[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V8 #161

Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (09/27/90)

Info-Mac Digest             Wed, 26 Sep 90       Volume 8 : Issue 161 

Today's Topics:

      [*] Blackjack Trainer (Sample Edition)
      [*] CDialog 1.2
      [*] Cool-Animated-Cursors
      [*] Cumulonimbus-110.hqx
      [*] Hopper Module for AfterDark...
      [*] KarKode LaserWriter font
      [*] Long/Short Date cdevs
      [*] Support Tools eXternals
      [*] TIFF-files for Mac
      [*] toggle-sndvol-20.hqx
      Big disk drives and "concurrent resources" limit
      Can't agree with the rave reviews about Norton for the Mac
      HyperCard 2.0
      Initializing problems
      Is there an X server for Mac OS?
      Mac & Ethernet
      macpage PS cartridge for LaserJet
      Medical Clip Art
      SCSI Problems
      System Heap Size w/MacTools
      Yet another question on OzTeX

Your Info-Mac Moderators are Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files are in /info-mac/help.  Indices are in
/info-mac/help/recent-files.txt and /info-mac/help/all-files.txt.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: Wed, 18 Jul 90 16:50:29 EDT
From: Chuck Weinstock <weinstoc@sei.cmu.edu>
Subject: [*] Blackjack Trainer (Sample Edition)

The attached Binhex file contains the sample edition of Blackjack
Trainer.  Blackjack Trainer is a program designed to teach the basic
strategy for the game of blackjack.  It may also be used as an
enjoyable way to play blackjack on your Macintosh.

The regular version of Blackjack Trainer also teaches card counting
and is fully configurable as to casino rules and counting strategies.

Blackjack Trainer is shareware.

[Archived as /info-mac/demo/blackjack-trainer.hqx; 179K]


Date: Tue, 17 Jul 90 20:02:32 EDT
From: zaccone@sol.bucknell.edu (Rick Zaccone)
Subject: [*] CDialog 1.2

CDialog is a THINK C class library for modeless dialogs.  Version 1.1
didn't compile under version 4.0.2 of THINK C.  This version is
supposed to correct that problem.

Rick Zaccone

[Archived as /info-mac/source/c/think-c-cdialog-12.hqx; 75K]


Date: Tue, 17 Jul 90 13:21 EDT
From: <MHOUSER%COLGATEU.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: [*] Cool-Animated-Cursors


Sent with this letter is a binhexed stuff-it archive containting 18 of the best
animatied cursors EVER! (Shari made them).  Use these cursors with W. Plotz's
Cursor Animator cdev.  The Cursors are:

Rollar Cooster
Tennis II
Volcano II
Winking Eye

These cursors are freeware!

Check out other stuff from InterStellar Software like HyperShanghai and coming
soon MacCribbage!

Hope you enjoy.

Michael T. Houser
Shari M. Houser


[Archived as /info-mac/misc/animated-cursors-2.hqx; 33K]


Date: 18 JUL 90 18:29:34
From: COSC006%unlcdc2.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: [*] Cumulonimbus-110.hqx

The following binhex contains the best non-commercial game of the falling-
blocks-in-wells genre.  My game runs in color on color capable macs, and
black and white on all Macs from the 512E and up.  My game can also be
configured in almost any way you can imagine, from the dimensions of the well to
which pieces to use.  And perhaps the best feature of all, it's only 1 buck
begware, whoops, I mean shareware!  Help support a computer-science student
by downloading this game!  Thanks!

[Archived as /info-mac/game/cumulonimbus-110.hqx; 126K]


Date: Mon, 16 Jul 90 19:55:51 -0700
From: rdsesq@apache.stanford.edu
Subject: [*] Hopper Module for AfterDark...

Here is a module fro AfterDark called Hopper. It is based on
HOPALONG routines from Scientific American Sept. 86 p. 14.

It is very, very similar to the graphics done by xlock.

Hopper is freeware, so feel free to give it away, just don't charge.


rob snevely

[Archived as /info-mac/util/after-dark-hopper.hqx; 5K]


Date: Tue, 17 Jul 90 19:04:14 EDT
From: rob@goldilocks.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: [*] KarKode LaserWriter font

KarKode is a font which may be helpful to programmers.  Its glyphs
reprent the character code of each character (if you print character
number 67 you see "67" instead of the usual "C").

