[comp.sys.mac.digest] Delphi Mac Digest V4 #20

SHULMAN@sdr.slb.com (Jeffrey Shulman) (10/23/88)

Date: Sun 23 Oct 88 08:13:18-EDT
From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR.SLB.COM>
Subject: Delphi Mac Digest V4 #20
To: Delphi-List: ;
Message-ID: <593611998.0.SHULMAN@SDR.SLB.COM>
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Delphi Mac Digest     Sunday, October 23, 1988       Volume 4 : Issue 20 

Today's Topics:
     RE: Usenet Mac Digest V4 #139
     MacII - 3270 emulation
     Boy, That's BIG!
     re: Re: Tabs in TextEdit
     RE: How to look for heap fragmentation? (3 messages)
     Videotaping Mac II Color Monitor (2 messages)
     Looking for info on Clearpoint memory
     RE: Looking for info on Clearpoint memor
     re: Looking for software to reset a Lase
     MAC II RAM (2 messages)
     Magentic Filing of 1099's With IRS
     re SUM


Subject: RE: Usenet Mac Digest V4 #139 (Re: Msg 27634)
Date: 15-OCT 23:48 Network Digests

>From: ogus@math.Berkeley.EDU (Arthur E. Ogus)
>Subject: Re: HD Partition (SUM)/MacroMaker incompatible
>Date: 9 Oct 88 18:48:53 GMT
>Organization: UCB Mathematics Department

The release version of DIMMER is compatible with MACROMAKER. Dimmer is
part of SCREEN GEMS (Microseed), a commercial product.


Subject: MacII - 3270 emulation
Date: 16-OCT 00:26 Macintosh II

I would like to hear from people who have installed 3270 emulation cards
in a Mac II. Do any of the cards support 3279G graphics?.


Subject: Boy, That's BIG!
Date: 16-OCT 20:11 Hardware & Peripherals

I'm having an odd problem with the new Apple Scanner... it appears to be
in the software. Scanning an image works very nicely, scanning at 300
dpi.  Saving the image as a TIFF doc and opening it into ReadySetGo
(4.01a) works perfectly as well.  However, when I save the image as
MacPaint it is blown up to match "Fatbits" image within the AppleScan
software... what was a 5" wide image becoming more like 20" wide, and,
of course, not fitting on the screen.

Opening the doc as a MacPaint image to use as a template in Adobe
Illustrator 88 (1.6) does the same thing.  I would save the image as a
PICT doc and open it up in Illustrator rather than using the MacPaint
version but when I try that I get absolutely *nothing* on the screen.

Any hints on what the heck is going on, or any news of bugs in the
AppleScan program?




Subject: re: Re: Tabs in TextEdit (Re: Msg 27634)
Date: 17-OCT 02:12 Network Digests

>From: tim@hoptoad.uucp (Tim Maroney)
>Subject: Re: Tabs in TextEdit
>As David Oster pointed out, tabs can be handled by intercepting the
>TextEdit bottleneck TEWidthHook using the new TECustomHook procedure

David Oster is correct in principle but wrong in practice.  There's a
problem with the new hooks, in that at one of the recalc times, the
lineStart array is kept in local storage.  You're called to provide the
width.  To do this, you need to know the start of a line (a tab at the
beginning of a line has a different width than one after other text). 
All you can get at is the lineStart array in the TE record.  There may
be a way around this; neither I nor several people at Apple could think
of one.  There's a remote chance this was fixed by 6.0.2, but I don't
think so (I can't remember when I last tested it).  I had tabs working
except for this.  They did slow things down a bit, but it was only about
as bad as using styled text.

 David Dunham     "We've got the best government money can buy."
 Maitreya Design


Subject: RE: How to look for heap fragmentation? (Re: Msg 2602)
Date: 18-OCT 00:10 Programming Techniques

To avoid heap fragmentation when calling GetNewWindow or GetNewCWindow
is it best to pass a pointer for the dStorage argument in the call (I
don't have IM at home so I may have the name slightly wrong--this is the
pointer to the window record).  I have been passing a 0L in my calls and
it my be better to pass a pointer to the ROM routine.  If my windows are
all initialized at start-up of my program they may not fragment the heap
much I suppose so this may not be a major concern but I would like to
know if it is a major "no-no" not to pass a pointer.

I'm not doing it because sometimes I can't get it to work if I pass a
pointer to a global window record.  How do you call GetNewWindow? -Doug


Subject: RE: How to look for heap fragmentation? (Re: Msg 2605)
Date: 18-OCT 23:26 Programming Techniques

It really depends on your program.  Nonrelocatable blocks normally get
created at the bottom of the heap, so if you create them all early,
there's no problem. If you create them dynamically, you might be
creating them in the middle of the heap and then free stuff below them,
creating an island.  But if they're dynamic, you don't know how much
global space to allocate.  I kind of do both.


