[comp.sys.mac.digest] INFO-MAC Digest V6 #99

Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (Jon Pugh and Lance Nakata) (10/31/88)

INFO-MAC Digest          Monday, 31 Oct 1988       Volume 6 : Issue 99

Today's Topics:
                          Hypercard 1.2.1 bug!
                             Hyercard layers
                    Re: MPW Shell tools under Finder?
                    Re: MPW Shell tools under Finder?
                   Software for Model Railroad Layout
                               PS/2 Simms
                  MacSnoop 1.4.4 redistribution warning
                          Adobe f/Architecture
                            Opening archives
              Symantec Think LS Pascal 2.0 & din-din cable
                           Using Z88 with Mac
              Query: Automatically Resetting Mac Parameters
                         Montage Slide Recorder
            HELP: interfacing KIP/CAP to Kinetics FastPath 4.
                             Musicworks Midi


Date: 	  Wed, 19 Oct 88 17:07:00 PDT
Subject: Hypercard 1.2.1 bug!

I was wondering if other people can corroborate this bug I have found in
Hypercard 1.2.1.

Here are the steps and conditions you need to recreate the bug.
Run MultiFinder (I'm using a 5 Meg Mac II with 1000K for Hypercard).
Start with a fresh Home stack (although any will do).
Create a button with the script:

on mouseUp
  open "scumbag" with "MacWrite"
end mouseUp

Click the button.  It will ask where the file is.  Make sure that there is NO
FILE named scumbag.  Select some other file (we are assuming it's a legitimate
typo, like an extra space).  Now it should ask where MacWrite is. Tell it the
truth this time.  MacWrite will open with the file you selected.  Quit MacWrite.
Repeat.  Check the name of the card via Card Info...  Have fun watching the
screwed up screen updating as you select things.

It doesn't appear to happen if you have to select the application too.  It
only seems to occur when it has already looked in that directory and you tell
it to use a different name than what was in the script.

Let me know  what success or failure you might have with this.  I have
already reported it to Hyperbug@Apple.com.


         N         L                          pugh@nmfecc.arpa
          M    A    L          National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center
           F    T    N             Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
            E         L                       PO Box 5509 L-561
             C                           Livermore, California 94550
              C                                (415) 423-4239


Date: Thu, 27 Oct 88 09:11 EDT
From: "Maj. Doug Hardie" <Hardie@DOCKMASTER.ARPA>
Subject: Hyercard layers

I have a stack that is extremely complex.  I am trying to find out what
is on each of the various layers.  For example, the text that appears to
be in a field needs to be modified, but I can't find it.  When I select
the field, the text is on some other layer.  Also, examination of the
scripts show there are a significant number of hidden buttons that only
appear in specific situations.  How do you find out exactly what is on
each layer for a given card?


Date: Mon, 17 Oct 88 15:04:45 MET
From: Norbert Lindenberg - U Karlsruhe <norbert@ira.uka.de>
Subject: Re: MPW Shell tools under Finder?

you can run any MPW Shell tool under Finder, but you probably
won't find the interface very attractive. To try it, change the
file type of your tool to APPL and the creator to some random
nonsense (under MPW: Setfile -t APPL -c '?$%&' yourTool),
reboot without MultiFinder, then open your tool/application.

Don't expect to see a window; any console input and output will
be drawn into the window manager port. Judging from the
documentation, you may open a window yourself and hand it to
the I/O library by calling ioctl(0, TIOSPORT, yourWindowPtr),
but I have not tried this.

Don't expect to get command line parameters; even if you
selected some documents along with the tool before
opening it, argv will contain your tool's name only.
So your tool would have to look like:

	extern long StandAlone; /* see MPW Assembler reference, appendix I */
	int main(int argc, char *argv[])
		if (StandAlone) {
		} else {
			ParseArguments(argc, argv);

Definitely not recommended.

But maybe I can help you: I'm currently developping a MacApp
building block which allows to integrate tools written for a
tty-style environment into a MacApp application. All console
I/O of the tool is rerouted to a standard MacApp text editor
window, much the way MPW shell does it (except for the 32K
limit the use of TextEdit imposes). If you already use MacApp
or are willing to start using it, I can send you my building
block so you can test it (anyone else interested?).

