[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V7 #197

Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (11/10/89)

Info-Mac Digest             Thu,  9 Nov 89       Volume 7 : Issue 197 

Today's Topics:
                      Another Black Box Problem
               APPL Icon question & graphics tablets...
                         BlackBox 1.5 gripes
                            BlackBox bugs
                 Filetransfer Archives -> Mac Summary
                             INIT Problem
   Looking for the Human Interface Guidelines regarding COLOR usage
                         Memory-Upgrade Query
                  Minihost - A Red Ryder Proceedure
                    Need hard disk backup program.
                        Networking mac backups
         Network task to task communication b/n Mac and VAX?
                      printing postscript files
                  Problem Obtaining OzTeX via BITFTP
                        Readable Read Me files
                       startupscreens on MacII
                     TeachText for documentation
                            Temperament 2
       Why can't the Macintosh adopt a standard text output...
                           Wingz 3D graphs
                         XCMD and SwapMMUMode
                            ZTerm 0.85 Sit
      {Why can't the Macintosh adopt a standard text output...}

Your Info-Mac Moderators are Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files are in /info-mac/help.  Indicies are in
/info-mac/help/recent-files.txt and /info-mac/help/all-files.txt.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: 7 Nov 89 10:36:00 EST
From: "Jeffrey Templon" <templon@venus.iucf.indiana.edu>
Subject: Another Black Box Problem

	I too have a Black Box problem similar to Mr. Prasad's which prevents me
>From using this very nice INIT.  The problem comes when using VersaTerm; when
the screen is cleared either by doing a soft reset ("Clear Page" menu item) or
when swapping from Tek 4010 emulation back to VT100 (which seems to do an
implicit soft reset) the VT100 window gets moved to some sort of default
location.  This is OK on my Mac SE's 9 inch screen without the task strip.
Somehow with Black Box installed, this default location gets translated into a
screen position which is shifted to the left so that about three characters or
so are lost past the edge of the screen.  Thus any time I show a graphic, I have
to re-position the window next time I want the VT100 window back. 

	I am trying to contact VersaTerm tech help to see if they have a
solution, but it seems that we shouldn't have an INIT that changes screen
positions like this! 

	I hope it gets fixed, because otherwise I really like this software!


Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 13:48 EST
From: WATTS@urhep
Subject: APPL Icon question & graphics tablets...

Hey y'all,
  Two questions.  I noticed that someone recently asked how to create a finder
icon for an application (I don't recall who it was).  I have followed the
example in Vol III, but to no avail (even inserted a vers resource0 -- right
down to the names.  But the finder stubornly displays the std. APPL icon.  Any
help would be great.  Thanks in advance.  If you respond to me, I will

  Second question is about graphics tablets.  I have been thinking of buying
one -- but for a perhaps unusual application: entering handwriting.  Has anyone
ever used a board for this purpose?  Is the pen easy to hold/manipulate?  Can
someone recomend a particular board (yes, price is always a factor).  Does the
board interface with the usual draw-type applications on the Mac?  Is there a
way to see (on the board) what has been entered (ie, if the graphics pen was a
real pen and left a mark on paper), etc.  Again, if you mail to me, I will


ARPANET: gwatts@ruthep.rutgers.edu
USMAIL:	Gordon Watts
	Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
	University of Rochester
	Rochester, NY


Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 01:52:50 -0500
From: mjkobb@athena.mit.edu
Subject: BlackBox 1.5 gripes

In #195, Sundar Prasad (SUNDAR_PRASAD@mtsg.ubc.ca) writes:

>1. As the author of BlackBox mentions, no other screen saver blanks out the
> task strip. I like Moire (esp. in color) and so allowing BlackBox's screen
> saver version of StarTrek to take over was a little sacrifice, but I didn't
> mind (the advantages still outweighed the losses).

I think FadeToBlack does, actually.  At least it did when I tried BB 1.5...



Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 09:00 N
From: "Rainer Fuchs (EMBL)" <FUCHS%EMBL.bitnet@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: BlackBox bugs

 I have got BlackBox v1.5 a week ago, and this is just what I was looking
 for. But I have one big problem: I can't launch applications from within a
 running application by clicking a panel icon. This takes me back to the
 Finder with subsequent system errors when clicking on a panel icon.
 This behaviour is independent of the setting of the "Shell Launch" option.

 My system: Mac plus,1 MB, 30 MB hard disk, system 6.0, no inits.


 Rainer Fuchs, Ph.D.                          | Post:    EMBL Data Library
                                              |          European Molecular
 EARN/Bitnet: fuchs@embl.bitnet               |          Biology Laboratory
 Internet: fuchs%embl.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu  |          Meyerhofstr. 1
                                              |          D-6900 Heidelberg
 "Waiter, there's a bug in my soup!"          |          FRG
 "No, Sir, it's not a bug, it's a feature!"   | Phone:   +49-6221-387467


Date: Tue, 07 Nov 89 10:58:34 CET
From: Klaus Koehler <KOEHLER%DMRHRZ11.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Filetransfer Archives -> Mac Summary


some weeks ago I asked how to access files from the archives and I had
a special problem because I had no chance to connect the Mac directly
to the host computer (an IBM :-( ) and I had to transfer the files to
an IBM PC first (even worse :-((( ).... here the answers:

The first thing is: You MUST have a copy of Binhex, otherwise there is
no way to access the files. You can get it from some companies distri-
buting PD software or from a friend...

If you are able to connect your Mac to the mainframe you should also
have a copy of Kermit or any other Terminal Emulation / Filetransfer
package. I am using Kermit - it is powerful enough for me.
To receive the files, you can use TEXT-mode transfer of the .HQX
files (if you use an ASCII mainframe) and Binary-mode transfer for
.BIN or .SIT files. If you use the Binary transfer mode, which is
faster, you need a copy of Binhex5.0 to convert the files in valid
Macintosh file format... (at least if you choose 'receive as data fork'
in Kermit).
Another problem may occur, if your host computer is an IBM (EBCDIC)...
The EBCDIC-->ASCII conversion table in Kermit had some errors (maybe
only in Germany, because we have some non-standard characters).
I will post a replacement conversion table to everyone, who is inter-
ested... But if you have Binhex5.0 you can receive your files as
binaries as well (without conversion). To convert .HQX into .BIN
files you can get Binhex for IBM mainframes under VM/SP CMS from the
archives ( I think /util/vm-cms-files or so). It is also very helpful
to check incoming files, so you dont have to download files which are

If you dont have your Mac connected to the host but an IBM (compatible)
PC with 5.25" drive and a second 5.25" drive for your Mac you can
transfer text files (remember the EBCDIC->ASCII conversion in the case
you are on an IBM mainframe) and convert them into Mac format using
the Apple File Exchange. Then run Binhex4.0 to convert the data file
(document) into an application or whatever it is.

Hope that helps...


|  Klaus Koehler                     Private: Steinweg 32              |
|  Fachbereich Chemie / AK Reetz              D-3550 Marburg           |
|  Philipps-Universitaet Marburg              West-Germany             |
|  Hans-Meerwein Strasse                      Phone: +49 (0)6421 66972 |
|  D-3550 Marburg / West-Germany                                       |
|  Phone: +49 (0)6421 28-5548        Earn/Bitnet: KOEHLER@DMRHRZ11     |


Date: Tue, 24 Oct 89 20:08 CST
From: Matt Helgren <291HELGREN%MASTER@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Gogo

        I was trying to figure out what I could contribute to all the people
on Info-Mac for all the wonderfull advice and software. Then it hit me. My
favorite DA, Gogo (Yes, as in dancer)!  This is a must for any serious Mac
user. Check it out.

