[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V8 #151

Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (09/07/90)

Info-Mac Digest             Thu,  6 Sep 90       Volume 8 : Issue 151 

Today's Topics:

      Aug '90 Tech-Notes available on RASCAL 
      Busted Serial Port
      Data Buckets
      File Manager Question
      Fish! 1.1 cdev
      Hard Disk Drive
      Hard disk icon location
      HD problems
      HiLowMed font problem
      Hypercard text question
      HyperCard Unexpectedly Quit (2)
      Info-Mac Digest V8 #146
      Mac IIci Cache card
      Mac information
      MacWrite II tranlators (2 msgs)
      mail-ftping and uudecoding
      More on problem with fish! 1.1 cdev
      MS Word 4.0
      OCR Hardware
      Polish Fonts - Where and how can I get them ?
      Printing to a Postscript file
      Program:  Culture
      Request for Macintosh Development Environment Recommendations
      Restrict LaserWriter access?
      Running Mac II software without 6888x FPU
      Sublaunching question
      TIFF Files
      X windows and the Mac...

Your Info-Mac Moderators are Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files are in /info-mac/help.  Indices are in
/info-mac/help/recent-files.txt and /info-mac/help/all-files.txt.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: Wed, 22 Aug 1990 14:09:23 CDT
From: Werner Uhrig <werner@rascal.ics.utexas.edu>
Subject: Aug '90 Tech-Notes available on RASCAL 

		Hot off the presses !!!

Our friends at Apple just made the August 1990 Tech Notes available,
and you can snarf them off APPLE.COM [] binhexed from

	pub/dts/mac/tn/tn.latest.release/tn-90-08.hqx (679k)

or, preferably, from RASCAL.ICS.UTEXAS.EDU's file


which is the binary equivalent (439k)

whatever you do, do it during OFF-HOURS, archive it on your machine to share
it with other local users to avoid duplication and wasting of net-resources,
and speak nicely of the people who do the work to make these things available.

(oh, and use your local consultants first and primarily to figure out why
FTP and downloading don't seem to work for you ...	;-)


Date: Wed, 22 Aug 90 14:22:02 EDT
From: Bob Stewart <rlstewart@eng.xyplex.com>
Subject: Busted Serial Port

I had to move my Mac IIcx and now my serial port doesn't work.  I've tested
all the dumb stuff, like cables, connectors, and the gadget I'm talking to.
I get output, but can't send input.  One of the guys here said he'd seen
something about serial port failures due to a corrupted PROM and a program
to fix that.  Anybody got a suggestion other than sending my system in to
get it fixed?



Bob Stewart (rlstewart@eng.xyplex.com)
Xyplex, Boxborough, Massachusetts
(508) 264-9900


Date: Wed, 22 Aug 90  10:34:22 EDT
From: ZAK@cu.nih.gov
Subject: Data Buckets

The September MacUser article on laptops mentions in the sidebar
"DOS Data Buckets," the Tandy WP-2, a tiny dedicated word
processor weighing in at 3.1 pounds and retailing for $350 (32K
RAM expansion--$70).  A few months ago, I posted a request for
information on uploading text from the Tandy WP-2 to a Macintosh
Plus--no one had tried it.

Has that situation changed?  Anyone out there have any experience
in using the Tandy WP-2 for text entry on the road, then dumping
into their Mac at home?


Date: Mon, 20 Aug 90 08:25:30 PDT
From: doug@nisd.cam.unisys.com (Doug Hardie)
Subject: File Manager Question

I am having trouble understanding why one sequence of file manager calls
works and others that should don't.  The following sequence is what I
thought should work and what I needed to do:

    0 to ioCompletion
    pointer to name in SFGetFile block to ioNamePtr
    vRefNum from SFGetFile block to ioVRefNum
    0 to ioFDirIndex

That sequence always gives me a -43 error.

If I replace the GetCatInfo with GetFileInfo, then it works.

