Info-Mac-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (12/23/90)
Info-Mac Digest Sat, 22 Dec 90 Volume 8 : Issue 213 Today's Topics: backup programs Call for Proposals CD-ROM drives CLUT foul-ups Commercialization not harmful Correction on System availability Creating Auto-UnstuffIt Archives with StuffIt Deluxe Desktop Folder Icons? DOUBLE CLICK ; DIALOG BUTTON QUESTIONS Epson hookup to a Mac Fonts for DeskWriter HhEeLlPp with Sound Mgr HP plotters on MAC Info-Mac Digest V8 #210 (2 msgs) Inserting postscript into word 4.0 file Label Making Programs? macneko? Mac TCP/IP Microsoft Mail to simple mail More Postscript Questions Re>turning LWs off Reports 2.0 SCSIProbe and System 6.0.7 SCSI to Color Display security software. System error Wanted: HyperMIDI Stack WW-GUIDE-SYS-SOFT.HQX AT APPLE.COM Zoom Modems Your Info-Mac Moderators are Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh. The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous, any password) in the info-mac directory on []. Help files are in /info-mac/help. Indices are in /info-mac/help/recent-files.txt and /info-mac/help/all-files.txt. Please send articles and binaries to Send administrative mail to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 19 Dec 90 14:20 EST From: KARL WALDMAN <> Subject: backup programs What is the best backup program for Macs, using any backup hardware (floppies/tapes)? Thanks Karl ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Dec 90 16:59:58 EST From: Wesley Alan Wright <> Subject: Call for Proposals (apologies to recipients of multiple copies) Call for Proposals Computing Strategies Across the Curriculum The University of Vermont Burlington, Vermont April 5th and 6th, 1991 Last April, The University of Vermont sponsored _The_ _Macintosh_Computer_in_the_University_Curriculum_, a regional conference which explored the role of Macintosh computers in college and university education. This successful event attracted over 300 participants from New England, New York, and Canada. This year's event opens the conference to computing platforms of all types. The emphasis will be on developing strategies to enhance the collegiate environment -- in academics, administration, and support services -- through the use of computers. To this end, the program committee is soliciting proposals for presentations and workshops that fit into a lecture/demonstration format. The presentations will be held in small lecture halls that seat 50 to 60 attendees. Both Macintosh and MS-DOS systems with projection devices will be available to lecturers Smaller computer labs seating 10 to 20 people are available for workshops using MS-DOS, Macintosh, or Silicon Graphics equipment. Proposals requiring other systems (Apple II, Amiga, etc.) are not discouraged, but in these cases on site equipment cannot be guaranteed. Topics of interest include: art, imaging, and design; networking; hypermedia and courseware authoring; libraries and media services; user support and training; integration of academic and administrative systems; and research and teaching in all academic areas. Both introductory sessions and whiz bang applications for the blue-sky dreamers are encouraged. Presentations should be about 45 minutes in length, with longer blocks possible for workshops. Presenters with successful proposals will be expected to provide a 4-5 page paper summarizing their session no later than February 22nd for inclusion in the conference proceedings. Presenters are also invited to include any relevant software and/or examples on floppy disks for distribution with the proceedings. Presenters should contact a member of the program committee listed below by January 25th for consideration. A title for the presentation would also be appreciated at this time. Notification of acceptance and instructions to authors will be provided by February 1st. Wesley Wright Albert Joy Academic Computing Services Libraries and Media Services Room 238 Waterman Building 018 Bailey Howe Library (802) 656-1254 (802) 656-8350 ( ( Lynne Meeks Kimberly Parker Academic Computing Services Extension Services Room 238 Waterman Building 206 Morril Hall (802) 656-1255 (802) 656-0385 ( ( The University of Vermont Burlington, Vermont 05405 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Dec 90 