[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V8 #52

Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (03/13/90)

Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 12 Mar 90       Volume 8 : Issue  52 

Today's Topics:
            ABC: New language sources and binaries posted
                            Apple Warranty
                       Broadcast / multicast ?
          Command file for MACLPS.PS (MAC to VMS postscript)
                            Comment Editor
                     Dartmouth Mac/Email Program?
                         DeskWriter Spooling
              Do you take requests? [for snds, that is]
                         Ehman 45Mb removable
                       Gatekeeper vs. m0ire ??
                      Grammatik Mac vs. MS Word
                              Image 1.26
                       Information on kip 06/88
                       Lowest Price 1 Meg Simms
                  Mac interface for token ring LAN?
                         Memory use by INITs?
                        Mini-DIN 8 Connectors
                   Non-Apple Printers on Appletalk
                  Partitioning an AppleShare Server
                       Personal Server Network
                             simms speed
        So many people responded re: my cluttered hard drive!
                 Vanilla SCSI Tape Drive Construction
                         Video workstations 
                       Word 4.0 Formula Sizing

Your Info-Mac Moderators are Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files are in /info-mac/help.  Indicies are in
/info-mac/help/recent-files.txt and /info-mac/help/all-files.txt.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: Mon, 12 Mar 90 16:46:59 +0100
From: steven@cwi.nl
Subject: ABC: New language sources and binaries posted

The source and binaries of a new programming language, ABC, are being
posted this week to comp.sources.unix and comp.binaries.{ibm.pc,
atari.st; mac}. This posting gives an overview of the language and
some examples.

ABC is an imperative language originally designed as a replacement for
BASIC: interactive, very easy to learn, but structured, high-level,
and easy to use. ABC has been designed iteratively, and the present
version is the 4th iteration. The previous versions were called B (not
to be confused with the predecessor of C).

It is suitable for general everyday programming, the sort of
programming that you would use BASIC, Pascal, or AWK for. It is not a
systems-programming language. It is an excellent teaching language,
and because it is interactive, excellent for prototyping. It is much
faster than 'bc' for doing quick calculations.

ABC programs are typically very compact, around a quarter to a fifth
the size of the equivalent Pascal or C program. However, this is not
at the cost of readability, on the contrary in fact (see the examples

ABC is simple to learn due to the small number of types in the
language (five). If you already know Pascal or something similar you
can learn the whole language in an hour or so.  It is easy to use
because the data-types are very high-level.

The five types are:
   numbers: unbounded length, with exact arithmetic the rule
   texts (strings): also unbounded length
   compounds: records without field names
   lists: sorted collections of any one type of items (bags or multi-sets)
   tables: generalised arrays with any one type of keys, any one type
	   of items (finite mappings).

[Archived as /info-mac/lang/abc-part1.hqx; 158K
             /info-mac/lang/abc-part2.hqx; 164K]


Date: Thu, 08 Mar 90 18:17 CST
From: Jeff Robbin <ASTJLRPA@uiamvs.bitnet>
Subject: Apple Warranty

The following is an excerpt from an Apple Press Release on Thursday,
March 8, 1990:
CUPERTINO, California--March 8, 1990--Apple Computer, Inc. today
announced that all Apple hardware products sold in the United States
after January 1, 1990 will be covered by a one-year limited warranty.
The limited warranty provides coverage around the world for U.S.
customers, who can obtain warranty service from any authorized
Apple reseller in more than 80 countries worldwide.  Previously,
the U.S. warranty covered a 90-day period, and warranty service
was available from only U.S. resellers.
     The company also announced that customers who purchased hardware
products in the U.S. prior to January 1, 1990 are eligable for a
special promotional price on AppleCare, Apple's extended service
plan for out-of-warranty products.
     The promotional AppleCare price, which is available from March19
through May 31, 1990, offers an additional six free months of coverage
when six months are purchased.


Date: Thu Mar  8 15:28:52 BST 1990
From: hippo%tardis.computer-science.edinburgh.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
Subject: Broadcast / multicast ?