If I replace the GetCatInfo with HGetFileInfo, then I get the -43 error.

The only way I could find to get the GetCatInfo to work was to add another
step after the SFGetFile to use HSetVol.

    0 to ioCompletion
    0 to ioNamePtr
    vRefNum from SFGetFile block to ioVRefNum
    0 to ioWDDirID
    0 to ioCompletion
    pointer to name in SFGetFile block to ioNamePtr
    vRefNum from SFGetFile block to ioVRefNum
    0 to ioFDirIndex

This sequence always works, but why should the HSetVol be needed?  IM Vol 4
states that a WD Ref Num returned by SFGetFile is acceptable by GetCatInfo.

-- Doug


Date: Wed, 22 Aug 90 10:48:23 EST
From: Murph Sewall <SEWALL%UCONNVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Fish! 1.1 cdev

I downloaded the following (from the shawdow archive at PUCC) -

-r    65962 Dec 21 1988 ./cdev/fish-11.hqx

Yes, it DOES make animated fish which swim BEHIND open windows as advertised
(nice color fish too).  HOWEVER!! The fish swim in a black sea; what's WORSE
they turn the background in every window black as well (means I can't see
hardly anything).  I had to boot from a disk so I could pull 'fish' out of
my system folder and reboot so I could to anything :-(

The idea is NEAT.  Did I do something wrong here (i.e., how to turn the sea
light blue or something and leave the windows white).

I'm using a IIci with system 6.0.5, MultiFinder 6.0.5, and Finder 6.1.5.
other CDEV's include SAM Intercept (virus checker), Moire (screen saver),
CheapBeep, and SuperClock.  I tried pulling the screen saver out, but that
didn't affect what fish did.

BTW ('nother subject) has anyone made any other sound files for CheapBeep?
While the fellow getting shot is funnier than "Are you out of your Vulcan
mind?" I appreciate a nice 'Big Ben' type chime, or oriental gong over the
long run.

For anyone who hasn't tried nearly everything -

I highly recommend SuperClock and Kolor also is cute (I need to have my
fashion minded daughter come in and color coordinate my screen -- she'll be
thoroughly disgusted with the gaudy mess I've made :-O

 |\/\/\/\/|                             <Sewall@UConnVM.BITNET>
 |        |                             <Sewall%UConnVM.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.Edu>
 |        |                              ...psuvax1!uconnvm.bitnet!sewall
 |  (e) (e)      _______________________
 |        _)    /                       |                Prof. Murphy Sewall
(c   ,_____\   /  Oh, Yeah, Right!      |                Marketing Dept. U-41-M
  |  (__(     <                         |                368 Fairfield Road
  |    /       \  Don't have a cow, man.|                Storrs, CT  06269-2041
  /____\        \_______________________|
 /      \


Date: 21 Aug 90 15:55:00 EST
From: pastorius@ncf.al.alcoa.com
Subject: Hard Disk Drive

Here is the same scenario that has happened to me at least 4 times this year.
I am called by a user who says their MAC won't boot. The floppy disk icon
is flashing on the screen. I use the System tools disk and try and find any
SCSI drives present, and of course there are none. I take the cover off the 
MAC and fiddle with the ribbon cables on the back of the drive(typically a 
Quantum drive) and try to re-boot, it still can't see the hard disk. I the try
zapping the PRAM(I read this sometimes helps.....
I then call for service. The repair company comes and does a hard disk swap.
I can't believe the hard disk drive(MEDIA) is bad in all circumstances and the
repair company puts up a fight if I ask them to swap the logic boards on the 
Here are my questions:
1. Am I using the right diagnostic techniques?
2. Does anyone repair drives so that if it is just the logic board an not the
   media I can recover my data....
Bob Pastorius
ALCOA - Systems Engineering and Integration
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Date: Wed, 22 Aug 90 11:18 EST
From: R_SCHAAF%uvmvax.bitnet@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: Hard disk icon location

