Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (07/14/89)
Info-Mac Digest Thu, 13 Jul 89 Volume 7 : Issue 120 Today's Topics: A line-counting XCMD? Alphabetizing Icons Applefax Cairo-shootout query Cleaning up & alphabetizing icons (was Public domain software request) Info-Mac Digest V7 #118 Need help with .hqx files NFS and Mac IIs Reply to inquiry re Rapport Drive controller Segment unloading when Printing? Sending a BREAK signal in RedRyder? sending postscript in a pict file Serious bug in early copies of Microsoft Excel 2.2 for Mac Up With PostScript Word 4.0 Problem Your Info-Mac Moderators are Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh. The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous, any password) in the info-mac directory on []. Help files are in /info-mac/help. Indicies are in /info-mac/help/recent-files.txt and /info-mac/help/all-files.txt. Please send articles and binaries to Send administrative mail to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 11 July 89, 15:51:29 CST From: (Robert J. Brenstein) Subject: A line-counting XCMD? To figure out the number of lines displayable in a text field you don't need XCMD (if you know the number of lines of text you want to show). A HyperTalk function can do that. Try the following script: function visLines cardId put the textHeight of card field id cardId into lineHite get the rect of card field id cardId put item 4 of it - item 2 of it into fieldHite put fieldHite/lineHite into fieldLines return trunc of fieldLines end visLines The calling would look something like this: ... get id of card field "theInfo" if visLines(it) > nLines then set style of card field id it to scrolling else set style of card field id it to rectangle end if ... If you don't know the number of lines, things are getting complicated since you need to figure out how text is broken (wrapped) between lines. If you happen to use a proportional font, you can still come up with a HyperTalk script to do it, but you need a XCMD otherwise. If the field is unlocked (meaning that user types the text in), you may try to click after the last word, get the mouse location and use the information about the field rect to calculate whether to change the field style or not. I haven't actually tested this, but it should work after some fiddling and diddling with HyperTalk. By the way, you need PackIt III utility to unpack .pit files. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Jul 89 15:54:38 -0400 (EDT) From: Edward John Sabol <> Subject: Alphabetizing Icons I don't know of any program that will let one alphabetize Finder icons, but I do have something better. The Finder will do this with a little effort. Here's how to do it: 1. Make the window you want to alphabetize the active window. Also, the window containing the icon for that folder should be visible somewhere. 2. Select "by Name" from the View menu. 3. Type command-A to select all the files in the folder. 4. Drag all of the files to the shaded folder icon and drop them in it. 5. Select "by Icon" from the View menu. The icons will now be in alphabetical order. I remember getting this tip from an old issue of MacUser a long time ago, so don't credit me for discovering this technique. Edward J. Sabol Internet: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Jul 89 11:49:43 -0400 (EDT) From: Andrea Pauline Mark <> Subject: Applefax Has anybody out there ever used an Applefax Modem? I have had one for four months and find it useful for sending faxes from my computer. I am wondering whether they are popular among Mac User's or (probably) not well known. I am also going to be selling it, as my need for a fax is now over. If anyone is interested or has questions or comments, let me know. Andrea ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Jul 89 07:16:37 PDT From: Subject: Cairo-shootout query Some time ago I downloaded Stunt-Copter, Zero-Gravity, and Cairo-Shootout >From the game folder. They were all un-binhexed and un-stuffed with Stuffit 1.5. Stunt Copter and Zero Gravity work fine (my daughter thanks you). However Cairo Shootout bombs. Under Multi-Finder it issues an "the application Cairo Shootout 1.2a has unexpectedly quit, out of application memory." message. This message is issued at load time. Under Finder it starts to load, puts up its menu bar, then freezes. The results are the same on a MAC-II (5MB) and a MAC-IIx (4MB). Has anyone else commented on this behavior? I repeated the down-load with the same results. Since both other games run fine on this configuration, I assume (incorrectly?) that it isn't a problem with the CPU. Any thoughts, could the HQX file be corrupted? Thanks again. BW ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Jul 89 09:51:11 PDT From: (Dave Platt) Subject: Cleaning up & alphabetizing icons (was Public domain software request) It doesn't take any public-domain or pay-for-it software to perform a combined "alphabetize" and "clean up". The Finder will do it for you. The trick is undocumented, as far as I know, but it works perfectly. Here's how to clean up and alphabetize the contents of a folder "Foo": 1) Open the Foo folder. 