-- Norbert

Norbert Lindenberg
Internet: norbert@ira.uka.de
AppleLink: GER.XSE0010


Subject: Re: MPW Shell tools under Finder?
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 88 16:59:34 -0700
From: Jerry Sweet <jsweet@ICS.UCI.EDU>

> Does anyone out there know how to write an MPW Shell tool to run
> under the Finder?  (I am using MPW C 2.02 on a Mac II).

You don't have to do anything special in writing the program; the
difference has primarily to do with the file type, which may be set at
link time with the Link -t option or by using the SetFile -t option.
If the file type is 'MPST', it is run as a shell tool under MPW.  If
the file type is 'APPL', it is run as an application.

Example: setfile -t APPL mytool

Note that it might not work if the bundle bit is set (setfile -a B
<file>), but you probably only want to set the bundle bit if you're
writing a "real" application that makes direct calls to the Macintosh

Also note that the glass TTY window that the application puts up uses
the background color only until it scrolls, whereupon it scrolls to
white (i.e. it's ugly).



Date: Sun, 16 Oct 88 20:41 EDT
Subject: Software for Model Railroad Layout

          I am looking for some software that is designed for laying out
model railroads, or could be easily used for that purpose.  I tried
using MacDraw, but once I defined all of the shapes of the track pieces,
I found that I could not manipulate them in enough ways to make them
usefull.  The software needs to be able to handle curved sections of
track in many different radii, strait pieces in many lengths, switches,
and other miscellaneous types of track.  Ideally it should be able to
handle any scale of railroad, but if it will handle N scale, I will be
          Please send responses to me, and I will assemble the useful
ones to be posted on the net.  My E-Mail address is:


                                        Thanks in advance,
                                        Larry Gegel



Date: Mon 17 Oct 1988 00:53 CDT
From: Samir Kaleem <XSAK%ECNCDC.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: PS/2 Simms

Hello everyone,

I have heard that the PS/2 Simms can be used on the Mac. If this is true,
can someone tell me which PS/2 model Simms these are? I was told by someone
that all the different models of PS/2 use different Simms. This guy told
me that he can get me the PS/2 Simms at a low price if I knew which Simms
work on the Mac. I asked about the PS/2 Model 60 Simms, but he said that
the only IBM Simms available are 512K and 2 meg Simms. Not 1 meg Simms.
Is it possible to use 2 meg simms on the Mac+? What's the scoop folks?
By the by, does it matter what speed the Simms are for the Mac? I mean
will 100 or 80 nanosecs Simms work just as well as the 120 ns Simms?

Thanx much in advance...

                                              -- Samir "Cyborg" Kaleem
                "figure out your own path"


Date: Mon, 17 Oct 88 02:17:03 EDT
From: jspear@afit-ab.arpa (Jon L. Spear)
Subject: MacSnoop 1.4.4 redistribution warning

MacSnoop 1.4.4 Demo Redistribution Warning

I recently discovered what makes MacSnoop 1.4.4 a demo.  You can only use it
for a few weeks before the demo version will stop working.  This should be
adequate time for you to evaluate the program and decide if you want to pay
the shareware fee to get the real thing.  Note that this appears to be
implemented such that the program modifies itself to record usage dates and
whether the time limit has expired.  If you try to run the expired program,
it beeps at you.  If you run it a second time, it beeps twice.  I'm
reluctant to try a third time.

While the author is obviously free to protect his software as he sees fit,
this creates potential problems for user groups or other shareware and
public domain repositories that might redistribute this program.  You don't
know how long the program can sit in your archives before it is no longer
useful to distribute.
	It appears that the time limit starts the first time the program is
run. The MacSnoop 1.4.4 file as originally distributed appears to be good
until at least 10/17/89 IF IT HASN'T YET BEEN RUN.  If you archive a copy of
MacSnoop, be sure it is one that has never been executed, or future users
may be disappointed.



Date: Wed, 19 Oct 88 06:30:34 CDT
From: <UOIOMJK%UICVMC.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Adobe f/Architecture

 From: _Michael J Kovacs UOIOMJK@UICVMC
 I am asking this question for a friend who doesn't have access to the net. Has
 anyone used Adobe Illustrator with a Mac to do architectural renderings? Is it
 a significant advantage for someone who is already pretty fast at setup? Is
 there another product out there that is better? (price is no concern, within
 reason) Is the Mac Plus or SE good enough or would the Mac II be necessary?
 Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Please e-mail all responses as I
 am not subscribed to this list. (if it is any assistance, mail sent via
 vmd.cso.uiuc.edu will usually reach me) Thank you.

