[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V8 #40

Info-Mac-Request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu (The Moderators) (02/28/90)

Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 28 Feb 90       Volume 8 : Issue  40 

Today's Topics:
                  .Snd and .Pit program info needed
                         8751 Software on Mac
                        Adding Patterns to HC?
                         ALT-WDEF won't load
                      Answers to SIMM questions
                          Apple Lisa/Mac XL
                        backround downloading
                            BBS Software.
Diskfit backup using SyQuest removable HD, and problem with SUM shield
                  Dutch Dictionaries (FWP, MS Word)
                  Ejecting Floppies by Drive Number
                Followup on Datadesk MAC-101 Problems
               Getting trap vector inside trap Patch...
                     Is there Prolog for the Mac?
                       Memory upgrades : query
                   Problem converting GIF --> PICT
     Questions / Novell-AppleShare / MathType / eXodus-X-Windows
                          Remote Mac Access
                          ResEdit Templates
                   Sharing a LaserWriter with a PC?
                             SimCity help
                         Superclock! 3.8 bug

Your Info-Mac Moderators are Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files are in /info-mac/help.  Indicies are in
/info-mac/help/recent-files.txt and /info-mac/help/all-files.txt.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: Thu, 22 Feb 90 15:53 EST
From: <DOWLING%FORDMULC.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: .Snd and .Pit program info needed

 Dear NetLanders,
I recently became interested in MAC programming. I wanted to download some of
the goodies stored at MAC-SERVE@PUCC. Most I have working O.K. by using BinHex
and UnStuffIt. A couple others had .Snd and .Pit extensions after using BinHex
on them. I can't do anything w/the .Pit file and when I double click on the
icon it goes into ResEdit. I understand is this is the resource editor but why
should a sound effect file be calling it, and how is ResEdit used. I realize
these questions may not have simple answers so if someone could point me in the
direction of some helpful (preferably free) literature I'd greatly appreciate
                              Thanks in advance,
                                Brian Downing


Date: 22 Feb 90 09:13 +0000
From: DURTSCHIR%AC%CSC@csc.isu.edu
Subject: 8751 Software on Mac                                        

Howdy folks,
I'm looking for development software for the INTEL 8751 family
of micro-controllers that runs on the
For example, an assembler and emulation software.
Also, anyone using PROM burners on the Mac? Which ones?
If there is interest, I'll post a summary.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Bye for now,
Ralph Durtschi, ISU Vo-Tech Electronics Dept.
"Come-on Spring Time"                        


Date: Wed, 21 Feb 90 14:07 CST
From: <BERNSTEI%TAMODP.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Adding Patterns to HC?

Is there a way to add more patterns to the 40 already provided in Hypercard?

Larry Bernstein           BERNSTEIN@TAMODP (bitnet)
Ocean Drilling Program    BERNSTEIN@ODPVAX.TAMU.EDU (internet)
Texas A&M University


Date: Thu, 22 Feb 90 09:39:53 EST
From: Josh Hayes <JAHAYES%MIAMIU.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: ALT-WDEF won't load

Actually, sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.  This little
cdev customizes window title bars to let you shrink them to little
beensy icons; nice if you have a limited desktop (like on a plus,
se, or other of that ilk).  Trouble is, it has taken to actually
loading only about every fifth time I boot.  The icon shows up at
startup, indicating that it thinks it's there.  It's there in the
actual control panel.  It just doesn't activate; I get the same old
dreary windows as usual.  Anyone know what's going on?  I love the
idea--when it works!  Comment to me or the net.

Josh Hayes, Zoology, Miami University, Oxford OH 45056
jahayes@miamiu.bitnet or jahayes@miamiu.acs.muohio.edu
voice:  513-529-1679  fax:  513-529-6900


Date: Thu, 22 Feb 90 23:03:18 EST
From: Toshi_Shoji@ub.cc.umich.edu
Subject: Answers to SIMM questions