2) If the Foo window covers up the Foo folder icon (on the desktop or in a disk or another folder), move the window out of the way so that you can see the Foo folder icon. 3) Select "View by icon" or "View by small icon". 4) Select "View by name". 5) Enter command-A (Select All) to highlight all of the alphabetically- sorted names that appear in the Foo window. 6) Click on any one of the highlighted icons in the Foo window, and drag the entire highlighted list of files from the Foo window over to the Foo folder icon... drop them in the folder. 7) Select "View by icon" or "View by small icon",... choose the same view- style that you chose in step (3). You will now find that the icons (or small icons) in the Foo window have been sorted alphabetically and placed on the cleanup-grid locations. Apparently, this trick works because of two little Finder characteristics: (a) When you drag around a bunch of files that are sorted by name, the Finder performs the move in alphabetic order, and (b) when you drop files into a disk or folder icon, the Finder assigns positions for them according to the last graphic (icon or small-icon) view-style that you had used in the corresponding window. I infer that the same trick would work if you did a "View by type" instead of a view-by-name; the files would be cleaned up and sorted according to their types rather than their names. Dave Platt FIDONET: Dave Platt on 1:204/444 VOICE: (415) 493-8805 UUCP: ...!{ames,sun,uunet}!coherent!dplatt DOMAIN: INTERNET: coherent!, USNAIL: Coherent Thought Inc. 3350 West Bayshore #205 Palo Alto CA 94303 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Jul 89 10:09:55 CDT From: Did you ever dance with the devil in the pale moon light? Subject: Info-Mac Digest V7 #118 >Date: Fri, 07 Jul 89 20:14:11 EST >From: Alan Stein <> >Subject: Ram Upgrades > > The upcoming System 7.0 is making me think about upgrading some Mac +'s >I'm responsible for from 1 to 2 Megs. A call to a "friendly" Computerland >resulted in a quote of $800 per upgrade, compared to mail order prices >of @$150 for a 1 meg SIMM. > Clearly, the $650 markup is a bit high, so I'm curious about how others >have increased their internal memory. Is it a routine do it yourself >project? > Just upgraded via CompuRite here in Houston. $375 for 2 1MB chips, $45 for installation, plus tax came to about $450 total. Computerland quoted me $650 and I told them that they were grossly overpriced. By the way, remember to ask for the 256K chips back after the upgrade. When I take my Plus to 4MB I can get the Softstep adapter and only have to buy one more 1MB SIMM. By the way, does anyone know if System 7 requires 2 or 2.5M? Softstep was selling a 1-2MB upgrade for $279 a couple of weeks ago. Jim Bradley P.S. I have no affiliation with Softstep products, just lots of 256K chips lying around with nothing to process. Acknowledge-To: <ACSH@UHUPVM1> ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Jul 89 17:18:47 PDT From: (Mark Stein) Subject: Need help with .hqx files Hi there, I am a veteran UNIX hacker who has recently moved into the Mac realm. I've been trying to get up to speed on procedures for downloading stuff >From info-mac (in binhex format) to my mac, but have not suceeded in actually getting anything to run yet (probably due to some unknown error on my part). Anyway, I am seeking any and all helpful hints on what software I need (and where to get it), tips on downloading procedures, and comments on what I have attempted already. Here's my environment: Mac II running Red Ryder 10.3 2400 baud dialup to a Sun4 workstation Kermit on the Sun I downloaded the unix tools from the info-mac archive and compiled them on my Sun. From reading the various README files and source code, I think that I have a basic understanding of the various file formats (binhex, macbinary, stuffit, and PIT), but a not-so-good understanding of which of them is used when, the best way to download each of them, and what tools to use on the mac once they are there. OK, so here's what I have tried: - use mcvert to convert util/binhex4.hqx to binhex_4_0.bin (type APPL) - use kermit to send