Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (Jon Pugh and Lance Nakata) (08/06/88)
INFO-MAC Digest Saturday, 6 Aug 1988 Volume 6 : Issue 70 Today's Topics: Netter's Dinner Hard drive question Looking for Ray Traced Demo Statistical Packages desktop file purger help.... Accessing Mac laserprep/postscript files interface to LN03R Sending postscript files to a laser printer Apple Asynch Laserwriter Driver Identifying disconnections/breaks in Appletalk ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 5 Aug 88 16:01:59 PDT From: PUGH@NMFECC.ARPA Subject: Netter's Dinner From Robert Hammen: Here are the finalized details for the Netters Dinner, which will be held at 6:30 PM on Friday, August 12th at the Shanghai Restaurant in Chinatown, on the east side of Boston. The Shanghai is located at 21 Hudson Street; the reservation is under the name "MacWorld". We'll have two meeting points for persons wishing to go to the dinner. The first meeting point will be in front of the Bayside Expo Center at 5:30 PM. We'll take the MBTA to South Station; the Shanghai is about a 5 minute walk from there. The second meeting point will be the Commonwealth Pier, again at around 5:30. It's about a 15 minute walk from there to the Shanghai. After the dinner, we've all been invited to attend the BMUG party, which will be held at the Boston Tea Party. It promises to be an interesting and entertaining evening. The following people have announced their intentions to attend the dinner. We still have room for a few people, so if you'd like to come, please reach me at one of the E-mail locations listed at the end of the message. The last time I will read my messages is Wednesday afternoon... Usenet/ARPA -------------------------------------------------------------------- Barry J. Semo Phil Reese Ed Tecot Richard Vernon Ford lloyd! Kent Borg unisoft! Paul Campbell harvard!dartvax!uunet!eplrx7!lad Lawrence A. Deleski David Fay WARD@NOSC-TECR.ARPA 1 mailrus!cornell!rochester!ritcv!jlw2232 Joshua L. Weinberg William M. Bumgarner (3) dasys1! Alexis Rosen William Edward Woody tldavis@Athena.MIT.EDU Timothy Davis Gregor Rittinger Howard A. Landman Ken Eddings David W. Berry George Beekman (maybe) portal!!Tim_M_Dierks@Sun.COM Tim M Dierks (maybe) steinmetz!vita@uunet.UU.NET Mark Vita (4) Peter Freund steph@CS.UCLA.EDU Stephen Sakamoto Miles Asher Weissman Jon Pugh!ggr Guy Riddle Art Goodall@OFFICE-1.ARPA Art Goodall Delphi -------------------------------------------------------------------- HAMMEN, MADMACS, PEABO, JEFFS, MACWEEKBOS, DRITTNER, DDUNHAM, JIMH, KWILLEY, PIPPIN, NWOLF Robert J. Hammen ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Aug 88 09:37 CST From: <CCLARK%UTMEM1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> (The Ayatollah From: Computer - Cole Clark) Subject: Hard drive question An SE with 20 meg drive was recently brought to my attention when its desktop came up absolutely blank. The disk boots, and close examination of the disk with FEdit shows all the files to be "there" but they simply don't show up on the desktop. I have tried all the cliched methods of rebuilding the desktop, but the results are always the same - a blank one. If anyone has encountered this phenomena and have a solution, would you please send a reply ASAP. Frank C Clark, Jr. University of Tennessee, Memphis CCLARK@UTMEM1 (bitnet) FCCLARKJR (GEnie) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Jun 88 02:21:24 EDT From: John Matthews <> Subject: Looking for Ray Traced Demo Sorry to bother you guys with a request, but you're probably one of the best places to start. I am looking for the image (and others too) that first appeared on a poster for the Mac II when it was first being introduced. If this image (and hopefully a format document) are available in your archives, could you please give me the file name(s)? Is COLOR-FLOATING-BALL.HQX what I am looking for? I don't have a Mac II so I can't check it out. I am interested in this image because it was so sharp. I would like to use it to test some display software. Any pointers to other good bit mapped images would also be appreciated. Thanks in Advance, John Matthews ------------------------------ From: W1.WELCH%CHIP.UChicago.EDU@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU Date: Sat 16 Jul 88 22:35:47-CDT Subject: Statistical Packages I am a recent convert from a PC to a MAC-II. I didn't realize until now that there seems to be a lack of high-powered but affordable statistical and mathematical packages (for the social sciences) on the MAC. For some reason, I