[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V9 #62

info-mac-request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (03/13/91)

Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 12 Mar 91       Volume 9 : Issue 62  

Today's Topics:

      [*] Morse Code trainer!
      [*] orb-mazez-10b2.hqx (New Version)
      [*] teach-text-maker-12.hqx
      1 GC, 2 Monitors?
      8-24 GC and Apple service
      AppleTalk/PhoneNet Question
      Font/DA mover trouble
      Helpful Shareware Authors
      Help needed for getting MacMS
      How to ftp .sit files?
      HyperCard Picture XCMD Bug?
      Info-Mac Digest V9 #61
      LaserWriter Access Restrictions
      Memory Manager Fx
      Mildly Misleading & Insulting
      Modula-2 compiler
      Not Really Sure...
      Oregon Speed-code Universe - What & Where?
      Personnal Word 4.0 glossary and ASCII files
      QUED/M 2.07->2.09 upgrade
      ResEdit 2.1 and Think C==
      System 7 partition
      The MacClassic Keyboard
      Word 4.0 crashes on Mac IIfx

The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: Thu, 7 Mar 1991 22:51:15 EST
From: IOCONNOR@sunrise.acs.syr.edu
Subject: [*] Morse Code trainer!

Since someone else asked for a Morse code trainer--I figure
the archives could use it too.  So here it is.  A program to
help you learn morse code.  Great for aspiring Ham Radio folks.

See the about box for author info.  I did not create this, but am
uploading for the 'net.

Keep on Mac'in!

Kieran O'Connor

[Archived as /info-mac/app/morse-code.hqx; 54K]


Date: Fri, 8 Mar 91 16:21:02 GMT
From: smw@ozone.biom.csiro.au (Stephen Wilson)
Subject: [*] orb-mazez-10b2.hqx (New Version)

version 1.0 beta 2
Copyright 1990-91 Stephen Wilson
$10 Shareware

Orb Mazez is a two-player game similar to Maze-Wars (you see a 3-D 
view) but with a divided screen so that both players can play on 
the same computer.
Basically, you must try to find and kill your opponent on each 
level, collecting goodies along the way.


Features include...

 - Full colour 3-D graphics
 - Digitized sound
 - Online help
 - An extensive array of objects in the mazes
 - Statistics at the end of each game
 - Customizable keys, game length and sound volume

Version 1.0b2 is basically a bug-fix release.  If there are no 
further problems, it will probably be the last version.
Changes include...

 - The sound, which previously didn't work on most computers has
   been fixed.  A related bug which caused crashes upon quitting
   has disappeared as a consequence.
 - The animation is far smoother and slightly quicker
 - Numerous bugs to do with poor keyboard control have been fixed
 - The online help system has been improved

Bug reports, questions, etc. gladly accepted.
Source code in MPW C 3.0 is also available, by sending me a disk.  
Details are on the game's title screen.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/orb-mazez-10b2.hqx; 293K]


Date: Thu, 07 Mar 91 20:29:47 +0100
From: GHGAQZ0%BLEKUL11.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: [*] teach-text-maker-12.hqx

Creating TeachText readme files containing Pictures in the past was something
most people didn't like to do. Moreover many people didn't even  know how to do
it. It was a complex task, juggling resources,  using ResEdit. So there weren't
too many TeachText files with Pictures about. And yet, TeachText is an ideal
instrument for readme documents and online-manuals of all kinds: it launches
quickly, uses little memory and above all: everybody's got it.

So I decided to write an application to create TeachText files as easily as it
is to create a MacWrite document, using cut&paste-like commands. The result was:
TeachText Maker (TTM).

This is version 1.2 which includes

* several bug fixes.
* you can choose between automatic or manual screen refreshing.
* multifinder friendly (allows time for background tasks)

TeachTextMaker is $15 shareware. See archive for details.
TeachTextMaker may be distributed anywhere as long as you don't
make any money out of it.

[Archived as /info-mac/util/teach-text-maker-12.hqx; 66K]


Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 10:22 EST
From: "Mark Nutter, Apple Support" <MANUTTER@grove.iup.edu>
Subject: 1 GC, 2 Monitors?

I never got any replies to my original posting about a 2-monitor setup with one
regular video card and one 8.24GC (accelerated) video card.  I take it either
nobody has seen any problems with this setup, or else nobody has ever seen this
setup.  If you have any experience at all with using one 8.24GC card in a
multiple-monitor environment, or if you have even heard any rumors, could you
please drop me an E-line :-) ?  I'd hate to have this faculty member invest all
that taxpayer's money in an accelerated video card and then not be able to use
it because of unexpected conflicts.  Thanks much.

