[comp.sys.mac.digest] Info-Mac Digest V9 #78

info-mac-request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) (04/02/91)

Info-Mac Digest             Mon,  1 Apr 91       Volume 9 : Issue 78  

Today's Topics:

      [*] ChangeCursor
      [*] PopChar 1.4
      [*] submission of crab-attack-ii.hqx
      [*] System Software 7.0
      [*] Wallpaper for the Mind v1.1
      6.0.7 one last time
      7.0b4 help needed re redirection of stdin/stdout
      backup programs
      cheap mac+ accelerators
      HC Virus and SAM 3.0
      IBM Proprinter on a Mac?
      Mathematica 2.0
      PostScript Stuff
      Problems with MacTCP and System 7.0b4 (as well as othe 7.0b4 problems)
      request info on cluster analysis
      Responses to Virtual memory in Sys 7.0
      Scott Berfield's address
      Skipping Stuffing
      Sort Order & Intl Ctrl Panel
      Speeding up your Mac...
      Standardizing documentations
      System 6.0.7
      Tape Backup
      The Mac Classic System
      TrueType & 6.0.5
      using Sony CD-ROM
      WordPerfect / Word 4.0 File Translation

The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa, Lance Nakata, and Jon Pugh.

The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[].  Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.

Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.

Date: Tue, 19 Mar 91 16:54:45 +0100
From: mattt@cs.umu.se
Subject: [*] ChangeCursor

Tired of the arrowcursor? Well, here is a little CDEV called
ChangeCursor v1.1, that vill fix that!
Just choose another cursor in the CDEV:s list and reboot. If you 
dont like them, add some more or change them with ResEdit.

Feel free to send comments (and bugreports...) to me.

Happy Macing!

[Archived as /info-mac/cdev/change-cursor-11.hqx; 12K]


Date: Wed, 20 Mar 91 09:33:14 SET
From: Guenther Blaschek <Blaschek%EDVZ.UNI-Linz.AC.AT@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: [*] PopChar 1.4

Here is the latest version of the PopChar cdev. Version 1.4 has an option to
"pop" the window below the menu bar (instead of on top of it). Furthermore,
It contains a couple of corrections. For example, the window's background is
now always erased before the characters are drawn. This should correct a
problem with some color monitors.
gue -- Guenther Blaschek -- k331671@alijku11.bitnet -- gue@soft.uni-linz.ac.at

[Archived as /info-mac/cdev/pop-char-14.hqx; 22K]


Date: Tue, 19 Mar 1991 20:14 CST
From: Stark Raving <TRIMPERG%LAWRENCE.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: [*] submission of crab-attack-ii.hqx

This is Crab Attack II, a shareware game
where the object is to shoot all sorts of
nasty crabs and lobsters and such.  See the
About for Shareware info.

Downloaded from AOL.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/crab-attack-ii.hqx; 282K]


Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1991 19:05:07 PST
From: "J. Sculley" <moof@apple.com>
Subject: [*] System Software 7.0

Greetings and salutations, erstwhile netters.
Please enjoy downloading the latest release of our system software.

J. Sculley
[Archived as /info-mac/apple/sw.license/README.txt; 10K
             /info-mac/apple/sw.license/70-install-1.hqx; 1172K
             /info-mac/apple/sw.license/70-install-2.hqx; 902K
             /info-mac/apple/sw.license/70-utilities.hqx; 1464K
             /info-mac/apple/sw.license/70-fonts.hqx; 1022K
             /info-mac/apple/sw.license/70-printing.hqx; 879K]


Date: Wed, 20 Mar 91 11:49:38 -0800
From: John Peterson <jp@apple.com>
Subject: [*] Wallpaper for the Mind v1.1

This is Wallpaper for the Mind, v1.1.  This draws interesting
chaotic patters using a simple formula published in a Scientific
American article a while back.  v1.1 fixes a few minor bugs in
the original (1987) version, and also now works with video cards
requiring more than 1M of screen memory.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/wallpaper-for-the-mind-11.hqx; 21K]


Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1991 09:22 EST
From: "Michael A. McGuire, UTCC" <MCGUIRE@utkvx.utk.edu>
Subject: 6.0.7 one last time

  I appreciate the responses to my statements regarding system 6.0.7.
I will try to clarify my points. 
1. The comments by Apple have all been made privately.  They say unless you 
   need it (Classic, LC, SI, TrueType, etc.) leave it alone.  In print Apple 
   says it runs on all Macs.  My experience says it runs but not without 
   bombing frequently.  (We are something like the 100th largest mac site in 
   the U.S. so we have a lot of macs to give a basis for comparison.)  Don't 
   get me wrong.  I like the new features and the new Macs.  But I have even 
   had problems installing it on IIsis.

