[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V7 #202

Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (11/16/89)

Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 15 Nov 89       Volume 7 : Issue 202 

Today's Topics:
                      BlackBox Glitches - Me Too
                  CDEV to change LWFN files to xWFN
                      cheap appletalk file xfer?
                            DITL Question?
                             EMS Software
                             file authors
                           Floppy Disk Icon
                      help with icons for appls.
                       Info-Mac Digest V7 #198
          Information Electronics fonts samples (shareware) 
                           January 1, 1904
                       mail systems for mac/tcp
               Mounting AppleShare volumes for backup ?
                    Need hard disk backup program.
                News about Interferon and MandelColor
                      printing postscript files
                   Procedure Types in THINK Pascal
                           SCSI Saver cdev
               Using the same HD with Apple II and Mac

Your Info-Mac Moderators are Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files are in /info-mac/help.  Indicies are in
/info-mac/help/recent-files.txt and /info-mac/help/all-files.txt.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: Sat, 11 Nov 89 00:11:10 EST
From: DOUG JOHNSON - GEOGRAPHY  <djohnson@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca>
Subject: BlackBox Glitches - Me Too

Why not join the queue. I too have a problem with BlackBox.
I'm running multifinder with 2.5 Mb memory and a start-up 
application in my System Folder. Whenever I would click on the
applications (successfully) loaded into the BB strip, it would close
all open windows and intiate the start up application.

Andrew, are you listening? Its a great idea otherwise - I was
even prepared to use it on my SE :-).


Date: Sat, 11 Nov 89 11:35 CST
From: <CC_BRYSO%SWTEXAS.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: CDEV to change LWFN files to xWFN

I have a problem using ATM and creating postscript files (using MyPageSetUp or
cmd-F) in which the binary outline info is being included in the file.  I would
like to see if someone could write a cdev similar to "INIT cdev" so that LWFN
files in the system folder would be change to xWFN.  I could then use the
control panel device to "turn off" the outline fonts before issuing the print
command and "turn on" them after printing to the postscript file.  I have
manually used Disktop to change the "type" field in the above fashion and it
works beautifully but it would be a hassle to change all the neccessary files.
It would be better to have ON/OFF capabilities.  Maybe the author of "INIT
cdev" or someone more proficient then myself could modify his code to work on
LWFN and LWfn files and call it "LWFN INIT".

I have heard that ALdus Laserwriter driver lets you "toggle" whether outline
fonts are to be included, maybe someone could add this feature to the
LaserWriter driver like MyPageSetUp adds the Disk File check box.

I hope some proficient programmer is listening.  To mean it seems that "INIT
cdev" is doing what I want but just on the wrong resources (for my purpose
now).  I tried using RESEDIT on "INIT cdev" to change all references of INIT
and cdev to LWFN, etc...  My modified version shows nothing in the selection
box because the names of the resources are stored differently.

Bill Bryson
Southwest Texas State University


Date: 12 Nov 89 09:05 EST
From: science@NEMS.DT.NAVY.MIL (Mark Zimmermann)
Subject: cheap appletalk file xfer?

help! -- is there anything in the archives, or elsewhere available cheaply,
that I could use to transfer files from one Mac to another on a small
AppleTalk network (currently only used for laserwriter access from a few
machines) without running a big complex AppleShare or TOPS or other
file-server set-up?!  I know, I could use floppies, but there are times
when that isn't convenient or easy, and the net is there going to waste.
Is this simple/obvious?  Any help would be greatly appreciated!  - ^z
(science@nems.dt.navy.mil; [75066,2044] CompuServe)


Date: Mon, 13 Nov 89 06:52:11 PST
From: claris!drc@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Dennis Cohen)
Subject: DITL Question?

It is okay to have items overlap in a DITL and, yes that is one of the methods
which is commonly used to put the outline around the default button (also
used to frame groups of buttons).  The trick is to make sure that the item
that is in the background is disabled (the PICT in your case) and that the
user item appears before the PICT in the item list (i.e. it has a lower number).

Dennis Cohen
Claris Corp.
Disclaimer:  Any opinions expressed above are _MINE_!


