[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V8 #189

Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (11/14/90)

Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 13 Nov 90       Volume 8 : Issue 189 

Today's Topics:

      [*] gatekeeper-aid-11.hqx
      Ada for the Mac
      a disk cataloger util
      A Great Ski Resort Database
      Anatomy Stacks
      Array boundaries in Think C
      Cataloging Art
      Child's (Learning) Games
      Color Icons on Mac
      Converting Postsript to EPS
      CRC on Mac
      Database engines for Mac
      Database software and labels
      How long
      How to access the modem port for MIDI data?
      HyperCard random function?
      Importing FreeHand EPSF files into Word 4.0:  The solution (?)
      Info request about two-pages display
      Installing keyboard resources
      internal drive
      LaserWriter NTX Memory Upgrades
      Mac Classic (2 msgs)
      Need CD-ROM Help!
      need database for photo-journalism
      Network switching
      Portable Memory/Modem upgrades
      Retrospect & WangDAT info wanted
      save Shut Down init/cdev wanted.
      set paths author
      Telnet crashes

Your Info-Mac Moderators are Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files are in /info-mac/help.  Indices are in
/info-mac/help/recent-files.txt and /info-mac/help/all-files.txt.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 10:45:30 -0600
From: chrisj@emx.utexas.edu (Chris Johnson)
Subject: [*] gatekeeper-aid-11.hqx

Gatekeeper Aid 1.1
(c) 1990 by Chris Johnson

Gatekeeper Aid is a complement to version 1.1.1 of the Gatekeeper
Anti-Virus INIT/CDEV, because GateKeeper was not effective in stopping
the WDEF and MDEF C viruses (which arrived on the scene after its release).
Gatekeeper Aid was also designed to attempt the interception of possible
mutations of several viruses.

Gatekeeper Aid automatically checks all files (not just Desktop files)
as they are used for the presence of specific viruses and removes
them automagically.

Gatekeeper need NOT be installed to use Gatekeeper Aid.  It can also
be used to complement John Norstad's excellent Disinfectant INIT, or
other anti-virus programs that may lack the ability to remove WDEF,
CDEF or MDEF infections.

Gatekeeper Aid 1.1 incorporates a retroactive fix for a conflict
between Gatekeeper and System 6.0.7.  This conflict manifests itself
as Res(Sys) privilege violations (this conflict becomes apparent when
the ImageWriter printer is chosen and applications are executed under
Finder, rather than MultiFinder).  This was a side-effect of an
unexpected change in Mac OS 6.0.7 and not a bug in GateKeeper.

Chris (Johnson)

[Archived as /info-mac/virus/gatekeeper-aid-11.hqx; 55K]


Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 13:39 EDT
From: "Mark Nutter, Apple Support" <MANUTTER%IUP.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Ada for the Mac

The Summer APDAlog lists AdaVantage Mac Professional Developer Kit, from
Meridian Software Systems, Inc., part number T0274LL/A, for $1700.00.

Mark Nutter                                              MANUTTER@IUP.BITNET
Apple Support Manager
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't look in his mouth." - Archie B.


Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 21:31:55 EST
From: deal@heyl.kzoo.edu
Subject: a disk cataloger util

I have accumulated far too many boxes of Mac disks to manage 
efficiently.  Under the old MacIntosh MFS system, there was a 
disk catalog program that would allow one to push disk after disk 
into the floppy slot and build up a catalog with several search 
strategies which made life with too many disks much easier.  
Does anyone have any recommendations for a comparable program 
that will run on an SE and a IIci?
    Desperately,	Ralph M. Deal
    			Chemistry & Computer Science
    			Kalamazoo College
    			Kalamazoo, MI 49007


Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 14:18:13 PST
From: PUGH%CCV.ESNET@ccc.nersc.gov
Subject: A Great Ski Resort Database

It's almost ski season, if you haven't noticed.  If you are interested in a
Hypercard database of western North American ski resorts (where else is there
to ski?), drop me a line.  I am interested in selling my stacks for a measly
$30 (less than the price of a lift ticket).  The database contains statistics
on each resort, a map of where it is, and a trail map of the resort.  It is
almost 700K of information on 68 resorts with 51 trail maps.  I have done this
as an aid to my own ski vacations but I need to create some revenue with it so
I can go skiing. 

Drop me a line for more information.