I've read every tech note, IM and Inside AppleTalk reference I can find, but my model of how broadcasting and multicasting might or might not work is still unclear.

Is it possible to perform multicasting or broadcasting at the ATP laevel?  Or do I have to mess with ALAP?

   -- Hugh


Date: Wed, 7 Mar 90 18:53 CST
From: <CC_BRYSO%SWTEXAS.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Command file for MACLPS.PS (MAC to VMS postscript)

I have noticed a few users on INFO-MAC inquiring about printing MAC-generated
postscript files on the PrintServer 40 laser printer on a VAX.  I have sent the
file MACLPS.PS to the archives.  This postscript file serves as a prep file so
that any MAC-generated file will print on the PrintServer 40.  I can not take
credit for the file itself but I am also sending the command file (MACLPS.COM)
which will print the prep file (MACLPS.PS) in front of the mac file.

Hope this helps!

Bill Bryson

** CUT HERE **
$! Command file to print a prep file prior to postscript files generated on
$! a Macintosh and uploaded to the Vax so that it can be printed to the
$! PrintServer40.  Note: There is a problem with multiple copies producing
$! mirror images so queue one file several times rather than using the
$! /COPIES switch.  Change the first line to point to where MACLPS.PS is
$! stored in your directory.
$ FILE := 'P1
$       THEN
$       FILE = FILE - SWITCH
$       SWITCH = " "
$ IF FILE .EQS. ""
$       THEN
$       INQUIRE FILE "_File"
$       THEN
$       WRITE SYS$OUTPUT FILE+" not found!"
$       EXIT


Date: Thu, 8 Mar 90 17:41:20 EST
From: DAVID_CLAYTOR@um.cc.umich.edu
Subject: Comment Editor

TO:  info_mac@sumex_aim.stanford.edu
FROM:  d_claytor@um.cc.umich.edu
DATE: 3/7/90
RE:  Comment Editor
If you have it available, could you please upload COMMENT EDITOR
(shareware by Scott Armitage) to the archives?  Any further info. greatly


Date: Thu, 8 Mar 90 10:35:59 EST
From: Robert S. Murray <murray@media-lab.media.mit.edu>
Subject: Dartmouth Mac/Email Program?

I recall hearing a lecture some months ago from someone in Computer Science
at Dartmouth who demonstrated a program which put a Macintosh face on
a Unix mail system. It looked really slick, with a friendly interface that
allowed non-technical people to stay out of Unix. Does anyone know what
program that is and where it is available?

Thanks for any assistance

Bob Murray
MIT Media Lab


Date: Thu, 08 Mar 90 13:00:12 CST
From: Graeme Forbes <PL0BALF@vm.tcs.tulane.edu>
Subject: DeskWriter Spooling

More than once people have asked on the net about spoolers for the HP Desk-
Writer. MacWeek for Feb 27 reports the release of SuperMac's SuperLaserSpool
v. 2.02, which supports the DeskWriter. Upgrades for registered SLS owners
are $30, free if you bought SLS after Dec.1, and registered SuperSpool owners
(the ImageWriter spooler) can get SLS for $50. The article says that the
spooler ships with version 2 of HP's driver, which seems to mean that it now
comes with the printer. SuperMac: 408-773-4498.

Graeme Forbes


Date: Thu, 8 Mar 90 10:03:47 PST
From: JMUELLER%PPC.MFENET@ccc.nmfecc.gov
Subject: Do you take requests? [for snds, that is]

