[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V8 #128

Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (07/06/90)

Info-Mac Digest             Thu,  5 Jul 90       Volume 8 : Issue 128 

Today's Topics:

      [*] Jsat file
      Bad kerning
      Corrupted System files
      disappearing filenames
      E-Machines ColorPage T16 Graphics Subsystem: information request
      folder size, show trash can
      Free MacScheme - I requested it and plan to make it available for
      InBox 3.0 and HyperCard
      MultiFinder weirdness revisited
      Oztex on Bitnet?
      PagerMaker Help
      Printing on TOPS
      Printing to a PostScript File
      printing to file
      Projection panel for Mac Portable?
      SE/30s and 120ns RAM
      some font questions
      STANDARDS and also a simple byte serial port
      Syquest Removeable Drives
      Text editing within HyperCard
      VT100 printer emulation
      What is Darkness doing with the disk?
      While we're on the subject of graphics...

Your Info-Mac Moderators are Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files are in /info-mac/help.  Indices are in
/info-mac/help/recent-files.txt and /info-mac/help/all-files.txt.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: Sat Jun 30 17:27:17 1990
From: nanovx!kaz@gatech.edu (Mike Kazmierczak)
Subject: [*] Jsat file

Jupiter satellite emulation using the method of Jean Meeus.  A primitive 
program, but looks ok for a first program.  Three displays of satellite 
locations are given.  A tabular list with coordinates, a telescope view and
a time line like in Sky & Telescope.  $5 shareware

[Archived as /info-mac/app/jupiter-satellites.hqx; 50K]


Date: Thu, 28 Jun 90 14:42:28 CDT
From: hplabs!crew%pro-harvest.cts.com@labrea.stanford.edu (Chris Wicklein)
Subject: A-Macs

   I am a //e user about to upgrade to an Amiga 2000. There is a Macintosh
emulator card for the Amiga 500/1000/2000 called A-Macs that functions better
with the 128K ROMS from a Mac (original family) or Mac +. Does any "Macintosh"
user out there in MacLand use an Amiga with this card, and where on earth can
you get MacROMs?

ARPA: crash!pro-harvest!crew@nosc.mil      
INET: crew@pro-harvest.cts.com    BITNET: crew%pro-harvest.cts.com    
UUCP: crash!pro-harvest!crew

"This message is strictly fact or my opinion."


Date: Sat, 30 Jun 90 22:20 PST
From: <CONDOF%CLARGRAD.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Bad kerning

Kevin Bolduan is having trouble with "re" not kerning properly in FreeHand
2.02. I've not noticed any such problem. At times in the past, however, I have
noticed spacing problems, and the cause has invariably been corrupted font
(bitmap) files. I would suggest reinstalling your font bitmaps from the
original master disks, being careful not to use too old a source, as the fonts
have been updated by both Adobe, Apple, and even Aldus over the years. You migh
want to get new copies of the standard laser fonts from a local Apple dealer.

 Fred Condo. System Administrator, Pro-Humanist (818/339-4704).
 INET: fredc@pro-humanist.cts.com     BitNet: condof@clargrad
 matter: PO Box 2843, Covina, CA 91722


Date: 1 Jul 90 23:30:00 CST
From: "Dr F J Van Wetering" <fjvanwet@zeus.unomaha.edu>
Subject: Corrupted System files

This is perhaps the most frustrating 4 weeks I have spent with my Macintosh.
I posted a message about 3 weeks ago about "disappearing folders" on my 
Jasmine DD20 hard disk.  Lost quite a bit of info, but nothing serious.

Just to be on the safe side, today I installed Gatekeeper and Gatekeeper Aid
I ran Disinfectant 1.7 to ensure that no viruses existed on my disk.  
I discovered that Smartcom II was infected with the Scores virus, but no 
other infections were reported.  I configured Gatekeeper, and restarted the 
computer several times... no problems.

After attending a picnic this evening, I decided to do a bit late night 
Computing with the mac... to my dismay I discovered that the Jasmine DD20
will not boot.. the message is that it "cannot find the Finder".  I ran
Disinfectant 1.7, and it told me that "the resource fork is damaged" for a 
number of files in the System folder (Finder included) and that the files 
could not be checked.  They could not be disinfected either.

The strange thing is that all the files start with a letter
beginning with "D" up to "S"...??? weird,or what?  None of the 
virus programs that I downloaded from the sumex archives are of
any help.

