info-mac-request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (01/19/91)
Info-Mac Digest Fri, 18 Jan 91 Volume 9 : Issue 14
Today's Topics:
[*] Alpha 3.5 Text Editor
[*] BAD-INIT-1.1.hqx
[*] BootTime-40.hqx
Easy Access too fast
Helvetica 24
Icelandic laserprinting
IIci and 100ns memory
Meta-key in MacX and EMACS clones
Progress Report: Speeding Up 4th Dimension
ResEdit Complete (ResEdit 2.1)
Send mail across networks...
Sound Stack for Si
Sticky Mouse Syndrome
Thank you, Symantec!
Unfreezing a screen
Your Info-Mac Moderators are Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh.
The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on
[]. Help files are in /info-mac/help. Indices are in
/info-mac/help/recent-files.txt and /info-mac/help/all-files.txt.
Please send articles and binaries to
Send administrative mail to
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 91 16:41:26 CST
From: (Pete)
Subject: [*] Alpha 3.5 Text Editor
Alpha 3.50 is the programming editor for the rest of us. The
Mac paradigm is fully supported, yet the professional programmer
is free to use shortcuts to any command. Every function in
Alpha can be accessed via the mouse OR keyboard shortcuts.
- standard Mac interface
- keyboard and named macros
- mapping of any function (over 150 available)
or macro to any key combination
- can be customized extensively (can be configured
as a coke-bottle emacs)
- unlimited undo/redo
- extensive online help
- electric braces and semicolons
- window tiling
- unlimited named markers and buffers
- external user-programmed commands
- user-definable hiearchical menus
- word wrap to window or 'fillColumn'
- support for foreign keyboards
- saving of backups to a different directory
- macros can be automatically executed when
files with specified suffix are opened
- font selection
- reads or writes Unix files
- and Many, Many, More...
ALPHA is shareware and has a fee of $25.
Pete Keleher
Peter Keleher
P.O. Box #1892
Department of Computer Science
Rice University
Houston, Texas 77251-1892
[Archived as /info-mac/app/alpha-350.hqx; 263K]
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 91 21:56:50 CST
From: (Shores)
Subject: [*] BAD-INIT-1.1.hqx
BADInit by Giuseppe Carnevale. This *WONDERFUL* INIT can save seemingly lost
floppy disks from the bit bucket. Ever had a "File couldn't be written and
was skipped?" Of course you have, and this INIT fixes all that. The INIT fools
the disk's desktop file into thinking that files are occupying the bad sectors
of the disk so you can write to the good parts of the disk too. When you get
a bad disk that had been formatted and had files on it, salvage the good files
and tell the finder to reformat it. When the finder fails, it will eject the
disk, but after you hit "ok" in the "Initialization Failed" dialog, another
dialog will popup asking you if you want to format it using BAD. Hit OK to
work BAD's magic. Likewise, with a brand new floppy that fails under the
Finder's initialization, BAD will format it, most likely leaving over 95% of
the disk still useable. Obviously one wouldn't want to put one's only copy
of a doctoral thesis on the disk, but you can still use the disk for trivial
[Archived as /info-mac/init/bad-init-11.hqx; 15K]
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 91 16:33:55 CST
From: (Shores)
Subject: [*] BootTime-40.hqx
/* BootTime INIT
Copyright 1991 Mike Gleason Jr.
version 4.0 January 14, 1991.
PURPOSE: Tell the user how long his startup sequence
(i.e. INITs, cdevs, etc.) is taking.
INSTALLATION: Plop the INIT in your system folder, and
reboot. BootTime is named specifically to load
last (this is done by preceding the name with
two hollow diamonds (shift-option-V)). When
you reboot, the last thing you'll see before
the Finder's screen comes up is a small window
in the upper left corner. This tells you
down to 100ths of a second how long your
startup sequence lasted.
