Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (04/08/90)
Info-Mac Digest Sat, 7 Apr 90 Volume 8 : Issue 71 Today's Topics: Darkness 1.0.1 Demo for Speech & Music Analysis Program Available Folder Check for AppleShare Greek Font Info-Mac Digest V8 #66 MacLayers 1.0 release (FreeWare UNIX multi-window comm pgm) MCI Mail MegaGraphics Service in East-CND NovaTerm 1.0b13 printed music PROGRAMMING NEWSLETTER System 6.0.5 TCP/IP driver for VersaTerm and VersaTerm-Pro The art of .hqx transfer Virus or April Fools joke? WDEF A WriteMove questions Write Now 2.2 Upgrade Your Info-Mac Moderators are Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh. The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous, any password) in the info-mac directory on []. Help files are in /info-mac/help. Indicies are in /info-mac/help/recent-files.txt and /info-mac/help/all-files.txt. Please send articles and binaries to Send administrative mail to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 21 Mar 90 01:03:56 -0500 (EST) From: "Michael A. Libes" <> Subject: Darkness 1.0.1 Darkness is a different type of screen saver. Instead of being an INIT, or CDEV, it is a background-only Multifinder program. Like AfterDark and Pyro4.0, Darkness is extendible. However, the "Blackout" for Darkness are not some proprietary code resources, but everyday Mac programs. This make writing and debugging much easier. Blackouts can be written in any language which can be compilied into a normal application. Darkness is being distributed as Shareware. So give it to all your friends, and feel free to try it out. Enclosed is a Stuffit archive containing the Darkness program, one simple Blackout, and the THINK C source code for that Blackout. Enjoy... - Luni [Archived as /info-mac/app/darkness-101.hqx; 30K] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 01 Apr 90 09:57:00 EST From: Eric Keller <> Subject: Demo for Speech & Music Analysis Program Available Signalyze is a sound analysis program for the Macintosh built for research in speech and music. A demo version of the first release of the program is now available. Signalyze is characterized by a particularly flexible spectrography, its user friendliness, and its speed of operation. It is chock-full of features (410k of compiled C code). The program operates on the multi-channel, synchronous presentation principle. It accommodates 8-, 12- or 16-bit signals, and internal operations are performed in 16-bit microsecond precision. It incorporates a full signal editor, a limited text editor, and a large number of signal transformations (arithmetic, transcendental, up- and downsampling, limit, splines, averaging). It performs wide and narrow spectrograms, spectral sections, pitch extractions, zero-crossings and amplitude envelopes. Input >From MacRecorder, or via the following file formats: ASCII, MacSpeech Lab, Sound Edit, Sound Wave, sound resource, format 1 and format 2. The demo file contains: * A demo version, which is Version 1.1, minus nearly all I/O. * The first 25 pages of the 220-page manual * Samples of speech and of flute tones * Pricing and ordering information A binhexed, stuffited version of the 547k-demo is available >From the above email address, since it is too large for the InfoMac archives. Sent out in 80k segments. Eric Keller ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Mar 90 15:17:48 AEST From: (John Rotenstein) Subject: Folder Check for AppleShare Folder Check 1.0 by John Rotenstein "Hey John," said Tony. "Here's something useful you could write. Or at least useful to me." And so it began. The concept: a network reminder for Appleshare drop folders. The reason: AppleShare, much like other network software, provides users with the ability to exchange files on a central file server. AppleShare, in particular, has Drop Folders which allow people to literally drop files into them, yet not get access to whatever else happens to be in the folder. Very good for privacy. Many people use Drop Folders to pass along files when the recipient is out of the office/bedroom. When next they return, they must check the Drop Folder for any new additions. Enter Folder Check! At startup, Folder Check will automatically look inside a specified folder (on any mounted volume) to see if there are any files there. If so, it tells you via the Notification Manager (just to keep Apple Tech Support happy!). It even continues to work if the folder is renamed or moved. However, you must be sure that