Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (03/14/90)
Info-Mac Digest Tue, 13 Mar 90 Volume 8 : Issue 53 Today's Topics: "application not found" message AMERICA ONLINE CHARGES for "Trial Package" CD-Rom listings and Magazine Cicn to icl8 converter Correction: Changing Word Menus horizontal scanning frequency of a Mac II Info-Mac Digest V8 #48 Initshare Bug IPA fonts Jasmine Disk Drives Mac 512K (Fat Mac) and hard drives. mac drive for apple IIc PICT file CLUTs Project mgmt software: summary of responses Shareware Fees (how to pay them) Submission for comp-sys-mac-digest TCP/IP Terminal Emulators The HQX compression format UNIX and the Mac Using a Mac with an internal HD as an external HD. Your Info-Mac Moderators are Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh. The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous, any password) in the info-mac directory on []. Help files are in /info-mac/help. Indicies are in /info-mac/help/recent-files.txt and /info-mac/help/all-files.txt. Please send articles and binaries to Send administrative mail to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 8 Mar 90 23:49:38 -0500 (EST) From: Braddock John Hathaway <> Subject: "application not found" message I've been meaning to post this for a while ... for the past month or two, I've been getting the message "application not found" whenever I try to open a document whose application is buried a couple of levels deep in the HFS. I thought that the Desktop file was supposed to keep track of this. I've tried fixing the desktop with the application "fix desktop" (yes, I had the "fix application list" option checked off), but to no avail. What am I doing wrong? Am I mistaken in any of my assumptions? Thanks, Brad ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 09 Mar 90 14:38:30 EST From: "Jim Henry in Chattanooga (615) 755-4398 or 886-6425" Subject: AMERICA ONLINE CHARGES for "Trial Package" I also tried America OnLine as a free trial and decided it was not what I wanted to pay for. I also got a charge on my credit card. I called America OnLine's phone # and was irate. The woman I spoke with tried to explain something that was in the fine print that I didn't bother to pay attention to, and then said, "Do you want to cancel your subscription?" I said, "Yes." She said, "I'll cancel it for you and issue a refund to your charge card." Well, that certainly defused the situation. So, if you're mad at America OnLine, just call and ask for cancel & refund. JIM Jim Henry * JHENRY at UTCVM (BITNET) * School of Engineering * * (615) 755-4398 (office) * UTC (Univ. of Tenn. at Chatt.) * * (615) 886-4398 (home) * Chattanooga, Tennessee 37403 * * (615) 755-4025 (FAX) * U.S.A. * ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 09 Mar 90 11:41:01 EST From: RNDINB@isec-oa Subject: CD-Rom listings and Magazine Frank Steele asked where to find a listing of available CD-Roms. I regularly receive a magazine called: CD-ROM End User. It is published monthly by DDRI, Inc, 510 N. Washington St., Suite 401, Falls Church, VA 22046-3537 Phone (703) 237-0682, Cost $40. but if you qualify it can be free. They also have started a Publication called "CD-Rom Shoppers Guide". Same address, published qtrly, cost is $12.95. I have found End User useful but it does as does the market tend to lean toward the DOS CD-Rom users. (My Opinion...for what its worth, hope this helps...Bob) CPT Bob Brandel, AV 345-3791/90, CML (703) 355-3791/90 profs: RNDINB Email RNDINB @ **** End of Profs Note **** ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Mar 90 22:56 PST From: JOHN LOUCH <> Subject: Cicn to icl8 converter Hello Netters, I'm looking for an cicn to icl8 converter. If there isn't one out there lets get together and make one. I do not want to lose my cicn when system 7.0 finnaly rolls around, and I would like to usae them with SunDesk. Please reply directly to me and I will summarize to the net. John Louch [LOUCHA@CLARGRAD.BITNET] Disclaimer: ID=28 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Mar 90 15:15 CDT From: Subject: Correction: Changing Word Menus How to get more space to the right of the Microsoft Word( 4.0 Menu. This allows you to see "Superclock(", "Macro(", or other DA's which put their names to the right of the menu (such as "KeyCaps(", "Word Finder(","EndNote(," etc. on a standard "small" screen. Using a Hex or ASCII editor, such as "MacTools(" or "FeditPlus(", open Microsoft Word( 4.0 Sector 373. You will see the words from the Microsoft Word menu: .File.Edit.Format.Font.Document.Utilities.Window, and if you use it .Work. In Hex, the . (period) before each term represents the number of letters in the following menu item. So, to reduce the size of the menu word "Document", change the Hex number showing as