DISTRIBUTION: The INIT and Think C 4.02 source code may be
distributed freely. */
[Archived as /info-mac/init/boot-time-40.hqx; 10K]
Date: 18 Jan 91 21:01 GMT
From: (Austria - Alexander Falk)
Subject: Easy Access too fast
Dear CB Lih,
This is in response to your recent question about the acceleration "feature"
of Easy Access. You are absolutely right that the acceleration makes the
so-called mouse-keys mode of Easy Access almost useless for disable people. You
can be assured that Apple is aware of this problem and that the new version of
Easy Access for System Software 7.0 will allow total customization of the
behavior of all the features - including chosing the acceleration rate for the
mouse keys (ranging from slow [i.e. almost no acceleration] to fast [the same
behavior as in the current version]). The acclereation cannot be turned off
completely, because what you really want is the ability to accuratly move the
mouse pixel by pixel, but at the same time have it not move too fast if you
keep the key pressed down. Exactly this is possible with the new version.
As System Software 7.0 is not finished yet, and is therefore not available to
you (unless you are a registered Apple deveoper), I can only offer one small
piece of help for the time being. Following is a patch to Easy Access, which
you can easily install with ResEdit. This will effectively turn off the
acceleration "feature" and the mouse pointer will move at a constant rate as
long as the key is pressed. This is not much, but it is all I can do for you
1) Open ResEdit
2) Open the file "Easy Access" located in your System Folder
3) Open the resource type "INIT"
4) Open the resource with ID=3 and the name "Mouse Keys"
5) Choose the "Find Hex" command from the "Find" menu
6) In the field "Find Hex:" enter: 94B801869478018EE64A
7) In the field "Change to:" enter: 74014E714E714E714E71
8) Click on the "Change All" button
9) If you get an alert that asks you if you are sure, click
on OK to proceed.
10) Quit ResEdit and click on "Yes" in the "Save Changes" dialog.
11) Restart your Macintosh
This patch works with Easy Access version 1.0.2, which is part of the System
Software 6.0.5 release. Please do not distribute this modified version of Easy
Access to others (for legal reasons!) and make sure that you change it's name
to indicate that this is a patched version.
If the above patch turns out to be too slow, here is how you can modify the
speed of the mouse pointer. The second two digits you entered into the "Change
to:" field specify the constant speed. If you want to make the pointer go
faster, simply repeat the above procedure on a new copy of Easy Access, but
this time substitute the second two digits "01" by "02". This will make the
pointer move twice as fast.
Hope this helps!
Best regards,
L exander K360950@aearn.bitnet
F alk ALF@melmark.milky.way (just kidding)
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 91 15:38:07 est
From: Rocky Olive <>
Subject: Helvetica 24
I recently purchased the German II Vocabulearn software that runs under
HyperCard 2.0, and it seems to run ok except when I start it up it
says it can't find Helvetica 24 in my System... I looked and it wasn't
1) Is Helvetica a standard font with System software? I couldn't find
it on my original System Diskette either.
2) Can some kind soul check his/her system and see if you have it, and if so,
send me an hqx'd suitcase containing Helvetica 24?
Thank you!
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 91 23:41:26 GMT
From: Michael Everson <>
Subject: Icelandic laserprinting
I could hardly believe this one myself. Correct me if I'm wrong, but
Times, Helvetica, Courier and others are BUILT IN to the Apple LaserWriter,
aren't they?
Today I installed Icelandic system software version 6.0.3 on a Mac Plus with
an external hard drive. Icelandic fonts include three letters unavailable
on most fonts (thorn, edh, y-acute) plus a full set of upper-and lower-case
acute-accented vowels. I created in Metamorphosis a dump of Times from the
laserprinter, which I then Cut and Pasted into a Fontographer file. Everything
printed out fine from Fontographer, all my new characters looked great.
I loaded the bitmaps into the System, dragged the printer file into the
System Folder, but when I printed, I got blank spaces where I wanted my
new characters (which were outlines, not composites), and an exclamation point
in the spacebar character. I had accidentally pasted an exclamation point
into the spacebar, but it had been removed since and did not show up
in the print from Fontographer. This happened several times. I even
trashed the AFM, bitmap, and printer files and regenerated them from
scratch. Finally in desperation I decided to try printing the document
in the Icelandic Times that came with 6.0.3. Lo! Thorns, edhs, y-acutes
came out perfectly: the LaserWriter did NOT substitute fi, fl, and the
other characters that these Icelandic ones replace for them.