[Archived as /info-mac/da/gogo.hqx; 70K]


Date: Tue, 07 Nov 89 10:30:10 CET
From: Klaus Koehler <KOEHLER%DMRHRZ11.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: INIT Problem


I've got problems with some INITs/CDEV's as well...
Especially Moire CDEV/Init and Freshstart won't work together with some
others... I've got SysErr 02 as well when trying to use Freshstart.
Any comments how to use Freshstart correctly?? I have a Mac II running
system 6.0.3.


|  Klaus Koehler                     Private: Steinweg 32              |
|  Fachbereich Chemie / AK Reetz              D-3550 Marburg           |
|  Philipps-Universitaet Marburg              West-Germany             |
|  Hans-Meerwein Strasse                      Phone: +49 (0)6421 66972 |
|  D-3550 Marburg / West-Germany                                       |
|  Phone: +49 (0)6421 28-5548        Earn/Bitnet: KOEHLER@DMRHRZ11     |


Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 16:50:03 EST
From: vita@disney.crd.ge.com (Mark F Vita)
Subject: Looking for the Human Interface Guidelines regarding COLOR usage

"Juan M. Courcoul" writes:
> I recall reading somewhere about a book on human interface guidelines that
> also included information on the use of colors. It was supposedly authored
> by Apple Computer.
> Does anybody know if such a book exists, and if so, it's classification ?
> I'd love to get ahold of a copy.

I think you are probably referring to the official Apple technical
reference called "Apple Human Interface Guidelines: The Apple Desktop
Interface".  This is the "style guide" for creating applications with the
Macintosh look-and-feel.  There is a small section on the usage of color
(one-line summary: be conservative).  The book is a paperback published by
Addison-Wesley; ISBN 0-201-17753-6; list price $14.95.

Mark Vita                              vita@crd.ge.com
General Electric CRD               	..!uunet!crd.ge.com!vita
Schenectady, NY


Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 09:24:00 EST
From: williams@cbl.umd.edu (Bill Williams)
Subject: Memory-Upgrade Query

  I've just got a mini-grant here for $500 to upgrade my SE's memory.
I'd be most happy to get suggestions (and anti-suggestions!) about where
to get the most memory for my money.  I'm not frightened by electronics,
but I'm not really an electronic tech, either.  I have 1 meg now, and I
understand that by doing a little scrimping and searching I can probably
upgrade to 3 megs for my $500, or I can buy MacSnap and blow the whole
$500 on upgrading to 2.  If there's sufficient interest, I'll summarize
replies - this must be a subject of ongoing interest and rapid change.

   A specific question:  anybody ever do business with "Maya Computer"
in northern New England somewhere?  Sounds like they're in my price

			-Bill Williams


Date: Tue, 24 Oct 89 21:16:00 EDT
From: Michael Kazlow <KAZLOWF%PACEVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Minihost - A Red Ryder Proceedure

Attached is Mini-Host 3.0 is a Red Ryder 10.3 procedure that
allows you to setup a small but sophisticated BBS.  It was
writtten by Frank Ventura and is shareware.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/minihost-part1.hqx; 150K
             /info-mac/comm/minihost-part2.hqx; 100K]


Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 14:05:16 est
From: Rocky_Olive@dgc.mceo.dg.com
Subject: Need hard disk backup program.

CEO file contents:

   Hello.  I want to back up my 40 Mb HD onto 1.4 Mb floppies using my
SuperDrive (I have a IIcx).  However, the HD backup utility that came with
my system is _extremely_ slow, and last night I got an ID=24 bomb!!!  Does
anybody know of any better backup programs?  What kind of features do they
have?  Thanks!
.Rockford L. Olive......         <rocky_olive@dgc.mceo.dg.com>
..Data General Corp.....
...Technology  Drive....         #define PS2 NULL
....Apex,  NC   27502...         #define OS2 NULL
.....919/362-4800x5392..         #define MSWINDOWS NULL
......919/362-4914 home.         #define DISCLAIMER "It just slipped out."