Date: Mon, 6 Nov 89 09:43:12 EST
From: "Bret Ingerman 315-443-1114" <INGERMAN%SUVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: dos-mounter-demo.hqx

   Recently I sent a note describing DOS-Mounter, and INIT that allows the
SuperDrive to directly mount DOS disks on the desktop.  However, this being
my first upload to the archives, I goofed.  I think I have it right this time:

   Attached is the binhexed/stuffed version of the DOS Mounter demo.  Place
it in you system folder, and away you go.  DOS disks must have a volume name
of DEMO for the demo version of the init to work.  The Demo is courtesy
of Dayna Communications.  Also included in the upload is a documentation

Bret Ingerman                             INGERMAN@SUVM.bitnet
Microcomputer Consultant                ingerman@suvm.acs.syr.edu
Syracuse University
Academic Computing Services

[Archived as /info-mac/demo/dos-mounter.hqx; 58K]


Date: Sun, 12 Nov 89 22:52 EST
From: V141GXZN@ubvmsc.cc.buffalo.edu
Subject: EMS Software

	I am in search of information regarding EMS software.  This is 
for a small university based als unit.  Software for personnel,
training, and general record keeping is what we need the most.  (But
anything you want to send will be appreciated.)  Thanks in advance.

				Alex W. Lynn
Bitnet: v141gxzn@ubvms		Internet: v141gxzn@ubvmsc.cc.buffalo.edu


Date: Mon, 13 Nov 89 10:14:09 CST
From: hyde@ngstl1.csc.ti.com (Clint Hyde 343-7709 Strong Typing is for people with Weak Memories!)
Subject: file authors

Hi! can anyone tell me what programs (probably music progs) create files
with author =


 thanks! -- clint


Date: Sun, 12 Nov 89 23:17:41 EST
From: jstewart@rodan.acs.syr.edu (Ace Stewart [Jonathan III])
Subject: Floppy Disk Icon

Anytime I insert a floppy into the internal or external drive I
have with my MacSE, it shows an icon. Wow, novel statement. What
I want to know is where that icon comes from. I would like to
modify that floopy disk icon permanantly such that it is not so
boring as it is now, and things become more interesting. I've
searched high and low with ResEDIT, and have come up with nothing.
Can someone please tell me? Is it part of the ROM so it can't be
changed or am I missing it?

BTW, I'm trying to avoid using facade+ for this, as I already use
it. It is disk name specific and I would prefer that this be a
universal hardcoded modification.

		Reply direct please :-) Thanx!!  Ace

| Ace Stewart (Jonathan III)                             |A       /\       |
| Affiliation: Eastman Kodak Company. Rochester New York |      _/  \_     |
| Internet/ARPA: jstewart@rodan.acs.syr.edu              |      \_  _/     |
| Bitnet:        jstewart@sunrise.bitnet                 |        /\	  A|   


Date: Mon Nov  6 11:39:24 1989
From: "Erik R. Bleyl" <erb2x@babbage.acc.virginia.edu>
Subject: Golf-Analyst-1.0.hqx

Golf Analyst 1.0 is a FREEWARE stack.  If you like it please send me a line or
two about your favorite home golf courses and any suggestions you might have on
how to improve this product.  I have no dilusions of anyone sending in a 
shareware fee so save it for those green fees(besides graduate students don't 
need money).

Some of the features of Golf Analyst include

	- Calcuating USGA Handicaps
	- Drives in the Fairways Percentages
	- Sand Save percentages
	- Greens in regulation percentages
	- Two-putting percentages

All this from just filling in a score card.  Try it ..

Erik Bleyl

[Archived as /info-mac/hypercard/golf-analyst.hqx; 29K]


Date: Fri, 10 Nov 89 19:57:11 EST
From: dahbura@mcs.nlm.nih.gov (Tony S. Dahbura)
Subject: help with icons for appls.

