[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V7 #44

Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (03/03/89)

Info-Mac Digest             Thu,  2 Mar 89       Volume 7 : Issue  44 

Today's Topics:
                      AppleDraw V4.1.1 Pictures
                   A Terminal Emulator for a TI931
         Coral vs. Exper Lisp [was Re: Info-Mac Digest V7 #39
                      Definative Filename XCMDs
                   finder hanging on Jasmine DD140
                      Fonts & DAs over a server
                          HP Deskjet Driver
                         Hypercard Merge Info
             keystrokes and short-cuts update (feb 1989)
                               mac mh?
                          Military OCR Fonts
                         My gif Mailing list
    No intelligent life in AppleLand  (Marketing only, of course)
                          SFScrollInit INIT
                      Slide Printers for the Mac
                    Trap routines/Pascal compilers
                 VAX/Mac fileservers for applications
                         VirusDetective 2.1.1

Your Info-Mac Moderators are Lance Nakata, Jon Pugh, and Bill Lipa.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous, any
password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu [].

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: Thu, 02 Mar 89 10:54:03 EDT
From: Guenther Blaschek <K331671%AEARN.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: AppleDraw V4.1.1 Pictures

This HQX document contains 15 pictures for various purposes, e.g.
 - a time table
 - a map of the US
 - a table of several AppleDraw shortcuts
 - pictures (diskette, etc) that can be loaded into other pictures
 - a memo template
The BinHex file's size is about 23k. I leave it up to you to "waste" that much
space on your server...
    e                           Guenther Blaschek
   gu                    EMail: <K331671@AEARN>
                         SNail: University of Linz / Austria
                                Institute of Computer Science / Software
                                Altenbergerstr. 69
                                A-4040 Linz
                         Tel.:  +43 (732) 2468 / 447

[Archived as /info-mac/art/appledraw-pictures.hqx; 23K]


Date: Thu, 2 Mar 89 12:52:25 CST
From: jae@atanasoff.cs.iastate.edu (Andy Edwards)
Subject: A Terminal Emulator for a TI931

This may be a bizarre request, but does anyone know of an existing
emulator for a Texas Instruments 931 terminal for use on a Mac II or
Mac SE?  It is to be used in conjunction with a TI330(?) business

If you have any ideas on the subject, please let me know directly at



Andy Edwards.


Date: Wed, 1 Mar 89 15:10:01 WET
From: Flash Sheridan <flash%cs.qmc.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk>
Subject: Coral vs. Exper Lisp [was Re: Info-Mac Digest V7 #39

>Are ExperIntelligence's [Lisp] products worth considering?
No no no no.  Our department is stuck with the turkey they [not I]
call ExperCommonLisp.  It's not Common Lisp, and it's not much good.
If you *really* want it, I'll try to sell you our 8 copies, so our
students can use Coral [now Apple].
	The *only* good thing about ECL is that it will run in 640K or
so, Coral CL needs almost a Meg [don't know about Pearl].
From: flash@cs.qmc.ac.uk (Flash Sheridan)
Reply-To: sheridan@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk
Portal,MacNet: FlashsMom


Date: Thu, 2 Mar 89 10:18:30 PST
From: PUGH@nmfecc.arpa
Subject: Definative Filename XCMDs

Here is a re-reworking of Steve Maller's Filename XFCN and some
others.  This stack contains Filename, NewFilename, and SetDirectory
for complete Hypertalk control of file manipulation in the 
standard Macintosh manner.  These dialogs center themselves over
the card window, so they are asthetically pleasing.

Andrew Gilmartin started this stack and I merely rewrote the XFCNs
(there was a minor problem in them) and added my SetDirectory
XCMD.  I also modified some of the documentation and included
the source code so that aspiring Hyperhackers can see how to do
some of this stuff.  I ran this by Andrew and he liked it so, 
here it is.  It can replace the old one that has been in the 
archive for quite some time.