binhex_4_0.bin to the mac - Red Ryder is supposed to recognize the macbinary format (it appears to) and write the mac file. Red Ryder's kermit seems to think that the file is only 256 bytes long (in the xfer status), yet transfers the entire file. The file appears in Red Ryder's "delete" file menu, yet does not appear when the finder displays the folder. I have also tried downloading other files (using xbin as well as mcvert) with similar lack of success. Any and all comments and pointers (especially on how I can bootstrap the process!) gratefully accepted via email! Thanks... --Mark Stein <> ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Jul 89 13:55:57 EDT From: (Gavin C. H. Zau) Subject: NFS and Mac IIs I have a system of PCs connected to a MIPS M120 running NFS to seerve files. Now I am considering purchasing some Mac IIs for graphics work. Is there a NFS for the Mac IIs connected through an ether net. If not is there a alternative file serving method. An important point is that data files has to be accessible by both the PCs and the Mac IIs. Thanks. Gavin Zau Dept of Chemical Engineering, MIT ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Jul 89 19:04 PDT From: Ron Webster <> Subject: Reply to inquiry re Rapport Drive controller This is a reply to Michael J. Paisley's inquiry, which appeared in Info-Mac Digest Volume 7, Issue 118, 11 July 1989, regarding Kennect Technology's: Rapport and Drive 2.4 (I hope I sent this to the right place): Dear Mr. Paisley: The Rapport unit you mentioned in your note is a Kennect Technology product. Hang with me a moment as I seem to divert. I purchased a Turbo Floppy 1.4 from Peripheral Land, Inc. (PLI). The PLI drive is in direct competition with Kennect's Rapport and Drive 2.4. The PLI drive provides for MS-DOS-to-Mac (and vice versa) translation (via Apple File Exchange, which is part of the Apple system software--no other software is required). I believe the Kennect Technology unit also translates via Apple File Exchange. The PLI unit works very well (I have translated probably a hundred files in the past month, since obtaining the PLI drive). I considered the Kennect Technology combination but opted for the PLI drive because of cost (more on this shortly). The PLI drive reads and writes MS-DOS 720 KB and 1.4 MB formats; it also reads and writes Apple's 1.4 MB format (stupid as it may seem, it does not handle Apple's 800 KB format). I needed the 1.4 MB Apple format in addition to the MS-DOS-to-Mac translation, so if I had gone the Kennect Technology route, I would have needed both Rapport and Drive 2.4--$295 + $495 = nearly $800! The PLI drive cost our group $321 (UCLA gets an educational institution discount). When I found out that the PLI drive would not handle Apple's 800 KB format, I began regretting the order. I wish I had the Kennect Technology combo. Rapport + Drive 2.4 will handle MS-DOS 720 KB and 1.4 MB as well as all current Apple standard formats (800 KB and 1.4 MB--I don't know if the 400 KB format is supported). In addition, the combo provides for 1.2 MB on standard density diskettes (Apple files) and 2.4 MB on high density diskettes (again, Apple files). Even though the 1.2 MB and 2.4 MB formats are not standard, and diskettes so formatted could only be read on systems that had Rapport and an external drive (or Drive 2.4 in the case of 2.4 MB), these formats could prove handy. I for one prefer backing-up my files on floppy disks (rather than cartridges or cassettes) because I often have to reload files, and reloading is much faster from floppies. Having 2.4 MB diskettes would cut down on diskette accumulation over time. In sum, if you have the money, I recommend going with the Kennect Technology combo--you can start out just buying Rapport and add Drive 2.4 later (since you indicated that MS-DOS-to-Mac translation is your primary concern). And I assure you that you will be happy with your purchase. As I stated above, the PLI translates between MS-DOS and Apple formats quickly and easily. I spoke with the people at Kennect Technology several times as I was going through my decision process, and I have confidence that their products will work at least as well as PLI's. I'm limited by grant funding, but I plan to get the Kennect Technology combo as soon as I can fit it into our budget. One hitch. When I translate MS-DOS files to my Mac, the transfer handles linefeeds in such a way that I end up with a non-printable character at the beginning of every line of the resulting Mac file (the character is actually a linefeed--code hex 0A). This has not been a problem, however, even for fairly large files. I simply launch