Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (02/06/89)
Info-Mac Digest Sun, 5 Feb 89 Volume 7 : Issue 25 Today's Topics: Administrivia 3D graphing program (v0.5) Closure Game hexification Couple of Questions and a comment. FontMaster 1.1 DA FontWizard DA How? to get AppleShare files off UNIX host Info wanted on tranferring CAD files to AutoCad (PC) Info wanted on WaitNextEvent LaserWriter II NTX Hangup Macintalk problems Macintosh users McSink 6.5 DA MyPageSet.Hqx Programmer's Key 1.1B3 Repair 1.4 Staircase 1.0.3 cdev Update with my MAC/SE booting problem Virus RX 1.4a2 Your Info-Mac Moderators are Lance Nakata, Jon Pugh, and Bill Lipa. The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous, any password) in the info-mac directory on []. Please send articles and binaries to Send administrative mail to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 4 Feb 1989 12:58:02 PST From: The Moderators <> Subject: Administrivia Freq was a lame name. It's now tips. Here is some great news for Bitnet readers and others without FTP access: the Bitnet/electronic mail server at Rice University is now talking to the new archive. You should be able to get any of our files within 24 hours of their posting on sumex-aim. To use the server, you send commands (one to a line) as the body of a mail message to or LISTSERV@RICE. Some example commands: $MACARCH HELP $MACARCH INDEX $MACARCH GET <FileNameGoesHere> Bitnet users may be able to do things a different way using interactive messages. I am not familiar with this procedure, however. Please keep your usage of the server outside of Texas working hours. This kind of server can really eat a lot of computer power if it gets overloaded. It would be bad to lose this capability because of an abuse of Rice's generosity. Many thanks to Mark Williamson for implementing the changes necessary to support our new archive. Bill Lipa Info-Mac ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Feb 89 13:08:40 PST From: (Christopher Moll) Subject: 3D graphing program (v0.5) This is version 0.5 of the 3D graphing program, to replace 3d-graph.hqx. It's now easier to export graphs to other programs. You can generate a flat, shaded array from the graph, and do topo-style shading. I've yet to solve some problems with working in multiFinder; for example, Suppose you're in the middle of responding to an update event and taking a long time about it. Of course you should call WaitNextEvent to let someone else get time. The resulting events may include reshuffling windows. Result; since you're was in the middle of a BeginUpdate(), the visRgn etc. gets scrambled. I'm curious what other people do about this sort of thing. (An offscreen bitmap for the drawing might be a solution, but it's a pain in color, takes a gross amount of memory, and leaves the poor user wondering just what the hell the program is up to.) Most programs seems to solve the problem by blocking until the update is over; if you've been clicking during the update, the update is followed by a flurry of moving windows, which generates more update events... At any rate; The following is a program to generate three dimensional graphs of mathematical functions. The graphs can be displayed from any angle and shaded. There are two versions, one of which uses the 6888x; they are otherwise identical (I've tossed the fixed point version). This is freeware; do anything with it but sell it. Send comments etc. to Christopher Moll (415)843-2437 [Archived as /info-mac/app/3d-graph-05.hqx; 198K] ------------------------------ Date: 4 Feb 89 16:00 EST From: Subject: Closure Game hexification Hello, This file is the fascinating game of Closure, which is a variant of Othello. The game is played on a 4 x 4 x 4 'cube' of squares. It is quick to play a game, and the computer plays a pretty good game, with seven levels of intelligence. You can also run a demo, and set the level of intelligence of the demo 'players'. HOWEVER, I think that this sets the intelligence of the regular player, whatever the Smarts menu says. The only problem I have is a nagging suspicion that there is a perfect strategy (that is, 'perfect' play always wins, for one player or the other). If anyone knows what it is, or of writings on this game, I'd like to hear about it. On this subject, I discovered a perfect strategy for the 12 x 12 board twixt game (shareware'd as Betwixt). Enjoy, Chris Sterritt (I'm not the author, and it's free.) [Archived as /info-mac/game/closure.hqx; 41K] ------------------------------ Date: Feb 5, 1989 6:00 From: John Sutcliffe <9663SUTC@MUCSD.BITNET> Subject: Couple of Questions and a comment. 