Mark Nutter   [MANUTTER@IUP]
Apple Support Manager, Indiana University of Pennsylvania


Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1991 13:48:00 EST
From: MON2IER@sunrise.acs.syr.edu (Mark Monmonier)
Subject: 8-24 GC and Apple service

We ordered an 8-24 GC for a Mac II last Spring.  After numerous promises
and postponements, it arrived this fall.  It never has worked properly with
MacDraw and several other applications.  The most annoying symptom has been
a failure to reproduce on the printer (LaserWriter II/sc) the fill patterns
shown on the screen.  Several service technicians have carried out tests
and reported the results back to Apple, which seems to act as if the problem
will go away if they do nothing and ignore me.

Has anyone had success with a plain old Mac II (with 8 Mg), the 8-24 GC,
and a LaserWriter II/sc, running (say) MacDraw II?

Does anyone know whether Apple has an ombudsman, who will not only listen
to the complaint but do something constructive to rectify it?  If not, any
ideas for getting some satisfaction about this rather expensive lemon would
be appreciated.

Mark Monmonier
Geography Deparment, Syracuse Unviersity


Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 20:16 EST
From: ND3Y@vax5.cit.cornell.edu
Subject: AppleTalk/PhoneNet Question

Fellow Mac-People,

I have a simple question about AppleTalk and PhoneNet networks.  Is it OK to
mix Farrallon and Apple connections between computers and a LaserWriter within
the same local network?  I have my own Farrallon PhoneNet boxes, but the lab
I've moved to has the SE and LaserWriter hooked up with Apple's cables.  I was
wondering if I could just connect my PhoneNet connectors into the sockets of
the Apple boxes.  Thanks very much for your help.

Jon Stewart


Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 14:09:41 EST
From: Jacob S Weinstein <jacobw@phoenix.princeton.edu>
Subject: Font/DA mover trouble

	I'm having a problem with Font/DA mover. When I try to install a
new font or DA into my system, I get a message saying, "Sorry- Font/DA
mover cannot change this file unless you use a different startup disk."
As long as I am not trying to modify the currently running system, I'm fine;
in order to install fonts or DAs, I just reboot from a floppy. 
	But I didn't use to need to do this, and it doesn't seem to be
a problem on other Macs, with the exception of one belonging to a friend.
She uses almost all of the same software I use, so perhaps the problem
is with an init or something.
	Any suggestions?

	-Jacob Weinstein


Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 08:28:11 PST
From: ISCJCW@uccvma.ucop.edu
Subject: Helpful Shareware Authors

>From:  Jerry Wilcox             ISCJCW@UCCVMA    (415)987-0516
Subject: Helpful Shareware Authors
I'd like to add Mark Wahl of Green Mountain Software (DocMaker) to the list of
shareware authors who are most helpful. Upon registering for DocMaker, he
sends a disk containing the latest version of the program plus complete
documentation. On mine there was also another of his shareware programs, for
examination. Once you are registered, you can send your disk back for the
latest version and documentation whenever the package is updated.

Also, Bill Goodman (Compact Pro) has already been mentioned, but I'd
especially like to note that Bill is active on several on-line services and is
very prompt to respond to questions or problem reports. So far, he's given me
better response for a small shareware contribution than I've gotten for
several commercial packages costing hundreds more (not to mention the lack of
support from Apple itself, for a system costing thousands more :-)= )

Disclaimer: These are my own personal opinions, not my employer's.
+ Jerry Wilcox -- ISCJCW@UCCVMA.ucop.edu -- phone: (415)987-0516 +


Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 18:18:45 -0500
From: jonathan@nis.ans.net (Jonathan Miller)
Subject: Help needed for getting MacMS

To whom it may concern:

I'm new to the internet and would like to download a mail program for my
Mac IIci.  I've heard that it's called MacMS.  I'm running TCP/IP directly
out of my Mac onto Ethernet.  We have a unix (AIX) mail server.  Right now
I telnet to the server to send and receive mail, but, naturally, would like
something better.

I've poked around a bit in imap/ and info-mac/ but am thoroughly confused.
What exactly need I download, how do I convert it for Mac or AIX, and where 
should it reside??

Thanks in advance for your help,




Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 9:18:41 CST
From: Dave Milton <milton@ccu.umanitoba.ca>
Subject: How to ftp .sit files?