Jon Pugh
(415) 423-4239
(415) 373-7872


Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 16:16:29 EST
From: Jeff Ersoff <jae@uncecs.edu>
Subject: Anatomy Stacks

For an EYEFULL check out the Ocular Anatomy Tutor. Available from 
Intellimation Library for the Macintosh
Dept. XA
130 Cremona Drive
P.O. Box 1922
Santa Barbara, CA 93116

Phone is 1-800-3-INTELL

It is described as " a hypercard-based tutorial...with detailed graphics of the
anatomy of the eye." Cost is $25. I have not seen it.

This company appears to have taken over the old line of low cost academic 
software previously carried by Kinko's.
Jeff Ersoff
Math & Computer Sci., Salem College, Winston-Salem, NC 27108
USENET: jae@ecsvax


Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 13:23 EDT
From: "Mark Nutter, Apple Support" <MANUTTER%IUP.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Array boundaries in Think C

Chris Jones writes:

>What kinds of interesting ways can a person employ to get around that nasty
>32767 byte limit that C has?  I need an array of not less than 65536 cells,
>or the equivalent.  I would like to be able to do it without allocating memory
>& storing/manipulating all that manually.  any ideas?

C, including Think C 4.0, does not have a 32K limit on arrays; I presume you
are talking about the fact that Think C won't let you have a static/global
array that big.

Fortunately, pointers and arrays can be interchangeable in C, if you know what
you are doing.  Consider the following program, which I compiled and ran in
Think C 4.0 with no errors:

#include <stdio.h>

   int *p;

   p = (int *)NewPtr(65536 * sizeof(int));
   p[16384] = -19;
   printf("The number is %d.\n\n", *(p+16384));

Yes, you have to allocate and dispose of memory before and after you use the
array, but at least you can use the somewhat more intuitive array notation
while the array is active.  Just remember never to change the value of "p" (or
whatever you name your array variable); "p = 0" will cause your array to vanish
into the bowels of Mac memory, leaving a non-relocatable, non-disposable block
stuck on the heap, waiting to cause you headaches.

Mark Nutter                                              MANUTTER@IUP.BITNET
Apple Support Manager
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't look in his mouth." - Archie B.


Date: Tue, 13 Nov 90 08:52:24 -0500 (EST)
From: "Timothy J. Anderson" <ta10+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: Cataloging Art

For serious curatorial or archival purposes, one would
almost certainly want a relational database. At our
University Archives we use 4th Dimension, which serves
us well.  It can handle a graphic field(s). Since we
adopted 4d, Filemaker has gone relational. It is easier
to use, so I would give it a close look if I were to be
starting now.

Tim Anderson
Arts Library Specialist
University Libraries
Carnegie Mellon


Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 10:06:44 WUT
From: Alfred Nagl <NAGL@awiwuw11.wu-wien.ac.at>
Subject: Child's (Learning) Games

I'm looking for my 7 year old daughter for games, preferably ones which
have some learning effect (reading, writing etc.) and could be transferred
into german.

   many thanks


Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 16:12:15 -0500 (EST)
From: "Jeffrey T. Oplinger" <jo1m+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: Color Icons on Mac

   Well, whatever the problem was with editing ICL4's and 8's with
ResEdit 2.0b1 seems to be absent in ResEdit 2.1b3.  In addition, the
user interface seems much nicer.  I just looked at the dialog creation
tools and they really look nice, and really help with things like
figuring out which item is number whatever and reordering items. 
Anyway, thanks to all that responded...

                            -- Jeff


Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 20:56:02 PST
From: Scott_McLagan@cc.sfu.ca
Subject: Converting Postsript to EPS

I've got a Postscript file that was created with the CMD-F print
to disk option. I want to place it into a PageMaker document, so
I modified the code so that it would be interpreted as an EPS
file (defined a bounding box, etc). Pagemaker now allows me to place
the file (it shows the EPS cursor and the image as a grey 
place-holder box). However, it won't let me scale the graphic up or
Anyone know of a solution? Or, failing that, a utility which
will take a regular Postscipt file and create a proper EPS file 
including a scalable screen image?
I'll post a summary. Thanks a mil.
Scott McLagan


Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 12:03:46 PST
From: Les_Ferch@mtsg.ubc.ca
Subject: CRC on Mac

>In contrast, Word's output has an uneven "typical Mac look", not at
>all like a hand-set book etc.
Besides turning on Fractional Widths, you can get *much* improved
spacing for bold, italic, and bolditalic type by installing the
Adobe screen fonts for all your LaserWriter fonts.  The Adobe
screen fonts improve spacing in other areas as well, such as the
line spacing of the symbol font.
Placing a Word document in PageMaker will improve readability further
because fractional widths are always used in PM, kerning and tracking
adjustments are available, and it has better hyphenation control than
PS. Why is the subject "CRC on Mac"?  Does CRC stand for something
    other than Cyclic Redundancy Check?


Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 13:50 EDT
From: "Mark Nutter, Apple Support" <MANUTTER%IUP.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Database engines for Mac

Shana Corporation makes a high-end database engine called Inside Out.  It is
supplied as linkable object code for Pascal (MPW, Think, Turbo) and C (MPW and
Think).  Supports multi-user databases, and redefinition of files, fields,
and keys, even after data has been entered.

Faircom Corp. makes a similar product called c-tree for use with C programming
languages and is royalty-free.

Faircom's number is (314) 445-6833, and Shana's is (403) 463-3330.  The above
information I found in the March 1990 issue of MacTutor.  I have no connection
with either company, and haven't used either product, so I can't make any
recommendations either way.  Just wanted you to know they are out there.

Mark Nutter                                              MANUTTER@IUP.BITNET
Apple Support Manager
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't look in his mouth." - Archie B.


Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 07:41:00 LCL
From: ESMITH@suvm
Subject: Database software and labels

   Is anyone aware of and database software for the Mac that would
allow me to sort on various defined fields, create merged lists from this
information, and also produce labels?

   I have a list of people I'd like to send a form letter to and also
use the same information base to create mailing labels from. Any help
would be greatly appreciated!

   As Always,


Date: Tue, 13 Nov 90 09:39:04 cst
From: scott@huntsai.boeing.com (Scott Hinckley)
Subject: How long

I have found that you can keep track of time spent in an application
without spending more money on software/hardware.
 1) Choose the clock DA
 2) Write down the current time
 3) Run the application
 4) Repeat steps 1&2
 5) calculate the difference between 2&4

But, seriously, what are you doing that makes this not a good method?

Scott Hinckley           |DISCLAIMER: All contained herein are my opinions
scott@huntsai.boeing.com |they do not represent the opinions or feelings
VW & Apple// Forever!!!  |of Boeing or its management.


Date: Tue, 13 Nov 90 15:50 N
From: <PURSCHKE%DMSWWU5P.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: How to access the modem port for MIDI data?

Hi all,

I want to transmit MIDI data through the modem port to a synth. I have
an Altec MIDI interface and use Mastertracks Pro for sequencing and other
things. Now I want to write a small program on my own and need to
know how to access the modem port. I understand that without the
MIDI Manager I have to talk to the hardware directly to set up the
port properly, but could not find any information how to do it.

Who has already written some routines that set up the port and transmit
Midi data and is willing to explain and/or send me the routine or who
knows where to get information about the port internals?

I am a C programmer but know my way through 68000 assembler so
any information is welcome.


University of Muenster, Germany


Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 09:51:03 EST
From: radin@ctc.contel.com (Dean Radin  x4479)
Subject: HyperCard random function?

Does anyone know how the pseudorandom number generator 
works in HyperCard?  Is it a shift-register function?  An
algorithm of the multiplicative congruential type?  Is the
function seeded only once when you launch HyperCard, or can 
it be reseeded while HyperCard is running?  

Is it possible to rerun the same random sequence (which is
useful for simulation studies)?

Dean Radin
Contel Technology Center
Chantilly, VA


Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90  18:35:50 MST
From: EPETERS%CSUGREEN.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: Importing FreeHand EPSF files into Word 4.0:  The solution (?)

Hello again:

I have received several replies in response to my request for
information as to how to incorporate EPSF files from Aldus FreeHand
into Word.  Most suggested that I select the FreeHand graphic and
then use the copy command with the 'Option' key held down to
convert the graphic.

Unfortunately, I neglected to mention in my original posting that I
had already tried this, and it didn't work (at least not with the
FreeHand graphic I tried it on, which contained a TIFF file).

After some further experimentation, I have (finally) come up with
a technique that does appear to work.  Here is the procedure I used:

1) Create the graphic using Aldus FreeHand.  This graphic CAN
   contain a TIFF file as part of the illustration.