the network software loads before Folder Check. What's that? You don't have a network. Well, there may be another reason to use Folder Check. Let's say you want to remind yourself to continue working on a particular document the next day. Just drop it in the special folder and be reminded about it next time, and every time until you move it out. Folder Check is distributed under the HappiWare System: IF YOU LIKE IT, REMEMBER TO SMILE! But seriously, if you do like it, I'd appreciate receiving a postcard from your home town. Is that too much to ask? Folder Check is (c) 1990 by John Rotenstein. Written January 1990. [Happy 6th Birthday, Macintosh!] [Archived as /info-mac/util/folder-check.hqx; 20K] ------------------------------ Date: 2 Apr 90 10:06:00 CDT From: "Grootwassink, David" <> Subject: Greek Font > I need a new Greek font. I'm doing some writing and really need >one that INCUDES ACCENTS, ETC. Symbol is pretty, but does not. Salamis+ >does but is truly ugly (not to mention I only have it in 10 and 20 point) >B.-B. (in the archive) is doubly useless because One has to use a control char >(i mean key) to get the greek. Why not use RESEDIT or any other Font Editor to modify the font yourself?? You should be able to add accents or what ever else you want to the font. -Dave ================================================================================ Lt. Dave Grootwassink USAF Tactical Air Warfare Center INTERNET: GROOTWASS@TAWC1.EGLIN.AF.MIL ( PHONE: (904)882-4100 AUTOVON 872-4100 (904)882-4600 872-4600 ================================================================================ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 1 Apr 90 20:32 PDT From: Subject: Info-Mac Digest V8 #66 Subj: System 6.0.5--memory hog??? I recently upgraded to system 6.0.5, and the system now takes 346K of memory, compared to 197K for 6.0.3 running on a friend's machine. (Mine with NO inits, his with a few). What's hoggin the bytes? Does using the "minimum SE 30" installer script change the memory allocation? ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Mar 1990 6:23:37 CST From: Werner Uhrig <> Subject: MacLayers 1.0 release (FreeWare UNIX multi-window comm pgm) MacLayers Document Version 1.00 March 17, 1990 MacLayers provides multi-window capability for a Macintosh connected to a host UNIX(TM) system with sockets support. Each window may be associated with a shell, login to a different host, or an individual command. Complete facilities are available for controlling the window and the associated host processes attached thereto. the feature which makes MacLayers indispensible for me is the capability to have a continuous download process ongoing in one window while processes in other windows stay responsive and active, allowing me to read and answer mail, read and post news and do whatever other interactive work strikes my fancy while continuously downloading data at the same time at a speed of up to 180 chars/sec on a 2400baud line, and considerably faster on a 9600 baud line ... fully MultiFinder-compatible, though a download can time-out of course, when the download process cannot obtain time-slices... you do not require root-privileges to install MacLayers though you may loose a minor functionality (see README) Please direct all your questions and feedback *NOT* to the author of MacLayers (Dave Trissel <davet@oakhill.UUCP>) but to the address ...!uunet!!layers (or to if your mailer groks domain-style addresses) - but *DO* read the text-files before you send us mail about bugs and features (missing or otherwise :-) in order to avoid unnecessary traffic. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/maclayers.hqx; 131K /info-mac/comm/maclayers-docs.txt; 33K /info-mac/comm/maclayers-unix-side.shar; 112K] ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 31 Mar 90 22:44 PST From: JOHN LOUCH <> Subject: MCI Mail I wnat to thank all the people that replied to my question about how to send mail to MCI. I found to ways that worked for me! 1. put three 0's in fron of a users Id and do not put a dash. Example: MCI ID = 123-456 from internet or bitnet: 2. Just the name of the mailbox. example: this will not work if the user has mor than one mailbox to his/her name. Again thanks for the help, sorry if I repeated anything to the list . John Louch ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Apr 90 10:18:28 EDT From: Rob Szarek <> Subject: MegaGraphics Service in East-CND Does anyone out there have problems