1. I am interested in any information concerning using Grappler (or an equivalent) with an Epson 24 pin printer (or equivalent) on a Local Talk network Specifically, how do you allow everyone on the net to have access to the Epson? Is this even possible? 2. I just read in a recent PC Magazine about a new optical character recognition software product for the Mac called TextPert from CTA Inc. in New York. John Dvorak mentioned it in his Inside Track column (Jan 31, 1989). He says it has a "99.5 percent hit rate". I am wondering if anyone else has heard of or seen this product in use. Has someone compared this to OmniPage? I would be interested in any observations you may have about TextPert and OmniPage. Also, what hardware are you using with this software? 3. A while back someone mentioned putting some pressure on Apple to extend their warranty to 1 year. I have seen no other comments on this topic since. I think it is time to unite and complain. If a PC compatible company can give a 1 year warranty, why can't Apple???? What are your thoughts and ideas? Thanks in advance for any help you may provide. John Sutcliffe O.S.F.A. Marquette University, Milwaukee WI. <9663SUTC@MUCSD.BITNET> ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Feb 89 15:07:43 CST From: Robert J. Hammen <> Subject: FontMaster 1.1 DA This message includes a copy of the FontMaster desk accessory, written by Ken Winograd and sponsored by Varityper. FontMaster can show you statistics on the fonts you have installed (point sizes, styles, size in bytes, FONT ID's, FOND ID's, resource types (FONT or NFNT), and can also display sample text in each font. [Archived as /info-mac/da/fontmaster-11.hqx; 24K] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Feb 89 15:10:07 CST From: Robert J. Hammen <> Subject: FontWizard DA Here is another desk accessory written by Ken Winograd and sponsored by Varityper. From the Read Me file included in the archive: Varityper FontWizard is a desk accessory that approaches the problem of font management from the perspective of the FOND resource. Varityper FontWizard is particularly useful to users who wish to know more about their fonts than the names of the fonts present and their resouce ID numbers. This DA shows the name of the PostScript font and the name of the printer font for each style variation of the font. This DA also informs the user as to whether the screen font and the printer font specified will be imaged by a font that has been provided or whether they will be imaged via a mathematical distortion of an existing font. Double clicking on the name of a font will display the entire character assignment table, and the pressing of a key will momentarily flag the position on the chart that corresponds to the key pressed. [Archived as /info-mac/da/fontwizard.hqx; 29K] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 3 Feb 89 22:28:08 EST From: David J. Sturman <> Subject: How? to get AppleShare files off UNIX host With AppleShare we can open volumes on UNIX machines over ethernet or the applenet via a Kinetics box. The directories and files appear on the desktop like [almost] ordinary Macintosh folders and files. They can be dragged from the UNIX folder onto the Mac and vice-versa. It's kind of a nice setup. However... the files are kept in 3 separate parts on the UNIX side (data, resources, info) and if AppleShare isn't working, which happens occasionally, I cannot use them (I can't decode and reassemble them!). Does anyone know the format of these files and how to reassemble them? Does anyone have (or want to write) something that will assemble the three portions of AppleShare files on the UNIX side and package them suitably for recovery via a modem. Something like xbin/macget/macput. David Sturman MIT Media Lab ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Feb 89 23:09 N From: <> Subject: Info wanted on tranferring CAD files to AutoCad (PC) Dear Net, Does anyone have any experience transferring data from Mac CAD programs to AutoCad (IBM PC) ? Thanks in advance, Daniel van Kraalingen Department of Theoretical Production Ecology Agricultural University of Wageningen The Netherlands kraalingen@hwalhw50.