2) Use Freehand's 'Export' command to save the illustration as
   an EPSF file.  If your illustration is a complex one (e.g.,
   containing a large TIFF image), you may run out of memory
   in attempting to do this (see below).

3) Open a new FreeHand document (not necessary, but closing
   the original FreeHand document first saves memory), and use
   the 'Place' command to open the EPSF file you have just

4) If the EPSF image is not already selected, select it by
   clicking on it.  While holding the option key down, use the
   'Copy' command (or 'Command-Option-C' for the dextrous) to
   convert the image for the Clipboard.

5) Quit from FreeHand and load your Word document.  Position
   the insertion point at the part of the document where you
   would like your graphic to be, then use the 'Paste' command.

That's it!

Note that export of the FreeHand file into an intermediate EPSF file
appears to be a required step:  direct conversion of the Freehand using
the 'Option-copy' technique does NOT work!  This is what I had tried
before, and although the illustration appeared to convert correctly,
Word just beeped at me and cleared the clipboard when I tried to paste.

Some additional observations/comments:

In some cases, FreeHand will notify you that there is insufficient
memory to create a PICT resource for the PostScript file.  There is
also an undocumented bug in FreeHand (that I discovered earlier this
year) that occurs when memory is very limited (e.g. when running under
MultiFinder), in which the image appears to export successfully, but
is missing the PICT resource.  This will result in the EPSF file showing
a blank illustration when it is imported, and the image will not paste
successfully into Word, since it will not occupy space in the document.
In addition, this bug will cause your PostScript images to not appear
when you export them to some film recorders that read PICT files.  The
solution appears to be to do this conversion when running FreeHand under
UniFinder, and you may wish to turn off your memory-hogging INITs (using
INITPicker, I just rebooted the Mac while holding the Command Key down).

The resulting Word document is rather large, but in my case, the Word
file was not appreciably larger than the total amount of disc space
occupied by the original FreeHand file together with the separate TIFF
file used in the FreeHand image.

There was also a slight, but not very noticable degradation in the
quality of embedded TIFF file.  This may be more or less of a problem
when including scans using more gray levels (I used 16 shades of gray in

I do not know what effect the presence of color in the FreeHand document
may have on the above results.

I would like to thank Bruce Long, John Wilkins, Kent Boortz, Jeffrey
Hallett and Les Ferch for taking the time to reply to my earlier request.
I appreciate it, you guys!


* Eric L. Peters                     Voice: (303) 491-5343  FAX: 491-0623 *
* Dept. of Radiology & Radiation Biology     BITNET:     EPETERS@CSUGREEN *
* Colorado State University                  INTERNET:           EPETERS@ *
* Fort Collins, CO 80523                       CSUGREEN.UCC.COLOSTATE.EDU *


Date: Mon, 12 NOV 90 09:21 N
Subject: Info request about two-pages display

        hello everybody,

can anyone send me informations about two-pages b/w or grayscale monitors for a
mac SE/30 or mac IIxx? (e.g. Nutmeg, Cutting Edge, Mirror, Radius, Sigma...)
Any satisfied/unsatisfied user out there?
Please answer directly to me, I'll summarize for the net.

                                        Marco Ronchetti


Date: 11 Nov 90 22:18 GMT
From: NEOSCRIBE@applelink.apple.com (NeoScribe Int'l Mktg, M Ross,PRT)
Subject: Installing keyboard resources

Subject: Copying resources
>>I am creating a new keyboard configuration using Resedit. I can copy this new
>>resource with Resedit into the system & access it through the control panel.
>>What I wish to do is have the end users install it with something less
>>dangerous than Resedit. Any suggestions? Is there a PD/shareware resource
You can procede in two ways:
1) Write an Installer script to install the KCHR and SICN resources to a System
file. (Installer is Apple's application that installs the System.) ResEdit
2.0b2 has templates for this but it is best to have the complete documentation
on writing. This comes in two parts:
- A Scriptwriters Guide to Installer 3.0
- Technical Reference for Writing Installer Scripts
2) If you install the KCHR and SICN resources for your new keyboard
configuration into a Font/DA Mover document and open it under a font-management
program such as Suitcase II, those resources will load into memory and appear
in the Keyboard control panel as if they had been installed with ResEdit.
By the way, ResEdit isn't dangerous. People are dangerous.
Good luck!
Michael Ross
NeoScribe International Inc


Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 10:39:46 +0100
From: adam%TNOAL1.TNO.NL@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: internal drive

Hello Wai and others,

I have disconnected my internal 800K floppydrive from my Plus, and connected
a somewhat longer flatcable and DB connector to it, to be able to use the
floppydrive on my 512K Mac. At that time the 512 did not have a HD yet.