I wrote:
>> Date: Sun, 4 Feb 90 19:04:14 EST
 >> From: Toshi_Shoji@ub.cc.umich.edu
 >> Subject: SIMM questions
 >> I have an SE w/2.5MB.  Since the price of SIMMs became lower,
 >> I am considering to upgrade my memory to 4MB.  I got the current
 >> SIMMs from Canon Sales in Tokyo in December '88.  (Since no 
 >> were found in the U.S., I got them from Tokyo, which cost me
 >> about $700 plus shipping.) Problem is that I don't know the speed
 >> of the RAM that I bought from Canon. (It may be 80ns, but I don't
 >> know.)  Please let me know the following:
 >> 1) Is there any problem if SIMMs of different speed are used ?
 >> 2) Does anyone happen to know how fast the Canon's SIMM speed 
 >> 3) Is there any reliable mail-order company which deals with
 >>    SIMMs (and please let me know their price, if possible)
 >> Appreciated if you could let me know directly.
I would like to thank all of you who responded.  I would also like to 
apologize the delay of this summary.
This is the essence:
1) It seems no problem if the same speed SIMMs are put on the slots 
side by side.    One told me he is using 70&80ns mixed with no 
problem.  One pointed out there may be some problem if 70ns and 
120ns are mixed in IIcx or IIci.
2) Maybe 120ns, but god knows.
3) Many companies were suggested.  (Prices may be old.)
 Mr. Brian Klaas (bklaas%cmdfs2.intel.com@relay.cs.NET)    suggested 
Technology Works.  He also attached a list from Brent Burton, which 
pointed out these three shops 
>>      Technology WORKS
>>     70ns SIMMs for $98/meg,includes Torx, installation guide, etc.
>>     (800) 622-2210(* will send it COD; accepts visa, M/C, etc. *)
>>     ----------
>>     MacConnection    $100 a meg for 100ns
>>     ----------
>>     MET (Micro Electronic Technologies)
 >>     (800) 766-SIMM 80ns for $80(in quantity) actually, $85 for 
say, 4.
Mr. Dan Lunderville (ACS_DANL%uwrf.bitnet@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU) also referred
Technology Works.
Mr. Katsu Suzuki (ksuzuki@dip.eecs.umich.edu),Mr. Marty Sonntag 
(mls@csmil.umich.edu), Mr. Rich Friedman@Biovax 
(MAILER@BIOVAX.BITNET) & Ms. Ellen_Lorang@um.cc.umich.edu 
suggested The Chip Merchant
       800-426-6375 (orders),619-268-4774 (information)
 They have a 5 year guarantee and the price now is $66 for 80ns 
GFOWLER%midd.cc.middlebury.edu@mitvma.mit.edu   suggested
South Coast Electronics 10920 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1100
 Los Angeles, CA 90024 213 208-3260    Fax 213 208-3282
 Toll free   800-289-8801
 John Wiley(JOHN@FANDMA.BITNET) suggested 
 Technology Works  &    Micro Tech (800) 626-4276
Mr. Kent Leung ( rleung@ccvm.sunysb.edu) suggested 
PERIPHERAL OUTLET in Ada, Oklahoma.   (405) 332-6581.  Their 
current prices for each 1 meg SIMM 80 ns. is $64.00
Other valuable comments came from: 
 Mr. John Feinberg(V132GCNX@ubvmsc.cc.buffalo.edu )
 Mr.(?) Russel (mosemann@fergvax.unl.edu)
 Mr. Richard Becker(RHBECKER@vx.acs.umn.edu)
 Mr. Toshiaki Yoshida (CI9496@JPNSUT30.BITNET)  
Again, thank you very much.
Toshi Shoji                            Internet: Toshi_Shoji@ub.c
University of Michigan           Bitnet:  USER6R89@UMICHUB
======================GO BLUE===============================


Date: Wed, 21 Feb 90 07:55 CDT
From: FIVEY@ducvax.auburn.edu
Subject: Apple Lisa/Mac XL

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone out there is still using the old Apple
Lisa/Mac XL or the Lisa Pro from Sun Remarketing.  If so, I would like
to know how it is working out for you?  Have you upgraded it with any
of the add on cards(accelerator, scsi, memory, etc.) from Sun
Remarketing or other vendor and if so, how is the service and support? 
How well does Sun Remarketing's MacWorks Plus work?  In general, I'd
like to know any information on the Lisa/Mac XL/Pro to determine if is
a reasonable alternative for getting a big screen Mac for non-power-
user home use without spending big bucks.