a period preceding the word, Document, from 08 to 04 and then remove -ment- with "0" (or space-bar in ASCII) leaving Docu (which is four letters). You can do the same for any of the other menu terms. It is important to change the number prior to the term to recover the extra spaces the letters you remove would take up because the following menu item will not move to the left without that reduction. I have performed this on a version of my program, with no ill effects. Marvin R. Bensman, J.D., Ph.D. "same disclaimer" ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Mar 90 19:50:17 GMT From: doutriaux@macvax.span Subject: horizontal scanning frequency of a Mac II Hi, Does somebody knows about the horizontal scanning frequency of a Mac II? Because we have a Dunn Instrument MultiColor camera and we would like to plug itto one of our Mac. Thanks for all your answers, Guillemette. Guillemette Doutriaux CSI A-021 UCSD La Jolla CA 92093 "" ------------------------------ Date: 9 Mar 90 10:45:00 EST From: Subject: Info-Mac Digest V8 #48 Greetings. I have just started to program the MacIntosh and I Have been running into some problems. I am using MPW 3.0 and Pascal 3.0. What I am trying to do is to copy a pixel map from the current window to memory. What I Have done is this : MemPixMap := NewPixMap; CopyPixMap(MyCWindow^.PortPixMap,MemPixMap); I then allocate memory for the Base Address and try the next line CopyBits(MyCWindow^.PortPixMap^^,MemPixMap^^,WindowRect,OtherRect, srcCopy,NIL); When I Compile I get this: CopyBits(MyCWindow^.PortPixMap^^,MemPixMap^^,WindowRect,OtherRect, # ? ### Pascal-Error 144 Type conflict of operands # ? ### Error 144 Type conflict of operands It Says in Inside Macintosh V5 Page 70 that CopyBits can now take a Pixel Map. Is this not supported by the MPW Pascal 3.0 Compiler ? Is there something that can be done ? Am I just being stupid ? Any Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jim Wetherbee {BTW Any Good Reference Books on ToolBox Programming besides Inside Macintosh and Macintosh Revealed? } ------------------------------ Date: 9 MAR 90 22:45:46.95-GMT From: Subject: Initshare Bug In a recent Info-Mac digest, somebody ask about Initshare folder selection process. 1) the first thing to know is that InitShare present you the classic SFGetFile Dialog and you must select A FILE IN THE FOLDER YOU WANT TO BE USED BY INITSHARE. 2) There is a bug in the version submited to the info-mac archives In source file cdev.p Change Line 108 from: ioDrDirID := 0; , use working directory reference number to: ioDrParID := 0; , use working directory reference number And compile all the sources using MPW in order to get a corrected Initshare file. Jean-Michel Vedrine (VEDRINE@FRNICE51.BITNET) Centre informatique Trefilerie Universite de Saint Etienne FRANCE ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 09 Mar 90 13:44:52 EST From: "Sue Hay (tm)" <> Subject: IPA fonts There are numerous IPA fonts available on the Macintosh. Bitmapped fonts are produced by: Ecological Linguistics, Linguist's Software, Inc., Devonian International Software Company, Paul Rappaport, and Megatherium Enterprises. LaserWriter fonts are produced by: Ecological Linguistics, Linguist's Software, Inc., Devonian International Software Co.,and Neoscribe International. For further details and contact information on the above products, see the Macintosh Buyer's Guide or MENU. Contact information for all of the above companies is there except for Ecological Linguistics; you can contact them at P.O. Box 15156, Washington, DC, 20003. Examine these fonts carefully before choosing one, as they have a broad range of features and limitations as well as prices. Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the above companies. This listing should not be considered an endorsement. I just looked the info up, guys, I haven't used the fonts! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Susan E. Hay * * User Services Specialist - Mac Support * * Computing & Information Services phone: 401-863-7302 * * Brown University internet: * * Box 1885, 115 Waterman Street bitnet: suehay@brownvm * * Providence, RI 02912 applelink: suehay * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ------------------------------ Date: 9 Mar 90 17:09:10 GMT From: levy@planchet.RUTGERS.EDU (Saul Levy) Subject: Jasmine Disk Drives I am new to this bboard, so it's possible this has all been said before. If not, Jasmine Technologies has the poorest (deservedly) customer relations policy of any company I've ever dealt with. I have been trying for three weeks to find out about an 80 meg hard disk ordered from them (in response to an ad which was still running last week). A typical phone session (on a pay toll call) lasts 8 minutes while I am