[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V8 #170

Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (10/16/90)

Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 15 Oct 90       Volume 8 : Issue 170 

Today's Topics:

      Administrative Print Spooler
      Bad Disk
      Big Screen
      CAD/CAM Systems
      Command line shell for mac
      Crossword Puzzle Maker
      Endnote DA/Master Juggler conflict Info-Mac Digest V8 #168
      Ethernet cards
      Fonts and Documents
      HyperCard & sound (fixing a sound's rate with SoundEdit)
      hypercard, NCSA telnet, biff crash: why?
      Hypercard 2.0?
      Info-Mac Digest V8 #116
      Mac on Token Ring
      MacPaint/SuperPaint 2.0 formats
      MacPaint problems on appleshare
      Motif available for A/UX
      New Fractal Design Software
      Plotting in Mathematica
      Programming - How to get EtherNet address?
      Singleshare Version #?
      Solutions to Imagewriter II Problems
      Standard video (vcr) from Mac II
      surge protection
      TinCan Documentation
      Translate resources
      Troff to Mac converters
      Warm boot key sequence

Your Info-Mac Moderators are Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files are in /info-mac/help.  Indices are in
/info-mac/help/recent-files.txt and /info-mac/help/all-files.txt.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 17:42:52 -0900
From: "Big MAC..."  <AXMAC%ALASKA.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Administrative Print Spooler


  Here at the University of Alaska, Anchorage, we have a AppleTalk network set
up with both an ImageWriter and a Laserwriter IINTX. The LaserWriter is free to
everyone who wants to use it, but we have some rules we would VERY much like to
have followed.
        1) Final copies only to the LaserWriter. (Use the ImageWriter for draft)
        2) Printing 1 or 2 copies of something, not 50 to 100.

Becuase the LaserWriter is an expensive thing to operate, we would like a way
for us to control how much is printed. We have had several abuses in the past
such as people using it to produce 100+ banners to hang around campus! We try
to tell them to use the PHOTOCOPIER, but alas...

SO, the reason for this posting is, does anyone out there have an
adminstrative-type Print Spooler? I would really appreciate any help someone
could give us!

Thanks in advance...

Marc A. Casillo                         AXMAC@ALASKA.BITNET
Student User Consultant                 AXMAC@ACAD3.FAI.ALASKA.EDU
University Of Alaska, Anchorage


Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 08:20:34 EDT
From: scooter@emunix.emich.edu (Todd McDaniel)
Subject: Bad Disk

	Help!! A friend of mine recently purchased an SE.  She worked
on it for several days w/o a hitch. This how she described what happened, a
real novice here.  She was experimenting with superpaint and it just stopped!
OK. Sure, what else did you do, I ask. Well, I triied to put a disk in the other
day and it didn't quite go in, I took it out and it was still spinning.  I work
in a mac lab and I see that happen. But this is where it get's out of my hands!
Turn it on and get to the desktop, the HD mounts alright, no disk in the i
internal drive. It says disk in the internal drive unreadable, format/eject.
So I hit eject, the alert disappears. Another alert comes up and says that
the external drive is unreadable. She doesn't have an external drive! These b
two alerts continue to alternate even during applications. I ran Disk first
aid. HD and her internal are OK, but, I get:

			--Disk With Bad Name--

			(external Floppy Drive)
	              (which doesn't even exist!!)

                  I click the drive box and I get this:

			--Disk With Bad Name--


		   (DFA doesn't even know where it is!!)

	This has really got me vexxed! I just can't igure it out! I hope
 a few tech-types will know what to do!!!

	Please(!!!) Email me at:   scooter@emunix.emich.edu

						Thanx in advance!!
						Todd McDaniel
						Eastern Michigan U.


Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 05:26:41 GMT
From: palmer@truebalt.cco.caltech.edu (David Palmer)
Subject: Big Screen
Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:

>I am interested in purchasing a two page monitor for my MacII and am
>considering three low cost models by Mirror, Ehman, and MegaGraphics.
>Does anybody have experience with these monitors that might help me make
>a choice.  Any assistance would be appreciated.

I am about to return the fourth Cutting edge (= Ehman sold through
distributors) monitor that my distributor has sent to me.  I will
wait to see if anybody reports any good monitors in this price range.

I am not especially picky, I just want a monitor that, at 19" is more
enjoyable to use than the 9" I already have.  I am not asking for
comparable clarity, just reasonable legibility.

