Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (06/23/89)
Info-Mac Digest Thu, 22 Jun 89 Volume 7 : Issue 110 Today's Topics: Bug in Flashwrite 1.0 ethernet board in MacII How do I get side-by-side...? Info-Mac Digest V7 #107 LSpeed C/Macintalk Question Poisson's Equation Printing Excel Formulas Pro-Cite demo disks, PBS in general side-by-side paragraphs in MSWord 4.0 SoftPC mini-review strange output Your Info-Mac Moderators are Lance Nakata, Jon Pugh, and Bill Lipa. The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous, any password) in the info-mac directory on []. Please send articles and binaries to Send administrative mail to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 22 Jun 89 15:14:36 GMT From: "J.M.L.Martin" <> Subject: Bug in Flashwrite 1.0 I just downloaded the Flashwrite 1.0 CDEV from the Info-Mac archives. It's a dandy little thing, but it contains one 'undocumented feature' which is somewhat annoying to me: when you hold down the Command key to bypass the Multifinder on startup, Flashwrite shows its INIT icon, but is not avail- able for use. I use a Mac SE/30 with 4 MB of RAM and an extended keyboard. I am currently running System Software 6.0.2 (SE configuration). I tried 6.0.3 (Dutch version): same thing. Perhaps it's quite easy for the programmer to iron this out (I don't quite see why anyone would want to bypass INITing Flashwrite|). Jan M.L.Martin Quantum Chemistry Department SBM Limburgs Universitair Centrum Universitaire Campus B-3610 Diepenbeek Belgium LUCTHSCH@BDILUC11.BITNET Disclaimer: IBM just changed its name. It's no longer: Italian Branch of the Mafia, now it's called: I'd Buy Macintosh. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jun 89 11:20:13 CDT From: Tom Eskridge <> Subject: ethernet board in MacII We have an AUX MacII w/ and ethernet board, but we are not running AUX because of it's size and utility (or lack of). My question is how can we access the ethernet without AUX? Any PD software out there for doing this? Cheers, Tom Eskridge ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jun 89 08:56:54 PDT From: Subject: How do I get side-by-side...? Yes, it can be done. It's roundabout, probably because Microsoft really thinks you should use tables for the kind of thing you usually do with Side-By-Side. However, here's how: 1. Get Full Menus showing if they aren't already; choose Full Menus from the Edit menu. 2. Choose Commands... from the Edit menu. This puts up a dialog box of every command that Word can possibly execute (and an impressive list it is, too.) 3. Find Side By Side (good thing they're in alphabetical order). Click on it, then click on the Add button near where it says Menus. By default it will drop into the Format menu but you could put it anywhere you want. Now you have Side-by-Side as a menu-selectable command. Your menu configuration is saved as part of the Word Settings file, so your command will be there every time you start Word. Explore the Commands dialog box to find out how to add your own keyboard shortcuts, move commands around and so on. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jun 89 09:52:56 MDT From: "Bruce A. Carter" <> Subject: Info-Mac Digest V7 #107 Regarding the request for a clarification of LaserWriter 6.0 problems, I was not aware that there was more than one version of the 6.0 drivers. I downloaded the new set, along with the Apple Color Disk material from AppleLink shortly after they first became available. I am not aware of a good way to identify the problem drivers other than to draw something in SuperPaint with parts in both the paint and draw layers and then try to print it. It will (or at least has for us and apparently several other SuperPaint users) either print a blank page, or it will generate a PostScript error. Silicon Beach has since sent us a replacement SuperPaint 2.0 which works fine. We have also subsequently discovered that material in Aldus Pagemaker that is near the edge of the page will not print with our 6.0 drivers while it prints fine with the level 5 drivers. Maybe we need a new set of level 6.0 drivers since I was not aware there was an update (and apparently with no version number change... I hate that). BRUCE A. CARTER | OFFICE: (208) 385-1250 / COURSEWARE DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR | MESSAGE: (208) 385-1433 / > BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY, 