Someone had written in on how to put their own icons instead of the finder's
default for an application.  Here are the steps:
You must have a unique 4 character creator id (if using Lightspeed Pascal or
C then enter these in the SET PROJECT TYPE dialog)  Now in your resource file
for the program create the following resources (these are RMaker formats)
APID 0   ;;APID is the 4 character (case sensitive value entered above)
0 128
0 128

APPL 0  ;;this means the application maps to icon #0

* now create the icon bitmap
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx  ;;the x's are hex digits that tell which
* bits are set for your icon the icon is 32 bits X 32 bits so that is how
* big the array is above.
* the next line defines the mask for the icon
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx  ;;there are 8 lines for the mask also
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

* that is it.  If you change the icon later with resedit or something
* then you will have to rebuild the desktop to see the new icon.  
-Hope this helps (it might be helpful to download one of the shareware or
PD resource decompilers and uncompile some applications that have their own
icons and look at the bitmaps. There are some in the info-mac archives)
-Tony Dahbura


Date: 12 Nov 89 21:57:50 GMT
From: ut-emx!chrisj@cs.utexas.edu (Chris Johnson)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V7 #198

Garry Feldman, Supervisor, CCSU Apple Computer Lab, writes about his
problems fighting viruses in a public access computer lab and mentions
a problem that forced him to abandon the Gatekeeper anti-virus system:

>I tried using gatekeeper, but programs such as Excel would not work.

Judging from this description, you need to use the current version of
Gatekeeper, 1.1.1.  It's been out since 26-June and can be found in the
sumex info-mac archives.  The problem, for the record, was in Excel - not
Gatekeeper.  Nonetheless, I coded around that problem (and a number of
others) in the interest of sparing people just the sort of problems you've 
experienced.  So give 1.1.1 a try - I think you'll find that it works well.

By the way, the Computation Center here at U.T. has installed Gatekeeper 
on all the Macs (33 of 'em) in its public access microcomputer lab, and found
it completely effective.

Of course, if users insist on starting Macs from their own disks, Gatekeeper
is effectively out of the picture.  In practice, though, we don't have much
trouble with that since (a) users tend to need software like the LaserWriter
driver and the UserInfo RDEV that tend to be unique to the disks we provide,
and (b) we scan the disks checked out to each user with Disinfectant 1.2 after
the user leaves - if we find the disks are infected, that student (whose ID
number was logged when they checked-in) is not allowed to use the facility
again until they've allowed us to clean their disks (we explain about viruses
and give them copies of Disinfectant and Gatekeeper at that time).

This approach has kept our lab completely clean, and has *dramatically* reduced
the number of viruses present in our user community.

Of course, this approach isn't possible in an unattended lab.  In that environ-
ment, you have to depend on automatic systems like Gatekeeper almost entirely.
And Gatekeeper works extremely well in such environments.  Even if some users
start Macs from their own, infected disks and thereby infect your lab's
Macs, Gatekeeper is still valuable since it will protect later users who
do startup from your disks from the viruses left behind by the other users.

I hope this helps,
----Chris (Johnson)
----Author of Gatekeeper


Date: Wed, 8 Nov 1989 11:24:46 CST 
From: wtcx@eagle.cnsf.cornell.edu (Tom Clodfelter)
Subject: Information Electronics fonts samples (shareware) 

			Date: Mon, 6 Nov 89
	From: wtcx@eagle.cnsf.cornell.edu (Tom Clodfelter)
			Subject: IE FONTS

I am posting this for a friend. The IE Fonts consist of two sample
shareware fonts.  The first, IE Cursive, it an example of how IE 
(Information Electronics, Ithaca, NY) can create a custom font from
your own handwriting.  The second is "The Book of Kells" font.  This
font is based on the Celtic "Book of Kells" and it a lot of fun.

-Thomas Clodfelter  wtcx@eagle.cnsf.cornell.edu

[Archived as /info-mac/font/information-electronics-samples.hqx; 178K]


Date: Sun, 12 Nov 89 00:50:35 -0500 (EST)
From: Jeffrey Joseph Barbose <jb28+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: January 1, 1904


It could be that that's the first year of the 1900's that was a leap year
(the year 1900 was not, because "19" is not divisible by 4 evenly).