had thought of the MAC as the academic discount machine... In particular, I am surprised that (1) I can't find mainframe-compatible or programmable packages like Gauss, Speakeasy, SCA, S etc. (2) that Mathematica's academic discount makes it $430 cheap...; that may be fine for faculty, but for students Mathematica is just out. (3) that Excel is more stifled on the MAC than it is on the PC, etc. Anyway, here is a short report on one acquisition of mine: I recently got myself a copy of Mathview. I am a bit disappointed. It does not permit any programming (or piecewise functions) whatsoever. I got it to try out graphics. Unfortunately, it does not allow to specify the y-dimensions. If you plot a few functions over a common domain, and one has an asymptote within this domain, the action takes place on the bottom 2% of the screen... In general, my impression is that if you ask for the company's prospectus, it lists precisely what the package does; I made the mistake of considering it a sample, rather than a complete list. In sum, Mathview is ok if you know EXACTLY what you want is listed in the prospectus. But it's extremely inflexible. On the good size, this inflexibility makes for quite a bit of userfriendliness: you select, the program asks you a few built-in questions. That's it. My questions are these: Does anybody have a list of available math/stats packages with a good description of capabilities/value for the MAC? Does anyone have experience with Kinko's Courseware offerings (are they good/bad?) ? Moreover, where would one get a good listing of PD/shareware programs? I.e. one that says a few lines about what's good and what's bad. Is there a PD/SW Texktronix Terminal Emulator? I appreciate any info. Ivo PHD_IVO@GSBACD.UCHICAGO.EDU or sometimes PHD_IVO%GSBACD.UCHICAGO.EDU ------------------------------ Date: Thursday, 28 July 1988 10:28am From: zoda537@UTA3081.CC.UTEXAS.EDU ("Josh Hayes") Subject: desktop file purger Howdy. I've had to rebuild my desktop several times now to speed up performance (twice) or fix incessant crashing (twice). Surely, surely, there exists a DA or small utility that can be called upon to clean out the bloated desktop. Anybody know one, and where it might be obtained? I have access to sumex archives, if that helps. Direct e-mail would probably be the best way to reply---thanks! Josh Hayes zoda537@uta3081.bitnet Department of Zoology University of Texas Austin, TX 78712 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Aug 88 10:36:28 EST From: SIANI@nssdca.GSFC.NASA.GOV Subject: help.... Question for you all... One of the people in our office has an apple macintosh plus with a data frame 30 hd & is running finder 5.5 & sysem 4.1. The problem is that whenever some applications create files (for example. microsoft word) the finder does not recognize the document as being created by that application. When you double click the document it says that it cannot find an application. (even though ms word is in the same directory). This doesn't happen with all applications though. For example, mac draw documents are saved okay. (you are able to double click the document to get at the file). But macdraw II files are not saved correctly. To this point the only way to get around it is to go into the application and then open the document by hand (mighty tediousif you have 500 files spread across 20 different folders.) Please reply directly to me as I do not read info-mac regularly. Thanx, Michael Kirby (internet) mpk9172@ritvax.bitnet (bitnet) [Moderator's Note: This is a bundle bit problem and is very serious. I keep finding docs with their bundle bit set. Scott Boyd announced in MacTutor that he had a hack that went looking for these files. Let's see if it can be posted! Meanwhile, someone at Apple should be looking into this. If not a fix, a garbage collector at least. One bundle bit can screw up access to all your documents! Jon] 2-Aug-88 21:55:31-PDT,1614;000000000001 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 2 Aug 88 14:50:08 MDT From: gellman%mv2.UNCA.Adhocnet.CA%UNCAEDU.BITnet@Forsythe.Stanford.ED From: U (Ruben Gellman) Subject: Accessing Mac laserprep/postscript files Hello: I have a new Mac SE and I want to use a PostScript laser printer (QMS-800PS) located elsewhere and hooked onto a non-Apple workstation (Apollo) to print my Mac stuff. I know that I can get a PostScript file dumped to disk on the Mac by hitting Command-F after asking for a print; I can transfer this file by modem to the Apollo, but it won't print out. Reason is, the PS file assumes a