Finally, I cannot restore a 'good' copy of the infected files 
>From my backup (I get some sort of error).  I am not even allowed
to throw away the infected files (I get a message that "the trash
could not be emptied {unknown error}).

If any of you macexperts out there can help me with this one, 
I will be grateful.


Date: Sat 30 Jun 90 00:55:31-EDT
From: C. David Young <DYOUNG@a.isi.edu>
Subject: disappearing filenames

Recently someone posted a long message explaining how to recover from
the situation where all the filenames past a certain letter in the
alphabet disappear.  Well, I was just in the middle of debugging a
Think C project when all the filenames past "pc.c" disappeared from
the project directory.  I can still open the files by double clicking
on them in the project window, but no other program sees theses files.

Needless to say, I am rather miffed, but at least I know the files
are still there.  Could somebody be so kind as to send me those
instructions for recovering from this?  Or are they posted at sumex?
Has anybody discovered why this happens?

David Young



Date: Sun, 24 Jun 90 21:13:10 edt
From: Wayne_Colella@dgc.mceo.dg.com
Subject: E-Machines ColorPage T16 Graphics Subsystem: information request

CEO summary:
Hi, folks.  I'm considering the purchase of an E-Machines ColorPage 
T16 Graphics Subsystem (16 inch, Sony Trinitron color monitor; 8-bit 
video card) and am looking for some recommendations, pro or con, from 
anyone who owns one.  It recently got a great review in MacUser, and 
a good one in Macworld, as well.  I'm curious about reliablility and 
compatibility, among other things.  The lowest price I've seen is 
>From Beverly Hills Computer - any information about them would be 
appreciated, too. They were offering it for $2598, but E-Machines 
just lowered the list price this week from $3595 to $2995, so I don't 
know what their new price will be (or anyone else's, for that matter).
MacWEEK said they expected street prices of less than $2000, but I've
yet to find one.
Please reply directly to me, and I'll summarize for the net.
Thanks in advance.
Wayne Colella            colella@wgn.ceo.dg.com
30 Ellison Park          Home: (617) 893-4991
Waltham, MA 02154        Work: (508) 870-9552


Date: Sun, 1 Jul 90 23:37:09 EDT
From: wang@pennmess.physics.upenn.edu ( Huangxin Wang)
Subject: folder size, show trash can

A while ago I asked about (1)  How to see the size of a bunch of folders
in Finder (similar to "du" command in UNIX);  (2)  How to show the disk
icon and the trash can in MultiFinder, if they hide behind a background
application window.   I have received quite a lot of replies, and thanks
for all!   However it seems the issue hasn't been settled.  Due to the 
phrasing of my first question, many suggest me to use "Get Info" in file
menu to see the folder size, which is not what I want.  Supposed you want
compare the sizes of 20 folders, or somehow you drop a 2 megabyte file
in a folder and forget which one, using "Get Info" is not very convinient.
It should be very nice if the "View by size" menu lists not only the size
of files but also the size of the folder.  If This takes up too much time for 
calculating the total size, then Apple should add another item to do this.
(Vaughan Turner also suggest this).  Clint of hyde@ngstl1.csc.ti.com
suggested that a Finder like DA DiskTop 4 can show the size of the folder,
but only when you are in that folder.  So it still won't solve the problem,
only a little better than "Get Info".  (Sumex archive only have DiskTop 1.0,
which even does not have the feature).   So far this problem is still
unsettle yet.  Any more suggestions?  Any guru out there would like to
write a small program to patch this up?  (This would be a cdev or init, 
if something like "The Groucher" can be done, I imagine this should not
be too difficult.)

	For the second question, there are still no clean way to solve it,
though  I think the best way (advised by Vaughan Turner) is to use 
WindowShade (init, in info-mac/init/windowshade-11.hqx) which lift up
to shrink it to the title bar.  (So now, when you go to Finder, find your 
disk icon and the trashcan is covered up by the background MSWord Window, 
then you have to goto Word, double click the menbar to shrink i when
you are back to Finder, you find your disk icons and trashcan are still 
half buried in the VersaTerm textronix window, which cannot be shrink by
the WindowShade, since it does not have a title bar.  you have to select
the "Hide Graphics" to close the Tex window, and eventually you can do
your things in Finder!)  It should not be so clumsy.  Actually the Groucher
can already do that:  when Oscar is singing, the trashcan pops in front 
of all other windows (someone says this is a bug, not a feature!)  Several
people mentioned to me that beta-version of MultiFinder 6.1b9 can set aside 
the windows of background application,  but I haven't test it yet.  Again,
I still this can be patched by a cdev ot init, I would not be so pleased
with a MultiFinder which hide all the background windows.  There are many
applications which takes advantage of feature that MultiFinder keeps all
the background windows.)