Feel free to distribute this font provided you don't make a profit
doing so.  If you find it useful, send me a postcard next time you go


[Archived as /info-mac/font/karkode.hqx; 125K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jul 90  20:51:27 MDT
From: EPETERS%CSUGREEN.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: [*] Long/Short Date cdevs

In several recent postings, a cdev by TMaker called Date 1.0 was mentioned
as a way of altering the date formats used in Word glossaries without
having to resort to ResEdit.  In response to my message, I received several
requests for a later version of ResEdit that can open the 'itl1' resource
so that the date format may be changed.  Alas, our Info-Mac moderator, wise
and unstinting in his aid to the Mac community though he is, cannot permit
the posting of ResEdit (I have version 1.3d1) in the archives.  In an
effort to reseal the cylindrical tin container of annelids I opened, I
checked the America Online archives.  I found the above mentioned cdev, as
well as the pair of cdevs I've enclosed:  Long Date and Short Date.  Long
Date is functionally identical to the Date 1.0 cdev, with all the same
options for formatting, including reordering and suppressing the components
of the date.  Short Date adds the additional ability to do the same for
the short date, including the ability to substitute another character for
the '/' (I wish it would do months as Roman numerals, though).  I thought
this was a nice improvement, as you can use either or both of these as you
desire.  These are shareware ($5.00/each) and were written by Don Leeper
(his address is in the cdev settings window).  Enjoy to the fullest.
* Eric L. Peters                             BBS/DATA:           223-0229 *
* Dept. of Radiology and Radiation Biology   GEnie:             E.PETERS2 *
* Colorado State University                  America Online:         Eryx *
* Fort Collins, CO 80523                     BITNET:     EPETERS@CSUGREEN *
* Voice: (303) 491-5343  FAX: 491-0623       INTERNET:           EPETERS@ *
*              226-3610                        CSUGREEN.UCC.COLOSTATE.EDU *
*  Radioactive cats have 18 half-lives.                -Randy Builder     *

[Archived as /info-mac/cdev/long-and-short-date.hqx; 17K]


Date: Sat, 21 Jul 90 11:19:54 PDT
From: aron@garnet.berkeley.edu (Aron Roberts)
Subject: [*] Support Tools eXternals

  Support Tools eXternals is a HyperCard stack with a collection 
of over 40 XCMDs and XFCNs.  Documentation, demonstrations, and 
calling syntax is provided for the following external routines:

  ApplicationList, ApplMemory, ApplSize, AUXisRunning,
  CDDriveList, CopyStruct, DiskIsRemovable, DiskSpaceAvail,
  DocumentCreator, DragRect, EjectDisk, FileCreationDate,
  FileCreator, FileExists, FileModDate, FilePath, FileSize,
  FileType, FileVersion, FolderContents, FolderPath,
  HFSCopy, HFSRename, INITList, MenuShowing, MFIsRunning,
  MonitorCount, MonitorConfig, NumToBinary, NumToHex,
  OpenFiles, PlotFinderICN, PrintContainer, SCSIInfo,
  SCSIName, SCSINumber, SetDefaultDir, SyQuestDriveList,
  SysEnvironment, TotalRam, UnmountVolume, VolumeIsLocked,
  VolumeList, and VolumePath.

  Authored by Eric Carlson (AppleLink: CYNIC; CompuServe: 76004,3356)
and Anup Murarka (AppleLink: SKEPTIC) of Apple's Support Tools Development 

  Although freely-distributable, "this stack and its externals may not
to be sold commercially, nor may they be included in any commercial
product without the prior, written authorization of Apple Computer, Inc."

Aron Roberts  Workstation Support Services . 219 Evans Hall
              University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720  
              aron@garnet.berkeley.edu . ucbvax!garnet!aron
              aron@ucbgarne.bitnet . (415) 642-5974

[Archived as /info-mac/card/xcmd/support-tools-externals.hqx; 259K]


Date: Wed, 18 Jul 90 12:43:42 MEZ
From: Ewald Jenisch <Z00EJR01%AWIUNI11.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: [*] TIFF-files for Mac

Some weeks ago Bernie Wieser from Canada (BSWieser@UNCAMULT.BITNET)
uploaded various TIFF-files in /info-mac/art/JPL.hqx.
Well, I got some more pictures from him and he asked me to upload them
to SUMEX. Enclosed please find a BINHEXed .SIT.