Why won't my own TimesIceland print its characters? Where does the
LaserPrinter get thorns and edhs? From the LaserWriter file? LaserPrep?
It prints Helvetica and Courier with lovely Helvetica and Courier thorns
and edhs too. The problem is that while the Icelandic-speaking Mac
can print fine, it's supposed to stay at home with the professor who
uses it; he'll want to bring his documents in to print them out from
the department. But the department can't run Icelandic system software.
Help. Hjalp.
Med fyrirfram tho"kk (many thanks)
Michael Everson
PS Still looking for Icelandic dictionaries and anyone who knows anything
about existing Lapp software.
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 91 14:33:29 CST
From: Graeme Forbes <>
Subject: IIci and 100ns memory
Re my earlier posting about upgrading a IIcx to a IIci and retaining
the 4 100ns chips from the IIcx: I am informed that it's possible to do
this and to add another 4 meg in bank B of either 100ns or 80ns chips.
Either way the machine will function as if it had 8meg of 100ns chips.
Does anyone have any idea of what kind of performance degradation the
use of 100ns chips rather than 80ns will cause? The main use of my
system is work on very large documents in Nisus.
Graeme Forbes
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 91 21:28:43 +0100
From: Steinar Bang <>
Subject: Meta-key in MacX and EMACS clones
1. The MacX program uses the Up-arrow key as the Meta-key. As far as I
have understood: this can *not* be changed by the user.
2. All EMACS clones and look-alikes I have seen (JOVE,micro-emacs and
the new one I don't remember) use ESC-command for the Meta key
M(not so)HO:
This is unacceptable. The only keys positioned correctly on the
keyboard for the Meta-key function are the "command" and "option"
keys. "command" should always be used for the typical cut and paste
operations of the mac interface, and is thereby out of the contest.
In the case of MacX, the "option" key is free and should be used for
the Meta function (you don't need the expanded mac character set).
In any case the arrow key is a bad choice, this key should implement
the function printed on it, nothing else.
The ESC prefix style commands are too awkward (personal experience: I
ran GNU EMACS on a Sun, using a Mac as terminal, first using
VersaTerm, later using NCSA Telnet. In both cases I ended up using
MacroMaker for giving me "option"-command keypresses for my most used
The reason I saw for not using the "option" key (somwhere in the JOVE or
micro-emacs documentation), was that you needed the option key to
reach all characters of the mac character set.
I propose that the approach of GNU EMACS is used: Use Ctrl-Q to quote
any ctrl or optioned character.
Using Option and ctrl-Q should at least be made an option.
- Steinar
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 91 16:49:56 PST
Subject: Progress Report: Speeding Up 4th Dimension
RE: Speeding up 4th Dimension
First of all, thanks to everyone who took the time to write me! I
learned an awful lot, and I'll collect it into a concise form and
u/l it here as a report, once I collect more data on the
alternatives outlined below. This is the executive summary of my
progress thus far.
First off, to get an idea of the peak performance possible, I
moved one of the larger databases, a listing of all the 60kV power
transmission poles in one of the British Columbia Lower Mainland
cost centers (9765 records) onto a SE/30 (5 meg RAM, stock Apple
80 meg hard disk, System 6.0.5) and proceeded to:
- Compact the database, reducing size to 7.48 Meg data.
- Optimize the hard disk
- Set system RAM cache to 2 megabytes
- Reboot under Finder with no INITs
- Run the developer version of 4th Dimension 2.1
and ask for a report of how many poles in each transmission
circuit in the cost center have a UB insulator type. (Note that
indexing is irrelevant to me because almost all reports are sorted
on more than one field, and therefore indexing does no good.
