[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V9 #39

info-mac-request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (02/13/91)

Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 12 Feb 91       Volume 9 : Issue 39  

Today's Topics:

      [*] AddrePhone
      Accessing the Control Panel INIT
      application opening order
      Creating color icons
      Disk I/O speed on a IIsi
      Dollars and Sense
      HC 2.0 address error on 512KE w/ 2MB
      IIsi's programmers switch
      Info-Mac Digest V9 #34
      Mac Buyer's Guide for Apple Support Coordinators
      Mac IIsi RAM
      NCSA TelNet 2.3
      no more icons
      Question for GatorBox users
      README Solution?
      Saving two cents at a time
      SimCity Cities
      Some bugs in HyperCard 2.0
      Something faster than a Mac IIfx
      System 7, IAC, and DTP
      Terminating harddisks

The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: Sat, 9 Feb 91 00:57:02 -0800
From: Rob Olsen <bose@u.washington.edu>
Subject: [*] AddrePhone

  This is a stack that can help you keep track of addresses and phone numbers.
Unlike the one shiped with apple, this stack have an index page that helps you
to scroll through and jump to any card.  I also included phone number auto
formatters to help automate entery process.  There is also an birthday check
option that checks one's birthday within 15 days.

[Archived as /info-mac/card/addrephone.hqx; 68K]


Date: 10 FEB 91 17:39:04 CDT
From: Z4648252 <Z4648252%SFAUSTIN.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>

Stefan Bilaniuk's rotating EARTH exists on just about all Macs, Spectre
GCR's, and Amax II's.  FUJI_GADGETS is a rotating ball that has the
GADGETS logo on one side, and the ATARI FUJI on the other.  This is
an INIT, goes in the SYSTEM/FOLDER and was designed for the Spectre
GCR Macintosh Plus emulator.  Although it will work on any Mac, the
GADGETS and FUJI logos are obviously for the Spectre GCR Atari Macintosh
Plus emulator.

Larry Rymal:  |East Texas Atari 68NNNers| <Z4648252@SFAUSTIN.BITNET>

[Archived as /info-mac/init/fuji-gadgets.hqx; 4K]


Date: Tue, 12 Feb 1991 09:22 EST
From: Kenny <KFREUNDLICH@lucy.wellesley.edu>
Subject: Accessing the Control Panel INIT

I am looking for a pd INIT that allows system administrators to prevent
users from accessing the Control Panel.  I believe it is called
"NoControlPanel INIT".

If anyone has it, could you upload it to the archives?


Kenny Freundlich
Wellesley College


Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 08:33:34 CST
From: Larry Pickett <C4898%UMSLVMA.bitnet@umrvmb.umr.edu>
Subject: application opening order

Is there a way to control the order that applications open on boot under
multifinder.  My boss opens msword, excel, and macdft automatically and
would like the macdft window to be on top ready to go.


Date: Tuesday, 12 Feb 1991 09:01:01 EST
From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" <U12D9%WVNVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Creating color icons

I'm sure that many netters have seen the tremendous improvement that
using icon colorizers such as SunDesk brings to the Mac desktop.  Color icons
really make the Mac desktop look great!  I've been so impressed that
I decided to try my hand at modifing some icons and creating new color
icons of my own (based on their pre-existing black and white cousins).

Frankly, I've had only limited success.  I can modify icl8s (color icons)
with the latest version of ResEdit (version 2.1) which has MacPaint type
tools.  I'm okay as long as I don't mess with the ICN#(black and white)
bit maps of the icon.  If I change them in any way, none of the color icons
are recognized after reboot.  The entire desktop comes up with the generic
black and white ICNs.

Perhaps some netters can suggest how we can customize existing color icons
(icl8s) and create our own new ones either with or without SunDesk.  If some-
one could create a brief tutorial it would be greatly appreciated.


Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 13:27:48 EST
From: "Thomas J. Sterlacci" (PBMA) <tster@pica.army.mil>
Subject: Disk I/O speed on a IIsi

>I have a IIsi which was purchased with a dealer installed 100 Mb Quantum
>hard disk drive in place of the Apple supplied hard disk.  The first
>thing I noticed was that the time to duplicate a disk file seemed
>much longer than my old SE/30 with an Apple supplied 80 Mb drive.  For
>example, it take about 30 seconds to duplicate the MS Word application
>(about 680K) on the si.  At work on a 20 Mb Bernoulli disk, a IIcx will
>duplicate the file in 5 seconds and an SE will do it in 10 seconds.
>The time is not appreciably affected by the color
>vs. B&W mode on the si.  Note that recent speed tests reported on
>the net have been for computation speed and not disk I/O.
>Does anyone have any idea why it takes so long on the si?  Does the
>Apple supplied 80 Mb drive take as long?  Would partitioning the disk
>speed things up?

