[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V9 #61

info-mac-request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (03/12/91)

Info-Mac Digest             Mon, 11 Mar 91       Volume 9 : Issue 61  

Today's Topics:

      [*] Cubist 1.0
      [*] GIFconverter 2.2d5
      [*] miniWRITER 1.61
      [*] Summary of Mac programming education suggestions
      [*] The Beer Stacks
      DeskZap - new version?
      EPSF file type
      Error in menus
      Helpful shareware authors - an addition
      How to ftp .sit files?
      Hypercard 2.0 Hypertalk scripting books
      InfoMac Query
      MacDraw II 1.1v2 flakiness
      MacSnoop in sumex-aim
      Memory Manager Fx
      QUED/M 2.07->2.09 upgrade
      summary of responses to network tape backup query
      System 7 - getting started
      where is Mike O'Rourke?

The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: 6 Mar 91 19:55 -0600
From: Alan Keahey <umkeahey@ccu.umanitoba.ca>
Subject: [*] Cubist 1.0

Tired of MacII owners having all of the neat screen savers?
This screen saving utility, which shows 3D objects bouncing
around inside your Mac has been specially designed for owners
of small screen Macintoshes. This program is freeware, so
download it today, give it a spin, and enjoy!
[Archived as /info-mac/util/cubist.hqx; 14K]


Date: Thu, 07 Mar 91 03:06:59 EST
From: "Kirke B. Lawton" <LAWK%UORVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: [*] GIFconverter 2.2d5

GIFConverter Copyright 1988-1991 Kevin A. Mitchell
This is the newest version of GIFconverter, the shareware ($40.00)
GIF viewer and a whole lot more.  Works with mac pluses and newer.

[Archived as /info-mac/art/gif/gif-converter-22d5.hqx; 233K]


Date: Wed, 06 Mar 91 11:13:53 GMT
From: Michael Everson <MEVERC95%IRLEARN.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: [*] miniWRITER 1.61

This is miniWRITER 1.61, which I just got from Maitreya Design.
It should replace the version 1.6 which is now in the archives.

Michael Everson

[Archived as /info-mac/da/mini-writer-161.hqx; 113K]


Date: Thu, 7 Mar 91 09:50 PDT
From: "An effective decay-preventing dentifrice when used in a program of daily oral hygiene." <COSTELLO@amstel.llnl.gov>
Subject: [*] Summary of Mac programming education suggestions

	About a week ago, I requested information regarding Macintosh 
programming educational material.  Specifically, I indicated that I have both 
the Meridian Ada compiler and Think C V4.0.  The following is a summary of the 
responses I have received to date.  I have removed the message headers and some 
salutation text.  Thanks to all who replied.

[Archived as /info-mac/report/learning-to-program.txt; 11K]


Date: Thu, 7 Mar 1991 22:07:50 EST
From: IOCONNOR@sunrise.acs.syr.edu
Subject: [*] The Beer Stacks

Enclosed are the Beer stacks.  It is a HC set of stacks which
tells you everything you wanted to know about beer--including
beer types, breweries and recipes.  I did not write the stacks, 
am uploading them.  They were written by Mark Stevens.  Please
see card three of the "Beer Stack" for shareware info.

This is a compact pro self extracting archive.

Keep on Mac'in.

Kieran O'Connor


[Archived as /info-mac/card/beer.hqx; 354K]


Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 05:39:21 PDT
From: REM@suwatson.stanford.edu
Subject: DeskZap - new version?

I am evaluating a shareware desk accessory by Bruce Tomlin called
DeskZap. It's really handy, a kit of 13 nifty utilities such as
view/change file attributes, create file, delete file, rename file, make
folder, etc.
But the version I have (1.3a8, 1986) has a bug whereby almost any
time you are typing in a new filename (such as when creating or
renaming) it takes about 4.5 seconds to echo each character.
I can't currently find DeskZap on Sumex, nor anywhere in the Archie
database, so I presume it's not in any archive anywhere on the InterNet.
Does anybody happen to have a private copy which is a newer version than
what I have, or does anybody know if Bruce Tomlin has an EMAILbox so that
I could ask him myself conveniently?


Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 11:21:13 EST
From: dlandry@ncs.dnd.ca (Dominique Landry)
Subject: EPSF file type

Hello netters!
I'd like to know what Mac applications will allow
one to read EPSF formatted documents ...?
Has this something to do with Poscript matters ...?
Please reply to me directly ...
Internet: dlandry@ncs.dnd.ca


Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 09:42 CST
From: TURNBULL@udlapvms.pue.udlap.mx
Subject: Error in menus

	Hello netters, I'm posting this for someone else, I was asked if I
knew what was going on, and as I did not I told him I would ask you all.
	When working on my Mac II with 4 MB of ram and 40HD with sistem 6.0.5
once in a while I get my menus and dialog box's wrong, all characters seem to
pile up on the first making it imposible to read, this is kind of strange for
it only ocurrs once in a while and never in the same spot twice that is to say
that if I want it to happend, it doesn't and if I don't want it to happend it
	Is there anyone out there that has experience this? Please Help!
	If you can help on this please reply to:
Daniel Ibarra
Universidad de las Americas Puebla


Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 11:28:49 CST
From: Graeme Forbes <PL0BALF@vm.tcs.tulane.edu>
Subject: Helpful shareware authors - an addition

A name to add to Murph Sewall's list of responsive shareware authors:
Michael Libes, otherwise known as Luni or Lunarmobiscuit: Launch, Darkness.
Regular updates online and responds to e-mail messages.

Graeme Forbes


Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 13:07:09 CST
From: GR4486%SIUCVMB.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu (Jack Sun)
Subject: How to ftp .sit files?

Hi people,
Can anybody tell me how to ftp files with .sit extension?  Unlike those with
.hqx, I have never succeeded in getting the .sit files.
I use ftp from CMS system, then use PC TCP/ftp thing to get the file to a DOS
floppy, and then do  Text Translation with Apple-file-exchange.

Any help is appreciated.



Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 14:52 GMT
From: RJC6@vaxa.york.ac.uk
Subject: Hypercard 2.0 Hypertalk scripting books

I received 8 responses to my recent posting. Many thanks to those
who responded. To summarise:
Clear favourite was 'Hypercard 2.0: The Book" by Dan Winkler & Scott
Kamins (ISBN 0-553-34737-3) US$29.95 , CAN$37.95
Comments about Winkler & Scotts book included...
"this one stays on my desk, open, when I am scripting"
"highly recommended"
"my current reference"
"very useful REFERENCE" (i.e. not a tutorial book)
"awesome...has everything..."
One repondent noted that there were some minor annoyances such as
lack of page headers but this one emerged as the clear favourite.
Other books mentioned were 'Cooking with Hypertalk 2.0' by Dan Winkler
& Scott Knaster (ISBN 0-553-34738-1) US$39.95 disk included,
the 'Hypertalk Language Reference' from Claris (especially its quick
reference card)
"Hypertalk Programing" by Dan Shafer has been upgraded to include
Hypercard 2.0 and made, according to one respondent, "less of a reference
(and) more of a tutorial". One person recommended Danny Goodman's 
book as the 'best of a bad lot'. Another said that Goodmans book 
provides a good overview of Hypercard generally and devotes about
half of its 800+ pages to Hypertalk. 'The Complete Hypercard 2.0
Handbook, by Danny Goodman is published by Bantam books US$29.95
(3rd edition) ISBN 0-553-34893-0. Winkler & Scott and Winkler & Knaster
also seem to be published by Bantam.
APDA has a Hypercard 2.0 developers kit cataloged at US$200 but
the respondent wasn't sure what was included in it.
Richard Cox
Psychology Dept
York University, Heslington, York, UK


Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 11:44:34 GMT
From: Andrew Mayo (4) <ajm@computing-science.aberdeen.ac.uk>
Subject: InfoMac Query

                Can anybody help me ??