The reason for this return: The contrast is so low that my eyes start
watering after about fifteen minutes of use.  The letters show up as
gray on white.  (Inverse video is easily legible, though) The brightness control
ranges from slightly uncomfortably bright, to bright enough to cause
the image to blur. (which is only a range of ~50%).  There is no external
contrast control.  A brightness waviness
with a period of 16 pixels is less important, but annoying.

Reasons for previous returns:
	1) Incomplete mounting hardware, munged faraday cage.
	2) edge of screen folded under (as if flyback circuitry was weak)
	   minor scratch in the middle of monitor face was contributing factor
	   (they also shipped the wrong cable with this one.)
	3) Even pixels were twice as bright as odd pixels, making
	   screen text look as if it were (for instance) 12 point
	   scaled to 11 point.  (Or as if it were San Francisco font)

Since this is the fourth try they've made in trying to ship me
a good one, it was specially selected at the factory.
The video board they sent me this time had more  kludged parts
(Resistors and capacitors soldered directly to the pins of the IC's,
arching uninsulated past other pins so that they could easily be bent
and short out)  than the previous three (which had only a few kludged
parts each), which may mean that they tried to adjust the circuitry
for a better picture.  My guess is that they had never heard of
trimpots, and think that 1% resistors in critical places would be
too expensive.

On the other hand, a friend bought an Ehman directly from Ehman,
and has had no problem with it.  Bright, high-contrast image
(except for a small amount of ringing after thick black lines).
If I could be sure of getting a monitor like that, I would buy it.

A side note, of the 5 monitors I've seen (the 4 shipments to me and
my friend's) there were two brands of monitors.  One is made by Zenith,
and on the back it says "Made by Zenith for Megagraphics".  The other
is made by Hyundai.  The Hyundai monitor gives a much sharper, darker

I hope this is a help.

I guess the best advice is to buy from a store, instead of mail-order,
and have the store set up the particular monitor you are thinking of
buying (including the video card) for you to look at.

		David Palmer
	I have the power to cloud men's minds -- or at least my own.


Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 18:17:34 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Gordon Maskew Fair, III" <gf07+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: CAD/CAM Systems

I am looking for a CAD/CAM system with the following capabilities:
   - draw wireframe models of 3D objects
   - run on IBM PCs/Macintoshes/Workstations (any of these platforms is OK)
   - allow boolean subtraction/addition of solids
   - macros/scripting
   - libraries of objects
   - render (solidify) them relatively quickly (not totally necessary at the 
If you know of any commercial/research software with these capabilities,
or have comments about CAD systems that you have used, i would love to
hear from you.
Thank you in advance,


Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 11:41:27 CEN
From: Geoffrey Parsons <SGPARSON%WKYUVM.BITNET@ricevm1.rice.edu>
Subject: Command line shell for mac

> ...DA that enabled you to operate the Mac using a Unix-like command
shell. Does anyone know the name of this DA?

    The DA you are looking for is called Ras-Nix. It is quite old
and is not very powerful. It doesn't even support wildcards.
I was so impressed I deleted it. I don't know if your search will be
worth it.


Date: Wed, 10 Oct 90 21:54 EST
From: LLEDUC%LAUVAX01.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: Crossword Puzzle Maker

I am looking for a public domaine or commercial program which allows you
to create and print crossword puzzles on the Mac.  I've heard of Crossword
Magic by Mindscape but I would like to have some feedback from users. Can
anyone help me?  Please direct mail directly to me.  Thanks a lot.

Leo G. Leduc
Department of Biology
Laurentian University
P3E 2C6


Date: Thu, 11 Oct 1990 08:21:18 EDT
From: Marvyn <ST401832@brownvm.brown.edu>
Subject: Endnote DA/Master Juggler conflict Info-Mac Digest V8 #168

Hi Anthony,
    I've never encountered any conflicts between Master Juggler 1.13
and Endnote 1.2.1 on an SE/30 under System 6.0.3. The problem may then
lie in them working correctly under the latest version of the system.  Try
an earlier system version of the to see if that solves your problem (The
SE/30 and IICX need at least system 6.0.3  and Finder 6.1 to run.  System
6.0.5 is only needed if you're running an FX)

Marvyn Steele


Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 11:01:55 -0400
From: dave@slam.interlan.com (Dave Goldblatt)
Subject: Ethernet cards

> From: dick%arisia.ta52@lanl.gov (Dick Wiley (system))
> Subject: Ethernet Cards

> The Interlan MacConnect NIA310 Ethernet card for the Mac works fine with
> systems through 6.0.4, but if you are planning on installing A/UX 2.0 you
> would be wise to choose another card.  There is no A/UX driver for the
> NIA310, and I understand that Racal does not plan to produce one for at least
> six months.