All went well with the 512, but the Plus... It simply refuses to boot from
my CDC Wren-III harddisk UNTIL...... the floppydrive is connected again.
I am not sure the same things happen on a 'standard' Apple HD, but I don't
expect that will make any difference. Now I have the drive (which is still
located INSIDE the Plus) connected to the external floppydrive port, and
all works well.

So, for some reason it needs a floppydrive, which may be a 400K drive as well.

I hope someone has invented a workaround for this, and if so...

Please tell us!

  / /   /
 /-/ __/ __/ ____
/ / (_/ (_/ / / /

|Please send your reply to:               |Where  |Mac  |Software  |
|TNO ZP-LAN:adam@tnoal1  (|office |SE   |NCSATelnet|
|  internet:adam@tnoal1.tno.nl            | same  |same |  same    |
|        or:pa2aga@tnoal1.tno.nl          | same  |same |  same    |
|    bitnet:gaalen@hdetno51.bitnet        | same  |same |DynaComm  |
| Ham-radio:pa2aga@pa2aga   ( |at home|Plus |NET/Mac   |
|        or:pa2aga@pa2aga-2 (|at home|512Ke|NET/Mac   |
|        or:pa2aga@pi8mac   (|at home|SE/30|NET/Mac   |


Date: Tue, 13 Nov 90 10:54:42 PST
From: PUGH%CCV.ESNET@ccc.nersc.gov
Subject: LaserWriter NTX Memory Upgrades

I am thinking about upgrading my Laserwriter II NTX's memory.  I scoured the 
Technical Notes and found the one which talked about all models of Macintosh, 
but it made no reference to upgrading your Laserwriter.  What SIMMs ship with 
the NTX and what configurations are supported?  Needless to say, I want to 
beef it up to the maximum allowable.



Date: Sun, 11 Nov 90 23:34:01 PST
From: 6600patb%ucsbuxa@hub.ucsb.edu (Pat Breitenbach)
Subject: Mac Classic

In comp.sys.mac.digest you write:

>> I have purchased a simple Classic with a single floppy drive recently.
>> What really surprised me is that the machine has a fan inside while the
>> Mac+ does not have one. Is it possible to disconnect the fan so as to
>> get a really silent machine ?

A Plus doesn't have a fan because you can't put a hard drive in it.  
If you have a hard drive (which I hope you do), it would be extremely
unwise to disconnect the fan.

-Patrick	Internet: 6600patb@ucsbuxa.ucsb.edu


Date: Sun, 11 Nov 90 21:52 CST
From: SAWATZKYJ%sask.usask.ca@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: Mac Classic

        Hi, those of you with a Classic try holding down cmd-opt-X-O on
startup.  If you wait long enough the mac will boot off an internal ROM
disk (System 6.03/Finder 6.1x).  Then if you use a utility that lets you
see invisible folders (ie. ResEdit) you will see an invisible folder in the
ROM disk's system folder that lists those who worked on the Classic.  Neat.

Note:  For this to work you must be sure your hard disk is not a startup
       volume.  Simply dragging the Finder file out of the system folder
       should work for you.

                                Brad Sawatzky


Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 05:01:46 -0500
From: Lonewolf <wahl-e@cis.ohio-state.edu>
Subject: Need CD-ROM Help!

Help! My CD-ROM Driver has been corupted, and the original is also.
The Company I bought it from is less than helpful.  
I have a  Toshiba XM-3201A  that is fairly new, but the software 
was fragged by my FDHD.  If someone out there with this drive 
could stuff and send me a copy, I would be appreciatitive.

Where can I get a new FDHD drive head cheap?


