[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V8 #39

Info-Mac-Request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu (The Moderators) (02/27/90)

Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 26 Feb 90       Volume 8 : Issue  39 

Today's Topics:
                             _Launch 2.0
                          assorted questions
                        Best Hardware/Software
                DOS for Macintosh: Summary of Replies
       filenames? paths? vrefnums? vpathnums? arrrgrggrhhhhh!!!
      Lisa 2/Mac XL in the UK ? (Was: "Escaped Lisas for Sale.")
                     Listserv-Punch reformatter.
                   Looking for Doppleganger program
                     Mac+ Stuck on Reset(SUMMARY)
                          Mac 3D-3D graphics
                               Mac IIxi
                           Macs and writing
                         My TeXtures posting
              Power Supplies in Platinum Mac Pluses    
                            Reset on Mac+
                     SuperClock 3.8 bug? solution
                   TCP/IP & Imagewriter II in color
                    Test page on LaserWriter IInt
              Using Floppies on All Macs (512KE to IIcx)
               VIP78xx (from Honeywell Bull) on the Mac
                           Virus Infections
                       Xref utility for Pascal

Your Info-Mac Moderators are Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files are in /info-mac/help.  Indicies are in
/info-mac/help/recent-files.txt and /info-mac/help/all-files.txt.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: Mon,  5 Feb 90 14:41:46 -0500 (EST)
From: "Michael A. Libes" <ml10+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: _Launch 2.0

_Launch 2.0 is a Multifinder "Icon Dock" for your Macintosh.  It is similar to
the BlackBoxINIT and the Application Dock on the NeXT machine except that
_Launch is a fully Multifinder compatible program, without all the problems
of incompatibilities caused by INITs and CDEVs.

Version 2.0 adds many new features:

Desk Accessories are installable.
Icons can represent files.
>From 1 to 48 icons can be shown in the customizable window.
Icons can be chosen from any file and edited without ResEd.
The program still runs in a 48K partition.
Plus more...

_Launch is Shareware, give it to all your friends, post it anywhere you please.

[Archived as /info-mac/util/launch-20.hqx; 49K]


Date: Wed, 21 Feb 90 08:39 EST
From: <CHLAMY%CTSTATEU.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: assorted questions

I have three completely unrelated questions:
1)Does anyone know of a program called MacClade?  If so, I would appreciate
information on how to obtain a copy

2)We have a small AppleShare network which is used by our students.  There
are times that I would like to have announcements go out to all users.  Is
there a program that will show messages whenever they sign onto the network?

3)I have noted some questions about the Print Monitor; I have had a minor
problem with it when using manual feed.  The 'Starting printing ' message
appears, but nothing gets printed.  When I look at the Print Monitor I find
that it is waiting for me to verify the Print command; as soon as I do so
everything proceeds.

4) (So I lied about 3 questions)  I would very much appreciate a step-by-step
description of how to access the archives, look at them, upload and download.
Our mainframe people seem to no nothing about FTP or listservers, or so they
claim.  What do we need in terms of software and *exactly* what commands are

My thanks to anyone with answers to some or all of these questions

Mike Adams
Biology Dept.
Willimantic CT 06226
(203) 456-5305


Date: Tue, 20 Feb 90 13:55 CDT
From: <ACSJNF%DEPAUL.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Best Hardware/Software

Hello everyone out in Net-land,

        I'll come straight to the point.  I'm looking for the best way and
        cheapest way (best takes preference) of connecting a HP LaserJet
        Series II to an IBM compatible (Zenith 386/20 most likely) and a
        Mac (IIcx, 80MB/4MB).

        This is for a combination Computer Services/Audio-Visual Services
        we are forming here at the university.  Functions of this unit
        will include classroom presentations, publications, graphics, data
        extraction/conversion, multimedia presentations, courseware, and
        visual/audial presentations to effectively support teaching and

        The initial software packages we are thinking of buying are:
                                Adobe Illustrator
                                Adobe Type Manager
                                Aldus Persuasion
                                Aldus Freehand
                                WordPerfect 5.1 [IBM]

        If anyone has any suggestions or runs a similar program, I 'd like
        hear from them, preferably via personal mail.