an ASCII text editor (e.g., QUED), select and copy one of the linefeeds (in "Show Invisibles" mode they show up as squares on the screen) and paste it into the search string box dialog box that appears when "Find and Change" has been selected, and I globally replace it with no character. It takes only a few seconds. One other word (I'm not sure this is clear from the ads): These file exchanges work only for text (straight ASCII) files. If you want to exchange files from spreadsheets or word processors, you're essentially out of luck. Any decent word processor has a "save as text" facility. And some programs have MS-DOS and Mac companion programs that may be able to exchange files via a connectivity product such as the PLI drive or Kennect Technology's Rapport. Word Perfect for the Mac, for example, is able to read and write files in IBM-PC Word Perfect format. Ron Webster (BITNET: IC6JRHW@UCLAMVS; ARPANET: IC6JRHW@OAC.UCLA.EDU) ------------- ------------------------------ Date: Wed 12 Jul 1989 18:17 CDT From: <> Subject: Segment unloading when Printing? Does anyone have any Good reasons for Unloading all segments while your print routine is printing? I would assume that the segments are unloaded only if you have a large print routine. Of course it could also be that the print manager/drivers takes up some more memory? My application is relatively small 100k, and at the moment runs fine under 300k size under multifinder. The print routines seem to work just fine at the moment. If anyone knows where I can find more information on this subject, could you let me know? I have about 1 more week of work till the application is ready for Alpha, and I am not too sure about the segment unloading. Maybe I am close to a crash(?), or is it just common sense with Large Programs? Thanks, Scott Hutinger -> w.i.u. macomb IL ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Jul 89 12:54:34 EDT From: David Rubin <> Subject: Sending a BREAK signal in RedRyder? Is it possible to send a BREAK using RedRyder communications software? If so, how is it done? Please respond by E-mail since I do not read this list... Thanks. David Rubin | INTERNET: Polytechnic University | BITNET: RUBIN@POLYGRAF Brooklyn, NY | ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Jul 89 18:55 EDT From: Maurice Volaski <> Subject: sending postscript in a pict file I am trying to have Cricket Draw or any program that reads in PICT files to read in PicComments containting postscript code, so that when one of these packages prints, it prints using the postscript information in the picComments, not the screen representation.I have tried sending it basically the same file that I send to the laserwriter, but it doesn't work, at least as far as printing is concerned. Anybody know how to do this? While we're on the subject of postscript, does any one know the file format for doing an EPSF file such that when it is imported it displays a screen rendtion of what is contained in the postscript code. Maurice Volaski Dept. of Physiology SUNYAB ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Jul 89 10:59 EDT From: Peter Szolovits <> Subject: Serious bug in early copies of Microsoft Excel 2.2 for Mac Yesterday I discovered a serious bug in Excel 2.2 for the Mac that causes incorrect calculations though everything (except the results) looks fine. The problem has apparently been corrected within a month after Excel 2.2 started shipping, though according to Microsoft tech support the newer versions are not identified by a revised minor version number (boo, hiss!). Several thousand of the original, "damaged" (read "buggy") programs were shipped. If your ORIGINAL Excel program has both a creation date and a modified date of Fri, May 5, 1989, 12:00 PM, then you have the buggy version. (It's not enough to look at the mod date of the copy you're using, because that gets changed when you make various option changes in Excel -- apparently.) If you do have this bug, you can call customer support to get a newer (claimed fixed) version. Here's how to reproduce a simple version of the bug: 1. Open a new worksheet. 2. In cell C1 enter the formula =A1+B1 3. In cell A1 enter the formula =1+2. C1 then shows 3, as it should. Now suppose that you had really meant to enter that "=1+2" in cell B1 instead of A1. You can't just cut the A1 cell and paste it into B1 because that will screw up the (relative) references in C1. So instead you are going to copy the formula "=1+2" from A1 to B1. 