It just may be that this date is far enough in the past to be useful, and to
avoid the extra century-div-4 calculation in the future (2000 will be a leap
year, and I suppose they just don't expect these machines to be around in



Date: Mon, 13 Nov 89 08:42:56 EST
From: sticklen@cpswh.cps.msu.edu (Jon Sticklen)
Subject: mail systems for mac/tcp

i am using a macII hooked to ether by the 
apple ether card. the ether connection 
is to a largely unix world. i am using
a tcp product to get to the sun 3 file
server (running sun os4). i can
login, and transfer files fine. 

question: is there a tcp-based mail
	system that would reside on the
	mac, and make use of its interface.
	of course what i want is for the
	mail system to run off to my mail
	file on the unix server and bring
	in new mail. i would prefer keeping all
	my mail folders however on the mac once

	if there is nothing that is tcp/based,
	then is there anything at all. 

any pointers will be welcome. 



Date: Mon, 13 Nov 89 11:18:16 CST
From: GA0095%SIUCVMB.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu (Robert J. Brenstein)
Subject: Mounting AppleShare volumes for backup ?

Does anybody there in the netland knows whether and/or how one can mount an
AppleShare volume while the server is running without restarting it?  And then
unmount it (the Desktop Manager seems to keep open files on Appleshare volumes
all the time)?  We got a removable disk drive and I would like to let users
use it for backup purposes, which would require me to mount a disk at user
request.  So far I have been unable to do so.  Could a network backup utility
(like DiskFit, for example) be used to write to a predefined non-server volume
on the server (these are easy to mount and unmount) without opening access
to other server volumes (as Timbuktu does)?  Any ideas anybody?

Robert (GA0095@SIUCVMB.Bitnet)


Date: Sat, 11 Nov 89 15:19 EST
From: Clark M. Baker <cmb@vallecito.scrc.symbolics.com>
Subject: Need hard disk backup program.

[My reply to Rocky_Olive@dgc.mceo.dg.com was returned due to mailer
lossage so the rest of you have/get to see this.]

I have used DiskFit (current version is around 1.5) for 2 years and been
happy.  I do backups from a 40 Mb hard disk to 800K floppies and now do
backups from a 40 Mb hard disk to a 40 Mb partition on a 140 Mb hard
disk.  If your goal is, after the backup, to have the backup contain the
same information as the source with as little disk swapping as possible,
DiskFit is for you.  I believe that it will handle 1.4 Mb floppies and
also certain cartridge tape drives.

DiskFit will also format the disks as it goes, will estimate how many
more disks it will need, and will indicate the next disk number you
should be ready to insert while it is writing the current one.  Since I
have two floppy drives, I can keep it going full tilt.  You can abort a
backup part way through and it doesn't get confused.  You can say that a
particular disk is missing and it doesn't get confused.


Date: Mon, 13 Nov 89 08:37:20 EST
From: dmg@lid.mitre.org (David Gursky)
Subject: News about Interferon and MandelColor

Robert Woodhead posted the following to Virus-L.  It is of interest to many
Info-Mac readers...

Date:    Fri, 10 Nov 89 22:17:27 +0000
>From:    biar!trebor@uunet.uu.net (Robert J Woodhead)
Subject: Interferon & The Vision Fund (Mac)

On behalf of the Vision Fund, I would like to thank everyone who has sent
in a Shareware donation for use of the Interferon program.  We have
collected a substantial amount of money that has gone to good use.

Now I have a request:  Please don't send in any more money!  Interferon
is now an obsolete program; Shareware programs like Disinfectant and
commercial programs like (plug, I wrote it) Virex are faster and better.
In addition, I've been told by my accountants that the informal structure
of the Vision Fund can cause me some tax problems if too much more money
comes in.

Therefore, I declare both Interferon and MandelColor (another Vision Fund
program) to be Freeware.  After a certain date, any cheques received made
out to the Vision Fund will be returned.  Any cash sent in, or cheques made
out to Yours Truly, will be spent on wooing women.

- --
Robert J Woodhead, Biar Games, Inc.   !uunet!biar!trebor | trebor@biar.UUCP
Announcing TEMPORAL EXPRESS.  For only $999,999.95 (per page), your message
will be carefully stored, then sent back in time as soon as technologically
possible.  TEMEX - when it absolutely, postively has to be there yesterday!