Frank Ivey
Bitnet:   fivey@auducvax.bitnet
Internet: fivey@auburn.ducvax.edu 


Date: Thu, 22 Feb 90 20:51 EST
From: <MACLAB%VUVAXCOM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: backround downloading

Ahoy Hacks,

   After my question last week concerning backround uploading/downloading
(or true multi-tasking), I received replies from many people with good answers
all the way to more be-wildering questions.  I found out that it was purely
software related, Macs can do true multi-tasking.  To summarize:

   I got a copy of VersaTerm Pro v3.0 which works perfectly.  It allows you to
break out using Multifinder and does not degrade my machine noticably (I have
a standard SE with 2 megs).  I am thrilled with the way it works.
   Many people wrote "check out MicroPhone II," but no one said that it actually
does backround tasks.  Does it?  I read the recent reviews in the Mac Mags, and
none of the articles mentioned this option in the new version of MicroPhone.
   I was told that White Knight v11.0 does not do multi-tasking. (Sorry Scott,
thats what I was told.)

MicroPhone might, White Knight might, BUT VT PRO DOES DO MULTI-TASKING.

That's all I have found.  Till later....

Bill Cockayne
Villanova University Mac Consultant, President VUMUG, and Apple Student Rep

Bitnet:    [maclab@vuvaxcom]  or  [231841168@vuvaxcom]


Date: Thu, 22 Feb 90 11:08:56 EST
From: Brad Goodman <acm119@eric.ccs.northeastern.edu>
Subject: BBS Software.

	I am concidering opening a BBS on my SE, and am looking
 	for some good software to run it off of. Anyone know
	of any? I would prefer it to be PD/Freeware. I have a
	20 Meg, 1MB of ram, (although, hopefuly upgrading to
 	2.5 realy soon,) and a HayesCompatable SupraModem 2400.

					Brad Goodman
					Northeastern University
					Boston, Massachusetts


Date: Fri, 23 Feb 90 10:13 N
From: <HEWAT%FRILL.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu> (HEWAT@FRILL51, F-76-48-72-13 [or26] FAX 76-4...)
Subject: Diskfit backup using SyQuest removable HD, and problem with SUM shield

The best backup program depends very much on what you want to back up, to what.
A program that compresses files might be great for backing up a HD to floppies,
but Diskfit is great for backing up to a SyQuest removable, such as Ehman's.
An exact copy of a 40Meg HD can be produced in 1 to 5 minutes. Diskfit requires
only a few carriage returns and it will update only modified files - fast and
completely automatic !

SUM shield init has twice been blamed for hanging my SE/30-4/40 System-6.04 on
disk ejection, with the shield icon displayed.  With no damage to the internal
described as "damaged" !  I eventually recovered it (with SUM) but have thrown
out the shield Init.  Lets hope SUM-II is better.

Moral ?  Diskfit and a SyQuest removable (eg the basic Ehman, or the prettier
Microtech) make a great team.  SUM may be great too, but beware the Shield init.

Alan Hewat.


Date: Wed, 21 Feb 90 14:29:01 EST
From: Maarten vanDantzich <ST702557@brownvm.brown.edu>
Subject: Dutch Dictionaries (FWP, MS Word)


   I recently got FullWrite for free with a memory upgrade from
Technology Works, and love to use it, but am stumbling on the
fact that I do not have a Dutch spelling dictionary for it. Does
anyone have one?  Where can I obtain it, and what does it cost?
  Also, since MS Word is available here for use from AppleShare
servers, I'd be interested in hearing about Dutch dictionaries
for Word.


  >> Maarten vanDantzich.
     (st702557@brownvm on Bitnet)


Date: Thu, 22 Feb 90 22:36:50 EST
From: "Dana Cartwright, Syracuse Univ, 315-443-4504" <DECARTWR%SUVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Ejecting Floppies by Drive Number

Gordon Watts asks about ejecting floppies by drive number rather than
volume number.  It works.  When you get a "disk inserted event" you also
are passed a drive number by the event manager.  Use this as a parameter to
PBUnmountVol followed by a call to PBEject (use the same I/O parameter block
for both calls).  This will ensure ejecting the floppy.


Date: Thu 22 Feb 90 09:03:14-PST
From: Prasanna Mulgaonkar <PRASANNA@robotx.sri.com>
Subject: Facade

I could not find any net address for Greg Mariott, the author of Facade, so
I am posting to the net in hopes that he will see this request. Facade is
an excellent init. However, in my environment, I tend to have diskettes with
names of the form XXXX-1, XXXX-2 and so on. It would be great if Facade could
be modified to select the icon based on a case insensitive leading-substring 
match to the icon name. Thus, if FacadeIcons contained an icon with name
ABC, all disks with names begining with ABC would get the icon.
.... Prasanna



Date: 22 Feb 90 19:30:21 GMT
From: bals@hyster.dec.com (My name is Legion)
Subject: Followup on Datadesk MAC-101 Problems

For those interested in my problems with the Datadesk MAC-101
keyboard (Option/Command keys wouldn't rebuild desktop. 
Option/period wouldn't create "Greater than or equal to" symbol),
the problems turned out to be two-fold and unrelated. 