> Hi people,
> Can anybody tell me how to ftp files with .sit extension?  Unlike those with
> .hqx, I have never succeeded in getting the .sit files.
> I use ftp from CMS system, then use PC TCP/ftp thing to get the file to a DOS
> floppy, and then do  Text Translation with Apple-file-exchange.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Jack
There are 3 problems with the above procedure and all are related to the
fact that .sit files are NOT text.
1) The actual ftp must be done in a binary fashion. Once you have connected
   to the remote system issue the ftp command 'binary'. This will allow you
   binary transfers on all files you 'get' or 'mget'.
2) When you ftp the file down to the PC issue the binary commmand before
   starting the transfer.
2) Do not do a Text Translation with Apple-file-exchange. Instead, use the
   default 'copy' mode where no translation of the file is done.
That should work. Whenever transferring files from remote systems check the
type of file you are getting. If it is not text then remember to transfer
it with a binary transfer.

  Dave Milton


Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91  11:17:14 MST
From: EPETERS%CSUGREEN.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu (Eric L. Peters: Radiol. & Rad. Biol., CSU)
Subject: HyperCard Picture XCMD Bug?

Hello All:

I was trying to do some scripting in HyperTalk (i.e., wasting time)
last weekend and I came upon what appears to be a bug in the Picture
XCMD included with HyperCard 2.0.  According to my reference (Winkler
& Kamins' "HyperTalk 2.0:  The Book"), I should be able to load a
PICT resource by specifying its location and name, and display it in
one of several window types, using specified coordinates to determine
the size and position of the window, e.g.,

picture pictureName,resource, dialog, "10,40,236,188"

should open a picture window that has the same name as pictureName
that contains a graphic that is stored as a PICT resource in the
stack from which this command is called.  The PICT should then open
(in this example) in a dialog box-type window with the rectangular
coordinates (left,top,right,bottom) indicated above.

Unfortunately, the only part of this command that does NOT appear
to work is the window position command.  No matter what parameters
I use for the window rect, the window always opens in the center
of my screen.  I have also found that I cannot put the window rect
coordinates into a variable name without including quotes for the
text and using the VALUE of the variable name, i.e.,

  put quote & "10,40,236,188" & quote into frameSize

puts text of the right syntax into the variable (frameSize), and

  set the rect of window pictureName to (the value of frameSize)

Moves the window to the correct position on the screen, but

The following script DOES work, but the results are not quite what
I want.  What happens is the window opens in the wrong position
(centered on the screen) and then jumps to the correct position.

on openCard
  global pictureName,frameSize
  put empty into pictureName
  put empty into frameSize
  get line 1 of bg field "Species"
  put it into pictureName
  put quote & "10,40,236,188" & quote into frameSize
  picture pictureName, resource, rect
  if there is a window pictureName then
    hide window pictureName
    set the rect of window pictureName to (the value of frameSize)
     show window pictureName
  end if
end openCard

AAARGH!!!  Ahem.  This is annoying, because the lock screen command
does not hide the picture window when it is opened or moved, so the
users of this stack see picture windows jumping all over the place
each time each time they switch cards.

Has anyone had any experience with this command that can help me see
what I am doing wrong?  Also, does anyone know how (or if) you can
close these or other windows (e.g. palettes) when switching to another
open stack?  Mine are still floating there when I switch to another
stack.  I have already wasted considerable time on this thing, and I
would be ever so grateful for an answer.  I will happily post a
summary of the replies, and any helpful script examples that result
to the Digest.

By the way, I have found no mention of this XCMD or its syntax in the
HyperCard help stacks.

Thanks a lot!

* Eric L. Peters                   EPETERS@CSUGREEN.UCC.COLOSTATE.EDU *


Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 18:28:01 PST
From: Michael O'Henly <LUX@uvvm.uvic.ca>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V9 #61

Re: How to ftp .sit files? (Jack Sun)

   Assuming that you are successfully ftp'ing .hqx files but having trouble
with .sit files...  What you want to do is tell FTP that the file you're
downloading is in binary format.  In FTP, enter "binary" or "type i" before
you "get" the .sit file you're after...

   Michael O'Henly

   McPherson Library, University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., Canada.


Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 08:20:50 EST
From: Mark Edward Toomey <MTOOMEY@uga.cc.uga.edu>
Subject: LaserWriter Access Restrictions

Can anyone tell me if there's an init/cdev fix to prevent certain groups
on an AppleShare network from accessing certain Rdevs, especialy Laser-
Writers? For example, is it possible to limit Zone #1's access to the
LaserWriter on Zone #2 and visa versa? Something like Chooser User perhaps?