Date: Mon, 13 Nov 89 9:17:22 EST
From: Tom Coradeschi <tcora@pica.army.mil>
Subject: printing postscript files

>On another bulletin board that I access, there is an archive of
>documents that are formatted with post-script commands.  How do
>I tell a Laserwriter to use these commands when printing out the
>document?  I gather that this is easy to do in Unix--there's
>a parameter on the lpr command.  But, what's a poor Mac to do?
There are two simple methods which come to mind. If you have MicroSoft Word
3.XX or ?4.? you can format the document as PostScript. Select the entire
doc, then select "Styles" while holding down the shift key. Select
"PostScript" and you're ready to send the doc off to the LaserWriter. If you
don't use Word, perhaps your particular WP application will support
PostScript formatting. If that doesn't work, check the info-mac archives.
There's a utility there called "SendPS". It is freely distributed by Adobe,
and will allow you to download PostScript files directly to your LaserWriter.
I believe the latest version of this is SendPS 2.0.

>Mark Seidenberg
tom c

ARPA: tcora@pica.army.mil     BITNET: Tcora@DACTH01.BITNET
UUCP: ...!{uunet,rutgers}!pica.army.mil!tcora


Date: Sun, 12 Nov 89 21:05:55 EST
From: siegel@harvard.harvard.edu (Rich Siegel)
Subject: Procedure Types in THINK Pascal

Procedure types don't exist in Pascal as declared types; however, procedures
can be passed as parameters to other procedures or functions, as in

	function Compare(a, b : Ptr;
			FUNCTION CompareFunc(a, b : Ptr): Boolean) : Boolean;

Another way to dynamically bind procedure calls at runtime is to use Object
Pascal, which is supported in THINK Pascal version 2.0.

It is also possible to call a routine pointed to by a variable of type ProcPtr:

	procedure CallMyProc(arg1 : Type1; arg2 : Type2; ...; proc : ProcPtr);
	INLINE $205F, $4E90; {movea.l (sp)+, a0 ;  jsr (a0)}

This would allow you to take the address of a different routine at runtime,
assuming that it has the same interface as CallMyProc (less the last


 Rich Siegel
 Staff Software Developer
 Symantec Corporation, Language Products Group
 Internet: siegel@endor.harvard.edu
 UUCP: ..harvard!endor!siegel

"There is no personal problem which cannot be solved by sufficient
application of high explosives."



Date: Mon, 6 Nov 89 10:07:02 +0100
From: Roland Mansson <roland@dna.lth.se>
Subject: ResCicn1.0b4.Hqx

ResCicn version 1.0b4

Designed and programmed by Frederic Miserey
	13, boulevard Pasteur
	51100 Reims
This is version 1.0b4 of ResCicn, which is a color icon editor,
composed of a set of resources that you must copy in ResEdit.
Copy even the picker & the ldef as Apple's are quick and dirty).
You may use it even if you don't have Color QuickDraw.

[Archived as /info-mac/tech/rescicn-10b4.hqx; 42K]


Date: Mon, 6 Nov 89 21:25:23 EST
From: gall@nexus.yorku.ca (Norm Gall)
Subject: SCSI Saver cdev

SCSI Saver

Parks your SCSI drive's heads when you walk away from your machine.

A screen blanker for your drives.

[Archived as /info-mac/cdev/scsi-saver.hqx; 13K]


Date: Wed, 8 Nov 89 18:27:57 CST
From: rs.miller@pro-harvest.cts.com (Randy Miller)
Subject: Using the same HD with Apple II and Mac

  I am posting this to Info-Apple, as well as Apple IIDTS ansd Info-Mac.  I
have need to have both ProDOS and Mac HFS to reside on 2 different partitions
on the same hard drive.  I currently have an Apple IIGS with an Apple 20SC
hard drive formatted under GS/OS 1.0 (System Disk 4.0) divided into 2 logical
drives.  What I need to know is 1) can the 2 OS'es coexist on the same drive
2) what software is needed to set up the partitions so they don't conflict,
and 3) how can both engines share the same drive?  Any help would be greatly
Randy Miller
Follett Software Co
McHenry, IL 60050
800-323-3397 ext. 230


End of Info-Mac Digest