF temp memory calls.  They also discouraged writing DA's
in favor of small apps which can use those calls.  Oh well, guess I'll
release two versions of my program.



From: CHUQ
Subject: sad mac
Date: 25-JUN 20:47 Bugs & Features

Anyone know what a Sad Mac 25,000 is? My other machine just bonged and
failed restart. I'm going to pull it apart and see if the Dove board
came loose again, but if that doesn't fix it, any suggestions?



From: CHUQ
Subject: RE: sad mac (Re: Msg 26881)
Date: 27-JUN 22:45 Bugs & Features

Well, it seems to have been some kind of weird crash that required me to
power- off for a couple of minutes. A power-cycle didn't clear it, but I
left the machine off for about five minutes, and it's been perfect
since. Iv'e seen this before, where really weird valuesseem to survive
in RAM until the RAM has time to drain residual energy.

Strange. I have no idea what happened, either.



Subject: re: What is "use printer spacing"? (Re: Msg 26850)
Date: 26-JUN 22:15 Network Digests

 > From: jurjen@cwi.nl (Jurjen N.E. Bos)
 > Subject: What is "use printer spacing"?

"Use printer spacing" in WriteNow turns on fractionally spaced fonts;
this is only useful for better LaserWriter printing.  You will _NEVER_
get good LaserWriter printing if you use font substitution; the only way
to get WYSIWYG in such a case is to use a screen font.  Since be
selecting the UPS option you are requesting better WYSIWYG, WriteNow
accomodates you.

 David Dunham     "Efficiency is intelligent laziness."
 Maitreya Design


Subject: Camera-type DAs to get screen image
Date: 27-JUN 16:07 Business Mac

What utilities are available for getting a snapshot of the screen image?
I just heard that Camera doesn't work right under System 6.0 and I know
that there is a commercial alternative from Mainstay, though I don't
know what it's called. Is there another shareware snapshooter?

Ric Ford


From: CHUQ
Subject: RE: Camera-type DAs to get screen image (Re: Msg 26889)
Date: 27-JUN 22:56 Business Mac

The Mainstay product is called Capture. I've been using it extensively
in my 4th Dimension articles for Macintosh Horizons (hmm. That sounds
like a plug). It'll run you $50 at Computerware, it's the best thing
since sliced bread. It's an init. You hit a key sequence, select a
rectangle, and it copies it to the clipboard (or alternatively to a

I used to try to do my articles with Camera. Until I started using
Capture, I hadn't realized exactly how kludgey things were.

It doesn't matter what's on the screen -- dialogs, menus, whatever --
you can't lock capture away from the scrren, so you don't have any
artificial limitations on the screendumps anymore.

It's a small, neat utility that finally implemented the proceure Right.
Not everyone needs it -- but those that do won't realize how much nicer
their life is until they get it.



From: CHUQ
Subject: RE: Camera-type DAs to get screen image (Re: Msg 26928)
Date: 30-JUN 00:12 Business Mac

The ONLY complaint I've seen about capture is that the key sequence
isn't modifyable (it will be in the next release via resedit). And folks
have complained that you can't acces it via QuicKeys. They reason for
this, of course, is that it patches itself in at such a low level that
nothing can touch it.

I've used it for menus (bring up the menu, even heirarchical ones, and
hit the button: everything freezes, and it takes the shot); for alerts,
dialogs, screens, DA's, you name it. It sems to be able to break in and
snap regardless of what your'e doing. Neat stuff.


Date: 29-JUN 00:43 User Supported Software

I NEED TO POST IS  FOR A FRIEND ... This is to inform you that "HOMETOWN
SOFTWARE" no longer exist......Duane Blehm past away unexpectly June 6,
1988. We would like to withdraw his games, "CARIO SHOUT OUT" and
"PUZZ'L" from the network.  We leave "Skycopter" in his memory .........
(Please ...  no more orders).

  Signed: Duane's Parents
          Norman  Diane Blehm

I am posting this note for Duane's Parents  .......  for those of us who
knew Duane and admired what he could do with a MAC .... we are going to
miss him, his talent, his toughts, and most of all his friendship  ...

We are working on the KEYCODES for his games . . . If (he was clever)
figure out just how he did it .... we have his parents permission to
post it for public domain .... As those of us who knew Duane - - he
never really tried to get rich or rip anyone off ... only to cover
expenses and have pocket money ... Those orders recieved after his death
will be returned with the money sent in and hopefully a KEYCODE ... bare
with us.  For those of you who wrote in and were personal .... I know
you got a personal note back   ...  a touch with a genious ...