Subject: RE: How to look for heap fragmentation? (Re: Msg 2606)
Date: 20-OCT 15:49 Programming Techniques

I wrote my own version of Uriah -- and can probably still find it.

Normally, I don't have trouble with heap fragmentation.  Most of my data
is kept in handles, which I hardly ever lock and then only for the
shortest possible time.  My windows are all created on the heap, in Ptr
blocks. Even though they are of different sizes and are created and
destroyed frequently, they don't cause much trouble since they are small
-- only a couple of hundred bytes -- and they are the only
non-relocatable objects. I recommend that you keep your data in
(unlocked) handles and only use Ptrs for the objects that require them.

      Tony N.:'

From: RJWM
Subject: Videotaping Mac II Color Monitor
Date: 19-OCT 09:39 Macintosh Developers

In attempting to videotape a program demonstration from Apple's HiRes
Color Monitor on a Mac II (with an Ikegami camera), I found that in
contrast to videotaping from the SE there is an unacceptable visual
beating. Does anyone know of a simple scheme to sync a video camera to
the Mac II display short of a $15,000 Genlock System? Thanks. -Richard


Subject: RE: Videotaping Mac II Color Monitor (Re: Msg 2607)
Date: 19-OCT 22:42 Macintosh Developers

The Macintosh II has a frame rate of about 70hz which is vastly
different from the 60hx frame rate of TV sets. You might consider trying
some ancient technology - A movie camera that uses photographic film. If
you can slow down a nominal 24 fps rate slightly you can obtain an exact


Subject: Looking for info on Clearpoint memory
Date: 19-OCT 21:33 Hardware & Peripherals

Does anyone have experience with Clearpoint memory upgrades for the Mac
or Mac II?  They appear to have competitive pricing and delivery much
faster than Apple or National Semiconductor.  What I donUt know is how
good their product is.  I understand you canUt mix other memory products
with ClearpointUs.  Can anyone help? Thanks in advance. -- Mark


Subject: RE: Looking for info on Clearpoint memor (Re: Msg 27661)
Date: 20-OCT 06:59 Hardware & Peripherals

Can't mix?  Who said that?  Memory is memory.  *I* have some Clearpoint
memory mixed in with Apple memory.  We have gone to Clearpoint where I
work as our memory source (not only for Macs but for Suns as well).  We
haven't experienced any problems they didn't immediately fix and they
have a lifetime guarantee on their products.  I would recommend them.



Subject: re: Looking for software to reset a Lase (Re: Msg 27657)
Date: 21-OCT 02:14 Network Digests

>From: <PP838474%TECMTYVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
>Subject: Looking for software to reset a LaserWriter Plus.

I use LaserStatus, which I believe came from CE Software's DiskTools
package. Works fine under 6.0.2.

David Dunham     "If voting could change the system, it would be
illegal.  If Maitreya Design   not voting could change the system, it
would be be illegal."


Subject: MAC II RAM
Date: 22-OCT 10:30 Hardware & Peripherals

Ric, does the 68030 require RAM that is faster than 120 ns?  I have seen
several ads for 100 ns and 80 ns RAM.  I plan to upgrade my Mac II
eventually to the 030, but need more RAM now.  Also, any idea as to the
price differential?

Thanks, Ben


Subject: RE: MAC II RAM (Re: Msg 27679)
Date: 22-OCT 11:06 Hardware & Peripherals


I believe the Mac IIx has the same RAM timing requirements as the Mac II
- 120ns RAM is fine and faster RAM won't help. (You might want to
double-check though, to see that the IIx comes standard with 120ns

Prices usually go up steeply for speeds below 120 ns, I think.

So far, the only Mac I've seen that takes advantage of fast RAM is the
Novy- accelerated Mac SE, which lets you set the number of wait states
on the accelerator board with jumpers.



Subject: Magentic Filing of 1099's With IRS
Date: 22-OCT 10:35 Business Mac

Does anyone know of any software to assist with filing 1099's with the
IRS using the Mac?  The instructions the IRS sent out say that it can be
done, but it's obvious that they prefer MS-DOS.  They require a 420 byte
record length for each record.  I think I can do it in Word, but it is
going to be very cumbersome. Any assistance would be appreciated. By the
way, isn't there an Apple agency that helps with government interaction?
 Or is it just for government sales?!

Thanks, Ben


Subject: re SUM
Date: 23-OCT 00:56 Business Mac

How does SUM compare to 1st Aid?  Also, what about the new PC Tools for
the Mac?

I only want to buy one of these packages, and had been expecting that
SUM was it, but am curious about the other two.  Especially, I had heard
that the documentation for 1st Aid was so wonderful that using any disk
editor got better results if you had their documentation.  How does
SUM's documentation stack up?

Thanks (-:


End of Delphi Mac Digest