I discovered by trial-and-error that my MAC-101 was interpreting the 
Option/Command as an instruction to kill the display of some (not all) init 
icons at boot. The solution is to wait until all inits have loaded before 
holding down the keys. The "Do you really want to rebuild the desktop" 
dialogue then displays normally. In contrast, a vanilla Mac Plus keyboard will 
desktop rebuild properly no matter whether the keys are held down before or 
after inits load. I've no explanation for this difference.

The MAC-101 keyboard I bought was used, from a reseller, who didn't 
mention -- or perhaps know, or care -- that new MAC-101's come with an init, 
called Masterstrokes. I *did* know, but had thought Masterstrokes was solely
a macro builder, which I didn't want or need. Masterstrokes, however, 
apparently also does some needed keyboard mapping at boot. Someone was kind 
enough to provide me with a copy of Masterstrokes (which we both presume is 
kosher to do, since Masterstrokes is *supposed* to be with the keyboard), and 
voila', I now can create the "greater than or equal to" symbol without 
problems. Incidentally, installation of Masterstrokes had no affect on the 
"desktop rebuild" problem I note in the preceding paragraph.

As asides, someone wrote and noted that the MAC-101 keyboard doesn't work
well with Excel due to an incompatibility with an external drive. Another 
person stated that he's noticed that some MAC-101 keystrokes must be done in 
slow sequence rather than simultaneously or even quickly. These problems 
notwithstanding, everybody noted their happiness with the keyboard.  

Thanks to those who responded, especially the person who put me onto
Masterstrokes. Hope this information may be useful for others.

			-- Fred Bals (DEC Merrimack, NH)

			"The only thing technology does is
                         prolong hopelessness."

Mail addresses:

bals@hyster.dec.com				bals@hyster.enet.dec.com

UUCP:	...!decwrl!hyster.enet.dec.com!bals



Date: Wed, 21 Feb 90 20:33 EST
From: WATTS@urhep
Subject: Getting trap vector inside trap Patch...

Hi y'all,
  A super techie question:

  I am patching a file manager routine -- PBOpen.  It turns out that both
PBHOpen and PBOpen trap to the same routine.  According to IM IV-118 (the asm
note), I need to look at trap bit 9 to tell if this was a PBH or a PB call.
  Fine and dandy.  But how do I get at the trap word!?  I have the 68030 manual
and according to it, I just need to look at 6(SP) to get the vector:

	move.W	6(sp), vectorWord

But... Is this good only for the 68030 -- or is that standard for the whole
68000 when using the $A line trap dispatch?  Second (I haven't tried this yet
-- I am kinda scared at the moment), when my routine gets control I suspect
that my SP dosen't point to the original exception frame on the supervisor

	*Any* help would be great.  Grin!


INTERNET: gwatts@ruthep.rutgers.edu
USMAIL:	  Gordon Watts
	  Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
	  University of Rochester
	  Rochester, NY


Date: Thu, 22 Feb 90 23:24:57 GMT
From: elroy!grian!alex@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Alex Pournelle)
Z4648252 <Z4648252%SFAUSTIN.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu> writes:

>    Does anyone have access to DiskFit, a hard drive backup program?
>I ask this in hopes of finding a suitable hard drive backup utility
>for the Spectre GCR, the ATari Macintosh emulator.

>More stuff about hardware-specific things of Ataris vs. Apples and SCSI

My fellow GCRer, Gavin Doughtie, tried both Fastback 1.5
and DiskFit--no go, Joe.  They both bypass too much hardware to behave
on the GCR.




Date: Wed, 21 Feb 90 15:21:45 EST
From: perez@itd.nrl.navy.mil
Subject: Is there Prolog for the Mac?

Is there anybody out there with a Prolog interpreter/compiler
for the Mac?  Or even source code for it.  I could try to
compile it for the Mac.  Thanks.

Manuel Perez

PS : please respond to me directly if possible.