Duane .... a man who touched our lifes and enriched it  ... we are going
to miss you !!!!!

Signed: Kent C.
        Phone 316-356-1699


Subject: SUM
Date: 1-JUL-12:35: Business Mac

I have been looking at Symantec's new SUM package (Symantec Utilities
for the Macintosh). It's wonderful. It's one of the very few products I
can recommend rushing out to buy. We'll cover it in detail in an
upcoming MacWEEK, but here are a few observations.

- It has a feature called "Guardian" that makes a copy of your disk
directory for recovering from crashes. This is an essential feature I
haven't seen anywhere else. It makes a *lot* of sense. It would have
helped me last week when I got nailed by just this kind of crash which
killed my hard disk directory.

- It has virtually all of FEdit's capabilities and more.

- It has visual maps for a whole disk and for an individual file,
showing how the data is distributed on the disk, so you can analyze

- It has MacZap's superb recovery features with a much better manual and
much better, friendly, user interface.

- It has a HD Partition with data encryption - I ran into a performance
problem and haven't completely evaluated this yet, but it has some
potential for better protection than FWB's Hard Disk Partition (though
it's not as elegant)

- There's a special feature for editing data on OFF-LINE disks! You can
choose a driver or use SCSI direct. Either way, you can access the data.

- Just in case you buy it on my recommendation and don't like it, you
can RETURN it! There's a 30-day guarantee. (Let me know if you find
problems with it.)

Three cheers for Symantec. I can hardly wait for the new Lightspeed C
with built-in debugger. A company with money-back guarantees and great
products is something we could use a few more of.

Ric Ford


Subject: re: "Reach for the Stars" query (Re: Msg 26942)
Date: 1-JUL-21:59: Network Digests

 > From: jba@wheaties.ai.mit.edu (Jonathan B. Amsterdam)
 > Subject: "Reach for the Stars" query

I got Reach for the Stars; I was pleasantly surprised that it had some
color support.  I was too busy to do much with it, so I gave it to my
roomate to play; he discovered a bug that was supposedly fixed by
documenting it (we didn't get the errata sheet, of course).

 David Dunham     "We've got the best government money can buy."
 Maitreya Design


Subject: MAC II Composite video board
Date: 4-JUL-18:29: Macintosh II

We are looking for a board to connect a Mac II to a VCR (and visa-versa)
so we can record from the Mac II as well as use it as a titler.  Any
ideas who makes the best board?  I know Computer Friends makes a board
that captures video images but does it also go the other way?



Subject: Pharaoh
Date: 6-JUL-00:12: Games and Entertainment

Has anybody been playing Pharaoh?  What do you think?


From: KZIN
Subject: Word-processing tips
Date: 6-JUL-03:25: Creative Pursuits

Hi.  I'm completing a book on word processing FOR WRITERS, to be
published by Writer's Digest Books next Spring, and one thing we'd like
to include (if there is room enough) is a section containing tips from
"pro" users of various programs on various machines.  Stuff like neat-o
uses for block operations, saving your bacon when a disk is full, making
a program do what it ain't supposed to, and like that. 
Non-program-specific, if possible; we're not pushing one program over
another.  Instead, we're looking at clever use of existing tools.

The book is being written for "plug and go" users (i.e., people who
don't get into utilities and such, and regard the computer as a tool,
like a telephone or typewriter).  Any tips will be appreciated, and
we'll thank you in an acknowledgements section, by name, with your
permission.  (Sorry, no $$$.)


--Mike Banks


Subject: What does it take to add an SCSI HD to a
Date: 7-JUL-00:08: Hardware & Peripherals

I have a Mac SE sitting here (in fact, I'm using it now).  I also have
available a 40MB HD scavenged from another computer; it doesn't have a
controller, but even if it did the controller would probably be
worthless for connecting to a Mac.  If I want to connect the HD to my
Mac, do I need to buy a controller or just a cable?  Where would I get
such things, and for how much?

Thanks in advance.