N         L                   pugh@nmfecc.arpa
 M    A    L   National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center
  F    T    N      Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
   E         L                PO Box 5509 L-561
    C                    Livermore, California 94550
     C                         (415) 423-4239

[Archived as /info-mac/hypercard/xfcn-filestuff.hqx; 27K]


Date: 1 Mar 89 10:03 EST
From: DIXON WALTER V               <steinmetz!CSBVAX!DIXON@uunet.uu.net>
Subject: finder hanging on Jasmine DD140

I have seen these symptoms,  but I suspect that their cause may
be different.  In my case I had moved A/UX to a Jasmine DD140.
The driver which came with my Jasmine disk did not work under
A/UX,  so I used the Apple driver.  I used A/UX to set up the
new disk (ie dd all partitions except the root which I wanted
to make bigger).  The MacOS booted fine after cloning,  but I
was unable to create large files from the Mac side.  After a
great deal of grief and no support from either Apple or Jasmine,
I traced the problem to write blind operations.  Since I eliminated
write blinds from the Apple driver,  I have had no problems.

I guess the moral to all this is do you know where your SCSI
driver came from?

Walt Dixon			{ARPA:		dixon@ge-crd.arpa	}
				{US Mail:	ge crd			}
				{		po box 8		}
				{		schenectady,  ny 12345	}
				{Phone:		518-387-5798		}

PS I understand that Jasmine is working on an A/UX compatible
driver.  It may be available now.



Date: Thu, 2 Mar 89 08:15:01 EST
From: jonathan%bert.mitre.org@gateway.mitre.org (Jonathan Leblang)
Subject: Fonts & DAs over a server

Instead of stuffing all of the fonts and DAs into the applications themselves,
you can use Suitcase II or Font/DA Juggler Plus to open font and DA files 
over the network.  I currently run a network that has 25 dual drive mac SEs
and an AppleShare FileServer and access a 2.5 megabyte file of fonts and DAs
>From all the networked Macs and suffer little performance problems.  There is
a cost associated with this implementation, but maybe someone could develop
a shareware or freeware utility that accomplishes the same thing.

jonathan leblang
the MITRE Corporation
McLean, Virginia

703 883 5761


Date: Tue, 28 Feb 89 14:17 EDT
From: Brian Lockrey x4-7281 <LOCKREY%BCLVXF@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: HP Deskjet Driver

We are looking for a MAC to HP-Deskjet driver. We have heard of the
following products: Orange Micro, GDP and DataPak.

Does anybody used any of these products? Recommendations?

Brian Lockrey



Date: Thu, 2 Mar 89 10:49:42 EST
From: "William T. Harris" (PAO) <wharris@ARDEC.ARPA>
Subject: Hypercard Merge Info

How can I merge two stacks into one? Must I write script? Have two stacks with mail labels that I want to merge into one. Each contains about 500 addresses.Thanks. Bill Harris (201) 724-6364.


Date: Wed, 1 Mar 89 15:59 GMT
From: Ed de Moel <DEMOEL%HUTRUU51.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: keystrokes and short-cuts update (feb 1989)

As I promised, this is the list so far.
I only received the information from other people, so keep
the responsibility for the validity of the information where
it belongs, i.e. not with me...

If anyone finds errors, or has additions, please let me know.
I will gladly modify and update the list.

Ed de Moel.

Physically:            Electronically:           Hybrid:
University of Utrecht  BITNET:  demoel@hutruu51  Phone: +31 (30) 532239
Princetonplein 5       DIALCOM: 12428:PGA005
PO BOX 80000
3508 TA  Utrecht
The Netherlands

[Archived as /info-mac/misc/short-cuts-and-options.txt; 26K]


Date: Thu, 2 Mar 89 12:06:19 PST
From: Ann McLaughlin <alm@apple.com>
Subject: mac mh?

could anyone give me pointers to mac mh? i have
mh, and am interested in the mac front end. 

i am looking for more information on the  program, 
how to get it, whether the source is public domain etc.

(responses to alm@apple.com,  please).  -ann 


Date: 2 Mar 89 16:12:00 EST
From: thrasherr@gw2.hanscom.af.mil
Subject: Military OCR Fonts

Does anyone know where I can get a font that is usable in the military 
(Air Force) message OCR systems? I would like to be able to prepare 
the messages on my Mac and print them with a Laserwriter, but none of 
the fonts I have are the standard Government OCR-10 or OCR-12 fonts. I 
currently do not have the time or talent to design my own, is there 
anything out there? Any help is appreciated!