Date: Thu, 22 Feb 90 21:22:10 +0100
From: Pottie Karl <GHGAQBA%BLEKUL11.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Memory upgrades : query

I recently asked for prices of memory in Europe. Now I know it's
a lot cheaper to buy memory in the U.S. So I reformulate my

   Who has any experiences with memory upgrades for a Mac+ to 2 Mb ?
   I'd like to hear about recent prices, company service, the
   product quality ....

   Who can tell about shipping prices to Europe, taxes .... ?

Thanx     Karl Pottie  GHGAQBA@BLEKUL10

# disclaimer: somebody tell me: what in the hell is a disclaimer ?#


Date: Fri, 23 Feb 90 17:26:55 SST
From: TNG TH <ISSTTH%NUSVM.BITNET@ricevm1.rice.edu>

I have a question concerning PixMaps.
I need to import a PC graphics file into the Mac and display it.
I use NewPixMap, create a chunk of memory with NewPtr and read the data
in, create a new color table using NewHandle, and then copybits.
Later I want to destroy it using DisposPixMap.
Nope, the memory's still in use.
I then use:
DisposPtr ((Ptr)(**pixmap).baseAddr);
DisposHandle ((Handle)(**pixmap).ctTable);
DisposHandle ((Handle) pixmap);
The memory's freed. But if I do this often, the system bombs.

Can anyone point to me the proper way of achieving what I want? Maybe I
shouldn't use NewPixMap, but I don't know how else.

Please send replies to me at ISSTTH@NUSVM.BITNET


Date: Thu, 22 Feb 90 14:32:01 -0600
From: fgodfrey@rodan.acs.syr.edu (Francis N. Godfrey)
Subject: Problem converting GIF --> PICT

Current software: Giffer 1.03  SuperPaint 2.0

Ok, here's the problem....

When I convert a GIF file format to a PICT format using Giffer, there is a
problem getting the color info to pass along with the picture.

What I do is get the GIF file with Giffer turn it to a PICT format while in
Giffer. Next is launching SP and trying to retrieve the GIF file I just
created. Works well so far except for a minor detail -- the GIF files are
in color and when I look at it on SP, they are in 2 color; B&W, not even
grayscaled!! To add more fuel to the fire, SP won't even let me manually add
color to the picture!! What am I doing wrong???

Francis N. Godfrey
Syracuse University -- Computing and Network Services 


Date: Thu, 22 Feb 90 19:59:24 +0100
From: rwthinfb!reichert@uunet.uu.net (Frank Reichert)
Subject: Questions / Novell-AppleShare / MathType / eXodus-X-Windows


First some thanks to all doing all the work to maintain info-mac.

Second some thanks for INITs I like:
FACADE - I like my new harddisk partition icons
BOOTICON - It`s nice to have such a disk-full warning ! (I reedit the face)
ALTWDEF - It`s very useful. I wish it would remember the icons after booting.

I`m new on this kind of internetting but my HostAccess TCP/IP software has
no problems to contact this info-mac data base. 

----- My questions are:

1. What is CompuServe ?
2. Is there a CHEAP solution to contact a Vax3100 under VMS-DECnet ?
3. Is there a tool (not QuickKeys) to do something like an IBM.bat file ?
4. I couldn`t unpack Suitcase1.2.6 updater (CRC-error). Also from cc.sfu.sa.

Here some answers to questions which might exist in the future:

----- Novell (No-Well) - AppleShare-fileserver.

After all it s possible.
You can connect your Macs (with EtherTalk interface or Kinetics Fastpath 4)
to Ethernet or Cheapernet and your 386 server has only a NE2000 Ethernet card.
BUT if you have Novell Advanced Netware 286 Rev. 2.15 C(!) and 2x650Mb drives
than all Novell processes are needed to get the server going. NO printing
anymore with a spooler. We better bought 386 Novell. Some of the software
crashes (Netware DA 1.0). Nevertheless we are content with it.

----- MathType - Mathematical Editor

We think it`s better than Expressionist and it can convert TeX.
(I didn`t try it. But they say it in the manual)

----- EXODUS - X-Windows Server on Mac

No problem with that program. We used it on SUN, DEC and other machines.
After building up a connection with HostAccess eXodus graps all the 
X-windows commands. Start "dxterm &" and close HostAccess to gain speed.
My only problem with it is: It`s AMERICAN and wants an AMERICAN KEYBOARD!
Perhaps ResEdit can patch it.

