Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (07/09/90)
Info-Mac Digest Sun, 8 Jul 90 Volume 8 : Issue 129 Today's Topics: [*] "Trusted Network Interpretation" HyperCard Stack [*] A small MIDI-interface [*] Diddle FKEY [*] JPL.hqx [*] parallaxis101 [*] Review of Passage and IGOR AME Arabic font & Mac power converter Converting PFS: File data to Filemaker Converting RS/1 SIXEL/ReGIS graphics to PICT graphics Fingerprints: A Closer Look font questions Freehand kerning problems Glossary dates in Word 4.0 LaserWriter 6.0 again Oracle for the Macintosh printer help (lisbon call) Problems using OzTeX Virus Problems... please help. Your Info-Mac Moderators are Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh. The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous, any password) in the info-mac directory on []. Help files are in /info-mac/help. Indices are in /info-mac/help/recent-files.txt and /info-mac/help/all-files.txt. Please send articles and binaries to Send administrative mail to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 06 Jul 90 13:20:28 EDT From: David M. Rosenberg <> Subject: [*] "Trusted Network Interpretation" HyperCard Stack The United States government established the National Computer Security Center. The Center has established criteria for secure computing systems and networks. It has established a scale on which systems can be rated. It has established guidelines for evaluating a system against the criteria. It evaluates systems and publishes evaluation reports stating the rating of an evaluated system. Among the documents that NCSC publishes are the TCSEC = Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (often referred to as "the Orange Book", and the subject of a Hypercard stack called "The Orange Book in Hypercard") and the TNI = Trusted Network Interpretation. Both of these documents are a little difficult to approach and are a potentially good match for a hypertext presentation. This material is of obvious interest to people working or seriously interested in computer security. It should be of at least passing interest to people studying computer science. I would like to believe that it would be of interest to people designing computer hardware, computer operating systems, network hardware, and network software, and to people evaluating computer systems for potential purchase, and to people responsible for administering computer systems and networks. (Unfortunately, there is strong evidence that few of those people really care about computer security.) Nigel Day of Topexpress Limited wrote a HyperCard stack (which he calls TNI Stack) that incorporates the TCSEC and TNI. Nigel's E-Mail address is "ngpd@TOPEXPRESS.CO.UK" and his postal address is Nigel Day Topexpress Limited Castle Park Cambridge CB3 0RD U.K. [Archived as /info-mac/card/trusted-network-part1.hqx; 270K /info-mac/card/trusted-network-part2.hqx; 270K] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 May 90 16:16:04 +0200 From: Subject: [*] A small MIDI-interface This is a description of a small MIDI-interface for macintosh. It is a postscript document, use SendPS or Distill to print it. You are free to copy the PC board layout for personal use. Kent Boortz [Archived as /info-mac/sound/program/small-midi-interface.hqx; 49K] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 May 90 21:14:47 EDT From: Subject: [*] Diddle FKEY Here's an FKEY I wrote called Diddle. It's a programmer's utility which can save you a lot of time. When activated, CMD Shift 7, and there is a dialog window frontmost, Diddle will draw the item number for each DITL item at the bottom left of each item. This saves you a trip into ResEdit or Rez/Derez every time you forgot what the numbers were for each dialog item. Simply get the dialog up on the screen (usually while running the application), hit Diddle and have the numbers displayed. Here's an example, which might illustrate it better than my warped, twisted explanation: You're in Think C, chugging out some code which deals with a dialog. But wait! You forgot what the item number is for the edit text item where you enter the phone number for dial-a-porn in your dialog. No sweat, you say, "I'll just get the dialog up on the screen (easy to do in Think environs) and call Diddle to get the number." (of the dialog item, not Dial-a-Porn). One Cmd shift 7 later, you've got the DITL number, and your code is that much closer to Wicked Wanda. CMD Shift 7 + Caps Lock will erase the numbers that Diddle puts up. Source code (even comments) is included for you people who like to scoff at other people's code. Diddle is *free*, make that Capital *FREE*, but has a small commercial located in the source code somewhere for some commercial software which I sell. Owen Hartnett Brown University Computer Science uunet!brunix!omh "Don't wait up for me tonight because I won't be home for a month." -W.C. Fields [Archived as /info-mac/fkey/diddle.hqx; 12K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 May 90 17:24 MDT From: Bernie <> Subject: [*] JPL.hqx ABOUT JPL --------- The included scans are from JPL public press releases. All