1910 UNIVERSITY DRIVE, BOISE, ID 83725 < / BITNET: DUSCARTE@IDBSU INTERNET: DUSCARTE@IDBSU.IDBSU.EDU / APPLELINK: U0919 CIS: 76666,511 PLATO: CARTER/IDAHO/PCA ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jun 89 13:52 PST From: <> Subject: LSpeed C/Macintalk Question I would like to play with the Macintalk library that is included with the Light Speed C package, but the macintalk.h header file is nowhere to be found. Could someone either point me in the right direction or send me a copy of the header? I've looked at the program NUMBERTALK, but the header had been stripped from the project before it was uploaded. My thanks in advance, roBert P. Templeton Department of Sociology University of California, Riverside BITNET: TEMPLE@UCRVMS ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jun 89 10:48:15 EDT From: Jim Burns <jab@VLSI.LL.MIT.EDU> Subject: Poisson's Equation I would appreciate knowing what programs are available for the MAC which solve the 2-dimensional Poisson's equations for heat flow and electrostatic applications. J. Burns ------------------------------ Date: 22 Jun 89 1315 PDT From: Arthur Keller <> Subject: Printing Excel Formulas Excel (and other spreadsheets) normally display the formula only of the current cell. To check a spreadsheet's worth of formulas or to teach someone how to use a spreadsheet technique or for documentation, it would be useful to be able to print all of the formulas corresponding to a spreadsheet. Does anyone have or know of a program that can take a Excel format file or SYLK file and print out the formulas in it? Arthur ------------------------------ Date: 22 Jun 89 18:16:52 GMT From: Subject: Pro-Cite demo disks, PBS in general There is a Pro-Cite sampler disk which is free for the asking (call or write address below), as well as a demo disk. The sampler comes with a brochure and allows you to navigate a sample database. The demo package includes the full documentation and a fully featured version of Pro-Cite that will only allow each database to have 32 records. Personal Bibliographic Software also has availiable 'Biblio-Links' to several popular online services (Dialog, Knowledge Index, BRS, Medline, etc) and this fall we will be release Pro-Search, a searching and navigating front end to DIALOG. For more information, a free sample disk, etc, call: 313/996-1580 and ask for Product Support. or write: Personal Bibliographic Software, Inc PO Box 4250 Ann Arbor, MI 48106 ps - all the above products are also available for MS-DOS. ----- Brian Hall Internet: (preferred) AppleLink: D0017 (shared) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jun 89 13:12:59 EDT From: (Jonathan Leblang) Subject: side-by-side paragraphs in MSWord 4.0 You can select the side-by-side format for paragraphs in MSWord 4.0 by using the commands item under the edit menu. If you use this format often, you can add side-by-side to any menu. (why are you using side-by- side, you can use tables and make your life much easier). Jonathan A. Leblang The MITRE Corporation 7525 Colshire Drive McLean VA 22102 703 883 5761 ------------------------------ Date: 22 Jun 89 14:46 EST From: Subject: SoftPC mini-review Date: 22 June 1989, 14:12:04 EST >From: WMLBTAM at UCCCVM1 To: INFO-MAC at SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU Subject: SoftPC mini-review I got a note from Jan Erik Mostr|m <>, and thought others might have been interested in my answer. Jan Erik, I hope you don't mind... >I saw in you article that you have used SoftPC. One of user wants to >have access to PC programs and is considering to buy SoftPC. >I would be grateful if you could answer som questions. > >Does it work with all DOS programs ? Is it very slow ? How much >memory is required ? Is it expensive ? What would you recommend, >SoftPC or a PC clone ? We felt SoftPC was the better choice for us over the AST card. Not everyone will have the same set of circumstances we found ourselves in, though. First, we knew were going to have to buy MS-DOS compatibility, one way or ther other. Second, we were comparing Multifinder and OS/2, not Multifinder and MS-DOS, so we were looking at SoftPC-or-AST vs. OS/2-MSDOS-Compatibility- Box. For other reasons, we were leaning toward the Mac (user interface, Multi- finder's ability to manage multiple "concurrent" communications sessions with existing