This file contains TIFF-files of various themes (like an anchor, sextant,
man at a microscope, etc.)

University Computer Center
University of Vienna, Austria

E-mail: Z00EJR01@AWIUNI11.BITNET    Snail-mail: Universitaetsstrasse 7
Tel.:   (+43 222) 43-61-11/251                  A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Fax:    (+43 222) 43-61-11/170                  Europe

[Archived as /info-mac/art/tiff-misc.hqx; 101K]


Date: 18 JUL 90 18:33:16
From: COSC006%unlcdc2.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: [*] toggle-sndvol-20.hqx

ToggleSndVol FKEY 2.0
by Mike Gleason Jr.

This FKEY changes the volume of the speaker, and it now has the ability to make
the change permanent.  Also instead of simply turning the speaker on and off,
it rotates between speaker volumes 7 (loudest) to 4 to 1 (softest) to 0 (off)& o
back to 7 again, instead of 7 to 0 to 7.  Think Pascal source included.

mike gleason
cosc006@unlcdc2 (bitnet)

[Archived as /info-mac/fkey/toggle-snd-vol-20.hqx; 6K]


Date: Tue, 17 Jul 90 15:54 EDT
From: YOUNG%RCSDY@gmr.com
Subject: Big disk drives and "concurrent resources" limit

I recently purchased the La Cie optical disk drive (about 280 MB/side).
After loading it up, I used "Get Info" and found "257 MB" used, "251 MB"
on disk, for 7,293 files. When I tried moving a folder containing 320K,
the Mac crashed (IIfx, running system 6.0.5, 8 MB, running under finder.
This bug is repeatable. According to the La Cie user manual, "If you
exceed 2,727 concurrent resourcesm the Desktop Manager will not work
properly." A call to La Cie said that the same statement applied to
the Finder. I asked what they meant by "concurrent resources" and they
said they thought that meant "application programs." If so, this sounds
like a Finder bug. I tried increasing the size of the system heap, but
this did not help. Anyone have any ideas about what "concurrent resources"
means? Anyone experience similar problems with big disks?
- Dick Young


Date: Wed, 26 SEP 90 16:48:22 GMT
From: AEIC0456%VAX1.CENTRE.QUEENS-BELFAST.AC.UK@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: Can't agree with the rave reviews about Norton for the Mac

I got around to putting Norton Utilities for the Mac onto my IIx (8 Mb,
6.0.4) today and managed to loose the whole disc - the Norton disc
optimizer stopped half way through with an unknown error and from then on
I couldn't get at my disc (80 Mb Quantum internal). I ran the disc doctor
and it reported problems which it claimed to fix but there's no way
I could get the thing back on line. HD Setup wouldn't let me update
the driver (option dimmed). I initialised and restored from a tape backup
then restarted with the Norton disc and diagnosed the hard disc - it
reported the same problems with the volume bitmap, volume information
block and crosslinks - I let it fix them and on restarting found I had
lost about 1 Mb off the disc. I restarted with system floppy 3 and
ran Disk First Aid, it repaired the disc and gave me back the 1 Mb.
However running Norton Disk Doctor again repeated the same messages
and on letting it fix I lost the 1 Mb again. I conclude that this
Norton program is screwing up my disc and have put it back in the box.
The programs that it claimed should be unusable because of crosslinks
are running OK and I have since used SUM's HD TuneUp to tune the disc
with no problems.

Anyone else got opinions on Norton for the Mac - I'm using the Fast
Find desk accessory and that's it !

George Munroe, Queen's University Belfast


Date: Tue, 25 Sep 90 19:32 MDT
From: Bernie <BSWieser%UNCAMULT.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: HyperCard 2.0

If HyperCard loses its program-ability, it will die as a product.  I
protest the separation, and hope others do the same.