Date: 7-NOV-1989 16:15:15.35
Subject: Networking mac backups

    I'm interested in how people are doing Mac backups in a nominally-trained     
    user environment.  For instance we have 20+ Macs that we backup nightly       
    using the CAP stuff (slightly hacked) running on a SUN workstation to         
    schedule/spool full and incremental backups over appletalk.                   
    The backups run primarily without user intervention.                          
    We're probably going to double our population of Macs in the near
    future, and users are tending toward larger disks every day...so
    I'm trying to evaluate our options.
    If anyone is using Mac networking products for UNIX/VMS/MAC or has 
    information I would appreciate some e-mail...Ideally I'm interested in
    systems that allow remote scheduling of at least 2 levels (e.g.
    full...incremental) of Mac backups.                                                               
    I'm especially interested in any VMS appletalk implementations.               
    Jeff Senn                                     Arpa: Senn@Psy.cmu.edu          
    Research/Systems Programmer                                                   
    Psychology, Carnegie Mellon                   (412) CMU-SKY1                  


Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 13:21 CST
From: <BERNSTEI%TAMODP.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Network task to task communication b/n Mac and VAX?

I'm looking for a product which allows task-to-task communication (not just
file transfer) between a MAC and a VAXcluster. I'm creating a Hypercard front
end for a VAX-resident non-SQL database. I'm aware of SQL based databases that
now come with Hypercard links, but changing our database is currently not an
option. Instead I am looking for networking software with an API.

I've identified TSSnet and CommUnity as possibilities for task-to-task
communication via DECnet. Has anyone used the programming interface for these
product? If so, what were your experiences? How well did it work, how easy was
it to use, how was the technical support, what languages or products were used
for interfacing with it, and what limitations did it impose?

Can anyone suggest other products using DECnet or some other protocal
(i.e. TCP/IP)? I'd like to do the programming on the MAC side with Think's
Lightspeed C.

Anyone with experience with this type of programming, your insite and advice
for getting started on this project would be greatly appreciated.

Please respond directly and I will summarize.


Larry Bernstein                         BERNSTEIN@TAMODP          (BitNet)
Ocean Drilling Program      BERNSTEIN@ODPVAX.TAMU.EDU (InterNet)
Texas A&M University        409-845-4870              (Office Phone)


Date: Tue, 07 Nov 89 14:44:27 EST
From: Mark Seidenberg <INMK%MUSICB.MCGILL.CA@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: printing postscript files

On another bulletin board that I access, there is an archive of
documents that are formatted with post-script commands.  How do
I tell a Laserwriter to use these commands when printing out the
document?  I gather that this is easy to do in Unix--there's
a parameter on the lpr command.  But, what's a poor Mac to do?

Mark Seidenberg


Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 8:21:28 EST
From: Tom Coradeschi <tcora@pica.army.mil>
Subject: Problem Obtaining OzTeX via BITFTP

>  I have been unsuccessful obtaining OzTeX by ftp from tank.uchicago.edu.
>When I learned that those of us at Bitnet only sites could access ftp sites
>via the ftp server at PUCC, I tried the following message
>ftp tank.uchicago.edu
>user anonymous
>cd /pub/sources/OzTeX
>  and got a directory listing including "oztex".
>  When I tried changing "dir" to "get oztex", I got a message "not a plain
>file".  I've tried "get oztex/*" as well as "cd /pub/sources/OzTeX/oztex"
>followed by "dir", with no results.
>  Has anyone successfully ftp's OzTeX through the server at PUCC?  I'd
>appreciate any advice.
I'd suggest that the files you're trying to get are binaries. So, you need
to change to binary format ftp. Whether or not that can be done via BITNET
type mail messages, I don't really know for sure. But you can try adding one
line to your msg, ie:

ftp tank.uchicago.edu
user anonymous
cd /pub/sources/OzTeX
get file.name (add what you need here)