Oh, what joy to have Finder Sounds! Now I hardly have to look at the screen
to know what I'm doing!
Yeah, like I EVER know.
Now that we have this wonder, I would like to request from any digitizing
fiends on the net, or anyone who happens to have such a creature, a few
DeskTop sounds.
In particular, I would LOVE an old file cabinet drawer opening (& closing)
and/or a window (sash type) doing the same. A flourish of strumpets... errr
TRUMPETS for "About the Finder" may be appropriate too.
I recall having a few of these on old "Sound Effects, Vol. 1-24" albums that
have long since disappeared. If someone has these (I understand they are
now on CD) to record from, it would probably be easier than standing by a
window with a mike.
  By the way, am I the only one to think home Audio CD players should be
able or adaptable to read CD-ROMs into a computer?
As per standard:
Replies, if any, will be sumarised & posted to InfoMac.
Ad Astra!
Jim Mueller
>From PRINCETON PLASMA PHYSICS LAB...where fusion is a way of life.
JMUELLER@PPC.MFEnet                     via MFEnet
JMUELLER%PPC.MFEnet@LBL.Bitnet          via Bitnet ...ah that's better======
"That's right buddy...
 The large print giveth,
 an' the small print taketh away."  Tom Waits,'Step Right Up'

These opinions are mine...Mine...MINE! MINE!!! DOWN DOWN! GO! GO!...MINE!!!!!


Date: Thu, 8 Mar 1990 10:34:43 EST
From: HANEYG@ctdvs1.ctd.ornl.gov (GARY HANEY ((615) 574-4629))
Subject: Ehman 45Mb removable

Greetings all,

I am considering purchasing of an Ehman drive for my Mac IIci and was wondering
if anyone has had any experience with the drive.  Especially interested in the 
performance, durability, problems (i.e. do you have to turn it on before booting 
your Mac), etc.  Please respond to me directly and I'll summarize
for the net.


Gary W. Haney
Y-12 Plant
Martin Marietta Enery Systems

Bitnet: hny@ornlstc
Inter:  hny@ornl.gov

  *  We're all better off not knowing how sausages and warranties are made. *


Date: Thu, 8 Mar 90 18:01:12 GMT
From: nazgul@alphalpha.com (Kee Hinckley)
Subject: Fragmentation
UC445252%UMCVMB.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu writes...
>a long time to load in as the files are quite scattered. Is there a software
>package around that will not only defragment, group files within folders near
>one another (preferably in alphabetical order for optimal speed), and place my
>work folders near the end (where the free space is)?
DiskExpress II places your system files and recently used files near the
center, and your least recently used files (in the past 5 days) on the
outside. Furthermore, it does it all automatically when your Mac isn't
busy. It works like a charm, I'm really pleased with it.

| Alphalpha Software, Inc. | Voice/Fax: 617/646-7703 |   Home: 617/641-3805   |
| 148 Scituate St.         | Smart fax, dial number. |                        |
| Arlington, MA 02174      | Dumb fax, dial number,  |   BBS:  617/641-3722   |


Date: Thu, 08 Mar 90 10:47:46 CST
From: David Remington <WR06107%UAFSYSB.BITNET@ricevm1.rice.edu>
Subject: Gatekeeper vs. m0ire ??

Interesting subject line eh?

For some reason there seems to be a conflict between M0ire 3.02 and Gatekeeper.
With Gatekeeper running, m0ire can be installed and will run fine on the first
start-up, but thereafter willnot run. If I go to the Control Panel, and try to
open the m0ire config, I get and error saying the CP could not access needed
resources. I have tried loading m0ire both after and before gatekeeper, I
have granted m0ire full authorization under gatekeeper. The drive was
thoroughly checked for viruses. So what's the deal??

David Remington
Macintosh Lab Support
University of Arkansas


Date: Thu, 8 Mar 90 11:57:43 EST
From: walkere@turing.cs.rpi.edu (Ellen Walker)
Subject: Grammatik Mac vs. MS Word

The problem of Grammatik Mac not being able to re-read the corrected file
unless it has been "save-as"ed sounds like it can't deal with Word's fast
save files.  Turn "fast save" off, and that particular problem should go
away.  (Look in the commands dialog for the command Fast Save
Enabled/Disabled).  This may not help with the other reported problems,

Ellen Walker	walkere@turing.cs.rpi.edu
CS Dept, RPI

Disclaimer:  I have never tried Grammatik Mac, but I have worked a lot with
MS Word.