either put on hold or switched to another extension to be out on hold, after which I get a telephone answering machine whose message asures me that my call is important to them, and that they will get back to me the next day if I leave the pertinent information. I do -- they don't. Two weeks ago, after 5 days of calling, I actually spoke with a human rather than a machine. He was from accounting (helping out) and he checked and told me my machine would be sent express on March 4 (a sunday). Today, March 9, it's still not here and I still get the same runaround from their phone system. Does anyone know if they really exist, and if they really manufacture (ie assemble) disk drives? Does anyone know anyone who has taken delivery of such a beast? It got a 5 mouse rating in Macuser's article on disks in February issue. Did they actually try one, or did they just listen to someone who claimed to have seen one? If this sort of treatment appeals to you, by all means deal with Jasmine. If not, I suggest you look elsewhere. ------------------------------ Date: 9 Mar 90 11:20:00 EST From: Subject: Mac 512K (Fat Mac) and hard drives. This has probably been asked before, but I hope that the general readership is patient. :-) How does one get a hard drive hooked to a 512K Mac. I'm asking about the old ones with the 64K ROMs and no SCSI port. I thought that Apple had sold hard drives for these machines at one time. For cost reasons I would like to avoid upgrading the Mac. (I understand that requires a new mother board for these models.) And a question to the moderators. I looked in the archives for the past issues of info-mac that might cover this topic. I could only find volumes 7 & 8. Are the rest kept somewhere or is all that neat information lost forever to the world? I'm asking this question for a friend so please reply to me. If anyone else is interested I'll be more than happy to send you the information. Thanks in advance! Kurt Seiffert Macintosh Facilities Coordinator University Computing Services, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN [Old issues of the digest are lost forever, I'm afraid. We don't have the disk space to keep them around or enough time to reload them from tape for people. Sorry! -Bill] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Mar 90 08:47 CST From: Alexander Rubli <> Subject: mac drive for apple IIc Does anbody knows how to connect an old mac 400 k drive to an apple ][c? thanx RUBLI@UDLAPVMS alexander ------------------------------ Date: 9 Mar 90 13:08:15 PST (Friday) From: "Richard_K._Yardumian.ESM8" Subject: PICT file CLUTs I'm writing a program that reads and displays PICT(version 1 & 2) files. The PICT files I'm dealing with contain PixMaps via Quickdraw opcode 0x98. I've used the QuickDraw function DrawPicture to read the PICT file into windows, offscreen PixMaps, and GWorlds. In all cases the PixMap data is read in correctly, unfortunately DrawPicture appears to do nothing with the PICT file's PixMap clut. That is, when the data is displayed in a window, the colors don't look right. When I explicity interpret the PICT file myself and read the PixMap clut into a palette, then the colors look correct. So my question is, does DrawPicture, or any other function, process a CLUT in a PixMap of opcode 0x98/0x99 of a PICT file? Or, will I have to interpret the PICT file myself to use the CLUTS? Thanks /Rick ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Mar 90 16:35:58 EST From: (Eric Brunelle) Subject: Project mgmt software: summary of responses Bonjour, A week ago I submitted a request about project management software for the Mac. This is the summary of replies I got to date. Thanks to all who answered. Ken Sussmann also sent me a complete feature checklist of the MicroPlanner product (both X-pert and 6.0 versions). I have not included this here because it's 250 lines long; email me directly for a copy. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- There are two primary suppliers of project management SW on the Mac. Claris with MacProject II and Micro Planning International with MicroPlanner. We have used both. MacProject is relatively easy to use and can easily handle projects of simple to moderate complexity. It has been the SW of choice for most people at our center. MicroPlanner is targeted for much larger projects, and seems particularily aimed at production and manufacturing (all of their examples in their manuals are from the constuction industry). We have found their original program difficult to use with a very non-intuitive user interface that violates the Mac interface guidelines at every opportunity (1/2 :-)). It is somewhat difficult to set up for R&D projects which frequently change. It only supports precidence diagrams (activity on the arc) rather