Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (05/12/89)
Info-Mac Digest Thu, 11 May 89 Volume 7 : Issue 86 Today's Topics: ARANDA: software to automate program documentation and reuse. C programming DesignerDraw digitizing boards ? HyperDrive KE memory expansion Info-Mac Digest V7 Info-Mac Digest V7 #84 Large hard drives for Mac II LaserWriter II NT Problem... LaserWriter LQ MacBinary and BinHex 5.0 scsi accelerator System bomb 28 in rom Dequeue with MacPlus Wanted: Chemical Engineering Process Diagraming Program Your Info-Mac Moderators are Lance Nakata, Jon Pugh, and Bill Lipa. The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous, any password) in the info-mac directory on []. Please send articles and binaries to Send administrative mail to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 11 May 1989 9:34:14 CDT From: Werner Uhrig <> Subject: ARANDA: software to automate program documentation and reuse. [ below follows an excerpt from the "Letters Column" of MacTutor, of May 1989 (a magazine for Macintosh software developers). It describes a software product named ARANDA developed by Soft-SET Technologies of Vancouver, Canada. I spoke with Bill Campbell, mentioned in the article, last week, and he promised me a beta-copy ASAP. Bill also told me that the initial release is for Pascal, COBOL is to be next (unintelligable mumblings about a 'good reason' which I suspect means that someone gave a financial incentive :-) then C. ] The microelectronics industry uses CAD software to develop complex IC's automatically through software. Now, thanks to a new software development utility called Aranda, software development will benefit >From the same type of design automation that IC designers have enjoyed for several years. Aranda is a compiler specific utility that opens and reads computer source code text files, parses the language syntax and builds an interactive symbolic flow chart representation that is linked by hypertext to the original program listing. Edit changes to either the graphical flow chart representation or the source code itself results in the other representation being updated automatically. Code can be cut and pasted in symbolic form, detail hidden or expanded, call links between modules called out and many other design tools used to facilitate and automate the software design process. But the important feature any programmer will love is that finally, software documentation and flow charts can be created after the fact and linked dynamically to the code so that the documentation and the code stay up to date at all times. Have a strange program you don't understand or didn't write, but are required to maintain or upgrade? No problem! Just run it through Aranda and the entire program structure, design and variables will be extracted and symbolically and graphically represented. The authors ran the entire MacApp source code through Aranda and out came a giant flow chart of the entire MacApp module tree in just a few seconds! Aranda can be used in a top-down software design enviroment from the beginning of the design cycle, as an expert system editor, or in bottoms-up redesign to extract the program structure and facilitate upgrades and maintenance of programs already written. Modules can be documented by appending interactive notes to the source code or equivalent flow charts, and the notes travel with the modules as they are cut and pasted into new programs. Now the dreary process of documenting and specifying the software design is automated and extracted from the source code itself, leaving the programmer free to do the fun stuff: writing code, not documentation. Aranda is a product of Soft-Set Technologies of Vancouver in Canada and benefits from University work that allows the authors to generate new parsing engines for different compilers in a matter of days. MPW Pascal, Lightspeed Pascal and C versions are going into beta site testing now with Cobol, PL1 and C++ versions to follow. Pricing and product availability have not yet been finalized, but people who should know inside Apple are already drooling over the prospect of beta testing this product, something Apple normally never does for third party software. For more information, contact Bill Campbell at (604)734-1622 or AppleLink CDA 0380. MacTutor will be using this product as it becomes available, and we will have much more on this when we see the beta version, which should be shortly after Apple's Developer Conference, where Aranda will be introduced for the first time. < end of quoted letter > ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 May 89 10:57 EDT From: Subject: C programming I am having trouble with some C programs I have written. I am using LightspeedC and am trying to create an as an Excel document. The file