Roger Thrasher


Date: Wed,  1 Mar 89 17:51:10 -0500 (EST)
From: Michael Joseph Darweesh <md32+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: My gif Mailing list

If there is anyone out there who wants to get in
on my gif mailing list deal, write me now!!
Also , if I you have submitted a request for gif pictures
to me and I haven't responded yet, then please
send more mail perhaps under another address.
I have had trouble responding to quite a few addresses.
Let's get giffing!!!


Date: Wed, 1 Mar 89 02:06:25 EST
From: Alexis Rosen <decwrl!decvax!ccnysci!alexis@labrea.stanford.edu>
Subject: No intelligent life in AppleLand  (Marketing only, of course)

I've heard bad news about Apple before. When they didn't announce an
'020 in 1986, I knew that that was bad. When they announced a Mac II
with lots of wait states at 16MHz I wasn't thrilled. When they proudly
announced that they were going to rest on their laurels for the duration
of 1988, and not trouble their souls to bring out a better Mac, I was
really upset. But this latest announcement surely brings Apple to
astonishing new depths.

The announcement I'm referring to, of course, is the decision to trim
back the R&D budget as a percentage of sales. (While this may not imply
actually reducing R&D spending, that depends on how well they do in the
next few quarters.) Regardless of the actual dollar figures, this means
major changes in Apple's R&D efforts. Products will get shelved, or
floated out into an unprepared marketplace to "sink or swim" on their
own. Product Managers and engineers, working under short-term contract,
may not be retained for the long term, and this will worsen the already
chaotic state of employee affairs.

I could say that this showed a lack of marketing wisdom, or poor
judgement, or bad timing, but that doesn't _begin_ to describe my dismay
and _fury_. I think that this decision is _abysmally stupid_. It
demonstrates a feeling for this business roughly on a par with that of
my six-year-old cousin's. These are very harsh words [net readers may
recall that the last time I was so unequivocal was quite a while ago,
over the trashed hard disk caused by the first bugridden version of
SUM]. Nevertheless, I feel that they are fully justified.

Now more than ever before, Apple cannot afford to reduce its R&D
efforts. The products that Apple needs to introduce over the next year
are legion. Token Ring, Laptop Mac, Tower Mac, FourSquare, new Monitors,
new display cards, the MacAPPC board, the QuickDraw accelerator, the
multi-user Mac, I/O boards, new printers. AppleTalk 2.0, MR-DOS 2.0,
System 7.0, a new Resource Manager, A/UX 2.0, HyperCard 2.0,
Protected-mode MultiFinder... the list is endless. The Apple engineers
can do the job- all of the technical people at Apple that I know are
excellent. The question is, can marketing figure out what to do with
these products? If not, they will never be released, and both we and
Apple will suffer.

More distressing to me than any single consequence of this decision to
cut R&D is what it tells me about Apple's most senior management. In a
typical business, it would be natural (and wise) to seek to reduce your
cost of goods if your gross margin went down. In fact, this policy
change is exactly what you would expect from a maker of apparel... or
soft drinks. Naturally, we look to the leader of an organization for
guidance when it stumbles. The guidance we are seeing here is indeed
John Sculley's. And that is the most disturbing fact of all.

To end this little tirade, I would like to cite a study I read of in PC
Week several months ago. Of the top seven R&D spenders (per employee),
Apple came in first by a wide margin. This made me feel very good, until
I noticed that the _last_ company, with only half of Apple's R&D, was
Sun Microsystems. And the second and third companies, right after Apple,
were Lotus and Ashton-Tate.

Alexis Rosen


Date: 1 Mar 89 07:00:42 GMT
From: bytebug@dhw68k.cts.com (Roger L. Long)
Subject: SFScrollInit INIT
SFScrollInit is an INIT by Andy Hertzfeld that enhances Standard File.
It causes Standard File to remember the last scroll position for each
directory.  This version is reentrant, which means it's compatible with
programs that call SF from within SF.

[Archived as /info-mac/init/sfscrollinit.hqx; 4K]


Date: Wed, 01 Mar 89 13:15:34 GMT
From: Norbert Bornfeld <TAK010%DE0HRZ1A.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Slide Printers for the Mac

Our department is planning to buy a slide-printer for the Mac. Has
anyone experience with the slide-printers which are commercially
available? Is the Honeywell PCR better than Montage or Mirius?
Waht about PostScript?