If there are multiple files, follow the 'binary' command with:
prompt (turns off file name prompting)
mget * (gets all files in that subdirectory)

>Alan H. Stein              | stein@uconnvm.bitnet
>Department of Mathematics  | stein%uconnvm.bitnet@mitvma.mit.edu
>University of Connecticut  | ...psuvax1!UCONNVM.BITNET!STEIN
>32 Hillside Avenue         |
>Waterbury, CT 06710        | Compu$erve  71545,1500
>(203) 757-1231             | GEnie       ah.stein

tom c

                       Electric Armaments Division        
      US Army Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center
                    Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000
                        ARPA: tcora@pica.army.mil
  UUCP: ...!{uunet,rutgers}!pica.army.mil!tcora  BITNET: Tcora@DACTH01.BITNET


Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 13:23 EST
From: Josh Smith <JBS92@swat.swarthmore.edu>
Subject: Readable Read Me files

   An even better way to distribute Read Me files or documentation is through
Take A Letter, a shareware program, the author of which eludes me. This
ingeneous utility transforms any text file (there's probably a maximum file
size, but it's not prohibitive) in to a double-clickable application, totally
eliminating the need for formatting troubles. It can't deal with graphics or
with font or style changes, but for plain information dispersal, it's hard to
| Reality: Josh Smith                   | "I swear, by my life                |
|Internet: JBS92@CAMPUS.SWARTHMORE.EDU  |  and my love of it,                 |
|  BITNet: JBS92@SWARTHMR.BITNET        |  that I will never live             |
|  USMail: Josh Smith '92               |  for the sake of another man,       |
|          Swarthmore College           |  nor ask another to live for mine." |
|          Swarthmore, PA  19081        |               -John Galt            |


Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 17:03 EST
From: Maurice Volaski <V050FN5R@ubvmsc.cc.buffalo.edu>
Subject: startupscreens on MacII

I downloaded several gif files from the archives. I used the giffer 1.03 
to convert them to startupscreens. When I statup, however, the pictures
do not look as they do in the Giffer. The colors are all washed out.

Any ideas what could be causing this?
What is the proper way to make a startupscreen on the Mac II?



Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 14:02:56 est
From: Rocky_Olive@dgc.mceo.dg.com
Subject: TeachText for documentation

CEO comments:
I agree with Mr. Robert J. Brenstein's comment that there should be a 
standard for program documentation.  TeachText does seem to be the 
most logical choice since it is free.  Edit would be my other choice. 
MacWrite and MS Word are not good choices because they are expensive 
word processers that not everyone has access to.
I don't know about the graphics abilities of TeachText, but 95% of 
the documentation out there doesn't have any.  I just wanted to say 
that.  :)  Maybe the info-mac moderators could try to establish 
something???  Please.  No flames.

CEO file contents:
.Rockford L. Olive......         <rocky_olive@dgc.mceo.dg.com>
..Data General Corp.....
...Technology  Drive....         #define PS2 NULL
....Apex,  NC   27502...         #define OS2 NULL
.....919/362-4800x5392..         #define MSWINDOWS NULL
......919/362-4914 home.         #define DISCLAIMER "It just slipped out."


Date: Tue, 07 Nov 89 11:59:37 EST
From: Jean Brunet <R31631%UQAM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Temperament 2

Someone told me that Temperament 2 could not eliminate the Word Temp files at
startup if one uses national systems (french etc). In order to make it work
you need to do the following:
1) Keep your system, finder, multifinder, drivers.... as it is... BUT.....
2) Use the English set of desk accessories. I would suspect (though I have not
verified it ) that using only the English Control Pannel would be enough.
For more information, do not hesitate to contact me. Jean.