off-the-shelf software, etc.). In looking at SoftPC vs. AST, we considered how we needed to be able to use MS-DOS. For the networked Macs we were installing, we wanted people to be able to bring MS-DOS data files they'd created elsewhere and bring them into the Mac environment (even to the point of touching them up with MS-DOS applications at that site) but did not want them to necessarily use the Mac workstations to do the bulk of their MS-DOS work. Therefore, speed became less of an issue. Furthermore, we had decided that, because of peripheral card options, we would be using Mac IIs instead of SEs. This gave us at least a 68020 pro- cessor, which helped, speed-wise. The AST-86 board for the SE gives you an 8MHz PC in a Mac, so far as I recollect. The AST-286 board for the Mac II gives you an 8MHz AT in a Mac, so far as I recollect. SoftPC gives you a 4.77MHz PC in a Mac. You can theoretically run Windows-286 on an AST-286 (!?) but not under SoftPC. SoftPC requires approx. 2Meg, although there is a "smaller" version, also shipped, which doesn't run quite as fast (I think it sets up caches or other buffers to try to speed things along, in the larger version). It's the smaller version which is 4.77MHz-like, I think, although I'm not sure. Over here, it only costs a few hundred dollars ($260 University price seems to stick in my mind...) as compared to almost $1000 for the AST-286 board. We didn't feel that for us, the price/performance ratio was favorable for the AST board--but I've outlined how little MS-DOS processing we hope to be doing on our Macs. If you figure that a PC clone, plus LocalTalk adapter board, will cost lots more than SoftPC and almost certainly still more than an AST-286, I'd go with the Mac-plus-MS-DOS-emulator before I'd go with Mac-plus-PC-clone. If the "production" MS-DOS processing requirement fits your situation, you will probably be better off with the AST-286 and a Mac II/IIx/IIcx. If you're buying into the SE/SE/30 environment, where you have a choice of SoftPC vs. AST-86, I think >I< would buy the SE/30-plus-SoftPC and extra memory for the SE/30...others may prefer the AST-86 option especially if your looking only at SEs and not SE/30s. We've gotten SoftPC to work with almost everything we've tried. The only exceptions were real hacks to begin with (e.g., we couldn't get an MS-DOS bibliographic CD-ROM search engine to read a CD-ROM in the Apple CD ROM drive, although SoftPC could read the directory of the disk itself, etc.-- because the search engine wanted an Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions device driver, and SoftPc itself was content to go through the BIOS, where the Mac handled hooking up to the Drive and disk sucessfully). Flight Simulator RUNS under SoftPC (but it's slooooooow). So do dBASE III+, Lotus 1-2-3, WordStar, WordPerfect, DataEase, etc., etc., etc. I hope this helps. Best of luck! Ted "Message? What message?" ============================================================================== Theodore A. Morris, Univ. of Cincinnati|513-558-6046 AppleLink: U1091 Med Ctr Information & Communications |Bitnet: WMLBTAM @ UCCCVM1 NTS: WB8VNV 231 Bethesda Avenue, Mail Location #574|====================================== Cincinnati, OH 45267-0574 |"Call me up and I'll talk data to ya'" ============================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 22 Jun 89 11:49:28 MET From: Ger Groothuijsen <> Subject: strange output Hello Macfans, Last week I detected that output from my ImageWriter II printer (its connected to an SE with 2 Mb RAM and 40 Mb HDU, System 6.0.2) contained some characters that I didn't put in the text. In MacPaint output appeared the character "f" at the right side of the picture at irregular intervals (at least I didn't discover any regularity). In MacWrite text appeared the characters "KO". Always at the end of lines, also in irregular intervals. This strange "printer behaviour" dit not happen with newly produced text but only with existing text files. Paint files I didn't yet check. The first time I noticed these things was when I used the Full Write Professional demo from Ashton Tate. Does anyone recognize the above? Ger Groothuijsen, PC Support, University of Nijmegen The Netherlands. EARN/BITNET adress: U070022@HNYKUN11 ------------------------------ End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************