4. Click on A1 to select it. 5. Select the contents of the formula bar (by dragging over it, say) 6. Cut it via Cmd-X 7. Click on B1 8. Paste (Cmd-V) to enter the formula into B1. You will then see blank in A1, 3 in B1 and 0 in C1. The formula in C1 still says =A1+B1, so all looks fine, but the wrong number results. This is, of course, one of the real nighmares of any spreadsheet user, and will make me sweat next time I prepare a budget. This bug does not appear, by the way, in the older version 1.5. Also, at least for this simple example, saving the worksheet to a file, quitting Excel, then re-opening the spreadsheet again will fix it, though a simple recalc won't. Disclaimers: the usual; I'm certainly not advertising for Microsoft! ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Jul 89 14:25 EST From: <> Subject: Up With PostScript As another developer with interests in graphics, I can't help but throw my two-cents in the\ commentary on Apple divesting itself of Adobe stock. First, I have no idea about the smarts of taking their $90M and running... seems to me big bucks are an OK thing. BUT, the implication that they are cashing in on PostScript is another issue. I agree with most of Brodie Lockard's recent note on Apple's problems for developers and the potential confusions and incompatablities to be caused by Apple's "replacement" for PostScript. I think there are two issues 'tho. One is Apple's plan to write their own PostScript- clone interpreter to keep the costs of their printers down (cynics read: to keep Apple's profit margin up). I don't like clones 'cause I hate irritating, waiting-to-be-discovered differences between implementations. The other issue is the apparent move, on Apple's part, away >From PostScript as its printing environment. The enhancement of QuickDraw has its good points and I see the tradeoffs of heading towards Display PostScript BUT I'd hate to think that Apple's "lead" would relegate the Mac to second class status for PostScript development environments. I'd hate to see the Illustrator's and Freehand's of the future being developed on other platforms and only being partially, at best, ported to the Mac. The discussion of "Turbo"QuickDraw as up to everything that PostScript can offer is just plain wrong. I don't support PostScript because it is a defacto standard but because it is a well thought out, reasonably mature, extensible Page Description Language which meets nearly all the needs demonstrated or projected for graphic applications (OK it's the pits with bitmapped images..). I don't see QuickDraw getting there anytime soon. The talk of outline fonts in QuickDraw is nice...but PostScript is a hell of a lot more than outline fonts!! I like Bezier curves, rich and easy coordinate transformations, ASCII code (for easy transmission and modification after you've left you're application), compatability that has encouraged the National Science Foundation to make PostScript the lingua franca of scientific grant proposals for networked submission, and yes I like the stack-dictionary programming style -- I find it powerful, easy (after a short learning curve), and interesting. So as Hans and Frantz might say, "Apple, you can hear me now and believe me later...PostScript's got muscle. Don't throw away one of the biggest advantages of your system." David Elbert Geology Department Middlebury College Middlebury, VT 05753 (802) 388 3711 x5652 Elbert@MIDD.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 13 Jul 89 06:06:27 MST From: Subject: Word 4.0 Problem Date: 13 July 89, 05:59:36 MST >From: ICBAL at ASUACAD To: INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU at ARPA I work in a Math Dept. where MS Word and MathType is the favored combination for preparing tests, referee's reports, etc. But there is a big problem with Word 4.0 which has sent us scurrying back to Word 3.02: When an equation is created in MathType (or any other equation processor) and is pasted into a Word paragraph, it is pasted sitting "on the baseline" and must be selected and subscripted in order to line up properly with the line of text it is pasted into. This is the same in both word 3.0 and 4.0. However, Word 3.0 will "close up" the space above the pasted line as soon as the equation is subscripted; but Word 4.0 will not--resulting in a very large gap above the line containing the equation. This makes for very unsightly paragraphs. The problem seems to exist with any pasted graphic. Does anyone know of a solution to this problem with Word 4.0? I appears that Microsoft wants us to use Word's built-in formulas (which we don't like) or none at all. Bruce Long Department of Mathematics Arizona State University BITNET: ICBAL@ASUACAD ------------------------------ End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************