21:54 PST From: Subject: CD-ROM drives I'm looking for a CD-ROM drive. Anyone out there know of recent review articles? Anyone have personal experience or preferences? What's hot and what's not? *Many* thanks in advance. Stan Kaufman ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Dec 1990 02:23 PST From: Tigger <> Subject: CLUT foul-ups Is it my imagination, or are many color apps ill-behaved? What I mean is that they change the system CLUT and then leave it that way when they exit. Isn't there a way to save the system CLUT and then restore it on exit? Does this strike anyone else as proper behavior, or am I off in dreamland somewhere? Might it even be possible to restore the system CLUT when going into the background under MultiFinder? Or is that really asking too much? I'm getting _really_ tired of having to manually reset my system CLUT after running Mandelzot, for example. Now, Mandelzot is a wonderful program and I highly recommend it, but as far as color is concerned it strikes me as downright anti-social. There are many other apps with similar behaviour, but I don't see any need to list them here. Does anyone have any answers? Greg Orman greg@pomona.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: Wed 19 Dec 90 12:30:12-PST From: Jason Daida <> Subject: Commercialization not harmful In response to D. Belsley comments about Stuffit & Compactor: > I think we are witnessing a marvelous example of a case where the >commercialization of a product is driving it right off the market. For >those of you who, in past messages, are raving about StuffIt 1.6, give >Compactor a try, and save yourself a bit of time and effort. I've recently downloaded both Compactor 1.2.1 and Stuffit 1.6 and I agree for the most part about David's comments on their performance. I do not agree about his comments about commercialization. Performance is only one part of good software. Support and upgrades are another. Anyone who has tried to upgrade system software without breaking anything else really doesn't need support. Five years from now, though, when I want to dearchive a file.... The time and effort saved now do not necessarily make a good investment. Jason Daida standard disclaimers..... ------- ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Dec 1990 22:34:17 EST From: (Joe Kazura) Subject: Correction on System availability In regards to system software... "Dealers are authorized (but NOT required) to let you copy the disks on-site." If they are an Apple Authorized dealer.. They ARE obligated to to give you a copy of whatever system software you want (assuming they have it available), you may be required to show or USE your original system disks! If a dealer refuses to give you...say...6.0.7 in place of your original 6.0.5 disks... THEY _could_ lose their DEALER status... I kid you not on this! This is a major policy with Apple!!!!! Regards, Joe Kazura Apple Student Rep. University of New Hampshire JK_APPLEREP@UNHH.UNH.EDU (InterNet) ST0566@APPLELINK.APPLE.COM (Applelink via InterNet) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Dec 90 20:40:07 MST From: Subject: Creating Auto-UnstuffIt Archives with StuffIt Deluxe Happy Holidays, Netters: If someone can cease their holiday revelry for a moment, can you tell me how one creates an self-unstuffing archive with StuffIt Deluxe? I've been examining a friend's copy preparatory to buying it, but I won't if Aladdin has removed this handy feature from the commercial version. As a comment on a recent posting, the principle advantages of StuffIt Deluxe over the shareware versions appear to be in file management. For example, you can open more than one archive at a time and copy files from one archive to another by dragging the entries from one window to another. You can also read text file, as well as create and open folders within an archive. Eric * Eric L. Peters Voice: (303) 491-5343 FAX: 491-0623 * * Dept. of Radiology & Radiation Biology BITNET: EPETERS@CSUGREEN * * Colorado State University INTERNET: EPETERS@ * * Fort Collins, CO 80523 CSUGREEN.UCC.COLOSTATE.EDU * ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Dec 90 09:59:29 PST From: (Anthony E. Siegman) Subject: Desktop Folder Icons? I normally keep selected folders from three different HDs out on my desktop. I'd like to