                                          -(o) (o)-
              Michael J Kovacs                U
            uoiomjk@uicvmc.bitnet           \___/
   AISS Operations, University of Illinois   ***


Date: Thu, 20 Oct 88 15:05:46 MDT
From: Bob Bolt <BBOLT%UALTAVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Opening archives

     I am having trouble with the archives at macserve@pucc. I downloaded
some files and attempted to BinHex them, but got a  No Checksum Error on
"Download-Application." This has happened with files downloaded from
Rice. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me with this
problem. Thanks in advance.


Date: Fri, 21 Oct 88 15:50:12 ADT
From: Glen Jordan <jordan%unbmvs1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Sender: <JORDAN%UNB.CA@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>

/SU Please Post
Anyone have any experience with Ethernet-based networking of
a SUN Workstation (4/110) and Macs (SE, or Pluses)? What I'd like
the network to do is, I think, simple enough. I'll have an Apple Laser-
Writer attached to the SUN and three to four MAc SEs directly
connected to Ethernet via Kinetics EtherSCs (or something comparable).
I'd like the Macs to have access to SUN mass storage and the
LaserWriter, in as transparent a fashion as possible. Further I'd like
to be able to emulate Tektronix 4100 series terminals using the Macs.
What software options do I have? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Glen Jordan
Faculty of Forestry
University of New Brunswick


Date: 19 Oct 88 14:59:00 EDT
From: "NRL::KO" <ko%nrl.decnet@nrl.arpa>
Subject: A/UX

While booting up A/UX, I encounter two problem: the first reports
on a few bad disk records, and the second reports on a cpu stack frame
error, which turns out to be fatal.  Then the system hangs, and the only
thing I can seem to do to get any response is unplug the system.

I tried using the disk tester in the system utilities but it reports
on some error about not being able to read the disk.

So I am not aware of whether the problem with A/Ux is the bad disk
or there is something seriously wrong with the cpu itself.

Need help.

By the way the regular Mac partition works fine.

				J. Ko
				NRL (PPD)


Date: Mon, 24 Oct 88 13:48:30 EDT
From: David Ascher <ST501649%BROWNVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Symantec Think LS Pascal 2.0 & din-din cable


I have two questions for the net:

1.  I recently bought an apple 1200 baud modem for my mac II (yes, I
    know, 2400 baud is better, but this was cheap: $50).  What I need
    now is a DIN-DIN cable to connect it with the Mac II (It was designed
    for the Mac +).  Has anybody shopped around for such cables?  Where
    should I get it?   The apple dealer here sells it for $49!!!

2.  I am a registered user of Symantec's Lightspeed Pascal v 1.11.  I have
    been trying to get in touch with them about an upgrade to v 2.0, which
    I desperately need since I'm working on a Mac II, and I've had serious
    problems with version 1.11.  That's fine, except that I haven't heard a
    word from Symantec.  I called the number listed on the registration
    card (Massachussets).  They gave me another number in Cupertino,
    California, since the company has changed hands since I bought LS Pascal.
    Now, these phone calls are starting to add up, especially considering that
    they have told me they would call me back with some info and that they
    never did.  Does anyone out there know of an e-mail address
    where someone will actually give me some feedback?!  I suspect this
    is a common problem, since I'm not the only user of v1.11...

[Moderator's Note:  I gave them my credit card # and they sent back a note
promising that it would ship RSN.  Sheesh!  --Jon]

Thanks for any info.  You can e-mail me, and I will summarize.

Another grudge I have: has there been a discussion of the !@#!#$ 90 day
Apple warranty on the net?  I think it is the single most important
improvement Apple could make on the marketing side.  I suspect many
businesses do take the warranty into account when buying computers,
and AppleCare is just too expensive!  Any thoughts?

David Ascher.


P.O. Box 3209, Brown University, Providence RI 02912.

New England Tel:
(401) 863-6603


Date: Mon, 24 Oct 88 20:19:45 DNT
From: Jakob Nielsen  Tech Univ of Denmark
From: <DATJN%NEUVM1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Using Z88 with Mac

xDe Z88 is a very light (2 pounds) portable computer which I am
considering buying for text processing while on the road.
It was discussed in the November 1988 issue of BYTE (the applications

Do anybody have experience with interfacing this computer with a Macintosh?
Sinc5i the Z88 is a very small computer, I would want to transfer all
my files to the Mac whenever I get home from a trip.