Bernie Wieser Student, Consultant, Bernie of All Trades University of


Date: Wed, 26 Sep 90 11:37:34 EDT
From: Jamer <PET101@ukcc.uky.edu>
Subject: Initializing problems


      Lately I've had problems initializing high density floppy disks for
my SE/30.  I noticed this when I tried to erase an already initialized disk
(I was too lazy to remove everything from it).  Instead of re-initializing
the disk, the drive spit it out (during the desktop updating near the end of
initialization).  I've tried to erase other disks, but came up with the same
results.  I even tried to erase them with a magnetic bulk eraser, but no go.

       Does anyone have any ideas what the problem(s) might be??  I have a
hard time blaming the drive, but if it is the problem, are there any diagnostic
software programs available?  If the problem is the disks (poor quality), then
I'll have to warn anyone from buying Fuji High Density disks, because so far
3 out of ten that I've bought don't work.

Thanks for listening.



Date: Wed, 26 Sep 90 10:13:32 EDT
From: pereira@icarus.att.com
Subject: Is there an X server for Mac OS?

Although there have been several requests for information on this
topic, and at least one recent message seems to refer to one, I have
not seen any specific information on this digest about X servers for
the Mac OS (not A/UX). Is there such a beast? Where can I get it?  I
would be grateful for some definite answers.

Fernando Pereira
2D-447, AT&T Bell Laboratories
600 Mountain Ave, Murray Hill, NJ 07974


Date: 26 Sep 90 14:30:37 GMT
From: blob@apple.com (Brian Bechtel)
Subject: Mac & Ethernet

> I have also been told that there is a card by/called Assante but 
>  have not been able to find any information on this card.  

Both MacWorld and MacUser have had recent evaluations of Ethernet cards.
Asante's address is:
	Asante Technologies
	405 Tasman Drive
	Sunnyvale, CA 94089
	1.408.734.4864 FAX
They make (at least) Ethernet cards for the SE/30 and NuBus Macintoshes
(MacII & up) that are very compatible with the Apple card; enough so
that you need no additional software drivers beyond those offered by
Apple.  A/UX compatible as well.

--Brian Bechtel		blob@apple.com		"My opinion, not Apple's"


Date: Tue, 25 Sep 90 18:34:52 PDT
From: nitao@s13.es.llnl.gov (John Nitao 423-0297)
Subject: macpage PS cartridge for LaserJet

Has anyone has any experiences, good or bad, with using
the macpage postscript cartridge (or any other PS cartridge)
with the HP Laser Jet printers with their Mac ?

				John Nitao


Date: Wed, 26 Sep 90 11:12:08 EDT
From: "Christopher M. Sedore" <CMSEDORE%SUVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Medical Clip Art

A while ago, I posted a request for medical clip art.  I got many requests for
the information, but no information.  This seems to be of enough general
interest to post to the main drag.

Both of these packages were nice and very detailed.  They are bitmap, so
laser printing is not very pretty (although you could certainly use some
software to convert it to curves).

Here are the addresses and phone numbers:
                                         MacPDS, P.O. Box 85097
                                         PO Box 85097
                                         Seattle WA 98105
                                         (206) 364-8071

MacAnatomy:                              MacMedic Publications, Inc.
                                         7530 Harwin Drive
                                         Houston, Texas 77036
                                         (713) 977-2655

If you have any further questions, I'd be happy to answer them (if I can).

Christopher M Sedore                      CMSEDORE@SUVM.BITNET (BITNET)
Student-Syracuse University          CMSEDORE@SUVM.ACS.SYR.EDU (Internet)

Organization: Definitely Not!


Date: Wed, 26 Sep 90 10:21:18 +0200
From: stephan%KUB.NL@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: MS-Word->(La)TeX


I have heard there is such a thing as MacTeX which is able to convert
MS-Word files to (La)TeX code.
Does anyone have (good or bad) experience with it?
Please let me know; any information on prices/versions or
other software doing the job is very much appreciated as well.