I'm not sure where you got that information, but I just checked with the
driver manager, and was told that the driver has completed beta test and
should be available in four to six _weeks_.  

Interested parties can call 1-800-LAN-TALK for information.

Also, the MacConnect NIA310 works fine with all versions of System 6
(up through and including 6.0.6), and has been tested successfully
with System 7 as well.

This ain't product pushing, it's just I don't like misinformation. :-)

"You can twist perceptions	*	Dave Goldblatt	  dave@interlan.com
 Reality won't budge..."	*	Diagnostic Engineering
		- Rush		*	Racal InterLan
				*	Boxborough MA     (508) 263-9929


Date: Thursday, 11 October 1990 6:26pm CST
From: PSmith@utxvm.cc.utexas.edu
Subject: Fonts and Documents

     Here is a question for the net:
     Is it possible to attach a font to a Word 4.0 document, so that the
font will be available when the document is opened?  I have some sources
which say that this is possible using Font/DA Mover (holding down the
option key while selecting the document so that it is drawn into Font/DA
Mover).  Problem is, everytime I try to get the doc. in, I get a message
that the file is "damaged or busy" and that Font/DA Mover can't open it.
Any suggestions?



Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 00:31 PST
From: <CONDOF%CLARGRAD.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: HyperCard & sound (fixing a sound's rate with SoundEdit)

In Info-Mac 8 169,
Drew <AL.Radtke%bradford.ac.uk@forsythe.stanford.edu> writes:

          >I have a sound which has been recorded at the wrong sampling
          >rate, and it is very hard for me to get it re sampled. I
          >have been trying to get Hypercard's "play" command to get it
          >to play at the right speed.

I have a solution to this, and it involves using SoundEdit, which comes with
the Farallon sound recorder. You need the software only to solve this.
[Note: I'll capitalize references to menu commands.]

In SoundEdit, open the resource containing your erroneous sound. Then, use
the Recording Options command to set the recording rate to 22kHz, and create
a New sound window. Select the entirety of the original sound, and Copy it.
Then Close the original sound, and Paste into the new window. Click on the
play button to hear what the sound sounds like.

You are now going to use the Bender effect to correct the pitch of the
sound. The pitch of the sound you just played will tell you which direction
to alter the pitch. Select the entirety of the sound in the Untitled window.
Select Bender. In the window, move both ends of the line to the same level
(you want a FLAT line, "bending" the sound UNIFORMLY rather than at a
varying rate). In any case, you want to move the line all the way up (if the
sound played too low) or all the way down (if it played to high).

Play the sound again to be sure it sounds right. When it does, Save As... a
resource, replacing the original sound. In HyperCard, it should sound right
when played. It should go without saying that you should have ample backups
before doing this procedure. In particular, have Boomerang turned off while
using SoundEdit.
 Fred Condo.   Pro-Humanist BBS: 818/339-4704, 300/1200 bps
 INET: fredc@pro-humanist.cts.com   BitNet: condof@clargrad
 matter: PO Box 2843, Covina, CA 91722          AOL: FredJC


Date: Fri, 12 Oct 90 15:20:34 EDT
From: walkere@turing.cs.rpi.edu (Ellen Walker)
Subject: hypercard, NCSA telnet, biff crash: why?

I have been having a series of mysterious crashes on my mac IIcx.  I have
been able to replicate the crash under the following condition:

Running NCSA Telnet 2.3 & Hypercard 1.2.5 (also with previous version of 1.2)
under multifinder.

I have "biff on" on my UNIX machine.

Hypercard is the top window.

When mail comes in, the window scrolls up one line, but does not draw the
first line of the mail message.  The mac does not beep.

At this point, the cursor still tracks with the mouse, but keys & menus are
inoperative.  (So I reboot...)

I have also had a crash in the same situation except that the screensaver
(After Dark) has kicked in.

I have replicated the crash with no INITS or CDEVS other than the ones from
Apple (general, sound, keyboard, etc.).

Anyone know what is going on?

If not, I would appreciate pointers to programs that I can get to either beep
or redraw their windows in the background under multifinder, so I can determine
whether NCSA telnet or Hypercard is the culprit.