*       Joel N. Fischoff                BITNET:         ACSJNF@DEPAUL        *
*       DePaul University               AppleLink:      U0856                *
*       Chicago, IL                     Academic Computer Services           *


Date: Tue, 20 Feb 90 17:08:15 PLT
From: Joshua Yeidel <YEIDEL%WSUVM1.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: DOS for Macintosh: Summary of Replies

A few days ago I asked:

>Is there anybody out there who has experience with DOS cards for the Mac
>II?  Are they easy to live with, acceptable in performance, reliable, etc.?

All the replies I got discussed not DOS cards, but SoftPC, a software DOS
emulator.  I think this speaks well for the emulator, and poorly for the
price/performance of the cards.  You might think differently.

Here, edited for brevity, are the replies I received (all conceivable
disclaimers probably apply):

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>From:     Kevin 'fractal' Purcell <KPURCELL@LIVERPOOL.AC.UK>

There is a product out there called SoftPC which makes the Mac run like
a MessyDOS machine. Seemed to run most software (reviews in macWorld and
mac user). Not dramatically fast but better than an XT.

Needs a '030 to run so buy a se/30, iix, iic etc.

Hope this is of some use.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>From:      "Bret Ingerman 315-443-1114" <INGERMAN@SUVM>

   Regarding DOS cards for the Mac:  I don't use a DOS card, but I do use
a product called SoftPC.  This program makes your Mac emulate a 8088 IBM
XT.  It is somewhat slow, but then again it is doing all translations on
a software only basis.  The cost is around $150, much cheaper than most
of the DOS boards.  It emulates CGA mode (with color on an RGB monitor),
and also can make the Mac mouse act like a Microsoft mouse.  I am very
happy with it, but you need to decide if you will be using Mac software
more than DOS software.  If you will be using DOS more, than I would buy
a cheap XT or AT clone (in addition to the mac :-) )

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>From: demarsee@gamera.cns.syr.edu (Darryl E. Marsee)

 I don't have any experience with the DOS cards, but I do have and
 use SoftPC, which is a software-only emulation of a PC/XT with CGA
 graphics on the Mac.  I have found it to be extrememly easy to live
 with, rock-solid reliable (everything I've tried to run under it
 [SAS, for example] works just as it would on a PC/XT), and acceptable
 (for me) in performance (1.4 on the Norton Utilities).  If you have
 an FDHD drive, SoftPC will use it to read in either 720K or 1.4M 3.5"
 DOS disks, otherwise you'll have to buy a Dayna drive or something
 else out there that can read DOS disks.  SoftPC has built in converters
 to take whatever you print to LPT1: and print it out on the printer you
 have chosen in the Mac Chooser, gives you access to the COM1: port as
 the Mac modem port, and also allows you to create DOS hard disks that
 reside as Mac files on any Mac volume you have mounted.

 All-in-all, a lot of bang for the buck; I recommend it if you need DOS
 access from the Mac and don't need blazing performance (for that, look
 at one of the cards that you mentioned before).

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>From: lindahl@evax.arl.utexas.edu (Charlie Lindahl)

I have purchased SOFT PC for my mac (educational price $125). It runs most
everything OK; even LOTUS 1-2-3! under multifinder.


1) Only supports CGA graphics (yuck!)
2) Takes up to 1.5M of RAM in MULTIFINDER.

If you're doing non-graphics applications, or don't need better than
CGA, then this could be a viable option.

Take this with a grain of salt; I am no longer a DOS user.  :-)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In article <5-9002150108.AA09004@sumex-aim.stanford.edu> you write:
>1) Is there anybody out there who has experience with DOS cards for the
>Mac II?  Are they easy to live with, acceptable in performance, reliable,

I suggest you check out SoftPC by Insignia Solutions Inc. It is a
software package that emulates an IBM PC/XT. It runs on a Mac IIx,
IIcx or SE/30. No extra hardware required. It is a really nice package
which works much better than a PC-board I tried out for the Mac II.
SoftPC hasn't let me down yet, but the PC-board failed to run some
software we tried.

Insignia Solutions is at
254 San Geronimo Way
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Phone (408) 522-7600
FAX (408) 733-9541
AppleLink D1437

You can probably get SoftPC at any software retailer, though.

Good luck,
Per Danielsson		UUCP: pd@sics.se (or ...!enea!sics!pd)
Swedish Institute of Computer Science
PO Box 1263, S-164 28 KISTA, SWEDEN
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Date: Wed, 21 Feb 90 11:21:36 CST
From: UC445252%UMCVMB.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: filenames? paths? vrefnums? vpathnums? arrrgrggrhhhhh!!!

