Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (04/25/89)
Info-Mac Digest Mon, 24 Apr 89 Volume 7 : Issue 74 Today's Topics: Administrivia Can Imagewriter be used with IBM PC? Hard Disk Backup for an A/UX SYSTEM? Info-Mac Digest V7 #73 Information about Script Manager MacOS Applications under A/UX 1.1? MacWelcome PICT/TeX and other goodies QUARK XPRESS Sharp color Scanner Terminal Emulators in Hypercard Your Info-Mac Moderators are Lance Nakata, Jon Pugh, and Bill Lipa. The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous, any password) in the info-mac directory on []. Please send articles and binaries to Send administrative mail to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 23 Apr 1989 15:11:30 PDT From: The Moderators <> Subject: Administrivia New stuff in the archives which I FTPed: 1. 2Mb of the most popular sound files from These are all in the sound directory. 2. A HP Deskjet printer driver with source from The source is in the source directory (which has been subdivided into c and pascal sections) and the rest is in util. And I mistakenly deleted a whole digest issue, so if you sent us a message recently and you haven't seen it in a digest, better resend. All of the files >From that issue are properly stored in the archives, so don't bother about those. Sorry about that. Those of you who didn't receive issue 71 can pick it up from the archives; 72 has vanished into the telephone network. Bill Lipa Info-Mac ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 89 01:35 EDT From: JEFF WASILKO--PRESIDENT PRINTER'S DEVILS LOCAL 49 <> Subject: Can Imagewriter be used with IBM PC? This summer I will be using an IBM PC to do some programming work, and was wondering if there is a way that I could use my Imagewriter II with the IBM. I really don't have the room on my desk (or elsewhere) for another printer. If it's possible, could someone let me know what cables/adapters are necessary. I'm not above making my own cable, it someone knows the pinouts. Thanks for the help... Jeff ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 89 10:56:19 CDT From: Frank W. Peters <> Subject: Hard Disk Backup for an A/UX SYSTEM? Hello, I have recently acquired an Apple Macintosh IIcx with A/UX, Apple's version of UNIX for their systems. My next purchase will be some sort of backup system (I am currently borrowing an Apple 40meg tape system from a co-worker). I'm interested in any hints or suggestions about what I should get. In particular, do any third party tape systems work with A/UX (that is, can they be accessed as standard UNIX /dev devices from within A/UX)? Is anyone using one of the many removable disk units currently available for backup? If so, how well does it work? How do you like it? What advantages/disadvantages does it give over a tape system? and, finally, does anyone have any other suggestions about systems for doing disk backups? Please send any responses to me directly. I will post a summary to the net if interest warrents. Thanks Frank Peters ======================================================================== | Systems & Networks Programmer | Mississippi State University | | Phone: (601) 325-2942 | Computing Center and Services | | Internet: peters@CC.MsState.Edu | Post Office Drawer CC | | BITNET: PETERS@MSSTATE.BITNET | Mississippi State, MS. 39762 | ======================================================================== "What if I wanna worry? What if I *like* being unhappy??" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 89 09:18 CST From: Subject: Info-Mac Digest V7 #73 The program that compiles HyperCard scripts is called "CompileIt!", distributed by Heizer Software, costs about $100. It is supremely slow and deals with only a small subset of HyperTalk commands. However, it is very good for straight mathematical calculations that do not require callbacks to HyperCard. It supports ROM calls. Please let me know if there is something else out there that might do better. ------------------------------ Date: 24 Apr 89 13:56 -0600 From: KRISHNA DESIKACHARY <> Subject: Information about Script Manager Does anyone know any articles, references etc. where an account of APPLE's SCRIPT MANAGER For NonRoman Scripts is given. I am looking for a description of Script Manager capabilities in order to decide whether to buy it or not to build an Editor for Indian Languages. So, please let me know if you know of any such documentation before I enrich Apple with my order. Thank you. DESIKACHARY,K Whiteshell Nuclear Research DESIKACHARYK@WNRE.AECL.CDN Pinawa, MB ROE 1LO (204)753-2311 EXT 3062 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 89 10:58:08 CDT From: Frank W. Peters <> Subject: MacOS Applications under A/UX 1.1? Hello, I recently acquired an Apple Macintosh IIcx with A/UX 1.1, Apple's UNIX system. Release 1.1 offers greater support for the Mac's toolbox routines than did 1.0. With this in mind, I'm interested in hearing from anyone who knows of any MacOS applications that run under A/UX 1.1. I'd like to compile a list (which I'd make available to anyone interested of course) of such software (both sharewware/public domain and commercial). Have any of the major macazines (MacUser, MacWorld and the like) begun adding this kind of information to their reviews? (Hmmmmm..mebbe I should write 'em a letter suggesting it...) Please send any replies to me and I will post a summary to the net if interest warrents. Thanks Frank W. Peters P.S. If any vendors want to drop me a note saying "our product works just spiffy with A/UX" I won't mind at all. Don't be shy... ======================================================================== | Systems & Networks Programmer | Mississippi State University | | Phone: (601) 325-2942 | Computing Center and Services | | Internet: peters@CC.MsState.Edu | Post Office Drawer CC | | BITNET: PETERS@MSSTATE.BITNET | Mississippi State, MS. 39762 | ======================================================================== "What if I wanna worry? What if I *like* being unhappy??" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 89 16:30 CDT From: <> Subject: MacWelcome xxx wrote in the digest (V.7 #71) asking about MacWelcome(TM) 1.3. I had mentioned it in my request for an automatic shutdown cdev. It is a startup application (set in Finder using the Set Startup... selection in the Special menu) that puts text on the screen - up to 100 lines of 255 characters each. It then proceeds to transfer to another program, or goes on to Finder/MultiFinder when the OK button is clicked. At least, that's what it says it does. You are supposed to be able to convert plain text files into the WelcomeMessage file. I have not been able to get it to do so properly. Also, the thing continually gives errors of 'Cannot get resource' causing the application to either bomb or quit unexpectedly. Documentation is very sparse. There is no text formatting - no font selection or styles or sizes - and no scroll bars, meaning on a normal Mac screen, you can only read about twenty-four lines of text - not the 100 lines that the program can use. The idea is a good one, but it needs much more work. I don't have much info on the programmer, but what I have follows, as well as where I got it from. MacWelcome(TM) 1.3 by Chris Klugewicz (c)1988, freeware purchased from Educorp, 531 Stevens Ave, Suite B Solana Beach, CA 92075 Disk#2518 It says it is freeware, and I guess if anyone would like me to I'll upload it to the archives. Like I said, after I tried using it, I found that it didn't work quite as well as I thought it would. It may just have some conflicts of interest with the system or the various INITs and cdevs. It might just be easier if someone writes one that works well. ------------------------------------------ Dave Martin DAVE@GERGA Geochemical & Environmental Research Group (Texas A&M University - Oceanography Dept) 10 South Graham Road College Station, Texas 77840 (409) 690-0095 ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 89 15:38 CDT From: John DeSoi <> Subject: PICT/TeX and other goodies Does anyone know of an utilities for converting PICT files into some format that would be compatible with TeX? Or PICT to some other VMS graphics format? Also, I have heard rumors that there are BINHEX utilities for VMS and UNIX which let you specify wildcard pathnames to operate upon. Any help in finding any of the above would be greatly appreciated. John F. DeSoi Laboratory for Software Research Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843-3112 (409) 845-4306 BITNET: desoi@tamlsr INTERNET: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Apr 89 09:00 EDT From: "Cogito Ergo ZOOM." <> Subject: QUARK XPRESS Hello, I'm a new member to your list and I've got a question concerning Quark Xpress 1.1. For some reason Xpress is trying to download Times and it changes all the text to courier. Any suggestions? Also, Mac User has reported 2 new Mac Viruses. I would appreciate any information on them. I think they are called hPat and Init 29. To the best of my knowledge we don't have then at my school yet. Many thanks, Alex Zavatone @ Southeastern Mass University Library Macintosh Software Chief [To solve virus woes I recommend Disinfectant 1.1 and GateKeeper 1.1, both of which can be found in the virus directory in our archives. -Bill] ------------------------------ Date: Mon 24 Apr 89 10:49:19-PDT From: Brodie Lockard <> Subject: Sharp color Scanner Does anyone know where I could get access to a Sharp color scanner for 8-10 hours in the SF Bay Area? The only store I've found that carries them, ComputerWare in Palo Alto, doesn't rent them. I'm interested in info on any other color scanners, but Sharp seems to be the leader. It must be color-- grayscale won't do. Surely there's a service bureau somewhere that rents them, or where I could send stuff for scanning? Thanks for any info. Brodie Lockard I.ISIMO@HAMLET.STANFORD.EDU ------- ------------------------------ Date: 24-APR-1989 12:54:15.14 From: Jennifer Kleiman <> Subject: Terminal Emulators in Hypercard I'm interested in writing a terminal emulation program that could capture text off of our vax and send it to MacIntalk, or any other speech synthesizer. Does anyone know of an existing terminal emulator that would do that? Or, failing that, XCMD and XFCNs that access the serial port, so that I could write a terminal emulator in Hypercard. Failing that, does anyone know what good references exist for writing XCMDS and XFCNS? I'd like to write this mainly in Hypercard, as I know it handles MacIntalk and other speech synthesis easily. Jennifer Kleiman JKLEIMAN@wesleyan.bitnet ------------------------------ End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************