Furthermore, because the procedures are rather short and extremely
straightforward, the 4D Compiler will make basically no
difference; it only speeds up user procedures, not the built-in
The report had been chugging away for 38 minutes and was barely a
third finished when I decided there was no point in getting exact
numbers, and the clear lesson here was that I can disregard
network/server/machine-based solutions. Since 4th Dimension is a
corporate standard that I canUt disregard, the two alternatives
left are
A) rewriting the report procedures, database structures, or
writing externals -- I'd really rather not. If I do, though, the
first thing to do is to join the CompuServe Acius forum and get
suggestions from the 'heavyweights' there. (One such suggestion
was to create single fields that contain combinations of
information regularly sorted upon. Indexing these combo fields
would bring my current multiple-field searches up to indexed-field
B) move to a client/server orientation. This is the one I'm
researching in depth. So far, the alternatives are four:
1) Wait for 4thD Server to be released, in a year to two years
-- they're demoing it now. Or, beg Acius to make me a beta test
2) Use a SQL database on the company mainframe using DAL or
some commercial alternative -- don't want to do that. Want to
keep the data and its administration local.
3) Use a local UNIX machine as a data server -- probably
politically unpalatable because of unclear cost/benefit ratio. I
could probably swing an A/UX IIfx, but there's no Oracle server
for it yet and I don't know of any other database that would be a
good choice.
4) There is a product called PINK SQL from a Dutch company,
MacVonk, which bills itself as "the first and only multi-user SQL
relational database management system based on the Client/Server
principle on the Apple Macintosh (does not require back-end on
another platform)." It's product release on AppleLink makes for a
fascinating read. If we can believe what they say, I'd realize
all the benefits of a mainframe-based SQL server for my 4thD front
end with a single Mac SE and their software. This would be
perfect if true, because I have a basically unused SE/30 sitting
around that could be dedicated as a server.
If anyone has any further comments, or wants to add themselves to
the mailing list for my eventual report, email
And for the many out there whom I suspect have an immediate
interest in PINK SQL, try contacting
phone 215 660-0606
fax 215 469-9433
and tell them Alex from BC Hydro sent you and you think they should
give me a free copy to evaluate for the net ;-)
Date: 18 Jan 91 21:01 GMT
From: (Austria - Alexander Falk)
Subject: ResEdit Complete (ResEdit 2.1)
Dear Mac-Enthusiasts around the world,
This is just a quick memo to turn your attention to a new book that has been
introduced by Addison-Wesley a couple of days ago at MacWorld:
"ResEdit Complete"
by Peter Alley and Carolyn Strange
This book is the latest addition to the new "Macintosh Inside Out" series of
Addison-Wesley (the series editor is Scott Knaster). It discusses the new
version ResEdit 2.1 both from a users and a programmers perspective, including
lots of tips and tricks on what you can do with ResEdit. And here is the best
The author, Peter Alley, has been the Project Leader for ResEdit at Apple
Computer, Inc. for over two years. His experience, along with many tips and
ideas from the other members of the ResEdit Engineering Team, are reflected in
this work.
If you are a new Mac user and want to just customize your applications a bit
- this is probably the book for you. If you are an experienced user and want to
learn more about the internal workings of your Macintosh - this is the book for
you. If you are an experienced programmer and want to make the most of ResEdit
- this is also the book for you.
Disclaimer: I have no connection with Addison-Wesley. I am, however, a
satisfied user of ResEdit and previously was a member of the
ResEdit Engineering Team.
Date: 18 Jan 91 21:02 GMT
From: (Austria - Alexander Falk)
Subject: Send mail across networks...
Hi fellow netters,
Recently there have been a lot of question on how to address messages to
different networks from the internet or vice versa (in particular these
questions have been concerning AppleLink - Apple's internal worldwide network
of employees, dealers, developers, and the like).
Sending messages to different networks is generally achieved by sending them
via a relay or gateway. I do not want to go into the technical details (or the
difference between gateways and relays) of this operation, but it is important
to know that these networks and their addresses are NOT part of the internet.