Thanks for any information you can give me,
Ellen Walker


Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 12:55:46 EDT
From: jmoore@occs.cs.oberlin.edu (Coup D'Etat)
Subject: Hypercard 2.0?

Has anyone actually seen Hypercard 2.0?

If so, how and where do you get it?

-Jeff Moore



Date: Wed, 10 Oct 90 21:48 EST
From: LLEDUC%LAUVAX01.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V8 #116

Dear Jon Stewart,

I highly recommend Typing Tutor IV.  Good luck.


Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90  11:25:18 EDT
From: Charlie_Havekost%NIHDCRT.BITNET@cu.nih.gov
Subject: Mac on Token Ring

Date: 10-11-90 11:29am
>From: Charlie Havekost:dcrt:nih
  To: {Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu}:internet
  cc: Charlie Havekost
Subj: Mac on Token Ring
On the Token Ring here we've got lots of lowly PCs talking TCP/IP to the
world for telnet and FTP.  The question at hand is "Can the Mac participate
too?"  Are there any Token Ring TCP/IP packages for the Mac?  More
generally, does there exist a Mac-Token Ring community and what
capabilities does a Mac on a Token Ring have -- is it limited to TokenTalk
between Macs on the Ring?  Is anyone running 3+Open with Macs on a Token

Please send "Mac on Token Ring" info to me, and I'll summarize to the net.

Charlie Havekost                 Internet: HAV@CU.NIH.GOV
NIH Computer Center              BITNET: Charlie_Havekost@NIHDCRT


Date: Fri, 12 Oct 90 09:19:31 edt
From: Rocky Olive <olive@apxtg03.apex.dg.com>
Subject: MacPaint/SuperPaint 2.0 formats

   Hi, y'all.  I'm looking for documentation describing the image format
of a MacPaint and/or SuperPaint format(s).  I don't know much about this
stuff, though (is it PICT, or is that something different?).  I have worked
a little bit converting gifs on a mainframe, so I do understand that format.
I could also use a generic C routine for reading and interpreting such
files, if anyone has it. 

   I've got some b/w MacPaint files that I want to convert to another format,
and I don't know anything about their format.  Anything you've got will help.

------------------------         ----------------------------------------
.Rockford L. Olive......         DG UNIX NET: olive@apxtg03
..Data General Corp.....         INTERNET: olive@apxtg03.apex.dg.com
...Technology  Drive....         AMERICA ONLINE: Rocky O
....Apex,  NC   27502...         PRODIGY: DSDG94A
.....919/362-4800x5392..         COMPUSERVE: 72500,2345
......919/362-4914 home.         SCREAMNET: Yo, Rock!
------------------------	 -----------------------------------------


Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 23:10:20 CDT
From: C277839%UMCVMB.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: MacPaint problems on appleshare

Hi, netters. The director of the graphics lab here at the University of
Missouri Journalism school is having problems with MacPaint v1.5.
When users of the server try to copy a selection, there is some disk
activity (these are all floppy based, 1 meg Pluses) and the dialog
"MacPaint is having trouble writing the scrap" appears. What is the
scrap and why might it be having trouble writing it. System 6.0.3 with
just the Disinfectant init and GateKeeper Aid. The system disk has 137K free.
All copies of MacPaint are on the server, a IIcx with a smallish 40meg drive.
I believe the server has about 8 meg free.
Suggestions, comments? Drop me a line. Thanks.

Ian Sights     c277839 at UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU


Date: 11 Oct 90 12:53 GMT
From: LAICHI.SPT@applelink.apple.com (Axis, Hector Rojas, Chile,ICC)
Subject: Motif available for A/UX

Regarding my earlier question about Motif being available for A/UX,
specifically A/UX 2.0, I got a positive reply from Peter Lovell on AppleLink.
Motif is available for A/UX 2.0 from
Integrated Computer Systems
163 Havard Street
Cambridge, MA  02139
Phone  (617) 547-0510
Fax    (617) 547-0758
Internet   info@ics.com
It comes on 8 floppies and includes OSF's manuals.
-- Thomas Fruin                        Apple Chile
   AppleLink: LAICHI.SPT               laichi.spt@applelink.apple.com


Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 10:48:58 CDT
From: ST5845%SIUCVMB.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: New Fractal Design Software