Just when you finally get the hang of handles and managers, windows and
dialogs, resources and grafports, programming the mac throws you ANOTHER
curve ball... handling files!!!

Here's the deal LSP2.0 gives me sfgetfile, sfputfile, newfilename, and
oldfilename. Two of these require full paths, two require a filename and
a vrefnum. If I use sfgetfile and sfputfile, I don't have a path for use
openresfile (my data is in both forks).
However, if I use newfilename and oldfilename I won't have a vrefnum to use
in creating and writing to the file (I could use rewrite and close, but then
I can only have a type TEXT with creator JOHN which is no good).

Is there a way to convert from vrefnum to paths? Paths to vrefnum? Am I
missing something basic? I would also like to be able to scan for my files in
a given folder, but I won't push my luck, I've heard this is in one of the
Inside Mac's I don't have.

Please someone give me a hint before I go nuts!

Thanx in advance (PPDTMAIWSFTN)


            (this space intentionally left blank)

(* const PPDTMAIWSFTN = 'Please post directly to me and I will summerize for
                         the net.'  *)


Date: Wed, 21 Feb 90 10:33:45 BST
From: Keith Wolstenholme <KEITH%A.SALFORD-SOFTWARE-SERVICES.CO.UK@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Lisa 2/Mac XL in the UK ? (Was: "Escaped Lisas for Sale.")

Via: UK.AC.EARN-RELAY ; Fri, 14 Apr 89 08:16:21 GMT
ws@cup.protal.com writes:
>A recent story bemoaned the destruction of unsold Lisas at the hand
>of a cold cruel Apple Computer which found it cheaper to dump them in
>a landfill than get rid of them some other way. Well, i received a
>catalog from "Comb Liquidators" ($19 gold chains, 300-baud modems and
>such) this week that offers a Lisa 2/Mac XL package with 1MB RAM,
>a 10MB hard drive, and MacWrite and MacPaint for $999. Looks like at
>least some Lisas escaped their fate.

I vaguely remember a story along these lines in the UK computer press.
Some company had bought a stock of Lisa 2/Mac XL's and was selling them
at knock down prices.

This sounds interesting, unfortunately I can't find the article or
remember the suppliers details. Do any "netters" in the UK remember the
article or know the supplier ??

Please send any info direct to me on KEITH@UK.AC.SALFORD.SYSD.



JANET  keith@uk.ac.salford.sysd
ARPA:  keith@sysd.salford.ac.uk
PHONE: +44 61 737 7010
POST:  3-S, Computer Centre, Salford University, Salford, M5 4WT, U.K.


Date: Mon, 5 Feb 90 14:07 EDT
From: <PJORGENS%COLGATEU.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu> (Peter Jorgensen)
Subject: Listserv-Punch reformatter.


Marc Dionne of Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres wanted a program for his
Mac to convert ListServ-Punch files to normal text.  It just so happens that I
wrote such a program in THINK Pascal, and then (believe it or not) ported to
HyperTalk. so:

Here is DePunch.HQX a binhexed/stuffed HyperCard stack which transforms
ListServ-Punch format files to standard text files.

Peter Jorgensen
Microcomputer specialist
Colgate University - Hamilton, NY 13346
AppleLink - U0523
tel - 315-824-1000 ext 742

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/listserv-punch-reformatter.hqx; 35K]


Date: Tue, 20 Feb 90 12:54 EDT
From: RUOPLAND%VASSAR.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu
Subject: Looking for Doppleganger program

Greetings all,

I am looking for information on or leading to the program called Doppleganger.
It is a fileserver security kind-of program. Any help will be greatly

Russ Opland
Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, NY


Date: 21 Feb 90 11:48:00 CST
From: "Dr F J Van Wetering" <fjvanwet@zeus.unomaha.edu>
Subject: Mac+ Stuck on Reset(SUMMARY)

Earlier I had posted a question on the net concerning my MacPlus which was constantly resetting.  Here is a summary of the responses.  As soon as I find out which solution works, I will post it.

Most responses pointed to the power supply.  I failed to mention that the power supply was replaced earlier, and I have a Kensington SystemSaverMac on the machine now.  In addition, the symptoms occur sporadically, and not when the machine "warms up" (i
 never gets as hot as it used to prior to the SystemSaverMac).  

A more insightful solution came from Dave Platt.  He suggested that the power supply may be incorrectly adjusted, stating "not all
technicians remember to tweak the voltage margins after upgrading a
machine or adding memory or additional hardware."  This opinion was shared by Craig Hollabaugh, who wrote "I had the same problem with my plus after I installed some additional memory.  You need to adjust the +5 power supply voltage to +4.85-4.95 range.
 That will do it."