As a result of this there is no way to obtain e-mail addresses for users on
these other nets (there is no inter-network user directory service of any kind
available). This means that you can only send a message through the gateway if
you exactly know the other person's e-mail address in the other network. To sum
up you need to know two things: the address of the gateway and the address of
the other person in the other network. For a complete discussion of the
internet, it's connections to other networks, and related topics please refer
to the excellent book "The Matrix" by J.S. Quaterman (Digital Press, 1990).
In the case of Apple things can be pretty confusing, because Apple not only
operates AppleLink, but also has a couple of mainframes, which are real
internet machines (e.g. the Apple VAX "", which also is providing a
FTP service to people on the internet). Therefore you have to distinguish, if
you want to send mail to an Apple person via AppleLink, or if you want to send
mail to an Apple person who has an account on the Apple VAX (in general only
engineers located in Cupertino and the surrounding area have access to the
Apple VAX). For people on the Apple VAX things are easy. Their address is
simply "" (where "user" is their login name on the Apple VAX).
People on AppleLink (and there is no geographic limitation that I'm aware of -
I'm living in Austria, Europe and I do get lots of mail via the gateway) can be
reached by the address "" (where "user" is their
AppleLink address).
I hope that this helps to clarify the situation!
L exander K360950@aearn.bitnet
F alk ALF@melmark.milky.way (just kidding)
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 91 16:26 CST
Subject: Sound Stack for Si
Hello netters, someone told me there is a stack made in Hyper 2.0 that
allows to enter sound into a file more or less like MacRecorder but that works
with the microphone that comes with the IIsi if anyone out there can help me
please send me an E-Mail to:
Thanks a lot in advance
Charlie Turnbull
Universidad de las Americas - Puebla
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 91 18:33:20 EST
Subject: Sticky Mouse Syndrome
Two comments regarding the current discussion on sticky mice: If you look
at the letters to the editor in the February MacWorld, you will see a
description of each of the three types of mice that Apple is currently
shipping and an explanation of how to tell them apart. The procedures
described earlier do not apply equally well to all of them (and may not
apply to some of them at all). There are also apparently older mice
that differ from all three of these, since I have an old Mac II with a
mouse different from all of them.
Second, I had a mouse fail on a IIci I purchased about a year ago (while
the machine was still in warranty) and it was replaced by the dealer who
told me that it was known that a batch of "bad mice" had been obtained by
Apple which were causing problems. The symptom was much the same as has
been described here: jerky tracking, particularly in the X direction. The
mouse that failed was the kind with a heavy ball and sliding retainer
(using the description from MacWorld) which I think is the kind containing
the potentiometers being discussed here.
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 91 22:07:58 SET
From: Alexander Falk <>
Subject: Thank you, Symantec!
Dear netters,
About two months ago I did send a memo to this digest, in which I furiously
complained about Symantec's support (or lack thereof) in Europe. Let me
briefly reiterate the story:
Two colleagues and I had purchased Symantec's THINK C and THINK PASCAL
products a while ago and we tried to get an upgrade to the latest version.
For about half a year we didn't get any responde from Symantec US. Then
they told us that we need to contact our local Austrian distributor. And
the prices at the distributor turned out to be such outrageously high, that
it would be cheaper for us to buy a new copy through a US mail order house,
than to upgrade through Symantec's authorized distributor in Austria.
I did entitled this last message "Flame on Symantec" and I concluded it
with the cynical remark, that Symantec should give me a call whenever
they feel like fixing this situation.
About two weeks after I had sent this message to Info-Mac something
astonishing happened. One day when I got home from work, I found a message
>From Symantec US on my answering machine. They had actually gotten a
copy of my message from Info-Mac and they did indeed call me (imagine -
a phone call from the US to Austria, Europe!!).
So I wrote back using AppleLink and it turned out that Symantec was
indeed unaware of the prices in Austria and that they thought them to
be ridicolous, too. We had a nice discussion and the lady from Symantec
promised that she would try to correct this situation.
And now comes the best part: for the time being SHE OFFERED ME TO SEND US
I immediately send her my credit card number, and a couple of weeks later
we did indeed receive our 3 upgrades. THANK YOU, SYMANTEC!!!!!