	I am really talking too much about these two trivial problems!

		Huangxin Wang, University of Pennsylvania


Date: Sun, 1 Jul 1990 2:52:51 CDT
From: Werner Uhrig <werner@rascal.ics.utexas.edu>
Subject: Free MacScheme - I requested it and plan to make it available for

>From: freeman@argosy.UUCP (Jay R. Freeman)

    I have written a shareware Scheme implementation for the Apple
Macintosh.  Until 1 August 1990, I will be happy to (US) mail a free
copy to anyone who sends me a 3.5-inch 800K disk and a self-addressed
return mailer WITH ENOUGH POSTAGE to get it back to you.

    "Free" means that I encourage recipients of disks thus obtained to
ignore the program's built-in appeal for a shareware donation.

    Mail to:
                         Jay Reynolds Freeman
                           P. O. Box 60628
                       Palo Alto, CA, 94306-0628

    If I should get more requests than I can handle, I will have to
return empty disks.  I think that's very unlikely.

    For those who don't know, Scheme is a dialect of Lisp.  For those
who do know, my implementation is a nearly-complete "R3" Scheme
interpreter, with a few extra features.  It should run on a Mac Plus
or on any later Macintosh.

    I have no FTP access and subscribe to no commercial on-line
services, so I cannot get my project to the various usual places, and
the distribution seems too large for comp.binaries.mac.

    I hope it does not breach netiquette to post this item:  Shareware
appears regularly on comp.binaries.<etc>, so I concluded it was OK.

                                         -- Jay Reynolds Freeman

       <canonical disclaimer -- all opinions herein are my own>


Date: Mon, 2 Jul 90 09:33:21 EDT
From: aclin@blackjack.dt.navy.mil (Charissa S. Aclin)
Subject: InBox 3.0 and HyperCard

In comp.sys.mac.digest you write:

>I discovered a problem wherein HyperCard is the foreground application
>and an incoming message from InBox 3.0 causes my machine to emit a
>high-pitched squeal then go into a catatonic state where the mouse can
>move the cursor but nothing else works.  My first thought was that it
>was unique to my configuration (IIfx running 6.0.5) but I have since
>reproduced it on IIcxs running 6.0.5 and 6.0.4.  I have HyperCard 1.2.5.
>Has anyone else seen this?  Is there a reason why I can't use an earlier
>version of HyperCard?  I haven't tried turning off InBox's audio alert
>feature, but I really don't want to do that anyway.

> Paul Benjamin
> Phoenix Product Development
> Bull Worldwide Information Systems


I've had this happen with InBox 2.2 and Hypercard 1.2.5. The way we
solved it was to de-select the "Notify of Messages" (or something
similar) in the options box of the login screen. It really is a
pain, but seems to work fine. It only makes that noise with Hypercard
1.2.5. Maybe 2.0 won't do the same.

C. Aclin


Date: Sun, 01 Jul 90 15:30 CST
From: <NBEHR%ECNCDC.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: MultiFinder weirdness revisited

Thanks a lot to all who responded. The consensus was that the old development
version of MultiFinder was to blame. Well, Apple had better get things right,
because replacing MF 6.1.d6 with a copy of MF 6.1b9 (courtesy of one of the
respondents) made things a bit worse: all the other symptoms are still
there, but now from time to time Word (4.00A) launches, displays the
ownership alert, and then quits!!! Moreover, compared to the 'd' release,
scrolling of the Apple menu seems a bit sloppy: the increments by which
the menu scrolls are not always equal to the item's height, so it is
possible for it to stop scrolling while an item has disappeared only
partially. Again, a minor problem, but may be a sign of worse things
to come. It is definitely Multifinder, though, because the kosher 6.0.4
version doesn't exhibit any of this.
Thanks again - Eric [NBEHR@ECNCDC]


Date: 1990-06-29.18:58:00
From: LJOB1%BDILUC01.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: Oztex on Bitnet?