scans are 300 dpi an iginal PICTs which I keep for editing purposes). Files: Astronaut 1 Space Shuttle 1 Viking Orbiter 1 Voyager 1 These scans are public and not for resale or commercial use. I spent many hours ate the scans or have comments, please feel free to send me e-mail. Please keep Bernie Wieser BSWieser@UNCAMULT.BITNET [Archived as /info-mac/art/jpl.hqx; 79K] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 29 May 90 20:45:41 +0200 From: Thomas Braeunl <> Subject: [*] parallaxis101 ___________________________________________________________________ THE P A R A L L A X I S MASSIVELY PARALLEL PROGRAMMING SYSTEM ___________________________________________________________________ Parallaxis is a procedural programming language based on Modula-2, but extended for data parallel programming. It was developed at the Universitaet Stuttgart (Germany) and is now available as public domain software. Here, the main approach for machine independent parallel programming is to combine a description of the (virtual) parallel machine with the parallel algorithm that is bound for that particular architecture. Parallaxis allows the structured programming of SIMD systems with a central host and a large number of identical processors. The declaration includes the number of identical processors with local memory (PEs), the names of communication ports, and the network topology for data exchange among PEs. With this information contained in each program, the parallel algorithm becomes simpler (e.g. symbolic names for communication directions) and easier to understand. The Parallaxis system comprises the compiler (producing parallel pseudo-assembly code), the simulator (interpreter), example programs. The printed user manual is available from the address below. ======================================================================= Thomas Braunl e-mail: Univ. Stuttgart IFI, Azenbergstr. 12, D-7000 Stuttgart 1, W.-Germany ======================================================================= [Archived as /info-mac/lang/parallaxis-101-part1.hqx; 222K /info-mac/lang/parallaxis-101-part2.hqx; 222K /info-mac/lang/parallaxis-101-part3.hqx; 192K] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jul 90 12:16:09 MDT From: Subject: [*] Review of Passage and IGOR Hello Fellow Netters: In response to a request for further information on the Passage II and IGOR numerical analysis and graphing packages, I wrote the following review. I decided to post it in case others are also interested. [Archived as /info-mac/report/passage-and-igor.txt; 10K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Jul 90 12:51 PST From: JOHN LOUCH <> Subject: AME Netters, I believe that I heard somebody say that AME was coming up with a finger print scanner as an access device. Does this rumor have any truth to it. Also I would like to hear from anybody reagrding what they think about AME. John Louch ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Jul 90 08:09:09 EDT From: Mark Edward Toomey <> Subject: Arabic font & Mac power converter I've been asked if there is a font which uses the Arabic character set which could be purchased domestically. Also, if there is an adaptor/converter for the Mac SE which would allow it to function properly using the mid-east's electrical system. If anyone can help in these areas I would appreciate it. ************************************************************************** Mark Edward Toomey Disclaimer: I only speak for Computer Services Specialist myself, although College of Home Economics sometimes I wonder University of Georgia even about that! BITNET: MTOOMEY@UGA Internet: Voice: 404-542-4864 or 404-542-4651 FAX: 404-542-4862 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 26 Jun 90 15:47:29 CDT From: hplabs! (Randy Miller) Subject: Converting PFS: File data to Filemaker Sirs, I have jst recently returned from the 1990 American Library Association convention and had a fellow librarian pose this problem to me after a seminar we both attended. This librarian has her periodical holdings stored in PFS: File format. My understanding is that PFS:File on the Mac was a total disaster. Upon talking to Software Publishing Company, she discovered that they no longer support PFS for the Mac, nor do they provide any software utilities to convert her data. Are there any programs out there that will allow her to do such a conversion. Please respond via Email to the address below, as the connectivity of this board (a ProLine running on an Apple IIGS, no less!) gets a little flakey at times. I'll summarize to the net. Randy Miller Follett Software Company rs.miller@pro-harvest fsc@pro-harvest GEnie: rs.miller America Online: rsmiller Never teach a pig to sing. You'll drive yourself nuts, and annoy the pig! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 3 Jul 90 14:55:48 cst From: "Benn (Tannenbaum,Benn H)" <> Subject: Converting RS/1 SIXEL/ReGIS graphics to PICT graphics Folks: Thanks for all the helpful responses. For anyone interested, it seems the best way to convert the graphics is to use DEC's 'LANWORKS' package-- it is Mac to VAX connectivity. I don't think it's quite out yet, though. Thanks to John Major ( for the suggestion. -Benn Tannenbaum Grinnell College Compputer Services TANNENBA@GRIN1.BITNET ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Jul 90 18:38:50 CDT From: (Russell Mosemann) Subject: Fingerprints: A Closer Look I submitted a request concerning a device which could be hooked to a computer and could read fingerprints (and check to see if the fingerprintee is living). The responses I received are included below, and we are currently looking into it. If anyone has any further information or experiences with these types of machines, please send it my may. I would like to thank Dave Bursik and Kees Huyser for their help. |->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->-> | Russell Mosemann | "I think, therefore I am." Descartes | | "Semper Ubi Sub Ubi" | "I am, therefore I think." | |_._._._._._._._._._._._._._| "I think I think, therefore I am not" | | The above is an opinion, |_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._| | and it's probably mine. | Internet: | <-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-| =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= >From Thu Jun 14 09:42:03 1990 Received: from by (4.0/SMI-4.0) id AA07289; Thu, 14 Jun 90 10:45:00 EDT Date: Thu, 14 Jun 90 10:45:00 EDT >From: (Dave Bursik x4497) Message-Id: <> To: Subject: Re: Fingerprints Status: RO Russell, I didn't see the articles you mentioned, but I have seen the units. We have a bunch of them here, but they're all hooked to PC's (haven't seen them on a Mac, but the guy who works with them is not a Mac-er). I believe these units do check for a live person; they can also dump (very) large scans of a fingerprint on a LaserJet. Don't know what brands we have (we have more than one kind) but I can find out if you are interested. Dave Bursik, Sr. Member of Technical Staff Contel Technology Center 15000 Conference Center Dr., P.O. Box 10814 Chantilly, VA 22021-3808 E-mail: / Voice: (703) 818-4497 / FAX: (703) 818-4145 =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= >From Mon Jun 25 13:59:33 1990 Received: from by (4.0/SMI-4.0) id AA27706; Mon, 25 Jun 90 15:02:31 EDT Date: Mon, 25 Jun 90 15:02:31 EDT >From: (Dave Bursik x4497) Message-Id: <> To: Subject: RE: Fingerprints Status: RO Russell: I wasn't able to get much detailed info from the guy who's working on fingerprints, but I did get the name of the vendor and a couple of human names and phone numbers: Vendor: Indentix Sales Rep: Linda Rolando (202) 244-2980 V.P. Marketing: Randy Hawkes (408) 739-2000 (I looked into reproducing the sales literature, but it's too voluminous.) Hope this helps. =djb= =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= >From nikhefk! Thu Jun 14 10:05:06 1990 Received: by with SMTP; Thu, 14 Jun 90 17:07:47 +0200 (MET) Received: from by with SMTP id AA05852 (; Thu, 14 Jun 90 17:09:47 MET Received: by nikhefk.uucp; Thu, 14 Jun 90 17:09:00 +0200 (MET) Message-Id: <9006141509.AA25759@nikhefk.uucp> Date: Thu, 14 Jun 90 17:09:00 +0200 >From: nikhefk! (Kees Huyser) To: Subject: Re: fingerprint Organization: the National Institute for Nuclear Physics; Netherlands Cc: Status: RO Hi, I don't know if this information is of any use to you, but the only company I know that either produces or sales (I forgot which) a fingerprinting device is here in the Netherlands. You could try writing them for more info. Koning & Hartman Energieweg 1 2627 AP Delft The Netherlands telephone: + 31 15 609 906 telefax: + 31 15 619 194 telex: 38250 Success, --kees -- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* keeshu@nikhefk.uucp or {..!}!mcsun!hp4nl!nikhefk!keeshu */ /* The National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High-Energy Physics */ /* P.O.Box 4395, 1009 AJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands, phone:+31205920124 */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Disregarding the metaphysical aspects of Schrodinger's cats, I must protest*/ /* at the use of (possibly live) animals for experiments such as these. I urge*/ /* readers to boycott whatever product this research is leading to. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Jul 90 08:39:10 CDT From: Marshall Carroll <> Subject: font questions July 3, 1990 Hi. Our quantum chemistry group (a dozen people) is new to the MAC. We just purchased a MAC IIcx and a HP LASERWRITER II. One of us also has an IMAGEWRITER printer. We have some font questions: 1) Can an IMAGEWRITER font work on the LASERWRITER (we think not). Then how can we make a non-laser font into a laser font? 2) Do all laser fonts work on IMAGEWRITERS? 3) Do laser fonts have to have the string "laser" in their name? 4) What are ADOBE fonts and how are they different from other fonts? Do these ADOBE fonts only work on the LASERWRITER? What does Postscript mean? 5) Through anonymous ftp we have seen lists of exciting fonts that we do not have (fonts like BOSTON, FUTURA, STENCIL and bigpoint size fonts to name but a few). We did not get these fonts with our LASERWRITER. How can we get these snazzy fonts? We do not have the hard/software to download from our IBM readerlists. In other words, is there some freeware disks containing snazzy laser fonts that we could obtain? I could send empty disks in a mailer to whoever can help with this. 6) What are TrueType fonts? 