Subject: Command-Shift-Menus
Date: 7-JUL-20:37: Macintosh Developers

I'm working with a group on an application which will use command-shift
for some of the menu equivalents. We'd love to have these appear in the
menu, just like PageMaker and WordPerfect. I thought that someone might
have written a new MDEF which makes lower-case equivalents actually
appear as shift equivalents in the menu (kind of backwards if you think
about it), in which case one must just supplement the action of
MenuKey() and everything is finished and nice and neat. Unfortunately
both these applications did not do this, so I'm wondering if anyone out
there has such an MDEF or is able to write one or can lead me in the
right direction on how to modify the standard MDEF to support this
little extension. Thanks.......................................Alexander


Subject: re: MacDraw II Experiences (long) (Re: Msg 27011)
Date: 10-JUL 00:02 Network Digests

>From: leue@galen.steinmetz
>Subject: MacDraw II Experiences (long)
>I'm sure Claris will claim this is a problem with System 5.0, but I'm
>not going to 6.0 right now for reasons that will be abundantly clear to
>anyone who has ever tried it.  The regular Laser Printer fonts seem to
1.  There are no abundantly clear reasons I know of for not using 6.0.
2.  You can use the LaserWriter driver from 6.0 without updating to
System 6.0.

 David Dunham     "We've got the best government money can buy."
 Maitreya Design


Subject: RE: Usenet Mac Digest V4 #89 (Re: Msg 27013)
Date: 10-JUL 12:39 Network Digests

>From: chuq@plaid.Sun.COM (Chuq Von Rospach)
>Subject: Re: Hiding bold/italic fonts?
>Date: 6 Jul 88 16:35:10 GMT
>Organization: Fictional Reality

FONTASTIC PLUS version 2 will do the job nicely, provided that the FOND
resources are set up correctly. Just use Font/DA mover 3.8 to create a
file containing the entire family. Then open FP, open the file, select
the base font of the family and use the 'Convert to NFNT...' menu
command. Before copying the font back to your System file (with Font/DA
mover 3.8, be sure to delete the old version; this bug will probably be
fixed in a later System release.

I used this method to convert all the LaserWriter Plus fonts, using the
screen versions from the ADOBE sig on Compu$erve. The only font that
gave problems was AVANT GARDE, which had some errors in the FOND
resources. It was necessary to do a little magic with RESEDIT and FEDIT
to get AG working properly. I also tried some third party families


Subject: RE: Usenet Mac Digest V4 #87 (Re: Msg 27011)
Date: 10-JUL 22:02 Network Digests

To: dennis@ihlpf.ATT.COM (Dennis Dale) Re: lisa profile

>I have access to a 'profile', a (5 meg?) hard disk from an old Lisa 
>system.  Has anyone ever tried to hook one up to a Macintosh?  Is it 
>possible?  Is it worth it?  I have no idea what the technical specs on 
>this drive are.  It has a DB25 connector on it as the only I/O port.  I 
>don't even know if this is a serial or parallel device.

The ProFile is, as with much of Apple's in-house-developed hardware,
very much a proprietary design.  It is a parallel device.  If you look
closely at the DB25 connector, you'll notice that the middle hole is
plugged, and the ProFile cable has that pin clipped.  That must have
been before Apple began selling AppleCare to anyone who did not plug
cables in perfectly.

If you want to use this guy, call up Sun Remarketing and buy a Lisa. 
You will find it runs fine under MacWorks Plus (which I have not yet
tested), albeit a little slower than the Macintosh.  The original
MacWorks was the 64K ROM emulation; MacWorks Plus is 128K ROM emulation.
 It allows you to hook up extra ProFiles via the Two-Port Parallel cards
as well.

You can also get a card to use the Profile with the Apple // or ///,
with ProDOS etc.  I would say not to consider using it with a Macintosh,
as it would involve a lot of development, not to mention
reverse-engineering of the specifications Apple would not be likely to

Laird Heal (603) 898-1406 (home) (312) 339-6582 (away)


From: LCHI
Subject: Macdraw Release 2 and Calcomp 1040 GT Pl
Date: 11-JUL 00:08 Hardware & Peripherals

Does anybody know if the latest release of Macdraw (2) supports the
Calcomp 1040 GT family of plotters via RS232C connection? Thanks


Subject: pharaoh
Date: 11-JUL 00:19 Games and Entertainment

Hay Has anybody played pharaoh yet?  I'd like to hear about how you are
all doing on your pyramids.  Has anybody done any contracts?


End of Delphi Mac Digest