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Feb 89 19:25 MET From: "AGRD02::V_ZON" Subject: Info wanted on WaitNextEvent Hello networkers, I am looking for detailed information on the toolbox routine WaitNextEvent. What types are the new parameters, what are all the events it returns (MultiFinder / System 6) and what are the possible values for the other fields in the returned EventRecord for the new events, like SuspendResume and MouseMoved. Is there anybody who can mail me this information, or knows where I can find it? (preferably in C, but not necessarily) Please E-mail me directly: "AGRD02::V_ZON"@HWALHW50.BITNET Thanks. Ed van Zon ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 04 Feb 89 02:18:53 EST From: Greg Brail <> Subject: LaserWriter II NTX Hangup I use a LaserWriter II NTX with a 20 MB Apple hard disk for most of my work. It's normally an extremely fast, reliable printer. But every once in a while, it seems to hang while printing a file. The 'in use' light on the printer flashes, and the computer doing the printing (a file server running the AppleShare Print Server) doesn't complain about not being able to reach the printer. But the printer just sits there, flashing the 'in use' lights on both the printer and the hard disk, for 10-15 minutes. This seems to happen even for very simple files which would take less than a minute to print. In any case, no file would ever take that long to print on this printer normally. What's going on? I'm using system software 6.0.2 and the AppleShare Printer Spooler, as I mentioned above. The hard disk on the printer is an Apple HD 20 SC with 65 fonts on it. My guess is that the printer is somehow rearranging the font cache on the disk. After all, it sometimes starts accessing the disk when the printer is idle. But couldn't it stop when someone tries to print something? Has anyone else experienced this problem? Is this a bug, or a feature? I'd be interested in finding out, since people start to get a little annoyed when their one-page Microsoft Word files take 15 minutes to print. Thanks in advance, -Greg Greg Brail ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Feb 89 21:41:33 gmt From: Stephen Page <> Subject: Macintalk problems I took my usual version of Macintalk and put it on a shiny new IIx running System B1-6.0.2. I ran a couple of talking applications, including HyperMacintalk, and boom! The application "unexpectedly quit (1)". Very helpful. Any suggestions? Is there a later version of Macintalk? (My version doesn't show a version number in the Get Info box.) ------------------------------ Date: Sun 5 Feb 89 15:23:12-EST From: Bill Starbuck <> Subject: Macintosh users MacWeek and Macintosh Business Review recently published lists of large-scale users of Macintoshs. The following organizations have policies of using 100% Macs: General Electric (6000-10000) Seafirst (2900) Northern Telecom at Research Triangle (2830) General Dynamics (2500) Dartmouth College (2080) Electronic Data Systems (1380) Drake University (1250) Boeing Aircraft (>1000) Ford Aerospace Western Lab (900) BBN Communications (900) Naval Research Lab (650) Martin Marietta - Oak Ridge (600) Alcoa (550) Bell Communications Research (500) Polaroid (500) Less than 500: Domino's Pizza, Armco, Bechtel Group, Amoco, Grumman Aerospace, Deere, Hambrecht & Quist Macs comprise more than half of the pcs in the following organizations: DuPont (9000) Motorola (>6000) University of Michigan (6000) Peat Marwick ((5500-6000) Hughes Aircraft (5000-7800) Martin Marietta (5300) Eastman Kodak (>5000) US Sprint (4500) Arthur Young (4000) Northern Telecom (4000) TRW (>3500) University of Texas - Austin (3500) GTE (3450) Tektronix (3150) Lawrence Livermore Lab (2600) University of Chicago (2000) Adaptive Control Systems (2000) AlphaGraphics (1800) Federal Express (1550) Lockheed Missles (1500) Virginia Polytech (1500) Planning Research (1300) ARCO (1200) University of Missouri (1200) Brown University (1200) Drexel University (1100) Citicorp (>1000) Texas A&M (1000) Eli Lilly (1000) MIT (1000) Pacific Bell (1000) Union Carbide (1500) University of Pennsylvania (1000) Jet Propulsion Lab (1000) Colgate University (1000) Ohio State University (1000) Aetna Insurance (1000) NASA - Edwards (900) Bolt Beranek & Newman (900) McDonnell Douglas (850) Mitre (800) University of Hawaii (800) University of Tennessee (800) Nynex (800) University of Wisconsin (750) Bank of America (700) Massachusetts Mutual Life (750) University of California - Santa Barbara (700) Chevron (600-700) 3M (500-700) Princeton University (650) SRI International (>600) Northrop (600) US Dept. of Energy - Richland, WA (600) Arco Alaska (600) Rockwell International (500-600) Raytheon (550) AT&T Bell Labs (>500) BBD&O (500) Control Data (500) GcGraw-Hill (500) University of Delaware (500) Southern