-- Stephan Raaijmakers

|  | |/   Institute for Language Technology and
|  | |\   Artificial Intelligence  (ITK)
                 Tilburg University


Date: Wed, 26 Sep 90 13:17:06 PDT
From: Paul Romaniuk <PROMAN%UVVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: SCSI Problems

Yesterday, I installed 8X1 meg SIMMS in my MacII.  Since then, the Mac
will only recognize one external SCSI device, no more.  If I have my
CD-ROM drive (ID
3) and my SyQuest removable drive (ID
5) connected at the same time, the Mac freezes partway through the
bootup process from the internal hard drive, and both the "red" &
"green" lights on the SyQuest drive stay on.  The SyQuest has an
internal terminator, so turning it off means the MacII won't boot at
all.  I can boot successfully if I have just the CD-ROM drive attached
(with external terminator), or just the SyQuest attached.  The cable
between the CD-ROM and SyQuest checks out OK, so that's not the problem.
This combination had been working just fine until I swapped the memory
in the MacII.  Any suggestions as to a possible cause of this problem?
Is it possible that I knocked out the internal terminator in the MacII?

Any and all suggestions welcome.



Date: Wed, 26 Sep 90 07:35 EDT
From: "Mark Nutter, Apple Support" <MANUTTER%IUP.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: System Heap Size w/MacTools

Here, by popular request, is the procedure for using MacTools to increase your
system heap size so System 6.0.5 doesn't crash so often.

1.  Start MacTools.
2.  Pull down the Disk menu and select "ViewEdit Disk".  You will see a screen
    showing several statistics about your disk.
3.  Click the right scroll button once (move right 1 screen).  You should now
    see a screen labelled "Blck:  0 Part A".  Most of the screen will be taken
    up by a hexadecimal/ASCII display of the contents of disk sector 0.  Step
    number four gives an example of one such line.
4.  Look for the line labelled "0080:".  It should look something like this:

0080:  4300 0000 8000 0002 0000 2238 0108 4841   C........."..HA

Notice:               !       !
                      !       !
                      - HEAP -

    I used the exclamation points to mark out the bytes that you need to
    change.  These are hexadecimal numbers:  00020000 in hexadecimal is
    131072 in decimal, or approximately 130k.  You will probably want to
    click on the 2 and change it to 3 or 4.  30000 hex is about 190k and
    40000 hex is about 260k.  If you're thinking that these numbers are
    still too small, remember that what we've got here is the STARTING system
    heap size.  Suitcase et al will increase that size as they load, so don't
    make your starting heap size too big, or you won't have any memory left
    for your applications!
5.  After changing the 0002 to 0003, pull down the ViewEdit menu and select
    "Write Block".
6.  Quit MacTools and restart your Mac.  Pull down the apple menu and select
    "About the Finder..." to see your System "thermometer".  It should be less
    than 85% filled.  If it is more than 85% filled, repeat the above procedure
    and change the 0003 to 0004.

That should do it!  Normal cautions apply:  disk sector editors like MacTools
have the potential to mess up your disk if used improperly, so make sure you
have backup copies of everything you wouldn't want to lose.  If you follow the
above procedure, you shouldn't have any problems, but better safe than sorry.

Mark Nutter                                              MANUTTER@IUP.BITNET
Apple Support Coordinator                                "I speak for myself,
Indiana University of Pennsylvania                        not for IUP."
G-4 Stright Hall, IUP
Indiana, PA 15705
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't look in his mouth." - Archie B.


Date: Tue, 25 Sep 90 11:05:02+010
From: alfonso%imicefr.bitnet@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: Yet another question on OzTeX

Dear friends,

I have already sent several messages on this topic to this list and to
oztex@midway.uchicago.edu and tug@math.ams.com. However, since I have not
got any answer from anybody, let me try again with this list.

I have been using OzTeX (a public domain version of TeX for Apple
Macintosh) for 3 months. It works fine, but I am not able to include
postscript figures in my docs: either the figure is printed on a separate
page or it is not printed at all. My machine is a Mac SE/30 (System 6.03)
and the printer is a Laserwriter IINTX.
By the way, I have tried several packages that produce PICT figures
(Canvas, MacDraw, ...), producing the postscript file with the command-f

Can someone give me any hint? Can I use the psfig macros with OzTeX?

Since I need LaTeX and I have to mix text and graphics, if OzTeX is not
able to print postscript figures can someone suggest me a commercial
version of TeX   that allows me to do that? (Textures????)

Please, reply to alfonso@imicefr.bitnet.

Thanks a lot.

Alfonso Fuggetta


End of Info-Mac Digest