Date: Wed,  2 Mar 89 15:39 EST
From: Jeffrey S. Lee <LEE_JES%CTSTATEU.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Trap routines/Pascal compilers


I have two questions:  First, where can I find a list of the Macintosh trap
routines and their hex addresses?  (if someone could send me a copy, I would
be very appreciative.)

Secondly, does anyone have or know of a public-domain (freeware or shareware)
Pascal compiler for the Mac?  The only compiler we have here is a shareware
C compiler, and I'm not too familiar with C...


|Jeffrey S. Lee                      |LEE_JES@CTSTATEU.BITNET                |
|Faculty Computing Center            |LEE_JES%CTSTATEU.BITNET@MITVMA.MIT.EDU |
|Central Connecticut State University|LEE_JES%CTSTATEU.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU|
|New Britain, CT                     |                                       |
| DISCLAIMER:  The opinions expressed in this letter are my own, and do not  |
|              necessarily reflect those of the Connecticut State University |
|              system.  Nor do they reflect light.                           |
               "Edmund, you've killed Nursie!  That's horrid!"


Date: Thu, 2 Mar 89 11:54 EDT
From: <PJORGENS%COLGATEU.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: VAX/Mac fileservers for applications


Well, Colgate is finally going to go BIG-TIME and install a campus-wide
EtherNet to COMMUNICATE!  One of our objectives is to replace Mac sw
distribution by diskette with file server SW on our VAX 11/780. I'm looking for
suggestions based on your experience in a similar setting.  Here's the

Presently we have 20 (total) Public Macs in 5 sites. (12 in one site, two each
in 4 "satellites").  I anticipate this will grow to about 40 total.

We have a like number of Zenith PC's (XT clones) which we would also like to
include, but only if all other conditions are satisfactorily met.

We don't want to buy a license for every piece of sw for every possible
machine.  I am aware of Dopplemaker, but don't know whether it will run on a
VAX host, etc.

I know about TOPS, but would rather not spend the money to make each Mac (PC) a
potential server... Does TOPS have (planning to introduce) strictly client sw?

I know about PacerShare and Alisa... but need some feedback from actual sites
who have several-many users running apps from the server.  How fast/slow is it
compared to floppies (which is what our users are used to)?  Can the number of
simultaneous users of an application be limited/controlled (ala Dopplemaker)?

Are terminal sessions supported - multiple terminal sessions?

We plan on using Kinetics or Gatorboxes to link or LocalTalk networks into the
Ethernet... which do you prefer?

I'd be happy to summarize the responses if you'd rather send them just to me,
or send them to the net, I check it everyday.

Thanks in advance... you're making real progress possible at Colgate U.!
Peter Jorgensen
Microcomputer specialist
Colgate University - Hamilton, NY 13346
AppleLink - U0523
tel - 315-824-1000 ext 742


Date: Wed, 1 Mar 89 09:00 EDT
From: Jeffrey Shulman <SHULMAN@sdr.slb.com>
Subject: VirusDetective 2.1.1

Date: Wed 1 Mar 89 09:00:07-EDT
From: Jeff Shulman <SHULMAN@SDR.SLB.COM>
Subject: VirusDetective 2.1.1
To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu, macmash@rascal.ics.utexas.EDU
Message-ID: <604764007.0.SHULMAN@SDR.SLB.COM>
Mail-System-Version: <VAX-MM(218)+TOPSLIB(129)@SDR.SLB.COM>

VirusDetective is a DA for tracking down viruses (or any resources) in files.
You specify the resource type and optionally its size, name, id or size
range.  Once the offending resource is found it can optionally be
removed from the file (use this feature with caution).  The user can update
the search list at any time.  Shareware.

Version 2.1 adds JData and Data searches for detecting ANTI and like viruses.
Version 2.1.1 fixes bug where Remove button wouldn't highlight.


uucp:     ...rutgers!yale!slb-sdr!shulman
Delphi:   JEFFS
GEnie:    KILROY
CIS:      76136,667

[Archived as /info-mac/virus/virus-detective-211.hqx; 57K]


End of Info-Mac Digest