Something is WRONG and I don't think it can be your IIsi.  Your talking
almost an order of magnitude difference here.  It is probably your
Quantum HD.  It could be one or more of the following three things (in
1.  Your interleave and driver type is not set for the IIsi.  If you
received your HD formatted by the dealer, he may have formatted
incorrectly.  Even the HD manufacturer could screw-up (My CMS20 Utility
wanted to format my CMS20 HD on my Mac+ at an interleave of 5!  I got
maximum speed and performance manually setting my interleave to 3 and
using a MacSE driver!)  Interleave varies with what machine you have and
what HD you use.  With today's high speed drives it should be the
following:  Mac+(3), MacSE(2), Classic(2 -I think), everything else(1).
The interleave on a IIsi should be set for 1.  You can check the
interleave with a application like SCSITools (no longer in the sumex
archives but I do have it if you want it).  If your interleave is wrong
or you just want to redo it, the HD must be formatted.  Use the utility
that came with the drive, but don't forget to backup your data.  You can
reinstall the driver (use IIsi driver) at any time.
2.  Your HD is badly fragmented.  I can't see this being the case since
I don't think you have had your system for too long (unless you've been
doing a lot of copying and deleting with your HD).  You should run an
optimization program anyway.
3.  Your HD is a slow drive.  This is highly unlikely since the average
access time for a Quantum 100Mb is listed as 12ms.  You could check the
average access time with SCSI evaluator in the sumex archives.  It
should be around 12ms.  By the way, if you try SCSI evaluator and the
average access time is much greater than 12ms, your interleave is not
set correctly.  I guess I should have mentioned this in the first
I hope this helps and I'm not just tooting my horn.
Tom Sterlacci


Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 09:07:20 EST
From: Bob Chen <CHEN@brownvm.brown.edu>
Subject: Dollars and Sense

The recent discussion of Dollars and Sense interests me because I still
use D&S version 3.x. I tried upgrading to version 4 when it first came
out, but did not like the significant change--for the worse, in my
opinion--in the user interface. In version 3, accounts are kept
separately for each year, so that archiving is not necessary. Data entry
seems easier and cleaner to me. This year, I did have to generate new
accounts from scratch due to some sort of error that crept into my file
for last year, but that is the first problem of this sort I'd ever
encountered. Of course, I still have to use this version of D&S with
its own start-up disk and older version of the system files, but as I
have an old Mac 512ke sitting around, it's no big deal.

Questions: are there other people around who still use/prefer this
earlier version of D&S? Did version 5 stick with version 4's interface?
What additional features in version 5 am I missing out on?

Thanks for any information...Bob Chen, Brown University.


Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 09:38 EDT
From: <PJORGENS%COLGATEU.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu> (Peter Jorgensen)
Subject: HC 2.0 address error on 512KE w/ 2MB


Thanks to all who sent me suggestions for getting System 6.0 to boot on my Mac
512KE with the Human Touch accelerator/memory board. It turns out that 6.0
requires an SCSI bus. It hangs indefinitely trying to initialize the SCSI bus
if none is present. I installed a Dove SCSI kit, and 6.0.7 is happy, and I am
almost happy. Excel 2.2 now runs, etc. BUT HYPERCARD 2.0 DOES NOT! It crashes
with an illegal instruction at 0000! Why it is branching to 0000 is a mystery
to me. Could it be related to a sound manager anomoly I've also noticed? When I
select the "Sound" CDEV in the control panel, I see the usual list of four
sounds, "Simple Beep", "Boing", "Monkey", and "Clank". But regardless of which
of these I choose, I just get a beep.

Send your entry to "Human Touch Puzzler of The Week" c/o

Thanks in advance


Date: Tue, 12 Feb 1991 13:45:28 GMT
From: ccssrg@gdt.bath.ac.uk (Simon Roger Gray)
Subject: IIsi's programmers switch

Recent articles in this news group talk of the Command-poweron 
programmers switch not working.
Try installing the programmers-switch init from sumex-aim/init ...

and Voila!


Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 9:36:57 EST
From: Tom Coradeschi <tcora@pica.army.mil>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V9 #34

>Is there a time server/client combo that will work over a LocalTalk network?
>I've been reading, with great interest, about the Network Time 1.1.1 utility 
>which works with MacTCP. How about LocalTalk?
  Grab the file /info-mac/cdev/tardis.hqx from sumex, which was posted there
in January. It will do what you want (timeserver on one LocalTalk mac, time
clients on all the others...).


tom coradeschi    <+>    tcora@pica.army.mil    <+>    tcora@dacth01.bitnet


Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 08:44:13 CST
From: treble@ascvms.sinet.slb.com
Subject: Mac Buyer's Guide for Apple Support Coordinators

Last spring I *paid for the privilege* of becoming an official Apple Resource 
Coordinator and Apple Technical Coordinator after attending a seminar in 
Houston.  Prior to that, I was recognized by Apple National Accounts as an 
Apple Support Coordinator for the Schlumberger Austin System Center.

Since *paying* $120 for the Resource Coordinator and Technical Coordinator 
kits (made up of two huge binders loaded with product spec and sales 
literature) I have received minimal support from Apple.  Before I *paid* for 
the kits, I used to receive lots of technical and resource help - including 
the Mac Buyer's Guide!  I never had to pay a cent for these materials, and 
Apple benefited by increased sales volume.  Apple has since reduced its 
National Account support to nothing.  I get an occasional AppleGram, but 
nothing else.  Big Deal!  I got more than this before I *paid* for the support 

Anyone else been burned by Apple by *paying* to support your users?  What a 
rip-off.  Don't bother subscribing to the Apple Coordinator anything!  It's 
not worth it.  Acutally, Apple was pretty shrewd in getting users to *PAY* to 
become their "front-end" support.  Makes one wonder what the Account salesmen 
do with all that spare time!

In summary: You'll get much better support by asking questions of our 
esteemed colleagues on Info-Mac. (And it's FREE!)

In my Humble, but accurate, opinion,
John Treble    treble@ascvms.slb.com
[standard opinion disclaimer applies - it's my own, blah, blah, blah]


Date: 12 Feb 91 11:02:00 EST
From: "CARL DEVORE" <devore@cfe1.nrl.navy.mil>
Subject: Mac IIsi RAM

In Info-Mac V. 9 #35, Alberto Ricci states with regard to memory configurations
of the Mac IIsi that:

>The possible configurations are 1, 2, 5, and 17 Mb (in this case you'll be able
>to use only 16 of the 17Mb, because of System 6.x addressing. However, System
>7.0 will use (by the way, A/UX already does) up to 4Gb (that's 4096 Mb)).

I have a IIsi configured with 17Mb of memory running system 6.0.7.  Only 8 Mb 
of that memory is addressable, although the system 'knows' about the other 9 
Mb.  The latter is lumped with the actual (about 1 Mb) RAM used by the system,
so that the 'About Finder ...' menu item indicates that some 10 Mb is allocated 
to the system.

We have heard that software exists (Maxima? and/or Optima?) to make all 17 Mb 
addressable within system 6.0.x.  As Mr. Ricci notes, however, the addressing 
problem will be eliminated with the imminent (?) release of system 7.0.

Rick DeVore                                              devore@lcp.nrl.navy.mil


Date: 12 Feb 91 09:06:00 EST
From: "CAPT. RICHARD BERRY" <rberry@hrllr.wpafb.af.mil>

To Sean Chitwood of Rice (I don't know how to respond to your e-mail address)
and others:

Yes the flyer from Falcon said Mac IIcx.  An interesting comment was made in 
that it was thought that Apple was discontinuing the CX.  If that is true, 
perhaps it would explain why Falcon says they have limited quantities.  And 
what better way for Apple to clear out some older machines and get good 
press by supporting the troops in the Middle East?  Of course I could be cynical and say it was all motivated by profit and a lust for more Federal contracts.