* Mark Edward Toomey                  Internet: mtoomey@uga.cc.uga.edu *


Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 00:03:29 EST
From: Murph Sewall <SEWALL%UCONNVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Memory Manager Fx

On Mon, 11 Mar 91 14:29:44 +0000 you said:
>I recently upgraded my old MACII to a MACIIFx.
>In the info-mac's was spoken of a bug in the memory manager ROM.  It seems to
>me that I notice also that decrease of speed sometimes.  There was a solution
>with a init called "MMinit".  I heared rumors that AppleComputer does not
>the use of this init becose of diskcraches with loss of data/information.

I used the INIT for awhile on a IIci with 8 MB RAM.  I didn't notice any
change in speed, but I did notice strange behavior leading to
unexplained system hangs which went away when I removed the INIT.  I've
lost count of the number of INIT's I'm running so no telling what sort of
undesirable interaction could have occurred.  The peculiar behavior seems
also to be associated with Rear Window MF (which works quite well under
Finder alone) an otherwise VERY handy INIT I'd prefer to keep using.


Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 10:08:42 -0500
From: Jonathan Mills <jwmills@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu>
Subject: Mildly Misleading & Insulting

The new Cubist screen saver is not just designed for users of small-screen
Macs, it is designed *not* to work with small Macs that have been enhanced
with a large display.

Worse, the author, Alan Keahey, appears to take a perverse pride in this
design, presenting a mildly insulting screen to the user who has managed
to escape the bounds of 9" Macs.

I would not object, except that the "advertisement" for Cubist implies
that the program is for small-screen Macs versus the Mac II series. Thus,
Keahey was able to con some number of folks into wasting net bandwidth to
transfer a program over that we won't use (switch to a 9" screen to use
Cubist -- no way!), and further, get his chuckle after we extract the
program, and then find his message on the screen instead of a screen-saver.

I suggest posting a revised description of Cubist, such as "Only works on
a 9" screen; does not support larger screen sizes".



Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 21:38:39 EST
From: Andre Dumais <dre%RAMSEY.CS.LAURENTIAN.CA@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Modula-2 compiler

Fellow netters,
   Quite some time ago there was a Modula-2 compiler for the mac, in the
archives. I can no longer find it, and really need it.  I was hoping that
someone out there may have have a copy of one.  If so could you please
post it, or if possible mail it to me.  This would be greatly appreciated.




Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 2:31:48 CST
From: bdolson@casbah.acns.nwu.edu (Brian Olson)
Subject: Not Really Sure...

This will probably sound quite naive to you, but how can I have files sent
to me directly.  Presently I am typing "get filex.hqx" and then closing the
ftp going to kermit, and then typing "send filex.hqx" and I then receive
the file using Microphone II 3.0 Receive Kermit File.  I know there is an
easier way, but I really have no idea how to do it.  I have downloaded the
zmodem.part*.shar, but I don't know how to make them one file, and then to
utilize them so I can receive files using the zmodem protocol.  Please make
the directions very simple, and go through all the steps.  The people at
our computer center here at Northwestern have been no help at all.   They
don't know how to do it.  I would really like to change the way I do that,
so then I can actually get the deskwriter driver 2.1 which I can't get
becuase it exceeds my disk quota!  I really appreciate your help.


Brian Olson


Date: 12 Mar 91  8:11
From: Constantin.Kahn@cdc2.c.mathematik.uni-hannover.dbp.de
Subject: Oregon Speed-code Universe - What & Where?

The January 1991 issue of the APDAlog has on p.8 a quote by Cary Tengler,
Technical Markets Manager for Higher Education at Apple, stating:
  > Several schools are working on a NeXTstep(R) type of environment. Of
  > special note is Oregon Speed-code Universe (OSU) from Oregon State
  > University (OSU) which is an interface builder [for the Mac].
Does anyone know more about this project? Is there an FTP site from which a
(beta) release is available? Any information will be appreciated!

Constantin P. Kahn, Dept. of Mathematics, U. of Hannover, Germany


Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 07:42 N
From: "jordi@sc2a.unige.ch ==> S. Jordi, Geneva, Switzerland" <JORDI%sc2a.unige.ch@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Personnal Word 4.0 glossary and ASCII files

Hi netters,
I've got an ASCII file containing a list of technical words. I would
like to use it as a personal glossary in Microsoft Word. So, my problem is
to know how to convert it into a usable glossary.
When in Word, I can't open it as a glossary. I don't want to enter each word
one by one, because there is >20'000 entries ! I also didn't find any
explanation in the Microsoft Word 4.0 User's manual.
And remember: don't worry, be Apple!

Thanks for any help!