7) How will System 7.0 chage the way fonts are handled and used? Thank you for your help. Please respond directly to me and I can then summarize the responses. Sincerely, Marshall Carroll, postdoc Dep't of Chemistry Ladd Hall North Dakota State University Fargo, ND, 58105-5516 phone: 701-237-7966 INTERNET: NU163467@VM1.NODAK.EDU BITNET: NU163467@NDSUVM1 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 2 Jul 90 13:40:21 -0700 From: Subject: Freehand kerning problems Kevin Bolduan reported a problem with Freehand's handling of kerning in Digest Volume 8, #127. I have experienced the same problem, both in Freehand and in Aldus Pagemaker. There were two causes I identified (though there may be more). The first, and probably most likely, was a glitch in the output device. When memory runs short in your Lino/Laserwriter/ ATM font cache weird things happen. One is that kerning pairs stop behaving correctly. So, were your pages moderately complex? In FreeHand, complexity would come in the form of clipping paths (Paste Inside command), radial fills, blends, and large numbers of downloaded fonts (like six or more, and Trump Bold plus Trump Italic counts as two). Another possible source of memory constraint would be if you use Font Downloader or its equivilent to download fonts, and then fail to reset your printer to flush them when you're done with them. I mentioned ATM font cache, since I suspect that is the equivilent of PostScript RIP memory when you print to the ImageWriter. Someone better versed in the oozy guts of the thing is invited to set me straight... Since you mentioned that the problem is intermittent, this is my pick for the answer. The second problem issue was actually a font conflict. I specified Times, and somehow got New York instead. The discrepency between the font ID I specified in the document and the actual font that got called up by that ID on the output device seemed to lead to havoc. Font Harmony made that one go away. Since you mentioned Zapf Chancery as a problem font, and there's nothing likely to substitute for that without leaving some real obvious footprints, I'd guess this isn't your problem. I seriously doubt that FreeHand is at fault. I was one of the first users of FreeHand 1.0 (serial # in the low 1000's), and a beta site for FreeHand 2.0. While the product has had its bugs and problems, the difficulty you report is not one I've seen as Freehand specific. BTW, despite the bugs, FreeHand is far and away my favorite program. I mean favorite overall, not just for graphics. Hope this is some use to you. Ken Weiss ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Jul 90 09:35:24 MDT From: Subject: Glossary dates in Word 4.0 Word offers a potentially useful feature in its ability to automatically insert the current date into template files using the Glossary. But, none of the formats offered are suitable for my application. I would like to have the date entered as: July 3, 1990. Word always adds the day before this format giving: Tuesday, July 3, 1990. In a formal letter, the day is not needed, but I can't find a way to customize the Glossary entry to provide the format I need. Does anyone know of a way to change these Glossary entries? Reg Oake ZZMLAB@UALTAVM.BITNET ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Jul 90 10:52:25 EDT From: "Sue Hay (tm)" <> Subject: LaserWriter 6.0 again A few days ago I posted that the newest version of the LaserWriter driver (version 6.0.1) defaults to black and white, not color. Well, I was wrong! However, I have a modified LaserWriter driver (version 6.z) which does indeed default to b/w. This version is NOT SUPPORTED by Apple. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Susan E. Hay * * User Services Specialist - Mac Support * * Computing & Information Services phone: 401-863-7302 * * Brown University internet: * * Box 1885, 115 Waterman Street bitnet: suehay@brownvm * * Providence, RI 02912 applelink: suehay * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 1 Jul 90 23:49:26 AST From: JOAO CANDIDO PORTINARI <> Subject: Oracle for the Macintosh I would appreciate receiving information on how to reach support for Oracle through the net. Thanks in advance Joao ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Jul 90 11:18:23 PRT From: Subject: printer help (lisbon call) Hello there I'm a student in Computer Science in Lisbon. Can somebody help me?????????? I have a friend who have a Mac Plus and a Brother M-1709 (9 pins) and would like to connect them, he also have a driver EPSON FX-80, we need to make the cable but in here nobody (APPLE, and Brother) don't know who to make. It work's with the cable that came (they give the pinout of Mac(DB9 -DB25) PRINTER (WITH THE DB9-DIN 8)) WITH THE INSTRUTIONS BOOK AND THIS DRIVER ????????? Thanks in advance. Sincerely yours RUI BENTO DE JESUS Adress: Campo Grande n-4, 4-DTO 1700 Lisboa Portugal BBS: O R I O N BBS (MAC PC ST AMIGA) Telef: Portugal-01-495-0770 E-MAIL: ARPANET : QT013%PTEARN.