California Edison (500) National Institutes of Health (500) Army Materiel - Ft. Monmouth (500) SCI Applications (500) General Motors has more than 5000, but the percentage is unknown. ------- ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Feb 89 15:15:13 CST From: Robert J. Hammen <> Subject: McSink 6.5 DA This is version 6.5 of the shareware McSink text editing DA. This version adds no new features, but fixes some of the problems with the last release (6.2a). Also changed is the price to upgrade to Vantage, the commercial version of McSink, which has a number of other goodies (spelling checker, reads MacWrite/WriteNow files, macros, external commands, and more). [Archived as /info-mac/da/mcsink-65.hqx; 85K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Feb 89 13:52 EST From: <> Subject: MyPageSet.Hqx MyPageSet for the Macintosh will make your preferences for "Page Setup" of your printer the default choices. A useful choice if you use an ImageWriter and a Laserwriter is to make the Imagewriter "Tall Adjusted" option the default. Then pagewidths for both printers will be similar, any you won't need to reformat documents when switching. Another use of MyPageSet is to set the default to the type of paper you normally stock in your printer. One caveat: MyPageSet modifies a system resource in your current printer device driver (the file "ImageWriter" or "LaserWriter", the one you pick with "Chooser") when you click okay on the dialog (nothing is changed if you click cancel). Make sure you keep an unmodified original, and note that this will probably set off the gongs on your virus prevention software. Don Gilbert dogStar Software Bitnet: GilbertD@IUBACS [Archived as /info-mac/util/my-page-set.hqx; 16K] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Feb 89 15:24:54 CST From: Robert J. Hammen <> Subject: Programmer's Key 1.1B3 Here is version 1.1B3 of Paul Mercer's Programmer's Key INIT. For those who use Apple Desktop Bus keyboards, Programmer's Key lets you interrupt or reset your Mac without using the switch on the side; it works in conjunction with the "Triangle" key, or the power-on key for Mac II users. Pressing Command- Triangle generates an interrupt, while Command-Shift-Triangle resets your computer. Useful for those, like me, whose reset switches have long ago broken off their Mac (if you lug it around a lot this happens easily. Just try going to your dealer and ordering a new switch!). [Archived as /info-mac/init/programmers-key-11b3.hqx; 4K] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Feb 89 15:00:05 CST From: Robert J. Hammen <> Subject: Repair 1.4 This is Steve Brecher's Repair application, version 1.4. Repair disinfects applications that have been infected with the nVIR and/or Hpat virus. Version 1.4 repairs all nVIR variants. [Archived as /info-mac/virus/repair-14.hqx; 18K] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Feb 89 15:17:40 CST From: Robert J. Hammen <> Subject: Staircase 1.0.3 cdev Here is version 1.0.3 of the Staircase cdev (Control Panel device) by Eccentric Software. Staircase allows you to select menus and menu items from the keyboard, similar to the "WalkDown Menus(tm)" feature of FullWrite Professional. Place the cdev into your System Folder and restart to activate. Version 1.0.3 fixes problems with some applications, such as QUED/M. [Archived as /info-mac/cdev/staircase-103.hqx; 27K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 4 Feb 89 10:58:35 -0500 (EST) From: John Salmento <> Subject: Update with my MAC/SE booting problem Jose, Trying resetting your parameter ram, I believe you do this by holding down the command, option, and shift key and picking the control panel.. Remember to reset set the options you had in the control panel, since they will be set to their defaults. The only other thing I can think of is to but a clean system and finder on the hard disk. John Salmento ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Feb 89 14:52:05 CST From: Robert J. Hammen <> Subject: Virus RX 1.4a2 This posting includes a BinHexed StuffIt archive containing version 1.4a2 of Apple's Virus RX application. Virus RX will scan your disks for infections by all of the known Mac viruses - nVIR, Scores, Hpat, INIT 29. This version no longer reports all present INITs, or files dated in the future. It now has options to automatically scan inserted floppies, and a few other improvements. [Archived as /info-mac/virus/virus-rx-14a2.hqx; 68K] ------------------------------ End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************