This is my first attempt at writing an application on a Macintosh SE and I 
have 2 major problems concerning sound :
	1) Having read the Sound Manager chapter in a working draft copy of
Inside Macintosh V , I still haven't the faintest idea how to use internal 
Sound. I only want to generate simple 4 note chords.
	2) It would also be desirable to interface my application to MIDI, I
have a copy of MIDI Management tools (version 2) by APDG, however I am 
programming in the THINK Pascal environment ( by Symantec) and I cannot get 
THINK Pascal to access the MIDI routines. I have tried writing several 
interface routines with absolutely no sucess.

Can anybody please help me. Deadlines are getting close and I am desparate.

Any help would be very gratefully accepted.


Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 15:48:09 PST
From: jeffrey@electron.jpl.nasa.gov (Jeff Chang)
Subject: MacDraw II 1.1v2 flakiness

Has anyone noticed MacDraw II 1.1v2 crashing alot? When I run Multifinder
with MS Word 4.0B and either try to open or print a MacDraw file from the
Finder, I end up in MacsBug. Opening crashes maybe 1/10 tries, printing
>From the Finder crashes maybe 4/10 tries.  This happens sometimes
when Printer Monitor is running as well. The confusing thing is that
I have been running pretty much the same System and Init set for the last
year, and this has only been flaky the last 3 months. I've tried to
run as lean a set of inits as I can.

Mac Plus 2.5Meg
System 6.0.3
Finder 6.1
Print Monitor 1.3
MacsBug 5.4

MacDraw II 1.1v2 (allocated 900K)
MS Word 4.0B (allocated 1024K)

init cdev 3.0
Gatekeeper Aid 1.1
Gatekeeper 1.1.1
Moire 3.00
Responder 1.1.1
Disinfectant Init 2.4

Please respond directly to me. Thanks in advance!

Jeff Chang


Date: 11 Mar 91 13:39:16 GMT
From: hoepfner@heawk1.gsfc.nasa.gov (Patrick Hoepfner)
Subject: MacSnoop in sumex-aim

   I just FTPed MacSnoop from sumex-aim and it appears to be some kind of
demoware but I am not certain.  Inside the program it claims to be the demo
version but the documentation says it has to be labeled "MacSnoop.D" to run.

   The other bit of confusion revolves around the documentation itself.  It
appears to have some problems.  It refers to "deprotecting the files" and also
refers to MacPassword.  What gives?  Is the documentaion messed up or does
MacSnoop really have anything to do with MacPassword?


Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 14:29:44 +0000
From: lempens%BDILUC01.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: Memory Manager Fx

Hi there,

I recently upgraded my old MACII to a MACIIFx.
In the info-mac's was spoken of a bug in the memory manager ROM.  It seems to
me that I notice also that decrease of speed sometimes.  There was a solution
with a init called "MMinit".  I heared rumors that AppleComputer does not recomm
ended the use of this init becose of diskcraches with loss of data/information.
Is there anybody who can help or give information about this problem?

Rik Lempens (LEMPENS@BDILUC01.bitnet)


Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 13:40 EST
From: Bob Beason <BEASON%GENESEO.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: QUED/M 2.07->2.09 upgrade

I just tried to upgrade QUED/M using the upgrade posted in the archives,
but the script would not recognize the program.  I tried putting it in
the same folder as the upgrade script, but it never appeared in the
File Open box.  Did anyone else have the same problem?  Is there some
special trick with QUED/M?  I've used the PUP utility before with no trouble.
Bob Beason


Date: 11 Mar 91 18:08:00 EST
From: "MICHAEL R. ROMAN" <mikero@lns61.tn.cornell.edu>
Subject: summary of responses to network tape backup query

There were 4 responses to my post about network backup for Macs, plus Duane
Small's summary of a similar request he made to comp.mac.sys.apps newsgroups.
His was about backup to floppies. He reports responses from: "6 users of
Fastback II (including one of the people who developed it), 6 users of Disk
Fit, and 4 users of Redux. (People reporting on two packages are counted
twice).  I also received 4 recommendations for Retrospect and 1 for NetStream."
I will include Duane's results concerning Retrospect, FastBack II and
NetStream, since they are the only programs that I'm sure will support network
backup to a 4mm tape. I will also comment on Tecmar's QT Backup.