Dear Robin (I cannot reach you directly)
Dear fellow-netters,

I would be very glad to be able to use OzTex, but I cannot FTP from here as
we have no Internet access. Is there a way to get them via BITNET? If
not, would you be so kind as to either:
a) mail me the files at LJOB1@BDILUC01.BITNET
b) post them to Info-Mac.

I'd be very much obliged for any of these. If you are unable to do so,
please suggest an alternative (e.g. me sending a SASE with a bunch of
blank floppy disks).

                           Yours sincerely,

                                Jan M.L.Martin
                                Quantum Chemistry
                                Department SBM
                                Limburgs Universitair Centrum
                                Universitaire Campus
                                B-3610 Diepenbeek, Belgium

P.S.: I will forward the files to Info-Mac if you desire so.


Date: 2 Jul 90 16:17:19 GMT
From: atieu%skat.usc.edu@usc.edu (Anthony Tieu)
Subject: PagerMaker Help

I have a 1.4 mbyte pagemaker 3.02 document which is in trouble.
When I open it, it gives me this message.

	Internal Error: Can't lock block
	Publication may be damage.

Has anyone experience this problem before and knows how to recover
the publication? Any ideas? Help....


Anthony Tieu

campus: University of Southern California  |     "Black Velvet"
        Alumni House                       |           --Alannah Myles


Date: Sun, 1 Jul 90 16:16 PDT
From: "Sam Cropsey, Microsystems Manager, x4228" <SAM@pomona.claremont.edu>
Subject: Printing on TOPS

>I am wondering if there is a way to use imagewriters that have appletalk
>cards on a TOPS network.  We have 3 of them that we would like to use,
>but the manual says that *serial* based printers like the imagewriter
>series can't be used.  Thanks for any suggestions!

  We have been using TOPS for over two years now, and there is no such
limitation on using the ImageWriters.  In fact, your networking software
has nothing to do with printing on a strict AppleTalk network. Just add
your ImageWriters to the network and you are set.

Sam Cropsey
Microsystems Manager, Pomona College


Date: Sat, 30 Jun 90 22:55 PST
From: <CONDOF%CLARGRAD.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Printing to a PostScript File

David Irwin asks how to create disk (PostScript) files. One way is to hold down
Command-F or Command-K immediately after clicking the OK button in the Print
dialog box. F saves the whole PostScript output into a file named PostScript0;
K saves the PostScript output minus the Apple Prep header.

A more elegant way can be provided if you are not afraid to use ResEdit. As
always, make sure you have complete backups before using ResEdit, and I refuse
to be responsible for anyone's loss of data or time who uses this information.
That said, use ResEdit to open the LaserWriter file that lies in your System
folder. This information pertains to LaserWriter 6.0, although I imagine
earlier versions may be similar. In the LaserWriter window that ResEdit opens,
double-click on the identifier DLOG. In the ensuing window, double-click on
DLOG ID -8191. A window will open with a miniature representation of the print
dialog box as it would appear on your Mac's screen. Double click on the
miniature dialog box, which opens the dialog items for editing and changes the
menus on the menu bar.

>From the DITL menu, choose the command Select Item Number, and type the number
22 into the ensuing dialog box. Nothing will appear to happen. Nonetheless, an
invisible item has been selected. Use the Open command in the file window. In
the ensuing window, type the following numbers into the appropriate boxes: top:
80; left: 392; bottom: 96; right: 464.

Then close all the ResEdit windows (or just quit from ResEdit), and save your
changes. From then on, when you choose Print... when using your LaserWriter,
the dialog box will have a checkbox option to print to a disk file.

Hope this helps.
 Fred Condo. System Administrator, Pro-Humanist (818/339-4704).
 INET: fredc@pro-humanist.cts.com     BitNet: condof@clargrad
 matter: PO Box 2843, Covina, CA 91722


Date: Mon, 2 Jul 90 10:10:41 EDT
From: Bob Stewart <stewart@xyplex.com>
Subject: printing to file

I recently needed the same ability and got just the help I needed from Len
Schwer.  He told me:

>From: "Micro Mauler"  <MICRO2.SCHWER@crvax.sri.com>

>Actually I now recommend people get the INIT called LaserFix by
>David Sumner (its on sumex-aim.stanford.edu under INIT's). This
>        1. provides a check box on the print dialog that replaces
>                the CMD-F (you still need to Cmd-K manually);
>        2. after you check the box and click OK, a menu appears
>           asking you where you'd like the PostScript file created; you can
>           of course name it whatever at the same time.
>Try it you'll like!