Falcon's Address:  

Falcon Microsystems
1801 McCormick Dr.
Landover MD  20785

Products & Pricing:  301-341-0146    Order Information:  301-341-0146
Falcon Service:  301-341-0168

Or 1-800-284-1367

I should hasten to add that Falcon is not in the business to sell to the 
general public.  They were formed primarily to be Apple's sole distributor
to the Federal government.  So, the only way to buy form them as an individual
is to be a Federal employee.


Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 08:27:52 CST
From: hallett@positron.com (Jeff Hallett x5163	)
Subject: NCSA TelNet 2.3

Anyone know how to save  the color  information in a session?   Saving
the set and reloading it loses the color info for me.

As stated, I have version 2.3 running on a Mac IIcx under 6.0.4.



Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 13:35:08 EST
From: Do Minh <minh-do@cs.yale.edu>
Subject: no more icons

Is there an init to get rid of the march of icons at startup?
I have too many inits, and cdevs.



Date: Mon, 11 Feb 91 22:25:18 EST
From: Peter Furmonavicius <PETER%YALEVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Question for GatorBox users

Hello.  I have two questions about GatorShare.  I am using a GatorBox
running version 1.6 of GatorShare and am connecting to a Sun NFS server.

1) Is there any way to allow "guest" access?  That is, after selecting
   AppleShare in the Chooser, and then selecting the Sun file server,
   is there any way to connect to the file server as a "guest", instead
   of a "Registered User"?

   How do you all provide for 'guest' access (if you do) ?

2) Not related to the first question but, is it possible to
   download configurations to the GatorBox from ethernet connected
   Macintoshes?  Or does one have to always download to the GatorBox
   from the LocalTalk side?  Whats' the trick?



Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 08:36:59 PST
From: ISCJCW@uccvma.ucop.edu
Subject: README Solution?

>From:  Jerry Wilcox             ISCJCW@UCCVMA    (415)987-0516
Subject: README Solution?
Along with Larry Rymal and Les Ferch, I have been participating in the
discussion about README files, and would like to contribute two thoughts:

1) Les calls for the various WP vendors to provide a PD version of their
   programs (MacWrite, Word, etc) which can read and print. I think this
   is a great idea, if it would work. I use both Word and Write/Now,
   neither of which provide such a utility. I also have a "demo"
   version of MacWrite II, but for this use, it is worthless because
   the Print function is crippled. Write/Now seems to do a pretty
   good job of translating most other formats to itself, so that's
   what I'm using.

2) For those doing new documentation, who are willing to look at an
   alternative method, I'd like to suggest DocMaker, from Green Mountain
   Software. It is a shareware program which allows you to develop a
   documentation package with complete control of text attributes, inclusion
   of pictures, etc., then allows you to distribute that package as a
   fully-functional self-reading document. I've created DocMaker documents
   and received a number of them, and they are no problem at all.

   I don't know if the package is in the archives (moderators?), but it
   could be uploaded if it is not. If you're interested, let me know and
   I'll send you the address and other information. BTW, I know that the
   latest version is available on several of the commercial services and
   through some user groups.

I have no connection with Mark Wall or Green Mountain Software, other than as
a very satisfied user of DocMaker.

Jerry Wilcox -- ISCJCW@UCCVMA.ucop.edu -- (415)987-0516 (days)


Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 11:18 EDT
From: <PJORGENS%COLGATEU.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu> (Peter Jorgensen)
Subject: Saving two cents at a time

Murph Sewall (Vol 9, Issue 38) wonders about printing barcodes on envelopes to
save postage.

Our user group received a demo of MacEnvelope that does just that, and more. It
also maintains mailing lists, and merges these lists to facilitate bulk
mailing. Its features are too numerous to mention here, but it certainly does
what Murph wants (one envelope at a time, or hundreds). Of course it's not
shareware, but it isn't too expensive ($62.97 for educational inst) and site
licensing is available.

MacEnvelope is a product of SYNEX
                            692 Tenth Street
                            Brooklyn, NY 11215-4502
                            (718) 499-6293

(I am not connected with SYNEX, I'm not even a happy user yet, but I plan to

Peter Jorgensen - microcomputer & VAX consultant - Colgate University


Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 13:51:56 MST
From: Steve Shankman <SHANKMAS%ARIZVM1.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: SimCity Cities

Does anyone have any sample cities, or interesting ones to share?



Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 13:06 EST
From: NEUBURG@campus.swarthmore.edu
Subject: Some bugs in HyperCard 2.0

>From:	SWAT::NEUBURG      12-FEB-1991 13:05:37.88
Subj:	hbr

The following is a report on a couple of miscellaneous bugs and 
programming errors I have run across in HYPERCARD 2.0.