     Koyn Software has released IFS Explorer(TM), an educational and
entertaining software package for the Macintosh that allows the user
to create and explore fractals.
     The user may explore the Fractal Library(TM), a collection of over
60 premade fractals. IFS Explorer's powerful zoom function lets the user
zoom in up to 100,000,000 times, allowing observation of the infinite
detail in fractal images.
     The user may create new fractals using iterated function systems
(IFS's for short). A fractal is described as a collection of pieces,
each of which is a geometrically transformed copy of the original. A
fractal description is entered in a spreadsheet-like window, where each
row specifies a geometrical transformation for one of the pieces.
     Fractals are rendered by random iteration, a process involving
starting with a point and repeatedly applying randomly chosen
transformations to it.  The variety of images that can be created by
this apparently chaotic means is surprising.
     Fractal images may be exported to other applications via the
clipboard or PICT files. The endless variety of images IFS Explorer
produces are useful for advertising, stationery, and other graphic
design projects.
     The educational user guide explains IFS's in an easy to understand
way that is accessible to anyone who has had some experience in algebra
and coordinate geometry. IFS Explorer is useful in college mathematics
courses that cover fractals or chaos theory because it allows students
to explore fractals by hands-on experimentation. It is also useful as a
self-study aid to enthusiasts of fractals, chaos theory, and/or math.
     IFS Explorer requires a Macintosh 512KE or newer, an 800K floppy
disk drive and System Software 4.1 or newer.
     IFS Explorer is available directly from Koyn Software for $49.95
plus $2.00 shipping & handling. There is a special introductory price of
$39.95 (plus $2.00 S & H), which is 20% off, until December 31. Special
discounts are available to universities and faculty.
     Koyn Software may be reached at:
Koyn Software
1754 Sprucedale
St. Louis, MO  63146
(314) 878-9125.


Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 09:08:38 EDT
From: bkirsch@nadc.nadc.navy.mil (B. Kirsch)
Subject: Plotting in Mathematica

Sorry I couldn't mail directly to Tom P <TPRUSA@sbccvm>

Send me your code, I'll take a look.  Sounds like somethings wrong.

           Barry Kirsch
MAIL:      Naval Air Development Center
           Code 5051
           Warminster PA, 18974-5000
PHONE:     (215) 441-1886


Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 12:03:27 
From: rhz@po.cwru.edu (Robert H. Zakon)
Subject: Programming - How to get EtherNet address?

Now that the Ethernet people have been woken up by the recent messages 
on Ethernet cards, does anyone know how to acquire the Ethernet address 
of a card via a program.  I am looking for source code which will give 
me the address.

Robert H. Zakon  (from Rio, Brazil)
Case Western Reserve U.
Cleveland, OH
Internet: rhz@po.cwru.edu


Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 17:54:15 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Gordon Maskew Fair, III" <gf07+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: Singleshare Version #?


I was wondering if there was a newer version to SingleShare?
The most recent version that I know of is .9b11

If you could give me any leads to the new version I would greatly
appreciate it.

Thank you in advance,



Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 16:59:25 PST
From: "Donald R. Proctor" <SPGDRP@uccvma.ucop.edu>
Subject: Solutions to Imagewriter II Problems

Thanks to everyone who responded to my inquiry about the first line of
text compressing on an Imagewriter II.  From the volume of the responses
I received it seems that many owners of Imagewriter IIs have had similar

The responses to my inquiry can be summarized as follows:

1.  Live with it.
2.  Hand feed each sheet.
3.  Buy a cut sheet feeder.
4.  Try using 20# paper (I do).
5.  Put the paper under the table (I have).
6.  Buy a DeskWriter.

The bottom line is that there are an awful lot of dissatisfied Image-
writer II owners out there, and there doesn't seem to be any real
solution to the problem.  I'm sure all those people who thought they
just had a lemon would love to hear Apple's perspective on this.


Date: 11 Oct 90 15:58:47 PST
From: epwaterstraat@ucdavis.edu (System Manager, UCD Geology)
Subject: Standard video (vcr) from Mac II

This has probablt all been covered here before, but things seem to 
change so quickly these days. I'm looking for information/guidance on
techniques/procedures for recording what's on the Mac screen to
videotape.  We have developed some programs that do simulations of
Earth's magnetic field through time and would like to record the
simulation on video tape. 

Hardware configurations that we have available include:

    Mac II    Macintosh 8-bit video card
    Mac IIcx  SuperMac Spectrum 8 / Series III color card
    Mac IIfx  Macintosh 4-dot-8 display card

I have heard that someone at Apple developed an INIT to change the 
output characteristics of the Macintosh 8-bit video board to be 
compatible with TV video, but this is just rumor. 