with MegaGraphics monitors ? In particular the original MegaGraphics 19 inch monochorome monitor for the Mac SE. A little while ago one of the MegaScreens I was using blew. The monitor is fine, but the video board had a chip that fried. I went back to the VAR that sold us the board but they said MegaGraphics had a dispute with the Canadian distributor and that I'm out of luck. What I'd like to know is ... Am I stuck with a new bookend or is there anybody who had similar experience with a MegaGraphics monitor and found any alternatives.... someone else who will gladly fix the thing, I'd do it myself but I don't have the parts ... (ie. the chips, ROM's , whatever ) Thanx in advance Rob Szarek CSI U of Ottawa ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 Mar 90 22:56:59 EST From: Brad Goodman <> Subject: NovaTerm 1.0b13 NovaTerm 1.0b13 is a Public Domain program, produced by Res Nova Software, the makers of the NovaLink Pro BBS system. NovaTerm allows users to take advantage of a full Mac- Type graphical user interface, while connected to any of the several NovaLink Pro Bulliten Boards around. Some of these boards include: NovaCentral 617-367-2427 MaxMac 313-572-9536 Mac Central 313-662-3809 There are many other boards around, and they can be found by contacting these systems. Brad Goodman Northeastern University Boston, MA [Archived as /info-mac/comm/novaterm-10b13.hqx; 143K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Apr 90 09:16 EDT From: Subject: printed music Hi, I'm a student at Ithaca college in Ithaca, N.Y., and I am looking for a good music editing program for a Professor of mine. The program does not have to play the music, but it does have to have a friendly interface for entering the music, and has to print out a legible copy. My professor is currently using Deluxe Music Construction Set, and is happy with the results on the printed page, but he does not like the interface (it takes too long to get the music in and too long to adjust the spacing of the notes...) If anyone out there knows of a good (and preferably cheap) program for printing music, please respond directly to me. I'll summarize for the net. Thanx, Dave ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 27 Mar 90 22:23:00 EST From: adobe!uunet!canremote! Subject: PROGRAMMING NEWSLETTER A.K. Dewdney, Computer Recreations columnist with Scientific American magazine, has launched a personal programming newsletter, Algorithm. The new publication is aimed at amateur and professional programmers alike. It extends the Computer Recreations tradition of recreational and educational programming projects: the Mandelbrot set, cellular automata, chaos and dynamics, weird machines, stellar simulation, puzzles and many other topics. The new publication carries seven features and will expand to include more columns. Currently, it includes Algoletter, advice from professionals; Easy Pieces, fascinating projects for beginning programmers by Michael Ecker of Creative Computing fame; Personal Programs, exercises for more advanced programmers by Cliff Pickover, IBM's computer graphics wizard; Algopuzzles, computer mind-benders by Dennis Shasha, author of The Puzzling Adventures of Dr. Ecco; Algofact and Algofiction, invited articles and stories from well-known scientists and authors. A Bulletin Board advertises hosts of recreational products by individuals and small companies. Algorithm puts the "personal" back in "personal computing" by encouraging you to develop your programming skills while pursuing high adventure on the frontiers of science and computing. Order a free examination copy by writing Algorithm at P.O. Box 29237, Westmount Postal Outlet, 785 Wonderland Road, London, Ontario, Canada N6K 1M6. --- MaS Relayer v1.00.00 Message gatewayed by MaS Network Software and Consulting/HST Internet: nigel.allen@canremote.uucp UUCP: ...tmsoft!masnet!canremote!nigel.allen ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 01 Apr 90 17:17:23 EDT From: Peter Galko <> Subject: System 6.0.5 I downloaded the new system software from Apple.COM and tried installing the new stuff on my SE (4MB, running a Marathon 020 accelerator and coprocessor) using the installer provided. It seems that there is a problem since I could not get the Mac to boot from my hard disk with the new software installed. I tried a lot of things but allways got crashes in the boot phase. The problem only went away when I finally used the Finder to copy the System file in from