Steve Jordi: Jordi@sicsun3.epfl.ch or Jordi@sc2a.unige.ch or CIS: 70143,3056


Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1991 08:06 ADT
From: Stan Armstrong <ARMSTRONG@husky1.stmarys.ca>
Subject: QUED/M 2.07->2.09 upgrade

I had the same problem until I thought to make a fresh copy of 2.07
>From my master disk. Then everything went normally.


Date: Mon, 11 Mar 91 21:04 EDT
From: "G. Watts -- Rochester" <WATTS@urpas>
Subject: ResEdit 2.1 and Think C==

Hi y'all,
  I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this... but

  a) APDA tells me (via their 1-800-282-2732 number) that ResEdit 2.1 is
	on CompuServe and America Online.  Is it there because they are
	charging for it?  Or because that is their current method of
	distribution.  When I called they said that APDA wouldn't be
	selling ResEdit 2.1 until April, or so.  What is the deal?  And,
	if it is free, why isn't it on apple.com?

  b) Does anyone know of Symmantic's plans for the next version of Think C?
	Like -- are they going C++?

Gordon Watts
BITNET: watts@uorhep
INET: gwatts@rutphy.rutgers.edu


Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 11:52:47 CST
From: Graeme Forbes <PL0BALF@vm.tcs.tulane.edu>
Subject: System 7 partition

Thanks to all those who responded to my query about installing System 7
in a partition on a hard disk with 6.0.7 already on it. The clear favorite
for creating the partition is La Cie's Silver Lining. Everyone recommends
hard partitioning, as provided by SL, over soft partitioning, as provided
by various other programs. You can tell which is which, apparently,
because hard partitioning will require you to reformat your disk.

Having to reformat is a pain, so first of all I will try Murph Sewall's
recommendation that I use System Switcher on a single disk with no

There seems to be wide agreement that System 7 is currently pretty
stable, and works with most applications. I received a number of
warnings about inits, tho'. In the near future, someone will be posting
a report on init compatibility with the current S7 beta.

Graeme Forbes


Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 11:31:03 EST
From: gateh%conncoll.bitnet@forsythe.stanford.edu
Subject: The MacClassic Keyboard

> It's worse than just mushy; it's one of the worst keyboards to touchtype
> on I've ever used - the Commodore PET's Chicklet keyboard was worse.  I've
> only had my Classic for a few months; maybe I'll get used to it.  You're
> right about the layout, though.  Now if they could just replace the damn
> switches!

>From what I recall of a product demo by an Apple engineer, the
keyboard doesn't have switches.  Apparently they used a "sheet" of
conductive material, and then worked long and hard on a foam or some
such substance between the "sheet" and the keys which roughly gave
the feel of switches.  I believe this is what contributes to "mushy"
feeling that some get from the keyboard.  Of course this type of
construction saves them much $$$ on the production of the keyboard...
I can't help but wonder if and how the feel will change over time.

Gregg TeHennepe  **  gateh@conncoll.bitnet  **  Connecticut College


Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 07:15:55 -0500
From: adamson@itd.nrl.navy.mil (Brian Adamson)
Subject: Word 4.0 crashes on Mac IIfx

   I have been having problems with my Mac IIfx repeatedly crashing when
running Microsoft Word 4.0.  It seems to occur most often when working
with large documents.  I've tried several different preventative measures
to keep this from happening.  I've thought the problem was solved once or
twice, but it seems to re-occur.  I had one Word document which caused the
machine to crash every time I opened it.  I tried removing several inits
one at a time and after removing AfterDark, I had no trouble with that
document.  But, still the machine crashes occasionally while running
Word.  I've also had a couple of different applications give me the
"Application has unexpectedly quit" message when starting them up, particularly
MacDraw II 1.1.

   My system configuration is as follows:

     Mac IIfx w/ 8 meg RAM
     Radius 19" color display with Radius one-card 24 bit color 
     & graphics accelerator (I don't remember the nomenclature)
     System 6.0.5 running Multifinder 6.0.5
     Some inits: although I've removed them in the past to track this bug
     On Cue, TOPS, Suitcase, Gatekeeper,      

     If anyone has any insight into this problem, drop me a line.  It will
     be greatly appreciated.  My suspicions to the problem at this point.
     Undocumented further problem w/ Memory Manager, some problem with
     my Radius graphics accelerator/24 bit card.  I also forgot to mention
     I use a Kensington TurboMouse, I've heard rumors of problems here, but
     I'm getting complete crashes not just horizontally or vertically
     restrained mouse movement.  Anybody?


					Brian Adamson


End of Info-Mac Digest