Other common responses pointed to loose SIMMs, and/or loose wires inside the machine itself.  Finally, an explanation that most appropriately is filed under "Murphy's Law: Corollary" came from Blaise Frederick:
"We had a similar problem where I used to work - a Fat Mac was upgraded to a Plus, and would go into these reboot cycles occasionally, usually after being lightly jostled.  It turns out that the Mac+ motherboard sometimes doesn't quite fit into the Fat 
ac case; specifically, some part of the holder for the board leans against the reset switch inside of the Mac (the little button that the plastic thing you put on the side actually presses).  The solution, barbaric as it may be, was to file down the pie
e of plastic that pushed against the button.  The problem went away and never returned."

So, thanks to all of you who responded.  The repairman will now get my MacPlus, since I have no experience in voltage and/or electronics, and I prefer to have an authorized technician digging around in my Mac.

Dr. Francis J.  Van Wetering           BITNET: FJVANWET@UNOMA1
Management Information Systems       INTERNET: FJVANWET@UNOMAHA.EDU
University of Nebraska at Omaha         VOICE: (402) 554-2814


Date: Tue, 20 Feb 90 16:07 CST
From: <NH2031S%DRAKE.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Mac 3D-3D graphics

I've got a faculty member who wanted to use Mac3D from Challenger Software
in his curriculum next semester.  Problem is we can't find a distributor,
and he can't get ahold of them at their old? phone numbers in Chicago.  He
was last in contact with them last fall '89.

If anyone knows anything about Challenger Software would you drop me a line.

On the same note, this faculty member is using the 3D program for a stage
design course.  If anyone has any recommendations for a 3D program for theater
stage set design, I'd appreciate any info.  Please respond to me directly.
If I get enough response, I'll summarize to the net.

Nicholas L. Hayes
(Microcomputer Support Specialist)
Drake University
BITNET:  nh2031s@drake
ALINK:   A0150


Date: Wed, 21 Feb 90 09:06:42 SST
From: ISSTTH%NUSVM.BITNET@ricevm1.rice.edu
Subject: Mac IIxi

OK Folks. I have read about this in ComputerWorld, so don't Apple sue
me or waste resources finding this leak.
Seems that the IIxi will be a high end model to be introduced in
March 1990. The only detail disclosed is that it will house a 68040 chip.
Now judging by press releases from Motorola, the minimum speed is 25Mhz going
all the way to 50Mhz.
At 25Mhz, it is rated at 19MIPS or 3.5 Mflops. Faster than the Sparc or
the 486. If this is true, finally the Mac folks can talk back to
the PC dodos in their own terms - and win. On top of which is of course
the User Interface, which was won in 1984.
Anyway, I post this to ask for feelers, since I know many people are unhappy
about Apple and its wierd row-boat directions. Wonder why they bought a cray
and came up with lead acid batteries!!!
Maybe we should start defining in black and white what we users want in a Mac
h/w and s/w from the lowest-end model to the highest-end.
If I get enough response, I would compile a comprehensive report
and post it to the list.
For starters the low-end model.
It should be cheap and directly compete with PC clones and Amigas. It must be
fast, luggable, and have color. The minimum must be a 16Mhz 68030 chip with
32 bit quickdraw.

what say you folks?


Date: 21 Feb 90 11:54:00 EST
From: mccowan@ccf3.nrl.navy.mil
Subject: Macs and writing

Word processors make writing easier.  They also can be abused.
The most common word processor abuse is too much cutting and
pasting of phrases and sentences when the entire paragraph should have been
rewritten in the first place.  Often the result of excessive
cut and paste is disjointed text that doesn't read smoothly.  Some
of my professors called this "word processor disease".

Maybe the Mac is more susceptable to this malady because cut, copy and
paste is so easy.

In any case, it is ridiculous to blame writing skills or lack of them
on computer.  The writer, and those who taught him, are at fault.  

I don't consider myself a good writer, and certainly I have been guilty
of word processor disease in the past.  I don't blame my Mac for it.
After all, I can more easily correct the problems with my Mac too.