That`s all for this time.


*      *
*      * TEL. +49 241 80 4569 - FAX. +49 241 80 6285
****   * reichert@rwthinf.uucp - reichert@informatik.rwth-aachen.de

DISCLAIMER: All opinions above are mine and therefore representative for me.
            If not - they are not mine.


Date: 22 Feb 90 19:06:00 CST
From: "Dr F J Van Wetering" <fjvanwet@zeus.unomaha.edu>
Subject: Remote Mac Access

Yet another question:  Does anyone know of a product that will
allow me to access my office macintosh from a remote location?

I heard of a product called "PC Anywhere" for MS-DOS machines
which presumably allows you to leave your machine on, dial into
the machine with a modem, and operate it from a remote location.

I am looking for a similar product like this for my Mac.  I want
to be able to call up my "office" mac from my "home" mac.

Thanks in advance...

Francis J. Van Wetering, Ph.D.


Date: Wed, 21 Feb 90 16:03:32 EST
From: Matt_Slot@ub.cc.umich.edu
Subject: ResEdit Templates

  I have found 3 templates for ResEdit in the archives, and I am looking
    for some more.  If anyone has any others, I would appreciate it if
    you could forward them to the 'net so everyone can get them.
  Also, where can I find a description on how to write these templates,
    because I have some ideas.  Please send these responses to me, and
    I'll summarize them later!
  Matt Slot
  Computer Consultant
  Dept. of Surgery
  Univ. of Michigan Hospital
  Internet: CPNL@ub.cc.umich.edu
  Standard Disclaimer:  "My employer has no idea what I do on my own time,
                         so let's not get him involved!"


Date: Thu, 22 Feb 90 08:25:30 EST
From: KESLER%OUACCVMA.BITNET@cornellc.cit.cornell.edu
Subject: Sharing a LaserWriter with a PC?

Greetings Netlanders!

I've been working with a user here who wants to share a LaserWriter IInt
between a Mac and an MS-DOS machine.  I understand there are two options.

1)  AppleTalk the PC to the LaserWriter by installing an AppleTalk card
    and some software into the PC.

2)  Connect the printer and the PC via the 25 pin serial port.

My question is this:  if we choose the serial route, can the Mac still
AppleTalk to the printer?  Would the DIP switches have to be changed
whenever I wanted to switch between output from the PC and output from
the MAC?  Are there any other solutions out there?  Note, that I am
interested in printing PostScript output from the PC.

I will post all info I receive to the net!

     ___         _____________________________________________
   / __        |  University Computing and Learning Services |
  |_|  |  |     |              INFORMATION CENTER             |
      /  /      |        Ohio University, Athens, Ohio        |
     |__|       |=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=|
      __        |          BITNET: kesler@ouaccvma            |
     |__|       |_____________________________________________|


Date: Thu, 22 Feb 90 14:40:46 EDT
From: "Scott Cherkofsky (Crusader)" <LE865C%GWUVM.BITNET@ricevm1.rice.edu>
Subject: SimCity help

I just bought SimCity by Maxis software co.   I was wondering, how do you
embezle funds??  and another thing...  I would like to know if
anybody has cracked the software...  it is damn frustrating to have to keep
putting the key disk in when I want to play!....

Thanx in advance!  later...  may all your citues prosper, even in the path
of Godzilla!

__________________________________________________________ Scott Cherkofsky
  "...ROUS'S.  Rodents Of Unusual         CRUSADER      STORM FRONT
   Size??  (PAUSE)  I don't think         BLOOD_BOWL    KHORNE
   they even exist" - PRINCESS BRIDE      CRU           BLOOD


Date: 21 Feb 90 23:31:00 EDT
From: "SCOTT MCGUIRE" <smcguire@gmuvax.gmu.edu>
Subject: Superclock! 3.8 bug

Hi folks.  Previously I asked if anyone knew about a problem with switch-
launching to Multifinder while running Superclock 3.8 (it crashes on my
SE/30 when I try).  Well, thanks to all the people who told me how to
send mail to a Compuserve address over the internet, I contacted Steve
Christensen (author of SC) and he says that he's aware of the problem
and is working on fixing it.  Apparently, from the mail I received, this
problem doesn't occur on all models of Macintoshes.  Oh well.

Thanks to everyone who sent me the gateway information and related their
experiences with Superclock 3.8!

--Scott McGuire


End of Info-Mac Digest