a floppy after an attepmt to use the Installer. Has anyone else had such an experience with the new software (has anyone else succesfully used the installer to update the system on an SE? On anothe matter, I am finding that a lot of the "DAs" that I have do not show up when I open a suitcase with the Font/DA mover. Can anyone tell me what is wrong? Prof. Peter Galko E-mail: PTRPB@UOTTAWA.BITNET Department of Electrical Engineering Room A-509, Colonel By Hall Telephone: (613)-564-7097 770 King Edward Avenue FAX: (613)-564-6882 University of Ottawa OTTAWA, Ontario, CANADA K1N 6N5 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Apr 90 05:00:50 edt From: Amanda Walker <> Subject: TCP/IP driver for VersaTerm and VersaTerm-Pro In case anyone else has been trying unsuccessfully to get information about the InterCon Telnet Driver, here's how to get in touch with us: InterCon Systems Corporation 950 Herndon Parkway, Suite 390 Herndon, VA 22070 USA 703.709.9890 (Voice) 703.709.9896 (FAX) Hope this helps, Amanda Walker InterCon Systems Corporation ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 1 Apr 90 19:40 CDT From: Subject: The art of .hqx transfer I am sure this topic and the question to follow are known to all, so my apologies in advance. Here I am, attempting to download an .hqx file, first to my vax (I type "set type image" within FTP to make sure the transfer is maintained as a binary file), then to my SE via Kermit (which is as slow as all get out!). But when I use Unstuffit to decompress the file, "StuffIt" doesn't recognize the file. And when I "Decode BinHex File", the reply is "A disk-related error (Unexpected EOF) has prevented operation, etc, etc." Am I in error in setting my communications program? (RedRyder 10.3) I assume these .hqx files are non-MacBinary formatted files,so should I be stripping the linefeeds? Maybe the easiest thing to do is to run those files on mcvert on my Unix, THEN transfer the files. Thanks David Gompper Department of Music University of Texas@Arlington ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 02 Apr 90 09:09:00 EST From: Subject: Virus or April Fools joke? Last night I was working on my Mac II when something odd happened. Here's the sequence of events: I opened a MacWrite 4.6 document called "header", and did a "save as..." to a new document called "kushmerek". I edited the new document, printed it, saved it, and quit MacWrite. I then wanted to change the name of the document so I looked for it in the folder. But it wasn't there! I thought it might have somehow found its way into a different folder, so launched Findswell. Findswell found it, in the folder where I had first looked! I then took a look with ResEdit, and found that the file was invisible, so I made it un- invisible, wondering how it had gotten invisible in the first place. I got back to the finder, and found that every MacWrite document in the folder thought it was a "kushmerek document", and wouldn't open with a double-click, since the "application was busy or missing". What is going on, I wondered? Maybe a corrupted desktop? So I rebuilt the desktop. No help. Then I looked with ResEdit at the desktop itself, and found that under APPL, the desktop thought that a creator type of MACA had the application "kushmerek", as well as "MacWrite". I looked at the original "kushmerek" document that was the cause of all this trouble, and noticed that other boxes were checked: Bozo, Bundle, Busy, and Inited. Other should-be-MacWrite documents had only the Inited box checked. So I changed the "kushmerek" document to be only Inited, left ResEdit, and rebuilt the desktop again. Everything was back to normal. But what would happen if I tried the same sequence of events? Would I get a invisible file again? I could not duplicate the results. Was there a virus stimulated by April Fools day, or was there some other factor at work? If it was a virus, was it deleted by my rebuilding the desktop? I checked my disk with Disinfectant 1.5 before rebuilding the desktop, and it found no viruses. Can anybody shed some light on this? Margaret Gibbs ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 1 Apr 90 17:32 EST From: "Peter D.M. Macdonald" <> Subject: WDEF A There appears to be quite an epidemic of WDEF A virus in the Toronto-Hamilton region of Ontario. WDEF A travels on the desktops of floppies, not in the resource forks of applications like nVIR and other previous viruses. Hence Vaccine, Gatekeeper 1.1.1 and other