Retrospect Remote: 6 positive responses. Comments: (the first from Duane's
summary) "Retrospect users were the most enthusiastic of my respondents." "I
can't say enough good things about the product or the support"; "I HATED the
earlier versions of retrospect. The latest release addresses most of my
original complaints. The interface is still a little hard to understand at
first..."; "Retrospect is very easy to use..." This program is also recommended
in MacWorld (12/89 and 11/90 issues).

NetStream+Jetstream: 2 positive, 1 negative response. Comments: "highly
recommended"; (and one from Duane's summary) "...I should mention that I have
since received one message from a *very* disgruntled ex-NetStream user who
complained of many bugs and poor vendor support". This program is also
recommended in MacWorld (12/89 and 11/90 issues).

FastBack II: 7 responses. Comments: "I am greatly pleased." (the rest from
Duane's summary) "It is also the only one that got really negative comments: 
unreliable backups (may have been disk problems rather than software problems);
difficulties with the backup set if the backup is cancelled in the middle and
then restarted; and either mild dislike or utter detestation of its interface"
and "One user (not the developer) said the package was "very intuitive" as well
as powerful and flexible." and "Fastback II is apparently the fastest of the
three I mentioned in my original note, and the only one that significantly
compresses data."

QT Backup: This is recommended in the 12/89 and 11/90 issues of MacWorld. I
called Tecmar; the woman I talked to said she would send me a demo copy of the
program. All I ever got was some literature on backup on PC's and Novell
networks, and some stuff about their tapedrives which mention their software,
but don't go into a whole lot of detail. Also, I talked to some people who own
Amigas and they said that Tecmar dropped their Amiga support because they could
not sell enough stuff to Amiga users. Not too nice for the people who bought
their stuff, I suppose... QT Backup looks like a real nice program; I wish I
could give it a try, but my time is limited.

General comments: Patrick Hoepfner gave some good advice: "You should look
first for software that does the job that you need THEN find out what tape
drives the software supports." He also observed (correctly) that 4mm drives are
easier on their tapes than their 8mm counterparts. Those considerations, and
the fact that my data will currently fit on one 4mm tape led me to decide on
4mm as the way to go for me. Hopefully, 4mm drives will be able to write more
than 1.4GB before the amount of data on my network will expand past that limit.
Even if that doesn't happen, 2 4mm tapes won't take up much room...

My three finalists are: Retrospect Remote, NetStream, and QT Backup. I will
probably rule out QT Backup based on support considerations. Netstream (by
PCPC) looks promising; I've used PCPC's HFS Backup 3.0 and was well satisfied
by that product. Also, the response from users and MacWorld was positive except
for one disgruntled ex-user. Retrospect Remote is probably what I will go
with, based on the enthusiasm I see from the users and from MacWorld, and based
on the fact that it looks like it will be least expensive solution to my


Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 11:34:34 CST
From: Graeme Forbes <PL0BALF@vm.tcs.tulane.edu>
Subject: System 7 - getting started

Now that System 7 is due in mid-May I suppose I will be unable to resist
installing it fairly quickly, even tho' I expect lots of problems with
unclean applications I can't live without.

Since I have 30meg free on my 80-meg hard disk my inclination is to
create a 10/15 meg partition and install S7 in the partition so that a
simple change of startup volume and restart will get me back to 6.0.7
when necessary.

Does anyone have any views about this strategy? I am aware that Apple
recommends against two systems on the same disk, even if in different
volumes. I am also aware of a distinction between "hard" and "soft"
partitioning, but don't know what it means (for the former, you take
a meat cleaver to your hard disk?). What's the best software for
partitioning (I already have MultiPartition, which came with DiskExpress,
and Partition, which came with MacTools Deluxe)?

Thanks in advance for advice. I'll summarize to the net.

Graeme Forbes


Date: 11 Mar 91 18:10:00 EST
From: "MICHAEL R. ROMAN" <mikero@lns61.tn.cornell.edu>
Subject: where is Mike O'Rourke?

I tried to send the shareware fee to Mike O'Rourke for Unity 3.1; the post
office returned the letter I sent to him. Apparently, the address listed in
the program is no longer valid. Where are you, Mike?

Mike Roman,        mikero@lns61.tn.cornell.edu


End of Info-Mac Digest