edit the folder icons so folders from different HDs will have different icons. I've already discovered I can put distinguishing colors on different folders; but can I put distinguishing icons on folders from different HDs, e.g., put the HD's initials inside the folder icon frame? (I don't find any folder icons in the Desktop files on the individual HDs.) --AES ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Dec 90 08:11:57 SST From: TNG TaiHou <> Subject: DOUBLE CLICK ; DIALOG BUTTON QUESTIONS I have a couple of programming questions which I hope you folks can help clarify: 1. Double Click What is the proper way to code a double click detection in Think C? It seems strange that such a oft used event is not and event in the Queue and has to painstakingly coded. What I need is a IsDblClick() function that returns true if a double-click occurs and false otherwaise, without removing the mousedown events from the queue. 2. Dialog Default Button I have a dialog with a default "Add" button and a text item. I need the user to add in some text by typing into the text item and hit the return key to activate the "Add" button. I have to code my own Filter function as well for the Modal_Dialog. But I found out that doing so, the "Add" button does not highlite everytime the return key is hit. Please, can anyone tell me how to hilite it? Thanks. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Dec 90 17:21 CST From: "Psigon Matrix....SDL+LDH+ACR" <> Subject: Epson hookup to a Mac I am purchasing an EpsonLQ-510 and am looking for an appropriate way to hook it up to my Macintosh IIsi. I have heard both good and bad things about the grapplerLX and the Graflex and have also heard of another package called Print Link and its companion cable Parallel Link. Does anybody have any experience with these. Possibly enough experience to make a comparison between them. I am especially interested in how the graphics printouts look with one of these hookups, also if it is really slow at printouts. Amy Jorgenson k00004%tigger.decnet@msus1.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 DEC 90 00:05:08 GMT From: Subject: Fonts for DeskWriter George Tempel Writes : > Fonts for DeskWriter: I have a DW on my Mac II...don't waste your money > buying HP fonts for the system. Instead (my recommendation only) is to > spring for Adobe Type Manager and the ATM Plus Pack, and you'll have > everything that's built into a LaserWriter available for both your SE and > your DeskWriter. There is a point to this i.e. going with ATM + the extra fonts does give you a very versatile system. However there are a couple of things to be said for the HP fonts: 1) Despite the fact that ATM fonts are fully rotatable most applications have not so far been rewritten to account for this. So, for example, graphs plotted in KaleidaGraph or Igor which use rotated text on the axes will not print these axis labels in "laser-quality" typeface unless the font substitution option is on and the HP fonts are present. Thus with the ATM option you are tied to the four standard fonts (three discounting courier !!). Whilst going with the HP extra fonts gives the full 11 or so typefaces. This situation may change as applications become "ATM aware". 2) SPEED... The HP fonts are marginally faster, although this is not terribly obvious, especially as I use a print spooler so print speed is not uppermost in my mind most of the time. As a bit of a lame disclaimer, I myself have gone the ATM way but that was done before discovering the advantages of the HP fonts. In an ideal (read excessively large amounts of cash) world I would have both fonts as the ATM on-screen display would be pretty hard to live without now. Another point :- make sure that you are using the latest version of the deskwriter driver (I have v A.02.00 or some such numbering silliness). The first driver managed to shift rotated text around the page, obscuring the axes of graphs, etc. Rob Scoffin =========== Inorganic Chemist of no repute Oxford email : Disclaimer : All opinions are probably my own, maybe ===================================================== ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Dec 90 9:26:38 EST From: Ron MacNeil <> Subject: HhEeLlPp with Sound Mgr At our science center we wish to replicate a simple