This is what I call cutsomer service: If you send a complaint to an
electronic digest, and the company calls you to correct the problem -
that's simply perfect!
And, needless to say, the compilers are totally cool. So we are now three
happy Mac developers in Austria using the latest versions of THINK C and
THINK Pascal.
Alexander Falk
Norbert Mueller
Wilhelm Plotz
Date: 18 Jan 91 21:01 GMT
From: (Austria - Alexander Falk)
Subject: Unfreezing a screen
Fellow netters,
Recently there has been a lot of talk about "SM 0 A9F4; G 0". I would like to
add some comments and explanations to this discussion. If you are a developer
or if you know what the above means, then please skip the following. This is
only intended to be an explanation for plain users!
The whole thing was triggered by the question of how to get out of a hung
application ("frozen screen symptom"). The suggestion was to use the interrupt
button on the programmer's switch (a tiny switch supplied with almost every
Macintosh, that is ususally only helpful for programmers) and to enter the
cryptic line "SM 0 A9F4", then to press return, and finally to enter "G 0" and
press return again. Since I thought that some people might actually like to
understand what they are doing, here is a bit of technical information.
What the interrupt button does, is trigger a so called non-maskable interrupt
(NMI) in the microprocessor, upon which the microprocessor suspends execution
of whatever it currently was doing and starts executing a tiny program. This
tiny program is commonly referred to as an interrupt handler (because it gets
executed when the processor receives an interrupt) and it can do whatever the
designer of the machine and operating system wants it to do. In the ROM of the
older Macintosh models this interrupt handler invokes a small debugger (for
those of you who don't know, a debugger is a small program - usually part of
the operatin system - that is generally used by programmers to debug programs).
This small debugger simply displays a box in the middle of the screen and shows
a prompt (">") inside the box. This prompt indicates that you can now enter
commands and ask the debugger to execute them when you press the return key. If
this concept sounds unfamiliar to you, than you can be glad that you don't have
to use a DOS-compatible PC (because such a stupid prompt is all you will ever
get from the operating system on those kind of machines...).
Now we finally come to the point where the mysterious commands come into
play. The first command "SM 0 A9F4" instructs the debugger to "Set the Memory"
(SM) at address "0" to the hexadecimal value "A9F4". Address 0 was chosen,
because it is both easy to remember and also not used for anything else, so no
harm can be done. The hexadecimal value "A9F4" represents a so-called A-Trap -
an instruction for the microprocessor that tells it to execute a routine in the
ROM of your Macintosh. In our case "A9F4" stand for the "ExitToShell" routine,
which asks the operating system to quit whatever it is currently doing and to
return to the Finder. The next mysterious command is "G 0". This instructs the
debugger to "Go" (G) to address "0" - in other words to resume normal operation
of the machine, but not where it was stopped, but at address 0. As a result of
this the "ExitToShell" routine is called and now it entirely depends on how
sever the previous problem was. As it has been pointed out by others, in
approximately 60% of the cases this procedure works. If it doesn't work for
you, all this means is that the operating system was really badly damaged by
whatever happened during the "freeze" and thus cannot recover and return to the
Finder. All you can do in this case is to pres the Reset button (the second
button on the programmer's switch).
Now to the next part of the story. This small debugger we have currently
discussed is only of limited use for programmers. Therefore Apple (and some
other 3rd party companies) sell better debuggers, which allow programmer's to
do more things. These debuggers are generally installed at system startup time
and usually override the functionality of the ROM debugger, which we have
discussed above. This means, that whenever you press the interrupt button you
will end up in the debugger you have just installed instead of the one in the
The debugger supplied by Apple is called MacsBug. If you happen to experience
a freeze on a machine equipped with MacsBug, you can use the same commands as
with the minimal ROM debugger. Alternatively you can also enter the "ES"
command (Exit to Shell) and ask the debugger to directly execute this routine.
Hope this helps.
L exander K360950@aearn.bitnet
F alk ALF@melmark.milky.way (just kidding)
End of Info-Mac Digest