BUG #1 is the only actual serious BUG, and has to do with MARKED 
CARDS. This bug is present both in the developer's version of 2.0 
which was sent out around October and in the 2.0 currently being 
shipped with new machines (as far as I can tell, these are 
identical). If anyone knows how to notify Apple, I would 
appreciate having this passed on to the appropriate personnel, as 
it is fairly serious.

It is now possible, as you may know, to MARK cards, by setting the 
card property MARKED of a given card to True, or by the command to 
"MARK..." the given card; similarly cards are that have been 
marked can be made unmarked by setting the card property MARKED of 
the card to False, or by the command "UNMARK".

However, HyperCard behaves inconsistently with respect to the 
question of whether a card is or is not marked. The bug is 
complicated, so I have broken it down into different cases.

If any cards of the stack are marked, then HyperCard behaves 
"correctly", as follows:

  Commands such as "go first marked card", "go last marked card", 
"go any marked card", "go next marked card", "go prev marked 
card", will go correctly to the given marked card. In the case 
where only ONE card is marked, all of these commands will go to 
it, but commands such as "go second marked card" will correctly 
cause HyperCard to return that there is no such card ("return" in 
this discussion means, either directly to the user, if the command 
was given from the msg box, or else by way of The Result, if the 
command was given from a script).

But if NO CARDS of the stack are marked, then (this is the bug!):

   Giving the command "go next marked card" or "go prev marked 
card" from any card will correctly return "No such card" from 
HyperCard; but the commands "go first marked card", "go last 
marked card", "go second marked card", etc., will go to the FIRST 
CARD OF THE STACK, even though that card is NOT marked, and even 
though going to that card and asking for the Marked of that card 
will correctly return False. Furthermore, the statement "there is 
a first marked card", etc., will evaluate as "true", even though 
no cards are marked.

Programmers are warned that in scripts one must avoid falling in 
to the trap of supposing, just because it is possible to "go first 
marked card", that therefore any cards of the stack are in fact 
marked. The numerical test "the number of marked cards" always 
correctly returns the actual number, and should be used prior to a 
"go" of this sort. (NB: by the way, the Boolean test "there is a 
marked card" is for some reason illegal, even though the statement 
"there is a card" is legal.)


The remaining bugs are programming errors in the scripts of the 
developer's stack as distributed around October. The material 
referred to here, the Help stacks and Power Tools, is NOT present 
in the version of HyperCard distributed free with new machines; 
but it was present in the developer's stack, and I presume that it 
is present in the new "pay" version of HyperCard distributed by 
Claris. However, I do not know whether the scripting errors in 
question have been corrected in that version: users should check 
the scripts.

BUG #2 has to do with HELP stacks for HyperCard 2.0.

The HyperCard Help and HyperCard Reference stacks have the 
property that clicking on grouped text (marked with a gray 
underline) will send the user to the corresponding discussion in 
the Help Extras stack. However, this feature will sometimes seem 
to fail to operate. This turns out to be because if the grouped 
text occurs right before a Return, it sometimes has accidentally 
been permitted to include that Return. Then, when the script 
checks the style and font of the grouped text to see whether it is 
a "Placeholder" or a "Glossary Item", it can be misled by the 
style and font of the Return if the Return is not in the same font 
and style as the text itself. The solution is to insert something 
like the following lines into the CheckActiveText handler in the 
script of the Stack of HyperCard Help:

  if the last char of thePhrase is return then
    put char 1 to (the length of thePhrase - 1) of thePhrase into 
    subtract 1 from word 4 of theChunkOfText
  end if

These lines, which will remove the final Return from the text to 
be evaluated, should go after the line that reads "put the 
clickChunk into theChunkOfText". 


BUG #3 has to do with a SUPER GROUPER script.

The repeat loop in the "on spaceObjects" handler in the Stack 
script of the Power Tools stack should read:

  repeat with count = 2 to NumberOfItems
    get item count of ObjectList
    if direction is "Horz" 
    then set LEFT of it to (RIGHT of item (count - 1) of 
ObjectList) + spacing
    else set TOP of it to (BOTTOM of item (count - 1) of 
ObjectList) + spacing
  end repeat

The loop in my copy was written incorrectly, so that spacing did 
not work properly (the objects were caused to overlap, because the 
LEFT of it was set with respect to the LEFT of the previous item.