experiment: In one ear we will send a sine wave at a certain frequency, in the other, a different frequency. How can I use the Macintosh to do such a thing? In the Sound Manager document >From Oct 2, 1988 (for SYS 6.0.2) it is said that the sound manager when used with either the note or sampled sound synthesizer there can only be a single monophonic channel open. How then can an application such as SoundEdit use stereo? By the way I'm using Pascal to create the application. Please reply directly to me, I will post my findings. Thanks in advance for any help in this matter. tyrone@RAMSEY.CS.LAURENTIAN.CA ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Dec 90 21:10:56 EST From: "Jim Henry in Chattanooga (615) 755-4398 or 886-6425" Subject: HP plotters on MAC I posted a summary of my findings on HP Plotter drivers on MAC-L a day-or-so ago. (I lost my copy of that summary.) In Summary, MicroPlot from MicroSpot in Cupertino is one solution. MacConnection has it for about $135. this is the "STD" version which works for 8 1/2 x 11 plots. The "PRO" version for larger plots costs more. PLOTTERgeist is another product from Palomar software near San Diego. see also the note here: =================================================================== ======================================================================== 17 Date: Mon, 17 Dec 90 15:13 EST >From: ARJ91@GENESEO.BITNET Subject: Mac Plotters To: jhenry@UTCVM.BITNET X-VMS-To: IN%"jhenry@utcvm.bitnet" I am not sure how useful a late suggestion is, but for you own info.... You may wish to try the Mesa Graphic Plotter Utility from Mesa Graphics, Inc., P.O. Box 600, Los Alamos, NM 87544. Phone (505) 672-1998. I can't personally vouche for the program, but it is what our physics dept. uses and likes for their macs. I believe it has HP drivers. Good luck. alex judkins arj91@geneseo SUNY Geneseo =============================================================== Jim Henry * JHENRY at UTCVM (BITNET) * School of Engineering * * (615) 755-4398 (office) * UTC (Univ. of Tenn. at Chatt.) * * (615) 886-4398 (home) * Chattanooga, Tennessee 37403 * * (615) 755-4025 (FAX) * U.S.A. * ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Dec 90 12:34:34 -0700 From: "Charles R. Oldham" <> Subject: Info-Mac Digest V8 #210 Regarding Mr. Romeiser's message from the 12/14/90 digest >I've read several messages discussing ways to secure a mouse in a lab. >How about this: Fold the mouse cord and insert it through the hole in >a large washer. (Not too large though) Now, you have a loop that you can >feed the security cable through. Simple! Effective! Cheap!!! >Clay Romeiser - University of Kansas student NO! We did this in our open access lab and it caused shorts in MANY of our mouse cables. We had to replace at least five mice because of it. *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* *Charles R. (C. R.) Oldham | Bitnet: OLDHAM@ARIZRVAX * *Department of Instructional Computing | Internet: * *Ctr. for Computing Information and Technology| (Preferred) * *University of Arizona | * *Tucson, Arizona |or* *USA | * *(602) 621-9480 | IXOYE * *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* * #include <disclaimer.yuk> * *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Dec 90 15:03 MST From: Steve <> Subject: Info-Mac Digest V8 #210 To Ken Falkenstein, who's having trouble with his PC to Mac transfers. You'll need a utility like DeskZap or McSink (both public domain and found in a variety of places to strip the extra LF off of your data before using in Cricket. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Dec 90 21:44:52 EST From: (Steve Chanin) Subject: Inserting postscript into word 4.0 file I've got a postscript file on my sun which is a screendump of an X window. As far as I can tell, its a well formed epsf file. I don't want to just paste it into the word file in the postscript style because then I won't be able to have hidden text visible anymore (I could leave hidden text visible, but then I'd have 5 pages of "junk" in the middle of my document). What I'd like to do is somehow paste a combined pict/epsf file like illustrator produces. I.e. on the screen I'd see a quickdraw picture, but printing would use the epsf. Is there any program which will do what I want (convert ps to combined