Hello from Vermont!
A quick question....
In what resource of what file does the hard disk icon live?
Can this icon be changed?
Ric Schaaf
Dept. of Physiology & Biophysics
Univ. of Vermont

[The only place you stand any chance of changing it is in the Installer
application that formats your disk.  Once it's on the disk it is impossible 
to change (except with Facade) -- Jon]


Date: Mon, 20 Aug 90 17:08:07 EDT
From: "Thomas J. Sterlacci" (PBMA) <tster@pica.army.mil>
Subject: HD problems

I've crashed a couple time using DiskTop 4.0 under Multifinder. I
checked both of my hard drives using Disk First Aid.  It came up with a
"Not a HFS Volume" on both drives.  I used the Command-S to see what it
is doing.  It starts checking the disk volume then stops and displays
the message.  I've checked with the Finder, MacTools, Redux, Fedit, Disk
Express and ResEdit.  They all say that it is an HFS volume.  I have a
Mac SE but this has happened before on a Mac Plus.  The only correction
was to back-up, reinitalize, and restore.  What a headache! There must
be a better way?  Why does Disk First Aid do this?  Is there something
Disk First Aid knows that the others don't and is there anyway to
correct this problem?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.



Date: Thu, 23 Aug 90 23:26:48 BST
From: John McKinley <jdm16%PHOENIX.CAMBRIDGE.AC.UK@ricevm1.rice.edu>
Subject: HiLowMed font problem

Hi, I've just downloaded a copy of the HiLowMed laser font, and I'm having a
bit of trouble. It works fine in Word and MacDraw, but I can't get Cricket
Graph to even recognise its existence. I think that this is because MiLowMed
uses FOND and NFNT and no FONT resources.

However, if I create a FONT resource from the NFNT resource using FONTMASTER88,
then I can get Cricket Graph to recognise the font, and it looks fine on the
screen, but will not print out properly. The standard characters are fine, but
all the subscripts and superscripts come out as other, level characters, and
the kerning table appears to be all over the place.

Does anyone have any suggestions.

Yours, John McKinley


Date: Thu, 23 Aug 90 19:37 EDT
From: <SIMON%HUXTAL.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Hypercard text question


I have not read the Info-Mac Digest for years, and I am not at all
up-to-date on the topics.  I do, however, have a question that I have
been thinking about for a long time, so I hope I am not breaking any
protocols by posting here.

I keep my calendar, rolodex, etc ... on Hypercard.  I would like to
have a version of this data on my mainframe.  My naive guess was
to write a Hypercard report to disk, download the text via Kermit, and
edit it locally on the mainframe.  But, of course, Hypercard does not
write reports to disk, so I am at a loss.

I have been told that a utility exists to extract text from Hypercard.
If anyone has any information on this, please contact me.

I am not a regular reader of this group, so please Email me any
information.  I suppose it must be kind of annoying to have a novice
poke his head up looking for help, but I didn't know where else to turn !
Thank you !

take care,


| Eric J. Simon       Harvard Univerity            HU GSAS BMCDB G2 |


Date: Thu, 23 Aug 90 15:55:09 PLT
From: Joshua Yeidel <YEIDEL%WSUVM1.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: HyperCard Unexpectedly Quit (2)

I am receiving this alert while context switching in Mutli-Finder.
It appears that whenever HC returns to the front, it quits with this

Versions: System 6.0.4, HyperCard 1.2.5, Mac SE, 2.5 MB RAM.

Startups: None (for the purposes of testing).

It must be something simple... any ideas?

- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - --
Joshua Yeidel                         YEIDEL@WSUVM1.BITNET
Academic Computing Services           YEIDEL@wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu
Washington State University           (509) 335-0441
Pullman, WA 99164-1226
DISCLAIMER: I'm speaking solely for myself here, not Washington State U.
-- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -


Date: Wed, 22 Aug 90 17:26 CST
From: AEEVERETT%UALR.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V8 #146


Someone asked me whether I knew of the latest and greatest accounting package
for the Mac, one to do general ledger, accounts receivable and accounts
payable.  Quicken came to my mind.  What do y'all think?  She is in the
printing business, but the info would be very useful to several departments
here on campus.