Please reply to me and I will summarize for the net if it seems appropriate.
| Paul Waterstraat          | Internet: epwaterstraat@ucdavis.edu     o
| Department of Geology     | BITNET:   epwaters@ucdavis            _-\ _
| University of California  | uucp:     ucdavis!epwaterstraat      (_)%(_)
| Davis, CA  95616-8605     | Voice:    (916) 752-7421


Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 15:15:08 EDT
From: horan@theory.tn.cornell.edu (Frederick Horan)
Subject: surge protection

I am trying to buy a Power Protection device but  I have not found the right
one.  I do not want a standard surge protector that uses Metal Oxide Varistors
(MOVs).  I have heard from a number of sources that they can: 1. protect you
against one surge only and then must be replaced; 2. protect you against one
surge but then fail without letting you know they failed...; 3. protect you
against a number of small surges but then fail without letting you know they

There has not been very much information that I can find on Surge Protectors.
The latest discussion I could find was PC Magazine May 27, 1986.  There may
have been an article in PC Week but I have not found it.  I have also looked
through Byte, MacWorld and MacUser.

I had found an advertisement for a product called Zero Surge but I do not have
their address and/or phone number.  The ad. provided a phone number but it
was disconnected.  What is interesting about  his device is that it uses an
inductor followed by a voltage limiting bridge followed by capacitors.

I have been in touch with TrippLite.  They inform me that although they use
MOVs, when their devices fail, the power is cut.  Also, if the device fails
within the 2 year warrenty, they will fix it for free.  If I want to replace the
MOVs later, there is (if I remember correctly) a $28 charge.  I do not think
that includes shipping.

If anyone has any information about power protection devices, please send 
to me and I will summerize.

   Fred Horan


Date: Fri, 12 Oct 90 10:29:13 EDT
From: "Gregory E. Gilbert" <C0195%UNIVSCVM.BITNET@ricevm1.rice.edu>
Subject: TinCan Documentation

I have put together a rough draft of some TinCan documentation (with the
consent of the author of TinCan).  At this point I would like to have it
"proofed".  The documentation is divided in to three main categories:
1) a general discussion of "dial-up" procedures, 2) a discussion of basic
features of TinCan, and 3) a discussion of more advanced features of TinCan.
I have also included a glossary, references used in creating the documen-
taion, and an index.

I have included a brief discussion of dial-up procedures because at some point
I feel users of TinCan will want to know what is involved in microcomputer
communications.  Also knowing what "goes on" will help users be better con-
sumers of TinCan.

If you are interested in proofing the documentation I have put together please
contact me and I will forward you a copy.  Be warned that at present "cover to
cover" the documentation is 45 pages.  Thanks much for your (potential)
interest.  Regards,


Postal address: Gregory E. Gilbert
                Computer Services Division
                University of South Carolina
                Columbia, South Carolina   USA   29208
                (803) 777-6015


Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 19:35:32 EST
From: Antonio Bellver <BELLVER%EVALUN11.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Translate resources

Does anybody know how to translate an ICN# (or ICON) resource
into a PICT resource?
I want to make a couple of pictures containig the shapes from
some icons.

Thanks in advance.

Antonio Bellver.


Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 20:26:02 CST
From: Greg Wimpey <GWIMPEY%TRINITY.BITNET@ricevm1.rice.edu>
Subject: Troff to Mac converters

I've seen the MacWrite to troff converter package in the archives, but is there
a program available that will convert troff to a Mac format (i.e. Word,
MacWrite, or WriteNow)?  Respond directly to me, and I will summarize to the
net.  Thanks.

Student, Class of '91 (finally!)
Trinity University, San Antonio, TX USA


Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 09:22:55 GMT
From: adobe!uunet!f4.n494.z5.fidonet.org!CSDS.RURES@labrea.stanford.edu (CSDS RURES)
Subject: Warm boot key sequence

A simple question from an IBM-PC turned Mac programmer:
What is the warm boot key sequence on the MAC SE/30?
David Sewry
Dept of Computer Science
Rhodes University
P.O. Box 94
Grahamstown, 6140
South Africa
email: csds.rures@f4.n494.z5.fidonet.org
tel.no.: +27 461 22023 ext 297
uucp: uunet!m2xenix!puddle!5!494!4!CSDS.RURES
Internet: CSDS.RURES@f4.n494.z5.fidonet.org


End of Info-Mac Digest