Date: Wed, 21 Feb 90 15:43:30 EST
From: wayne@helix.nih.gov (Wayne Rasband)
Subject: Image 1.26

Image 1.26 is a public domain program for the Macintosh II for
doing digital image processing and analysis. It can acquire, display,
edit, enhance, analyze, print, and animate images.  It reads
and writes TIFF, PICT, and MacPaint files, providing compatibility
with many other Macintosh applications. It supports many standard
image processing functions, including histogram equalization,
contrast enhancement, density profiling, smoothing, sharpening,
edge detection, and noise reduction. Spatial convolutions, with
user defined kernels up to 63x63, are also supported.

Image can be used to measure the area, mean density, center of
gravity, and angle of orientation of a user defined region of
interest. It also performs automated particle analysis and can
be used to measure path lengths and angles. Measurement results
can be printed, exported to text files, or copied to the
Clipboard.  Results can also be calibrated to provide real
world values.

It provides MacPaint-like editing of color and grayscale
images, including the ability to draw lines, rectangles, ovals
and text. It can flip, rotate, invert and scale selections. It
supports multiple windows and 8 levels of magnification. All
editing, filtering, and measurement functions operate at any
level of magnification and are undoable. It uses digital
halftoning to print images on PostScript printers and
Floyd-Steinberg dithering for printing on non-PostScript

It supports either the Data Translation QuickCapture card or
Scion Image Capture 2 card for digitizing images using a TV
camera. Acquired images can be shading corrected and frame

Image is written in Think Pascal from Symantec Corporation, and
the source code is available.  The program can be easily ported
to other Pascal compilers for the Macintosh, such as MPW Pascal
or TML Pascal.

For full operation, Image requires a Mac II(x, cx, ci) with at
least 2 megabytes of memory, but 4 megabytes, or more, is
recommended for doing animation, for simultaneously displaying
more than a handful of pictures, or for running under
MultiFinder. Image also requires an 8-bit video card capable of
displaying 256 colors or shades of gray.

A 47 page manual in MacWrite format, a HyperCard reference stack, 
and Think Pascal source code are also available. 

[Archived as /info-mac/app/image-126.hqx; 189K
             /info-mac/app/image-126-docs.hqx; 222K]


Date: Wed, 7 Mar 90 13:53:36 PST
From: kelly@ipla01.hac.com (Keith Kelly)
Subject: Information on kip 06/88

Whom should I contact to get information on the KIP software?  In particular,
I want to know how to set up the /etc/atalkatab file so that I can access a
zone that has embedded spaces (i.e. "ZONE 1")


Date: Thu, 08 Mar 90 17:23:51 EST
From: Mike Silva <EOO102%URIACC.BITNET@ricevm1.rice.edu>
Subject: Lowest Price 1 Meg Simms

Hello All,

Would anyone out there know where I can get the lowest price for 1 Meg
Simms. I just purchased a Mac IIcx with 1 Meg and I discovered rather
quickly that 1 Meg doesn't cut it. I have been tossing around the idea
of just upgrading to 2 Meg but I have a feeling that I will find myself
in the very same position I am in now. Therefore I am opting for the 4
Meg upgrade for a total of 5 Meg. Does anyone out there have any suggestions
or comments about upgrading Simms? I am sure that this topic has been
discussed before but I am new to this List-serv and have not read such a
note recently. If information is available in past notes, please let me
know where I can find them.   Thanks in Advance.

           Mike Silva         EOO102@URIACC


Date: Thu, 08 Mar 90 11:26:18 EST
From: Murph Sewall <SEWALL%UCONNVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Mac interface for token ring LAN?