I will be happy to summarize for those who are also interested.


Albert Everett
UALR Academic Computing Services


Date: Tue, 21 Aug 90 19:32 PST
Subject: Mac IIci Cache card

        I got a few replies to my questions about incompatabilites
of the Mac IIci.  In any case, there didn't seem to any real
big problems so I purchased one.  Now, I am interested in
purchasing a Cache card.  Has anybody used apple's new 32 bit
cache, and how does it compare to third party cache systems, such
as Daystar and others.  If anybody wants a word 4.0 file of the
responses I got for my IIci compatability question, just drop
me a line. The same goes for this question.

Thanks in advance!

John Louch
ASD Technical Support


Date: Mon, 20 Aug 90 23:56:02 CDT
From: "D.C." <S102624@umrvma.umr.edu>
Subject: Mac information

A user on my bbs upload this file that has some information on the new macs
coming out.  I do not know if it is completely true, but he says that it is
>From a source he trusts.


Rumors of the New Mac coming out.

All new mac will be sold as of 10/15/90

ALL new mac will come two megs of ram

Features of the new macs.

Classic mac

        68000 16mhz
        SE 96 pin bus
        1.44 meg floppy
        small footprint
        40 meg internal or 2 1.44 meg drive
        $2000 list

Mac LC

        68020 16mhz
        SE 96 pin bus
        2 megs ram
        8-32 megs
        8 bit video
        $3500-4000 list
        Apple Emulation board later this year

Mac SI

        20 mhz 68030
        Single Slot Nu-Bus
        built in 24 bitvideo
        40 or 80 meg internal
        1.44 meg drive
        list price $5369 w/40 meg
        w/o monitor

7.0 will miss deadline.  Too Bad  :-(


*                                                                     *
*  HARRY NOEL            S102624@UMRVMA                               *
*                                                                     *
*  Sysop of Mac Paridise 314/846-8929 & 846-8982 9600 hst   Hermies   *
*  Mac PD files, g-files, and WWIV network (soon :-)         v1.0     *


Date: Thu, 23 Aug 90 21:09:02 EST
From: Murph Sewall <SEWALL%UCONNVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: MacWrite II tranlators

I've just started MacWrite II (ver 1.1).  Already a curiosity, howcome all
the files in the Claris Translators folder don't show up in the 'save as..'
dialog (specifically, the dialog has WordPerfect PC 4.2 but NOT
WordPerfect 5.0 :-( even though 5.0 IS in the tranlators folder... :-(((

Also, I saw a demo last Spring by some folks from Claris who said a "third
party" supplier was offering LOTS more translators (what I need specifically
is WordPerfect 5.1 and Word Star PC).  Anybody know who the "third party"
is?  Anybody got a WP 5.1 translator (it presumably is possible to "roll
your own")?

Most of my colleagues are 'dyed blue' and using WP 5.1.  I believe 5.1
will read 4.2 files okay, but will MacWrite read 5.x files (I'll give that
a try tomorrow and see...)?

/s Murph <Sewall%UConnVM.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.Edu>         [Internet]
      or ...{psuvax1 or mcvax}!uconnvm.bitnet!sewall     [UUCP]
 + Standard disclaimer applies ("The opinions expressed are my own" etc.)


Date: Fri, 24 Aug 90 11:27:25 EST
From: Murph Sewall <SEWALL%UCONNVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: MacWrite II tranlators

On Fri, 24 Aug 90 09:15:30 EDT you said:
>    I just received an upgrade notice from DataViz about MacLink Plus.  They
>  offer  translators for Wordperfect 5.1.  I don't know the price since they
>only gave upgrade prices.  The address is DATAVIZ, 35 Corporate Drive,
>Trumbull, CT 06611.  (203) 268-0030.