qd/ps)? Is there another clean way to stick a large postscript graphic in the middle of word file without having to either 1) give up on hidden text or 2) "deal with" a bunch of junk in the middle of the document? Thanks for any help, Steve ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Dec 90 16:42:31 EST From: Chuck Weinstock <> Subject: Label Making Programs? Folks, I'm interested in finding a good label making program for the Macintosh. The ideal program would let me create custom graphics and serialized labels for any of a very wide variety of laserprinter forms. In particular, I want to be able to make diskette labels as well as shipping labels, return address labels, etc. Printing envelopes would be nice, but is not a real requirement. I've encountered a ton of programs in the various catalogs that I have, with hardly any way to distinquish between them. Have any of you used any of these programs (or others), and if so could you comment on them? MacEnvelope 5.0 MacEnvelope Plus 2.0 MacLabelPro FastLabel 2.0 My "Advanced" LabelMaker Thanks. Chuck Weinstock ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Dec 1990 15:09:09 PST From: Subject: macneko? "xneko" is a cute little UNIX hack that uses X. Is there an equivalent program that runs on the Macintosh? Thanks, Mike ------------------------------ Date: 17 Dec 90 17:55:00 EDT From: "JS::GRIGSBYJ" <> Subject: Mac TCP/IP E L E C T R O N I C M A I L (DDN Host Address: V3.HANSCOM.AF.MIL) Date: 17-Dec-1990 17:55 From: Capt James H. Grigsby Username: GRIGSBYJ Dept: ESD/JSTE Tel No: 377-5439 TO: _WINS% ( _DDN[INFO-MAC@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU] ) Subject: Mac TCP/IP I am interested in connecting a network consisting of 8 Mac IIs into a Internet host. If anyone can provide any recommendation for hardware/software (i.e. Mac TCP/IP prgrams), I would appreciate it. Please provide direct e-mail responses to: Thanks in advance. _____________________________________________________________________ CAPT JAMES H. GRIGSBY Commercial: (617)377-5439 DSN 478-5439 Fax: (617)275-9631 DSN 478-5577 Network: MAIL: ESD/JST HANSCOM AFB, MA 01731-5000 _____________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Dec 90 05:31:01 -0800 From: (Charles Bess (317)240-5518) Subject: Microsoft Mail to simple mail Does anyone know of a good product/tool for allowing Microsoft Mail to access SMTP (Unix mail)? Thanks Charles E. Bess Internet: Electronic Data Systems Dial-8 : 8-360-5518 Suite 100C AT&T : (317) 240-5518 2601 Fortune Circle East, FAX : (317) 240-5622 Indianapolis, IN 46241-5513 CPS : 72437,3132 America OnLine : CEBess ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Dec 90 20:53:18 -0500 (EST) From: "Brian J. Papa" <> Subject: More Postscript Questions Here is another Mac generated postscript to non-Laserwriter(TM)s question: I know how to generate postscript on the mac, ftp it to unix, and convert it, using macps, to postscript code that will print on the unix printers( usually a Dataproducts LZR 1260 (interpreter version 47.0), but sometimes a Apple LW+). The problem is that I don't have enough space(1 meg) in my unix account to have both the original document and a macps'ed copy of it if I am trying to print a large doc. So, is there a macps for macs, or a way to hack a copy of the laserwriter driver to generate "good" postscript? I hae already hacked in the disk file box so that generating the postscript is easy. Any suggestions(other than get a bigger quota) ? -Brian MechE, Class of '93 Carngie Mellon University ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Dec 1990 16:23:46 PST From: Subject: Re>turning LWs off Date 12/18/90 Subject Re>turning LWs off >From Kee Nethery To info-mac Subject:Re>turning LWs off If you are the main user of your LaserWriter, I suggest you turn it off when you are done using it. It draws 7.6 amps, half of a typical 15 amp household circuit. If you are in an office where some people cannot physically see whether the LaserWriter is on or off, leave it on while everyone is at work. If you and others use it infrequently and can see whether it's powered or not, just remember that it uses as much power and generates as much heat as a small hair dryer. Kee Nethery ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Dec 90 11:40:55 EST From: Francis Taylor <> Subject: Reports 2.0 Has anybody had any good/bad experiences with Reports 2.0 from Nine-to-Five Software? Thanks. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Dec 90 0:06:32 MET DST From: "Vincenzo G. Capuano" <> Subject: SCSIProbe and System 6.0.7 I have system 6.0.7 running on a Mac II with the Apple CD-ROM connected to the SCSI port. I have not gotten SCSIProbe 2.03 to work. If I boot the mac without the cdrom turned on and then I turn it on and insert a disk and then try to mount it with doesn't run :-( Any suggestions ? Thanks, Vincenzo. --------- Vincenzo G. Capuano ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Dec 90 10:51:23 EST From: Subject: SCSI to Color Display Is there a color monitor interface that connects to SCSI instead of NUBUS and can work with the portable? Thanks, Roberto Bisiani School of CS, Carnegie Mellon. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Dec 90 14:33:14 PST From: (Rollo D. Rogers) Subject: security software. Would you be so kind as to include this in the next info-mac list. thanks. ------- Fellow Mac'ers, Does anyone know where i can obtain a program that will prevent writing to the internal disk volume, but must also allow read and execute access to files already stored on the hard drive. The object is to provide the user with a tool to help prevent inadvertently writing a classified file to the internal drive, while processing classified. REgards, RollO~~ ------- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Dec 90 22:51:42 EST From: Jean Brunet <> Subject: System error Hi! I was wonsering if a system error # 1,0 (line 1111 trap error) can be caused by a problem not related to arry boundaries. If so, what are the most probable candidates. Thanks for any information. Jean. ****************************************** ** * JEAN BRUNET * QQQ QQQ QQQ -------- * DEPT. DES COMMUNICATIONS * QQQ QQQ QQQ NETNORTH * UNIVERSITE DU QUEBEC A MONTREAL (UQAM) * QQQ QQQ QQQ BITNET * C.P. 8888, SUCC. 'A', MONTREAL, QC. * QQQ -------------- * CANADA, H3C 3P8 * QQQ R31631@UQAM.BITNET * TEL: 514-987-4897/ res: 514-659-5864 * QQQ ------------------ ****************************************** ****************** ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Dec 90 14:02:04 EST From: Subject: Wanted: HyperMIDI Stack There exists a Shareware product called "HyperMIDI" or "HyperMIDI Toolkit." It provides XCMDs and XFCNs for accessing MIDI devices from Hypercard -- I have seen several references to this product, and other stacks accrediting it. However, I was unable to find it anywhere on The Net or on Compuserve. Could someone out there please either point me to a source (I have access to the Internet, GEnie & Compu$erve, but The Net is preferred for obvious reasons 8-) ...or submit it to the Info-Mac archives..? Thank you in advance... ___________________________ Jurgen Botz, Academic Software Consultant Academic Computing internet: JBotz@MHC.bitnet Mount Holyoke College Compuserve: 70531,600 South Hadley, MA 01075, USA Voice: (US) 413-538-2375 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Dec 90 14:39:37 SST From: TNG TaiHou <> Subject: WW-GUIDE-SYS-SOFT.HQX AT APPLE.COM Apple has recently posted a file called ww-guide-sys-soft.hqx at in pub/dts/mac/docs. I have downloaded this 2Meg file twice with bitftp. Each time I unhqx it using stuffit, it gave an CRC error. Has anyone successfully unstuffed this file? Please reply to ISSTTH@NUSVM. Thanks. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 18 Dec 90 00:22:11 EST From: (Michael D. Esser) Subject: Zoom Modems I am looking into buying a cheap 2400 baud modem, mainly for the purpose of hooking into the college's computer system from home. I got an advert. >From Zoom Modems that said they were selling a 2400 baud (w/ MNP5?? - the college uses MNP 4) for $119. Does anyone have experience with them, if so how have their products preformed? I hear the started out pretty chintzy but have gotten better. Their v.42 modem is rated very highly in the January issue of MacUser. What other modems are out there in this market segment? Thanks in advance. Michael Esser send email to s74205@Ursa.Calvin.Edu ------------------------------ End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************