than arrow diagrams (activity at the nodes). However, they just released MicroPlanner Xpert (~$2000 list). We had a demonstration of it when it was in Beta, and it looks like one serious piece of planning software! It is completely rewritten with an excellent Mac interface. It provides complete report customization. It allows for either arrow or precidence diagrams. It automatically generates C/SSR reports (neede for US Government cost reports, which we need). While it is pricy, it looks capable of handling anything that mainframe planning tools (eg. ARTEMIS) can do. Our Buisiness Administration Department is getting a copy on trial, but I haven't heard their reaction after actually using it. Ken Hoyme Honeywell Systems and Research Center (612)782-7354 3660 Technology Dr., Minneapolis, MN 55418 Internet: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Our office has standardized on MicroPlanner Plus Version 6 and is currently upgrading to use MicroPlanner X-Pert. We tried using MacProject but found it to be virtually useless. We have not tried MacProject II, but from the advertising, MicroPlanner X-Pert is far superior. Another fellow in our office is currently writing up a summary of the features available in X-Pert and he will send you a copy in about a week. Ken Sussmann U.S. Army Production Base Modernization Activity Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey 07806-5000 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hi, a package I haven't used yet but really like the look of is: Micro Planner from Micro Planning International 235 Montgomery St Ste. 840 San Francisco, CA 94104 415-788-3324 Good luck, =--> CB Lih <--= Macintosh Support / Disabled Student Computer Support BITNET: CBLIH@UAFSYSB AppleLink: U0669 Phone: 501-575-2905 US Mail: ADSB 220, University of Arkansas 155 Razorback Road, Fayetteville, AR 72701, USA =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I saw your note in the info-mac digest and thought I could e of some help. While I don't use a schedule program, I do have some ads for several. These are all from MacWeek in recent back issues. The biggest ad is for FastTrack Schedule from AEC Management Systems inc. It does Gantt Chart Schedules, offers point and click changes to schedules, is A/UX compatible, Color or B&W display and output and list for $195. MacUser gave FastTrack 4 and a half mice on october, 89, (out of 5). They have a free demo kit you can order at: 800 346-9413 or 703 450-1980 I have seen this ad run for quite a few months, not a small feat considering the price of a full page color ad in MacWeek. The second ad is for MacSchedule 2.0 from Mainstay. They have two adresses: 5311B Derry Avenue Agoura Hills,CA 91301 818 991-6540 and 71 rue des Atregates B-1040, Brussels, Belgium 322/733.97.91 MacSchedule also does the line charts but also has an integrated spreadsheet and graphing capability that can be tied to schedules. "Budget expenditures and graphically track result against plans. Include manpower requirements and project their trend." There is no listed price in the ad. The ad shows a color screen but no mention is made in the copy. The ad is 3/4 page and has also been running for a number of months. The third ad is a half page in b&w in the back. The program is called Great Gantt! from Varcon Systems Inc. I'll just list the bulleted copy: Reads MacProject files variety of symbols built in, or create your own frozen frame keeps side text and calenders always on screen text and graphics positioned anywhere on the chart [just like the 2 above] up to 20 built-in text informatino columns variable top and bottom calendars critical paht, staus line, and progress symbology custom chart templates The co. must not pay attention to ad deadlines because the ad says that if you buy Great Gantt! in Dec/Jan you get a free color imagewriter ribbon. The ad dated is Feb 6. The list price is $195. Varcon Systems, Inc. 10509 San Diego Mission Road, Suite K. San Diego, CA 92108 phone 619 563-6700 FAX 619 563-1986 Ian Sights C277839@UMCVMB.bitnet 401 N. 9th St. Columbia MO 65201 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eric Brunelle | "C'est la nuit qu'il est beau BNR-Montreal (Bell-Northern Research) | de croire a la lumiere." | E. Rostand ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Mar 90 11:41:39 EST From: (Spencer W. Thomas) Subject: Shareware Fees (how to pay them) > From: Joshua Yeidel <> > This kind of system would make it very mcuh easier to pay shareware > fees in our environment (a state university), where it can cost as > much as $35 just to write a check (not to mention the back-and-forth > paperwork). My solution to this particular problem (bureaucracy in purchasing) is to make small purchases myself and then apply to the