2. Every developer we beta for says they same thing.  "Leave 6.0.7 alone."
   They are encountering they same problems that we are.

  So we are telling our people, I if you need it use it.  If you don't need
it we do not recommend it.  Or in other words "CAVEAT EMPTOR."

  On another track, we are having problems using system 7.0b4 above 16MB.
We have reported this to Apple but have gotten no response.  Since one of
the FEATURES of 7.0 was the ability to use large blocks of memory this 
seems to be a major problem.  Any information anyone else can supply
would be appreciated.  Contact me directly for more information.  Thanks.

  I am the only one who said it.  You have only me to blame.

Michael McGuire


Date: 31 Mar 91 20:03 EST
From: science@oasys.dt.navy.mil (Mark Zimmermann)
Subject: 7.0b4 help needed re redirection of stdin/stdout

Could anybody advise me where to begin reading in the 7.0b4 documentation
to help me set up a *very* simple interprocess communication system between
two programs?  Specifically, I want to do something that is nearly trivial
under UNIX:  I want one program to launch another one and to maintain control
of standard input/output for that second (server-like) process.  Thus, at
present I have a working program (written using THINK C) which responds to
console input and displays its results on the teletype-style console.  I
need to put another `shell' around it, in a sense.  Is that trivial, possible,
difficult, or what?  I have not, thus far, been able to see a straightforward
way to begin to approach this, after perusing the Apple Event Registry and
Inside Macintosh Volume VI, etc., on the 7.0b4 CD-ROM.  Help!!! :-)  - ^z
(Mark Zimmermann, science@oasys.dt.navy.mil, or AppleLink `zimmermann')


Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1991 08:30 CST
From: Stark Raving <TRIMPERG@lawrence.edu>
Subject: apple.com

You can find things like system software disk images and the True-Type
Communication disks at apple.com in the /pub/dts/sw-license directory.

They DO have Sys 6.0.7, but don't have things like ResEdit or MacsBug.

greg trimper @ his computer


Date: Mon, 1 Apr 1991 09:16 CST
From: Stark Raving <TRIMPERG@lawrence.edu>
Subject: backup programs

Marshall Carroll <NU163467@vm1.nodak.edu> writes:
>I would like to backup the contents of my 40 Mb Quantum hard disk
>(on a IIsi) onto floppies such that the directory structure will remain
>intact when (and if) I have to restore the contents from the floppies.
>What are some good, simple, inexpensive programs that can do this?
>They don't have to be super quick. Is HFS backup a good choice? What
>does HFS stand for? 
HFS Backup is one of the nicest backup programs that I have seen
as far as interface and directory displaying and printing are
concerned.  It writes files in an archive format, not in Finder
format, and is allows absolute selection of any mix of files. It
lacks one thing,though, and that is compression.  Thus, my new
favorite is MacTools Backup.  Nice interface (better in color), 
lots of disk options, can backup to tapes, and does an almost 50%
compression.  All that, and it is PART of MacTools.  For $50, 
it is a great package deal, even if you only use FileEdit and
Fastback has a less than pleasant interface, and its tendency
to have the drive spin as you insert a floppy makes me nervous,
even though Fifth Generation assured me it was safe.  
Apple's HDBackup program is not even recommended by Apple any more:
"Several third party solutions are available."  Seems that
HDBackup, besides being one of the UGLIEST programs as far as 
interface and data storage go, does not even work properly
under multifinder or newer systems.  Yay Apple!  
They all preserve directory structure during a restore.
I still use HFS Backup to print directories of my HD every once 
in a while.  It does a very nice job of that.
BTW, HFS stands for Hierarchical File System.  
Greg Trimper @ his computer   "This space for rent"


Date: Mon, 1 Apr 91 10:11:12 PST
From: HARRIS%ORN.ESNET@esnmrg.nersc.gov
Subject: cheap mac+ accelerators