I did.  I do.  It's clearly tapping an interface that isn't really up to
standards, but it works, and it's easier than any other option I've seen.


Bob Stewart (rlstewart@eng.xyplex.com)
Xyplex, Boxborough, Massachusetts
(508) 264-9900


Date: Mon, 2 Jul 90 11:52:00 EDT
From: walkerb@turing.cs.rpi.edu (Bob Walker)
Subject: Projection panel for Mac Portable?

Does anyone know of a projection panel available for the Mac Portable?

Specifically, I'd like to be able to carry a Mac Portable into class
with a projection panel, and use an overhead projector to project the
image onto the screen.

I've seen projection panels for a Mac SE, but none for the Mac Portable.

Can anyone help me out?

	- bob walker


Date: Sun, 1 Jul 90 20:29:08 EDT
From: sbchanin@ai.mit.edu (Steve Chanin)
Subject: SE/30s and 120ns RAM

     Is it ok to use 120ns RAMs in an SE/30?  The chips my machine came with
are 100ns 1Meg Simms and I was wondering if throwing in 4 old 256K Simms
that a friend has would cause problems.



Date: Sun, 01 Jul 90 12:29:30 CDT
From: Marshall Carroll <NU163467@vm1.nodak.edu>
Subject: some font questions

                                                 July 1, 1990
Hi. Our quantum chemistry group (a dozen people) is new to the
MAC. We just purchased a MAC IIcx and a HP LASERWRITER II. One of us
also has an IMAGEWRITER printer. We have some font questions:
1) Can an IMAGEWRITER font work on the LASERWRITER (we think not).
   Then how can we make a non-laser font into a laser font?
2) Do all laser fonts work on IMAGEWRITERS?
3) Do laser fonts have to have the string "laser" in their name?
4) What are ADOBE fonts and how are they different from other fonts?
   Do these ADOBE fonts only work on the LASERWRITER?
5) Through anonymous ftp we have seen lists of exciting fonts that we
   do not have (fonts like BOSTON, LONDON, COURIER, FUTURA, STENCIL
   and bigpoint size fonts to name but a few). We did not get these
   fonts with our LASERWRITER. How can we get these snazzy fonts?
   We do not have the hard/software to download from our IBM readerlists.
   In other words, is there some freeware disks containing snazzy
   laser fonts that we could obtain? I could send empty disks in a
   mailer to whoever can help with this.

Thank you for your help. Please respond directly to me and I can then
summarize the responses.    Sincerely,
                             Marshall Carroll, postdoc
                             Dep't of Chemistry
                             Ladd Hall
                             North Dakota State University
                             Fargo, ND, 58105-5516
                             phone: 701-237-7966




Date: Fri, 29 Jun 90 18:22:23 PDT
Subject: STANDARDS and also a simple byte serial port


	I'm looking for three things:

1) a simple, extra byte-serial port that is Mac II/fx compatible,

2) the phone # for APDA (an easy one, I should think),

3) and finally, an ANSI standard GKS FORTRAN (I'm a scientist, OK!) 
subroutine library.  Let me elaborate a little bit.  I have several large,
old (written in the early 70's and continually modified to present day)
FORTRAN programs that do good calculations.  They run on a VAX (VMS). I
want to port them to a MAC with minimal pain.  The II/FX would really
scream compared to a micro-VAX.  But "minimal pain" means I need some
standard libraries.  GKS is an ANSI standard graphics display system.  GKS for
TEKTRONIX has been very popular and still is.  In the ideal case, some one
out there has, in addition, a VAX subroutine emulation, but alas, I fear
I will be writing it myself.

 	Any info or input will be greatly appreciated.  Please send replies

						Thanks in advance,



Date: Fri, 29 Jun 90 14:42:34 PDT
From: jeffrey@hyper-sun1.jpl.nasa.gov (Jeffrey Chang)
Subject: Syquest Removeable Drives

Last week I posted a request for experiences people have had with 
Syquest removable drives.  It turns out that Erik Johnson had 
previously done a survey of Syquest drives in comp.sys.mac.hardware.
He has uploaded an excellent summary to the INFO-MAC archives under

The major points on Syquests are:  price (they are going down), 
speed (about 50% slower than a hard drive), reliability (most 
people have had good experiences), termination (the Microtech has
external termination which allows you to run your Mac without
the Syquest being on), software (some reports of incompatibilities
of Ehman with Mac IIci's), fan (Ehman/Cutting Edge are noisy).
Also the Syquest mechanism appears to be faster and cheaper than
the older Bernoulli mechanism.