Alas, our Computer Center is permanently dyed blue :-(  A Token Ring
LAN is being installed on campus, and I'd really rather not "PS/2 It"

Is there a Token Ring card (and appropriate Network software) for
the Mac II (for the SE/30 and the IIci specifically)?  If not, is there
a reasonably straight-forward, economical alternative (somehow I can't
see setting up a 3-COM network for a handful of Macs)?  Our Computer Center
staff isn't aware of any reasonable connectivity alternatives (I have
little confidence in their ability to know anything the IBM rep doesn't
tell them :-(

I'd appreciate direct replies to SEWALL@UCONNVM on BITNET

/s Murph <Sewall%UConnVM.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.Edu>         [Internet]
      or ...{psuvax1 or mcvax}!uconnvm.bitnet!sewall     [UUCP]
 + Standard disclaimer applies ("The opinions expressed are my own" etc.)


Date: Thu, 8 Mar 90 12:35:45 EST
From: Tom Coradeschi <tcora@fsac1.pica.army.mil>
Subject: Memory use by INITs?

Does anyone know of an easy way to determine just how much memory all those
INITs I can't seem to clear out of my System Folder are using? Perhaps if I
could do that, I'd drop some of them, but right now, I just can't tell which
ones are the hogs, and which aren't...

tom c


Date: Thu, 08 Mar 90 12:25:11 EST
From: RNDINB@melpar-emh1.army.mil
Subject: Mini-DIN 8 Connectors

Subject: Mini-DIN 8 Connectors
Hello, I'm working on a special networking and control project and
need to locate a source of either Panel or bulk-head mount male and
female Mini-DIN 8 Connectors (you know the small round serial connectors
that are used on the Mac II/SE 's).

If you can please respond to me at the net or to me personally, I'd
appreciate it.  Info on female Mini-DIN 8 cable ends and specs on the
Mini-DIN 8 to telco modular plug baluns would also be appreciated.

Thanks Bob.

CPT Bob Brandel, AV 345-3791/90, CML (703) 355-3791/90
profs: RNDINB      Email  RNDINB @ Melpar-emh1.army.mil
**** End of Profs Note ****


Date: Thu, 08 Mar 90 20:45:36 GMT
From: Andrew <AJM19%phoenix.cambridge.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk>
Subject: Non-Apple Printers on Appletalk

Dear Netters,

We have been using two Imagewriter LQ's on an Appletalk network, and have had
no end of problems with them. The latest fault requires a new logic board to
fix, so we were thinking of buying another type of printer. Does anyone know
if you can sit an HP Deskwriter on an Appletalk network? What about using a
NetSerial interface to achieve this? Are ink-jet printers suitable for high-
volume work? Fast compared with an LQ?

I have heard rumours of an upgrade to the ImageWriter LQ to fix the continual
problems... does anyone have any information on this? Also, there is supposed
to be a new Apple printer released in a month... any clues as to what this
might be?

Please reply to me directly, or via InfoMac if you can't reach me. Thanx
in anticipation.

Andrew Mason

AJM19 <AJM19%uk.ac.cambridge.phoenix@uk.ac.ucl.cs.nss>

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Macintoshes for MacZimum Computing >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Date: Thu, 08 Mar 90 11:52:37 EST
From: Jeff Solof <JSOLOF%MITVMC.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Partitioning an AppleShare Server

Does anybody out there know if it's possible to partition an AppleShare Server
hard disk such that different users are restricted to different partitions?
The idea would be that one group of users would have access to 10 meg of server
space, another group to 20 meg., etc., depending on the size of the partition.

And on a related topic, does anyone have experience using QuickMail on an
AppleShare server machine?  How severely is server performance degraded?
QuickMail performance?

Please respond directly to me -- thanks in advance!

Jeff Solof


Date: Thu, 08 Mar 90 16:25:11 EST
From: RGRE%MTUS5.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: Personal Server Network

Is anyone familiar with a product called Personal Server Network by
Information Presentation Technologies, Inc. in Calabasas, California?
I read an article in a trade journal awhile back that claimed that
this new product would "blow TOPS out of the water".  I am considering
installing a TOPS network and would like to hear from anyone who has
any knowledge and/or experience with this Personal Server Network.
Thank you


Date: Wed, 7 Mar 90 20:50:10 PDT
From: Gregg Kasten <proteus@portia.stanford.edu>
Subject: simms speed

I purchased my SE in December of 1987. Does anybody know the speed of the
simms that Apple installed in the SEs?