Hope this proves helpful to people.

   Matt Neuburg = neuburg@campus.swarthmore.edu


Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 14:49:00 EST
From: Mike Flynn <FLYNNM%DUVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Something faster than a Mac IIfx

     Does anybody know a computer that is faster than a fx. I thought that I
saw something in the back of a mac magazine. But I can't remember the name. If
I remember enough about the computer, it is a Mac IIfx than has been modified
by the computer to run at about 50mhz. You can just send the mail to me. (No
need to clutter the info-mac with this) Thanks to anybody who responds.

                                     - Flynnm @ duvm.ocs.Drexel.edu


Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 13:46 EDT
From: "G. Watts -- Rochester" <WATTS@urpas>
Subject: System 7, IAC, and DTP

Hi y'all,

  I was just thinking about system 7's inter-app communications(IAC) stuff.  I
can see one heck of a page layout program.  The current versions of Pagemaker
must understand the file format of an article they import.  For example, I
think pagemaker can read Word files, mac write II files, etc.
  Well, with IAC, that could be different.  A user decides where a document is
to be placed on the page (including size of bounding box, columns, etc.).  This
new page layout program then boots the app who owns the document and tells it,
via IAC, to render the document in the specified bounding box.  The page layout
program need never know about the format of the data on the disk.
  Of course, I'm just a low-life when it comes to the world of DTP.  I have
used Pagemaker,.. breifly.  More importantly, I don't use it everyday, all
day.  My idea, above, would take a lot of memory (many apps up and running at
once) and also require quite a bit of processing power if things are going to
go at a reasonable speed (ie -- each time you flip a page, all the sections
would have to be redrawn by the owner programs).
  But it would be nice.  If the IAC format was made public, everyone could
write their programs with type setting build it.  Perhaps programmers wouldn't
have to pay attention to detailed page layout for each program they write.  Just
let the user do it (this means something cheaper than Pagemaker, I suppose)
with this layout program.
  But hey, for this IAC stuff, are there going to be a bunch of accepted
(public) formats for messages (not just in the DTP area, but in word
processing, communications packages, utilities, etc.?).

	Idle hands are the devil's hands,
BITNET: watts@uorhep INET: gwatts@rutphy.rutgers.edu HEPNET: urhep::watts


Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 11:07 +0100
From: "Povl H. Pedersen" <ECO8941@ecostat.aau.dk>
Subject: Terminating harddisks

There has recently been somebody who has told that the Macintosh computers
have internal termination for the SCSI bus. 


The internal termination in Macs consists of the 3 resistor packs that is
fitted to the internal SCSI drive!!!.

If you want to remove the termination of a drive, then you must pull up the
resistor packs, which is 3 black or yellow IC-lookalike with only 1 row of
pins. They are found just behind the drives connector. You can remove them
with some controlled violence, as they are often mounted in some very small
holes in the PCB which does not look like a socket. 

The problem in making an internal drives external is to get a PSU and to
change the SCSI ID for the drive, but this is another story.

Povl H. Pedersen
eco8941@ecostat.aau.dk   /   hp48sx@wuarchive.wustl.edu


Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 01:27:40 EST
From: Murph Sewall <SEWALL%UCONNVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: TinCan

On Mon, 11 Feb 91 18:03:38 CST you said:
>   I am looking for information on a communications (??) package called

TinCan is written by George Furnival <Furnival@YaleVM.YCC.Yale.Edu>

It offers a pretty good VT100 emulator (and a few others, I'm at home
using an old Apple 2, so I haven't all the options handy :-)

TinCan is to the Macintosh what YTerm is to the PC.  Along with PC Trans
running on a VM/CMS mainframe, these two programs provide rather simple
(easy to learn how to use) file transfer protocols (text, binary, MacBinary)
with appropriate CRC error checking.

XModem is supported (at least in the beta version I'm testing :-) and
George is busy adding Kermit too (coming soon).  There is a discussion
list on BITNET (TINCAN-L).  Docs are shipped on disk with the program.
George spends more time improving the program than writing docs, but
TinCan was written for the Mac from the ground up.  As with most Macware,
you can get along fine with out paying much attention to the docs.


End of Info-Mac Digest