List price = $169
Education price = $134.40

Although it comes with 'hundreds' (a lot anyway) of translators, I only
need 2 (WP 5.1 and Word Star 4.0), so $134.40 seems like a lot to pay
for a word processor with an educators price of $89 :-)

/s Murph <Sewall%UConnVM.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.Edu>         [Internet]
      or ...{psuvax1 or mcvax}!uconnvm.bitnet!sewall     [UUCP]
 + Standard disclaimer applies ("The opinions expressed are my own" etc.)


Date: 22 Aug 90 13:09 GMT
From: D1749@applelink.apple.com (Disini SW, Emmanuel Disini,PRT)
Subject: mail-ftping and uudecoding

hello. I'm having trouble mail-ftping (via princeton's bitftp server) some
files onto applelink because
a) applelink only accepts text files less than 32k and
b) i don't have any tools for uudecoding or unencrypting .hqx files on my mac.
Can someone point me in the right direction?  How do I get the right tools,
and how do I tell bitftp to chop the target file in chunks of size N?  (there's
no mention of this in the bitftp help file).
Please cc your response to my address as I haven't subscribed to this group.
Thanks for any help you can offer,
Joel Disini


Date: Wed, 22 Aug 90 14:14:25 EST
From: Murph Sewall <SEWALL%UCONNVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: More on problem with fish! 1.1 cdev

If I get lucky, I can click on just the right spot in the Kolor cdev
window and 'fix' the fish display (I had the problem with fish before
I downloaded kolar, so I'm pretty sure kolar's not the source of the
problem).  For some reason, 'fish' is setting "item background" (in
open windows) to black.  If I can use kolar to reset them to white, I
can fix them, but only if I can guess how to get the black arrow into
the correct box against a black background :-(

Someone suggested 'fish' has (is) a screensaver, but the docs say nothing
about that.  In any case, removing my screensaver from the system folder
provides no help.  Anyone know if "Bogus Software" (Redmond, WA) is
reachable by net?

[Bogas isn't on the net that I know of, but I have a friend who knows them,
so I had Fish quite some time ago.  It gets annoying fast.  Check out
After Dark 2.0 which has a Fish module that they wrote.  It's official and
it is only a screen saver.  Much less annoying that way.

By the way, welcome to the color club, Murph!

-- Jon]


Date: Thu, 23 Aug 90 12:36:39 EDT
From: Jean Brunet <R31631%UQAM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: MS Word 4.0

Both MS word and WriteNow allow  to save tect as 'text with linebreaks' (editor
rather than word processor format). Where as this type of text can be imported
back easely into WriteNow without the line breaks this seems to be impossible
in MS Word. I would appreciate to know if there is a simple way to do this.
Thanks for any assistance. Jean.

******************************************                     **
* JEAN BRUNET                            *    QQQ QQQ QQQ   --------
* C.P. 8888, SUCC. 'A', MONTREAL, QC.    *         QQQ   --------------
* CANADA, H3C 3P8                        *        QQQ  R31631@UQAM.BITNET
* TEL: 514-987-4897/ res: 514-659-5864   *       QQQ   ------------------
******************************************             ******************


Date: Fri, 24 Aug 90 11:42:42 SST
From: TNG TaiHou <ISSTTH%NUSVM.BITNET@ricevm1.rice.edu>
Subject: OCR Hardware

Can anyone point me to a hardware device with the following features

1. OCR hardware (multifont, multistyles, multisize)
2. Scanner
3. 24-bit color
4. at least 300dpi

I know of a few for the MSDOS machines. But so far I can't find any
for the Mac.

I need this information fast to prevent the purchase of more MSDOS
machines instead of Macs.
Please reply to me ISSTTH@NUSVM and I will summarize. Thanks.