Date: Tue, 13 Nov 90 09:46:47 -0600
From: carlsonb@acc.stolaf.edu
Subject: need database for photo-journalism

The News office I work in recently upgraded to Macs (we still don't know
what we're doing).  We process about 100 photographs/day, and need a
relational database to catalog them.  Since the data are photographs, a
database which supports scanned images or some encryption thereof would be
helpful, as well as one whose data would be available across an Appletalk
net.  Suggestions/descriptions by others faced with similar plights will be
much appreciated.  Send to:carlsonb@thor.acc.stolaf.edu


Date: 12 Nov 90 10:41:00 EST
From: fosterr@ucs.indiana.edu
Subject: Network switching

We have a small TOPS network in our office.  One of our Macs (a IIcx if it 
makes any difference) also has an Ethernet card that can be used to connect 
to other Appletalk zones on campus via Ethertalk.  We currently use the 
Network cdev to change from one to the other, but this requires rebooting 
the machine.

My question: Is there any way to switch networks from Localtalk (for TOPS) 
to Ethertalk (for campus Appletalk zones) without having to reboot the 

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Ray Foster
Learning Resources Center	Bitnet: fosterr@iubacs
Indiana University		Internet: fosterr@ucs.indiana.edu
Bloomington IN


Date: Tue, 13 Nov 90 11:41 CST
From: <PT1811S%DRAKE.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Portable Memory/Modem upgrades

I have a Mac Portable and am going to be adding memory and a modem to it.
Apple has a solution that will bring my memory up to 2 meg and a 2400 baud
modem.  This solution will cost more than $650 dollars.

I am considering a 3 meg upgrade (total 4 meg) from Technology Works.  Currently
they are including a FREE 2400 baud internal modem with Fax capabilities with
the purchase.  Cost:  $945.00.

Does anyone have experience, preferences, or opinions about any of the third
party or Apple upgrades for the Portalbe?

Please E-Mail me directly and I will summarize to the net.
Thanks in advance...

Paul Thibodeau
Senior Consultant, Drake University
Bitnet:  PT1811S@DRAKE
Internet:  PT1811S@ACAD.DRAKE.edu
Phone:  515-271-3040


Date: Tue, 13 Nov 90 11:02:10 EST
From: Francis Taylor <narf@media-lab.media.mit.edu>
Subject: Retrospect & WangDAT info wanted

Our company is looking into getting Retrospect and a WangDAT for
unattended network backup.  Anybody have any good/bad experiences?


Date: 12 Nov 90 06:22:47 GMT
From: lin@diemen.utas.edu.au (Tony Lim)
Subject: save Shut Down init/cdev wanted.

Hi, all!

I am using one RAM Software to create RAM disk on my 2.5M Mac+.  I want
to know if there are any INIT/CDEVs which will compare the files in the
RAM Disk when I want to Restart/Shut Down to those at startUp.  If the
files are modified, I would be warned before the Mac shuts down.  Can
any one tell me if such toys are avaiable?  Or any smart netters want to
create one?

Thank you very much in advance.



Date: 12 Nov 90 11:41:27
From: Rick Jarvis <Rick_Jarvis.MATH_ONE@quickmail.clemson.edu>
Subject: set paths author

 set paths author
Does anyone know if the address for Paul Snively (set paths author) is still
Park Lodge Ct. in Indianapolis? I would like to send the shareware fee. Thanks.
Rick Jarvis, Clemson University, jpjrv@clemson.clemson.edu


Date: Mon, 12 Nov 90 12:00:41 EST
From: Patrick Bray <bray@think.com>
Subject: Telnet crashes

Hi! We are having a peculiar problem here with a Mac IIcx using NCSA Telnet
to connect to a Sun 4/490 and I am interested to know if anyone else has
seen similar problems.

The Mac has system 6.0.4, finder 6.1.4, NCSA Telnet 2.4 beta MacTCP (2.3 and
2.3 MacTCP have also been tried) and 5 Megs of memory. The Mac will connect
to the 4/490 without any problem (through a Cayman GatorCard), but will
eventually hang (3 or 4 times a day). This is the only machine that the Mac
hangs on (we have approx 200 Macs telnetting to a variety of Suns and Vaxen
via Cayman GatorBoxes and Ethernet cards) and it is the only Mac trying to
connect to a 4/490. There are no INITS or CDEVS that aren't being used in
other Macs without problems. The problem seems particular to a Sun 4/490.
Does anyone else out there use NCSA Telnet to connect to a Sun 4/490? Anyone
heard of a similar problem before?


Patrick Bray				Phone:	(617) 876-1111 x 2112
Thinking Machines Corporation		Fax:	(617) 876-1823
245 First Street			E-Mail:	bray@think.com
Cambridge, MA 02142-1214


End of Info-Mac Digest