department for reimbursement. This way I can * get things quickly (overnight express from mail-order firms) * batch several small payments (to reduce paperwork) * etc. You might see if this approach will work in your environment. =Spencer ( ------------------------------ Date: 9 Mar 90 03:11:59 GMT From: dcatla! (Michael L. Kornegay) Subject: Submission for comp-sys-mac-digest Path: dcatla!zdmlk >From: zdmlk@dcatla.UUCP (Michael L. Kornegay) Newsgroups: news.newusers.questions,comp.sys.mac,comp.sys.mac.digest Subject: Mac uucp/email/usenet Summary Message-ID: <34095@dcatla.UUCP> Date: 9 Mar 90 03:11:58 GMT Reply-To: zdmlk@dcatla.UUCP () Followup-To: Distribution: na Organization: n/a Lines: 34 Here is the summary of respones and information I hunted down on Macintosh uucp/email/usenet software. It was disappointing that only two people responed to my request posting, especially considering the large number of Macintosh postings in the Mac news groups. I can not believe that all these Mac users settle for an interface like rn provides to access usenet. Summary: Microsoft Mail, Microsoft, 206-257-5480. Third parties provide gatway software to Unix via SMTP and Ethernet. Microsoft is reported to have a uucp gateway that they are using internally, maybe they will consider it as a future product. Quickmail, CE Software, 515-224-1995. This product reportedly has capabilities and third party gateways into a large number of diverse mail systems. UMCP/QM, Information Electronics, 607-257-5480, This product is a uucp gateway for Quickmail to be available late March. This looks like the solution for me. Their product fact sheet looks interesting, I look forward to seeing the product. MacWEEK, 6 March 1990 This issue contained a comparison of Microsoft Mail and Quickmail as well as several other interesting email related issues for the Mac user. Thanks to those that responded. If anyone has any additions of Mac like interfaces to uucp/email/usenet, please send me email and I will summarize to net as appropriate. -- Please respond via email, I will summarize to net when appropriate, thanks. Michael Kornegay, ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 9 Mar 90 01:29:27 est From: Amanda Walker <> Subject: TCP/IP Terminal Emulators Peter Hardman writes: > Does anyone know of any good TCP/IP emulators. PDomain or Comercial > At the moment I am using NCSA Telnet which is Okay. What I really need is > something that will work over the Ethernet but has the same Graphics > capability as VersaTerm Pro. My company sells a driver which installs into VersaTerm or VersaTerm Pro and allows them to operate over a Telnet connection. For more information please contact InterCon Systems Corporation directly at 703.709.9890 (voice) or 703.709.9896 (FAX). List price is US$149.00, with a 30% discount to educational institutions. Amanda Walker InterCon Systems Corporation ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Mar 90 16:23 PDT From: Subject: The HQX compression format Hello, my name is Scott Colville, and I'm a junior at Catlin Gabel High School, a private school in Portland, Oregon. A classmate of mine got hold of the mac server, and asked me to make a program uncompress '.HQX' files. I have the Mac version of this BinHex program, but there are some commands in this progarm unique to the Mac. Right now our computer system consits of a Vax, VMS, but we are expecting a Sequent, a UNIX system, by April. Well back to the point I am trying to make a VAX, pascal, version of this program but I can't find the algorithm in the program I have. I would appreciate it if you could send me a message describing this algorithm to me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks, Scott Colville ------------------------------ Date: 9 Mar 90 20:08 -0600 From: Darren R Besler <> Subject: UNIX and the Mac Is there anything out there that allowes connecting to a UNIX box as a terminal and also allows file upload/download so that we can do the editting on the Mac. We would like this process to be as slick as possible. Any Ideas? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 8 Mar 90 23:50 EST From: Subject: Using a Mac with an internal HD as an external HD. Hello, all. Does anyone out there know of a way that I can connect two Macs together through their SCSI ports so that one of them acts like an external HD to the other? I'd have to reset the SCSI address on one of them, but that's not a problem. I'd really like to be able to load an HD from a master copy on my IIcx's internal HD, and doing across TOPS or something like that is really slow. Thanks! Craig Garnett Microcomputer Specialist Amherst College CHGARNET@AMHERST (BITNET) ------------------------------ End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************