can be read by Excel but I was wondering if there was a way to create the File so I can double click on it and have it start up as an Excel document. The LightspeedC manual doesn't seem to mention that nor does "C Programming Techniques for the MacIntosh". I do not have Inside MacInitosh. Thanks in advance. Karl ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 May 89 10:53:44 PDT From: Subject: DesignerDraw Here is DesignerDraw, a program that is very useful for making flow charts, originizational charts, etc. [Archived as /info-mac/app/designer-draw.hqx; 65K] ------------------------------ Date: 11 May 89 16:45:38 EDT From: Subject: digitizing boards ? I need information concerning digitizing tablets for the Mac. Would someone have any suggestions, comments, ideas etc. I don't know what is available, and their ratings. Thanks, Sergio ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 May 89 01:11:44 EDT From: (Chris Perry) Subject: HyperDrive KE memory expansion I'm running a 512KE with a 20 Meg Hyperdrive using the "706" ROMS. Those of you who have the internal Hyperdrives (the old ones, not the FX20s) know the daughter board takes up a fair amount of space. When I asked a technician at a local computer store if memory expansion (e.g., using the MacSnap 2.5 Mbyte + SCSI upgrade) were possible, he answered flatly that it was not: no room inside the box. Question: is this true? Do I have any alternatives to expand memory in a 512KE with an internal Hyperdrive? Replies to info-mac or directly to me. Thanks * 10^6. Chris Perry ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 May 89 11:45:35 EDT From: "Bret Ingerman 315-443-1865" <> Subject: Info-Mac Digest V7 David Rinewalt recently asked about a way to convert bitmapped to object oriented graphics since screen dumps were looking poorly when printed. What I do is to take the screen dump using Camera. I then place it into PageMaker 3.0. To scale a graphic proportionally (so that you don't get ugly looking output), hold down the SHIFT key while scaling. Better yet, if you hold down BOTH the SHIFT and COMMAND keys, not only will the object be resized proportionally, but it will be resized in such a way to optimize output for the priner currently selected with the chooser. Doing it this way, I have been able to get quite readable 1/4 size screen dumps. Bret Ingerman Microcomputer Consultant Syracuse University ------------------------------ Date: 11 May 89 14:03:38 GMT From: (Kevin Hegg) Subject: Info-Mac Digest V7 #84 Dick Rinewalt, Texas Christian University requested a Postscript version of the Chicago font. I believe that one is posted on Genie. Sorry, but I can't help you with the second request. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 10 May 89 16:35:55 edt From: Subject: Large hard drives for Mac II We are researching large hard drives for the Mac II for a user here, and we have had very little experience with 3rd party drives, and no experience with large drives (300 meg and up). If anyone has had any noteworthy experiences, either good or bad, with large drives, your comments would be much appreciated. Please respond directly to me. Thanks much in advance. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Gregg TeHennepe | Academic Computing and User Services Minicomputer Specialist | Box 5482 BITNET: gateh@conncoll | Connecticut College Phone: (203) 447-7681 | New London, CT 06320 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 May 89 14:14:07 CDT From: Michael Farlow -- Captain Video <> Subject: LaserWriter II NT Problem... I have had an odd problem occure with my LaserWriter II NT, and I'm hoping that someone out there in Info-Mac Land might have some insight. The Setup: LaserWriter II NT on a 11 Mac network with the latest versions of AppleShare and LaserShare. The Problem: Here in our student Mac lab, we have imposed a time limit of 15 minutes for a signle page to complete printing. This affects graphics and page layout software more than it does the Word Processors. When ever we need to can a job that has taken that long, we delete it from within the print queue, and then rather than wait for the printer's RAM to flush itself, we turn the printer off, wait 5 seconds, and then turn it on again. What happens is that for some reason the piece of memory that remembers the LaserWriter's name and page count gets flushed. Changing the name is back to what it is supposed to be is no big deal, but the problem is beginning to border on being a nuiscance(sp?). What I am hoping to find out is if there is anything that I can do to stop this or if the printer needs to be sent to the shop for repair. Has this occured to anyone else??? Any opinions/tips/hints/advice will be appreciated, and if there is enough response, I will summarize to the net. Michael Farlow X098MF@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU CSC User Assistance Group & Graphics Lab Consultant X098MF@TAMVM1 (BitNet) Texas A&M University (409) 845-1365 *********** Any opinions expressed here are my responsibility and in no way reflects the policy, rules, regulations, or other legal type things of Texas A&M University. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 May 89 08:26:11 EDT From: Anup Patel <> Subject: LaserWriter LQ >From literature sent by Apple, here's what I understand of their printer swap project. To have your IW LQ replaced, the printer must be checked by a Apple Certified technician. It should show signs of excessive loudness, have print marks on the top and bottom 1.5" of printout, and have a serial number less than (I think) 183101013(?). So not all LQ's will be replaced. Anup Patel The MITRE Corp. {I'm told I should have a discaimer so: I do not speak for my organization, even if I did, no one would pay attention.} ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 May 89 17:12:48 PDT From: Subject: MacBinary and BinHex 5.0 I downloaded the program "MacBinary" thinking that it probably did the same thing as "BinHex 5.0" which has been around for years and still works just fine. After testing out both programs, I came to the conclusion that they do indeed do the same thing. I wonder why Greg Smith went to all the trouble of writing MacBinary when BinHex 5.0 was already available? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 May 89 13:27:04 PDT From: Subject: scsi accelerator The updated scsi accelerator posted here recently contains a number of variants of the driver. However, two of the files in the .SIT archive have exactly the same name and length. I first assumed that the same file just got archived twice by accident, but a CRC check on the files showed that they are not the same. Can anyone shed some light on this? ------------------------------ Date: Thu 11 May 1989 20:27 CDT From: <> Subject: System bomb 28 in rom Dequeue with MacPlus I have a miniscribe 20scsi drive which is giving me fits. It is now currently updated to system 6.0.3 from a known good disk, and running on a macPlus with 1meg. Everything is normal, except one problem. Anytime a program is set as the startup program, it will always bomb out with a system error 28, or the stack has moved into application heap. The program will bomb, just when it is starting. When the bomb occurs, the machine is in Dequeue in rom, at +2b6, which +2b4 would be _SysError, which is where the PC most likely was at bomb time. The system would bomb with 6.0.2 also. If the finder is used as start-up, everything seems to run fine. But, this drive did not do this before I used it to set up my SE/30 w/4megs. I changed the system to 6.0.3 for the se/30, so I could set up the 80meg drive using the 20meg drive. (I reformatted the se/30 drive with different drivers since the apple driver seems to be extremely slow.) I then put the older 6.0.2 system back on the 20meg drive. Note that this problem of bombing will also occur with a SE, but not my se/30. I have checked the boot blocks to make sure no strange information was in it. All seems to be fine with that. I have gotten rid of anything that may possibly use memory, and installed, and taken directly from a untouched(locked) system disk everything. The Dequeue bomb still happened. I could just reformat the drive, but the problem would make me wonder my whole life. I think it may be from something the se/30 and the newer system put on the drive, as the se/30 can boot off of it just fine as startup drive, and a program set as startup. I haven't paid much attention to this, as the person using it always boots up into finder, so I haven't had to do anything with it, but am just wondering... What does it want, or possibly need? I have even taken a good system from another 20 macplus 6.0.2, and just copied the whole system folder over the bad 20,and the same problem occurs. must be something else. Is it related to the se/30???? Sort of like a hd20 with 64krom mac, and using a newer system on the hd20, and an older(or newer) system on the boot up disk. Can Anyone give me a possible cause for this strange problem? Scott Hutinger mmpr004@ecncdc.bitnet (lots of I's eh?) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 11 May 89 12:05:02 EST From: (Stuart Harvey) Subject: Wanted: Chemical Engineering Process Diagraming Program I need to draw diagrams of chemical engineering processes on the Macintosh. Can anyone recommend a program for doing this. The program must have clipboard capability or at worst be able to save the diagrams to a PICT format file. Stuart Harvey ------------------------------ End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************