Bob McCowan


Date: Tue, 20 Feb 90 15:56 CST
From: <NBEHR%ECNCDC.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: My TeXtures posting

About a week ago I posted a note about TeXtures, in which I claimed that
educational price was around $100. Well, times change: it *was* $79 when
I bought it almost 2 years ago. Charley Kneifel just sent me a letter in
which he says the current educational discount price is $395, and $240 if
bought in a 10-pack. There must be something wrong with the BlueSky people.
Since I didn't have to pay for my upgrades (all the way to 1.2), I assumed
that the current prices were not much higher. Sorry if this caused major
confusion and raised false hopes. Mea maxima culpa. Eric Behr (NBEHR@ECNCDC)


Date: 21 Feb 90  1030 PST
From: Tovar <TVR%CCRMA-F4@sail.stanford.edu>
Subject: Power Supplies in Platinum Mac Pluses    

    Do the power supplies in the latest generation of mac pluses, have
    enough power left to power a internal HD or am I asking for trouble. How
    much spare power, if any, do they have?

I would be surprised if they didn't.  HOWEVER, i'm at all not so sure about
cooling!  Personally, i certainly wouldn't recommend installing any heat
generating device to a MacPlus without installing at least a temperature
actuated fan.  Note that given the efficiency of most power supplies, the
supply itself will generate about as much additional heat as your device.  
At that point, you may as well have an SE (at least in terms of noise).

What i would recommend doing instead is to get an external hard drive
enclosure, which usually includes a power supply, which in our area are
available for 60-100 US$.  You'll have all the fun(?) of trying to get
a generic SCSI drive to run on a MacPlus, without increasing the chances
of overheating related disorders.  You may be less likely to drop an
external disk, both from a psychological standpoint and because it'll be
lighter.  By the way, getting it to boot is where having a `platinum'
MacPlus might help, as its ROM code is (usually) a little less buggy.

			-- Tovar

P.S. I'm still trying to get an address for Leo Drizis (re: SCSI driver
fixes).  Help would be appreciated.


Date: Tue, 20 Feb 90 09:13:14 PST
From: doug@nisd.cam.unisys.com (Doug Hardie)
Subject: Reset on Mac+

I have encountered the same reset problem on a Mac+.  However, my problem
was tracable to a DA, MacServe, that had somehow corrupted itself.  I
was able to fix the problem by replacing the DA - somewhat painful, or by
replacing the entire system file - significantly easier.

-- Doug


Date: Tue, 20 Feb 90 22:01:18 EST
From: perez@andromeda.rutgers.edu (William Perez)
Subject: SuperClock 3.8 bug? solution

In Info-Mac Digest V8 #34, Scott McGuire writes:
Subject: Superclock 3.8 bug?

>Hello...  I was wondering if anyone else had noticed this.  I think Superclock
>3.8 interferes with switch-launching to Multifinder (i.e. option-command-
>double click on the Multifinder icon to run it), in that my system crashes
>everytime I try to do this and have Superclock running.

I had noticed this problem also when ever I tried to switch launch with 
ToMultifinder 3.02 available in the archives so I switched back to 
SuperClock 3.6.  Recently obtaining a copy of Multifinder 6.1a2, I realized
that I had left SuperClock 3.8 on without a problem!  There might be some
problem with Multifinder 6.0.4 and below (which is what I was using).
There was a discussion of this on comp.sys.mac but nobody had a solution.  
but I'm glad to offer mine. By the way, does anyone have the newer
versions of Multifinder?  I hear it's in beta version now. 
<>William Perez           <>  Internet:  perez@andromeda.rutgers.edu        <> 
<>RPO 0043 POBox 5063     <>  GEnie:  W.PEREZ1                              <>
<>New Brunswick, NJ 08903 <>  America Online:  WilliWonka                   <>


Date: 20 Feb 90 10:57:00 CDT
From: "Grootwassink, David" <grootwass@tawc1.eglin.af.mil>
Subject: TCP/IP & Imagewriter II in color

      I have two questions that you net-landers may be able to help me with.

      1)  Are there any Ethernet TCP/IP implementations out there?