Two items--------

1. A cheap accelerator for the Mac +?

A few weeks ago I saw a short article in Macweek by Henry Norr on an
inexpensive ($250) two-chip accelerator upgrade for the Mac + that increases
its overall speed by about a factor of 3. It is offered by Brainstorm, Inc
(formerly Mac Doctor), telephone 415-964-2131. I called them, and found out
that what they do is take your logic board, put a 16 MHz 68000 CPU chip on top
of the existing one (solder-on clip) and also replace an Apple timing chip with
an ASIC that increase the speed of of transfers between the CPU, RAM, ROM, and
the SCSI port. You ship them the board and they turn it around in a few days.
You can keep your old memory as long as it is 120 ns or faster. They claimed
that there are no software compatibility problems (although it won't of course,
run virtual memory in Sys. 7 because it isn't a 68030, and it doesn't have
a floating point co-processor.)

There are probably a lot of folks out there who would like to speed up their
Pluses and don't want to spend a lot of $$ or buy a new machine. The Brainstorm
upgrade sounds like just the thing if it works. Has anyone tried it?

2. An inexpensive hard-shell carrying case for the Mac.

I recently got a brochure from BCM, Inc. (tel. 800-432-5211, ext 917)
advertising a lightweight (8 lbs) hard-shell case for compact Macs. It has room
for the Mac, the keyboard and an external hard disk or portable printer. It is
double walled, sealed, and can be used as checked airline luggage. It costs
only $130 (compare with $300 and up for heavier cases). It sounds great--as
light as a soft case but more versatile. Has anyone out there tried it?

Responses to net or me personally solicited.

Jeff Harris
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
tel. 615-576-3969


Date: Mon, 1 Apr 91 13:14:26 EST
From: "Joel B. Levin" <levin@bbn.com>
Subject: HC Virus and SAM 3.0

Forwarded at the request of the author of SAM.


For SAM 3.0 Users:
A new Macintosh HyperCard virus has been found and has been named the HC Virus.
The virus infects only HyperCard stacks, and is mostly annoying. With SAM 3.0
you can download the latest Virus Definitions file from the Symantec bulletin
board which includes both detection and repair of stacks infected with this
virus. You can also enter a virus definition via SAM Virus Clinic 3.0 if you
only require detection capabilities for this virus. The proper virus definition
for SAM 3.0 is included here.
SAM 3.0 Virus Definition For HC Virus
Open the Data Definitions dialog in SAM 3.0 Virus Clinic by choosing "Add
Definition (Data)" from the Definitions menu. Then enter the following
               Virus Name: HC Virus
                File Type: STAK
Search String pop-up menu: ASCII
 Search String text field: if char 1 to 2 of LookAtDate <11
The string in the Search String text field above is an ASCII string. Blank area
between words are spaces. The string IS case sensitive.
As a guard against incorrect entry, SAM 3.0 has a "Check field" in the
Definitions dialog boxes. If all of the above information is entered correctly,
then your check field should be A0BD.
Note that SAM 2.0 had the capability to detect and repair Hypercard viruses
(such as Dukakis), but did NOT have a data definitions entry dialog. This is
new to SAM 3.0.
Paul Cozza
SAM Author


Date: Mon, 01 Apr 91 10:29:32 CST
From: "Joseph Counsil, Research Engineer" <C0428@umrvmb.umr.edu>
Subject: IBM Proprinter on a Mac?

I submitted this question a few issues back, but got no reply...

Has anyone tried an IBM Proprinter on a Mac?  My configuration is a Mac+,
IBM Proprinter with parallel port.  Obviously, I will need a serial port
on the Proprinter, a cable, and most importantly printer driver software.
What do I need from where to accomplish this?

If you have some answers or opinions, you may contact me at:

C0428@UMRVMB.EDU (on the Bitnet)



Date: Mon, 01 Apr 91 17:36:19 CST
From: Bill Goffe <H2ZR1001%SMUVM1.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Mathematica 2.0

Has anybody tried Mathematica 2.0? I'm interested if the numerical
performance on linear algebra has improved over earlier versions.