******************************************                     **
* JEAN BRUNET                            *    QQQ QQQ QQQ   --------
* C.P. 8888, SUCC. 'A', MONTREAL, QC.    *         QQQ   --------------
* CANADA, H3C 3P8                        *        QQQ  R31631@UQAM.BITNET
* TEL: (514) 282-4897                    *       QQQ   ------------------
******************************************             ******************


Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 10:07:23 EST
From: rpk@goldhill.com
Subject: Why can't the Macintosh adopt a standard text output...

I asked before how one creates TeachText files with pictures and font
changes, but I never got a response.  I suspect that it's close to
MacWrite format, but I haven't bothered figuring it out.

ImageSave -- is that what came with BlackBox ?  I don't like it; even if
something is read-only, I'd like for my text to be treated as text,
not a big picture.  Besides, what if I don't *like* viewing online
documentation as an A4 piece of paper ?  I'd like a simple viewer with
mouseable intra-document links, a mildly structured view of sections,
adaptive on-screen formatting based on user-controllable window size, and
reasonable hardcopy.  Hmm, sounds like Hypercard would be the right
platform for documents that result in five or more printed pages...


Date: Tue, 07 Nov 89 08:53:39 MST
From: Bob Bolt <BBOLT%UALTAVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Wingz 3D graphs

I have been using Wingz for a while now and have found it to be quite
a good spreadsheet. However, one problem I am unable to resolve is in
creating 3 dimensional graphs for use in other applications. Wingz can
draw and print a wicked 3D graph, but I can't find a way to use it in
a page layout or word processing application. Exporting via the usual
methods (clipboard, scrapbook) cause all kinds of distortions - heavy
line weights, labels misaligned, etc.

Does anyone have any experience with this problem? I have heard that
others have successfully exported their charts. Any help would be

Bob Bolt                   Bitnet: BBOLT@UALTAVM
Instructional Tech Centre  CI$: 75410,2754
University of Alberta      AppleLink: BBOLT@UALTAVM.BITNET@DASNET#


Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 17:24 O
From: <IRMSCHER%DHDMPI5.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: XCMD and SwapMMUMode

Dear fellow Macers!

I have a problem with XCMDS: whenever I switch into 32 bit modus using
SwapMMUMode, I'm seeing the blue (by the way, I'm using MPW C).
TN#228 tells me I have to clean up the PC before doing this; this doesn't
seem to help. So, after days of re-booting - who can help me?

Thanx a lot
                Detlef Irmscher



Date: Mon, 06 Nov 89 04:03:59 CST
From: "Eric H. Romo" <UD069225@vm1.nodak.edu>
Subject: ZTerm 0.85 Sit

Here is the most current version of the first and only shareware implementation
of the ZModem protocol for the Macintosh.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/zterm-085.hqx; 206K]


Date: Tue, 7 Nov 89 08:30:06 CST
From: hallett@pet3.med.ge.com (Jeff Hallett x5163	)
Subject: {Why can't the Macintosh adopt a standard text output...}

Regarding std README-style documents...

A while ago there was an application called  TakeALetter.   Basically,
given    a   formatted   text  file,  it  allowed  one   to  create  a
double-clickable application   that  simply presented    the  original
document in  a  scrollable   window.  The  author   made  it  publicly
available and encouraged people to   do just  this, put their   README
documents into a "letter" and  distribute  it with their applications,
stax, etc.  The  obvious  advantage  is that  no  other application is
required to read  it  (all self-contained).    The  letters could even
print themselves.  

The question is, is TakeALetter still available somewhere?  If so, are
its letter applications Multifinder, MacII, etc. compatible?

If this approach still works, why not use it?

	     Jeffrey A. Hallett, PET Software Engineering
      GE Medical Systems, W641, PO Box 414, Milwaukee, WI  53201
	    (414) 548-5163 : EMAIL -  hallett@gemed.ge.com
     "Your logic was impeccable Captain. We are in grave danger."


End of Info-Mac Digest