Gregg L. Kasten


Date: Thu, 08 Mar 90 20:11:30 CST
From: UC445252%UMCVMB.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: So many people responded re: my cluttered hard drive!

So many people responded I wish I could reclaim the note before my reader
refills! It's good to see so many netters willing and wanting to help!

The (almost) unanimous sugguestions refer me to Disk Express II, I dunno
if this the only way, but with this kind of a recommendation, who cares?
Also a fellow netter (forgot who, oops!) sugguests softing my system folder
by view by names - select all - drag to their own folder... can't hurt.


           (this space intentionally left blank)


Date: Wed, 07 Mar 90 17:01:11 -0900
From: "Tim Friest - Programmer/Analyst"  <AXTBF%ALASKA.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Vanilla SCSI Tape Drive Construction

A while ago I saw this message on INFO-APPLE which detailed how to build a
SCSI Tape backup unit for an Apple //.  I would like to build this unit and
use it for our Macintosh systems but the only thing that is holding me back is
I don't want to have to write a backup program to use it.

The Article went:

>From:          System Administrator <bobl@PRO-GRAPHICS.CTS.COM>
>Newsgroup:     Info-Apple
>Date:          Sun, 10 Sep 89 14:34:38 EST
>             Build Your Own Vanilla SCSI Tape Backup System
>                         by Dr. Kenneth Buchholz
>                    Box 430 RD#4, Washington NJ 07882
Equipment recommended
>     1 - 3M brand MCD-40 DM/SCSI tape unit
>     1 - case with 30 watt power supply & fan
>     1 - SCSI Interface Cable terminating in a DB-25 pin
>            connector on one end and Centronics-like 50-
>            pin connector on the other end
>     1 - Standard Power Cord
>     n - DC2000 40 meg (250') SCSI tape cartridges

Does anyone have drivers or backup programs which will allow me to use a setup
like this for my Macs?

Please email your response to me directly since I do not subscribe to Info-Mac.

I will summarize if necessary.


disclaimer: No warranties express or implied


Date: Thu, 8 Mar 90 13:02:50 EST
From: Steve Strassmann <straz@media-lab.media.mit.edu>
Subject: Video workstations 

    Date: Fri, 2 Mar 90 10:32:32 EST
    From: gary@ctc.contel.com (Gary Bisaga  x4219)
    Subject: Video producer products for Mac

    Hello.  I am looking for hardware and programs and that would
    allow a Mac to be used as a video producer's workstation. 

The coolest video workstation is Avid's Media Composer.  Very high
end. For more info, call Avid in Burlington, Mass. 617-272-1680

There's an amazingly good low-cost Amiga-based system called the
"Video Toaster" from NewTek (Topeka, Kansas, 913-354-1146). You could
probably buy yourself a dedicated Amiga and a Toaster for the price of
a comparable Mac board (if there were any, which there aren't).  Tell
'em I sent you - they're fun people.


Date: Wed, 07 Mar 90 10:00:25 EST
From: "Gregory E. Gilbert" <C0195%UNIVSCVM.BITNET@ricevm1.rice.edu>
Subject: Word 4.0 Formula Sizing

I have a number of complex formulas in my Word document.  Unfortunately these
formulas, as they get more complex, get larger and larger because I am using
a number of summation symbols and Pi products.  Is there any way to scale
down these formulas so they are a bit smaller.  I check the Word Reference
Manual and the Formula Glossary document, but could have easily over-looked
something.  Alternatives are acceptable.

I will summarize replies.  Thanks much!  Regards,


Postal address: Gregory E. Gilbert
                Computer Services Division
                University of South Carolina
                Columbia, South Carolina   USA   29208
                (803) 777-6015


End of Info-Mac Digest