Bill Goffe
h2zr1001 @ smuvm1


Date: Sun, 31 Mar 91 19:51:36 est
From: Edna R Yahil <eyahil@libserv1.ic.sunysb.edu>
Subject: PostScript Stuff

Howdy!  I have a Mac IIsi with a color display and am interested in buying a
printer.  If you had about $2000 to spend, would you get a 300 dpi laser printer
or an HP PaintJet[D[D[D Jet?  Also, how important is PostScript compatibility?  Does
Adobe Type Manager make up for not having it?  If it doesn't, what does ATM do
exactly?  As you can see, I know next to nothing about printers.  Any
information you can offer would be very appreciated.  Thank you.

-Edna Yahil



Date: Mon, 01 Apr 91 16:40:38 EST
From: Jason D. Blue <jblue@mwunix.mitre.org>
Subject: Problems with MacTCP and System 7.0b4 (as well as othe 7.0b4 problems)

Hi there,

I am encountering a number of problems with NCSA Telnet, HyperFTP, and NetNews
Reader, all of which are MacTCP applications, running under System 7.0b4, with
HyperCard 2.0v2, and MacTCP 1.0.1:

NCSA Telnet 2.4b10 - Unable to get it to perform under System 7.0b4.  Complains
     that it is unable to open the Resolver.

HyperFTP 1.3 - complains that MacTCP is not installed (HyperCard stack).

NetNews Reader 1.2.1 - Complains that it is unable to invoke the name server
     resolver (HyperCard stack).

NCSA Telnet 2.3 and tn3270 2.3, both also MacTCP applications, work without
a hitch.

I am on a Mac IICi, running in 24bit mode, 11 meg (8 real) memory, CableTron 
Ethernet Card, using Phase I protocols.

In addition, I have found that the AppleShare XCMD provided with Mount and with
WINGZ Tools does not work under System 7.0bx.  Says "Cannot initialize
AppleTalk (Do you have the right version)".

Any fixes/ideas on what I could try?

Thank you,

Jason D. Blue    User Support Center Specialist    The MITRE Corporation


Date: Mon, 1 Apr 91 14:29:28 CST
From: janus@ux.acs.umn.edu
Subject: request info on cluster analysis

Does anyone know of Mac programs to help with cluster
analysis.  What I have in mind is a program to take
a text file and show the clustering of words -- which
words are most commonly found near which words.

I'm fairly sure such things exist for PC's and various
mainframes....  How about the Mac?
Thanks.  Louis Janus, Scandinavian Dept., U of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN  USA.  612/625-6613.


Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1991 23:50 EST
From: MacPhreak! <JPONS@vax.clarku.edu>
Subject: Responses to Virtual memory in Sys 7.0

Hello netters!

A few digests ago I asked this question:

>I read somewhere that the virtual memory feature in System 7.0 will only work
>on hard disks that have been initialized with the "Apple HD SC Setup". Is this

Well I got an overwhelming response. The most messages I've ever received! 
Well I found out from others people's comments and from personal experience (I
got a hold of 7.0b4) that the virtual feature of 7.0 will work with all hard
disks that have been formatted with a driver that is "re-entrant" because it
needs be called from the low-level VM code when a page
must be read in.  As far as i've been able to find out La Cie's Silverlining
and OnTrack's Disk Manager Mac v 2.24 will do. La Cie's driver will also work
on 45mb removable drives, there's also a file available on Compuserve that
allows virtual memory (for sys 7.0b4) to be used from a 45Mb removable.

Hope this helps.

Thanks to all who replied to my message, your help is greatly appreciated!


INTERNET  JPons@Jack.ClarkU.Edu     BITNET  JPons@ClarkU        AOL MacPhreak


Date: 1 Apr 91 15:02:00 EST
From: "MICHAEL R. ROMAN" <mikero@lns61.tn.cornell.edu>
Subject: Scott Berfield's address

Does anyone have an email or snail mail address for Scott Berfield? I tried
to send a shareware fee for Speedometer 2.5 and had the check returned by
the post office.

Mike Roman mikero@lns61.tn.cornell.edu


Date: Mon, 01 Apr 91 12:12:57 PLT
From: Paul Brians <HRC$04@wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu>
Subject: Skipping Stuffing

Some files posted here are bigger stuffed (or compacted) than unstuffed.
Uploaders, please check to make sure your files wouldn't more sensibly
be uploaded as is rather than automatically sending them as .sea or
.sit files, and save us all time and effort.  Thanks.