anti-virus software is completely ineffective and most infected users are unaware that they have it, although they may wonder why their system crashes so often (mouse freezes, Word "unexpectedly quits" in multifinder, that sort of thing). Disinfectant 1.6, SAM and Virus Rx 1.6 appear to be effective. According to the documentation in Disinfectant 1.6, WDEF A only gets into the Desktop file and cleaning up or rebuilding the Desktop file is all that has to be done to eliminate the virus. Does anyone have any evidence that WDEF A can infect any other file, so that it can come back after the Desktop is repaired or rebuilt? Peter Macdonald Department of Mathematics and Statistics McMaster University [The combination of GateKeeper 1.1.1 and GateKeeper Aid (also in the archive) is effective against the WDEF virus. I am not sure about recent versions of commercial software. -Bill] ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 01 Apr 90 12:58:44 EDT From: Black David of Providence <> Subject: WriteMove questions I have two questions to ask any WriteMove printer owners out there. I'm very very seriously considering buying one, but I'd like to know first: A) What happens when bitmaps are printed on the printer? That is, if I print a MacPaint document, does the whole image get scaled up from 72dpi to 96 (or 192)dpi? If it does, is there any way to toggle this on and off, so one could get an unscaled (and thusly, a smaller) image? B) If one writes text in a 12pt cyrillic bitmap font, and prints at 96dpi does the printer also scale the text up as to that resolution? If one has a 16pt version of the bitmap in the system at that time (or 32 if at 192dpi), will the printer make use of that font rather than scaling the 12pt? Thank you very much for your answers! \david john burrowes ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 31 Mar 90 01:58:53 -0600 From: Ian David Haskell <> Subject: Write Now 2.2 Upgrade letter follows: I have just upgraded to WN 2.2, and will quote their literature: What's new in Write Now 2.2 New command key equivalents. (ie com-p = print) Actual fonts displayed in font menu Counts average words per paragraph Counts average characters per word Check spelling now wraps around the document (at your command) You can now copy/paste font/size/styles It includes a date CDev that will allow you to change the format of the date that the system sends to applications (ie 3/4/90 vs 4/3/90 vs Sep. 4, 1990, etc...) New 135,000 word dictionary New GoTo Page command Opens Word 3.0, 4.0 and MS Write Documents Includes "other" in size menu, allowing direct input of font size (old verion only had "larger" and maller") Preferences command that allows you to customize a bit Ruler guides: When you move a margin, tab, etc in the ruler, a dotted line appears and moves in the text window, thus making it much easier to align text. Saves window locations, so when you reopen, the window is where you left it. 60 and 72 point sizes have been added to the font menu. A new, nice thesaurus has been added in DA form. It is pretty good. New clean up windows commmand. New "hints and tricks" book - interesting, but I knew most of it already. I suspect that you do too. Print dialog box displays printing status (page printing, etc) ESC key can be used to cancel operations Positiion of insertion point is restored after Page Setup (2.0 always put it at the beginning of the document) F-keys are supported Dialog box items (including radio buttons) can be selected from the keyboard. Window menu is reorganized to separate document and applications windows. Unsaved documents appear in bold. Soft hyphens supported from clipboard Page Setup dialog box reorganized. Indent Left/Right maintains the selection after the command is executed "learn" and "forget" (in spell check) are disabled if dictionary is locked. Search options for Check spelling and find/replace are maintained b/t sessions Text pasted from Clipboard takes on attributes of first character in selection. All in all, I am not really sure it is worth it, except that when WN 2.higher comes out, it will probably cost much less to upgrade if you have 2.2, than >From 2.0. ALso, it is a little nicer, but I don't think is is worth the money You decide for yourself. PS - I was a little liberal with the "quoting" from their leaflet that came with the new version, but it is generally correct. ------------------------------ End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************