      2)  Has anyone devised a way to print yellow on an Imagewriter II
          without getting black smears (yes I've tried cleaning the print head)

                                            Thanks Alot,
						 - Dave

  Lt. Dave Grootwassink                      USAF Tactical Air Warfare Center
PHONE: (904)882-4100      AUTOVON 872-4100
       (904)882-4600              872-4600


Date: Thu, 15 Feb 90 8:26:52 EST
From: Tom Coradeschi <tcora@pica.army.mil>
Subject: Test page on LaserWriter IInt

=	I just got a LaserWriter IInt and want to disable the test page.
=In the manual it says you can do this by changing the POSTSCRIPT
=paramters.  Does any one know how to do this.
Use the SendPS utility (or MS Word, or miniWRITER, or whatever) to send the
following PostScript commands to the printer:

serverdict begin 0 exitserver
statusdict begin false setdostartpage end

To turn startup pages back on, send:

serverdict begin 0 exitserver
statusdict begin true setdostartpage end

=	Please send replies to:
=		rmourant@lynx.northeastern.edu
=	Thanks.  This will save a great deal of paper!
Yes, it does save lots of paper...

tom c


Date: Tue, 20 Feb 90 12:37 EST
From: The Blue Adept <KSBOLDUAN%AMHERST.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu>
Subject: Using Floppies on All Macs (512KE to IIcx)

Anybody else ever experience something like this:

If I format an 800k disk on my SE/30, it will be unreadable by a 512KE.
Sometimes it gives me the "This is not a Macintosh Disk" message and asks me to
reinitialize. However, when I put the same disk back in my SE/30 it works just
fine. For Plusses, it's not quite as bad, but there are still problems. The
same disk will sometimes say that "This Disk Needs Minor Repairs" and then it
can't make the Desktop and spits out the disk. Some disks will showup on the
desktop, but then the individual files will be corrupted (The great error from
Word 4.0 states that "Serious Disk Problems in filename.") But, of course, the
same disk will work just fine in an SE. Has anyone else experienced this? It
seems that a disk formatted in the lowest computer will work in all of them,
but those formatted in my SE/30 or a IIcx won't be readable at all by the 512KE
and only marginally by the Mac Plus. Is there any way around this? Does this
have something to do with the different ROMS in the computers? (And if so, it
seems odd of Apple to not allow the disks that hold the same amount of
info-they're all 800k HFS disks-to work in different computers depending on
where they originated!)

Thanks for any insights into this problem. Please e-mail directly and I'll
summarize for the net.

Kevin Bolduan '91 Amherst College


Date: 21 Feb 90 10:36 EST
From: Starling@dca-ems.dca.mil
Subject: VIP78xx (from Honeywell Bull) on the Mac

A few weeks ago a request for information concerning VIP78xx emulation on
the Mac was submitted.  I am not a Mac user, so I waited to see if someone
with more Mac knowledge than I, would reply with information about a product
specifically for the Mac.  I have seen nothing, so I'll see if I can help.

Thomas Engineering Company, Concord CA, (415) 680-8640, markets a line of
hardware based protocol converters that support a number of IBM, Honeywell
Bull, and UNISYS protocols, including VIP 78xx.  There are models designed for
direct connection of an ASYNC RS232 type terminal (or PC emulating an ASYNC
terminal) as well as for connecting PCs over an ethernet LAN using TCP/IP.
In a recent Air Force procurement for workstations, Honeywell Federal Systems
Inc bid a version of this device to be used with a Mac to provide VIP 77xx
protocol emulation.

This is a somewhat expensive solution for a single Mac, but if several Macs in
a shop require VIP 78xx emulation, it may be feasible.

DISCLAIMER--Neither my employer nor myself vouch for the reliability/usability
of the Thomas Engineering devices.  All of the above should be attributed to
me, not my employer.

Dave Starling


Date: Wed, 21 Feb 90 09:04:54 PLT
From: Paul Brians <HRC$04%WSUVM1.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Virus Infections

We have a 50-station composition lab with SEs here at Washington State
University, in the English Department.  After discovering a WDEF
infection, we purchased SAM for our file-servers and began scanning
all student floppies with the latest version of Disinfectant.

Every day we discover one or more infected with nVirA or B, or WDEF.
The local Kinko's hard disk was also infected.  Anyone one running
a public lab would be foolish not to take similar measures.


Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1990 7:36:04 PST
From: John Reed <reed@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
Subject: Xref utility for Pascal

I am looking for a cross-reference utility for LightSpeed Pascal
programs that cross-reference procedures/functions across units.  I need
something that lists for each procedure/function where the procedure
is called from (including the unit name) as well as what other procedures
it calls.  The same requirements exists for cross-referencing global
data structures.  The folks at Symantec aren't  aware of such a
utility, aside from the one in MPW (an insufficient solution for me), but
are interested in knowing if someone else knows of a utility like this.
Let me know if you have heard of anything like this.



End of Info-Mac Digest