prolog or header file (presumably Laserprep) has been sent ot the laser printer, defining a whole bunch of things. Any idea how I can generate or get hold of the relevant laserprep/ header/prolog PS file? I don't normally read info-mac, so please reply to me directly (on BITNET) at: GELLMAN @ UNCAEDU.BITNET Thanks Reuben Gellman [Moderator's Note: Tell the net too! I have a TI OmniLaser printer hooked to our VMS VAX and I have had no luck at all printing to it. Any clues? Jon] 2-Aug-88 13:32:11-PDT,920;000000000001 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 2 Aug 88 16:34:58 EDT From: Richard J. Solomon <> Subject: interface to LN03R Is there a hardware device for a DEC Scriptprinter which would emulate an Appletalk interface so I could connect a Mac directly to the LNO3R (with PostScript)? Currently I use a null modem cable and download PostScript files through a terminal program at 19.2 kbps, but this is very slow and prone to bit errors. Is there any Laserprep software for the Mac configured properly for the LN03R's peculiarities? Richard Solomon MIT Media Lab 617 253-5159 ------------------------------ Date: 3 Aug 88 17:13:00 EDT From: <> Subject: Sending postscript files to a laser printer This is probably a very witless question, but how does one go about sending a text file with postscript code in it to a LaserWriter? Just doing "print" from the finder clearly doesn't work. Please email me, since I don't read this newsgroup all that often... Todd Brun Laboratory of Computational Physics BRUN@NRL-LCP.ARPA Naval Research Laboratory BRUN@NRL-GONZO.ARPA Washington, D.C. "Feezeeks? Ve don't need no lousy feezeeks!" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Aug 88 11:41:38 CDT From: wombat%vger@xenurus.Gould.COM (Joan Eslinger) Subject: Apple Asynch Laserwriter Driver This is a request for a friend who doesn't have net access. He said he is trying to use the 'Apple asynchronous laserwriter driver' and is having no luck getting it to work. If someone out there knows something about the beast and is willing to help, could you please mail me your name and phone number and I'll forward it to him. Or if you want to contact him: Rolf Wilson (217) 244-2514 Joan Eslinger uunet!uiucuxc!urbsdc!wombat ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Aug 88 14:25:47 EDT From: sdl@mitre-bedford.ARPA (Litvintchouk) Subject: Identifying disconnections/breaks in Appletalk If this sounds like a naive question, I apologize in advance.... Does anyone know of any software or whatever that can identify breaks/disconnections in an Appletalk network? We've had a number of annoying occurrences where an Appletalk connector loosened up (maybe someone accidentally pulled one loose), resulting in several Macs on our Appletalk net getting effectively disconnected from the net (unable to print to the Laserwriter, etc.). (The daisy-chain nature of Appletalk means that a disconnection in some office can affect many other offices.) Finding the loose connection was a hit-or-miss affair. Is there any software or whatever that can periodically poll Appletalk and identify disconnections on the net, or perhaps find those Appletalk ports that are inaccessible (say, from the Laserwriter port)? Or are there other ways to deal with such problems? Please reply directly to me as I am not a regular subscriber to this newsgroup. Thanx very much in advance! Steven Litvintchouk MITRE Corporation Burlington Road Bedford, MA 01730 (617)271-7753 ARPA: UUCP: ...{cbosgd,decvax,genrad,ll-xn,mit-eddie,philabs,utzoo}!linus!sdl "Those who will be able to conquer software will be able to conquer the world." -- Tadahiro Sekimoto, president, NEC Corp. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 01 Aug 88 10:34:46 -0900 Reply-to: <SXWRR%ALASKA.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> Sender: <SXWRR%ALASKA.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> From: Reed Rector From: <SXWRR%ALASKA.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> I have been looking for a 'C' that I can afford with a source level debugger. I have seen Manx's latest ad talking of Aztec 'C' with a debugger for a special low price until the end of August. Does anyone out there use Aztec, especially the new version with the debugger? I would really like to see some comments about it. I do realize that LSC has a source-level debugger also, but I don't think I'll have more than 1 meg for quite a while. Thanks in advance, Reed Rector SXWRR@ALASKA (bitnet) ------------------------------ End of INFO-MAC Digest **********************