Date: Tue, 21 Aug 90 18:12 +0100
From: Pieter Stouten <STOUTEN%EMBL.bitnet@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Polish Fonts - Where and how can I get them ?


Can anybody provide me with Polish fonts or direct me to somebody
who can ? Alternatively, would somebody be willing to change an
existing font (preferably Times or Helvetica), so that it can be
used to type Polish. The Polish alphabet is almost a normal
latin alphabet (not cyrillic or anything), but it has some diacritical
marks which no other alphabet has. Specifically: an "l" with a bar,
an "o" and a "z" with an accent-aigu, a "z" with a dot on top, and an
"a" and an "e" with sort of a tail (similar to a cedille).
Since Poland is rapidly becoming a Western country, Apple should
consider producing a Polish system as well. Until that happens,
I would be very happy, if at least I could have a Polish font.
Thanks in advance.


####  ##   ##  ###   #      Pieter Stouten
#     # # # #  #  #  #      EMBL, Biocomputing Programme
###   #  #  #  ###   #      Meyerhofstrasse 1, 6900 Heidelberg, West Germany
#     #     #  #  #  #      Bitnet: Stouten@EMBL     Phone: +49-6221-387 472
####  #     #  ###   ####   Telex:  461613 embl d    Fax:   +49-6221-387 306


Date: 21 August 1990 22:10:15 CDT
From: "Stephen Kawalko  " <U40857%UICVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Printing to a Postscript file

I have several questions regarding the generation of Postscript files
using either command-f, command-k or the disk file check box in the
LaserWriter print.dialog.

  1. I have a non-Appletalk ImageWriter connected the the printer port.
     When I activate AppleTalk by selecting a LaserWriter in the Chooser
     DA can I damage the ImageWriter? Do I have to disconnect the
     ImageWriter every time I want to generate a Postsript file.or am I
     safe as long as the printer is turned off?

  2. Does the disk file check box produce a Postscript file plus the
     Apple prep file like command-f or the Postscript file only like
     command-k? When I generated a file from SuperPaint the resulting
     file didn't seem to contain the Apple prep file.

  3. I am trying to print these Postcript files on a Xerox 4045 laser
     printer connected to an IBM mainframe computer. Do I need the
     Apple prep file in the Postscript file or does it depend upon the
     program which originally generated the file?

  4. If I always need the Apple prep file to print the file where
     must it go in the Postscript file? If I have several files to print
     I would like to avoid having the Apple prep file in every Postscript
     file I send from my Mac to my mainframe computer account.

Thanks in advance for any help given.

Stephen Kawalko (U40857@UICVM)


Date: Thu, 23 Aug 90 10:25:56 -0400 (EDT)
From: Karen Lukas <kl0z+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: Program:  Culture

Can anyone provide me with information about a program for the Mac
called Culture - vendor contact, price.  I understand that there is a
HyperCard version of the program, and that there may be a version on
CD-ROM under development.  Thank you.

Karen Lukas
Consortium for Computing in Undergraduate Education


Date: Mon, 20 Aug 90 12:53:19 PLT
From: Joshua Yeidel <YEIDEL%WSUVM1.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Request for Macintosh Development Environment Recommendations

We are about to enter into our first Macintosh programming effort (a
relatively straightforward visualization tool we call SMACC, for
Surface Mesh and Color Contouring). We envision the program as a
Courseware-Exchange type of product. We are long-time programmers
and analysts in other environments (e.g., IBM mainframe) who are
looking at this Mac project as a one-shot effort prior to dedicating
ourselves to the UNIX world, so we are interested only in C as a
language, and we don't necessarily have years of Mac programming
ahead of us.

What we need to know is:

1) What do you recommend as a C language development environment for
our situation? MPW C? THINK C?

2) What do you recomment as a prototyping/user-interface-generator?
Any knowledgable comments on AppMaker or Prototyper 2.1?