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU BITNET : QT013@PTEARN UUCP : ...!{PSUVAX1,MCVAX}!PTEARN.BITNET!QT013 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 03 Jul 90 16:10:17 From: (Alfonso Fuggetta) Subject: Problems using OzTeX I have been using OzTeX for a couple of weeks and I have some problems in placing pictures in my TeX documents. I have followed the instructions distributed with OzTeX but I am not able to have my pictures printed correctly. I have used several postscript files generated through the Command-F sequence: the application used to produce these illustrations is Canvas 2.0. In some cases the illustration is printed on a new blank page; sometimes only a small portion of the picture is printed at the top of the page. Can someone help me? Thanks Alfonso Fuggetta Please reply to alfonso@imicefr.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: 2 Jul 90 15:12:00 CST From: "Dr F J Van Wetering" <> Subject: Virus Problems... please help. My previous posting was a bit short. Perhaps the moderators can merge this one with that one. If not, my apologies for repetition. After restoring my Jasmine DD20 from a backup set, I decided that it was time to get serious about my hard drive and to install Gatekeeper, Gatekeeper Aid, and to 'clean' the disk with Disinfectant 1.7. Yesterday, I printed out all of the informational documents that accompanied Gatekeeper, read them through >From beginning to end, then installed Gatekeeper and Gatekeeper Aid in my system folder. I rebooted my system, and configured Gatekeeper to "notify and prevent" any suspicious action. I rebooted again, and everything seemed just fine. I used Managing Your Money 3.0 to update my financial records, made backup copies of those files to their special floppy diskettes, then shut the machine down for the evening. This morning, I turned on the Jasmine DD20, allowed it to warm up, and then turned on the Macintosh (I have a Plus). The drive whirred, the StartupScreen displayed itself (along with a couple of startup icons), then I received an error dialog box telling me that it could not load the "Finder". I powered down, and re-booted from a floppy disk. The DD20 mounted on the desktop just fine. I then ran Disinfectant 1.7, and it located the "Scores" virus in my Smartcom II application file. I ran 'disinfect' and everything seemed OK, but the DD20 would not boot. I ran Redux Restore to attempt to copy the Finder and other System files from the backup. No luck. Redux Restore told me that it could not even read the files from the backup. No problem, I thought... let me just get rid of the bad files, and replace them with some 'clean' System and Finder files. This did not work, either. After I threw the System folder in the trash and verified the action, I tried to empty trash. I was told that "the trash could not be emptied (unknown error). I ran Disinfectant AGAIN, this time on the floppy first, then the DD20. Oops, I discovered that the System file on the floppy was infected with Scores. I disinfected the floppy. The DD20 now had 3 files infected: SmartcomII, Redux, and Redux Restore. When I displayed the report, it gave me the following message: "The resource fork of this file is damaged or in an unknown format. It cannot be checked" for the following files: -------------------------------------------- DirectDrive* 20 System Folder DA Handler ### The resource fork of this file is damaged or ### in an unknown format. It cannot be checked. -------------------------------------------- Disk First Aid Excel Settings Finder Finder Startup Flash-It Font/DA Mover GateKeeper Log General Helve HelveBol HelveObl ImageSaver ImageWriter Key Layout Keyboard MacEnvy MacroMaker MacroMaker Help Macros MacsBug Mouse Note Pad File Otello Preferences PrintMonitor Responder Scrapbook File Sound When the DD20 mounts, the System folder has no "Mac" icon on it, but after opening the folder, it does. Here is another interesting side effect: Both Gatekeeper and Gatekeeper Aid are MISSING from my System Folder!!?? I have no idea where these programs went. Finally, when I attempted to restore the System Folder from my backup copy of floppy diskettes, I received the message: ERROR: IO = -127 for the following files: Flashit MacroMaker Help Otello Preferences Gatekeeper Log Macros Imagewriter MacEnvy MacroMaker If any of you Macintosh experts on the net are familiar with any of these symptoms, please let me know what is going on, and (more important) how I can possibly fix this situation? Thanks in advance. __________________________________________________________________________ | Dr. Francis J. Van Wetering, Assistant Professor | | Management Information Systems VOICE: (402) 554-2814 | | College of Business Administration BITNET: fjvanwet@unoma1 | | University of Nebraska at Omaha INTERNET: | |__________________________________________________________________________| ------------------------------ End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************