Date: Mon, 01 Apr 91 13:07
From: LOGAN.MUS@mhs.unc.edu (LOGAN)
Subject: Sort Order & Intl Ctrl Panel

  I have two questions for the list, both pertaining to using the Mac with 
foreign languages.  First of all, does anybody know where I can get a copy 
of the "International Control Panel".  Evidently this will allow me to 
choose different language sets.  My second question is this:  A Mac user 
here at UNC is interested in being able to create custom sorting orders.  
The sorting order seems to be controled by the Itl2 resource, so I think we 
are interested in being able to create a new Itl2 resource.  Does anyone 
know how to create custom sorting orders, or know of a utility to do such a 
thing?  Thanks in advance,

Logan Wilkins     Carolina OIT User Service


Date: Mon, 01 Apr 91 16:01:38 SET
From: Alexander Falk <K360950%EDVZ.UNI-Linz.AC.AT@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: Speeding up your Mac...

Have you ever thought about this: an application running on a DOS PC
under Windows is by far slower than a comparable application running
under plain DOS. What is eating up all the CPU time obviously is the
additional  amount  of  processing time  required to maintain such a
"nice" user interface  (all those windows,  the mouse, menus, etc.).
On the Macintosh,  on the  other hand,  everybody  is so used to the
graphical user interface, that nobody ever dared to ask the question
"Just how fast  would my  Mac be,  if I were  running a command-line
operating system instead of this  graphical nonsense?".  Well, today
I discovered, that someone at Apple obviously thought along the same
lines, when he added a hidden feature,  which allows you to TURN OFF
the graphical  user interface on your Mac.  This seems to be working
on every model of the Macintosh line (I only tried it on a Portable,
a IIsi, and a IIx so far and it worked on all of them)! All you need
to do is to press  Cmd-Opt-Shft-1-4  while  your Mac  is starting up
(you have to hold down all 5 keys simultaneously  to make this work)
and you will immediately find a  command line prompt very similar to
the one you already know from DOS. The commands are fairly intuitive
and - which  is way  better than DOS - you can get a list of all the
commands by entering ?  and  pressing the  Return or Enter key. Once
you are in this  command-line mode you can selectively  turn on some
parts of the  regular Mac interface again  (e.g. by entering WINDOWS
you  will  restart  the  window manager  and thus can  have multiple
command-line windows open at once). If you want to restart the whole
Mac user interface again, just entering MAC will do the job. But let
me tell you,  my old Mac IIx  performs like a  brand-new IIfx now. I
usually  only run the  mouse driver and the window manager, and this
speeds up my Mac by about  146.3 percent. So far I've found only one
problem with it:  whenver I try  to  launch  ResEdit  without  first
starting the resource manager, I get the message "To oink, or not to
oink  -  that is the question".  Then the  machine hangs and I can't
type any more commands.  Anyone knows what this is supposed to mean?

(A)(L)exander (F)alk


Date: 01 Apr 91 05:54 GMT
From: FALK2@applelink.apple.com (Austria - Alexander Falk)
Subject: Standardizing documentations

  Here is one more addition to the ongoing debate on a standardized format for
documentation for shareware/PD/freeware/etc.:
  Farrallon has recently announced DiskPaper(tm), and on the System 7.0b4
CD-ROM Apple has indeed included ALL documentation (including a preliminary
version of Inside Macintosh - Volume VI) in DiskPaper format. Basically
DiskPaper works like a printer driver - you can print stuff from any
application to a special printer driver and it comes out as a DiskPaper
document. The reader application for DiskPaper is free (at least that's what
I've heard), so you can download it from BBSs, ftp servers, or even distribute
it with your own software. DiskPaper also has other features, but it would
certainly serve the purpose of standardizing documentation files for shareware
and PD software. Another benefit: you cannot modify a DiskPaper document (you
can print it and view it on screen, though).
  To me DiskPaper looks VERY promising. If the creation program (i.e. the
printer driver) is affordable, I will definitely buy myself a copy. But so far
I haven't seen it for sale, even though the press release from Farrallon has
been quite a while ago. Anyone knows, when it will be out?
  Comments, anyone?
(A)(L)exander (F)alk


Date: Sun, 31 Mar 91 20:22:24 EST
From: Murph Sewall <SEWALL%UCONNVM.BITNET@forsythe.stanford.edu>
Subject: System 6.0.7

As a note on recent allegations that Apple doesn't recommend System
6.0.7 on any but the Classic, LC, and IIsi -- I recenlty helped setup
a colleagues brand new SE/30.  It came from Apple with guess which
operating system?  Now that I keep getting reminded, EVERY Mac I've
seen from Apple since the Classic, LC, and IIsi were announced has
been shipped with 6.0.7.  I don't think Apple ships any other operating
system with ANY of its CPUs at the moment.  In short, new Mac buyers
haven't any other options (unless they've a friend with an older system).