3) I see in APDAlog a product called 3d Graphic Tools v.2.0. Anyone
have experience/comments on this (or on alternative 3D graphics

Respond directly to me, if you please; if response warrants, I will
post a report to the archives and a summary to info-mac.

Thanks, net-nauts.

- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - --
Joshua Yeidel                         YEIDEL@WSUVM1.BITNET
Academic Computing Services           YEIDEL@wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu
Washington State University           (509) 335-0441
Pullman, WA 99164-1226
DISCLAIMER: I'm speaking solely for myself here, not Washington State U.
-- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -


Date: 24 Aug 90 15:46 GMT
From: LAICHI.SPT@applelink.apple.com (Axis, Hector Rojas, Chile,ICC)
Subject: Restrict LaserWriter access?

This question has appeared before on this forum, but since I wasn't interested
in it at that time, I never payed any attention...
I need to know how I can restrict access to a costly Postscript printer on an
AppleTalk network.  The printer appears in the Chooser next to a standard
LaserWriter, and we don't want users mistakenly printing on the wrong printer.
What kind of solutions can you recommend me?  A print server with password
access?  A router that limits access to the printer zone?
Thanks for your help,
-- Thomas Fruin                    Apple Chile
   AppleLink: LAICHI.SPT           (laichi.spt@applelink.apple.com)


Date: Mon, 20 Aug 90 17:06:41 MEZ
From: ONM010%DE0HRZ1A.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu
Subject: Running Mac II software without 6888x FPU

	we would like to run programs compiled for Mac II series
machines with 6888x FPU on unaccelerated 68000 Macs (e.g. contour81
>From the archives on the Mac SE in our institution). Has anybody come
across an INIT or CDEV which intercepts the calls to the 6888x and
performes standard SANE calculations instead?
	Thanks in advance!
  Dr. Stefan P. Mueller, Nuklearmedizin, Universitaetsklinikum,
  Hufelandstr. 55, D-4300 Essen 1, Federal Republic of Germany,
   e-mail: ONM010@DE0HRZ1A on BITNET, FAX +49/ (201) 723-4694,
         phone:  +49/ (201) 723-2080 or 2081 or 2032


Date: Wed, 22 Aug 90 16:24 N
From: <MONNARDJ%CFRUNI51.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Sublaunching question

I have a question on sublaunching :

Technical Note 126 explains how an application can launch
another application, using the Launch trap. I tried it, and it works
OK. But I want to do more : I want the launched application to open
a document. I know the information about the document must be stored
in the AppParmHandle handle (at address $AEC), but I can't figure out
the details. So I would appreciate a piece of code (Assembler or Pascal)
which accomplishes this. Please reply to me directly.

Many thanks

Jacques Monnard
University of Fribourg (Switzerland)


Date: Mon, 20 Aug 90 14:23:31 EST
From: A Moiseff <MOISEFF%UCONNVM.BITNET@ricevm1.rice.edu>
Subject: TIFF Files

A colleague of mine has a problem working with scanned images.
Specifically, he wants to analyze images from Apple's flatbed scanner
with Image 1.17.  The scanned images are saved as TIFF files.  Image
refuses to open the files saying it CANNOT OPEN 1-BIT TIFF.  Is there a
simple way to convert the 1-bit TIFF format to either 4 or 8 bit TIFF
that Image could read?
Is there a simple solution that we are overlooking?


Date: Tue, 21 Aug 90 02:03:42 -0500
From: fgodfrey@rodan.acs.syr.edu (Francis N. Godfrey)
Subject: X windows and the Mac...

I have a feeling that this subject was talked about before but here it

Is there an emulator for the Mac that can recreate the X windows environment?
Where can it be found?


Francis N. Godfrey |Computing and Network Services|"It was the server
Syracuse University|Micro Cluster Support         |      that did it"-Mystery
fgodfrey@SUVM.BITNET  ATTACHTO Standard.disclaimer|fgodfrey@rodan.acs.syr.edu


End of Info-Mac Digest