Thanks very much to all who sent mail to me!
Jeff Chang


Date: Fri, 29 Jun 90 12:55 EDT
From: MORRISTA%UCMCIC@ucbeh.san.uc.edu
Subject: Text editing within HyperCard

        of         I N T E R O F F I C E   M E M O R A N D U M
                              Date:     29-Jun-1990 12:47 EST
                              From:     Theodore Morris
                              Dept:     MCIC/IR&D
                              Tel No:   513-558-6046 (Group)

TO:  Remote PMDF User                     ( _IN%INFO-MAC@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU )

Subject: Text editing within HyperCard

We're currently using the HyperCard interface to Oracle (Oracle/Mac) 
for a database application which is at least partly text-based.  
Naturally, we're up against the problems which using HyperCard for 
text applications presents--no real wp-type functions, small card size 
vs. size of the paper the reports get printed on, no way to do good 
WYSIWYG work on the HyperCard side compared with what comes out on the 
paper, etc.  I'm particularly interested in multi-font support, 
underline/boldface support within a field, tab support (there's an 
XCMD out there somewhere for this...), screen/card/window size 
proportionate to the paper we'll print on (8.5x11!), etc.

I've heard rumors about improved text-handling characteristics from 
HCv2.0; also about a link or interface to MacWrite from within HC 
(dbWrite?).  Does anyone have a news, scuttlebutt, or sheer 
speculation about improved text handling with HC 2.0?  Otherwise, we 
may have to look at revamping our entire interface mechanism a lot 
sooner than we thought we would--now that they've seen what a Mac can 
do, they want it ALL!--and HyperCard 1.2x just can't deliver...

Theodore Allan Morris                 |231 Bethesda Avenue, ML# 574
University of Cincinnati Med. Ctr.    |Cincinnati, OH  45267-0574
Med. Ctr. Information & Communications|513-558-6046 W, 731-3451 H
Information Research and Development  |WB8VNV NTS, U1091 AppleLink,
======================================|MORRISTA@UCMCIC.OA.UC.EDU I'net
No good deed ever goes unpunished.    |      - Go Bearcats! -


Date: Sat, 30 Jun 90 21:13:17 CDT
From: Marc Cooper <MAC566F%SMSVMA.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: VT100 printer emulation

Does anyone know of (preferably) a share-ware or free terminal emulator
which includes vt100 local printer emulation?

Please reply to mac566f at smsvma (bitnet).
Acknowledge-To: <MAC566F@SMSVMA>


Date: 29 Jun 90 02:51:00 EST
From: "Jeffrey Templon" <templon@venus.iucf.indiana.edu>
Subject: What is Darkness doing with the disk?

Having liked what I saw with luni's _Launch, I decided to try 'darkness'.
I like that too except that when the screen is dark, I see activity on
the hard disk about every 1/2 second!  This will certainly prevent me from
using it; why should all that disk activity be going on when the machine
is idle?!?

	If anybody knows what the problem is, please let me know.



Date: 29 Jun 90 08:35:00 EDT
From: "LEE, CRAIG R" <crl@gnv.ifas.ufl.edu>
Subject: While we're on the subject of graphics...

    	We have what I think is a typical multi-platform
    computing environment, PCs, a few Macs, and UNIX
    workstations. I too have a problem with with uniting the
    graphics of them all. The obvious underlying glue is
    PostScript. We generate PostScript graphics on all platforms
    using packages such as SAS, SPlus, etc. My question regards
    moving the PostScript to the Mac for augmentation by a
    graphics (drawing) program. Is there a program that will read
    in the PostScript, present it to me for enhancement with Mac
    tools, and then save it once again as PostScript? I am not
    interested in a PostScript programming tool that forces me to
    program what I want to see in PostScript. 
    	Such a program as this could truly be thought of as

    Craig Lee
    Department of Statistics
    University of Florida


End of Info-Mac Digest