If Apple truly doesn't recommend 6.0.7 for SE/30's, IIci's, IIfx's and
(presumably) Mac Portables, why are they shipping it with them?


Date: Mon, 1 Apr 91 19:03:15 EST
From: stricher@masig3.ocean.fsu.edu (James Stricherz)
Subject: Tape Backup

I have a 150mb hard drive that I would like to make a back up of. I've
determined that shoving 100+ disks around is not a solution, and I'd
like to get a tape drive. But I'm unfamiliar with them, and need
comments, opinions, and advice on the options available to a single

I'll summarize for the net, if desired. Thanx in advance.

James N. Stricherz


Date: Sun Mar 31 18:45:13 EST 1991
From: seanwilliams@attmail.com
Subject: The Mac Classic System

Hi everyone:

	I am a senior in high school, and I am interested in puchasing a Mac
Classic system for college.  I am majoring in telecommunications technology,
and will probablby be doing some word processing, light database work, using
Hypercard, and probably some desktop publishing.

	What I want to know is:  Will the Mac Classic with the standards 2
meg/40meg hard drive setup be enough for me?  Should I even be getting a Mac

	I really am set on a Classic system, but I can change if I have
enough reason to.  What I really want to know about is the memory and storage
I will be needing.

	Also, I am going to Rochester Institute of Technology.  Their college
bookstore is an authorized Apple dealer.  Would I be better off buying from
them or a local (PA) dealer. [Please respond directly]


Sean E. Williams	seanwilliams@attmail.com       +1 717 957 8139


Date: Mon, 1 Apr 91 12:17:09 CST
From: Your friendly neighbourhood Lab GTA <chai@hawk.cs.ukans.edu>
Subject: TrueType & 6.0.5

Bruce Carter told me:
Apple told us that TrueType should work ok with 6.0.5, but that
they had not "extensively tested" it under 6.0.5.  That's why I said that 6.0.7
was the recommended system, not the only one.  First hand experience is always
valuable to the other folks out here so I would recommend that you send a note
to Info-Mac and let everyone know that you're having success with TrueType and
So, I'm letting all of you know that I've been using TrueType with 6.0.5
and zillions of INITs for a couple of weeks and haven't found any major
glitches yet (other than the INIT conflicts & solutions thereof I posted
a couple of weeks ago.)

Ian Chai


Date: Mon, 01 Apr 91 11:55:33 EST
From: James J Dempsey <jjd@alexander.bbn.com>
Subject: using Sony CD-ROM

I have a Sun Microsystems CD-ROM drive connected to my Macintosh II
running System 6.0.7.  SCSIProbe 2.03 lists the drive as follows:

ID    Type      Vendor    Product          Version
5     ROM       SONY      CD-ROM CDU-8012  3.1a

I have MacOS CD-ROM software installed.  However, I can't mount any
CD-ROMs from this disk, even when using the explicit "Mount" command
on Paul Mercer's SCSI Tools or on Robert Polic's SCSIProbe.

I am guessing that the problem might be that Apple's CD-ROM software
will only mount Apple CD-ROM Drive.  Is this my problem?  Is there
some publicly available CD-ROM driver which will work with this drive?


		--Jim Dempsey--


Date: Mon, 1 Apr 91 14:17:11 CST
From: allan@chem.nwu.edu
Subject: WordPerfect / Word 4.0 File Translation

I am looking for a translator to convert WordPerfect 5.1 (MS-DOS) documents
to Microsoft Word 4.0 (Mac) format.  I have tried the WP 5.0 -> Word
translator that comes with MacWrite II and a WP 4.2 -> RTF translator that
works with Apple File Exchange.  Neither translator has the fidelity that I

I am translating a technical paper which contains special characters, normal
and symbol fonts, super- and subscripts, boldface, italics, and underlining.

Any information you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

David Allan
Department of Chemistry
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL  60208


End of Info-Mac Digest