Also, from a user interface perspective, can a Macintosh user stand
to use the Z88 text processor ???
(Of course I could wait until the portable Mac comes out, but it will
probably be too expensive and not light enough).


Date: Tue, 25 Oct 88 10:01:13 edt
From: winner%cuavax.dnet@netcon.cua.edu
Subject: Query: Automatically Resetting Mac Parameters

I have a question (he began)...

At The Catholic University Of America, the Computer Center has recently
purchased 9 dual floppy Mac IIs for use it 3 Users' Areas (3 each).  My job
is to get the machines up and running in a lab style environment (using
System 6.0 - upgrading to 6.0.2, MacWrite, MacDraw II, MacTerminal, and
MacPaint).  However, while familiar with the Mac from a user point of view,
dealing with them from an administrative/management point of view is becoming
something of a task.  I have run into several problems/concerns that I was
hoping someone out there who has blazed this trail before me could help me

1) Is there any way to have the operating system reconfigure the computer when
it boots from our disk to match our settings?  Currently it seems that if
someone uses their own operating system disk with the alarm clock on or the ram
cache on these settings are remembered by the computer in some sort of non-
volital RAM.  I need to be able to reset these to specific settings when
people boot from our operating system disks so that we are working with a known
quantity.  The only analogy that I can think of is the CONFIG.SYS file on an
IBM PC.  It seems that I have to reset these settings by hand every time I
boot the computer (which is FAR from convient).

2) Is there any reasonable way to protect the operating system disk from being
altered?  I'm uncomfortable putting diskettes in the Users' Areas which are
so easy to modify, we have enough problems with people pulling the write-
protect tabs from our IBM disks, the Mac disks are an open invitation to
problems (we've had several already and the machines have only been available
for a little over a month).

3) Any suggestions on how to get the operating system to fit on the diskettes
with the applications without loosing a lot of the functionality of the Macs?
I hope to expand the LocalTalk we are using for printing to either add a file
server or tap it into the Ethernet available and file serve off of our VAX, but
that is severals months, dollars, and arguements down the road (at least); as
well as being something else I have no experience with.

Any help in these problems, or in how to best run Macs in a Users' Area (lab)
environment would be greatly appreciated.

James C. Winner
User Consultant/Programmer
The Catholic University of America



Date: Mon, 24 Oct 88 10:15 CDT
From: DBAYOMI%ccm.UManitoba.CA@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
Subject: Montage Slide Recorder

Hello, does anyone have any experience with the Montage FR1 35mm
slide recorder from Presentation Technologies ?
    Dennis Bayomi
    Computer Department
    Faculty of Medicine
    University of Manitoba


Date: Thu 27 Oct 88 12:06:47-EDT
Subject: HELP: interfacing KIP/CAP to Kinetics FastPath 4.

Has anyone succeeded in interfacing to a Sun 3 using CAP and a FastPath 4?
I'd like to exchange netmail messages with someone who has.  I've been
banging my head against the wall trying to make it work and all I'm getting
is a flat head.

Mark Fausett


Date: Thu, 27 Oct 88 17:19:37 EDT
From: toM coradeschI  <tcora@ardec.arpa>
Subject: Macbeeps
Reply-to: Tom Coradeschi <tcora@ardec-ac4.arpa>

I've installed system release 6.0.2 on my mac+, and have a question. Right
now, my mac has a nice soft sort of a beep (more like a 'boop', really). But
under the sound CDEV, it isn't listed. If I choose one of the sounds there
(ie, clink-clank, boing, monkey, or simple beep), I won't be able to get my
'boop' back! I looked at the snd resources, and it isn't there, so where is
it? I found out that choosing one of the four snds will replace it
permanently, when I loaded up our 3 new SE's today, so they've already lost
it, and I don't really want to. Thanks in advance.

tom c

"What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding?"
                ARPA: tcora@ardec-ac4.arpa
      UUCP: ...!{uunet,rutgers}!ardec-ac4.arpa!tcora


Date: 28 Oct 88 19:54:00 EDT
From: Doug Yuill <DYUILL%CARLETON.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Musicworks Midi

  Does anyone know where I might obtain the version of Musicworks for the
Mac that provides midi output? As a result of several HD crashes I lost the
HD installs for Deluxe Music Construction Set and do not want to run it
from a floppy.
 The latest version of Musicworks available from Mac connection is 1.1. I
could not confirm if ver 1.1 provided a midi output. Can anyone help?



End of INFO-MAC Digest